w nair. NEW TMILORING HOUSE Wz ?kKou g1 tors ce lq0t.uB ima " hkwfl,' M i. E,. SI B g m am &a= Oum o, oe w z 1- w e 'I 1er Il h ¶1 I ~-. APRIL ist 18%60 *NYIN A~~~smv voyLUn t~Istock of DRY GOODS91 PEOIý ýMALTIES s SPRING IULUNBBY, nos mn YAND GLOYB8 BuTS AD GIJGHTAIS BXlLBEbODBIE *@Who e t MM alla u oWwW m GBNTLEIENS BATS!I OLOTHIOUP"%Ù RAY à(" *i sud pou', Tomtoo, 1880 sMd IML Gepli) sd »Il oih« oo.ptiim asi. egmt Extihioa auin 1900d lut1. Hghte"avud ov un eoup.mu<or ait et lwW"rWs Iuhbiî, Belgtuui ireS pMmiso4a e MM a Eaition. tindswy, 1904 ud 18M. Th Net e 51n7 uo& ptmw c -, mmd ne Dorniu, sMd Ui.h..S àCe, sam ils "M.hm m is n aa. Juiml% Du~s qoi SOMS. sq "om M .. -- màL Ibo PMînaUamw mi 7. ý Si à,omv& wmw-i . com. m7 9. Boum » M. ouli bmoeu qbb *9. Re. Sw. POTE 1.3RITTON, -e a a MMIII - amuAL 1 m. SPBWAL TO FARMBISI - Pues P" 6MM Ray adnau mýyodz Bay Ba"814 lxi,. Fa e,U iidmd IH lHl O11 & -mo 6 1 Ho~ A n.v J.ge Imm-3"8" Tbmur" wRbý UM :ii STOCK BIROKERS, 23 T«Qo eeost., Tmonoufo LUFDAY BEANCU.-*O. T7j= Uo KM U .J. N. KNOWLSON, nq. Dbiot vwees vittTuth ouotwea. Nev Tork Mnd bideugO. givîug oomtfuumalui quoatbw& All otrictdea t iiin e l eximwe hmwht iur jnvoygnfft or o- mmmb. Noily câble quotasitmaof Hudion'q Bay, NSitit- W« Lamd à.. oUber Stockm. Xun"* L~ ~ ~ad. J. IL KmOWLE>." The £or, matcvwaumo su ALBERTA Imm Oum sa"aS>. m ou ou wv e tla 0f h.Cam "Fftb Ci& preu Tuaismom TuS ilbl ie n t Le." ire Pu" Afilia <Camba lu &mutlme. * «t» aime t"q mbt o clo Andi W" yu Oh o TflUIhmNo . FM UU& Oh TIns mguU4 u ve bull t ~iy f"r im iq *4 mi*4 - 2w m meImb. a 5 ~ . Fun. tan umum n smsb W. B. EI"UEW a me u"h I>1UL Iov OOM»iluROIÀ - - 5. mý am b W- dbmoe K.b8 Szoé&"-: *~ODsb - I -ph :~d 1b r-r . . - à. NOM f hm o ~g~mut Mb - * Sur We have a g. qwmaul i ~tbO wwW gVW~,. we 5.b jeM mnitr ca"c«, W w Tmm schgqq, et Lviii nt houn"i., vbthryob, - gm im, I qftaw B -uto w A. HIGINBOTHAM, ,vt yb ou'ldmd d a.d bau i me b di0 Druggîst, Linds»y. l - MM4 . .a.. S-1 - mss wALLAOE Pub boa% s lufomu bLUi ma Lx#e iamE WdBlID. âge" and ipiTeahe&es aAueStid1877 Dom1àiion C rganis;4 tm,-ote 178 wioaem.ed.The. Globe, bowv. sktetch.. of the maritine provines The. shnols of Lindmuy clo-ed on Wed- piesa mana, yinguaeomt 0 Saneudar last, 30th Juut;' tnd wîi reoPua @&Woafai; ama vw " roudly on August sOtb. Our remarks last weok &m i o isak by Chuimma go- wvere in reference t)> pubicsachools in Munih-- Libers! BefSmeir. Ever rural districts and flot to the union of a*ir ournal prmiutes Sa rooeua4M e ghand public sehools in liiidsy. and th- 'pinoipi.. But i*9 Globe Just rectived. at S. J.- Pett3rs, sorne 0cl« hm tac, indueoco hat.erin To- egant uew vedding rings, 1W k. guasUâ ruade, urtor tbat Matter. i«!hytl" t.ed> from 2 to 4 dts., quite equi ta out of Toronato. any and superiar tb the supposed celebit- Aba _&_te ___MdMihein id G. W. B.-14.tf. Abatailrieh..amI v~ t l. IG. W. Monk Eaiq., M.- P. P., for Carle- famaUs a CuSon ot-Hl»cr e r Iad tas county, vas in Lindisay for sain@ days pabbae nhie INorth vest, 15 turUhit"a eek. on husine" iconoectei with tbo cm t. ru»a ereaturs bolds 1Canada Perinaneut La ux.o,0 which lie ix the iînsperor. mr. Mionk is laffl 12 there h;mçeIL Bo do--. one et 1Mr. Nier"-1ith's beât sur 1,01teiS m di&, Skr Richard C iftwrighl. Hou.; The exaininationâ tor teachers certiâ* Auux. UWdm&zW, ad .Uaer ai lthe aic. arem going ou this w'iek and next il 4rsen t .e &u»e@ îlem 01 idav D.Puriow of Port Hp i achool urides t Liretto convt hl &Mg hmg wroag r ite mattw, £UbouuF*anner, of Omnraee, Kaight and u, a usasesad&kos thabt ippoodbt. of uetLtndacay premae in ti.he ie -«" ~ 3* se th kmý,de»meaol al le araanvdtof @êN ?p.0< re-upup0m@ e M.latuur hea a. PgOddfl's Cxumm Ge. IXE PÂlit. *a pwàbeb4ieve hér T h uslmy G"weubu oattendit tusin pam&M -Jana eum5m 3- dbm - àg4 a ie'~ Imm et the 7 g I.of st 'b . à vS hil Wli e nhal t he grommdiet Mn. J. A. BoumeCa àimà%ay aftufl Md aeaimg 5&k JuIy. Sala of W Md 4k ma iuia. Bamin atuda*I "h "M at &30 > U6 Adnrioml W -àam bu ~idmgt ......ma . M.iur v - dU, t a MiQ & bar M& 4.The cdeowI~ Io lb Chanýwý lmatmh.i e g md Wh ~ U ~-' Emm irn malthe DR arguai a m Uamas.eu ma the--vu Th m* he ardina r tating 4 u .boa j" -uva-1 M M" a G antOf W oo vuUsap L ~ - ~ evu' Daws in o n CUt1y thé u~ dutaw mbIL P. Sumtad EaIn, of laged - - dmeE »=amS QWO uliadmy lumt Serurday ta ah ha SOL n& ow Mtam e t& a âmi e hlm frind the te ie .jg* j Phb, SkNb",Ih % hm mmk bmuàfor the enamer, &sttouMet mad» m ta ub m - SIm awyain ,mPMbora.Alter boidq, b ~~VUP VU& wM Oumdé ieteal colloer. ama-mar t. keL A.. CIre ilbe &ate ,~~* ~at b ulrdmy. on Friday and - Jr1.1 9SAand 10; l, vrherebecati b. co -. vu& hug oema e u wâ *4mb ai&U éranle dieae. ~~ hb c"Mth bmet . v-u Md Uim My,- a" ve MW v»i. h lInbMay a hka; Md §, Um atmamt th"t 0' IMM laLi the taU alc -1 ne e « dua o f b e tr àgàa-27 2. im a" shift hmm teO à If jan vaut the MoY firt vau àué. Zmuimt Val! hnobliib. jeoiva ror Mfaaanéeothe place ta pi t %K wu& wmh#eà& tma gRiftlà«. mt ew.-6 On W.dnu.day laut 34. Marey 01I je ~1?OAUL Nom. qr»efland Mia. Ivory of Da'ryrnple lb toris county, were united in wedlock bt laterM w»ea the.?0841Rom .Messra.Carrenter and Lawrencet figatiW h ahuIdr ,On Tuetsday luaItvtwate& brought j. £pmomavsl pUi âJROn h hOUI W. W&aeea nov bailer for bis wooi maI eburgeoi T" WAMMa t 1mille, from Peterboro, sud on Wédnmdy kIM>Ok h off- ?hgTam WàAz>ma it beiug plaftd. Mr. W&a a veymmui ..iu ; .Su tbpFus4bagadita do Up the vooL. mZtSd e et.mmanhàWu 10 a~ Mrt. A Wright snd part of his famjl ha,. gen d0v» the St. Lawrence osM fitghuirg Eh.a &lan100k k> ao »ood» excursion- h. Young hidia.'.of the.bat. ad gotap a tise*, ftom ~Wh"iklu ily were visiting a veek in Tcronto prie aliomed - J Beu 7y fl ta dp tu thfr depuature for the Enuf. a my mm uatiL- W , .Nr-. PowÉ Exprus meenonger J. Htitherrmo, wk& JM4 " *0té! i orà"at ment in for the peut yearbua been collector mi TM W&U'B wiy. and yeu MsY driver for Mr. Taylor hep,', has been pro aWkmw vur ut uarer,à w bematai tO b. expreus rnssenger on tui MeV"& ou m W < atte, Vii eGrand Tran k tmnning out of Montreal. *iil ugbt~r*4~lyThe.kethodita have ieased thehalbail i The Globe i. .enrage& It eme Hamilton'a block, frorn the Preshyteriu4a t y. qMowing pd t.» and wviiiuse it as praçer-mtaeting, bible.. 1 mes hm e Jom A K»mddatudy, and agouersi purpuae bora 'bil I.. ba I" lOb A. KIi 1 BM iaitovu church is in course of compWs Niai Auokbi.hop Taueh 0ettion. Q~ Etemais i Thi. W. rreut t a aounce thât 1Mr. R. Richardwaof a East Oakwood, injnred by 50>78 th oe and t" trié& JI a borue falling on him âmre yaks ago ta tkak of 1t! ter @» rueW by a pri"nt lreovering eo spe-dilv s w ewu* ini To.Mt» uhil. 8Sr ji30» O lka1&&r. Richardson bas th, symPathy 1. of ja the viole beli<hborhood in hii;fliction. ; atma N.um Zama di 'W* tSwO Say7 1 Ilebls e te OIM pa. 4 av- w6 w. S tedl u1Mtbatyou cm ; a ef p»W rle;b@I S M9boy Parasols fer oue hanf M th" mepae V Xy8 d" U value a&tS& S.RxTChieL& i Lep"dd. ~JmsRs ô. FLE.General Supoe> e inta~~deut îof C. P.R, reaed Ldy Th Gob d i bt obu" op an Wedmesday rnorning to, spend a few Sa lb.L Bout prpvioua ta the departure of the lat. inToe.m"; but tb *8 àf te far Europe. bat Thmada4 ývn w hre M.Porteous, the popuIar mngrc 1 o,.e qWaZ& of O 6000 i ul te Koutreal bank,,with Mm .Portecu .uulta h. piUe.lO. itvaseueand tamily. bhsa dhe for a - few veeki 1 ecot in 0 puemioaLIt WMoneholidays talies IBrunswick. Doubtlee r0pbl i~lot, house ' -r. Lorntr l~tC ar; ai ESTÛI Uy7thF.Iý PWMU umnt a get of1 elmu Wmt a bU 'aw r -bi (red b wait thons. b« gond tatlc tmuoeiw, ?Uwar A te motie ai o8 ormhtA- AXBRR 19M -- *dl 00 - 1's 1 : on a"Iva rmS , l'- Ï 1 1 ,Lw i MI* wu