VUT fxtT g IfIroet 3thal IRX &hL s., I.17 OhowRoinsR 01LUNkRYtt MAYTL1S, AND @"me. GsTumI e bcê b lb p u b lune qw n & # l m t a= , -v ~~Uk IL IL &hWs.M 1*. .h ~ ~~~~lal aair. amau b my ~ ~ - - Ç Az PB? AN.D nor. ruinimonimno C. . A . v u I m o n e , . . . 5 m ufa o w ï «* à ne smesup #9 & a&tm 6 ;;WWuR.nuua ru 1= Audwunvhi.pw4uu Dom navals.u 4ivuh. tIUImm - MW P l. U mw ;Ï -c & Carp00000ud OilWoth& THECJTY STO E Wê.~ wo,""M es,.mous*" ü u ab4;. W WIIU VAUWW £19 VALVE __ "tWM efllapbh .et.A,- »F pwnoe *MqM ev.u" "a 1 etM"d * 0 t Af.*lO et *9.Agamb du "M . sé_ _____te ,IUST__aWheLbu wir Pomczs: Re SMYTH & 9SON 1M-00 wt* 0 1 v it a. ,.f ? M @ à m "wm $ *à % t m ï JUTWHAT YOU WANT 1.bu.îèTe o@YEUnWhoRANb TUE OELE RATD 1 be* . s16< tàpt uepI i...~ I:I -&SU CITY DRAPKSA I C O HE S WN G.A. Wm'a chi.gaj.f béa *Mt4. anada"Octnt, 16 - 111RNG @bh* %o 0 u" tSJ.bny te,4 oum.D., b4u un TEEe RINGS lMMED- M(}. taodnt l .u .1 m sÏodlMue a"oso 0"D oet une, i 45' ç., w. cou ma bu IUM"Wfh t &14IW 1J Ira d"M isu u r t At vu--ù" et- - e. --t-d W lOEG e1h a Jo ;L«' eUvimb Lmà.y os.. oin .......... A &*»bil 7Of Scl&e. lutab m*$ mawMàà î" iâ-w&TURNER VAUT .0 . 120OlmZlaAD ONLY AT b&ýî ,"t mmmofm. utm m nBoM ndShflk wna m .ll àkff .seg, .wu :h =il g a-tt voe whch, upoeltriai, th" eyreconfiet viR i founifir more advanL&eu hnay ~do ut~ - i b.Io.w4 ofl. u z may PUW- mS5. lSFy yet introdaced. (;E s haIly .,W BE LU. P. "*# m«mm» dëU1 ,*t tka of my bout, however vellandi strongy madie, theblutton hls 1.vrIl e i~pr GEORGE W . BEALLS b. EhpWam0 tolsix W. Mu8" tOee w 0"S it da aimddappearanoe, andi that wben once broken,hw v2o T4(U M 7UIL Watehmaking *ad id lEy Estab.far ««.v lies am $12. Tkmd mI... ot tWA.Mn k h » li simssbe or-ai i.sau.itoiy he-:1 lWwé.ntf L4u~m.oge luoIolI&&Wk41*lo wdiat. tmm, aatisfàctorbu "m Thehee eIïtE'ne the boe0 ai* èi e t "i à» et nt, West et yz 1-almae Patent Battou-FIy» whieh consista o e it mge ic- Of n d kil i~~iaigs slsmp.d *bovo raon At 9 lbS of fP . j owisAvenue,. eher. ah. i» preparedta b do STRENGTR Ihan any two thickzeuuem of mab'rxa!s ordinril .vI' - u'- -.-e L A Rt iM dG. W. B ar ian1e . Tylor. Thfflw ii b. atsingl amuon ick. 1anil wovinwthe rireeMakinx and 4childSshh et&oe4ioIesam euncantby W&y 0ci ~ld> anci Orfnn1: ý ý1-- ___________________________________________X4114______ è 'b a rifeo«d ~eJulave! iy ou lia& 4" er c evard et-ewhoem tbt mper» ato u ami7 DotM141 544 l C"huvol ag ., lîaa tl Thà piece i i erted inm the.appierta in Yig.12,i oua daiséud MrdoI! ew lo.s£iy.< evlm ,ab ~ êjZhot. Th.y di" for ibuiflP48Oi2nIthe a il #mg* aIt Point M ~ 4d a. The regiiipa.gIl briy(th e-hylauiornýMg ubjecteti it to the strong tpossible tests, the'% t Witt be a M y.a, ,35 effti b o 1tomp.ort e.vil on Mufiy-to iaipwove the ST5MC.1"J ANX tr EIT. Cmp . ezt II~iID Y. ~4& as.e At a.I '1î 515O It '"'<" "Ipi... 1 o r.hip. RýV. W. M. Pat*r90show -a "ainPaetwlls-> am0nau m tlrg po it t . ro ni Ù u k" a nd su full At the l f.éand vigor of y b h o 'fç t t V la t' P t nt vi t n!-- ~ ~~rob.n.t aiKeti' v mi d$1 to robayein trolu U Lindo 0jwýbe borne by the strongcst worked bnton hlÂle 4% - -. - Là *t*Jy (,d M('n1'.To yS goj54gtstrabypossble&n the,..of s- - - - e-r uc ip *amn i tek«t, ileettino book» Big »ase-astidou ot (orue: it-ofth 441 ofA bD *~M ~ oI-~.r en Ttw*ay aîter. f.2 it f nk, t$3" oo.hmouashifurnitur. and h.eautifol, reýà- '.ly strong, and has none of tiiose artfieki-! supports -_7 '-r Tn.'hm of utdirath vu. brou.. ectaeluîs tM . A.Wete1r un7der the moeL favorable cru sac. outn~e i r t. 1~ ' ~ ~ . hr - r4 a~~4't tt*»gute. BrvtJ* oit Th!u-«d:y, IMay I3th. * HA. HLE- There ia a gé--neral impression preva!ent to the e ec-,~ - . - t, , lnr'l letq A V(An~ S S # ý%'~hI~ t»titIAY t W are pie dto kira th»re are tnho-eeute - . - md y h eefeUgdi he litnIItS b a .4 1f h. ttc* r#wi mizMaTI.y have tbe hlad, the fouut4tioes, thir g os no SbüJity cf frayed edge and looee threads to _- cr. --ào;-u I- - <r Jol t>F.ù 'ryi, ot àn hfoir atmWugd itb. oiiumol of w*y in To. T.q fwoelgT vo ot. in inUowa, aeltifly of thlb. a n Vldva the..e re The buttou-ly os matie mre thickness at the edz- as t!w craiziarv 'i ;hr .. fe»toý I*oday â »nom W m» à* P" et jdm Aâ» Fkir$. rqffl ht achuppe?, dieu joins th uppeitsm remerien itsufflciatl IelabJe, wiist at hee !mee txi11 4r t4<t1.', u t b tofrnidulOr. 1-b. u.iy g" *t rienampn vv.u* grW.Lydon, et TouI., tle im. à r - "th s «aSofte nsrelfy.ItJ-tmtv. hrhq om ýwM»t, .- it nul rm î+w 40*rn tbilUInu b À#t*AlLs 11% . Re Bdot NodiWalDIr.olsr,GOmd Im- Wmbm.sdy bqrththl v.tird occur tm h ntpo brommd orit..Itisas e o -l- ~ ~ Iff; 10l4415. rO i'W t *11 100.*maki VU à*amut -"& D. Coha hmbuoived lb. = vas cau ethUnduoed, of lmu x1G the botkyimmD tiitheupper, admits ni -i variety of orn-ým-'- ~~ -'ts- hs'1ulI.ay .ouu. i*~am b P<h r.up<badih m cb ow f buikon Lolp. Tht- acain id b.,<tonbo 'rnntîn xarue 04 flmet0. à.l'a#* hi KWeeovr aki ui osya euwft un. 1e mcuud ithout uisk of 'iinjurs'to th- -1 bvn~ e" r.n, ipne 454% l01BdýW I *Mim hvamd bu wal fer the Mayer, wu ithe mauiy 016 Y**rM«ok*y de.for 'd" e b 11. ou hr ameenabled te preuta- th:3 buztniy .bLbadinlavn m-6 d Ob 1414» dwm# *6le -. ofrmo, uaifoeg guquW % peewcatoum fe»d appeuaamu, ut pricesm e regulor worknrLw ton b-;e. dpO"4i an oord<ly leItlà"# W1ý,Ptfte ueWu.te. NeWUL ha.ih awibs -rnin t" < aW w ub ving e'VuIbat'uPaent £uttor-Fly' at:&a-ed, can b. or t-&iUP r~ r blie m b-et P " b a a flneum- sadr1 Ap - 0ie 1toc -'<'s ut ef l - I 3~ 5 L , L ' s y wE4. Uk W,. «A w a g 05"ft4 PMsm.k.oI ufle auu m m oisab$ & m M h enaswn y*vv..,0bub.Lê hS#M Th#U valtu WMbpeh$m le d vto e. u' :lelsa U1efisvia v bul a fbfs. pom4h fl .bu#el ai lbts fboe Pdwoins4.lun. -Po, m rg '.4mdp U. u (e.1 fl441 r w"l .SV<S4l lvsy t MWnt t b a du. Itleli n pragdmyexi9'M-I &C ft 1 pk prir yW Ati ld u t tàom.It , îr&rînd.îosofAt,"'A x <« bers sb oî i, r trl Jm.1 D. irefw 418 sa m-di~ 4j Trvoari-Mde"ai te wewt-n* ( 'uenw d.-' t. 1<4 - __ $v~ f0 t îIr.- ->ro>da' . * r r.» m «»t h ". 1 É Ou m u hitS T .IR m z wd ý 1 __ _ - -- - U P - - . " - r - .~.~ ~ - 7w, >1qi~Plii~<?1. 8~I"#~ W'. II~Iuw. ~VIein@oJu.,oet Lijai.. d.vut-1là . prhsu iroyogetng nothing but tirst-eLas .od rn s Lesp~udop i* n W* p@W?-IM.v .v'néub We have inboducaed G CSH BUSINESS into Lindsab hchw amt rW (Y Rul., n d 0«Uim(9» give better satisfaction to ail. ~ 1 MT- 019v . m muly Si» *m aTu@*& 1 ft1< Pi r zw-«e = -- - d ~s -~ .Omr expeuass e 11, a" we make no provison for BAI)D B Swhc me s ~ ek-, bu ou .bblIu ~sbuW~-.gmet savng to our patrons. Pau W Md M* *a mi seuneofr vuomuls. fe G96Mvehb hI fll Y6 ~7I@amo *Pm Ï8,08 wapplhd hi esamb jG"eujyv w tTWDpT. ACa RM ELJ lob& GOLDENj ~I4 i ¶1- v r - - r t: n-r t-r '1- - i r t. - :)0 y g Mm - stffl go