. amo.l r Ma MW lke.. soi Ooiumbl& mg lp aw umgselb. SM *, 1 "" 4p iih. Oues»4 in pus p. hney.ppad mal lapPOalse* ne thkar n o Bss By pru no of lb. uuruasu" Wou maglb W# i hàvff Usesme hbog wlaig jod1y,»dl# If 15WflII &14b 01i Olie w * m fBe.obeud t y tim 8okm mul #' l "m o1.flnb odui W lw wbe vsu reveuletam.ue *.Ituue flIe li WMla., o1 0 oei ou.bpwsodtofet $OOmil. r e OWFo e,-Ois#opsr rsd D8" Ivev« W4 ulve 8mo41 #flq I eu., g» bo s es gu te $bu piuuu.m 6 ote la im b vle m hm GÇm eto nikunlIe sauman Io mm cl.g» Gb. uhhs Mdo MuW# à SmlabBs*ea v Mfs ot bpuer .mong wdo«bàmr vuh. m amo 1 *kub vewo e u Wa tâbolwl bm 04 m w*b" 4# ~ & sU 6km ve naem sw>s..yselev ~ us IIs.M-Lue p sd m beqydom* ob fou" ,vr e @M a a up puslu.fimm. Whel -ibg - - - - ,~, p £gi g ~ hmo - .~og - h. h.< wMob b og ~b. I~~frB.hwh' i~ ~u iii p.. sua ~ e-vIol duE.. te - ~m qBs vbi.k - -v ~r ~ I ~W et - mSIoeB. bs, vihI b u.~uu. - mima foot duPe - mês ~W by b.w nS.ld~ ~ voir ae <w.hg .11 Thue b..... - Bs... lus .1 y.s~ ~oWy boume Id. ami mIss.. deus oIe ~ w bai . mél.4m eopty s - ~ ~ Pfl e f bdim.b Wl. i., ~ ~ M a. B uIu, .fuude vymtudve, bm en bW& fW m0(s. evMB a eW W mou, V" "auimle a mmump- hmu ou.delythe "%m amsus.w 1'41- @éissf, mi Bs deotUmmg mel Mdpuy um sw im th -bmme ,*@e< uh.o..d wn& et glbe du. Wb" pd la vthe oufy davuai Mo& b T .,&@MVM bu, *o iv y dnowe os.,., sud 0( esleo OMM. *" le e l isgft"" unaS, vdol m use smSuspk amr mal" or Bs M414s.Md ub« ie le> .'or eeam owhtlg aavt mm »oe .ds&t mi.sseT.s)ue u ïily - »S itit4s d.su h e tI.u*e h.uy 1.10, vcgb bav* Mt t fUsa04 .uv b a@"g% eie 20 moIu.u a" th" M<wod um ll a tfuvmllhe Mi" tof .uo fa seestivtraie, wlt& tajwiugumy eU e p.uugw#. Thise leau Cà.uu. fflet m Md UgtIsg re me »wmw mut. of thclt. lpois f oevml Or l twhfi «qrmiA Mreval Doei 1.0 sous,, t e 20ms suBnd*,@yxhdijiev taChilenp.,I #Ml.y bve moUler mvonc'i via. h bmBAd* Onan l sooe »0 dlmd her Ïsuel., Sf efore s d se hereaathofu#aêmv oe "0oUStest "dom1 muoml mutw Ourt v ««4&st sur aival te4 ais Whoî#0 vole -1wA4ir s. usor wuQ. M. w owof o »*m 4ormme,,hl Vueu.bos l P. R. op.ay dp Md Pt ~ a du u uup i4 a u".of e hum.., Ni.. A. 8 z. i el il Benmd e Sfaboon.oggu s papm ir *0 oli t if of.oWa. Uta-. te ulm *4<joue au mllee7m de aab a .s pu«.orB Fs su l"*"QMd ogu s»lm& rW WW atmpi uailoslePt o g oqm ,Id» evu Ouffl4! et*@ deaesby à» &bon ceer h~~u ws pveo a ni. et, es là 1bebolmeh b ~ ~ m Bs ~k ao vISen - ut mmav o re te l uaiu MWaps r . ~ .h i t: e 5' e t. N s s il h I q i I v Il N e O 'i Si i h h A. 'I o" h -m ab*-ubeIwemao uSàiým Ao e »"g vuB. pp BUS dm mi vsBs b B *mg 1 r m gm uObb m Tlw mb ut u b vU sbm etBa 'Ou iiuma «à mai *ws. moud etl*msom h..i&og ma a ~wet om "lamo -~~~f xMmim 0Pl.~ u s odwkpe m Tumoby u wim lutB The hl« - w utà elmo, wBU ad et 181 aUOWmomw hah doOhc Md pouS u heU'. th.usM h& Tl. md Bo.U gd abe. A Gae ?rou,wuLAB & eMrILus Pwuy... b.su. p.Ty - Bsl bomlwet p.Me .1», of bikingpa b.ise boitmd phi, 1!be a gi..du gament, wu, bal o lut D Wft, Mds upouffl b..a M*ýi 01lv16 Thet 4heBats. baud k) by.d - .bM uulomhUn mit, a &h detrvml. Prc>wuea& go dAe-. eutit b h1%4uowmte . lie poud >f pW.dueed.y, sudM« led b a Ir' to tougwatIa*edos lIe Wh, au noitimbued" prt wu mthe cde. Wbth glu" 16.oponthTi.e tes rt. a meut de ole oe oWt b. puwy 0 w db«wàlog a Sq Md ah..ke of wsiv. Tue «"o pmepccb a t" ibOOWliy une f àzosllend. am »»sM M&MilMs ieh bey mUmmpuis sue im hsrvu.ed rb a agimwaouy oo.Rtlo, Bs fr517 ms of SIc pw Svs& a Viff Ir restIy outu uud ei un, - riev y y y nO ise s nue :90sw mane ra *Mo IO oqte». nOMMsi jaett a s7vM, eItai lMud Io-foilla.,fi. Mr- 0. Paodevak b. dhmd i bM vfod aMd Msi budMMM fh a&. A. prown Who lTaI.s au~hW Mie, r gemto.e bene# by lopeiiS.»U eV. Mn M .s.g oU Agi.M "st -P~us NisEus 9=04 B Therm l cmmm èon 39W mi a. m 1Uin w vsu- t casm yc - -rý CANCPBKLL'O lren a',f g . ioot se&MîiBoto- 'ahatie him de z e t theu jÀ ~ foi nr "mp ii- (C.tmpnrLL'S CxwwàltTW C C'WM,or à e>eiaiy adapted for lte em o .4TEB CPSLuwg .sýBuoc Da uS A.4LL COWMAM70 .AmZi»S 151> A Thb MOdila.being lalilquid *frzm, I)e doue cm b. eamly Jadt t the requiremenu aoit r2ntper. aî, thus making It equaily well aptged ta te use of thelithle chflda the adit. Put up ini tbr ounoe r.,.clie, and uold by ail dealersin PNeu Rde oil,25 cent&. '9 This of theo%--, mmaa q [Àlo it lm i :hc r àen xa em &:t=be e.:a l.& d,re" sa ac tndanitpon Iwe for rsi Ieduc .No eo<edy imà a inull a cnmpnie by~nl:r. W~knssal Pal us se n ccscf Su&letitLdZr'tz, anpn on Lces of Bi nd&ilcte or Cbro D. a â Es, IIMandmîeW ncFR,S di 10iaia No remedywxa g~esmreiisred1.reifl o fltrfqci. o prr 4IoL~ fA~eie e- ~podecy a~i a ilc.~ewOS r DAMI & LÂWEICE 00. (Limite 'OLEg ?u.oi-s, IfT.Want a 'i.bapendid umStock c a« maemi, a lotetUEU WAGMN dom# fw wSa. o Ds h«* .LUMBER, LATIl, m - 1 m M" >*ab* p ' l ML L &Mlà" W. Ir. mwCEslý I lxIIL -wb«Rveunc MUM- JOHN KmàEab" UAEYIN& OPKM Y U1 àK JACKSON. amu nmlues A. ,WEI st iemiTTaz à TEWAET, ~ S0fld, bc. cal G amle ITik 1W, ovo I. mlb' dxy goo »1*ý goet.,Lindsma. M Cenc i li ? ody c Vbhme. OUoe ste.' . J.OSINCLAIR, - Ciser y-Kte. g -i', oneyxnceht te. cent~. and u I 4 ws acrigt ftGhe tar t theKae UL, louid em», . E~sem Villge d. e lead et OLE NZI& OLET ourtnoewe e fime, oyedm'y Uo prente GRÂCE ÂCMtCYN Pr1aWruanSfd Comany e Ofondsent stesS- EnSma ent tsadotr Dms lo sEanLrivaIrs BarM& BSlcio. o ary, Con e;l. Lsa. O) ax par ent, m pad, on grd seg t. Chagero.t m am orsl n et OvzCK- ilon n. bnlio. amronste pmi l W aem- 7 -«A r h URMIRL- e»à mmu w I Ig lm RTE L John kwh» PATE on! eah bM&ia~ TEACIIERS,__jMT =.-. i5tu0.teIc. cbut»anover 5afn guti of Tele.zb S2r0 ad-Ust~e3 Rn -I., u1~ Bt AD VICE. Place :your o)rdýr 301UL uum, once-sa as 4ta0SE la n Vw iy 1 fr ân=-one of the first sj ment-with LINNOIINT BOUM., i pr,,, bave rontly beau i15501 p in KOOd * e~~~~~ae md s atb gen fu bhv cm-a btrr 1 Non"ra~tb heura ivai l Ii ilatie a m bus" enlo tMiead la beaatyaIt- .*toi. A cm"g place for Ohmm ha, lh* aMd Ohe ghermas. St in aamy inthe yfsnrl By mmd in a beatuü littie village l s o B com'vemtebofenode r Màite. C a tidathe madat. Thcvrpme 0y -& CO.- -jàL" he proprietar t njut coa âea e cun. aud parlAs. coflng te stay a Wtaee-a.OMadforOmettbou LU MBER YARD ~tofe~Corner Bond and L' z -say St. W. KEL"INY, G. IL V. C. P. GTrduate On- SA4MUEL WA LKER, Àg0m tari Teterhnmy Coileg, Tore- to. Regiesd member of on-i LUMBER, LATH, S!!NýGLES Lx T gitait. Veterxnarly edu mo PICKETS 0F AIL (;w.DE L; Bo"stee, FstofMetodstChrad esi crBOBCA&YGEON ÇLI-ME IN BARj of Wallace' Wooilen huis. IIN BULK à-"D CO}IDWOOD ;.j LindiaY, Nov. luhi, lS SALE. ~ EYE,[EAR&TH R,1 - DR. G. S. EiYERSOk Leccurer or, heE i. Rovi a . mu-i Cein:r-: L Je N EE LA N D 19 2t4uL £-. »~. s THE OLDEST ESTABLISIIED OF- FICE i,,;Tais PART 0F CANADA. GÂS,-VITALIZED AIR (so called). ~Ir. Net-taule h-i Lid rlmost unaralIel- ta Succe-S i tht use o!t h--is aniesi:hetic in Canada. A,!-.:iîstereý bvby im cou. StantIv for 19 - :-t vears. lie bas ex- Lladayeb..OS,18S.1h9t1 -- itCtsl s tMiL as i3 tetuth witil one dose, an,',the Plxtt:.-nt eaviug Vtqite wel MOI4EY TO LOAN and stroung. Mr. Neelanlis mioe cmal atudy of this ano-esthetie under D*r. onramapnory onhe mo6t avorabeter= Colto f New Yrthie firast pers, i Apl .D.MOCHE. Who i<are if for gt. Q -. 'tnd wLsc bas administered irto 146,000 personis LIn~yXaCi!S.L8T.lS'au aüCicnn. MONETTO LON. ' ART1IFICIÂL TEETH manie. Sarros A Smth m S ow leuidit at 6 per <cdl. mumgbt loBasun tihe mcsity of ,5*I insetl on Englisit Black, Impérial, es~m. ffieKLnt sureS. EntaS " xi 11P- Red and Piuk Rubber, n'se on GoId AI. maainvusi of ocm arRONL î loy, GoId, Silver and Celinlond. Prie, àwLffy aMOH.ranging frum ýl0 te S65 for anuppr r Lent t., ~ under set. The best of materiffp sed. KONETTO LAN zTeetit ftled to bat a lite tinte. Many NOXIEY O LOANhave been iosterted for over 20 yvears. U,. guMs etw-m4 reayable tl mtmlsnt t.Chiliren'. teeth extrscted for hall price.1 amm isioroer, or aI htLamw a 8" P-rPeriiona front a distance will please eend MIL. prhvmsfumde oea -7ra.Nmm Ppstal &rdbe -ecm KARIX HPEIS, Orii-Next do*i, to R. Smytii's store. 1 Barimer,&.Llfliay Privat. residence - MIII Street near Keunt, Lindsay. JLMAU -JM -" AMs.-staud mo u"te gmlt, LainA talustor, àppbm. OSe0« s Un lie tonM art, Kent W050, LmIMy. Alov damle lun ar.edenkm JOUXI KELLp&TI MW" W~u~mN erSa"i the lAI. ]ELJANNON. Aucflww. 5aÀ "ftMdaI ImamAM. Atm*r bb-b ffmadiam Pue ;iiaImmCsepum. . I lie mn the B lioe§Irame Cslm. as i sm.. Hesw imy. s K GHAMBER8~ W. H. GROSSI Deutisi, lnduay. (>ver goy. &W epdme.i you gmtaet of ertilciteeth tn ros lti7W po aumt a me of 51.ak111.1are durable, Ny.. m au a Mtet tecf hth" un mieco.htahb n'm au mIa mtc-enS~ uflrl.l apea rce I ou a t ae e m thutiI v u* rriet.mmdoni yoe th Moreif von un atc met-miSàae Mfcla eaubr. ap a" ~amI atbf eir tpartàcsbrs,ý-Vo =021q. s. De c sau «asMt Wet Udal leethon mmv et tmiS colraruibers, tbey aue iJurions Haie mr. Gruesam"keyua me on cm ccu Bbet Rubizer, Goli cor Phttna; t"ame the butS PW ie lZ l Ilelith gold if deqlred. Affu pmor mmer -et fr b to 14e5. col- ortd ru=s plates fred or maroon) made fa.r pee=on- i.vas t hie. VTrALLZKD -MR- tb oSanatam< k hsma for extrmcgtin eqt vistpaIn;pmml at .5ke MdieasY te xi- [gui*& ami taize1r agowai Swditi exted Wfor im ees.Eber nansmo«4 piac,-GR8l GYm tKeneips stmm, Lest 111nE CANADA UIFE E8TABLISRED 1841. fie aMui uni Bs I~ug ~q. c~ ~ Be DomI.dou ~mi ~at S. DB * Lpi., RUS ~- k BamiE 1 =Ms i c ~oi-. I BRICK tý QD T~L~ FOUillÏE . EÂ. A- rom the o -buY, wh :e ql6t pre ch Idr ~the w pg itSs$ta gwith Vj tinv fi - hoW .SOOfl furned ý deep. a âti the Strea, throug sui ligt bars oM 'Ueu leail1 in cool, .Clad, le brtez~ Ieafy o the for* oely mil lakelet 9 SL'iiJv> bY droop vele*1din ust mblin g d to brez mmic of of woc mn of dis p-b,-'i',; lantlv o0 th SilV m S oft the tw~ g, Sweel our 1ini te their *ed spir ft sýS1 R Goa'8 uiteous, In" LA LiND DS.' YB EPAC'K TlE 'ý tile r-:e -fr n.... %te int!!!:-,l %- Ca.'li Z *.tu th-'u> - l!e tuarket n,- the futunre. fr-ni t-h-Lin- .- *-- w it: lie R. q.t 1 ai fr ec: fr .. %; A- tearnir-' z- ra; . T H 0---FEE Liud-av. Jui :::: -Mos gripe - 8tiey * are tu RI A.- mrioua t tW' LINDSAY CHAIRI FA CTORÏ. OleariniigSale, J,& R. BEGLEY Ve bavema larzec ",0 t. tf icto icb vo vîl .eila% -rt t L, Cal! snd %ect ýur t-r-i , t purchasingszoewhere , - r t vanS room fur the larn. -:-.'r inu'aI prisent. AU ] r'r-li Cerf#i . matidction chanze f.r F --- Imember tcpmeop h Ild -av Station. lUndsay. y. q& la.3E L>- eon for for hurt or ID.-I tws> "S of 1 l ime ftuet. The Great Rerrn&:- for C baColds. Hoarse- t"S, BoflchMt e = pugCougli, LCý s f iVoieJ TESTIMON.SALS. bennetinte pnts1 Ihlave used W0~ ers n tje oiand Igtani it je lte best thifle for CO(S SU5&C5 ltastI evt.r u~d ~DJ [JCSON, Gaoler, JsY hdtlvely the best tii=I On - b cughrn and Colas is Wi' PAML . R. AT, LindzsY. PulS&Msud mysell denve'd Mme kbm WMrru Pitti B.&LS h we «er used. ASIEO UnA.Y -i - 1- L i , ilc 1