I~A RI-= MK E>ï-rw E '-.-7 M_ 1'w--X-i$ a '" , --L'L p lm' - - hIa »b s *8 os ..MaI* Umm -MMI a M4lb.IJb là. Ulmvw OL mi sm um"-MM 1c oran~, m a& CS - 1oeAL-U. Vu.MuuvaU ৠM - é4 84mimmmami W"& âme bi MW 9110 " d ?u hTu VasaetA~fl AM tITvz PME ng * bu - avii le ar u Maê ~ b. pans um a ébutnA X,6I. Ubmwd4inM.g -umb PR Mao&" -àmk" - Je" a N a . i l or m hut wi, aMai le M ALMA sE-- siai. bu opu lv bat a u mm bysn. tuasa d.U y 49 Blw. Ac" pývub« a v peda 60qsllemi* lm. mtoua . oopoumm bS mi 05t051 ' h raUm &0."m kemtari Whbambon bafl écievr ss" e mialene&- * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b »14 lli. Iseth lm sdp uisable7 rumios àm;dh» u be . bfecu bP~ t o o o o,ý w » te lîli âwils" ai w ~ viorce aLaw; w am wuwim h-MOe. hs en. dà 1hua @% » blesse ai Obltp:beeM oi. s. ihe 0,$W ,et ah.ubmi tTsM17 el ai le MOUs-ihcci u l. ka i *lm, M pffeff a M OvSls a b i àm àabou t eaLde nlC imp brs amon S no uae h7 i.- bosa o i Ju îâ-& . b - 4g m mlm m b. e pa i *-aima bu m -là » sa - *i C aNDP a g l e M qCAIS it iea irw~ u - ba-.i. 1 ruPvbW a - hm é~v os Sa b ie o >mdkùL 0.3.il c l.cua aarjria ~ "~ ~ islr s b4pom Ibu e laid b. g.us . sesa Luia Càujm a uoe Du. pom 4 how làhk .04%h I bu pUni.. a 1.Wda n ba frO@l am F o. AL L onav mm ne is. M osa ~~b bis. osU ua w n.iyptl p bl e" ( in blaià"h1bave) S" s. ebispreUne balhg Ilmosiame hob h aiam ns hbu hper- rt"it7'o -tif.b PftUerfa dkfl à* 4j&à j e rmdS. be ulIhâe oréub e tied le, Fqu«mesa.alareter ~ < <v d' sey *0 . hgun adboum ,mi0" dapol oba . sc b.lmEs #y*u m tuel v ' ,è a' b " M WseNo ch évus a de Lbut h Mily mei iasaaT.81> *~bt "M atmwator ou inds '-P." bail., *0If.mmd91te, aàl»)ssa <h aM0»buamat s *Ppnsbthe mmiMW Miapn veruoambetb.This q, ~'SIAw <~i' S US. b ie dese me wn aibuiii. lste e b a recon a hmite ~~ tva gà4 u lls . . eéaa. e-v min .1 m " 811018» oeti.thé &bb*Uojaw Mkt mè ehiab. s84.ami ks Wdadd. i le u *0 a" sam Io the uCa pu uBEi 113 1 -- Li - 1 - e.. AL a m aemgbonai . Wbi hl, abc $*l css.d l em S. vql»d@My Elm la ai ivm aIa"s.psp Emca simD &ew dsl uvh l. sa Iabxà amO ~ap maLs À "~au n ai aiw.. o psu..mm ov e bass.e b..lvs be MW suie.w dt 5C "J '~ . ' C .1J5l 'i i.tr m l wsw beie Ms,.. s«0"»u s use r O 11 1 zbm fI kiffi di* 41déiar Wlh8.55. léOs vu. W Iyâhapiet$ 1. VImmiolaIug. jceiMy 04i hma .iâue .1~.uh.e a. .. e."~ watue le, eU.ok @hou, *,*W Md.ut eigde M 14 W#M e, a b #Pmw ho bt l a al h-lic o, fma mua te. Bi1 luth ~~m &MW *0 mm** bibi afm W*i@My l 14-dedmel e «&i-W*.,mm1 m% XIR. buMM "aI omuid b7 w,:n avi< j e L » 1 a sw obu etil p u al. o.ea . IL efl vl wawdb Blnd rUni ~ .oeu.tn of * »«a froWORMeg s i a l a mm ih o % et up a m emed m.t s s c u e i i v w M d2 . I i n I t he w sé b t - o siff ffyt . h pull.. -N mzrr.a LAiv oured fer éUcelIss Md . elâce oberocIlle .ie lhd e PZ eaul f" iit-y SeA Ulev# S M:. lsueS.piar i s u mv ou i esl apsas4 a.E uXIR ýtw:.I nom 'W.us bcui I s. ait u. iuw md ausd. ita siSsa sest"senamim gsp t =e by a =7 1ý.%rs 1* P. a. Vc**.Souset N». J. OSIsI>eL Viler l t la i i me&a» * M.,' AEt AV VEEICE 0& <LmWai pla 7kg lea musiibies te bore bu, oe a b W *o e sme #4.i,% ~Omt f WIN Stumvby.-.2. Soc.£ Adaturs, .-z *0lb bons66 a oel &Y la wh5. ew ulbu* èorsia lbc baus it la Ob' bIr- 1 P. - bu Il SM à. sut a où"a teibhgS av@ e- s ..s1u .BI lcs.in by îLe son. Ax-ne»a te MIuu.-Arsmdras um. ________ du "Mda lou e hm tbt Umla1si ervaîloas ofVeau. ati t ugtsdbmai .,ua paP aim p tmv omi - a§homt7 sbisit hbmua sci hil nUwl m i ylgw t in - P"' ie. #à01 et 0 la e mi si be S.Scnu sa vI tombe.,."b0 shm pei Mml. aule, lmmiaey W < Be #but. @lut"iSlb. .41 ru. ep'i I=t' mtb b wniuqbý» t ebls*0 boe a t sbo.e" b is i bsMd U.w.b, Sans a dCodle, ofus..m I. bai hmnusoi Mai.Baui*O,îr lWmmn. eus tssmrd ato a" i. 5. huMspWÂTCKàES, 1TEWELRY, "-In v s. ~ ~ ~ ~ " Ob MW hB Bm lu*W bubu OMM& __ s S Imm% à - bM ba 'Ivy 1w A. W. Mw IN md em555 @W" muet 1081 FAC! LUMBERt UTH.!= -~ b*mai à . a e '-I *1 t --f D BUEOWBà GRAHAM. PA5 gu M75 E CIR.. IrT& Md m*ENo CE W. V. ILYNC-,e. IL 1., C. M., 9 @aUbpoem»Md n zm gà -Md- e. Rl E mi »ýa lrnèm y. D. MOORE, UAETN &HOPKINS, P. UEANm. -S. E. EOfIUM KtUBE'f H& JACKSON. - almu Ocm . cAt., Ooe 3. uUEWN T. TEV ]EL B. DEAN. A. P DERIl. Cme avbmubà. GoaKe okmmmmb %Lm. OLUAR!à&OrEkmI. as.O~,Dh.Y aneaetes GRÂCE & NaMUUY. ~a $"woEmns%. etc <Un, Usle"usai. ONb e .Inamm t- n& m *. GRMac. x. UeauT. STEPREIso. haICEGSON. aNe. tr-TUM@b-W Axmde. g OUewpheom. L--mmw IL. 3 A Dibo.- R.&J. UlkaUGELN. * BRRO aSMITH, Uh" mwk. qjem, 2 d.ewt a i ei0- s mt Ne.Uai t., Lînéit>. Em»mflaza x Ir te Tnîye àuma. A. J. SiNCLÂIR. noleger. NosWy, C4mearmar. At. * MUSET TO LUAN - 0 « 3. MampWan acea.diag h - et t*0 meeur*ty a . Um*, &C' r~ pmuse.y muidb.ut r bmma mi.t MimU-Wassurbxîg atu U àOUNEY TU LUÂN. ,ae, Timi, am"CoMP&n.zu n&, &Si west MUi rm »dé c. tru. 0Io mi bortousi . Joli% NcbwKT3' MONZE .OMON ai Ipty m tbr mmc , o"e smmet. NONET TO LOASN NgONzY TO LOAs. amw nae &a" mbe autunàgh bet uM&MW imimm u Un mSi 2 jetmm. MNJETTO IAS. bmnam &--u t.w àem i . rdammdb unteu Om seubwal. - bu MPM&OM ma#eou M me" bdftiK ftmw$4 M4i. .P. TU LLy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .uW ' .F-w é a n d & * W U a" U " tt A UTEA ___ ___ ___ ___ __ eAlCHERS, Ail ITOI. -aiic. i- -j tem dnisg w NomUmtlà . oM «-y c Ssl <Teieryy, amai - br Îui.u3 j, a IMm -u m , 15My u rvr U o*-irhbhWin bma 1.1w m bouIeM ,- -.aIR »w a h &ebm d«rfor tht INMmborie aewtht - -. dsobn ~àium. ei cunuI - Peup RENT HTemL, E~ -~ J.bmb~h91 b@guMLl I ]ROYAL ROTEL, L~. ~udIuBbl @&~bang M M INOUST BOUME rn.mt;.5. alIt,pIfeve~The ab.çe, trahau u t Md nph o mug ti taët n aoeean ai wn> ro- cooaD rfts 'Io, m mmapfflW"ihanlthe Md obel -4 o anim bond«. ImvU mint& Aht vy PE- t gh"5àuWmBB4 tIM -fwtM ipe nd a.eimt yhum oeube.Nb. bsaUnon. ci h. wm. ~i . N.V. C. r- omamm en- b b.uw canote, Tanm. saaqam"acobasce u- ibVurày UWIhtl Aaoe- cWims.oe aà" -3 DemMt ce lgeuw Nmlhtchuthi Wist et wacoduoi mon Lid@. Io. UM ADVICEU Place your ordel, a, once-so as. to secw one of the first sij- xnent-with Li. Il~A, ONT. Agent for bicyck-s ard tricycles. Mosaom Boyd -& CO.- LUMBER YARE Corner Bmansd Liuluy Bts. SAMUEL WA LKER, Aga LUMBERLATR, -SHINGLES 0 PWXKETS OP Iau.GRADES. AU BOBCAYGEOXà LIME IN BARRIJ IN BULl A-ND CORDWOOD n' SAL. EYE,EAB'1H BOA' DR. -G. Se RYERSOI L.IL C. P.S. E L.suftrron the Et-e. L£&Prd Thres. tit"i= ilexciCo egY'rnt.,r. ' t t te rceï a" Cetral Londut, hr. m.4t 't t-ar Ei.tRL. conaUîitnu: Surgec.'t t tfor :tUiU l ûeth Blit frantiord, mand for thc t>af and I."u:, Je NEELAN DS S8treet,,TLlonît .or" TE O»EsT sTALisED O-,!BRICK AND TILE FicE ix TÈis PART 0F FO1TE M LN. CANADA.FO TU l"L. GAS-VTLZED AM(so eled). LINDSAY BRICK & TILE AORKS MEr. S»ee"a.is bas bad almost unrnra]IeI- nl eti guecessa uthdue =se of thxs arxosthetie the rate À Ir' î. t t tun O.aa. Administereil by him ton- nl e "ttt o ' ' .m - - ttantiv for 19 &bout irears. He Lis ex- j as w- c-n et e. rrdee~.-.tc-1 We are tracteti as many as 23 te'eth u-jîh aone grcttng att tu- 't" Zlý n t a V't, ý 0'fr t'.1! eos~, andi the patient iea'ring quit. r-Ij thlflttu '.wrd t ik*. .: the sirhtt ftuir%- Ll 7- t X'lh k re, ýan' . 'e anti vtrong.3Mr. NecLande ma-i t if n the fUtirre. The . . t le. t. ftt edà eual study of ihis anoestheicz uniier Dr. frc the L;n,.Nax t t l un. aMO Se tLCd Coen. of New Tork*. t!t- frs:t person wuîh th- PL . Rb .ar'm sut --.-o **a*t we can whogave it forextracting seeth, nd who f bail direct frome ntk:n l ! ae the e'W<e- htea admmirterot is leto116,0(1 persesans ite-minrto tho-e a* l Brck er Ti e ty uhotanacin. ABTMFCIAL ET Reci andi Pink Rabber, also un Goid AI- loy, Goli, Silver andi Celuluid. Pricts aging front$101. I& folfr an upper or under mu-Tlhe bmel 4 naterialnud. Teeth flled to la a lile urne. Mmny tiave hein inserted for over *) ysmrs. Childreî' teeth extartc for half price. Perost fron a distante vill please tend post a od beore emni. Cyn-]ezt dom, t. I. Smyta's sMore. Pverediiee - MiU Street near W R OboepuLees.mm omma.uwb i a5h u b.-~e aie u" Qu e u~N ibn.a ~a mie.w m a =uaui . Irtm hw a pmaet fh d ev W OMMe otm ab.,ete -) b «Mam .4*ee bum mm oi tme% * o TII CAADA UFE BLISIED1847. THOS. FEE & CO. CHAIM FACTORY. (Jlearing Sale. je'& Ré- BEGLEY b.md<bus me ueomif.u dbM s .epbur mimu . aunetthemgethea mm WUIT PINE BALSAI »wmaun» " iJasate V.i.,AUbU Jand ~Mdncoi my wmsD SDqetr. ÂN1M 3 C ~~tùtaId s. ~~~ ~ mai., MW g TuWa'der, %glsvttYtL shbo di 01! g.».' 17&h, aut, Sie w1l Lptl 1ise M.r Belli BOOL re" -home u~ ~bt rip. su N._ Cjàk- yuakoka. çv -k ji~ KM, wliere st h! lt Clarke. et ber uncI-ý expec t r Mo , itL' a M. 9rt.- -Mo p," e Th- Wilo îo1-'il buins took t- i te bu iz v mgithe c()h'i dieh x'ere ; tIànd-ýav CLùuýr1 '" the bu- '. mu it be 1, t.emse1'ves-r ooaevodu: 7off ct't baber, Joitl?. the il~ an sdwat h.ith Cont-'?t May In v'cr t Tma garden LI fosplessed. TËnutbz berr' &CROOL has re of 40. ILA. H.* Ci te0bi8 b arn. ey and t 5ppea5lM tapering to aith a Ui.es-lves a by ixtellk-' Nu. Goulàis1 hbu etoppeda br>ther, J TuE visses C iti'g Mrs XIL. Robert btoken up WA YSI t. adu Wava MiJOi Hugli bat extel "Pesaratiol iffieient] by tht %16 James NL'm. JO bMr. elàmia1 Semums in «"I NP