TRI yITOI WM& ND lim IE IAYX MAT T. le". CYCLt AD VIOL Sto 84 nratB ~pf fw Ic'~I: ~ M " - 11331' IS i'~tt ~î t It l' i -'333 i'~i 3 &: CO.~ BER YA :1, I1'A I \ [11, sîrîyw~uj r 'i t OhAIIM. àii t \rIMFrq'~Afl~~j ~M' tOlU)W(*9P~ AR &THROA? '.1 ',t ?uf~ * ti~ ise,.. ~33 * 'i"t3t'fi~ f"~ i. t u'3~, i LE ~'fl'33~v .4 .t~~3* W~3t? 'It33u~ it 't t" ,.îd Ttt1- t 3 ...~ t,.' '3, 'r tut t "" .3 '~ I 33'; 3 t ' 3' .3' i "3 .4~' 1<. i 'f * 3 3' t ~ * c t. 't 01 e ittofi; toillb g oê,u«' «" @*a" e ofdd lM fi"y br o.dap )«»R&e'ulOt 1*0 P401M MW utbo 1 - -- é . - - lktfb; d ootI9O$l OM t"IWr see~ui . OU wam AM« 6 ou me 4" W"te OMM vof i1 %un ww~ 1,01W ION' Qt j ýl ' c it tdq oftM Sal&h P'en "tif "iii 'ttoq r~uaim. 'I w UowmmvtI. xj>ecte to p. 1 1etjy, tmr o,. f %Ih.WiltImtq MeniA m otation, dv p gEXArS iuw, front Muaveuus, ocf 54M0,. eolieotftl ny Mr. J. J. preston.- [Port Ifop. Times. ~ (<>,4aJii~~' An evidemo f th* vilty of the onr" bltl 4jkef < aImdiîIu1 yotl iq foon<1la the 'ebyitt wUsoite tý11 $l hti ht a tnden engin* ravi Ové' - *b Oy l n olut mI k wtlîet SM~ brenking a bone or lnittti lhli, Oumv thanà a lew brnie- [Port ~ ~ J~<" 'The Rdoriu pro8m hait bt.en iMEI Mr. John Whte for I'einx k% nIff- ber of a coconizettbon coompanY, and %%i Mi. Edgar vmade rhktlrots asaingt âM igontleman which hilve 11041% À ---h roedfas, and the Knight of the' aarneter lbns beov fredt - T': knowledg. lt ho Rhotelhi@ infow* Magbon from hpmirnAy. ut MIr. B 'y mAX 7, 188. John WhlLq in not t.he enly rmmi- wwý eau -- ber cf parlianient who 11 oenr.ected S Atvdt'ed ilflIwlîh Northl.wett oonisation and th* C'nttta J oint 8tock Otonupanvrs' t, 's Vtop)tekd b aTei ot; wu ext rootth1e folown t<yighuit 1emouii formtion:. ou pare 71 oftwa lm advy b*d book wo tivid tIi. n»Me cf ROm ~ rvtii' wrm, thAt'o Alexauvidr Mackenzuie #et one of the iti dn colnc e po*rMaterscOf tt'Cuta. Xne- fevi'd bow wlIidimn (Veonixa4în ('3mPR»Y.On '¶e~~fl1114(an. Page é 5 11w name of b4nstOr Nttt upp.a in connection with tth" (h. - t~and l& Nortf-westtàid u1om- <t ~f T ' flo~L Pby, u and noitfxlwith hlm au ~ th 4 wlîcn icbe"s of thé'"l.3ori a~ * * , ~ ppcar*3 ~'~"'ii y 1a'âte tkat. t~~t.i 't i~ dt&'jy iîjn'c'the temlible, of the de- - ' '%tott,4d Ega. -.08li" a Vintliouto'r. ý . OrOI' . XVUflf'. t tatifkx1 vitib vilifyins, t.tîoî4hah' id of forpin pt.per# te b t' ~ îiîî;O~3 pI-~ 'tl"ke i'e.,'.îjcteNr of one t n' t ho vv 1 jon id t l e î'e'd pjwd tîthi l3IUI *~~~;>t(é w~Çt"~~ h iP' lfrf' 1>trlbortt. to km~tle t l'i'll Ipi 'r 'rlfiv AVO eîng eOrgpn or13m1I.ille , tu ti %bit.: r&,pyit%""tilg Bc#eI1 anj tiJhn Whte wero i a work 1 ngn-n, and a»ked whother thsy wlehe'd b give ttînaban uIm 1%e ,$Ymp*ehy ayvdfnor Makte Ral M'a1meflt (Ilio*g te1*L b«t dW0bueAl Upon the avihoiIY maomof cô» Who W»o pru'sos %la the oom- 'ets h"n Mi. EdgRaroloosd bi uo rT~U<m>&3a a, OMM' 91"ie sateineilCOU-fr \l1WAYpiSeSlI~OF ? aIdlbe le abOvO «xt*t1 a "-un denwbui ldwr of the. fftiue m nrnned *as aohed tn mrke &aUte- bîna . 'ceyorng &,ment, or whetlier tin yw"su o~ ~.ay ud friniig 061w ulve #.ideii*, nd CfsqStY 1 ~crV ws sld I OgoefitheyS' n ouhnet bav~e d@cIilwd. l. utccviWednds, ~ dld t& «gs thbsi When t,, on f~l otlid~ ~gvbdolosott h4iécase, :f. n ýýtmên obt*iOd blddil the pnIItDU OF roroto aiet tihe oonoenuI *0» pions to mabe a 8"Mteit, aid th# hairman replledi 01 4'I oiu chioft b. hodilo nt how tbatIw. p' A p4m (Ootpo meXO.ssaybut If 11% Mr- DavWoe eawty I ainOlThe . w ol ei - Whibp, *ho a .4#1*pdw1wax AUSOOO, the juOl left the mom, ho woold seUâ %ATNAWIO C lu COMPOUNUD fbq effective in Sua * * aiatotieq , art il"3 a t I , ' m '11 n I t e 'h' i . * ~ ~ ~ ~ d p"t t Ti\'", '~u "uof "th 1~,~ini a. î' ar,ý'*in t' ('l n » Jof "1,111-, ' &e. "t titi.t. t t t.lic.' i t s Il lintt icm' chitl a "I ~ î ~,3d ial dt'.ilera lu i25 t"' 13t g.- CAM PBELLS I ELIXIBI 011 >8 ~ ~ ~ "$ ofeaty a'lipe l i m!ýlr ï mi uretiftha. lau8 c îI.oder v ztndsut ulpon a. loi or rednced slate Weakneu.s and, 1'alpitmtion ie ou aIt.Prmpt rritqwilI 'Unlfvit Mltuvie lni Caniùnof ExIl'! .. iiau,, ioià ar'ising from of! Ilinel. 33'aoor ChroiloteDinetucesaîîmi nthe lhe nr.vvrrzfiera Waistinir Fre' No mn.y~Igir. rnoim peedy nriief in or 1ndait'ttion. ita art «'01>n lit' ýt;math big:aoaeîltand i mlsvttîx>c,. xciting the ofn e hIic'4tinn tob ation, andt jDordln mmu'diato and permanentrelicf The rmxative prd'es cf the diffemaxt aronitics 'wzch eh. lixir centaine muder ïitufiul in PlabuleUl Dyspepsie It is à valneble ,'emedy for Atonie I)Ysýppsk% wblC5in8Pt goomC ln effu o f a gety chnMwi«. - -mished Dood, Lies of e 8poi>derÈ,IfMd ln ail amO wIacr an @ellevOand certali imu- lant lau rosi, the LUxtr will b. In Vevm o f a KalarlelType, and the mlrons <'vil uutulta fol owili igePO" sare te thèe cold or wet ventlier, il ili roeava: ý1e .n0 t k, m tUA :i vhtîît" i "nchona Calisaya andI Perlx-eutala are unleiually rocognizes ne ipe"WS fer 1"abe,.nlieod sse. 80M la %a Daue uin .Uy M.tdItm â labo »rCe. go&* AGIMT% KoarMuA4 P.Q. my Gufli G~NSII -. kmui~ u~ j- wq~uM'. a.., -~ OuS ~ - -i~r~. -e- -s- LUMBERt ATI BILL T577 p Ue ENGUISH ONDMOK PUWDER 't - ~;&mI 'o r- ~v] lé' 'j Lui 1 or wa *. w w A NNlL M sUaa N ix» w& -t.m ao - P o ma àW XVII, ]F MZN, &J colS "aSc ONL I >>tlqCOLD% ,cmmLLS 01 mffTTox OlSon ppAGltO! cTacuLATox, cR.AXPS zR,%k n~ oWEL couLANI'S $0211 TEROAT, &c. APPUED' x'iuNAS.LTp UUltiqcn BAS pfflaVI ?TWEMO? L1pyge?1vaAno U151 LiIIENIoN NARl eil ioYx4 TE A ,AM T, RtT!S3, IKI¶M&- TPAC:. TOOTUACEN, WRins, flSr BnTM,% . 2rxm j BOM rew eaa. fta.UOUI. Il s I I I 'I t. 31 I a I TI' a hi 1- i w Which will be sold by weight in quantity to suit purchaser. his is decideffly the cheapest and best way to Purchase your seeds. -Please call and examine oui stock before buyving. W, M, ROBSON, SKent Street, 'Linds.ay. LA>SFOR SL8 I suabre&Puoswm = o, cmmGRAIN AND PRODUCE MERCHÂNTS, JOHN MÂKINS Betbaaij and Fm~uktiu. ..oag.. mgr tS 9 b @fail kami pulsi«. IW . TOUCREUIN. wiIr. STtT.L i zAT .J.P&w. me.mes Woeget IbS un -w- opiouar Mil, IseaU Engle Mid stmm Pu=7116 uue6w.ulmb iot-UW lu Nu mi FM VilErcu DaPALinPASIL U. Ou ïLm« AANIDS&» EffêVa8, ]MW 1omin>UMMI & . IILU âAI D'il OmK *~k~"u ocy6e .. - ' oh m - ~ I m Iv ~ lawd&WmmI 3 rJ a -e THOMAS ROBSON AT TmE OLD 8TÂBD. VELLEBO TON ST, BRIDgE la. .uIy Mmd winxg myutepay the CAMS OR ALTu£ RE miDUseAIN» TALLOW. tdat ny b. ofu«si - M. Pm que" 51 EIGIMS. Cu erma w-.' -s- Ha~weiE~ A mATEL LWA WROIJESALB and RBTAIIL JUST RECiEdVED, A. car of the ý-est GOAL - Je. T the market. Try it.Tb aer:oa7ktf.mi. ÂAnnealed and Galv z'ciFeac 'vire. PatentS.p p-lu GARRIAGE HA2iRDWARE, WheeIs, Moffs> Dashes, Axies, Spriný,% Malleable Cffltinge, etc.@ etc., at lowt-.t pi aces. SIGN 0F THE ANVIL. J.G. "IýDWýARDSe The Bell Organ -THE- BEST lrMAE IN CANADA. je WITERUP, Agent LUiMBER 1Lumber, Whole sale and Retaile A great s"l ofhlunber, timber and bil stiiff of ail kindN, mil dry, which wiIlb. sold very Iow, as I have bought out the large stock of lumber from MIEL ]E C. SMITH AT FENELON FÂLLBS and I arn now deterrnined to seil this stock at pricS that will astonish buyers. JIT WILL BE TO B UYE1LS'-7IJ lY4NlIGE tocai and get pricesbeore buyig, and also at Mr Lindsay yard, as 1 now hold over 4,000,000 feet for sal of every description. Droend and matchMd Inber of ail kinds. Shingluansd liath of ail kinds, and Goal and Wood, ut very 1ev puic. Ail odmr by telegmmn or telephone promptly attin&d te. Telephae n ef eiwm DizzùM Lm ofPdeie, b eutw.% Biumoudo Dg4qil, Jz.mglioe, 4Afwes of t e Liver andN-idneff THRESHER AND MILLMEN. WIbeRixLARDINE la ma MW b"on la tb e uMr W UMM&& CMM.a1m. g%éaa& *rmfu' 8iun jibe f«r uTe Wardor oiey Uilm 1 amum." by, 1 r. u. wooVUL Posàsd a b trisd a or Mhine it won't hart su, No Fermer or herse ovn u afford to b. without it. GIE INfl , LIÂBLE IIFICU I MOITII NIDU," v Puice, 25 ots. each. 5 for $1. A. HIGINBOTHAM, Druggist, liudsay. aiýý HEADQUARTERS FOR Grardea Beeds. 1 J.- dm 1 1 MFIF 4 fwwùotl 1 1 p 1 , 1 W. -M. acasci Haa received this season a great variety of freSh anid valuable l 1 Ar2mit. 13-18. Garden ad lower -Seedst i wi b" [---, Ulm 1 in advamm,