Lam1 ~ 7 " k o m w u d o n *« laie.turouiM- .wwrs - m O&zai& eP! Wir Wu LO@AU NWEW TAILO RING HOUSE wMa0ýflo 'olm *0 n lt *u of m *a" hote1wmf ~~ S0 ~ tbffll tafto 14u~P ~ ~ a- *W ntiiU 'iothtM bu.t Prt.~s ok wu mdrE&«T APRIL ist i86f A -very full iuîd attractive stoek Of QCW 3~L DRY GOODS*. mo &B'SING 1-m-iIE, HOSEET AND GIOYM PMNTS AD GINGHzAii8 %.*boulm m vêA~ hwtng a*mo.a semo*Iv. soc d UENTLEMEN' HATS!l OLOTHINO o#~ bv Sord zyywr voww admnuw# a*r RAY&CO ým- m" - , iIgu L5mWemOIMM p - - - tlUub " dwmM m M ~4 m i., a * hoS F " -a - 1 h t t a * l mm 1 M E - m 1 FIWWM Âme ~goc -1 ê - U=lmm- ym "Lc. - -cmbm UM batI ~ -M 1. U otwWa"doila «Mose "m- u il' - w.tglu swm u"& J. AL EnLuDN. Ob-m LwnImc lw lma lm wu meuolit Ou OMmiwinbamdow M w wdnwIla 13bb flU Sa-. ~ - v ~,-,25tM a Pr s. by buyku1 ut the iceoctaumi rDA4c1t hor tbe maim M - lÀ. ExugRI% Eme Ywmet h. Laut uton etinOWO51 Uwj ___________________ Dm leie tu4oqu 4y th* >ool uta.Ny5 8 ~fIPV uW~w. amdem 4the uma LjII fie, " . u t sepu=nl0 Iu MIV iniiz.r r, a14 Uic Uil uhOiW t0"117pu*anOM' tbe vAci&uaa"d le a"ate tramnd Ui Lb4 à, GPIB ~I~UI1I VOIt' ~ 15uyc.alir r,ýet~, k1111k1the ut&Iff' eea- orL udPRVu z ab u » v w àw . N W M m e r yd " q 1 . W~d t, ua& b dàIi rmiI .-" th e i L a m a . m ng u 7 mia m w u w D04» ý P M »Dftitl iR 8@14aiut e mWt,:in,-rt Iiie t,,.tc<. in the. T.,wu ft YOD*. Aî" 0 V w imtubomrw fi 7. im % tia yrejni e -~ à tWli beeat at yomIw, wnm&WOcIW<lIsud al à.se hla:lg i..ay. lW i. 3189 day orf p*ylêou» oio t..f l aMdoW& a A 1 'è ib~, 0Us 1191 t ten'tf- li "~3 ay "ie Town 1Hýall. Rend Laàà , . i o s h eini. t » i x t orn , A uh eW . W hoite ,zpau w t f s rm a m mIflthe objuodn h.. .t' the naM WM..t any poliosS 89a tb ?»ne bek« te",.Ce.l b e kt fr11 OW': làa 13 osulbeLasi. iha .- .< u jrt5.î,o phy»Iela. 00j% P M OU I Ii I O NU a b. Aun e $.., d v.t .r n."i I.y t~ :If- ' ~ d a fliuOIlU, e "ï t d juk, itl i 0 « l e t epe rS n *-, . .. . etie . -. .kb I S a t d y t h e F i f t vfwk»Olilt tt euêty trBa d b* tbda 4 3ay. & % y of J un- %V11b »uvw matin C"!. IhIUtt W.W. UAI b ~ ~ ~ "U"w __ suy - im (<l mdl ki .EagO» e r A Kr».a ()rit U t t Lih hur idtst deWclck a. Ta. tht niluw i~tue lion> US1001AuooiaU~ IMtA Iun.a 1ri ?'% appCaiiI r &M thair ahsemnl . th e Ir. uI > tw h ch. Sbb i n. re W eo l 5 0 ier etby . ,tfed . as4au~h t.tfcr t Lb. osai lb. ,u.d.r 'a fueIb o llusMg O o fffr the Eiectut. DI.trt W L IA AX E L tW îê~ rrri'ul1, ouitonsh VctOrt%., tu th. Pr..:.i i >iviiin.ndp C r iaw nbqh.cZi .'ti; t %hie vectauUtO m #Isa igvotnouca tha" ho wultt>iv4d a M111111t Baud L.kë..MaT 15Lh. 18M, -2z4 tht tild iluir fCt .'V an md lit ve. tala..ou t ru ~ yo u e 8 0 Th ,,schne r àe .4 a i t on t h e i wicku m d xi îw o'w.. . i n xxt le U<.. i iI M V t v i l fi %èion %% li,.h l. .IxtheU un<t ,1 sA M Of fflin % a Ytbtàl..""4% slia:,,be.'n falily wft,*- 1 »0t?.wm Eau.,n ava uffVl e ]10>,b T'he t<ln. 40 Ïi, --f.%pxeaffl. vains"ta i the, n.d ui. .î xba tt.outyfor j e TowU.hip, i Ve IItn, i tstd lectoriJ the xa-t :a', )% ar..- .1 tsIM onIc.nwe Dlo[tct. Unte. »ýrc.'n f ut ,* V-Town L ab Fer Sale. l'h. wienepO of 1.1 tlei. auVb sadm uauO te" t heO>' ttMi"'iI k. t i7I-t<la t!.Mu- »p-.p Pm»*.5 lciete4<a I i.4 ic 1 xn.vjrt ru b' ý the F.XcutoTioOf A A E- TL. * 04bxrxbw) t .whtgolaw l'Th. AI) objettuui.' 'and eC4Imst f.r axiti o o r1 TeY ~* me a ýien.le.t L.i- u'tai.uWtittuhthrynh, aUUdnft . Ut ui i.t wtb h. izmumba IpMOOI. I~5t'i.I4lO tor c 17 t.- Iefofof, an" Jr t..W Zte.*.and t dS~4olt P b~ 4.~ m = ,tcm h. iNmrlhd tetfical lw.Mtltt. <w lDr. thI . Lia, .. c'tu'..z . Wt.31tu ..r amcnud thtLs& W. »ft*'ubr, 4.t>l mhSieI, louto» n, i»ay .rh.r nI)et. titi e- t ihe &amephave ai- O >15 * . tnt .'tuu.u.Od s»<haaol f.tvLâ brelb detl r :1i t -* lwi i ma"Iman li amu f <~IîYIIK blIadt*W i 1 wxCh ou W aib «1i- f n > i.xev ,' b. .friir "td . the 1k u e . t I th"dli aa o 11 5 h b bav bs S th e is ili ut a&0 ,atd ett i ix ti < f e r atx . h . e t%.là of a. T. '.n u ,4h.ri~aanêm~1y 4teh ulaatdme- I*. d..te bntou -.îrri i e.ý ' 1 WiCp.f.ath dvonwd t.' hint t ULimi'- .. htere th e M b xi. .f 1 ______mat_&bol itf 4 j . 1 o h je tb ît e ... rt. à ».. .. . n y a ls M ay. . e n . h airoai bpomi. L'I, ge. p.mts e -44-1 y- Mr, mi a s i e e » e v 1io l r . rm . i t h e r.,* x l. e e l t " w .i a lk n dm e t ~~I!nmt ~~~aVi*8IiI i Ïý jg&trfli .ia uclt.> At ffgsnl gxo *SOfei I t hr e l om O fi it.rb t4 lj:ec . %f a n .. a b s S 1*1 b u . L s !t . h ep t t OL a2 3 & tC a m M l o fta 9 b teo yMs th*#O n . 5 C U là%* it i 4 cu tx % j c ti m m w . th t d t -k u n d hia b f m.a m tt h d e W. W. in uld. OlCAl ~ ith-aicornu Uevohat)Rrfo.r the EIcDtolui, utimultb tic. A Iut-i.Cb fkarin lu Trampe&- PAWO m d Z &2 ots m n tb u ia.n tht l'rnxilnc utO=tz o iu r c t ommun- U . L0"«sd - h K êt. at xeue em At," p Mb&aicl>1vor m m i v o i n i lc' t e U t i t h i b o i dl & . % ti - . - - o ut m m m 6 > C - 1u ad essoil 0th t e 9 w vY et theD op .vt.em êmee t"to i m m M ," ' 0 W umoi 14soWaà» «Me saS h d.c i th ffeu-as 1DU.t mi e ratai mIN h. et twed * au- __ r U&dflm at thone t aMW; se l% we u au m t Cot be Las or V.,Wf itott -Tsom fl 9i. IP i gât >InuieW.iItv ut the.l u t9 P" ýJ ahs*Imm e 1nomUS & *K U.d1av, iuhs tiaki bactoral Duaso PiN, im ~~m m ,AU Sb5IMmmd cmuaan fia dlos.tor h. lllV.Ê lii t e" 5Oh.ULd MM IF U amwbmm t ot iid ULà",mwuthe peasée rem ~ Wtl 1u ' remaio ie fth u jecs te t m y u n - " pemm Wlw W bu = w«thum aor dtir.rut hmI 1h a~4 api~ St fl ~ . et'lu dlteuui s lpb ett 1mbewu m o ei qU w tw u 1UBd1 ce"J. lbrai t»~ O ,i~ . ~A abd »SM"ni* ab U onnta"ad ly m-mWh., -ut h.4 x tOOM à111 I<1TtuIm Amn» * uUnd »uwMb m cu«to o hl, &tht î'lie - .*U@»1 UphOtkuh l **mmho-h04, Ï& at u mm t tm. tvilor u sd1 vYUI --a leed1 ~ W athe iii p0 » Obecbai e, st u. iueme m ~,eoa u buhh t mIf uens addrnt. a.c.ap> u iut te. Ct id .- 1 5 . . - - -- a U m mW . D E A N . dht.U 4ith#à*- à, tUwtOU Mlutet t uaitWé& D t. t 9 U< Iflwiouh. r è,, ug* r - M5 jgUNiwt IF,mMt a,-bm -- i» mi ho t vuu leu suemp A t _____________________ A.o uzclw k .1 irg co rha.ho 29m11rib n,. lw mai m esIul aftcZUmi, 1,20IC 04 04 ' GM& " 0 03j 000 'CoUiU," 0 03,k 000 mîhcuaparheaal5 00 5500 S1nigen 'a 2500 5MOU a.ledb@" 125IUn 45W 475 ..%eo1ulary<jïlity, ver hm& ...II ....... 40 4î5 lb.3 325 sEWt4i1pert * 475 Stagbg&dnspeIil. GOt O0O3 od-PeamSd ..... 5uS 900 ............. 150 458 db&. ..-. . 4 to 5r- m lb Cttk cdimy.........3 oW .-b4P-bà...........4o-2t44Url fM &. .. .....34 tu & per ewmoiL.tué&&. Imm b" &du,.m 31simci Imm F t"- &r. 0.c%a Kwmr Ut.. - uh n Mm- %a bd *&Wm etl vo,ýfjmmf - LàUa ~pâ-e. MOI rwa'~Durhoamu. nc .a r bou .i5 If.êft nthomoba a<rte Mufmotaite S'wt7 bm&>r duplacdigxed to. b ,the plaees that ouRbt ta be MeS mae unharj&àl C E A 9TS8 ppo» e i.demui îes% ~~~~~h ".L ~ "jti a-ezpeniîurwe of t an Eak in. At ail evelî,tn 'bê ic ' l t n tsvlr41 Ixuxdred IOUCU ILN lemhm we publiai1 &*m t d.nd Rer, Mr. hùY .....uwg, C..W» a Roman Catholie W ~~ the change of the ca.. Pri.o mt for the Wt -ttiru tt~ latter nalv b. 1puicatb'e tettants n»Y loyal lî0Mwht me weil, awakecitiL t. azherx of the RoW11ý.1 ù hUebasaumore hierfing att ms >dofthirchurch it L nom The Bielite FeLiau prxt..,& mgi. attem, t to crimîîtt, M4 Ixi2ce in thi- U ! 7.4Ixn ~ Coilil'ER I darmg the Nûrth e- That ia just as ià shc.i~d OrICU *rpTna VIVOMA RDK, griverflm ettaLt tu w LIZD.ÂT, Os?., i> M d, M . of corned hbtf or b n. 1-indeay arketS.- .. TS. 080mGntia in U COULtrv wiit-. d.u e de .........>O t 0 6na bous" deservestg- 236i255 sure Our own oplnluù de ~ ~dei-..... 2.t25 de àSL o........ ....... 2 551 ~mini atuaaould litve ei.fb .~~2 35t..5 Plour, mixai, rai...... ....... . - IA i !-i-i, - P ýý, xde..o................05008 sdIag .dC&... »................ 35 e040ý AP04aet...............0 5to10 Pt' argeb.................. 0 75 tO128 Oum. fdUie ............... 0 35wt1 0 4 SApe fliM&............... 25 to3l 50 .0 0two12 Wood .......... ...... ...... .. 0 totolo Re erpr bblm ............... &àî -b- .......... 5 o30 DdHogper lo .............. 00 A R.o..................... ..4 u00î t) 50 ~a p. .. .. .... ........ ......*1* 3 2#JO o 4 00 Woda............................0* ambn....................r .. ......... t do re.1 tir 10.............. RUMMClOvef oIn .......5 00 tew ii Bran er tnT...o....... 12wt140 ~ langapa~cm&3L 13 ..7 t.c 15eCO fun 3'doR -flc. te 1o. . a te bh. .6. s0 00e. - Î . 4 m tate34&; po lt;poat, -M w 5e; - e 0.».;811.00 0 par'. b. iRUL65 ae v.C. t»-*;thay Fk O. 070Wrt Or list.... .............. ~ .7.......- ....s...ka....... ..................... .......e.......... .. BaNm................... ois 075 056 01-9 010 oi8 035 1000 4 0 0(00 2 m t ou -ar" E; vz i. mea6ured, the btrc: hay weiged, and t. e&. Sueh la the trin Nm a imatter .- ne' ) ben a Caulpa:.- mas keffl Ixpense than t- but here hlte swid:k..0 lu. îj1eaL Lr'aîx.t Crirnea* W&J, 'lerz- reg.ulir nailiturv .., . lead~eremanulaett.reulà Lece of the str:cte-t trn ,nly rEen ly armu%.i pot inota. Th-x.t rxîc'T% eC Mi t A. ltorm éteel rails u ithe. whcuie wtt xre jt.e . ion th" our iixwujr wami "I &uuçt nbypequtvocation t--.,zt D ot SeeK tu CO.anect tùe wi h %t~ D y ut *tre 0 %er C hr4 e s r. Dot YLI i.'.en t"ULL1. iw Sulthe bruox -i erttig ye4jpeis howl cLfl- ; j t their poliey.Su 'r The Bible, th~ e 3à and Nothing but :te Ïà ro tAc Edgt r e AWaraý % Sir,-At the olijuxi a- - jChurch, the ulnngrt.. aclopted, i:- aiwres< no crr<mde onut oft~he 3za Snhools f urasta, n'* re"lVed th"z mc. the ~ A~** aingtou circuit ofthil.- I a fthe Word 0f (;,). .i~i aiblê for dwtriutàs, fr r ru tien. t.rtr eLmtio luf m 0aL1 the osa of God mdv b- r ,.tr.. ly ferniabedaunto, ai ltdwQk- wS: m 1 Itmutfy uxto ete!! jur th.ài.we "oithe Pwopheci 1 bock. if suY msa Uiadd =0 , : thinp Gadul IMm m uainte hinand 0ith uamm book.~d .. b.U U tke ula" frotathe 1' t-» book of tua PcePbeCT G5d ihi awayhispt oat et the book I 'à otitof the hly city. and from , , ich ane writtm in Ibis mI& imey tinthe ,3i uhiite, the. wautcolunil. haD truthe, the' mffl Srpribut9 mm UMu NI es»co t'ru*ext St'g cranBouhi tuat baiGod il<i ~ mttoi. maihatw. nn>W tu"~ Whoi. Bibeand eb& BmO la, t! Oumots . ever? 01*1. du rext ~ te Placeb. ixt th? but m exrcra 10 h iW m* inSuheola evt rutaJ1 ?Whm .4." o Thb "à -» o'db t' .0le ci t mè -xw m M&M "B f *~ u~Bu -ne l tut av TUni M» un lm 4 bip , '*mýl am