JYeo#aal«~ 94 c<wW,/ftd.i, 27cd1 W49V4061dd~tff4â4 ~U ~ ~ 9fNdd> ~1e da(i o6à aeq4 w( O4v<d# fam riy IwItmi ete (( 'e */0 49e ~'U'reS au.4m; ndlimwekme aa"igasyaJ eo! ew adaM af/rfd a., ai atsae - ou ve hm uuuué-Ieh~debto eal &bout of peat interest Io jour wel6rm Md Puse- how to save mm"e. That minses every body tdo mm Ze1â not .la t kCam se y a unemansa We have provided a way to put mooey ani your pockets. Bradbum a&o'lvedbe stores must k e upy in a kw uuonthl, the goods mus- k got out, and look bet :-Canadian ard Scotch tweeds vo ave Soakzq 35c cg each yad-e plumafur you A lot of White coats and 1et and seveai other uines we will sal you $1.00 Worth for SOC. Hais, Ci>',Me, grâces, &c. gi for a m othing& and in ready.uiode sits froua 3 to 5 dollars for each suit- Ladies" Masauice1!Oui dmeu goda a cme r am-7 eumw befare Fringes% laces, collars, and ail kuuds ofladies' weur you can buv a Isig panl fur lMle uouuey. Crpets, Cani. Piano Ceoer, and ail bouse furniubing goods you cnmiimake a clear gain of $Loo on e"ei $s youSpeud.AUl dSe gods e ntbtvto d=ube fores bas to ke tumned suto Cash. In jour 11f time you wlIl oet get a better ch.aoey y ourSommneir Wa t ua mviug as noEeued by Bradburnu8r Co, the peopies henefr:toeL Ba sai thà s ci no aval uesyStake. the advaitage and make us pmoe our statemut by givmg us a chance to show you vWb ve cmude okr ei o mie yo preMseuand ulil send youaavwith wonder and cntr atinmd a big parcel of dry goods a vell Y zdue plac opposite the Sesux Ho»eý muidtde name of the Dry Goods Palace aBradburn & Comepany, ona Ke4«nt SUur So y" eeIote Upmpl/ 49at ù Ai we art &inyl. ~- ~OMM F7 q èm.WL -Imm- qvý aumu- 40qup- 401qwvmwwwu- - - -- .9 Rb el4el(e-ij e4 el ewr ledrer eleme-Auk tow ir440 ýff*M#