t - V1 W~~~AMD1 T UlM 1,1t t t wiplth 6n i oýr "nt ý ('1 if thF R~îOI p(«,C t ' 'Cl'tlt 'e u Ayuuuil FLAIR 7--- T)nA y. 91Aq1f14, ý . Uif. 04 1 ?1F1~ UMSM.~uê~G EO. INGW ESu00 09 --Wram -itym.g aU ki n of.~ ~ itŽ '~ ~iV f~u I6FIr AUIgh.& P3$Ie itndmgto banld houkt.eau5ealvIy >4~f. OWM.kUY A k»# P « mis1g »9« $tpnt e "i noVtu ,a*tweIuqmr c i feGLg& C 10 0, itftapr. 86.AtW1 9 h 70 filimftnbh$# w4f hl Uw àowt fl> d4th el 7M o "<0I' wUAV 611< uhm . ci W'1< P~J1#0N4 ro îheIryOoghulue IÂRS 4eurde.Wi IùimCowpM d$O1I r«,. m" itemi kevftdw.- IIu<Lu~t1"6my"qWb& hm ~ A10,.04 Clim- #e~ TSEMIDLAND HEO E Adr c ~ e k pMr.y Q* m m, «~ ~ # m 0 01 h h r Mqfur, r <lm jolàAoê madinfrom wplwfb10« & Habu04Lme Tob.otamd am u- Nftllf, i (nwp«' lm e êb# o a, "04dm knowl1ýdedto b. tii.bea,t 0««Ciar ver offeed t~o the. Public. Rî~ev1W TIE OEMEDIE L^ E JE fo Tî>llýwi if th& I O hfIit 0< ,w*b81 C lp x* have 141111 b..,» 4 f vorie I(k, C igir, a "d Bull talc. the 1, Thriit tof th# Imd, MU&ifetiW by J. MX. !OFTIERM Nontreal, antifor saIs 1, Tl)!@ rê bflWrUSOr biEi0*I wUfle8 wholesl. byDOBSON Qtyet:850V(4>11fh- ti«*U**tbP. i*a M*6 of tht le« S eoew a moLWnmb,4Lindav. umpf gem .. seaw v"l" Im am- o -1bwêîý 4 GoJ. HOYLE t*môf ,mm.,,.. Wo'f' 1lému" nulou. u. - wel .lle P<Ii'bq#, phiup obuNL1duma 4Pjmw edug eds (la <oet MJMGTQN. j, WEeI#Y Allaj % Wu wo«k MM vtbuaP*M klm a. k a & o m m .meur etBoomba tieî,e ~t~t pbIIy 1pI1IUUWI dwu m. «û i~tliov -1uig w 1ooffi, Zmpiyr au« M0htVUft 440<I~~uu ~. 'OnmdoI.Iy Md Otli.' ) àlüy 1bVTinow41 andî MCt4~~,WiIBU~ >t#rwi ~bamu.wtla t hé. l. sf- #14I M o FllmON eaetc. ee. oY~~1 uIf. <o )alî if, t n " MY vtbof Uvw£ - wum Alhm s umoiB m ad FLny Goo"do f<fliWfl 1e ~ O f mii fl Pl«014 bvI<IsfitO&fm "1 Ib5oUV m ut. af lie 1f4IIf 1wSiAII ff0.f dby 0. iI114Md D1(o.mi C . j -< im i R L -~ .,. >nvbni ils-1,lu Netto ofCkbe ' "al unIIER. ~~4ao1i,' o lw h e i. t hthtfiiieevd<vrithu.o 0,01,d eRe4 Bl BmeS B e m 6h v t'jtg h n e-~ Pd y a lyi~ l tr V ol * ilo w msu a e m f «r r i n m . wî1k b<ii'cr 1%, I*rA î and imop>, m fil. ttawï and donm, hie affliottswt=th""& R. HcM ERS Max. o-A phq4a fthhY ti n, PFq., qtl bwfbl a Vbne4 t 20-bis ~2. i H.vtnigstarted îîiwwi ii lnthe a .<-c lio wa Pre- f" fon, (Ch*nPqfe llinttChe - l - %0efVn thllepe pe A I .uid ad'11 per C.vI ; s ixrry(~ni rr4i hi tueArthlinthe l1f < ieï cîlnsnfef» 4 bCVIIf(with >paIfin 1a. rpl 1vnu i ii. :f~ ein ,e,<r î~3c. inif eô:, andhmqan F4eèele*4 pe<hlYefi. giiol jrt. sa ôtth1 a -Nrrg.Wihelow'a ,, e a p ei s. W. a ,.re ic ~I rsiîi'*I>, A.i\uy i e Ptilritt l'1tilt IèONrn lo bV M. ithT ortlwlîs t yii for ehildren teeth1il. Cca~eiSy îmi,Ke~q ,h"u nn( e Vtr ne 1 w e 1 t. I te vi l naeîeI f ilrI~ o gitfgA t':ta impbeprnWaT~M H,for pud sing lht~s'~72 l ' ~ ~ t.w>n i îi lb ~rRttmovennot hle gvewi ne He prnr uil îaTom nnedRt ly. es1fr.n '3n4Iopbub'tr *uc. *I"lIt~R'r 33~3 oovte ikehlm tio go'o n nnehtrcuî1~ M4 PI><U4 ipon i t, iiotli$r; flifiro ig rkO WoRI<e4-rd door e.uth ofB hûn ote! ~ > : îetr-ns fo, the beeSit of the. *hù1o c an ' I4rrLoeadsfny .treet.tm" s~'k 7~7 \r lîtr id iiowela, cilIce Wna Colie, soffene - - ~ 'vw ,RIUAh A thi h'inecf M. He (41,11, rlnCIpl Infi*mrnation, .rsnd W ~ 'Tîr'iî I4~ niî ci S MI3n tda fi4y. Both giex tom, and 4 o ,rgy teto a wî ,ole y- SggLq Lowuanîv'"m n * 41 -A. .l~ (* oilu ig titly. tem. 'Mrg. wtnelow'ms mitIît Syrmp eTII~h~jI~ a~llliIlUb 011W 11 mt*tItetac4oiN for ciil.drew t.eehii»g îupIebg t to the \Vinteïl>uîru dm Pt ,t 20, @1OU totéte and is h riptiori of one of % . ~~~~~ titl#t *ilor M#g *f htngle hock 64ti&# oditand 4l ni frniaIo PhYBiuf-in-AD Z7;1x2P« ..v :v I9II i ~F IREWOD e~ek, \V. ."t a0l- M su(Ol M1#te VWCIVIIUI t H abuil. =uL!OD ii~n~ m uneliet tu4m.aUoye o 4 ' o . . . -l ah f.g, wtl--ht'K---pfe&" 1os " M I v ?e m it ~U LsatPaE, A#« e < Msw oo4 p*.rtO#4 8.ubewh..oe .pd0&IsF< 0< tm am --S<Boai1 wI MFmé bigu ~~ 1TUE CAA UE OW 4W 0 I*flw 4t, beek4 tao Iti Dm, U ............ tir 14w~p y 'LIS HD~ AMFATU~EAND SAVIE MON EV. B*y b ymr BI CI loto, Tw er&I k huelu.Blankets, Yarn, &r, as uc Shi rt-,DawerC~~,,TwigPntEaheruDc- O)OLdsTa1.,ix,&<,c, Dry GToods, at the <above Mill, X>BKB WLLIAJ &D BOND sui,~ET ,w. have no w -'Ot a gmNI brick building and int-nd iuunning ail winter, 20 thFat ini the u tnre you cul, et bu. CARmDINGOFULLINO, DYEINQ OR CLUTN DREfflUýG, A120 MAMTFACTLTING DONE AT ANY TBIE. la» 1 wmtel ait the gear round. je. wu WALLA BIEau JI FORTU l"% ? & ,MrCOAL RADIAIT HUILE The only' stove rinade vvitL he I respeetfàUly efer thoSe inten.dirgs o r'c'~e - ~ the followi.ng genllLwlio arell --;7 s- -1Ss stove, wb.ose testimoany can not -r -'-- deaer i tidsay toproduce a I~-: ----~~- any otiier mnake of atove: Wm. White; James B. KuowisonjD. Brownc dlUJ1. 'il : ierr2f;A. W.*u L. Maguire; J. W. Wallace; Edwax'd Benson, 2; ri.Cuir:7- r\i*'- Mr. Lees; John Hannali; James MeNeilly; John 2A. L,--::-~ -- - - Williamson; Chais. Veitch; Tbnias MeConmeil, L) stuovcs - - 2 tesstoves; E stove; joseph Cooper; John Lyons; Peter Nicolle; Wm. BkcLLU r. McKax;y.. îohn Knowlaou; Mr. iRyIey; S. Hughes; J. S. Williams; Wrn. u!1arsL)r A. B. "rv Porter;Mi.Clarke; Roev. Mr'. Joues ; 11ev. Mr. Pearson; Bev. - *.î~ -- I uirdock; Mr. McGl&ashaw; Mn. Thorudyke; F. C. Taylor: E: . *ll& .;.Ik:c Njddleton ;IL J, Ligliffoot; Mi'. Ferris; Richard Kylie - Mrs. MVh; C. 11j. LXïeU î U Rigg; Wm, Pediar; Wm. Duffue ; Johni Anderson. Mr. ~~;E:txiu. Iamn the on]Y dalrWho buys the RAD LAIN CQIr de I irorn the mnamdaf cip P 11_ SE'I'I) s - - s Ea W-DOD 5. S - SFDS!I m m e SEEDS!!! mXXX MIH TpRIEPAID FI£! SKEJ EI CW1VKR AND TIIMOTRHY DEITVNEDAT 0OtUJR STO RE. SPR¶T& IIJEN.T- WalRtUG yAR DD VA DeiT ,.Hardw-are!' 1 have a FuE L.. U Sash!rocrs & Mzeumi.p ]»P« bmtlower thon f&u<toýrý .;v Artistr ' G U 6 biwr rW * re r. 1v ~h.- * .4' -1 r ;' j. :~ O 17 ýý SE E DE j