1s~M ,flPa. JNE4e 1"M i ttt~ . le < w e0m o11' i d e l5 e * O M M 3"d ub-"- _ ibn __d .UesekeIbo~ 16 --- - - - d- Ab.., b * -" - - M" -m d - oUeUUw- 1-r---- ir,- F- M (eue ILL ENOOrnAG HOM MAMAàTME AND SAVE NMEY* dmt*m ~..~,~. O" b PF# mf it MW BOYS' OLOTHINGU fVNU 1Nn~mW 1 e oworw s.E1O pW- -e - * -. <iw V",<*off mdwdf * w$s*w @»-d &Uàvoeua a -- ________i 1S Md OMM**Il OMM esum 'ue à, -~ ~ -19 -tjmoloi~ ~f frr M Ulm ,&wby ehr hi rr MM"th i "For . .gM uhboom.oMd a &MWe deiee*teW" 9vr K.14.le .uus.*M f a .My wI. mn Zr= alm aneuwUc 100pudTe B «41 00W, 8MYà- -b@m 3w!* WW wo Iodksii Pé ilitieillii , cuas M w. us., v' lma am-~- *oe.dwda * uo~"~, ~et,8 PM b %lbdl %"v. fflhosiof v 0« ~~~~~~~~pu b,. wlIsep<1ff n~b,.u s«go uI ~ . <es m6- ~ l i. u A >~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~e q»i l Ih S U o 0 IIcO.uSh 0- I Ofsfl lue% 8" Z"Wd ot1<. 8g *0 M - 4 IM cMambMaM 0 "g ~ wo*0 àwte ost.0<s., e o h lm PfW4 il. p.atei, *m 0u..u t mld bots*ofuMa Md d me OMOULLik à~~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~me dame 3»01 ufW *i4 iu soth 0 etIbfui e *eAvu.v h ~ ,hoi mi . ui lupr <~ bs 4VO 0 1wVI#1va , boomjf Ida_ __ __ _ iii~ b~deoJul..Th~ .aprsIl PO~~ t ~ o . bu, bo teMo s.eotv p 0b'mti »Y~@b b«U The d o ai uwlui ukit am or gvidt. EsgIaMW4 ut tiset *Iurifre th(ff ou0i'", » me 1 Cim ~41> yF IRpoE W s O Cr« te 1. M4' *t lewl low ai bas Ow<c<ffl dm " Wo pou arou<brin. ¶eIoe _____________ Ryvi . pf* rmO" bbýmibi it utrM 09 et pou"gis *, ob- Wi pneUWSId 11AM O1 ff Gk hu i pliesu F.sT<hL Mt@ .twld bo oiIh*r 14 t f oi' 0 L . AIII ltgbo s ... b. Mao" tNI4I r W Mhn ye.....~ T4raoflo pta I t » r«10%-flEbt t a otAtmoD* liw Pft>srm shold b.u.ieV Tisssi* P I Cm M a m* i i,.,1b m ol bil aaMr.1 lociwami li kr J à M010 % i r# #u 0 a «« b«W sur i lM w me o. sAt < ou Ni i l 1m15u.. M4th Af 1 AlK419 u»f ofbfl lnu Adthe .o4 lt tUil y au' FU IREWOCmIgf shb f he*f th f0ow of t àl4 h Ity usate gdows.tâ-1é...h. timwo o dvolot fO&M flle& m.e Cbau udu4lm OW b. O~~~ l à u t h# WM.dv u l1 bo o d; n bbl*#0<11 Ialffl vola& b. ~ 1*1 1 pl -.~0 -- ~c ~~ ,i..Ve.~bu . .ruU DIrly. Gooda,. Wuh àSfr%~ Dmwm, Cusbm, To.WuIlzg, Ptiais, '?U*mmu , Cottonades, TIble Linn,k, , aIt the above >Ixll, CORNER WqILLIAM AND BONID STIREETS Wulv m Ca w i m'r.g Md jmd ruullug ail vter, 8w that uin thelutureo oucinge ROLL CARDIN09 FULUMG, DYEING OR CLOTK MU~NG, AlffO MAMJACTLJRIN DONE AT ANY TIMR igie I7ooiwanted au Jtise pr round je. wu *HURRAH fFOR TUE1885 COAL RiDIAN-T uHOlliSTVE --4 i t 4 t. i a MI reurectfliy refer those intendîng to ipirchase coal stoves tc 3ttee the followiflwg gentee who are now usîirz 1±s jttstlY iiotoricu-S iesove, whose testimony can not be. gains,, 'J. challenge ar.i' dealer uin ,iudsay topod e as large a -br cf people us'r Rany other. make of stove: Wm. White; James B. Knowb.on; D. Browne , Samunel Irwr; Pr. ilerriman ; A. W. Hettge 1.h Naguire; J. W. Wailace; Edvard Benson, 2;D. ultr2m-Ween;Jo Nzr M . Leu; John Hanni; Jams IIN<BIIy; John iA. arron , Mi-. MIff; r.Hiat; . WïUlimon; Chas. Veitch; Thqmas NcConneil, LI stoves; H. WaI Lrrs, 2 stoi.es; E. Gr,-ý_Ory, toves; Joeeh Cooper; John Lyons; Peter Nicolle,; w a. 1Blkweli; Mr. MeKay; W. 1. iwi ' John Knwlson; Mr. ByIey; B. Hughes; J. S. Williams; Wm. Frtquarson; A. -P.R )D UPortex; ](. Clarke; te. ]gr. Jones ; Be. Mr- Pearson; IRev. M:. M avish, e y: k ;M LD lurdoc; Mr. McGIasbaw; 1(r. Thozudyke; F. C. Taylor; BlactweI1 & Co,.; P. Pilkie; T. Iffddlo; B J. Lightfoot ; y T erris; ]Richard Kylie - Mrs. Mfuh C. HI. Lloyd; Gc Ba iggs; WM -%Bdar; WEM. Duffho ; John Anderson; Mr. Goc'de-ac--mgh; Brittrn Br: T': contock. susiE ~amn the only daloe who buiys the RADIANT HOME direct E. WOODS.a sEED8I SEE1DS!3 - - e umur&~ SEEDS!!! HIGHEST PRICE PÂJID FOIR ALSIiEE, RED 0W VER A"I>TImOTRY B EED, DEIVBIBDAT OUR ST OBE. SPUA--ELT & JLIEAN Lu »dsa WMBR £WOO lu- eu- -Mqf4 Hardware! Id L @ -m hdwSash,[loors & ioulding fWmmý ppr ceut. ier an wuksy igewic e. cmoriso f tPrim.. *S.iw ;m.bO e e- bjjwrWamx, arnd ? ri~ Supplies. umM~ lu lii $3 ~1e*I 4 'a%% o S.Se«,I K=~l- I(I th"ice 1 t 4mli, 41ws e t 4 * ~, 'I. 4 WALLAOL g.iénwak " De tLzx 4BMhe JI* -" yJ euafl% Tue@&, lilas.!.. Nmkm YMTu, à&. &m The oiLly stove made with the m m X73=X G3eneral