Nam; 7--~ 1 --W% a O~UE Wou- se@*po MU O~h ~Bw I UEab o- n Ma mil ImmE EAWAj Lau- ~ 1hI -Mmm T = Ml e. r _ _ _ _ tw ozndcumon Nék - (OF'Thw hwfg the mmogi ucwt±mae. - ~ Z.~ mahs lak. thi, u94lcin. wlteb oage &« gu*Md gà. Mt__ Wu& M&te.Cas ami ac*vmAuyc u5 4,GoW.v..,lé£ i - WIb. aff !fnecaiy aWp.4for thecum ~et ana.9, &"O u h Buâw M .y mAI T"-u èpo* um - b. , ïï et Ifin sOU M V dde Ufllg # 4 h 4 jr. a ie'tue aii MAenc. f iAen iq Peib. - Pon rM et cooWeuL u. thuu AkIN (bit eq 'R'&el LUk ii, This zmold oby agi l daw *tm, «» d& b«ne auàq i I«.O-d bu,4td , henuo e 1h f MI &Y« am wiw« ofem-Ad M1bd g b r m ote"i fic. ntreOB 1 ioebl#Inn IL miSsm AU i od yaldiul boeofM~ .i.. 4j ae M tt img l a Ü -Medie 5v o mcm We194y1An~r~pwm.4byAn W me: Wg ** --.-w-mi à. udh7sesat a1 mi tuj.dwb - 'pSUoRweuq2& spCod& ft" udafiO1h. puwuu b mi «b u n. 5 yK £W UM <I Hdt.Puwiemwsl 10 . 4 < h.fT f f ._ _n c a e of u U . l z u a sa m m e m i. b' * U h h .. i~ uemqle a.oUIot, A s in u u u o IF fh kl î m Jj ~ h m a m s h olonaaa m m M 1h V « i K-#W ut ILA g off#&whéM r aoum hecoeyfrm i,. M* à#= sue- NO n6i.~,tt ~A beELXR ulb MMM b bom b » uà u4 Witug KdP____ ____ bu l &smuinCZu otddmEn < @L 9wY « g b iu M 9M ond b eî-7 im IMiïefo% W==Et:O j te ea mti bu bte m uuu 5,. Nq 1. MY 4* es Si~mT -u F 4~j F Imm m.I~lemme mi-ýmal - I àw o tUBERLATIIImm -vwLumam,.mh ~ - lO ~ ~kuIhm" ~IT T- R'rTW ~mw~s&UMMm Tl~tldi .21 STOC Maliki ý _JL-W - - - - "- %-OrI %0 tao _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M tJ S I C t F A N C Y ~ etc.. at a dîmSuont off oto mi oom M 0 lu u&an M t dw that I nmav rdt am7 B c tsa re î' ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ __son indeb!ed to me lîlw lad aaur. E~TTHOSIIthe smme îImmediatey. C1 il imamwout. à«Mmi iWtvemyb Moe Xwsjm witEO'LKito ngha affles d nUE nCQEbL ,Ja. hu, Ji % W. V.. x-, N.M 14CL M., PATIIEs ROTELY -imwuk»mwhm mm, ma M& la mv lin e sdSr wfor the le" zt, Llnu. Jhn'!L Place your oor once-so as to 8 -r ~one of the firs Mm bout ctàmm d oge4p 1 staNling and NEUK JAOSONMANSION fHOUsE, m.i~~. ,wuii~ ~ t"eUn"aon to, Lùlmy. J. 8,lie & m e a % w m m àb o = P tr iM m P J r o-c à m fuquor, s d 12 i r ~ d..Ge1-a""àbmbmdbbmFor tb accsm- - - Iu u d y o n the auiv a n d bu or the IN D I f n ÀItNOUBT BOUSE, jkgent for bicycles and tý IL~~~~ ~w»hv Lindsay,1nt Jnp frpoiaor r ao NI =Msaybha Uru.d hotu, anti the.publie can b th but acevaodatiom M a~ ra- f- ~Wam~ The baura a ýý.gOtn rr, Y O U U .~ Md obebFma mattotive _____________QUIWS HOTEL. ._&c ç _ Aý . .DEIIH, Hloutu. lat &i rive a b uadistrict a ~ - cs.. aa~, hu ai~s..thri in>a diabuifnily ait- ~ - i ~ . ~ i. Ahr~ unmm, the h~ewW~ ju, Lh~. U1 zgzlb z a la awaYiin theR lARRO & 5Ef K, pommUnh a&railw. tar pkW o &"Mdntal the LUMBER Y »wwMCmmfl asdet»w miwlo m efpaen = Mrainl coém mb 90» 2f - t tTh anretrl nouto» com- - e mlt.,WRF e z:*~itr ml . nand aties b.coming 10 stay a Corner Bond and Linà 8y liewtoMaw dfl meroquate o communinote by post Z&M JJLMmq BL r ir bon.rail frueToronto The bote! la.pililvery &onoaton gooti y ~ y, ~ efr Wt..Buse t mfrom station n. KUI~T.1 &4X EL WA LKER ~ ~ lki.4UMO%£UTuut fLtMBEB, LÂTH,HIGE ~ur~m. ULE.'T. flratii~gj~ij~ ~Jf~B. PICKETS 0F ALL GRADES. GRA amm I TBOBCÂYGEOXLLIML INB N BU'LK AND COIRDWOODl mieapy*& ela tkmamb . ILu. . c.P. Graduate On- AlrIA Ir. jL nffl3cRy. WVetsmlnary Collage, Toron- to. Reghtured mber of on- V.aen edinol Amo- LEL> ___ &H aR. Chnr.ofbWaOW woolenDRns.G. S. R YERS * pu' , a" vwm&da m.oudiMg 1the rLlndsae. nv. ,mS =rn = Mwg, b ummh cLatueronàet the Eye, Ear and Thrn4 mubnbuilIq-,MedicalCollege,Toronto.Surgern0t, tot .uI~.. - ey and Earlnfirnlar3-. and late CHnn.É Royal London uphthaimic H-jýjâM. ~iu and Centrâi London Throat and Far' - - CoUNduting Surgeon to the Institutousidt 1Elind, Brantford, and fur the Dea niq BelIevxile, Ont. £051! LUIT aYbeconanjted at bis residence, r~ M la N*OtreetTclonto.Honr;i KOSET TO LOAN. B IK A fl 000H.10RO1Sl FOR TUE MILLION. ________________~,LINDSAY BRICK& TLEWOD m A& NEZ 4 6 RW xPMUF. are nov in foullbiast and tunmout 8»&»M -y.the rate of froni texi to twe'e t **1und, mai ye ~ and we ontend to double thât am uttl mentY &OsudLLa ualI.addtion 1: w s v an efget more drv ,hed> srected. b. r.LOXS-iI4tnt Plate% iake. a blatid land durable getting a tle nmachine tibat n i1 turn out gDId aùm e= th rodof te mon--, ) e te 9-0 Ihousaîid tle l'Pr day. MWe 'ntend t golL A ete an he iud« , dl ml e .temarket f uli- .upjflied .with Brcli i vw n etbNru r. Gros. la asi ng the nov Coeaive S ýfrom the Lind~sstaionand1 1407te ce 1 for kUgplte t v nplM thIL a short switcli. o îhi~u r. , à oz& Theb@ an Met cuàetale otamr et in. direct front Uickilns and thter ,kfIL4I.ulmé for aIl kinds of mou"0 o hs enizrikor Atifoiail teeth imertoti on pure Engish Elak ra. 19MRNT Te LOAXN Uubber(-*t or wfthout the golti Iining>: lso&W mom Bas~i am atnov lamimut M6on Golti, Miter, a"I Celuloid, a" ion rotirubber THOS. FEEà re fdeetroti. sair h l=emuontii.5OCl u'p- ~h.. tok'frm1000i 200 ida.Julv iTth, 1885. s Om utte au r.ooii1 p-ArtilcIalTet. m y of thaem from the cele- ___________ ai OU&MU W bwxM mauis, White and Juati, emblin hum RAemsUeIttu melecta» to sire, eh"p aidshade o ut mthe Ra sLhiniy. J lbthe "R. fl athe bmokLd Maim TO LOA N T A te dannate -in un wmwue munýrpmin almalahto for tlhtt roli simoul UIn L m ad ~ u ,or' U ~ a s U*X par ftr! a" 3U _Gros.'denut ooma. (1<>ti.c. mal by ooQn.c mumdt e Be Chair. loleo 10 con. mal lot N 4N 14 0c mlaaed. N 114t sud;m MIE BAL, frW.4Oebbaa w ~ ~um- bot"~ JL MM aIDZ Bowei 190W by Mr . hat ti tte treasur, la John K f ~our dol a be 006 nded1. vu rough e, b0v o Mit lot ht tho reo- onlt16 Walli5, that t] ~wower T tlO CoVSlCOthe ~.,exam: 1IM7,aDd repa lè.Knnoe be i in erro] Mo.-arrTs 51adby 1 trom t in the g b beon p expoflB ided the I~tre M ad is 10 expx cou. 10 lb. Samo Imh oni -- - -- mm MW or 1w commi dmon tow~ z Qpqand Sgrante< Lbved bv M~ Ajo, that bi *kprvide1 kéo townash um 01 ho! le goamng t, MI a. t.hsrd âwed by à brMr. Swi IMMotepu=e une. foom a.m n 1 A6dFàkJlh IL