£ c vamaw*MU *'0.41'bm&w1~ Sesu - r-.i a bffln»ffd Imm 4kPl si1 w mbrw& mm m dm la t -i mi à l 1 mi bm Ve ime1 4 *4* a »14 m* ùw Ilp YK l o w kifu"« VtumIm Ut.. timer h " m g*dwgi.1%p Whiihi4a Pl~ DM. fi ~ u oi là (~gg pi fMA sp do LIb. "a h.ey mat*& b p -IRzoow a.m MaboMla0 a.. .~I R bob"-m e ziW tu Om ~Iu4 fur# 0MWIW bu -» - oV& sa.. u &vu*& wqw à. ff« pokmi. o .v t ww pompe" «0&,& hipouOir ~ WWVeOIIMe& t Aret -9 rnmm w bu okh Umpbmle B. W ww m Wudn ""MW voy M sr t- 115" bu pmos h. Mue hM. V«-#1 MM& Wm3#My W440«4" M owbsiul P*dmi&viow O W#~ eol lui%* VMM tilE hO, '4 e sdlo' 04*W lm iur fnbiffm. 0 ai Vd mm Wâe »f Wae #040"1 u f*ed -mW«&. *0 MWtop wi mo" ré -ka* l u. bue nu aYuw pwpa aw F &(u e i ékW1r - I mi .*1 b Impffug r& dm 4f L 1 né" bev wmym IIImb IL IL I *0r »O1a mOum m Pr" ' o*mm Mdb --- dm" opwi% madff r &Ehonw @@Mr. TheB êà.WpWG<hi a' ~ S~Lgy.j J i 4 I I I p I I p mmmmàm il . WAS. jzW 7Lay. cho émue t il Ifou .rimC-% wffDDlq; M I s a tk b. t IVm o i , î,,an jeu .,als'f~XN ' >m AWU If19111,Pm.i' ft e . Vw M o ukB mII '» d.r P-ý AI* is.i. Ida& GWY LIMIER,"Uoi P. TU L ni. pu. mgmur, ..,tu wIàw oms W,. b *. UM Who n&Wd n b.MW-m 0Bm go V" *MW& w wu- un ém murlmvuMW klbm m" acw * Fa a "wvWk» *8 b"--m ~M etI,4 MU4 b. O mm#uk., a W b,, m *" mow im m b t l b.vbdla u dbéauM - -1 ff TI - V £ww ?A» r NW rutmss sox5-OT c - m»»m"v - oMuM c w - *E, sumFimo elilém p - O abKLBDFBV ]E 3N*. L K sud nn u ebAo wek mk= MR, Ui ILsmy*yu ,Simaato J*ml auvw. j.. CoeycNr" AtbeaMrt e $b a, rM CAy et vieluréa. km «M bh*s, àWmeu mUa, w. BARBON & goiim h~uo, Covepm Mmd 5.hIncifoutbe DO b u. lUedatiehs ami 09 <m- tfe san. Im e . Llidmy. Neummu d.A la ura ME là GRACE àK KUEH Bulteni"*bffleors. ttc. Offce, Kem sarea: enu5meaxvmi doorte UosinkS )?--mk. Pt.af ademi ay tuadte bissuat luwff.mai5. J. C. GLACE. '11.4.. màruDlNY A. J. SINCL., ÀbaITIUU. i.h'citou'. %IL-Zry, C -,. .v-mmr. jup. 3&UNRY l'O.<>AN. et 4po ur eau endupwmaaecnt=ritnglsethe. om t a em y M wa tere, &c. Ylbuu Preueny Md bi ter M-ao Mmd rnm. oe,...WIIm.m's »wabuldingCàmearmxàsUmi ILONEY TO LOb2N. Pt-mb, Trem, am"Compaeny fonda, a% owe..t carre«i rat4,m ".au trm te mutborruvwems lerragm and .iabfftureipiurchameti. MON"X TO LOAS O tm F~mfy o ouieems favor£e tl.uem a Th avCG LSmB.gm.5.i!u~iuL-ImL KgoNkYTO I.UANl. Noe.B.rue mud* 'uit. rnov leLlJi1wC a% 6 pu-oe*.msumà .l I ouUBt".mctui.-Y ut semi ( hm ei 4eeu uuacxmm.. affl p- e AMI5k TN WTO U)AN Amm mimanueu;orUwi Lmas m -u. - o umtala ue Ama~~?~ -hum - - mme -OMMW 16" abt, TAMur I a r m viii -, b - à"a a:.d amafor ib c.. J§b. cmTOum tbltoym et omd kuS Ob@@ CWdM IL 0- ~ ~ ~ aJ C& um n.N]O uL . D . . K Kueutyetbr K E zelpzà - C lOYL mrui. Jonce-so as« - Lb ta m". Brnit" bote àly one of the fi ment-I .Feo 1 r mbdd quor n tid - 6mmdàbm Um at Ibm - -- - SM" beb âOm<. m I - à" lyth £1ÀNUMT HOU, Agent for bicyclesa ~- *-"'" up ian L M" M" 16, lu& -m MW"Lmj mmumm CO mie,"LU MBE R =i»m i Cwmw Bond aMd lu ý 1 la ommoim»by po.t oeul. Mbmmw ilhfl T ," Ii. hotel b..ptthef~ImmCO I m ý » i m - aS A M U RI w t z j STOCK TAKING Si tau& Cou odei - icktre stocknci MUSICt FANCY GOGUStjy gin te take -tsck ut tb m. >j.1 NyU ssccu" Bren. w nade ot, ýjnbwed tae 1 J t-se aj 0 asum iUmiudtay. ;Q 5s «~. A. STH BICY(LB&j,,C.d.1 to secr'n Lrst ship -wîth and trcycle% Boyd YARDS M-ba&ÔM tu i Splan Uhm th Me --fLUMBER, LÂTE, SHL-NGLESAf PICIKETS 0P AULGRADES. Aue( -~ BOBCÂYGEO-N LIME IN BÂIRMEI W. UN BULl ASD COILDWOOD FOI Weu. OumN 8", eàRAT, ? Mu.vC.P miàn Wes f.wm"UiidlCrbmo DR. S. S. RYERSfl, ___________________ l"&R C. P. 8. I L.eiturer en the Hi-e. Ear andi Throat. Trinitý UoelCnlege.Tcnto Surgeon tw the Xertoe - I Ny.F and E&rlnfrmarv. anti Ste Clini cal AmmsU Loy&l Lndor. Ophbhalmic HvspitaI, Moorfelu and Central Lonidon Throax ax rHoqumL zlumtuu. surgeon *o the institutions for tw Blindi, Braford, and for the Demi mmdDwm6 igaybeconnuited al: Ms resience, 317 ilnme teet,Tconto. Hour Il a.m. to 1 P. M, W- !1o40 am BRICK AND TILE W. He GROS Si ,TE'T N »MM&- Lubw UNDSAY BRICK&TILEWORKS the rate ut froz. 't-n t *(ýtwclve thousanc 'ýr day, VULWAIÇIZ'.LE GOLD, the. label imprve- and i nt.zut..1ti!that am.àur't as-,4»p men, Md a luabe atdit"toteall Rnbboe- 1 25 w. <an izet nl. 'ie rireù, ete- We amc Dental p1t«eMmke a beaurtiful ad durable i£tttifg a -4i~-ntchint Iat wil tnt-a out f rnm la goati ~ th .uf=r s oo ci the moisie, pre- 1 te 0 thoi-aiid tile tî.r day. IFe irtffl to keep wnaM=lirian. amid 'aoaiy kept dean.ith*e mrket fnlty -upp!ied wth Brick =anTi 1e Where-.o au&, ;uoç,4.are deliçhtt-d with it. in the. future. T'..e -erdi x enIY atbout lity i-oh Xr GMM m sa ah>tng the. no C..hfflr. Sur- fromeux ii.ndgas '-tation. andi "h. be connected bel, Pmaa rna hbokU@g plat_ a rInui n pWM .with the P E. R a.sort- tch, s thât we ea Tbe but »d Uea coudeortbl reaxi't-el lu - loud direct froin the- kiins andi save the expencs ,-',' orail kin.e f ,utbm > efi to those wantint Brick or Tt-e by Auemm tmis beetai au pecFisgihmBack 81 Eubterjuftii or vttboeût i oth hnlà ): a.» ou Gela, Uit-or and Celluluiti, andi on reti rubber THqOS. FEE CO. If demhai. Mfr Guaai umla sck of bpM 1,0 o 12,OtOM Arudecmi Tem, . y of1 e troiu treai cw Lindat-,Juhi iTtix. 1SS&> bra*ed skoem,, Vittaazxti li eoubui=im g muagt mm omin b m dsdudeCtusuit the youmg.Mticimiddl. qti leittbm oh Aorýu=tut- uço uiteethhi *tp6. - . 1.r aa t Mr Oroud soni ruMiy - b. fort ,-ZxUCtfltnh UnMAII Ilma!nd & la"m& te - ; ,umln W"verk eeperly CHAM FIATOR Y & Me OMM h in l -~ opoation the.m- - J,&R.BEGLEY exen 'a ir aa uattn &luxe sa tock ut a&Ukinds of taraItuS ~é wilisuf aioaestpoaibleprim oei mlum oi -tek nti barnoirit-esbéeS 901nge Oabne.We are bouadto 1» I luW roeforth. lange stock ve are i'~Sm.CMUt' etln M, Ailamt-karmtutito pt-eau"dM AUkb&t t &#amWUsUI>i.tJNU um in OS cbfflfoi r nmturw uwabmSd Ma eauEin Smm A ~~Aimh fat tee ir t fddisese stTlc-; te âe, t" won. mîhetn'.lwho ortrircut, m~yof noiwe usheart i vWms alarrn- à"bmve: uuuwith laurr- by aUl lime dead, ti mk alor a:.J to de partet verse a u om heaxt l'es q» lu tshel uwaked mi v.at"enotes wl »à BdUos'of TAs &, -The folio 01 Ohiuqug'a îu lt" Church S*mb.o, Il ]%a maum JDNO1t empes %à& Sum-W nu" oyou. Whol. vait iàaâou.( th. the world. IL- Ji quet ainduy 8*8. KERe Apwm rj~ EELANDS, IL". t mmin Tmn Taure. 1 1 Mtmanffltn» i 11,oblshed by 31,c au the poet'3 words, 1IlyUD ero. j.edima, of r' to llut th-At nver *M 'c AD VICE. :Place your oirder ail S- - rt I- *M bub u mm - kz sl- maaimklâd u- ind S@ m W.veplue càuwuntaC*OE*UU!W c .m Lii omtn. A me las Af lemmBm à 14MAav iw A 7lvw%.cw fuanegmm » bvw.a F.s buCo*mr*vzmo u.Co.,muuoe. Fom hLM.COUPLaWMIS elA idomuLPspm 1 - aie;:a. uz u1 la IbmUC ~ampos50"a Sou o uc ta" mUiSY6 cogdb7 ihlor, Weai.um Pal etuwg o I ean etBmiot rumbase DiuMua, su $bua ti.eakmu ibm *. à«mec tu h.e orsey franmWbgNme, \Pomdey, and1 a ai causaane aam rEc-r h g md cr*u sf fo"INYALI. e 0AILL ____""9__- UOIAL, q. ýj 1 V-ý- . ......... 1. D. NOORE, ~Aftw .Enom MM MsMnYPw .qt.[-. i7e- r Ly i '%Ulfàli - --qq - mowww vvw h-M -0 ammwàNw MMIL dom almau soncor EE