Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 14 May 1886, p. 4

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1 4 149eU. Winin - v. lin - lutené - Ihm hm-*4 "Vu._o_ V .Li..J-I..JTom UWU* bb m a--d, u1 wbmm%__1%_m__ 1 ___ __à_m M*hI 1 en m -hq em A I owtGRAND SU G E S EdumMt mm BD *» *e meeffl à t 0kii ea mmfm mu' 11-m 0< 0.V" WIwo, vftby em lia-in. 0<puwU, b. iMW mi n. a..~ - I0<I h k ~ 0<. ~ -lb ChahosB9 m tMumot sotiman1h. scc = *g. b 1 .s b iu la a vuet &ot 0 a M u g b babm tm MP ee .L1 ma Pm 4§4 sud Udom km .Wle MUU4 M mm ram '*0*uaipormi Tuo d et uo , ami.I. - mteM W nont&"mn u" som - M, bu À&M ""'a " ;wam EO f LADISt WEAR and Dry Gos Egee "»mi& &mepm-mm < t mm MI uti 19Oa-* 103111».â, aiéely te &WC" t O thedwot.waou.4 h uru damter. Eveairysoo nm*that m C 1 okeS ni0 d' ~ aqwu OM& 10=0PuVsnIi~s ea<i.st Ok lohb.I doetoudamél ou & c< popbviso«rcouutoe maI wek buying theïr SUPpyosumrwa go laos thAsus iii h- gg !- x" v..ibnluW u wau Ii. .i, M*, dam mueî à«440 éàl MTaam* mmmawd4e "umCWu l ,l e rt.ahi"M-f-- btrGOES OUT WITUI A B NDE *Si*Sl*~~~~V ~~ ~Mdi iui l 0a 'i lu udO..,ýb.., ab lism,da. =b 0 sa. .evaio._____ ~se1 o. thi lb woW khi? u' 7 Uuody0 b ndl'mdm" ti h U mi to umllà i eaauoyeadusaiý mmm khsmué0<adu a atalsteBim m u a uma *i aw tu"*.,' .<~~ wi.Cof badi sSaturday ni ght picking up tho( i Iv3 o O.~ y-g diIan.,k à10 àI @ ý* Mm , a eh obom m ?Tisa HsieyBibbo». ad Paxasola WEN IEWLF WP4 M4 YAKT la a M4 4«0d à bb b h abO esaw loIb d h -. B u.jo.bsy gï la oaiUiU0i$Sbvu loglu< . mikm imIpm tepm& âmemi t.mU.. - e.o of tshief if r Thos.euht bave bought vi etify thst they NEYERSÂWTE IE0EI bm ma aavMWdlsi sk% ONW MmUs MNm es"" h *9'4P teK tehin sudr stres asinI 1Wb do., w rinmon yur dllarbamdtBou.then ms mu ié. h~ mmdo Bavard hBada wba, 1 bsllsve, voodi lUsu@,m 4 a uw M W&la fou me zi. meIWof. la WiVidlul, .wgahmolUmmi uoy hu. m, oMW bY h 's(WOthVeufr ny Tweedswot90.nl6'. buduof "u MM mmté tud- Md albto oer _ lmejo, jaivogumaài mo'oi M's ir Put oyr_~g~Ted ot 15ol " on ieeum M e 8e. *.0iaI eR'.loth Cat for oly 20. TWed ot$1o O.. toure.du et s sulalsL.Fa# auy____la_____ m, t, vu oule, don'1ba my ntng tlii ho hw what ve cn do for you àuboil 6"> Pm I 2" 55700deà5Plal> P-104v.* i 10Gema Taé c i hvpuW. Uuo.voe ICo.in t he morning thee who e% in th. aftexuoon there is awy a' h lc @Mt a mLiu&"uv Nww. Mmdhie* P"i abou B M 4lu.l B d'q mmioD -pu dS.. Bà zqe Oi S.p bqtmtum#obusaWid abiwaIfl'S àné M d10 u- *0oS ipil bopuouite. It in B wl tbhim ca i .ouming up the ~'C ~ IJ [] ~ (Ç) »mt.al WMb# on*> i . atm, »W"lhum 1'lat. oM t 0. o mumd..o, bibu à . çNtb-wud -;of maaiug umaMr16nai.,n oo t&$tuils o o aWOt oTtIm$%îO.1«" - Md," iervý wa*9b. UiSsiSlmSg,11 ooe m>eKn te 0. la~ e lail. ia i0' : l h1.os kIdi @b. W flP1= Mt trade ro.Apui 15,188&6.nte o espé *ho 41W t.la b. 'i@* do éo i"alla ividuls It isohMmi.te . -o, 1 .amfets*0lotu vii Gniet0lmspro- vu «,» Mdiami k 14 ~ i. "Il a h. PubIlsolIdeS01M Isu dâumd 4à.m mluhTv ritèM sbuor nw todetui.potier il ,am of, iMo. boflaiiB 4uveo POP1.1" M uwu ouv 1h s '40 dm ~ite, de Mo bu.uIl lm ti*s.,tuh lb. adff #Om imuhilmmousMhM4iPuba ft e 2". -mff- t i AmuBs. tdt.lmii0a Obedtsèé P, tbhteh$mi fle os 10to1% Vii, Nu 9Os»lé" UM.. vIom ink dbea, d .j ai» . g i,.~M; aMidiiu b*ek o1 s it esp«#%b'Md*viavlmwv &0#1ou M uà@tm mb g. S Onf pollosi bedpi uppouBoum oI u . . ss hi. m empe.w ?b4 91 visi wvs hdi a lm h goIêum o- ,<jggaj m»M. ne o. O*bmbi hupoier Obép lONd ho udmi m ho aein m5?ou<f hie le., Mi. Euiqs lu . 5mibm. i. demi siaduay L Ïuuil u.gg M Sai 191.6 o#kI w& te puoba#bule w i vam o d al u a iimi ,aS àupub.. atub oir ad Bém segot"inIOnta".taubi lne CE me#,) op #km Wrn mou omevewt Umm etiTisa uuv.~I u ubai afmumat aIs=st-seonghaW atM todeu hk*domave oui _________ *ombasleau m»VIo té sondlu vià".litm a iqêinude.- O(Mtnof h itsuPPOW oI 4os e zt vsuor su -Uo ï1.5S>aloiud usmaL oui a fein ithur puiive S r> gsr 1m etmiw olis .la eàg tbssu% k met 'o 0lotBtUPiml l. ii ii..v% "O Ev o"Wty ein amon o4ubu"a" ldlay t#»«uIbetos' «b'ulumuaev eimu l Os*vla -ornm wu 9»lb.y pare;isexemt iai booàLi to #4#%ism poeeSIS ie ne #vluspumeal à@" " ho b. à*p#noaas"og oa Thoefraoe au long mo" tua fflNEW AND OHOIC *efh t6offiw b, le à pui lb. sRlS oadi f m POU" kiai l smg otbr oo 3BUS* boy v.wmye~ pspthe IffiNi* u wiSB la imu«. *. t&~<401111.iS<v# oui ~~ ~~i"~WSEllUl l ret *1 =tui"the Wau e11l. .unpulv iai as WM ot &o. but . Imta iiiaht~ I.saIUuSIeda55 a~ tbu 1. b 11bsfetsfoi4in tlàLb.valCooerati've t#lt4 rligift PY4evfor ftanpr-, WORfrut.s ,o v? lIlt 04 94Mcf uval- j>Ialfm. Thon the Ona odsma dt,,th . r *t0tf"O « l f Th,1 *#ust. uaasêro p a P et ? lait Dot oaomtoeiou of i- liosa de numet vw» iku!y t. b.- tb WIk Oim.4 ou Ipoua i Ni Nt o ea itM e obi. ami a ibo.eâ .My- Iff a by the the 8m ilIOrsdorl»vmMr Mlqf aUSe emmev b é m5a u vé, 51tiabIi my emideron*. P.W. R-*& o be sanlof MIA0nilrtttn M.Mm..bau# driop t vilàa hugi, "The b"sh dont ir -? why ùûOC ee oet umm van igb, sadfor 8a fou QX>ha, ff N0siw."VaUr"l Mg vsk by m$M hlm Ou the stre0t vitbôut!i oi2t, Mvt'- etck u . jW04. ec0Q. id a se h me'tBimksng o# the clil mfoot oppeoi'ei i4e~, *îd ieeP pum d.. but, Io> u«. u. .......... . 1Bu oo heeo G .4apeeBE ST QUA.ITY. ée4'v i » b oMm Fm eu Liaiho e" «*. ufrtun. Bluok.eye $Pl'a 1soort the m.aker, â biaden of *p»~v<ses IiOk ii oi." UiTomin md a Blie.- ithe Crooke peivd became the 6tft î ,,br» Unoa u lsSduy b ahseam, U p VdS baiS na u mth jd - am cheme.s ad tamisot <be Boss tyran- 4»y. toc 'fM AdJptMd ai.u ui nsaisiuspwbib osn ,iet@ ul.jliiloaite y. 'rj.M yranr.y 13 o.ay the. Oi~»~u v*OO5t. sltveapso ILNu oe.M ai.M* s b al41Wislwmeaie ".Dowa" omgovenmmeat h&ai*no; for the freemen ut Ontario auemot Wm , t oi. ou sies mMlee âtdd* tisa Po..wto esa.l b. heobsmmee Of y et &o blost t self respect and the SOit.alieU, SIOSIif I5U~Rmpmiploi f fr.edom ou to msuhuo v« t*l htbuogm ]Pol r. l a or wml». Nti N ia"hisaifDr, iIqvo« lavo, laath" v Ztm OSDthpty ussg~~ d«mgoguim of the. Be- JHN0I 34bop9m "tu à*lF. , l GommAvbon"iu la mm. oS Wii O. pomhw*4Ibeodo b.- lom igoverau.ent amOnano. 2M goum.."F. sodl vab V"lb» 55 . iOIv au"i. » e m MMOâ»phmatsti .a.of" nual SI OSU M7om in m y m"mk»V14 Om haPolémi l» mé e" -Ivumm o.Put éuaubam.uy "b« gM ative pat mpolisis.. ami taqbwqw d M<mewm mg tuMn. sd4 wu theO 6.otdus i *Os &M nat or to 1 fourni Reforma poic<y t. b. caupi Mtvila. o 1w ams l et p , luvra t u u &a~WWé «Mm the s.lkg afâOscm"sutsoui a imiquitous; ubil be aira Cs * Sewhits a. O bs<osaib. kC5Vai1m AEh hn lu h IPIUS Iho.IigliE st. Ta plaa ves mtot i.bassi 0. hiéO 0. NU 0. ! w.*ons *9Ms." 15mb~~~~mba M 0mm@ pume *Mt fet< un -15 bylngni Orloads of Geuerafl GoeiS Wolf* "nlOmaai*qad-@.mat l bwbosasW, tu" NS pmo mMd. a xwe vsol *@ » m0& ob fhq% immb El" davuft "i% OU, C: ft. o B IlPthe CounychpeW - mo i.oum l"- -à@ a-fmou~m8ny othoehoge e have unladdtis e ou a Pt me &u aa@Mu VéU MI,.Mbu o in bàmi_ __ 'àà ' * "by __ _ b 9 nul"Gaa idm 1 Su UsOpou ii bon& in--e ý W ~ -- --- - -_8-1CarP B wlb~ ~y Unau%___ mnIu <0 i1«(I »W u juSne* a M tome*»MR-v i I0<u~oe hmS <0. u Ui.*U~~ ~h.E. __ Oz1o1 car OmS BALT a Mi' orne iIaa*w a omimé un' w m.IIMPm __ lui "Me tarer-Iw esÉa n o â II~ Aqoi - *~.êeMWa~n QualborKUS~ IAN lain and B Lbadie ak L Black and Blacks Hur H ofi GI Tan, Dai in alil Ile mot .dl the Aii zuat Vkuri Ms the sc,ýCý Scorr Aý amines Keni furniture le trm 12 to 7L."-ih4 the barn.% *it, <the wel ftaupward uwaIioms i midi, the t sud the 43, Md Sund bMded, Ci kasMuitc @Mt- i Oaupof BATOCE Gunt~ pb H i Tiu u

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