tir ftilt*eth', wm ofh 7 t4k* h~s I4hof balof ~' 'l.ê ha#7Wd b.lMdt p bswd1ihhI» .h&I#bI ttw tWNhtxtutb .,h h Id hmMP ' s >4ttho O&lWeaI.4M , dM f.o.'d braI," ld d.*l m~rot, 004f hl* ~0 bo 1wWII4W*Uti tkI t1I*i' UW$S9 b*#W by 1#w v<k*s wo,! 0. aMd *od 0M <Ibkw i, .<g rsi .poè q* A0 thn awtI.boy kba. b»hi r.rcomw)ihbffl btOa>i f OYI J<."P"<f to (bd thé#a tlu And M'e Pf*fn iltI wy Wb~ 4k04hI b t1efl thf%0W DOLY'SSUBJmECTIOR. I In whp momUt<adS 4ti1*of sbBp W Eh'tl* flM gainte N b'<'POW OW O#ufs. Mgo w »A<4i1I1<'4 U u#. et i may..'lf yoi liot1wsIqli ~:10anf;anelnffl ý inom Iof p:iIsg tt lebquledb t ot lho em si Mod hm.p4wo "~w Uft *614Xuowu* - Wbl o kkIM 50 I '1mbStwoe4 V A M07 AV , livpe.~ Vif . h. lu ~oamIppip d14NX® bh* 4 ula s n76@4MWS le 'i.im om îV.E<imb*dd-ha5 abuId usdbeygo* pue eow lao j=uepsolm msai"s snSid of " l h 0m" te omabswUu a Nhi.Ssbvhuuld o b. Up b.e e- - llW rlbS, *"Med Obo, sofal poutiug lb.baud bà" hIs.d, viii. apMthelb. nim Isi. s"Wunla 478e1e4,but IL diail 0« anbdb.a 0 l$!Um@ «OSib tu eWhis v on l ii~ 7. dm"s lmve I oh.Z= udosbg Ils tnlb. 11.4 rloihhlove yos desPW& lbut S t %*$l pAsof me, sud .goU0f5mm 1». fb. rwgh.1o prlet sud l"Id 7?IilIebvdo m aly mmulW 5Dol fflwmmru4* #m~Use wdwotMY u» wve el teliy 49»,gr, M..m~îwIrad u bue t 61 lei,, W«B'l Y"look = M' *al mau"bo :18mlwj- laW OM-M lem do b~1? lm ame*=tutua.su m wu ait IIh.4y s bliis. l b.a Pm -W 5W, u..~se ad o 1. b . ai* w i la aum a *d thati sw woudm am '0» *mi,-M se~ a tw ut « wm Mr 1. ft wm» 10 4.sd 1 lb the mt-dsOe, ýto& j» th" thfflWM a a gleuàm b heb parwwho wantto » thesie .mas leoagbfmo.laminy ber o 1My «uo et »wb« * Woed usi.»i."w a &a a roughk*4oh' per-OC4 »Aàn, kbbdii ouuUy-k1obklU'. and nMt s» Ve y0Sng "yther. though, mebbe% à*MU 1 wmot k> the par!or to ftn'i a uasn of about osr>I,. ,uqb b >uJt»%.Wb" abc - «0iý o %4W«dbu 4 csSdthat- I dId otcav thferlb.ivin "a eemni owfw mt :ai when ho:t-%Wt to eo it, 1 Mue*hlmwllb theprive, puting ou tt s *oan a w',t*.;nor-. T,--à* ditS ot eseeni tk-> 4tur!^b liIr. van> »o 1 could io m)tiine + .t~- wh4è,>« I?. Whem 1IM. hk&.mmn.rlywalked in, >ti*lko% 1 Ov? i k>Oue of thbe w idaw - .4 u1 gariri ma of XIW aforsle momentt, Uw>w to ru U"is X, mwam; sMd ber..a moslb'sM04. la advanoe"t U the. alterMOOD th.expneman ileft two laffl trunke, s&Wthon 1 bnw Uial W ,1dpes nalme w sphBrown. 71%«ovelngb.»flooed hi. tnwA, sud IsMUl Xorah up10 sa. Il h. waatW &"~3iU"9or wouki have a cnp oft e&. ew01»TId snàing. and sud*: - huro, tI 4hru ia3!thoe izaoWD't *Putceki 1m nle didm't wsu a lhIuw.,lai ..wêr~>,but some bot iiïtiïer Iver v>n . at .Ight o'elock. an' d'y0 ce nnoww!it b.gve m4 e. a'aye 1 h>l hSj bveil every atuI' ritiar;" sand «Norah di*playel a lv"tî4war hItI. oh, oh! bt-h.t L i. sth.alt> ..>way the ntl jump*? Io.,te, I ni te) ln !t'peudcî. to, take R;Iiit.itatS.4 l'tI: itî 1 thoni J a*shed 5qrn.'.l BM. row vav s dnga, thlntbrti f ýw ,-:aewou1.1 >eay b. wa.- uupacktr&4 hl't rrmuk-. iw*wre nol hie', maaambut loohin' oui Iutho wtàdy." Look1nat out of the wbkaw vau au Mr. Brovu <114when h1w ok thet> r onan sd %hu I.wha tl i.iu~d hiu tqd; tue inexi ntoiuiingt.whcn i w-cnV to bi r*uni lu w-k bin, if thera %wn"anything Iî1 b otc adIêl lu hi-t eonît rt, and It l4tal'. No srab found bau 4'41 u t pn s ent.ered hi@F rciom 1<> ttto»d ta her dutiet the"hàfl aft»r thiS,. Mr. Brbwn vwu COlaly pole Whoui (,&'* >n him. Re çtwansti nothtmw. he àj(jd, NonýU declared. ,ase no que -tiotaâ, iI<> even my nauà% baua uiI koked 0" 0t he.Wtndov. tiar teiturof h hwanty? 1 nuûIembemat t» have md yetra<ne ho ' M» we here a patIent hmi, foi for y eu% stootîikone partieular cor- ner, amti vau osly violent anid dsageroi& vum e . as retuoved fSw .an,sd 1 shoaght lu myseSlf t" eds luX lruvsws massAs uight com ndrthat Myy X d b l gn 1 dlsturb me vMr sncb, I vas eaatype h of ea, mand It bal become amal« te oh uomi cur 11ay 1VUhsme. 1 veut out k.qumaty b.a 1 knevhet vu lnu*b ouam 0 u 1 OMop tgo *0. Ornera m*0 lb. ay. sd >k UV ut Sb* vldov, sMd tmora I sivaj aW htm hall comsembehinathelb.curtsln. SAiemesî oukd beau MS un 9 qu3l dom -ha e "ani~ u ubu m udy te 1" a ks ftt e m sul a aw. U or dois, aî las hmeur saoud t" At lait su IdesslucmeMe. Ha vmsa ditoctve, aid vs.wtobl.c» of tht bouses ppoeIls ud wt"-i l o a che l os ff1 sm mavwbsl, Lfl 141h NOmwh'a lp, ce 1t0dmconclu mms Ibal bis utontio v u vted onu salbous. Aluot opoeitsou bhw " oda oh a.dqor oh v" w a saigm 41h Ibo.»mm.oh - Cavamdâeb.Dre" Thon InliedlSa lornb's beip apà alto swy soei dàlaoe dim - a Caves. 1mb, Dàmmamr" mut ms edar hdy, d boeIsu~ leof nmtumi, ,vbo lh bmme hi' Ivu emi, duriqg vbleh Ume Ibla kdy bâti hembaom s oslrn"'i l VM *M su a theb.hou> ¶"-Ifl tI yba" » ompmuy auose au.;., PI~Mua M814 Who vu suspecte bb.u u le km ihk's It.td.l »«#« .vu lmumsboun lasCavea> dbb*m Md aw 4% Thi1 vu dstwri 1» h Of Ibo ilimome MW oui My x1»vum of My but 1mW It 5mvm Sontsm b« Tb* lam otp la *0 mer ul. lie Umre serquaeitd vhh *0.Curoid.be 1Iue Oala om pu.r- lb. (se MOaIM& lu tiiDU0StS< a ..&-Ssii Ibs- I J uRuLs wM O M- 5<! I k I le un - -- à*ï- - a *'ou@W Ut um , bat 111 be' aouttâ ages mm1 ut gur aven h-e haioe ti Bota mew 111< ne onJle i e , -Bow? l 1 une m eb.aagissEza" I roew." w»s c reiarkabl! prelty girlYeu aid ,w» Y1ulLte 1 awegid, - Te9. and as good saab9M waspnt't and then, seeing that b. vaS lahalet fore a gor-sip, 1Ilavlted hlm hue the padr 1 toad him un knevolr hia,whlCk msMy ac, ot immciibut wl tseemed te tSubIe Wm e .moul vas t"rUtINImu vas .1ssd tu> bu manMIoi110Charles ItébMM .«M om mmm vbau l dbu*..Vir awu b. frqueuntlsea amaikte7-weeOziy vdlhg for wwg PLîmatou- vasw»a mbt- IR tbe pout oSe-to brlng t about. Orne thing 1 did mot forget to let hims kuow. andi that was that U.e Cavendisbee were very poor. Aftr ihisk, 1.1 on lb the lr aide o! the streùt. there w"s comlmoton. The fiut vaàzs e'.& Iy te arrivai of a beautiffl buffuet.wII-ho01117a crd inacrito& Frma fruit the Mmre «wy, vithoutsay 5U7 of;1ue Lensi"-the pir-4-eflgeY. T o l'eshort. ahnt *istfaly omeic tblr2g.even ta a cartiuatd of grocevâmnd i aIl nueiler. and àse Sent that td cou Id mot senA i the:nawav, vithoàt sb- Solutely tbrowving thein int the Street. The eavendi-he3 cmlId mot Imagine theuesrrec, and vere terribly amazed. 1 diti know, but did înot tell, andi langbed away their doubtsansd fear, until the old lady looLe 1 upou them as gifts fum heaven, and accepted blindly, whille1 wofldeWI US miuch as ee. Conit iBrown b. ln love wth Mlirtam and afraad bdeclare lt? Âbeur.t! h< vas oid, ugly. qucer, and, I f,)Un.* out. partial!y deformeti; and. strangt-r mii vhcn I 1offée o take nhlm o'tr ti) Mms Càwendisti r, and Introduce hlm, he per- emptorîly decinel. andi nov cornes thie stragest part ot alU. andthelb.end. One morninz, I1vwu qtartl&l by th( sereaflis of Nzandi 1 ru.shet up tc Mr. Brown"s ro'.îui v) inîl hlm stretehetd sel5tseeseon the !i.tr, it untder thE wrndow. w4ere Le J.doubtlesed, falieki while looklni: oun. 'Wo got Iii on tht- bel. ard.iùNrmab mau for Dr. King, whaib Ir .uouuced il apoplxand »alid înat hu r-14-ht re- covefor a while, but thie attack vae lie diii eover con-ci' uânes ansd speech in a tov houri', and l, X nie senti a message !or a cervsin t.> xyer. When the lawver came.,lie andi Lr. King voe I.itdwith Mr. Brown. for stýveraI hours, andi then 1 and one of rmy 1o4-i.wa ert called la tb vituese avwill. F, hree dtys Mr. Brvm &a-a-ered, andtu .ntSay that Norah and I diii out .duty by hlm, as veilias th. docor, sud mid b" "telier riends nov relatiom la the. viole vorkli quletiy laid bc reet ne eqmusabulneu iltht va bMffl hW vU Sd esI mmediately mlter hie. huerai, and tut ia. XIrtam CavendL@h ho presmt ut the resdImg. 1 vu mt auVuad at ail Ibis; and = e lebthemoe Urne, viez, lb. da3 l b.d vhlapoegy mo»hm if ho voultilaie1 e S m Arins, at il ho vould 1 vould brtmg bSr orer ho bdal aab hie buil lna 0M1h e4 mmn« , sud ail In ieti m o ,tii *The viii vasrend, and miter emw atlmg h hi.pue!y bci footedlz t id mearly a milio, ewytlrt v. lat uariseaCavend"b, viti lb. prorigo th" she vas »v«r 10 nuary, sud 1! ah. va- fuimed 'fi won thtse terma, thm msareA vastoi de ma"e for Ellen Moore. of - - -. nov wNampehtze-sMd te vhom Le givs 1ber or ber heu..FaIng titis, b.ogae iLto u bopitais adsud uon chauttio>4vhlch h. nauned. Theoeau- "h Iavlnmy >puopeuty bgoIe bgore o si e lb 141th niy loqivonin 10 lbe cruel vay Ihat "e. tmted me ove tbluty ymS amo a vay that dm»s me hsm My salve land &sudmmde My EM à wer ami Wor urtier .zplanatoui,1 a- fer ber, If living. tu My Sle accoumaay- lug tbi.vSIL- - 1 -afl, refuse tlUs boquest," ehl mduab. .. lau, orngm t be- - , a"d Ivoulti mot briak St for U l bow.alt of *0 vorlt 1 - id 1X"saitddIgm i Nia. . vhs b.d 'e ovir vitbh he rdanhtr. *"cblu it »e Ellen o e r a.o b om et - muaty. 3ev Hmpshlrsthougi I neyer hnev ay my uby lO. maniet.; sq," cou lb. .atwy «' qui.tlr. Sof h" Plaikmt te oudJf1z etbdl>. -1 tlouught h.W» ng -mm lessmalw& a. te-.m 19 bue b it tbe eh 11 cit <'tU3' bm b ub"d k bo à au n Mm amq, miibdl oS r m bub a -md om Mam et Mlma. 5. boj ut b b tw *14 vuoebhv b f» bo* mmw oly 7~gloahU uMW ~~~â -IMMzu~ t-~ he k - ey ~b ~;ut a -à* gaRlMg fer Me M- PfSr o! Sundy ay sne are earried for the lover priee. VM y mb c h Ae publie con- voniencesud agentng by largeiguren th. sgrgto asaeacarried- Thie majority of peuple in New York dom't liktoi, psy more thatn they ame requlred to pay by the horse-car compsames for a stire ide. Nothing &uggealts bAls more plalnly than the sight çjresealg itseuet I&R l theaàons at about the. lime viien the change o! lare takes place. Just belore haff-peut egit lu the. morning the station oMeies are thronged with peope cager 10 gel lberticket befor- the red aide o!flb.e ard, show- ing lu, ue telube ive cents, is reverseti and the vite aide confronta the belateti passengef, doubling hia expenditure by lb. simplest procema concelvable. In the language o! 1h. immortal Eeclea, -it la 'ard " 10 convne. lhe average ax or woman that lhe lapse o! a second ahouid double th. consideration lor whlch the compauy contracta 10 carry the passenger. The scene La reversed at baif-peat four, when folks stand awaiting 1he turn o!flthecMr tgivîng them the rlght to ride for hait tlie figure eharged lb. Inatualbefore. The crowdlng o! carS aI Certain limee iu the day la inconvenient and dangerouls, epedially as huireds of people ride long distanlec, cil the platfornI&s, witb nu strap tb hoiti bY and exposold ID lu- elemeneles utf weathicr and annoyance trorn smoky çartieles whiei are Ibrowa fmun *lie chinney of the. locomotive. Titi structure on which the CM ru., w" thle eeption of that ce Second Avenue, would flot suport lu habitai use a tram in vlla locomettve heavie anti drawing tii-e ears oaci conbmlming secta for fîtrty-r ut' persona, mure or larug tte -ur>y ours o! the day trniau L'nfrl)in lth-.City Hall at Ivo- ain uIC kntervzil't. suit!front SoutIL Ferr vililthe Saille lrŽqtuOlCy. Wtien they roach Chathaun Square Staton they alternat. aI intervas0o oniyonenî-lt", "dtrains are beudes mn ouI rot> t i tit t <uiofte, 8 thal, trou>li h::iS zure up, Ibree »eta Of tr&hinj nrc, u:ii th le Mme lime on the srtrueuie. mail going the ame vay Witltlîhie average of!lem than a minute between traik. Thia ta on, ie Third Avenue lUne, theiniost crwded o! ail. GOIQTO TKT.3 Travelling on the "el"vator - luduces groster hurry in a pi-ple apt lu b. lu too great a hurny beforo' it introduction. An lngeuiOua4 wÈtrikhm, ouaterptd lu show ltat its ui .a, .s ncreeàd the number of perr>ona su-.ering [rom dlase ufthle heurt. A Mm s tarl5 t catch a train.Ton luo on.e beotie h. bai hall rueihed lie long fliglut of stops lewaduute 1thle station, h. hears sud sees ouene mmg. Whereupon he bLurries 10o ach iLtb bucre.sing lie fatigue o! bis amaint lie uervoumly getsa Ms ticket, ruShes on -Lu the platform, probably forgots lu throw hie ttchet 1nto tb. box, and te CRlleltu lbbel bumklaneoitotom et la woU ubowing hoelba - .gtmm but both me aami ~glptmbe laoneycash. 1T~me-.jmmmed jnti)tM> me& anoyac c yub isa man to di)with&~ b&qt tueo-juioe, unuier thie eiim, - maerdo!the csncýIhngboxhayW la be epaf bl ot selsi ato)ôf. laS fe Who l in hst Ij foa l' wbst he can spare IM t mbt of pastelboari forlbeh lm CBS Ox E: (àM «Mthe d r an hu m ateMdi 51 hýavy, M slx~u Uioi~v -.They lengili of tht. ear. A;> Thý!re an semain the - 8uitabIer-. of jnnelledu ~Srn eomà3ttobji aLst:Xcariaî and yËhat not. ne is Cauiored ~fZputting lt luon 01the seat, and 1wliiIh- ,irttyat l1b&tty to make a spitt'OfL -mat tUng.ho Le, politPlY rt -l~. ot to opoetotate ont of the~ wiir:'bw. Yui&W OF THE ELEVÂITE:' SYSTEM The thirty-two nIP.- of ýIb v-", rafl. ruads in New York . ýv arFI.' -.Wié the mgjqemenz o* c--, r mcl ehows a pra!3 w vrthv :-; ma" e lb. ili as far 38 probWaiy eçver.y reader i acquamtg I"theb.appearane and tocatiliot -Scwem at C7atAa! t~Siuare. the elevateti raliroatis oi the Arnericlfl Inetropolia. What are Ln;wn ýs the3 Sixth Avenue, Ninth Avpnut! and Thizni ,&VS» Unes aUi run to Suth Fe=z. Thie I4inth and > S*21 AveLue Unes ane on th. West ,Z4j.e I;dtle' Cit.7; b»&ES imalni g ivoo t .e Eas1t. Th&. _Xnth an i sth Aven~ue lintb azý uoed~ 53.1 Str4et. and are continued singly io the ortht-rr. terminluS 3t 155ifh street andtig14h Avenue. Botr the Titird Avenue and the Setxird AvSnue Unes terminate at the South bsnk o! tle.EHarlem BRiver. In geraMI appoarance the varions lice$ resmbie aci, otier. The railway us supported on tron eolumns 4-îandir& looety !.oStar Inusocle of the svýste!n the up = w dov trscks are ctinnecttd by gIrdera; l te parts îe r entirely sepsrated excepting here azI At frequent Interrals is a stati.fl goeerally specklng o! pretty desî P, Mud bavlng besidos tie office, c 'ni- !ortabie waiting-ruoofs, a nevwsPa'er stand, andinl me cases, a booL--taIlI aud store of cigars-, etc. Tm IDEVXLOPXLMT OF Tu£ â0ÂDs Thie mention 'of a few interesting' ùWcW eoneerning theni viii en-d this taIk about i e NewiOrk elevated rliIa in a useful manner. The fixaI hait mile wvsL'Pert'dé>lgamch 20, 1M6. On April 20. l'c7i. tht lecct- motives vere tist ustI. These were dummy engies vi.zh about !Ive toms, andthelb. irst tr:î:-nconsistedio oneofths:'iVi tsr~tCY plac-eSon raitway i teL.-. The. liraI ruati, tiat kncwn iz"t-: Slnth Avenue, waS rte('.!,ructtdUin 18-4à and 1880, bu give it -rnUgth etqual tu that of the new strIue*tinî.r. On LOe>ober I. 1>7. 1týV une front Rector Street tO e : Park S btigun. This, lthe h 't Unee was opened Jre C ', - AU extdlISiO vas, begun 1. ri 11t l'iaI Étht' t train over lthe e.tel.; ý,t ý" i-u t' "l"t" Street and ]E.ht?î Ave n, '.zi-î ruui Cu Deember ,1. [ýeetiesse The hbighest point in t]t nie yt"i L% on tlialine, a. hhSre~nul'Y flfty-elght feot. Fron seVenteen fret t = t Igu e; ta bbcrange kit eVtM vhcblb. roadaproment. une Tlùrl Avenue rot a started aI So* Ferry lu the fai t o! s-and15 the amut train rua as far as 42i Street e.1U~ 187. la the taitI o!tht' SSfli3 wmS MeUne 5Mopenet u liareli' A lainai frm titis Une P.ný!. at the »go» se.. o! the. Snd Avenue Ut%. in t the Car Haml andi trains leaçe ]Sot bebre February, 8'. S hm Md Mca" aubalstial of the nOSde iUj1<IM "bd» 0at Chathain Squa5l' =Mà:semomiAvenue Une 8 amobud la ulam River lB t - h~ R or oaci colum5 t RUg~10ê5 anII hurd bu5e la yduilC ,,,Mt; mortar' à& curdaiig tO tue squaquMmd1 ,è aDara Si Xor Bat ai D C03 CweRoi M. I ýrep0u1 of S. the 0onth i iomted in eh-iIii ddluJohn Da maie Eakinz, on~ 3.srdev, wwj Webst er. ià 0h10?eu, Chu ddis.. First CI ~ou.W. L. Esport Of S * Month Of , 78; aventi I. ounthse a.-lleish ply illot lioGiui ; 2ý 'ff; 2, Daniel GileA clasées, , - Sa IL lurren .- Oxo. G LOR ib 77wWarr Oakwoo BRO wl TCuuningi uni not RD at the tin mbrevally e, &mil Position, a it, Mr. à isto il.1 ireOf the Q h. rs 80 insupectoi C017PLE Of image dOxi boua. t Urti, -n Il Spicuiojin cc sontiay e date. *ffl or fou cause, colin mi h?. ago ta lain"di « ben f ai ~hinIto e Iubo e et b ~ mk.JoWU, aad5 %t b*ab guard ton* dhjnihIy le cMC0 bthena by thO 3 iw 10 nad.qUY