lm 1»9jg A ,iawmml. INWAY, t, sfiIit $1 N -mil Coilltf ti'h ' M it, à 0oýf mmt ii<pjj &05 the*t tili mWo ilf nt rtfO 6fý 4 <tir, tfbM, (4s Affilow~U1, M ,i mms' tiS it .tfm 4 Ni ~! fi Vse l !t' s fis wi e eil*qt, U1~ g~qj& - 4V ~sWilI frf~ f~ ;s1U l'y <i~5' ~1t1s '55 ~m'v CtsTi' plis.' if T'< ~ (i5 lU. (m~ fus ~ 11h ~ ~5ft0 Imt~ il "l )IOf 4IIÇ IINI 10f koi & d4.'~ 40fr à-£," liff 1 ~~5*1I'i 1Os~R .k~ "'q Foi- M4ml laf &«« «&l kia!wm,, a114 Do lm MW h la MT ""Ir »« bote 0 dmwl dm@.& ahwl MO.Wu.Md byS W. meUW< Tse uuWfuu lu i.on* dof Th ailnulgiMW la ïkl e Md. #(bIé u o»ula V" of us lb. wu lm -gie *gum - afru4 f l.U ~ . slm he0 v w m.r, .4 woui« 4 "efloome ~~~1vjT A4 lm Sil7 1d 5 6nmi w1lbg, o111 suos.bee. Ob *6 ii.ng (w dm »W MI1W_"0fi b. ili a4vM o? 11 W ook1f1 4 u1SiOea, 111111111411 f.Ucm i ci 1sss4a7 <>4O<i16le oftIi5< III o îîIlt4<' <i ibi' ko<M$1 Ra' 4hw moULsoielo, f1I... t$'$0 t.aiu tom 511of w omtio f à# .I ~.Ii1 P~~~~1w~~~~g~ it masbu"mni hOpmcvatd a.ng #lhgI ttk *f fl t e* an tis ii ps111 11 h 4t i,> fblm .to 'iait 4 I woii iity'dsud* 1.0fa- Ileisl hft nvd vil him 116oo*ld (MI*u tllm<i r t '101Y4 ffit-l y »s>o 111v111tm ( n li011if41#<1 up M iOu t, » fo(ml<i. lmh <i f sIt lloOIv d woY11ert e mmf n t*bm«n Wh*%ln à bo nimvbu< ~ lb oumMO ni<if tb1tS101114 foi b »Y m fus.-A positiv hfq Mosoiont4t.fOl«vh950OUtp$Iadi tho e jiii s, v' o l P 0 f V1aI m,1oelU li Ibo ootls Ae nof . . o stidWd,-1< hIII1lgo4' 0 <i 09f . it Of olé t h. 01fo,19]h wi meifl oi ai tnlqB 0 , IFM W x3540b 81b piw ftm1",'y ftyM11e. h h.$ s g.0h1Fm wOb%".fWl th 0 W 041 *i m 60M l usw e«t S MiIIf b.sa of dry ~m.oukleu yfd. -k*mby. mm ftiastsw t l tmstewbk ww-um 41 ,aY. Ibo " Vs oess. la ma wu l#VIeb. bw0< iss .im»m d ~sn.' Ieu-'Se - d" ff- s 4wzSI*IJ w i I8 15 14 los7 d# S(,Ow. yl gown .k 1 FI1.IuwIi ai 'Ao lQOh$i4lUf$< hhIPU.I<W »"maêI th*m.sv don# E I I * 0 e a t 0 L1is leof wm i aew hf' u *. md" lwo'm o bItah. km * Wouumy f«~j I ai oftwm of la* L mow. Pv.. Pv...Wnvoe, Core Swthas, Cuig Tougu I wfl UOUIUbOV0 et h U km1dS The Ka& ?1@14PI uS,3 ; ta bf du a m Ofnu lmUI vm A u= U=,bTOU0kY j..* t0( < Go" mu, w~bu moeum m un dlUu m- Xe" St, lànday,on C11. a" do i 0NUI 0eIbuelU,1iw4em i 0 0ceaul Ld ,S* 9 U.-EM ~ý "* ram. me- THOMAS ROBSON~ SIl i9Tlas[ DIII À1 Vit A" Ifb. z B9dr bioil k u.« d & T sipnubro LiNDSAY OOILN ILLS '4 ENOOULmAGE HOME MAPdJFACTURt ~on " X4 16dl *rarmUllWgr :rad* Wn%'M A8 n 'L 0.0 ffA L »O$IIM O MWzig# tgu# -nd a hmcouema- oc PhNomm tg m. w. w.mLL, G-on peuP00 UIb. k qilflf*I, 144*I o» 46 $ bud O 11or U1s lEgm W UUZ I~U L K*- .p"ç ( 171M EPIh W ov ts t b 14 gm"c0W PS &,UD CA W 'l. <ý,"l lm m oo.Mmm"" ,b"yon shf im a m1i IdIltÂl tej,ýiVj 1' f.1ttV (fuifl *4.i<m~w#lt<ik*rtOw gmoli 0,190by Nati, *.f IILKILL, I bl t10H), -ky TfrhtM of*4h1% CGS wIbi, To l« rptfit fte t 0 1 ro n h « I t *d e e . b y t e th o r ,.u h n n o f ta or1 nlfv tng( r.f ith rhr 1pvîin io 0et44h r a I tn4huidznoS.which, wit.hhi a ,I rt perlod, ,~~'Mi mswi.v r f, lvf ihns-p w i l s t ryo4hT;.'ifl a n r d xt*4m eut fnq tfft t e IFfOm Gr Wttý i flt nw f#s4<I wlth DOa ft*, h ,.le.. M W . «T;toaMI$.F~ 4~1r..f.*ad (qq it #frot it 4se< h .iiImf*l gM6104$hf £imuWdVfhiiy vemN d__________________ 110~~~~ ~~~ i1 r"mliii idl9lw m Z 1#JfrI (rom the insu, , Yo*0 esnd 'the nnt'1d mi vIes r#...UltISMfrem A Sthe Litigi4sy Centrel Fair ie. jusstta bi WcO 4 ii11 0* flim it n6ih.ou M*P i'welveo os m 'N book ~fes. hf0rv45yU7 m hawl. 1 witl toniwtifv the pulblic 70my nIfldde.fi<S d d . 1 $ af l Yiv 55 1#sh#1fi iV 14y1"Ogre M O toM d &W§"£siIi ;;yvoeotm î« evanu aMWO"~I qsmmUv bat My ivived depsrenta am pown 14 1 f W#m, i f.. n. e~.e<n Ivisb. ofou"d y*Ue opu SWfÈII%,ou4 ibao#sIo wfor_ 26,ý-.16arlaP ipd* i4ot s "I fl ai~l1t~ i. bO Ot4U~ I #5~?V 4on .P'. W1t"<15VY ~ ~ S 40 M it ' hV ei i #I osms. tOi ", = 1loyW40 sthOno y <~r<' î1frs.~ <~( I1l0V~ 414 (f1111 h wt pnfwi.dto .oey î ntwue remcg s OE C O mowL baloo*id vm fliw 01tIveu=mpIefr '----I .ÀÉn N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~s eA i.sw eêy. 0n4ov. (blmm QMa Award.4UOz ufhg=aV m w w l Its enffle for LU, N oral»Uth nvbn tt . e *OnIb <Md41(mitrspsouâ. ii.hop ,.r b. ,.Is n «WY mtohU On. asai e i m i:Jt:Jw l , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " li.,Pmf .I wb. M.w.'m p wi.rme 1Wschhaaiu.et.Weaueig MW otflsme"Aflme l rdôm, Md"ko ocr f f 4 a «l 'tritttfâ ««hmM 1t wfà» blUS*1se 0511, a nS =7 ClhtvnI - m O*0,d1.emleatc b lp t-W nM ~~~~~I -ht ...fo __._i 1 0 k'~ gs V ~ __ -s.U-an In .tau uta.ComIx ad Bruabes, P orse% STncba hrt,»~era otuTllgPita4 e Dry ',jD SAVE MONEY. T ie Linen, &c, &C., thf.- biture yeti can go -?R CLOTH AiNY -TLMR at tile a7ovf- Mt,L 0CPORNER WLLIAM AiND We bave DowV ot agood brick udu'-iicw runnr!, ýi! ROLL CA]RDING;,FUJLLINGI. 0 MAINIJACTIJRING DON E J Lu l IITIRRARIF R TEE'1885 'RADINT HME STOVE. is Sban& III iRESi-m:: AwE1 RARao. Oeu . SPECl TO TURESHES1 I hav ei Cved a sp Bluaok nd 14M " "dore MACHINE 0118 on1 ce. et Bo=s01,N.T '11 d 1 blbJ ,Mou au. Ahhli-et BeWuv Packing Eive1sîý Glôves ~ ----F W COYUolAm «"tT EREu8, 4.Mount Korsb. 010501 ROBUiEON, ÎOUT1GOMBUY Z iMAJTITfl. anélt. WILLIAM 31A0.E.Janevikp P. RICHARD40S. GEORG E0 i>oWNY.Lindaay. 4¶DRrIn RORINSON.0 P. CLÂ"NCY, DowneyvWll, and othera JAS. EVANS, lus Mf Onmin P ound. FIREWOODR 1 . pâli & msU m«md Mdmgm o quil$eyw Mafd 09Ooed mdu e f lhobWf beidbo porpffl *11mom ou~ Go J. HOYLEI lANNIITud Mi wu' FAwug"r- jl~,-1 Coleohm son .ROI I rspeLIUlYrefer those lutending to, purchase 008>1 sto'ves tu' the foliown gentlemen who are uow using this j ustly neo rlous tove, whose testimofly caïn not be gainsaid. IE challerge any dealerinu Lindsay to pivoduce as large a number of peepli- using any other make of stove: L. agure;J. . Wllae- Edward Benson, 2; Dr. Coulter; Jarns Wethernp: John Nugent 1,M.L e ; J . W.Hann ai; ,Jam e Neflly; John A Barron; Mr. : hMe. H mtr; CMrsý MrL eeas; o n Cha. e h; Tams IcConneil, 2 stoves; H. Waiters.- t;x-e: E - (Greory, ~ stoves; Joseph Cooper; John Lyons; Peter Nicolle; Wm. Bleckwell- M r. M .-Kiy M".W. Irwi"' 3ohn-KnowLgOfl; Mr. Byley; S. Hughies; J. S. W-iliains; Wm. Farqiihare-n:A.. B. Terry; R. S, Porter; Mr. Clarke; Rev. Mr. Jones ; Bev. Mr. Pearson; Rev. 1Mr. MTvs:Wrn. . }FviM Murdock ; Mr. MeGlashaw; 'Ur. Thorndyke ; F. C. Traylor; Blpickwe- 1 1 '~ ~ . f'. T. A, Midletn;B. J. Lightfoot; Mr. Ferris; Richard Kylie; M rs. 'Mdlugh: f.i. 1-1 k Ceorge Riggs; WM. Peiar; Wmn. Duffus ; Johi ndesn r.Aoenmh rt.~ ~' Comstock._ I a=n the only dealer who buys the RADIA~NT RIP ~~C frm the rnanuctuO3!B. C~48ELS ~O 4'COLS MM BURD OFTRADEI- _________FROST SASHa npwu b11.8,and aftC~N r tuuo eTa.ow 1We are prepared to furnish the above sash on the shortest notice and at lowest prices Intending purchasel's should place their order before the frost sets in and have tliem ready when required. JO B- of al desriptOD o doue at "The Wu WAL lui liq l Il m Brbiaying your 7.11 Clth@, Tweed, VIannels. B'; rri àwý, al» The only stove made V.-ith the 1 '«bm&ffqý 1 99)10brahï "Da t xl- q-- Efi - - te 99