vc lWUKN Ir f b#~metURWu Md ii - ( - *'->4fu J'viO, n-e 'em'eilî f'<c< - "-h ( 4e- I N'~ - ns ie hin4 i te' I s 4' - - I ' r -e - s - -il r ----'-s" '~ - I.' ~ , 1. uh>41 (%i-4l' Ol" teh'Ihç ir- f~~~~~~~ fi -' n A 'd f lio ll! . l-"tl. p i lii 's' h '.s' t wi'i E' po ro' el il, wit bshe4ro. lut- ho uSI)Ot l nul lit <lhrbt.movod. on'u e I, whi f 0 hl# 'f !bbsliifi eahyta , ' oti 1' sp i lso"pîP'4 1 h Ah M # 0(1 4fq, toli ! 'I, <,oli d dit- memlri f411 tri ablps $cnIcsud tl bol prt wl-u Lb me i hqi *t-Pl(> flcastOi l =wwih 1 Mm »fiel file lAd ~ IF" 1# * Wat e. oe.smi *0 lufbm g hh,' h 9tift bafhat .nda Mmce a ffluuu à i-<l noeui1but- t-bora wu a t v"kl a h fi l14 m 70 IINIh-l' 41fig -s4 (r'h mot1*1 e til" w, hil f î-q sshf 1 W1, 4'undgy o '. I.t MotI . 140I f nsi o,'Y« acf u- te M, ' i sît$l'rt- yon f KF; e 4084 "-gz"n lwat or wie Ih i = 06 4ura- ire lOd mm nai 0V4 Uni le7m5gl o And loleila$il o "e atrWUir*6 6afle t-hieh1g aip!en ho.! shODlug A feaftht-4 d wo:îM4n, lt. wR# nOtIln, befofro h"' wa,; f~cou nto-st-he prefflee e-f t-ho - ee or ing lrodellmlorgi- nient, e t ho eelM!s. 1ne WPA &am saof A rv4rvho had rmVlt-he fnoe su m- Irad i f.hnrlugho rtibbed h4@1 e s, loe dlo'wn ut th"e ph4'yêll#sd op lit-tloiliwo- mer. ris«lhil* bud e'l'c-r hli p.rplOd f6rtohea.d5 ro4od t-he nOtOeMd gi e tph l'o m IMp 1vi«"it-hm v«r.- 7lhe lî4 âMet-o ro s lflIImm f"f*Neefh4 behoamr 114rfd mumS ont ftb tal4kSI-mae ln your irmdmmM v/.. io pe- direed ho crry eut *ati-. rdu f th- mit NI « loniay, and thes slttest devi Ito wlIliw MI dIspkoafl- w smet- tg xhRuerhi 0 ~OIlf(jui*tm t-ho lonelI. "ffow ai "s 1.; nt-rtkina ln regard <1 the fiit.u1o va" eh' glufts pames îny eorprohenoio. but ns-S nc of iîy i, sI -«. Tii-o k!i r v od lq thl A-wr < >rrl t" (l F~1 illO)ec <t-ci' ?pn'5t 1-4 ill uli ons -o lt-htl o 'pm f t he tIi gi- e e'srieral bh--ruI o ws. tha-oih -I fe hO rds'V of t-he king'ho 1 h 10A 01-4, hhi-t- lp, hiwardy, foi I - llh-l igng of l-nabOeliw"O -r tjho aged bncI-o, 0aiNtfet h u.ho border o!l pon Ani se- ' hvatte bi nwllngnm ouatthuant 60i o»I #iwontm Memn ie ab Md Amie. 56tppdfwe. nwl orn Aller doyad bmeft-he plam oe f "f.oo 0- WM la ~ Mg* o« igit,t in, t-«b brde, coupoual lolassa bs-t);1t'-a ht- b. POatosèi malMd, la m lf4mli'lih h m ou #lii.b. 'ma *6Il glinfil holweo, . mdfnk Moa01. A MoW bouta .t.iYvsdoeIil oe b"t fluc ee*adc -sbelaa .da 11004w5by *becolesok "ev la tg(k4rwpod amom euu 11.*I0 leatire geri-beffe, ap t* sept o ; m ma owag lr IW4f helas soiswuslbeu.p1 i ... IMý ufr«y.uag wl!s 'a "DiI WdOIeuwd 70w Iuiy te "1 om ; MWyeorNl ébu tlo d.cstvd. but Po sIMy *0 -muait.e sos-meu. Bbe Dete bot. lemh "l. ow mm -hm b.My afthmlà -"lo e m t« ~M IO vu~u là» Im - - - A bibu.IM.5-b bbm~r ,ofaf b aiwTa i l.mollir et lIai y6ug i; e aabei Ieni.y, paubu q» 8"aom Ils Uie'U'W lois l ad Mfn=~Sbu fThtq% thincr* dui net amm te fear mau scios.Gou Iemfaiit mmb mouuy, eter, onc!uded themali, ovlenty on- MAtsownf ltemfta lnteAt te.hauue- ed» Sw Ire% - f.hoy were (OAunt"?WOmenof !bis, or, mat.her, Uic yaung gtrtwag, fla ii h luuof he i.nlht-vey auddenlY, "b niohher, whose nalê waa reglaterd qpfl1 u s lISvil books, -NIr. Rober~t V'euUor, New YMok," poumd &"o, lav- Ina ber daugew a"n& iovêrley dtd not issu of the des& until thle next iuornig. île was oving hi* roomwhei in 5tbe hait, ho came upen the 1anlord Md hi. lutte, talkinghI allghtly lowerei voles and wfth cipressive abrffgeOfthle 'k noighboInifg noor Fetood open, =n4 a starlc fOr ) nv r'ed wth a shoot, wlth-ln, t-old t-he tale'. Near the bei sMt the 7enng girl of yeet.orday-mfOtli' lewtthc140bandsa ud a rigld "T~i.fn iVlflPto isls anytblng witlh, gril'l tue'ic îI'îflord, with auother @thrugo!hsof it i, ,verlfiy, - k (l lwn'oen>s1" t-ho latLcr stond ap-' pallîN; Il.<bsn't. lot that q*ai la thr wVey'. 1il do nnythizig Unit 18 te b. The landiorul made a ikign to the girl Inside t-he ronni. and hofore Bever- Iny coulet divinle hW purpose, iAhe stood beo re t-hem. -ThiI. gentlemn ays hé wl-Ilpay esythlng ftor youl,, asaounced the ma«-t-here's -tomethIng left on the bi, tot," lie added in a Iower tomie. fr.vl'rtey loked at the gIl# îvth a wld*n dooep' pity. 5Me et" dt&ansd «it a li er @shabby bisol dre. yo,".h nd.Nocmsce cf rPo« cii-tI1 t l .la Ounsiý, Ibou ltBeverlsey, On t-ho next- day aut!t-balW»asmortai or imn. vonor v ai d to e rsIlla be mit-e gmy-oy"rd w" tu lfantet-lm u mrou aW udgrotesque basisi viis haag n thelb.sainet ttheMof et vaqmp eet, tbouueada of rMaIu em bier native land. The aissdol girl, wbo now t-urned away freint-he no-w-ma"i oumn.bail beff au lauhai wIi lbhe mke-lftk% of gmIteel pevoIy over smneah. bai grown frein eui bcd lm ewommabood. 5h. bai ne nsobes a wor as the walk.clbeek to the bouter sMd BserleY haow net 6ev te broacb the quoition 0f hor plaeu md mo-enantsfor Uic future. At longil ho b. ladlady, etoiYMÀMwt roua. ber frou brhlth mqy.Ayong girl 11k. liat cmAM'-rY ni-eta Mt «wbabou as asneofriand te wbom sho eau villeW ndvom the cmn acqSbt nt Ilibar aodhllo." B« viionthe girl vapolas te sho mma*et, - Né. Thon ls ne on- 3005e." semmyut upcosIl. baloSy Md omk«l aotboi medfilv algr, la might of theb bneTyrleun bille, tui mom- tocla 1eff« Cla va ilnhl» ue living ha Parla Mm be Ji; tluuubn's doathl, and abe lbai Utefasis r» giv t-hls girl ahomes. Ne sooner ,thonglt of lIas dose. sevorly htut blmeelf announsai toeua Véntacu, s&M iua fow kini vo«Sad. et. hbbssioters protéetion. ##1 am golng to Parle mysal! bo-nor- gw. If you wlIl ho red wl tak y7" ilnstly le My bite omm- e F 0 0 a " l it le aabrouthe smost itally pposaw0 t-ing 1 ever basa et b Wm awmr1ba vil- L es on ene esbail lulograptied to bis uis«tuh ardu t a»e Ilt- aige ofefr om- prao@ý mWl Ibm., wheiiLawDe bai bettn aciustAd t.ebhW mcm, J ae 1.ter %ou aasseà ai$s mlht bave talon ehauge &bF$Ngt& on te lb. giwSr "a1 ou "bu? but d» y «m*11ýMM a- coma - - t.i OUU*y t b -~AndT' he - -d e, d& t g ftig et15 b -k e- ihi ite preht ttY bSkseo uirp- btougUb thoul I would TVente- - y, eet. AdBvele, loinei o npltuy - a " "lm&* dnus 7 ty.-ut youdonBxpe te waydoyn ude meNd 0use hoeUl othe drZemLns c- ue d forhm Oub* elflhetome-io or kyin t hoi ster'u rt boudor protec erley oldly, - andoukep i. Vent- girlwoliavered B(Ioelîverelok w he elç r err' d M. Vaentine, m- prl aviny eitau en dil expeto lb. girlte oor, Clara,"iii er oteuitoy. t hyowhohave tmjghtngane ber Inoe unthl the grl!"Igmetco - Clra!.'r ealo-enekt ovr eywhonfahe can tain forapnotecof "rsh enbasnesprnce Clara," sak ey- er.e ody u o nwi.Sel -eanin be livingowthinycu, ahe o Cneda ns rgoene ort LThe rdsbe nre .ror -y-vebcs - fore Mm.lent ied Mr. Vleni beonghe islket M avetnore &pot si lber brother s bowly or t e bwh av tuken an na- counallkng to hor. i chbelieve youre asBeertey's faecn theno a orte Lu=It Ventnor on the.throld. 1I have heard every Word," t'Uic i begar There waa nt a vestige oh' -1eor lu hem .e but bsrvoieswaastea'. .&-ad b«r gaze brave sad direct. -I dUid Mt mosu te; but 1 was golng tirougi lie use--troom, and 1 stopp.! befere 1 knew el Forgive Meý Msd jt me go. Tou bave boss very, very klnd te cme,1 eh" lnover forgel Il. Butl1I mt B ot be t-ho cause of!iclrhM s6. pauum é; dd1 Msd VUt bc.. bud to eh« ai. - Noer min& chili--nover. Mimd, »aiMM». Valenline soethlugly. BtBeverle sldvery do1,ab ahux. Iletwqn" And Lsel ina Wl dlftI lhe roeu. - Pebs t s jumtaM wea that ah. dld heur,NVus. Tabulat uietai whom ber breller, Ico, bai aene-lavng bar alose. -Il1 cea m % Mge bh«wa qulstly uw, sud bofon aathny 09 cusoe It would le a' le bau" wha% t t. k.b"day urylg as obusum md powndumSWr twmy yen hbmsjumier." Neaawbule Beve<lsy bai go» e thlb une-.rom wbich loi fat. bis 1Me a~pswa ueoelmomd mit-hu a bok uat-do»wn ut-be -wlnow. A& very short tins jasi dbafove Lucieffcaeme hatily Ibrougi. lb. stmted on seelag h msd Wl. a lbough toe oaps.Bar oe vers roi wUthwsseplrag Bewalayqulklylaid a ftm ielalniug waut- e .go, M Tbe wore. we n so. Y«e »aha- Mes tb 1.11 oa mlao a Ob oe ., au r r e mI memLu allis 1 ~ThM eant be. let me go!" Belverloy, ha Ibat mei ba"lIsarne&i erfsecretootee. . mii Md &ntl U'Gk er baud. **y hu 1, 1 bave Iovud yas hu t-he very tiret, stnee yeu ol, ai et wlt-b ti.e pathette eye. tt eday yeu mother dke& Ny por kmlut b,M alon, utht. N"ulweM ' I1M wu *id hbu hImam? ]WWMIl dqcw 1 w é= ym as Olb. #b et týotiier fbd noaem.e be wbâ- ped ver lbe dark boni pWo'wed omit. % l- abieomm M »t te hk.. humt b @Md - - lbm it e- tllug Mre.Imm& ut. 'YIMMM bu.iibSr 1b Vwt a ed » *& b d*hbmi . ThIueUY pendensÇ&b am î-p urnished amWl 7.wthw dePatmemta.o tet g.ilsem uuder whick sE iW e h El m -Me. Eacb ia ie . .e.kro! o a superinitendent appoe Ibr th.eremdent of thu nited o*o% ea km.!u by the Semate. and umd UÎm zr,c=Eri tLLInm Whm ~bullieon fr eolnlng Il e edg,<!sa tb. NMat, t laseot tilthe wefgliclerk'5 McME, whre t 1.q weighett W"with .l fui exactue. The niat notabla aeai» - ogi qmacine. in lii. apartment are large enough te balance six thousand ounces Troy on ecdi side. Any deviation, even the slight- est, Ls indicated by a pointer three feet in length-. The beam o! the scales la cased lu glass, and so la the pointer. and na breath o! air ean reach t-hem.- Very inter- esting te it teo watch the effect of using evyen thbe tiniest weight upont the long pointer- Au adjoining room, smail in size, has enough gold lu ifte m nake more t-han a score of millionatr-es. Each ane of sanie hais is worth about four thousand d'ol- lars. Smaller bars elsewhere'observedl average flve hundred dollars in value. Sucli as these are of thle size most con- venient for use in t-le arts andl manufact- ure-s, for t-he gold-beater, etc. The standard for coinage ti this coun- t-ry la nine-tenth.-, fine, and gZold la rarely seen purer t-han 999 oftgotd teo the thons- and parts. Of cour-e it caa be -made absolutely pure. MAEI'Na A SPL:C!'MEN CH. Ms"al ree"ivotl, :fts'r beng wéighed with the care of' whieli emphatic mentioa hm been ma s 1ruelt-ed down in the (leposit meltin.g-Ltoom-. The intense heat of t-ho furnaeces ukes t-he who)le into on&~ eooding, asou11al-i î t-s takell. as afford- in r anexact of x >!the ubh5le. c l' uIlleicAssav 'DePartmmb, wh - e .reoutigq o! pure gold or cli- ver !activ ,4naili.Payment la m.ud' e t-hoe'r from the Treasury o! thi United Sui --,i for t-he precise amoiut oi t-ho pure geold or iliver thus ascer- tained, by the -.!titioii o! an easy esicu- Lation, as sI'tie from lits ahipment. I3Oi.AND ITrOW TitET ARE MADE. In the ne-zt rev. rtn:s'nt, that or the melterand " j-r.!'e rrolit, silver, nickel or copper, la ni-de rt-vyfer coining. Reme Ingots ;irs' prep.-rez 1-thioce shapely bars of allsw fr'am whieh coins are actnally ma'Âs. llb'¶nhg, by processes tihe saine in t!,.' Mirit as elsewherg i suicceeded by the.nI! -y of the pure metal, luthecase (rl..) w&h t-en percent. o! copper, and v ui t 4)à'iZ.7nld, with ten per cent. of a ni îe nsisting t-le greater part-of jpwith a smal &Mount- of Silver. xotbing can he nvwo Iinteresting t-han lb. preparation iof t-le met-ai for ingots. Thecruibls elely ued remade of blacklead, mixed with about an equai quantity o! zednl plastie Clay. Noetalinlteided for coins la placed i liasse crueibles, wich are then deposîted la furnaesf yielding a fiere hiet. A stand e! bricks reeetvm e e rucible, which le se placd that the zone et greaastheat bgnt about a Mht fromi thle bottom of th.e-rusaL Vb he lb.amoIsi .meited shllai banda holding tlosoproper constru:. tien, remove tb. crueible aud vthI[ta MoIotsE the meubl, two of, which are sezwed together for the meS npad remowal of the ingot». Stnading thia way La pairs, ts me"u me rapidly tUlled, and aiment as quéekly a <lever workmau semireuhsapair, et k UM;berand l imehhog wlick Mlm- egw î« f anele e h e lmreutmmom but the 'usfl M t > P ffl M f g o t s om . a n e -~ -MM the needed length ff 8M - - cm&- thue treated ame SIX m tý_rWl longth, but made brittda by nou e wihthey have bee ~ need ta b. made red hot in al>oea oens before being fit for eiti. tiag. sa.veris place4 r- iced i m e *vena, but t1le I04ý!0*gt,914in-CYllu. drI Mo e pper ea aIstý_ 5w1:iitl p roj ect i frmwaste. Ingat aretiie70% lu i grease<j, Md lfl i êdte tVi e eittiîxg presc;e& 'Watehing the ovc -1-1 o a ctting p 1q s s o m cw l :,,t b owý'ci ,e rin g o jt.a e. <omit o! the riiv i t s actionl. No< reWer than ut.4 l; s for dollars oe aoube eagis êr: . the receptaela every inute, 7ý eriýCt:y round, but stiu ,eMotOr iniappea~rani f.rniYomthe coma. pled eoin. «Seither are a proportion of thein et t»t exact weightreu;d it being impossible to niake t!ýe ingots wità ÉOZailile accuraev Of tickness. The bugnamof eighty young women. wat ~b a & mabove, b ta make tlioo bml whiah are too heavy the e=et weîght by fing4ç,to pas those that are the right weight, and te set aside - ucjI as are tee liglit and mus-t berme. EýaclIi of these interesting operatorn weara a leather apron fastened under li-t arms, and tacked to the tablé-, and whjchl catches the fillngs she may find occasioa ta make, and works with a iet4y of aow cUracy which. la as ariaziing aýs thie fine. mmofo the &cales which guide her i thle performance of her duties. Let it flot I~considered u l!Žt add thait no y,;x1ný,per'-on iii tho M.'- ý capale o greterexactne'-s in sebeczing blaks ! te rghtweight. and rejceting, thoSe that are not, than the' S.'--s 3Ai - matie Weighing Machline, wiilh doces thé, work o! several people a", )nce, ard.l ii neyer known to make a r -t-,ake. Four specimens of this wondter I 'n-runtoi are l use, imported from Au '--. Eacl hma ten balanees, and !', rhv'pi-ceS aminute, f ed to it throu.glî tu: ýrc dicula, tubes, and dshuvi~r. eeptacles for hianitsrep '-t exaet, âfd exceedingtwic What is known as rilin': the"' mng up of the edges of the 1 Ž they are ready for 4I..1!r -s: the rubbingof the devîi, L o- added, and i assist- to _*- i-;.e steadlily. Two hundlr:, aiid :7 are niilled iii, é. ýn. and flthe y:tc - e whieh hal- ee.:j stroke of t';- us p .Te a vertical brn'c- t. fingers talc-- ii with astoni- - lut-e posit--ji u I- (lies whieh r'Pin A. kr en< varyin h'rr- 1 - dies ancL e't» --- instaneous1ys- perfect coin, v,- -.1 denotainatioiîr- rini -t'"--.21 f oftre ton prwue is necessary t- coin dollars,. The great- Ajax pres w o dld give a 250 t-ou pressure if neeesýary. COVTIlNG IBOARD. The counting boared is an ingeniouS tblng. Ilta n piece of w(o'->d forming a right angle and so divided t-batt'Y piling coins to the level of lt-s top and lu so muny rows. t-he precise nom- ber o! piec-es L4 calculable wit-hout t-he trouble o! count-lng and wi-h equal cer- tainly. Collections oft ncwlv made dol- lars, fer exam pie, ar-e ount-ed in t-ils way fromn boxes, t-heu pput into bagS, ' amh Containinig a, titouzsind.whicli mae weighed te make assuranLe dOUbly AM&YINO GOLD ANiD SILVOL In thbe Aasay Department are ta bO fournithe.key and, test o! al opert Uao! lttheMr&I n . uan eouier paS-. WMapla il as Issu slated that a SOM-i mm e hip o! mach shipment o! bullIon, aliar Il ba» beau melt-ed. is sent to the Assay zoomi, se Ibat t-le value o! t-li le exnctly a.seertatfed. 'UlEy Ivo sumples are em;-hoyed for talB purpoSO. 50 as t-o compiare*t- tuem- sa, 1 o! separale examinations. SS' me &»ar numbeed. The. nomaI veighî used lu a-SsaYiflg gla t.bal! a gramme, and us DuDI* toa 1,060. SaSo! thle most sens«l tire1 à may ame employed. The be=sf b mas a aie4ge o! ste el an d .-WOrks ip~m aae amd th. same prov*sioft for y t. aIa a the bock o! t-le scale6. TheaummIwelghlof gokdtoebe tie(i ig~ aWmi put- uto a a -g of puiS b" l. em a sia-iy bal in th -beslap eaf fl ..Te le goldisladade4 Il M= la pure silver. Theft e 1gWM euMatostare rolled tb eâbulk& mi ~la asocket numberei wM IW »& a etlb.mgold aMmtet- e. oeahuy ilt e weighed Md the lb.difference b. .q.i.oolfg 5Bd 40 fl e seer t-hau i ~ ~a maimr à='~ wvhmt)kedan( *w ta leave lm ,mtmwell OU 1coaldi Wèeil wan't 1 Iriz ta gc biie, fai 1.ty ans-' mu.t the ttOld folk&> ,bO1d man tb style o s ,Wa»a mthe Y doy hadl a piý 10obwar pai ktlf-way soe tbey stood fi bd 1 war Ikm 5llmb the fi-, Ma good.night mlvud ta, do ja the thing, Ut um I tried b unr ai O*tP'it hl i> the.m air 1 à& tber 1 hunit bdt from th mswmngifl lu "nt$ Vax wou.ldn't te" iupkbt liolý vWs-t noCeh a u n th&, tbar yitl1 g kIL.hepicket droppedME Il»up lane Uteen brui kind wart uuke the 1 lbkthem bme 1 mached1 Vi.y'xobangin ufli fer ye IE>lg as i eda Ma %W ne thii woa-t w'ar Don't 1 Md appear wheu yon a Dm nab àh Ooioahly ru -dte pa, a sum of Min à«a Ld ieot âmp. of a I Parhard i W* amfing1 Pmt do; tii- Wl9y dra' »wla fin *wilnlu tzbu lit ls el mm»- M£bMib L lb - - Dm @hW ; »A m*m