- v& w*~ iwm~. um. Oro, COMMENSURATE. 8, TIGE, Publ< E'LT8 la -hile~ tht I ILT fi kte ni" 0dm M&~ * - ý q Ma.uvanta__ _ _e--_ mohm -, dwupar U W -- 'Wthe *=tge GOIsD N II N.mm_______ w ..a nm - dtb.rhot*.YhirY -ba wiK -W 4" a cic i fermNOLM.%w01mm ti - ~îu ..rmwu *u t. M .t ue W" u h ins o i 1~t sbw~ ia sudTh'l'l u roimst lfm ju] F e U G o o d s. nI~~ w»o udire M.Mu4~LZM __ gmtsmelohin, wethe itbe ý@W-PM0MY .aheakiy hmelk btter thma sbluenum s'S&i.he &t.tesuit, an Overcoat, n rdrot àh1=Zw gn, M & b XtoTND.- the b~lrgest stS o selec~frt fmm, th a Pa"ts, or a Vest o aes MM4 soi da e to receive tht sam aelat .piimbl. mas. L À the ing iu poaltion in od tnina h hnsoMn r -11WWTittwe lswifl VpaY pernaal, empoul! ePetv id dte rc ytotteh mwklnff Stook hYom boa dh@ê l e 15 I m (Cumb %UPin i d ou the brnk et fiily 1> o t 15 per cent. lower Cathro, Who is a prur ,W aknzan1I I3* tStockm03PA0 thten esewhre. < has a double iiter'tii ev mmw thaL eÂShIWe. ADeseare-con-vcd patrons. O bon ba aum s bmot vV. IItbl vuukLt1iî..i .ThaoremvIncing ar.uments, and if yoti require further bsptos ur~oko m CLOS r OCASHIP RSG.im. 1a hagwutI, »J in Whh Iaech anýt cheir Me.rs :attend f oell îvteoutoca].ad examine ported and CanaA,-ianTedutn.,U.~'~ 0o d d0U8mw0BirenlU4 ma m-TIck.tuto ail "Mrtsof hall0obinab eprooe mgs,TrouseringsadCaig sme iw.lw. Vfb.01UwB*Pý urtria r>embera of c3,n*mtsor Bt DOdSandiif Priffl for Y iIW this season than wr n1e ~eîai~tr.- rTTTu~~~~I~~RVr ~~aii ~M#iY thev Rufl BY 911 ena4 the do-,r. hv a rs~dten~vs 'b~ 9IlNoV17t ndM N LES wne hav.«, foot balckb.W=DINýoa. -judping bT the disa>Iofe Our Iress Gooda Departrnt, with rim 'g ~O golU>Ay IC>IêTut FÀâa -Rfow M.Y wedUing cakes in Soanet' store Iatély, oolbs1 uti iLI's.uoaytch 1 1wa s cmp lete as ow, ad sign and eleganceo iihte ae(rar' WUddIulaI dutkPO b«Y« M a msandare about to 1, bd ach evrws oeexcelled. Tasty gosadtsygrnu~~c~L L)r0~Sm&k~ BndTailoTiurg, RedY'-rma4S "rod a sàlbo.uwv f«r Lud a- inluv'itoi. We tde.i »w sevend Youg while others are advertiing an advance ia the finished we certanyd xclii . aP*~ 9«tiz g «11o MUY * Of thq Wabr ai m tu ith e neararningui c»k *tnc" la W ood a, 9I& our Pniomsare lower than ever before ommy . 01 <U »hav et >1act4, then let m«tMoten W. invite every lady when lm need of. a drfl stock, we hav'e skildwrhns n ehv du PM#Aou KCM s"" ulqit uTsd t akofobrutaunsêon1every facility for irs-ls ok n U'pi of met * ou "a siSU oet1u Cuz»TT eLet nu inoc Udý mttferwhat the oeateriuli y(Mrequre, corearinrilyteows.Tserc' Qe'- gb.b.d y " ,T n , Vt ora d fo. ad nle euc wlile<, ut ot1, to the City Store, you are sue t id it t - e. tins you Cannt nalfolit ~ ~1o hni edc R. S MYTH & SON , 1.w.d e" nrv rcon. 9MIaripu, in the vuapsof Od. &ÂoveLy stock of New MantIe Clothsa jiit re- Came ad se u, ~~i ~~l~r~4~ r r- '7, <~~~~~T. B mdwbore,\f th fin of BnM Ddhu . m ,rtirig fom frmn&the ore t e i das f li to k feeg tC ot eU wUl be foonuin is ffLee at re " i unrmu rved. yor paricum m on 1 utad, Kent mstr , Llndoay, Pepv ge.y TO T E E L A D »dl tii. and of the moith a"d Tm lmîsuLoyàm wmA T*ra.-T- Tm L"Mà. g 9 .wdt &Wb of t.*ffir far ti. iO0o a*W, ucunsAI l a the Opm oc ubotea Ldm'. mth UMMofts otilt of omm ev a" a ' uwM Abe piifllqd to eantwo of wdocos n helt fOcoer wMBrftt»n's mosut ent moatoue, free etE EK7U ..N bup"Ml ouf c.-a.go. in chm7t, mo .e a m* wmtnuy lW OPUDA"M*iffg uit f tbeIIi UOk><&Z"" UW AtITYDIRAPERS AND) CLOTHhIS iV f1h gnbW U" "Mwftk blu oea- L Y UdCO f --i-ttdyfowfO#à* am fiit Vm W i * it 0 M ,29 DOBSOWS 1LOOKO -KENT S.LNSY luwauiputud*4sL Ca?~m .of Pmn k Eti " MST I â h . om m U 0_ m "_l w d w l t ,.. ,à àMas. 02A08 * mm«of 4 : ta Eau-:- Plurchae &m" b. o--uArw qvif«gàduana morebt toofouowio ým o o t&pat faim tovutorteMm o elmgm Wn fe n jm r M~noe1SKaflUO Comte L~n00-ai*#h, rieà Mmd pour, erceptin m- et_____ G Isoki amy aul ,w wm ?~L1.h,,aU ~ ~ ~ ~. N1~~i ~ A-g 1h tiubk alredy ReL had are to be foimdanecletvrtyf bâ b« tuu, VU& rieu Co laNUISniWN ~bu vuy mt- Wwvtm ZPhhsM& M 11VdvU#, i $ W 4«Mi~de ,ysl b.bd *«"Mho@ou w hett ujugh u hlum sbuI ouihi*9aiub l m 1h. a h. mamae -dot la dia - Ladiesm fineaandwmediLm Gotde .i ~kk~i I. s l «âuoowp dm.-te tube m& &ai- ul.thetnoWoy kfteep lb.rety air effffl -~V.y ~I8DM Md î »bIf« cd Ou Oar.spGr dw Y ouiyvM d*t. mai. th. LW&d'*1h. aduernts on tif m lob , et - &MW om - àuo4 MdnI b- Vmdo. WE-I4 M Yy d Poawm UMLG&um Tm U n wr-- n.-'In Lan lsvhl tl of Buttane&adL e. Show RSOInS DOM Of DA? VA JWYaDam « à MMruoiud z*Atl. GU" T~ww sya sç,-mgurud0" lm P" LBP leabw outh muo1u n t m&s u..rgW lob-auta i u Iox«d wy I1ut la marnew liaecomp.my in uqntiat- Z w a ing ugrs a dhe luitbequoopanm *Wu 7h. d ni lmllte in. oert c«id matou. WOUI I 1~~~im liï rougi.Vwfff8 ft unt b. e V o conider &ei questou eof would eaU attention to a new and patented adjusiable LcdBo .~ ~l -~ REMEMBER iCUdOpuUI7 toUc18'OpzmIU« zthe. buil sferm v r ztp, o matter how hieliit may be, and is a Iovely fitr.TiIie Oum p lrmaY SEPT 24, em to IhM orie o t iu uciz. b ad il, poluhed Caif or F i-euoh M d i Stock, and onl e u r s t b* s e ai 1 ttbOW MId hAVe gjLOC J(4 rîe<as tuîS. t iià man. iir ifussif .la uadmrd.Iamncarrying funIieso w.r d.srt.utt bowhqs.The deetioff HvmEYRÂL.-A quiet weddiug toak ~wp> g~5v5A W. IIISWuIu"4 of i*dl r talwh peduplace, ou Txusday aftercnouin Sr. PMPUI -awty osn1tubloomiIy, àIm u s auh h bureh. The Lv. S. weaton J ]I, L ILI OESIUhSLE ~~9hOES ~ rWuubmdw tp m 1aowbw c.4isezA, of Lindpay,uited ineB = una s d Am rca ~ fj athe b- of f.t or oTieta bote. ol fh. anad Mime Ca nowl. VoQ il I 4k iw. 400coula Ibu pwted, Stl Sg"I»MI.w.SIB fallu e aey, sou, danghter Of J. B.e uowluOu, !Aq., t'y the ha'epee aiA.& m rwa4o4i.*0 motervit b.ioiimai l».. lom"r sud clarkod LhIndMY. Th«y go>5Iqg*lAna l.-J l V li a y s higdoTW# »Mdcous amp.by sMd wm marrtit in travelinIg costume M nage Iai aite DÉ or v léeh dtu& pulkiMd 1 lendolab e *0w h.M110d Of th. doýii tok trin for New York. Mime .lI i agea aMyvrit thf ~n- 1h10 e la theïr bwosmcflîn; for tîbongh ontr se- i r,owlprn aud 3Miss Ethel Buckneil wMe I a.~~ usaum swfth tii.laté Profesuor lBayzé e t.r. 1,rieida.The grorrnamenvWue ail Mj( ", iw.t t'habd thlh Weuk a U e tb'?~5vtta!01 5 f uk ell and 31asteffHerbie Knowl- The travelling public can be supplied wit û eb-.~s Vp ii lè t h4. ~abn .IM b ofm ail-be -suOpimsof uiem » dia son. lahck or BZOWn. Grained eather GLÂDAIF BCSc 1:.Sif w 'CI6B ~ memma, is wmumA-Th Wodvlb Ado.prize m feictdOntario onty Rifle As- cellent finish. ."eil .otna !& kO tS111 ttplieit la P"' vPTt'fl, 5.abiinu wiu belit on Tupç,lay lat at I ' bavdw.t.. can, ~ ,< ~'.Lto ujrogbaon by ttng the hithY, thf'T e iDg A Ilaer ttna eo mr w ff 6 "IN yi p 17o s Sst.ub. 1.î a; uLb.. Trn ta, Barrie ad Linday, as wei s [ . MAlI F i m! lx, *%. to hoy. _ynus om o14a.: %sdy, ;; h..Witby. Our Limaqav mený, 3Menu. J. I__ l. - t Éà fs uaTAuL.O au.os liiuow.peuu ~wA Willi&uzuoi uMdlJ. È. Oliver both on [4 I~~Gr AU1GvqwtEL mï4 tro* 044V b.44'WIo .ma.7 ..i."ýsd% Z ud setl, et the Wou" of HM ow* mm tqdmMoiN of , &eu4 eryaa JRGKEB &NJ~ i)3JlU M4dbt4ti corisi.lCM lis(3IIAND ~~ Lutaou.b# ~~~P otdli ta %b. plsy eofLIwÊusy om* daey. , Ams0.a vtSaui'-4O R>jowdIiCi.i iiéwP« laPI .0. wb i MUUdb a nt .tchdiaJO C WARE A SECALY -Mg hisgylb. liWWL 19 ,1 1, ut dlosse m a..vu.tt ~ auos W.tiveisvoa4be tamvw -. sets Jm C heap Tast Uh- p a*~I~ mtifi ,f , -owk Wu b Mi ewy fat *wu ana Weib. rbeL SUSA10t-_su T, j». (ereerev ÎI " lm --m. m,& P b gu. wiý cas" &t tW ïg Faix week.P vii yCW' ~ u~ R~k hm rLss nItai wl uoe..BUA uTTB& wreneerolkt r îicw ~~i or%~.~~b'~ . __O.. os uLê u- ~~~~es au a bg e umm log.itnt ~ wl MWL 1U1 ~ UI 8J I lb ITo ale huaBL ( Imm*9 W_ adwm Grha A to lý lllý ý ijggielý W, - i MW# e mil t'y th# 04