_V oTIVEOYPCEa5... 77ainan; 'orma Wdea GxaaLC'rirn look£ theW.zde anW Umae N Byd C.,~ ~I--Boulot __________m -_1_ ;=aa Tov Cttinci, ïe, te te bu hmt~r(L f0, &s C6LVus. IL a. Y-main., et limamuiyJ . ety r - -~Ln UUOr, . J ath, e~ ~~MM Cmadbl Ei:t iit a cmaubaiMdfaiTe ci, Bf' leredia D.M ApsT"~ - t e d e a e 1 05 D a " t àa , .nj . t # M t ee ut e o Y,.o. ..m4 e .. ............ te l m r b u o c ih e x .................................... t anwcuc a" »d tml«....................................... ...............t"la&%ebtf" ........ tà ~mng ami e eetm e b NEW T ILORI G HOU:U...... hi frfow7? Ibi b. Mu A I 51$llti~ ~ 'e- imn t Âdrhy i lh raad- ur p<' eu t Pa I N me»s maa Mareez, . ~ ~~ Mux O a. S et ammqmy e orew -------- 0 15.te se th S= m B bbl.. ..810106j unmtmt! à ................................ gi g eIboh St a iDeo,:iss htH .Hanfr.~ .M. gu I~ g ' 4 AIL O Ii8 w .H o u e & or..u.uavb.uplib W1 ut sltt.5.a am e b. ore. mai~ <. . .en* aode a neexn ob te - WM. ~ ~ i~ a u LnIad abor aW.H.Gahm 'I»d%»fg (omai a" itbâwy 0 tG Jasemb-lhi ul .7inslB; ^eff r s r IL. buim dlâng t ai.c tsoE ).s> M3Whb"uno mu d toweeie . .....p ee M i. il . m n.T o.B oa .T-.. .s... W s à e s a , of the1 cjj urnil A. Caxnsron, J Se an-PR L ý OM»& , Im PROEL FRM 1 Swer I. ....=2 Cie 4m w mSae e ongr tei P..rooOt.,l.. t10»l'le T wnstL o ts F o r S a le . uray as the CuI m : . ---------------- W pernr G Y dego f x ad , se o pl tin m H m a ll r n J. L e - p »J ubAU E m -W Ace =eulPm.b L . .....Pii.. ** . mm'~* wte a s bkeenndraeiii i ae M kn, .H.L.- m ~ # * « « i* a IW M - goop e . . . .... . . e M ;t he blessinmcIfHAl m il C &tan, obei H p i a r B ro s coxf tt~1 &Wf»w Co ., i........... . . . ek, nre aD 13 J aisodSisetzL- BS rqm.sd»esrO K e R S y.----aïJos hrit Mtthi e. Th o nm . a n& Wate, Wth&gejcl but7» -O m %"bflI)A.tAýt. 4à&8"gdYI'jaj. 6 n .......« ...... 5 late Oà Trin s1ou m bipped.incMutr, m. ron SD. XU1 J a"1L" mi Tw~ The <eak p.a».M lb. i y Vaut" la...... ~6 Ticat SI. Tosate. i Da t-u ......&77 te &78 Jfa es ertlfult e uP"Jýo f thXcue n Of~ ~siC. :..- »UC L .-e$ L 4 . AR M S ft . f» 3. . . . .."ev. m-tee it Osà ubls si etu x emcTu Wlan Pcif the o., ciadD. . ~ suie t.? lOi. y,...., aaiCicaro. 5wj5ff POPmIUUOUB ree !kn'cd - .....* r e 50 as <3 sorS cite, S.-i Mega Fi rbi, aicW ~t5r"wslkui"' . ore " tb.qu. hou Ai ..es:t'i IsÎhflIOn t vw S1i' a.......-OLU- >* M-aiHnr atr.Ton-er.H'~,- Lou adf»u t> For mu. ausld. J. N tlhî<)4>1*LboSaU OU ai 5ee0 d I "Tuasto, ach as e - Thomdë aen i EUSlamas C nnet~ a ttec~.8 to »U by u tui Md »Odu lb . niu %»P &ýA "ik « i y & Fn k lin~. BWatao ,, oh n m±th. Joh nM eenira le s .. A vo uer y . . . . . . . . .. . e s t o 0 à @ Ja M e j n t »,Hami l t n . A d r e wR o bert m iL e u . H r h r i : t x . - a P< u lc & U C Ù »114S x & 0 0 1A M . " îï;; 5T ....... . 06 t5 70 nier, am e s ii th de off c m , lr a ji i t o .C . at tbe ai l cIv.bqt mEU h aUv»O m & , ........... N. . -- o 0 7 s n amul A.X the U nilaBowni a b a dom ru d w etLMa&R.....a...... 10 ta12Brwlâ ers DavuTrid~ ,l . ~j . jits n E q rni PAR =Lim . 2ot m M d 0168ao50 s W « e co n........' THESaamu.4 C apln-, m inion ai C aly Y o k & " a i lb . n i i --t ba o w m r " t0 0 00and m Hnr o f l rM J h e u sEsa p tt f V t u er d J . F m Z I4& ý A, » ueS (Ift "~~ di i n o b e, I D a tymcro w n a ttoo pn e y À 'tor.= O F T S Pil an R IN Gv 8 jem tpir p r &q abe * ut- ta W , bOmSa da,* e BOayt. aah n h Ju<n îM. N I I L IinRW A Il 0*0 Mde ma Mes »MOI&U bhib ls Ca pbell îàn e in " 917U ieffl ot bl "p3 hB .flu ndKentNS.!Uâ ad my .R eh e ts frein ooftth e g row ns m2 5 ..u JV B S A s»mpauut LPAY - dJUeOSSil.tlM&he -tam. on. ati e, mnoni M r enan, oigciiie niaet 10SIIi %htaa mres Umii iiL S@Roer sn anlrOasotn ào #m àtw b0. - - - - -IL Heonp d aae b onyjathnnkn o 7h Thdo amtt<"Leutnansaia t hCol o ff Jms Dote, 3jreb.mnutS.1Ptt'tt PEINTS AI GINGHAiceci-' ttionaand ciin themniilie exSen ei W IF"hbui sud liaismamu § 8 i f i mi .W . b n vou I Nkas u ddout - Y a or e ii. Terthe laay. ae.- W j% L a ,E R ir #à mm s et b. P rble he naaUW" u ..ibrtn 1i50 la0 o m mb wtibo5 tl fl et rs u t ilo " e_1T0lit uh su D .by e a oSheul 4 MeL mnzi pe noto f "l a~ ! D r.W u xn in sp csis o Cam - *uew iewsC... Waobi ft, Th B ont Lsm mbleMrioba iez oWeuad 7usoo fS W e àbaw . bbe ducian ar rdrctrdce ome aintn~ geibar tetibasA cangli abu mmnée. et lads tb. h ea PovU'ti in c m i n D tan îW# b.Iiê.v w. aw mshoàh. etI The aêoubb Oliversto&4 Pte ~ ~g ,~~~iiidOde ettaux 8»éM*.. 0@41.op& a.7Lm i Tices emB.ur o îower ing sn etree.vd u s . eOf, .'ih N IIN IU I4.Ifo» he «W «AflOM UM Mmra- - W -- m - taa M oniof rni baud p.fotýnti ~~anfms W w «WIIII bP»tMd auaiviii mt bn uai, Dit Uhile . M D r.K ash, wilb silvu u ai umls l d "v t a b .-Idsilvtu busaa t e f heLeusE igured &y e b .d Th W . . Di 1* E q, w i n U 0~ amtret i n a bernitifue(pieca ai wombta ab"umtet&rPu et fauuing miIL% dild - - - ta àmUs981118.4.1L.PkuaouaV élp onbReuM hasWyaiier fphelatvt d fwak i.bsasY T o b . f O I It hUb o a d o ii ia i h o r t h e * W c m i - L i tean t b u d " . u J a e s l a O U i b h a m e , w l @ i r n L - - M u - T eb u w u d B t suP 4*M Ù L M yoi the Tn -f Linsdsayy.iu I ** M o pe M couHb.Lm ayb'LN..l alH atae diid h hude 1a*E v mn mem e. V -"n Wiam ndusue PrIýytmab.ougldaveye »V obua__la anu tuucm er e. te uccaedpwbtyrd n ta ~ mm*" aîdd " ;_ tk;m t am-tha mTîzn a f he aNov of largeand teg.du §éfI ý &i k onttuaiaba riverir driveramât I U ~da. ~ iiuuilii~~~~ai armsa u Sturmymat __________ te F- au.muiab a UibaImiUnom0 t.uetet .Mu. r mm - ý_ :w~w o OMMS -é.~PIt-~~~ , PMM"hesne2à; L gffl AuL Don SOO YW, andi an s eu w RIL) At th MWGRES. WtT 1IEN Ry Lo lo 10Acîe là tho TOWns0 ree bffl 56 .W 'n with gsoi faite., in be bas uLtr Woqvle Aj MB- r 8&. -tï tieut -.a e, t, CAV A N A SJohns "aria RO enun PAr ci Bsxie.y i O aiNuc smid ToWii, lb eticI-4 bu lot.. theri - tbreoi -14 im lb.northea L54 links ni Sois ud hmall basulary ai i.ssor le.s. t4 ix aad on pmàow dai labt nthemal to e m i bpiqalW, bout@i RhWimu p. mama aIlIoua miii p TatouLX auot Amm.&ar m Ummons usai Twa làO~ Jp *RSTTOM