rud a f4 ,4 mar te ,6411t 1,1( lié t kiy i, ýit é l ti st * lh* on*, %t 4i Iode& kil I ok utht a nti r's ait atlI' lit*tl 4 511 ('hUijir liA tat otu Wnte *îtftrtro lb 1141*yt ' bit1 wor vor t* f o1 r i4t ort ' - .ê 't Ar( lA tokelt WW pkow# tI v tOitt'1t ,bii th I iOhAdboy# ttttin tutg Irte , miltt i"Oiu.tttt,5 t' tuït>fhO 'l'nroubitiew", v, thic «Vom iifibim r* *e >W 111* ou g 1H MUÉftf0eI~ air dm4114M w ~=ve~ I 1w "rn- L~~~-INDSÂY, OT, B AY URE 259188& VOIL XXIL-WhI1o 6' *Woa seSm Caen uendooum, fob bu1sm .-à,0 Tom te 1 ,.oisiby unTU OIIZh!ormU h mOI tht B ~u abyb. buintmou edurgoau b oI rloiUnesut . s1 u ~d~Ugh oywoek mm U.nk> Cugu. OOTS AND SHnI M.g asrui-i. Tour oeanmm mni «M *0auai k tamMtycmmm ci & b, aaul m - Il l 0b. aireL o,'o.mgii amobomShaw 14,nUmmreIe O d~~ ~~, ~~c id nhbb umys oekk . u dityrama Lm~*8OD %Jy lb. tam ur a W#b. Tauour Weomm z ttâths m la b. 0=P181Mar cdi v1 lhoIirid-ilmiiUKw.pwoa r1 ww àmd8 zone.'.rSni nim Som A -n n ift e na, ànu4 mour mmcim& u n i " 0dm grondâtthalma r *9 sa-t 54 a w*4 *» .1n.won-o m *OU 1, ', ftltiih ofH.nFouu Actwin "' 68 1 Bn- 1. gasOu AT T 1,I Ln, each b.»Wa ted ounaqqiglet cm" Mik me bau Hay tbaot,*o roe chaars 16 ~1OT~ Wh~tb'V 7~I pui@ha#oi' ~ E' g ~ Iw, m~d~ mi fl i B k> M * un SO b~d mm,- 11. O«Ml oi ail.m miltes ha " Phi« àTmmwr or <om re,' wàmu~. deo ver1h.auabbs Mr. B>P3" w »o y, To ur omitee ecmmnd htl * gt~~~e b" m D m v -lbZoudoyelen w _W uw ith rt h her a M Cos era'Gi(o oufre h 19 US! mi S~~~~~~ btyf tmoid" ln one tmi' OV bo n ht. sI. cd MtyEl Role Rheiakg iteppei.r- eg t*wht Thavat o rmiitwilPO" "0-l e minma t:mabRiMsOW@mmhnan labeunusl . MMC14 bit1.cara ilb bie mi OaaO*evUiMak o ds kt> a. ee asComm r elexm an ~~~NSLNIM"']Éerntieoud ýbe ween --I-. Xiin auu huh fw r oa ie hm1 aetero ehnld Ai Ihe .4. UV. ~ UUum d linai taR the ! b. jd.the .M ro. dd vas lu fan er in Lses-IO EPOT id ronU iho Stre, i bto, m# neth oe i 7u ti F th a. mub- of d on ho's ero r uaamail of imf l o acil Theoffc u nbh O~~~rflZ, ~T u Ue OIt h isubmiIlsf a.tty voiru 0X &"voduld t santon dthe mm tof1. cuci i h col - m ~ 1 ~ I.b.,~-~- d fo ~1* thn h waaamp otVta sy o i d-rbain o ~wo a eoevcn vu uiImbuMW a S idsdoMmfu a af luwwthtlbetyfur ncnounei ancuayf0 I LA. CSIIB 7wb A i _" Wilbimresb ponedi i.r VNW DIiP~~~~~"J. futon oka et iair. iu t.Cmk>y bis ahu»d uel' pnob l i aaiyo u tedo ,r .A.Bw 1,4 . he K. oI.sobioi tia D pe sM M acalay to e o M- On moton of Iii, Bo . and.dbl. epoou rt a f heinpctrsfo Em u~~iv l,~t4,ft. ~~ .~>- W ~~ o ~ uea. d 0pu aI sp. l ute ouaci uoommmf. ]Eht L aulil X. Bckmern hodaet ifvus her befaand es1Vctra Teeheotmh m 0 um rA a.5"t a om t» t l b. counctl.votentheefmoly conasdeod sudodiscusmo --- 0 Ga ~~~~aru e V mol. u Kw. dulol, ]Er.Itsb-n-Thed mo mtVéo. re U n hmk> cab-I.7 effcMht he cua m s halef rhe ati Teoffeadn h wrugsdp »d * u iin emt t h m fe mW& mi"wM du z vo xa for he e- am dnI, ffletowste:- j Ta É-ioueco m to eie l rw 11 S ad "Bdt ob .t lb.metinspein -atonsth th nhoew s vera stuch f r a co b ard fo >~~ <" 0 a vo. ~~~8 1a« etifemhouh b. funcaayLms . un. 111, 1H6. anion c h onctih poreya tn"4AIM PRID»4VW1 fr1. M, ba iSU*U qtb e tm b wich 10 b.matei va ta rJmuimg Cou*!g.1 eI tatedliehs pracz- t cahewtoomolt h e * YoWluu b quthai pu bitwe piion h iehmCaaa y f ~~ ~ vo~~rw~~ 0v D@>i~~~~~<'ui'S I * pý bl a m a m O bI 1ul*fu cu lo'B ab'- @UfltY. suce mcl oigte , coity. h aa poiniiadrt ts aet a p~ ~ ~~ B on alri.1. 8p...,..esWs a fI 8a rnt tecoloteiate towahlune - "h ct d"sdloinnme ae1.pesr falnigma>ii ~~ ?w>~~~~~~.MUA?4~~ud T « lu uibresWp4»» iutso!p O n c otipo é n of art o estacnea f t he pcin fdsioac odig pue"a 1 i.uuusP . mvu htti oaclwud the cto n e l mtn l h.dmas o en ego frpeettvsfonled mo om »rciaen htte 3Ld s tio hnm g a oeau ud R hita the proinc si.cnta on u <>~~~. ~~y~q~~iu, wîU hàoO mo io n e ts Erl.. )mi4u o b Potor ola theOI>Cy a7sOtni=frV 1furhu>g f1out e roti nge o b jiotn ib tall ue i M6ue irromt"hakath" K Bo the eM e may o «"fo c amuni coupalilies the csu bie,>eA ud l briid ami th e b oer camoeL 1 Wa ormitaitmy ao tnin eaby-IaG w ro. xIbihâvel. a o f nt hx ri- orcmile r f bnpno P&O E of! 1864 or 1h.d t"th cutyo Ptebw rnta vaoo t mp or ce tsafcena cf teari lb seal ecesu h ihsdpi »4je4ofto[b" oW ilI & damo u.. lqwoý 9pai a to catc issinounbeumiof. Tis y i. c ori ars cuier tho aratompero m t arinytego noti eprsf iîe h 0W A WVd Ioufs am . oum g uflorv__e-r a y. suce IUIIIt eras OY i178i a fretsub, c m tm b fctpret o upl o hesanig ~Te ~ . en w 901004d*y l ~ ~ «*i. one. i CCeo bimuiva lb. rluIorn N i. otLulul h lcus. ft. uni l e ~ fc1r Oge8o uerrse6iecide oit, OMM à< mal, ~ ~Oplow0 i a le oodei y i . Cnniwueu l--Theitue fSo t rt At,-arposel oa u oi i udh aotd u epcfivdr 7140q_ MU. EPAIT du W IIF I a~E. NtoQude mi tu aou renu, du nm ea dan. vire. s n ut ! by. c onsr2of dthdreOnutien on nt npcost bsàg ~gsy, Jn 4h ..7 Mdsiu y Dr.lbdb i xni. .1% .1 Narips. F, IL jf a t va-lifo r da se t o untth gstionhe ngcrodm cfel . mu b vile lb bouudY b . P. mo veili th«O, tdhi g m s.oui wheh secti-lonr piobibtu ing lu. uAl.ofnty onci rvdn h oes Ivuos Eily mieue e bvuuhheipe. e c.A on flq o und oer s m thane &mIor-f blank om o h u o. US NDOT FR AL.cacu t l OSIMPLoE in o-hmmrocu.Iuth ki 1 Kw Borin med eec tio uflder aphe, oMdb oishe pro . 41weor )Il4iftgq wil bePol efPs imdodwbrid ommit e peo. m md. bayma jf r drie t an tf oulyj g by- tltOwso iajoo ne i.C nada io w' % Wil embblihm fimiffl u4m yah trI4 iavim tbefumeof MrToL oY.,Msq.,andiC "Ai the xpeo!s oftarCong otytof Vitof e toi vg 11W1iffl 8r1> t AbtOin.- Viab& t, ; n ol gv xrsso o n ana"W Pe W e b bylaAct o< f 1M a vni l~~Kt)~~ ~ ~~» C T ~~ N.419 hé,s. M an dW tebjohn i me. folb igld ges................aftnis spoctilaw b. b b-a i h f o scin a en omull ==k>wnsbip o! Somorf Onoario1the vouS revSution arill........ ............................................lecur.poal flhllU R BROSho"% Tb* km" on1].a c hte nefan sin lbs>b u ost T mvt cane W. R AIli. qUb lubol u m a 'oohii dCU i................. o n t ofmak>he lionaI m g eenetas . m. nt 0.budre scin -TEMUANDKEY WIEd CI . m Dby XcL d*dn4 e devin 1 -------------jveý fviole .q fndadtthids ai bs aeudmath etioSuneril.N bne a.b bdont o 4 1 M10 41 jK 'mlu. LJiy I b 4 oa miBln. w he loslyha r ro ii ltein alfi alslaalientvubi g mmte_"te____ . ona u t uOswd ig co lb.pym t o heoxponoof I CRoO abun Le T R=Zheehhait S of thefrevise tI t ) J E&y Ollfl i LiS - ~ ps teid. imoda u de D orauc " f r n u% Mh. epor tte.s f lnari -l sto! opniodidahm hue a 0 .*rtborlSIMPLE &L molo.Er.ut.T R@&omte av, i mul oa. haofer lma i.ninfme; ma TOlb.Me ig luialuoLids,2s 14 llb »bliaI tht cot &0 councumi"lpar- cntui t lt v# r t he en11s, T ditimu..... lm S =slue i I l :. e oocla vitia 0. liI fe jeas ar értig ' - 00lt MUR lb a d un am"M l-thin«fuur.oumfs uini urpme tan os a ~ ~ "'*Lua. *Yeur,15 ai ~ ~ - g To.r~Nb5 ~ dcivueuaid.rd I Ni.pucibetym n mathog b qmie4à; u ~u ersa U 1 1 I ' 5 ~ 4 ~ r r M e M m a . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o b: 'Wimut h " O A e - l% o r f r h g i s u r u ho .v.. b S .ib,- n . hl B r~ . W ob eai1m *0*U dlmé...........IMiai e I mnhu f= orn"e~ fsm a n îb u. rc.I ~ U ~ T K II oit h O p v .i laB 4 314._ _.. .... . .. .. . .. . .. . ... . . . .. 1 9 0 moid l e r aI - e n al e r l n t f zmue , t he a y X it rr o u idi g k1oeloe , ii wl é-th *- obui lb l yel cab 1Wbyl.y mavii las . au ad tht lb m ae ikeaul 1 andyite 91.Dn l E j T.tud ~ Ç b ommv uib r pushiib, Ni. C.a.. er fuul.he r , aý" diSt]>OLYe eau a & h ube dles oeasia u ARt> LLOTR t-4Oui* W I S U Io encar"i 0 . T ai sonesm on la..............60 8.mesano dy250aI or as33.a 51f > Itliiit't t<'t ~4iIP" w B T B rlAW ID . t sac,<E I a mttus3. là w Ju .f ............m i1s5OCOOh &e t a nt b y es, m q Rbcia ae l; T. ouieil 4à=a ! etonp r FOR Soto o<t kii ........ ........ 200 but t P ear e t a me a t m s d mgtn, ouaulyun o.4O rosblbo eiote o .5 lis Bel ' " AUoêU5 id uombu fui adminitra- gae ni' teli 01k utuebu lfmf a tiicin. etttt'thîd .ïaon jU i o > a. pot a eDbS rioem ne h e u f otte ct c « mo n tit th i n l. ,oi ubMlleof W *0 3 - 16 ii* ifa m atpl PUZO T e Sf ' p eraüd.h<<Line«miof Be muta. C n-«à§ ; l lbmdinitie o ai he mtent o! l b d e . mmy th e lanlym ntrciv slem ~,,, ~ .~~usuoumdllus' hiIMom.utoIuue b"dg lb ikth emanf the vitbe ecpinomiefnerqie am ~C " m m m M 4d u .l. t 4 b a ato u o e . é fr te y iac ut b pitnemt ais comt u ty 8rura îl il sh a t. n t po e LIQ iIfl fl ing90à 'a m ln , î "IL 1M86 M o g teO OommenS t h"sm i es aek>tonhevl u thr the, IAO WRaDUGE vese"Wid Eut Tuila J m a meb S tesd id in hemin- 1h ý Dfli. MM tte mmmvhia.>Ie lxigvohlb !ld KERCHAN S»MBeM M h il, Md î wi on.ouIIe .s do.i idbs uim mibm lose amelosva. hdolmghr. 12 - ra 4am*ê I M, a 1ami l bEb u "are o!theth e otprmtv eamleba bom uu&At M. twah4m aua b.k>mnhcetobif*mu waWU we.'d to meUO TIt SA LheZ 7m sibMul»bOPI u el oPonidw e Thpe aem1.k>~ i ré rik i %ût i'rt -*0ot Ir'mmbo ig 'U m upiIlies i d l& huah tienbc o b me s u s k OM" Br e s esnvyr _____se,_____il._-à 5 1U Us me" wuI= s i a u tut*0mal, O teM enso - m t u tth mhonie. be ba! edb 11iir'j1u'- it modes 6 # pet w ieu b *5"ugiluppdemo.I l voUd b. olitcui b VW LUW eThe . qSt - à&l.- . tsttheno mk> c h ane ocos oce i> b psuwémwmeuic ivi - i~~1 id NI « l - *auC u be. o.nlun ama lbtubs e o t ' lejas nm.Iklt ln r NITUBRE gag" la , - ffl!b. B %.m " lu i- ue s ]m mêms i 60 mon& Mr.luill - - e * C Mis..i ad ml rnsbllt bus idftli viiimb.a oampim In Sto~ now 1w ooTfl m~~Sie~san viheu fSImy de =~Ui¶I. I7IbuB . am W *0 ujrth lbne & 1W of BeU» d Ub.ut-auV.PuIl.alm neou u1a Vcoi a6,.5vloiIm w ~~u1 ~~ta'?u mi, emuci~ t B - ~ aa~ Be ~i udmIm p~~aI.Be s Utssy18,Beh~Wim8,-1!9 #RocAAIA AGI buLWT amîfflèiTun um-wm..miuu] Uetmw t41111111-1b1111111 ihB biia a&$"te m. Ism e. iB .il SM Maut Mme MAM PAON bbW in is a mm $mmftam v Un" e VW0" &@Mua A".M" amoemokut, *won __ vu maw*mw v- M'ghbYy t-mc alfsVeu ,l ovl te 4 î - euies Moalbd laq.le, imu b. mMW à*ble amb. Ly-l omla M4auZSm-S ---'q.w -MU- Ibo moi l e h aey b qi OMM amam abe W"iult qel lt R lc um~lnNmm d 'y t b h ~. W o7mi » Ote oMMi -- --m m ai.-Jomeia mm_ -~ T- w nmmtesmmo b -41111be tiw oelnbe rsa x -4 n. LX la 0 4411fs