S - VIOA WA~ UkT, jEN~T, MAT 14, lUS Euhm us..,1 - ~ Sk*~I4.i Vftt~AT< MArY 14~ L(?7~R M741i a to u e u 11smow. h.1 êvl h SEt ~##mi$0n W. Vftmbp»wh ml ~ AWI'c4f, Ia.Piiry0<Toi thqÉ« ov 1d4 b *theviowuIy .d Liad oi1w MM 4f Mill 141%'w Wag In *114 yTi14u, the 1. g.am lm b IM4oI vv mu em Wr#4 bp kW M f ffl o e hmeFr #MI. Thi e »et boum s VligWtiMoMolPiLbu ia hem 1h. ti ofw ôet C.ov., K#111ày t 6wy Ul ,, #Pb& lrM r ongh l H foreb bhehi col <et imitt* Tb# M #Io# le vmhlela tb plait.le, "MeG4ybe mas," 1wac Wa. IL Ift~>iom poif, .d #p1A îh*94h.i dy 4h1.hy ot.coe s.. lief ,o 1. .hortuf. t 6M Util15 $¶#ni. #Wtibih# frq l h d«Ticf.mr.boys uolh of ne Who vWOU «# itt la bl #ho «A» am Pb« gée t$11 i atUt IAI 18Ob Z re f4f« mainpot nma by a vhlda ut imll«%*MW om M AMI *so #ffl lath#110tiA M". 1am liév' t hontrsgLAlrI uk1ug udr ff s< t fi f u m7 7 t h f $ %# y *a m h 4u m t # " k o f f it, * M ot c * f or a b tê l Uo w # M v iih o e a p cu , lt . ébe1e f i l lt i , £M d Ih m lte h â w l * r 0 4g 4 M a M oau- mill> s, i oe4 "îil o " . At hom e it le t fort t4 '>wollk dffl . fI1 5 #4 lq of ul", 0< A v , t« lu g by lb. .1e . Zihlug £411. job.. lh14«m«n 6t fr M i'.1bil*7 b b4#15 ro4 l u 1r vliIq. 17 fora*prirtimi "$aok n the Tnk," the ie lsbrated ai <sd btlîîte *Iwthly "4#flI4" lut i l , *» lo nt g N th.vtsy hon., the pvopo'y of Nika *4 ltâne, i< l fr to LIMà# »F11Ait*lià allu uln 4 it<ry eof .r« !ilopîui, omastoi th. front taklng Ol#Wli< Thoe-w#m .omo sotbldokt in ii rtprise la hW. dm. utthe Omou.. A4,1 t , r vio. 8 ,*# s$Mi*1tb M #p 1 « & W 94 àWwi nlintiv. TlhisuWieil fo bothhMifh 6% ao -<'i.t b4 h Ii#. >1054 l g O M pandl, fliésbn, t. in adril. aW4011W$Iî.1) i #nto U* 19 5vif5>PfIfflo» Mailla eP*,- JIlstue* Wilson, .ISImr, ob U&e Kgde uan tgV t t'aTudc fu bécly u"ti. nond prisentithe Omu osow a *f. N »$ b»» M 4 mu a ~pM "hvostwgg.5 bi u«sIw o" hambupi"o,., M JetaI M 1I ld' t1b 9W Mt 14 O O etgo" l(v m a 5q4$do hnponi4 musgt. Thw. lo vii ofshe leAh .d btqng heffloU.Tb# vîav«d te tqppvehuMlo.o lti.ê4k#lthe vm hm sy oue d hW Wdff$ tsf "'f#001 114 II$y 0vPP"itlà, tiig.ho pe 400 «M Ba *mu* e» Bput 1u* tm4 l..ve, qle *M esvwb#aea 1y pusIaM1 I MwmOVMUu-TbOs. Lu e h hs 11111-31vi* m%" mubig bouse pub& vhlé sbe a 4*w do <Tais m#04sM m se e ô* Win apssîmpummte *4begIif. am W t ~mv4ses~eIb#u T@*mo iq M Mrsii. &BW1 tbo mu ou.m 014v e eil . ue <leK.htod pl pu *#meW#IongIU d wà m .n M04 w àm Wn *0tq.r* k~ vm iarWIV , d i 8 M g o à Msu ebu um ~iummasl.iisspo> < w $0 "" * ~W 1.Iséh0e lea au5 " *hses .. «& A «à ~~~~~~~q~~~avi -a-esoSNairi le aVIigu ffm~~ î.~ < Bmb. *sflemâaWe mo Espufgoeetq.S Bm chemoeWM b b. i b. Wul~~e as.g* &"e aaludt tIWu Imm < à 1 es~,aauue rW St dm____.vhu gvoo~ 00 #a MW a~i.omo oui... te ~ IJfllIa WIs, 1-~ ~ I ,rwB sabir# **yu - ~~ * ~~ Uv~~~ Bu aesi.su sib mi e kt au We7 b» w à W - 1010- Z l Tl tb ~Wê Sale- 1-- u -1 s obi mer- M Wbuthm - ~~~ w 5bM wdlii lui oslipp u g t-àt49Sd uoubu.w 411111e11111 due* 1 &*Pci »P plwp t àamo lmMm 'rwng., ew uK& Bu u lo 8*pit piy e ir - ~ I*SrW#i~ Bu b. uien# t b.spmot, - Ïle. i s Ev I am# ld*w p, *auwbw .k hor 7""@& v IN 7 MW, - - bu dbm irbd w S " umeo »i ~~à tli.. wu* abp«Pu 91 el et qu-i& !fiefleGf Tu wns1 h. 9. e, w iami,.se *q Vq&Y - mdps*s Bmub l. ugowplu #MW# hm motu u ho4hou B ouqIPbm 0 ie u lim OêWI4 huemu ssM&ul MMg. UVU, tWEhWW 41km psfumettam uUflwo. ma t o W# u 5h5 m I om làt.< W bM4 jo Imm-0 [nu m&4S W o warmo buE s Mirgo&Mm 1b. wle va u6WI uu g 6 w Me M ie ~ ~ ~ ~ W Imos*li -hou. la u blam onh ,..~~~~~t au V,6i je&ls~w .Ig~ au Bal ue $@Ul ~.me- le b hs 4 tu, P 1kbutWgu oue lW"va bu *m.j.L M'< Wm lu & M v PMU adet lm t Me, we, dos bb due *m9 d o W@ma h Vo Pt #mour- a i u u04 ma W ma toue t ÉU * B d .. ub Ww W "daba Mtg bu b... g tsi mue 94e vS do ZUWI,*lrMO" lite - g.MR--.- s mebouegr Bn @» 106 lock 114_wmwu_ oi t'Ir..wIth *podhwo poinbm msouoceoMh a &mdm & &V, ou@ et hW 0 wblok ,iw Oetbrd.a ll ;PBING 01 lo -- - -eo et an8 bm*v*l swdwa puW m M384,Md fi t - t hmd *Mlbu *ma op"y la .=U. W. ?W m tIumb wh y taIl. ifr b mê ~5,L. OU.%Kit5t~~,Lbuly, Ont p. IL MAT a. HIL KOPINS. HaUDEPETH &-àJACKSON. 3mewwUs meteeu, &&.OSfes, WWimttrost ADAN NUUWW!X. ~ABU JACKSON UkiNTYRI à STWART, »Mw ,Aw.'ns olietefabc., Le. OSus EL B. DEAN, &W~'L. OnSe-BlgeloieS hoctu Ume to louam a 6p«rcet. A. P. DRYLIN, au~.L.. CoeuutyCrmw Attetny, Cwak ai ta ÎFaý Commiy 0a ictiea.Oes. le-@ bleosh, yieUVmsta", Line.ntwu DesnOs M -k.Offmce, 2 do«»swSt or On- tare mk. len tUt, LindsayEntra nom a dr e t.Twrajs tore. Jno. AL aRRN. J. IL SNim, BA. I:-g ~ O'LzABaYkO'LEÂRY, Z"-8M1 y,*e., L e. flDobeny ElOcbKeM trOBt FAÂCE &McUCY DarriateM Md Solicitors, etc. Offce, Kent treet. juil Entrauce next door to Dominion Bmlrk. Pnv&te and company funds to ban a% lovest rates. teJ. C. GRAM iN . NcMNtRCHY. 1 Barristef. S4)Iicltr. notary. C,.nveyaflcei, &C- 0'14-Teow U at rMu.NET TO LOA.N. te 1t prcent, andi upwards accr.rding to h n f e !the scriyau e. E' 186.Villag~e prnoerty and farm-ns for saele and rent. oflit'>- Wilaneuw builditl;r, Cainerotisti-et. Caaninetor.. ;Y TOUR RUDS PROM THE IMPORTER. ummakGreory !au a ftiil siipplv crf thse best and Imehegt FisId,7 eggtabIe L F1owa seedi Wehbave ould ail kinds of moe by wlght t~w 20 Jearg. OWB emiMmd wia m agtLlndaY. Iw Wiami Foley BUILDERSO' HA RDWARe. GIaus, Puttyv Oua & plomb White Lead WhiBgK.umin, WitsGlue Uo.aken Tinp. WM. FOLEY. MONEY LENT £iUDSPE.TliIc Sli. offlce,ilitamtrr ,.undsav.i MONEY TO LOÂN. irNîtt, Tit, and Comnfu ,.l-;. -t leset cmzrn.t rtes and mi terme t(, uit rrrr iIi Mrt.ue aidehetiture" .rl',~ I i-'.TULL~ NANSION EHOUSE. Opate aunion Itetion. Lààiday. J-.8-Me- ewatiom oS ay travellers MaIs wil be Mu.vmmditsy on tise arrivai antibelote theLIINDSAY, d.areura of aul Pa .gsri-.- 5-lY. ~IM UfT ROUSE, kent for bicycles. KinutJupkEweapteo.The above LidaMmM,1é, MImemse av rcmtly bsemifiteup lu gootiLdsy ac fi atyle foa rai.che bote!, andth ie publiecacn b. nue Stisa beaiacccm.oda±aon at s-ery i-ea&- omible rtes. The baril a pplied ith a11 the i frI'sYQ1 [ Md oe s ndquortea*d eLarge stables QUEEWS HOTEL. - cc< HaLurton, la viuisout a rivallin tiài distriCt a» a aMuasarrartio familiasaninlabeautiiuily ait- ute& A chuming plans for the huntsnan, tihe qptý Mdi the inum L Itila aay in the M primmtimefcemi, andtinl a beautiful little s-ilageER peang a railvay, toeepaph offics,asid ail the LUME av miieof modem lité. ChargessurpriigleY moduaQLTe. .Vary Place te 'SPetd a Happy- Hld."Tise prpeetor la ausous taaccom- daealhoeau.n andi parties comsng ta stay a Corner Bond and L ktw dapa are requuiti te aaemunicate by poat araire. ive bouarail from Toroito Tise ote! leapplwietvtheverlscom Odton',a 1 tot DttinSÂMUELWA LI LUMBER, LATE, Slf Î[tla1 bGtY. PICKETS 0F ALL Q BOBCAYGEON LIME G. IL V. C. P. Graduate On-i tario Veterrnary Coilege, Toron- to. Registered unember of on- 1,I tario V.tentnary NMedical Asso-.EY ciation. Office sud residence, Bond gtreet, Est of Meth.-dt't Church,and West~ of Wallace's Wooilen >1111e. DRfl 1ct~tp '~i I s-~ Ha Pt 8Si 'wi tb ONT., and tricye'IEî Boyd YAI Lindsay Sia I NG LES LRAD ES. E xl - E. E, EAR ciîTH, r, G. s pyPlPs Leciunr '--:-'C. r b - 144. arrster. LmidsaY. i Bnnst, -Lind'>z:y. L i D :Y :,.. 3IONEY. MONEY. NEA.RLY 26 YEAuts' ExPErTENCE. ar- à -x-- W. are prepsred tanegotiatetwdgt lo-esai ýVULC-AýN-ZABLE (;OLD, the«àa:er 1rT- td e arti î per cent., YeartY» Ont 900d seiuritY. ment, a jnleadtcnt- E charges 10v. OLAY&OLÂY Deral l iI.t. makes za heatirmi md dur Lînday, Fb.lOt,188.-131-tf.gold ,urf.tce iuext the roof of the meu'ti,, pre-~ Lidy]elt.II-Z9t-vcrtlt'Sirritatitn. aMd r- e:îi!v k1tctn the. tra.^t r . Wherever uscd, people are ';td;iàhtcd with it. r n the tuture. r-,- MONEY TOLOÂN Mm. tir-.is iso %,sin_, the ne'. oexi u i-om ithe Kx~.. On armPrpoey n Ue oatfaoraleterme fiàce Fçrms for holding pîtt>r firnil i : pe. with the R. R. OU pa=pIj tyo teMotfaoabe The et tand mo-rt cortfahe retainer %'et 'n- '.rct -f7i- Apl evented toi-ail kins ot moutbs. Of -tteati ;tv th,. tv.., Ip. D. MOORE. Artific'i teeth inseerted on pure EntrE->h Blackrail Sn Gold, Silver. anldCelluictd, and ontied rube-r T H0,_..17EE . CO, MOSEY TO LOAN. if de-ired. »Mmearn.rion & Smith mae nov lending a-nt Mx. Grass keeps a stock -)f fi-rn 10,000 to u'-000 6Artificial Teetis. mmny of them fi-rn the cele- __________________________ pert" eet ttgtht boaflion the e Udtuitye moerfhteatiJst, iblnr î Sgest. Ofice Kent stresit. ntMace nexu up- btemakrWie= uteali i "Mws fOntaio BaIL t . ect as ta uze, ahape anti shatie ta suit the BARBO & SITE, young, thse middle ageadthdUe okL F -t S, àndy. An upper or under Set of teeth truin ,9 t,) S65. yi F Ts St. Lifdky. VrTALIZIED AMRthUe 'atest anaistisetie inte -. ___________________________for extracting teeth withaut pain. Always restyl'- MONIRY TO LOAN for use at Mr- Grosý' dental îooms- Tlffine. CO-'~ <M ~mbI lue., e~xraiie u intalianetoceins sud othor local preparations for painless ID mit the borrovet, or . - , lstLoa ai SRX per The maturai teeti filetiwith Use best mter sU&i Prtivaf-0" -U a o OSIterm- à« UO' ojis, anti perrnsnently preaers-.irrezgular teethlIL [ NARIN HPRIS traigbtened, an" aid other dental soi-kproperi IR--R FACTORY. ROPRMI done. me. Daiheara, Li~SI Mr. Orme..ha» inquecesfuloperation the LEMU LGE[S for' filling andi extraculng ______on dt "a ndev-àpan %W J learing Sale. pae W. HG@over Kenedl' Stoe.& EGE D. BÂGLESON, M .Linuby. Fbny Olm IU *,puu. aile"* s mi Aue?.V-l =J O H N L MàI L I Tbub -%ortkidfut bat, à&. Diarks et -for tii. AgteuIoi ha cý"», e Watrton, NwYvr&, Md *0 O-b uome - as EWU" nu b 46 m-i ce JAS. K.LUNNOg, lhp4 mag. A hv w adul A- &- 1* m m mm bl "lem w ýL Tuil,-m m meF 11*0 BlUlft$e. John Fw eii i i d llirbein bol ïell tt i business w aa large %toc; of ailkinds of tuira1tUfI Ubebeil mRai owestpibeprices. ica mam eoui- stock sud earn prees 'etOrf pWchngelewhere. We art bouuid te .e la$ WO wMzoom for the ù'. c' are rn.arufàctvt' hCa ailmmt. All soik warranted to .zxve cutlft AUl kind orFKA È.,uOU -- L'M p tS i.eU Xine chantre for Furniture 14umber thePlace,opposr;te the Xmdl-,d BaI RW etileaLindmg. MMITEFINE BALSAI Te reat Eemedy toi- Ceugis, Colami. "Umss, Bronchiti', UslgCSigh, Lmoci of Voe., Asthfl TEISTMONÎIALS. Fot mi re peut 1have udwE? PIE ELBAX in Mny owu faoeiy sMfa Me8 p-ometsinthse gao and I e a $d- 1ILJKWON, Geoer. Lindsay. PoùbNeIy the beau thing 1 ever 2U0d be comgi Mdi4Colds ila WFm$~P' BU&&]& D. RAT, Lindsay. Pathm mL ryself derived more ban"- àlhM WmÙle3 PlNn BAL '"D2flfi miylhingve ever ued. .lSNM-IiC3F* BULL, Lin4say. Put upin ".rz-'zo Je. MEELANDS, VR wrYIBLSE Or- un uti Tm s Ai r Mme - la t le ~~~b et hmoa. ~Ibo& MM a m bom . r euil v .Pm"@"0<boum ~i 0 -* l~u.u FOR SNALE. sud ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eýt Eta.aleeti.etyi 111 j dw-% MLf 8>L C. . ILII, -w aas. S TLOMM maia". n.W»,ïn ,.,fe.mi-sL dUBuS ~ LI- D., C- M, a -.M wa nt Tleht l d 1tJ e i, iU. otU;eo byiJREOWmB & GRA, tro ogm d esdnS Crnr -t'ael ad -m ai ohqi o soylait nid urya, Uttl Deil.r in& Fesh an42Sal laww, xab.an bo--5th door eaet .1th vm,8IO'3I' STOCK TAKING ai N niL ~M) it thse next thiZt dvsI i ]ME ,oVw H UI USICG FANCY G0008,Oy Imm& @Wbnerbed thre ordr tbat 1 mav rdiPen - .Î.miait obata of public e-gnt u à -ir a-q& MNy acceunts are now; mak ,ut man indebted to me wîli pie,_,X~j> j~WUTT OUSthe mme ioemediately. » ' . O e o nI y y s c m o G EO . A . M EH E EI "eau cw ltiaveieraand thse generMI i'f tEii~cn p "ima iyin c&nn.ýction with CutKr t 1514-17 Mnai- l ~PYoprito p&Tinrs HOITL. Gobooeik.-Tiu e il known hotel bas beau it- I ioeoved, am is now mu ftrst-clae Order for the .e»Ptiou oS g-zua. llmbprisesuppliedwith the anti ~ GS atetv osir.Goi mmercilrofh ne"i su«t, Lindaay. John [mvine. proprietor ADVICE. Titis eR kuovuhotel baujust been enlarged md ~ anti gomi. andifmi sxa-laisacaom- Tii.tabe mibar upplieti ith the o.iaoodtablingudianaasaUivehoaUer. Place your or(lez ROYAL KOTEL, once-sa as to sec-Q Llndaay. fTia veil known bouse has been recently Iuprovedjauin every way suited for the ac- ~ ~ ~ - 1%mk lUI pisce in a f.v esday, Àr ,Mr. rt t& Lee, of POLMPT retor Peter P.M. tibey r," dgnwhere t1le'. - M ~ asMra ALO ITtrL Y. ~ ~ rec.-r Who d J4 ater a lz ON, rpeopie - Popoc eL, hizgterr.» did 'be '. loiîe at t b euat of oc- V. care Àc ail: e for th-2 JIBea:tv ils 1o islct, a 0i 0IF THE R ubarbs h n hoe. As wl liked, 1: ýlua and honeî LD.-The ba 'a week and LThe tsrospe >mmaeon the r. Sherwood 13 "SONaL.-3isa Aunie Dies, from Toron ta eme ftiends. If o1 bs. $Ml Louis C'4R2'J. le ne5rj un b. tOfbe b Wou. *1 I s i ORlON 'I x0fLaiposa OPFU 6 ~7th COUl. i3 5tterly maass, ,,,en lfor a the otnai ,0da Of the said ~goba. D3ut it ers al 0rg3 . their longi sa the çc-13 m ast t.) r-18 -We regret Awde, bhe>'-si stricken Jc .ie to.be about dy recDVery- toT7r . Imm@" - ildwu 1 k q