c, t t'. THE, EVIL, ýOENILIS 110MI Mg 04 tehobuhkm* 1w idet AM frm Vw a**1, 1 am n s # 11M clownu..mo.mti WobM" My*" ef dl e yA ff or 111 id te wýtq ip 0f whs* 1* 1n f ô Xy411P1* 4t wf0?tflmI w. lv aP té Lupl bd% 4t .utffl hm hi uii ygpet, Jn miy l*, wthN ~ oet IftziPv'r$tti(i imi, lntht, *tçiy<t nidthm"*e' Anr lu aS ffl l Mfbevt*h h#" WIS &*il 10 my ', th" dhul o ~f a? hevboo1 »ley od tmrn w Aph. ibt#(iy 11*of1010< 1 w1wi ly IS* n t lI w nbii'ehîreel me) "gg4?vwh m e » l94) bc ' tto yto jiJm CM Iîi'(1~11M 1< kt'. l )e <îîtbm1lwav ptuti1î '4«mit e ayoltuni IjWîniîn. wvtt'huithmu Wsy SuIt- aeIn the lvi it îî he l k' 8t t mpne. tmwe keoîrîtahuî.if ('iftç< i greii JUiyItit uî s<If 1 I uI' s i 0,440041wi II# f hîflk tî' <n <M(Ii în'ixt'î te mttI* no SI~~~~~»'11 -4 i¶' apîIit"rha~ intgh I b> fttsii<I tud i 1141V 't 15it i aalîi. X~y jtnI Mom ow (44ywh<in rlitt't lxeiwîri> lm waI$Ing <ttu orhoi' fiaiînr-., AuKlmf I iehnii(1 mi a gmeItevidor <f (mm re<nV' N<4itheîiI for hl. hevim, The' nîtît yui lk %011 ifltlal JI Ir t t(iitt rt it 'i"ial 'î%hr'i'î i îei'r ight l'ktku o littitmi *k'Ijaîl Ii ahiMo-m v, t h ttît h 'i ir k jo f d nr. 1'4r'ur 1i1. 'O (0-l , "'ii y(iUW<4 hîiam'h o au-10 tieunýt b>ý q 4e I'IIttIS 4114aî tittiour klà thé l Iartinr >ýal 1imtl4l d thi ») t4u. ' - - 1)y 't . e':iîhly N héi txl L. liitmot. lik, aî<-v i'flie îîu'-la-h-ilVw ,r wf rt5 tlh- vîtlit% b IN% lolt. 8t,'1WtîOfI tis-t t' t'. but ln Um ii lUl<iTi i<t4hwn s'I.t< 111 fiifr. s"iutfi'~- n-br thm e-m u Or v<r a a II a ii a.111'x î - I ii M, r-.'< »ier vw u iete uSyoîî wi> talu' k ojpq i bîtii>î'î iw '0wlicter ltaoý lir. Andi 0* ?mwuh lb. t4rt for V ,." la& rmmyliuwkii&bdnalwMadl<v(ie >% ?wt'sriAm <yiiîlIf n'm-ozt hp<i'W. h1omghhu' hYOwVéifly qfjîkdtwy et Sai IRM M as1 m u «d @0s go' m t *wwlm , ab - s.wut '* oa10'uls lffauIrmm*t PVuOS mi , s.h& Tel.m-- "lapu-w whn»mm Wunom «CI *8 m I - sth.bI "i dWo me »MM Mraom bm JIae bhabit of jup h tu@Md- ~ ea "muJe o, te pu a&" UaM W, M sd Pw MW. "T.w Peo.< h.M Pllod -W»o 4Mt49bau, amd (Poihipfo*r het loue> OWNe m wha ouA» Ir olu «My wlihm b uevl do 1« a«ola Jt».yfflua w mdee1 ame prepsfld fer MW Md et o »SOiUuhSi.. W. May b. al & .H n hiq PProfy 1N10Wseb MM d osamae" uMon l fl eusmboudu. Be-te My Julie M»ufor me ville1I ave boa awuywu hie 10fevi.m "Thtis i) ime KtUp" h. mid, baniili'i to ifltdssh4wilav lte BlUta ftoul Ntw York newslpaertovhieh sMe Wa aîreaiuly referi'uS i a itaklngho ber hi*- llhtShianVilislai t lhasi u pagwrapli on lte Omo poam---h br UtiSon. ighe hli aiSWu1iy gineesit h e U« wrdSi t'ftre a ci> of atam rn eaod bhm "Dreadîitti »ai r MIm iWesterff 1"d» h eelincd. 'Reiut tBandAi" lie roui t lnuWmsd. "tTiti'wook's IW o f Inslyent OSrm In l- glîniru. an <.milihman nme»d Jam»es 8l1 riîht t TiO'y(')etm wu it Ifa dhnrouba. bieZ 1 l.nIiiii i bi .11. librdghteiar stîpeon of havîng causam troesaf ig i wil a nItof île, m Irainens.The iau- forfnnfra W<ainn mrbettAi ltWifafor 1the ISî's tlIna', ltnt' e f te £XgIsl rserc frcîîmt i' uitwa'y xi t p nder hi#m eommand eiteti consSlî'î'"rhlt lli#themx ln London »Mme cf Vte ausear et»4lale4 b>' lb.dis- on lthe day of the m11Ser of lt young son by ler fSlnd husiand. 11a- pxr by mi mutpprmed ln barve man amy la l'lIoi hulits nlrable home, aniS <lii po1le l'îare oeviiSavllldtover smre tram i of liS»>. I lxlut ept Ilitat anter ehîli of the' iramt nîrrlaue -a Sangler, ha living iii EvilntIîd, but noditig lea nown abouslvler." "I asyoîî jrveîuasany relations ln En- 'i>îlyaut uliîl. ihtt liastreated hler ln lte In it i iîtiitii atanir." t-ý ritîrtru it'w'-e tom' rNIîneW erlld, as'yo1 ,ana l 'Suie rvtmailAniS, lai 1 hink. it'rai- n-a-c1(o1r K litrelm a aniRe girl-au det lo ira-jb1îit-'it!ouiWlît ar e a l do If Rurîvlliaîat hxaîponaîsln hi ut'lne le aller 0a1111 1)11'a opi tti nuiof Itr? -.ithiw it. af lt' -tirt kl tkly teihappe^," ilAît ni îto1w liam' ,uak ait, gravety. Th' vIa' r'-t orf flue faauy tîyhmolnu tr- Vo I0Ylî.ttl o îit artiît lier nofb ydey'îa tp- r- iat--a* il id tati' îîioftbtr ret t 'i m i m 'ut--:,nsmiuserot tlh iue,fli-- ht-l lhr. - îqr-'t Illen-sopillninwitoali exi- ta tonlIHotIiiîataîtlIve kîiiesa rêli travik roui Vl" two i>it-t or if tvaVil the tNi atneily t" iiI, i * a .'. iîta i-t rtî l " y.l ey' q' usese îî,"M'Iy dlin-natepur ebtld, jiiî.4 au -. hi' ~tiaîIt:tfrt'l hapupy anbung ii" -Cv t'."(int aî' tlirai anîmpaperu I amai- 't hi 'ut-n 111 I Iîmatt lia il îI> ." lIts t.i'i.' .lh'N flea' irt.veanpip'loutot f lt ruai-hi. " aînt liPtle' thp-e alit, qutetty; "-it't-s rîay (etItlh"Ili L-4itu pan of oi Mm rc< 'x-ty spuke next. 1 ltesuriiipse or -aiInînl e.aîaîîetî. stheagreeS viitt beu '1<uwmly mmet înxitsek rnI," gf I 10S uy 4atea,,"muu ut ean Su see taoinîple Tsi- Inath Sfctritti," *ho d"uSeelu, îrlgs-o. ly tuhb'r îlîaltîtî'-lm a n momplWreahe litair arr lîi yiiu't 'em lt think. If*e a que%.- tJî4o oif aaaaiatl>'. f i'see. ut-ln farmlly (-ho. . d a\uear-it'll\n .mtntic a qýimeaaln ofî t'.volvi- >u"' a m Wetuasil. 1.t t esnverîent t-o -lit iP u'iita'rltutn lier n- litin->Costnly my~>î'u" frîi«Wd eytiney î.'ltit' lier net- \icat' Pri'psiil to leu op tht' <'<pt-r wlhui e --ri,'*"î 4ttiii;t noxt 1li a It al, laid teI- titi' I.1Y a ately tii Ih'tati 1shaud At" titîwton tîtr sidat"' b.asItiS, aviS rlu'-ti Ahwîîye the tsanIe," salit good lu-~ne kno-î înl. 'lî iýt%ý-. w i "s'sw generslly akten of lte > irt l-rh'alne"sciarartar'. 1Reltve AnM fil.n-l-.un'-.iile-esvet! uhat ItaniSal Liniey w'i- î --ai' tif lt>tnml'rptrta" ieproviesa Ali ovaenly itla»m mimnc. A senstl'!e lni lem'miu)-am'aeit, Site lbîhtil4 I ei b. Mi 4taajet wetlelti ittîi>:tkially la eheek by tlia. tee<i' Jîeatof , hicli mas lits pudoul- mni -iîîî v"I11h. raraS natu. re.Te ia, kwfl&:timî' ti fie *ttrfw.e aviS>, produosilme'u p JWgtte fl't i ndpeetlo, iWh"eiwusa:faîteasr perrtWmee <.ti. rflfa oe f litevWOU& 14l rmi Illrî'hil at uarm uwSIt yeu"b sli 1A1 lertua'î'. -011 tlu*0emeuî ard t effl 1M9W Wrr-t*-Ilell k t i . i ermbp Ril met sie bu treql.é andiS I l,'ktutsat#w ay c U tomU wiic ittkît-iehhr forlilîld ma i eIU ., Athe fe savittu tltaa-" Aw« * ouff qmee psP rob W* imabte ber. 'e hmavepu x k Mimbu lm"U le me Wy m *a lm bama1,1w l barUn Thimo lavIs, if W hib bq du wsavlUmmM fl h84aunE»V bNuisw» M bobo% mi OMbtau §wIsNu bmdimoWbu MsW r .wm - s.aumoumz-~um UubIsb LMb3 wbu mue b.asuoirab- A N labu Me» WMssl iptb hunbMq MW ow Rd Umm heu Amakia Mfweu a *At oo*, Maatma.-" ID&PuFm*ybunke up Us Moig Us gIpiet.d.-1M ym ~Wette Hubes glW bu M bAié an* I)Iulu - arM am Nu. LImIey bae a» obosfIo.Babet uwtoWm hd b Osbf(nt 1a ailUWUBOllgY>tu etiminmme Arm ta amn b. and hJe wtSVs utter loftIflie ront. Blanai a#)el no I ne rtetun of foilowing dmen; b. had gi.'en hlm.sn'If ime htehhhztk. tW. - AU vvoneCalhedlne," b.*saS; ma pmisoma-u . twIntam Ido e bodp yen? nbe oo& hiegStad grnlefuly. "Always hindl Neyer tInkmng ot youtcif 1 1 wtt me0 Mins WestertIohla Iiiy ownt rOoniWatt hoe ln eut. I iant yon. , Aller a mucie rler absence titon Randul suMlcpahed, Mmra. I.nly retrarîteni. "lias I$ beei< vey <tlatren' l, e îwh akei, "et ng lte humfte thart.lnilier cyeq. '1'bere are noble ilualitie>%," ire ansvpreti. "Ina finIpoor tfl-ned gSrl.Iler oeiethoirtirt, as smmiai mshie e ho îîînerstanatlniy ni(>- tive la ttpektng t teme, iras ot for es'f btil for nue. Ev.en yolu, a ma, M" utive telt tetears i youtreyer.% If yeu haaS heardt ber prnmhianathiat- 1 should sufer rno firt.her anxiety oni ler accountl 'Yen shail see no dtsixmlng chan&ge laime,' Mie said, whevi we meetlo o-miorow.' Alil he' jukei wus to hobeoflnherrmontfor the rest ofhe day. 1 eS sure oflierrtiolutlo.î ho control hersAcit;! antd yet 1shiould like le encourage f il 1 mn. Betr <'let su4-mw (au--t ieenua tenme) mnstt be-net tfor thet4 i.alier who hmisos sbhaumfndy aegievtted er-but for lte p"r utile brother, a ca-taW y, tu-4 l n a strange la"S Can we do ittlàîiag to, reileve be 11*aýwrte" tannatlsu i, oa man whrom nwl -Yo! ayri lrepratlaee. "Tlhe very periion vo w-,inî: Wrle-pray write by to-dviy'-t ostr' The leter watira îitt-tia. If iras ecidenýi -anw lsetly decideti, as tlhe rêmuil provet- fo uay nothinar lai hSydney unili t1ua' înswer ivraSie<tl'Vtd. mraanrat>r.îeut'lrot oe nîutice ýVer Inquiry. îviîîao>îî it 's-.N.'i a ta-nue of the lN>y lahr-iîht iînîîa, or t iàtîte oiyaSo f tt" pt-ihit'î%v-, ~îlikî'ly t lxitlta. The one e-ent thnt hatd Inpi'it.srthe àppeararce of thle lmrrnîîtli v ii'New York Jouirnral, .%iithe tualusifieull of Jamesê fle-ibritigrwin an rîsyluni mari na nîmdran uîder restiralnt milittiat l ofpeetrecoiet). MM s re*Y hit ý- -nverv aerloîis1y exa- f i. dnt'ver bN4i -n 'a'ttarîn Icitui t aiy-imucsicthn' . 4a.'1ity wli.-îi-il l-mu.'Q !ttara.' <;ovpriraîe'. ii eeIn t-utrl îwauid liav-e Tourna It no eas-y unîfi't rault" a l'.abulîriri. tp>"naItn oni Kaît>-,andS <a a'x't It.- unt-en-air I uthlnorty !iiinslrr.tll:mat bt-r.thlie anet nuay sy te lth'e cttrary) -are - .'>ruîpcnitubie and atfthuaatt hli<n, othIe mont part- exeept vlien tItiy eneotniter lte unîitrtuial persanseniployed In introslnue theu,,le arse- fu iiknovledgr. XUt aniS Mm . lnIuy <uilti- Ioly cwuio hait ben onfond et their clilirîr) mcii' tot very viiiinr.çt-tttnipie Itm' proslpect btfore urs Wue.seid oni ber fitir e-tabi.hiiiet ln he triisiti4bi-rooi& To thiel srprse aal trellief lha'n'epr.>vedho be m.ort ause for ufflxety attur adl. Wiîbeut' - jtukijiiZan a rîteiiuîutolu n-rhr irautlierity, the fn-wv ei'ew-t nr'atîaivrieeî whrlen eider nad wwstr ie-n veld hav.,' tfriluil. The et et l'ydtvy'* triuiupb aven' adn- jverec" ilanaum'nshy hirlien la Sydnesy barsi-Sf. Eî'er>-thIin the<ii' i>rihary nattrtint' ef ite aI M.aaaailMorven ai w u tn"'t>.4 fîîa'h-it antI trirprinie tî the'la r1 ui- 'xntivwi hiait poilttsid titarrha't 3e- er- t ie:a ty. i- -nuil, andI Privationtar u i' r tiltri:thS -ell. lxock wht're sahi-iîi!iiiinl--r tmîw phere Sf anilin, elleti amuirP.týL-cnt.rrifacs'anad!he.uri k ainai monti..Ar iem'.mawaibrïtli aeleeneml.î iiSin'e rr: aircisît. -ý y tupem-il on te lue t'wh'tt -Ilie 1(lutti I. mi y 'tnevez tasIoS, but neer e 'îen fheni of<a. Whnmaite f euf mtwalkiîx.c mtal.n'i' pilni laey ut-re fmIho go vitere thiay rilearainl <'dltîul it aine- li"et lime,merpt tic hatatîr etdinuluL Tu bute flue uelletomais ait li Iok aIit egi- oue sooeffy. vereeuujtîyuiimlias mt uL-acy I uhllaalng ltIb>-y uat'> n u contte- dm en hebeeanxn îthit ibtlittd t tpIra-s t8 1 a iraces vwit-b Kmhty. aind iiudy Mn Bd bhm Sb@e ruiiet.ont of brn.ra shr<asubge rehilil ms"u.iy ho rai os -md » nereletm vok4' - rIS- Niueof jiaur àmobUs *'rrp!" W ld lkwveM tlutmlime beuewyeanenmiglatb. piiede, st mi gum vu 0 N", 1iL KkbuS bu Ome ana ciMdUso leva iU t P*e -oi a I d thUseoffmbua uu mw bi Us bwobb b su;a -Md wvm ebsid 84 bmd*gbu ga miamu lipsbu souis eh»b" uta ~ni. "Tewu pose s» em«b ' Ah. fortUyiMéyI MM& et~ *r a*M 1Me w Amlê.M« Mm -~b= hmbuy - 11017 0 , -Sfud m&nI Eus- 1MW i* Thq~ul.w Us m - Usu i Usn-mm& Msem ~ 1m SU»VuMW Um -am au 1 Us a - 9 ,l m b u. ve bo u- - ~ buI 0b Us*me ind 1My-buIde M bh ot. hs 'Eîw em i bap Mmg i hn.in? amae ni My happum t Yom pap." 'Do yen lIke him b.Ilui'han mamma?, -1 sbould ha vMury ugiofuIIf IIUÈel any- body better han your maimma." Kllty eondddereit a Uittle and %hook hier bead. -1 doit udndliWtat," site de- ekaed. iundlye MWhat de yen mener Sydn.ey cleansi 'w pupW& .4tite and set thne pueiIFmoi4 , nid nothlng. Kitty vlaeSd a nulelm ensistruiSo et ber owu on ber goveemme' sdden &Ummee 4P<rbapa yen dWmt 11k. my »sking que»- jtl Y he sugg sted(iL>"Pehaps yeu meanu to puzzlenme" Sydney sigbhed and answered "I'nt puzzled jlu the autum holiday time friendre in the seti. whe happenedt lubai viitiîît rSe,,tl.tîni, Iwcre Invlted te stop aI Mott Murven on. ttheir way le lite bigillantda. andi ucre accus- Itomed le muet lte seighburs etflte Linltys n t diviser on thc'rr arrivai. The lime for titis yearly festival had low cone round agaîn; liegucala were in tâi ne ; a YiMn..uid Mr. Liney were occupied inl makini, their arrangementstfurlthe diviser party. Wnîli lier uîîfailinq consldermîtiju for evir3' <one abut tlier, Mas. Lin ' lti îuot tforge'tSvin vile site wssnîh out lier entri ef mvi- talion. l"tirthable wullibe tuia tdli.i' site sali 10 lier hxîn-band; 'is're Mn't i liait butter juin us ni tiliteevelii w n . r. t -"1suippomwtio," Lirley answecd 'a-i..t iIli arine, tAi-mutth <IRDfor.-%prt? Llnlcy'i w Ife luokitI lt lir 't Lt i' sue ihorbt- *l lte ei ofîet rtliei' own sn-."Fa ncy a ma thinklng efthtiI" she etccliimed. "Hlerbert, youaçnttsi nit-." He lauçg iti raiui!v. "I1îlon't krmow itow 1 catmi' e trîtit i-anl"-silt Vnt sire wiears lihe san rcs , tir'-'-trr i%i*. Vury nitli tit(perliaps l'au l-trigntna ;Iluhn silabby, t-Cpon xxi> utrd, >oix i.31" ---W-terield a coatdrmpiet '..-ieliîytaîîlitve :u %, t-r npridtot me! Weaîr îv!at 1 iamy. you iwîtr'"n'-.-ii k'row hIiîw aia tlresfie." "I t'i . uttpardios, (aî 1'rn'. know t l tetrhîîîle ra'toretl hi)huî>is place i 11:4 wit&, -îniataîi " anî ttI voi sitw, * n'ite rn-tt il, with lher n scît:' -ihie, "hlystî at!-reinindl re o ut iaitrirat obt ;C_ îrlt iia y. My utilIiner 'a u w -I tir -Ni" Weas * --o. The new dre:>b mtt b.' îouritl. 'Art- you jrsii.? fi am inI earrtest. To-merrw la Svdne.'v'si birthday: ýnnîd ber-e 'l my prelsent.- S, oltet<Ia j'r car'i<'se andto aok <tînt aupiahi giîl.I bramcel.'l. Sîttgýed by Kitty, silî nilitr'!, potint.-to10an inlia'tt miniature pir- trait ef thie eStilulIHerbtert reaiti the' iaîserip. lion zTa Sydnril We«ery1leL au*h Catht- nea Lurità 's loa'e. He raYe lte bracelet back te lIra- %Itfe 'lu ilence; itis manner 'ais mare se- rionstitan usuml-he ki.-raeat lier hand. The day ofthlie <imier party uaaked au epoeh lu Sydney's nie. For lte u iane in ail lier experience she 1eould loouk la theglaffl anti sec harsif pritti- ly .ireasc wittu à golti brntet t lier arat. If we couskder boy niesn u oi' w-yav la i liners (la anî"tlwr) Prolit by il, vanitv la surely to be rrekoeidt not vionî tt'ies but among lte virtnes efthlie -te". Wl)! any woman 'who speaka lte Inutli-itate lu as- knwlcedge tiat ber iraIn.'rn of:tii t rati- lied vaêlty ruait amonîr the viuy-î eSîu1i.Me andi moant endurlug pleasîrres Ilirut 'iittîs nver titi?? Sydney locketi lier <lSrtn.îxiilLel liersehf te hesnelf-'u lte front vin-w. tie 4-@4d' view, andSlte boc vicis (uler tilt' sltu1î!ler> ith u yest lant upwikletl anti eheeks t Oit tgiowel lna a ielletom of nla'is tpride .uî,t -~bw rb Mbu Uum -m -vb« m u m uMdw m - resu hkbm me- Ugb, lv "WoumpU la h Us ne atubeMeb. W--t wjd IW1 man mm~ tebu ne.W nt IO wflaiw uw MW-don et eebumhv mo- "-*W MU- celalrn w lb i -bu abi6p & " , -d M 5UMw.&ls 0&.; ll m ae umo 'boe t' the tiPeumy et tde *à*Nguema The Arteirlear utAswociatimet " ain »il" touai wnifieu Lie .,ther daY At Saratoa; .L> a momiers wure pr et. Auoù train on tihe Jersey Cambai hW* nlgéat part cd lattotwo piees âràd 10"» ga.llu e O O uce burt. L'an O.oO Titre. British schooners have been seiZeit bY thie Uniteit malles uteainer owin fer yyielation, je ILs seul filluuin aBehring $CO Thie longahoroeinnemplo)yed at 'Tnra i =2rnî; ese' truel oi 38 ccaLi Per hc-7 Mnd. Gjlro. îLe ncw captaif te -alvatio ..ile C1àavs. TL'ntrd, lightituuse keeper ut n."IS1.1r1i. .ws..trtiwtiahe use taken sick Ui .td n i, b...t. 'l'âe ni..'igChildrens League ut Ottaw-4 la -, Udcecitict 1i Poli estabiksing a Couvnhreeft inuc fur chi idi-.'n durin-th tAiiner imontixi Se-ri indou i).nnl French moe-Lrs et the u': n Army have arrived in MontreuL. The Muit- . .u.i n niivi'utii e xci.'grcat enui. iLy. tien.1Bouili laexpeetedion nepLi. WV. D. Stroud, Presitient of St. George's So- "i;ety, le-' Montre-al asat night t u attend the celivention of the Sortit Amerîcan L'aion of hi.(t ore'shokîinsta be helti ait LondanOnt. 31zyor Ut-are. of -Nýew York-. lis orwarded 10 Governor WI]i a meaomrnendation that Commis- îio,îer ut Pui_-'.,.urka, RL 3L Squire, be re- ut ;'.ed iroin cace. Thi - (.allaita Pacific Raiiway Company bave iO ea <ila le pperty in thie hit end ot ,, -.v'.1pretzuamxby fo a dpot, but nuthing !tit,_- kknown. A Grand Trunli freight train of cightuen cars vit Munirei itor Chiezigo on Sý:Yordaiy fore- i1.' n, and ac-e'aplilîctx Achediataceutof &T 'maLle., in 42 bhutrs24 ina. Leo [tr'.xer. one et the ablest joiirnalists ut fei 'xir: rom! 10 a window ot a hotel ait Inter- au i t 1wts killed. t La supposed Aie uns a iu~n counê et construction conapeed tt '.r!,uh th other day. killing eight work- .îen a-àtIinîuring severul otheru. Thearchitect ,u te building bias been arrested. Tète %w.rlt for the electioe n nxac-mber to the Domîainon mriaimca'ztfromtHanxlimar-d bave beuraissî&,te.L The nomination wlli take place ai un n-pt. 1, and thie elînetion on Sept.-8& ~i~aîtCr înbrook. Duke of Richmonzd Fr 'Lairu. tien,! M(atthew-. Right Hoa Art.hàir J.une-ï ,.df,)iirand Lord John Manners have been apl>.stnted a committce on agricul titre- Tlle second anutal convention -dflte Society af Aitterie-an î'-nr.s opcned ait Philadeiphia l'!iîr's.ay. : -sC.',wcre malle by Mr. 'fa<r".~.Pr-'deîtfthe society, and others jaî îit ier'estig ptpers wer. read.. The t>oruner's ;jury in theu case et Uic infant r C_ d.eItàidi r-ar outa bouse near lhe Chau- na"Fail,à hve returneiàai verdict ot infanti- :aa .raintILatt ie Johnson. mother oftheUin- t.tnt. iLl.îr-k diptheriai prevaiLi te an ularnstng ex- - Wnt in te village of Melville. Long Island. A !;rtýe number or children and aduits are ili - Il t lhe discase andi ai nunher o e letAs have _:1 young man namced Cox bad hi& left hait - 0,en uff the oth.-r nîrning by the pesn _-iimee wlailecleu.îo>ed by thc Caimpef 1n aînsivr -ta t'ic t qa-st on. -Who was Sir t .Impperns, a Pakiil boy %vrae. "A -t-h a .Jfotîili nt)eliil ite wa&s kwled by I . I ..... M--..P. l>'îinmid M.Sire t tav aa î'n ta warderl thc contraci for tie con- * -'0ii ofut tJ it ..eettrm oft he Ci idjan l1acide ri.t Litie Ril wav betwe'-n Cazlý,iuîawàaand Ftritn.zt!i. a di-stance of thirty-six mile-. i'1, I k'-. htwell k.,îvu (ktawa lac'rossu O - 't t triIl..in a Luilse oi ii rejrette ait thé; ~ ~ 1roi a yca ant i i fa.aho ,";lit troOt.S Ltn. tItai titr frmti dan Ilm- T- ý e.- : - uke off '11 l c i .u, îal of "n t S ,,- - -.the' Luri f ýt.î:r aru- ';ecs o. rii' larg~e ,îiintit 'i o 'c .t a e- :.. m uine at lie:. t.cIl.ix n.I - irfhilui.-. J-ten ae ;n o ,....-. r n A-t-. n .rî ih- . 1 î* '...- ofi.-u- PîcU'- .îav i- la t-tii aWces-', A.L-. h..hrc. tn v.a. .' ý: ai S e Me. A.3<cKk. Gumnl Na ou eth et fte .At&aa gdla laber Uwm m uts tint %berwu Ima thauh '.uandalb.n 0fmb. a tmeuab. nt ma -ube zmivte b*me Ue - il.wbaii ~~ne l tl c' ~ The W>ac-quis rf n!.,îxi te iflI4 -tefoeîg n l." or lie Bjris.h LJO'erllt,rflt I gbmla'dcslri eit -G Puki-Zî Jn" ..rnt! ernt wlt a e .!î! e- pa-e ;n tli 1" Au IDVÜrkm :.as tiezn v-terîded by :51119' j. a ~immac-t ien. V;zLÇ Werier. iiititat7 Slb. Gtrniauxl-.mbaaly atnSt. pettns' "-s tthe a.-v ;xx'tiueC-- il )=ZO«hr ureigu oficers have tb-9 St cMa>rs otite. andi i- Maor. Jolint Ibuin. the ýgdâ tustop him. bu, te cra* kSt _t ehsesbilty. Ma tm TAssocationai hik!ae r ârn ~abeegation of th( wttu' Mr «r, iumtofore euxt."' lm m stoâj.--i.eThit yl'z mEBD N stimula, theie mvefl" - k amuerable degrue îm& Wbinm hk repmpnent.-î q.n - & eula th m eaiS ht ()Ver P tb. bou . mtewbole. it Wou,' imâm ý Mmmlto be thi itjon&md *M 54 i b.'we Emghdt ,m WiniA e exbUon ere à k tongremi01r5 ~~Laaserb«aMng dtICet& lieort'on oC hia "etd ti rit parehasepladur ~ID m $Î" M2arket la bno Me tofte Met the, speee uw UmaarU W eeently. BMW& ~ahma donated l 0 t ThBani" Coach Factory ut 8» BtF0re lut. U L eOU&apsd On Friday. Cri ,.U8&yetaflegdtrag&,dyat St. Jeroq, ,taras; ont on inlflVitg-,tjon b. jud .1Jufl Io bave beesaaaxarix. Tb .I Lempio fes "Ctea1 fheld thL ,mm = a st. l - te.on SatUrda1 Tbeaqrty L. Gbced n"..e er. 1~thu. at Pkiaee Albert for 1 )h9 "P .ng 'xp , j .,1 PkimS Mbert ma1 au.,,'. ie i ~aho. At Chicago:SaLr(;;y.Frxnk IDell.iln a am a hierr murdeired his wife andj shut bz, Par Downes of Boýs! oni. M iis h' suit &ainst his traducers for lihel.j" mmIfdamagge.Umm 1 A terrifie raînetorrn occurred ini Te'ia1 Fri<ja1 night. A score a<jteope were kil'e< "! property Eesroy I ,A u.mmet figure at an anarehit RII'rs private secret ary. £htly V.,» w&4 snbscribed to the x yw Wodstliadston fundun S.irrai .The.. The. masters badIng azree1ul.'Lrtrni * xajorlty (Ir tie strilkii-~g S!aihrî'1.. niakrs have relSmed .vork. The German Empfre vil1 na: -, exfter i. new loan8a at a higher annu il rxe_.' uýIer,% tàue e hrme and a haàit per.üi. La Patrie publishes a liota r froi 1,:-j.cevie. tor.Napoleoi. deulaiing tha.t lit. *'uie Of th, Imperia[ party is gainirng in 't-.- Three )young Scandiir. .h.-v,. î while trying tu crorw L.o.. * akeCitytoKingsola nwelcvator for theia.lî4 ~ Three million feî ..îd a h - W~. J. Ros is l !superititol I 'h'wurk. A desp.t-h tram Ma.i'I - ys: s flooded- [hure la live fot!--t M in the buzaar. TI.e loua ut liie anad prprM. A Chic-vrn ol3iceman is'ar.Iahn day on tetraieks '! the~ Lake jOçM. pazsy. At the atock Yard-.s *Ltr.-.>. was foun&d. tThe Uriversal Peaac_ Union of -. 'an îng arbirration for t";' e 'tlittien! (,f *il'erna. tonal and other di.-putce. The Britans-hi.teame:- V); c- - n. f-1,. lnnkow for London with S5-oi *.'n-i )ftlt'. ftutti ýred while lenving the Chhx'; a. 'The ' f " ut ber creîv la unknown. The Philoiîa;tit-SjeLv o'Enlri a'ift Ied i>r. Oliver ~ IVîa rr'a.c :hg IDr. Hainies sui ýu .: ir arkod un the.Au- rai.ihich .e.Sa' nra Le Temps uo Paris. lu i a'-In hr'New Rebrides qî' .~'--i'A '. t coloirnio whshng te '-t slh a kind uo:Mn- ru dootrriinL utan. The IrislaConseri-at ive me ibt rof, Th"}i ouse hel.d a meeting Tu dr i.z.a hu.it jwasdecided toa-l eta jn: ! kie btl nce lating to leaiehuid arxnz. tii!i.u x! .etc. The Sultan refuses t o r-' " ew Russian ConsýnI-General at:4 '-d:jfic:t. lt is rumered that the Sil:an«ý, action £s du, t 'Aus- tri" influence. The Gernizn Governmenr of1ftr îinl salary of .53c) -marks ta )an,. ~uge.' t will go to (Xtmeroona.nd opeil a :. for the instruction oftfiho n-ri A hundred and v-tw'nt.v In',r-o'hJ. periliParlianient ha-.i"alt-t, r lt. O mg the Goî crament tzý .a i"î.u enquire into the curruncy que'-t ;un. Repeen aiv Piloophmcal h i thelunxg-windrnd titie of! a ut- na r e startedin mEngLard aind editeit b' Einti- Ha] toriucrli editor of the London I;aijy Nevi- Messrs. Redxnond. OBrien an,! he;.,. 'he Irish .parliament r- dele ' es. et h1 thieFaJIs n-Sturdaty nfgil'îîanit w:11 _teor England on TburadaL-y. The Prince of Wali-tdined with the lofe Callihridge andi the 1' -iu f \N- '-au ta 1' gicai GCardens. Bnin. -xu ti'.: being brilL.tntly iuiinai' J i'.cr iU c- caàion_ Thos. and iliinr in '. bt-ar:, --. i John Haiuton. agret Il. w%%tru dro-u L: J t- Lake, WRiL-tlie. Ai. -. Meui. ;h.:te t- Thos. Tay~lor fiai 1. t' a %v i* z.,ni. f-.t chlitren. Prince Ilisimek ha'. s-n* a uir 2.o the Bunde.rath. canils zatenîOun 'lie accessit>- of rvrîîn n.htof :' n turc patittod in Gernàany bueing înfr-._': on abroaïi. Kilsrth. in ýzter1in ng-:t-.. "'a i-isited. Sait-dlay bx -h. c o' The shock ua,'-* t. Ilt7àt o- t-.t:1,r but threw the- peop.e in*o al-t' f u: , ex citenlient for a white. The Get-tuiýn Tecachers --.Xti" meeting at teie Hoiboru i- : Strurday. Ag&ériinr mtusca1 guîcn. anil AugU-'uaws'n:.~ iraveler. delivercita tc u TheicN ovesn Irentr.:!oftit»: u:-h orý for the cxpiihsiinn frni J .'.'. si.iii ollier., whe r "c 4b tboonthea b.ilebrei' ýmuiath~tu i w c ar n i i ,&&,TA& Ward.tr. ,Wg seLf. bitit-r adghborihood t ,ggaod ginneralt- vui f&U plowiit y 01the furnsw ,brn inti'edu' 't- odezn Ben'ul'S 2U W' arder. izvwr. -The w 1 loin aulely boub. On ha" ' finiahetd. hm hsbeen îhorî ~jmWde and p qaace. Th ma ho b. very ?bnev Meîhod: nihis labors in .ssa.bo secureit Igin Lindsay for =U.br. ani me»rn Mr. and Ma 1rtlr. J. Siticia ..M.Andre' 'Wmecasul bec oit .vdhie odaid oi j. the purpua Mir. S. E. Lot' tmovinR a hua Immau'ager. IIET.-Mn'. I.Geo. Hawktins, mUl a paztnful a uweek. Whila wubich utas bel' (if the axe c-at iBUsiua tue ax, kmc on his left second anad th day. Mr. Wm <S<'owdon2, als, thât uil ne c-s fiesome tirne. -axe slippe-.i a ft fotuttin Cirrv iuas crlle. lte w t1iti . eme aof Our t * 't walk in tt.v the Gnvtrn'i --t r, Spj'at etc., and i4 fu inie u eao?t ttt ad usled if:- t wil Stt',i tnwith ri Ont the oti -à -PriCe forc' I'cents ;'-n as he >-ii nltand nid t tuf. The t2j: voeld do wel làfthe next ci "' deu Ec là Wqad dutý »Va of mbuet mofe %hahn by à" va wof WOUNXT m"s S;?' Ano-" b to