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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 8 Oct 1886, p. 1

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gunmopR It- it i khtd Ny ~~ ooim*"" "ÔtllH d"Il. 11 Utiff Mt.# ictrua Ce" AOM utm Cao of il M" -d dryr o the bm in * wolf Md reta.d, dliered froe conziectoI p~r hnlit Advnê LINDSÂYV ,ONT., F8IDÂY, OCTOBER Si1886. VoL X&L&.- w iio±e .L~ u. Startling News, Another Rtebellion on Foot wehav7e received another shipment of DRESS GOODSV MgrTNS, WNCFEYSI FLANNES OTOg PlA '~'AND 800M COTftTWZUPfF, e 1 wêseIn he trlcepswhieh. cannot be compared wit~h anything ever betore ofFred iii Undqay. by which means we aepaigfxtca Qoode withe refch of everybody. Cail and see tor yourselves that we are the chespest hanse ini towu. ,wo hveAil Wml mmGneli Ail Wriôitw4 24 co#tto, Cretonnes for 10 cents. Fine Dre4s~ Goods for 10 ceî.ts, and upwaxds. Algo Shirting, Duck8, Cottonadep', etc.. etc., which we offer at a small margrn on cost. ht lit, tine pi f f it1oJwm 't"ttî, yrved ift f lnAe it l4be m t' ' - Y«tt wir1e ct ton for 1C#teIT. ENTS sýa-A hnwitgr hfil, t tnn bbirqt ine<, of Eats, Csapm Tics, Col1ar, Cnffs, Tweeds, etc., iii the trade, and keep a first-class Cutter on the premises, andthsdeiigago at!l t ill 'qiltf of clotlim'4 wolild <fo well fo cail and 866 bimý Gooô4 fit glaranteed' or no sale. Mco Oimmonros, OUR S fAot, ý"* A Cill4« Ail~ H' retItI 011ty41»«~ fl~~~>t ~.~ Vtt)Ii ik# o'¶o ~ j4 tI.o tlt ' lt'114% e Ili *~~~~t( lilelfg 01 n~ ho.w'y> M P t' fted r~1¶ ~ mien f4 e t't Af 41«'.<iffit %. t ',>, . -fi4.'¶O ", .t<-î1 ht# N 'tialti". PO~ SALý i I i ~I; - - ~,'., -, i. i t ,,t tii' i "t- i.diit' 't t">i't- .,iislW a.. r ' " 'i, t. îîutit><#f i iitti'-iv~ tho~ id tid WM eu T.9ha 1I ri t4l Annual Stock Saler 04c.. gM»bswr bé tat' M; -t N * t 4't" tf Pofbt *IF~ fs.f 2 «ilit -1LImam Cornler Kent and William Streets, opposite A-. Campbell's GrocerLda. ehwntole hewra a t is the latest ceived wth tremendous cheem la.LST 1 f th em a iLR O D t 1C1R i1v R Slu U g i RederrinRto Mr. Gladstone's bill grant- the rts.ol tien in a lengthy speech, m* B McK.xzie, Jackson Peid and T Bowe& ýT O in ffme ulete mbz an diimpionw'hich lie referred te St. Paul's Church, St.allion 3 years oid. 2 entrie8, 1 Richard hu u M ~~ argalM tin te h m ie, M .S ih on n Lindsay, as havig been fret in Americ s Sntto , 2 P ter Millov; n are and foal, 7 * co ,.~ ~d bo R b~ 'vithat in te proposed riah ParliaiLent tt> rffpand te the. Duhees of Maib r entres, 1 Jas rys4aîx -, Jchrl Makin, S SiM R«to 1 thre would ht the 84 Natianalista now ia ongh's appeal in 1881, during the Irish T H MeQuade; two year oid hlly or geid. -the Imperial Parliament, and it Wua safe famine. He reRd a latter from the DuCl-i- fg, 4 eêjjtries John Culis. 2 Thomas teto My the qame constitflenCies *ould re- eau to him on that occasion. Simone; one -var old fifly or zeldinit. 4 p1'< 'jt>\Vý ,n $ 1zg4)tWMt comfl tarunénrly as mar-y more In d'e 1Inau The delegates left for Part EHope 0on)ientries. 1 JaPaterson; pair of homses n« -h t" t irt of thitx ('>Ttl- Paliamnt-there hein= 2W6 members Satnrday, haing made a mont favorable lem than 15 hands bhîlà T Cavangb praposeti for ît. Tint w'ould leava the imprés ion, and leaving the Loyalise of 2 and,"> Lowes Bros; pair of horses 13 n('w l n " or ,193 L yaliqt Unlo isto ow in the lm - Victoria m ore than eve r detem ined to hand s aid untier, 6 tctrie ., 1 Thos Cal- W o î' I 11n 4 Vn. i ck f or 'eral P rlia n nt, and a g ml r n m e upho d te integrity of the em ire. vert, 2 W orknan & Son 3 T H M cQuade op iviI", iL oil w;11 ret>ive Ptw'lite te be eltcted ini case the bill hati passed, - single horse flot 14isa than Iàý hands high. or in a houa-a of 206 memberS the Nýation- Thie Lindisa.y centraL 9 entries, 1 W F' Jackson, 2 George W t îOt.alieta wouldhave at tie vesy rntset 168 Magili; single carrnage horse 15J handà membersaainst te Loyalit 8. The A GPtRÂS SCCM5. t high and under, 13 entri, 1 M W Planke hidtory and progresa of man! pOrinent onthewhole Lindsay fair h» an M -ie, 3 Eyon Mahe, 2 R orbyt. yatioialiat8 were also fuly detailedad7 rie 1BynM he 2Rb x# 1 z 4d 7 btt o rmcm for donbt, that such men are very uccefid. Litst week w. w-U un- 2 Wm Eakin; foal of lSSG, 7 entie, 1î1(>~te tI'offeti Ket S, iutteiy nufit to be entrosted mith the able to give but a very- minute acii.u»t 0f Jas Bryson, 2 T Hf McQuade. init, offcê' Knt st i suallest and'ority in govermnft, rnuch the hbisan many were net --m AGRIGUTUTrRAL HoRsrm-. -Jndge,Peti lmn te manage a natiou'a affairs. The . truhlc ftm . I h d Peter FalIowdown, John M Micheal ad ddaciic.v in Patrick Egan's accouants m gtionetitrvg lc ffnil i blCoen er. Ageti stallion, 2 antries, 1i G aw a uown, as m'a that person's rme ind the diplayot ladies' wrk Wau fine ided W Curtis, 2 Jas Mghie; thre year oId gwhile the fine arts ere numerous anld enie colt, 3 entries, 1i Wm Armtrong& Ti ered lecturer aisc shom'ed M. fvmceial.Ormnfres*f 2 Robt Oxby; two vear old entire colt4 O fGladatoues want of confidence lu the biaiehte Mrch nte,. 9rn clen dwnBa bymain i t racocuret ujthte a veygotehit;.e e cock, 3 Epliraini Botton; one year oid au-. Ly an Purhte tnB nu rrTentbiwet th uhmaay neglected doing uW, d'ere- tire colt, 3 entTies, 1 Robt Evres, 2 Riche pais Onc dependent on the other, andi fore oejurifl$ theil' intereate by »t aiow- ard Southani; mare anti toui, 5 entries,1 ~ j ~neither to cornein force %ithout the other. iug the. publie wb.at they me e1sbe of Wm Leliane, 2 Samuel Stinson, 3 Samul r<4t"tf~ ~ tHV (., ~~ , ...,. Thou wua Gladatonaraid to trust the doiug. Chief amang the e ishita dia-LtFox; two year old fily or gaeiing. i11 en- ~eehi m 'ir' (10,'> al ttM IdNr , l dlord.u to the merdies f the Nation- pIKy wm' a t d ]gr. S. S. EithIi% Uliieli tria, 1 Patrick Leddy , 2 Wm Lehane, 8 of thep .eîmh î nmi' 0falists. la reation to the peasioning of wm'a g ifee t. XM. A. El.-NMeville h iti Thoël Simon ; n @ year od iily or geldîng, m~tr1M,~ tren~h ~htih aid ~dges. ivil ~ut~,ie RoyalIis f Mslaot r. XIN aMlsso had 2 entie, 1 Geo McHugh; pair horses in conutattularv, and thte Metropolita plice, a display of gente' cloths. Meâ@. Sooth- hreaat agn ane,1W M t. ltm w , i1luyngrt h rfl nà . tOtt h l csnry s ow d M.M d.son tem n hro a. M ark an dt Anderson M gili, 2 Den ois Scuiiy. 3 John l3rock - f.hs*' Nwflfê f thor4it~vecedisrua oftEeprpo~d IisEPariaeut. Nýugnt alat' had fine shows. Thtie In' f<a of 186, 9 etie, i Wm Lehane, 12 J Conc ý'é «M 1 t l.t u dinofthe Mm. tm ih a ri su e re m'a. ch i c n af fut yen', ant heit A W W abater, 3 Samuel Fox hpgt pheisi l ofv.hr GIO. KIDL SNIJ'K-. ussingr. Sm icrne ai' if lc tEeattendance wmenarmous. The westhS HsAvy DaÂrcin-r Housss. -Jxdge Ipla af O't'<>'> loalatsAî rein ti Prtetants OfaIl II.djg WidiiaidSyth0u1fh hiflv, ". ame main ut iuturt honmes. Aged st.1. liei~ cclya, no a e l otioe P Oept ta tuTu in. Tihemracesprovetivery intSflatilR lion, 6 entrie, 1 R K Brant, 2Gea M - lMef h~~i~ t~êth mo RmnCtolanibis er at M 'aiee hatly canteteal througaut. Hugh, 3 A W Webster; three vear aid en. f»o t t mu a ntw-* R M Miththelieabety or ta bic r in uTe T c xhibfit ln tire colt, 3 entries, 1 W rn Chiraugh, 2 111 ~~hf' nvu~~kot for tIiê pvlc#1 K~fointheir native landi anti sacrifice their iMoi cPadn w ea i tto [in hq narf4 fr îfi limhomes and propurties te Roman Ca±hoiic m'ausimply grand, a fair epeehuen d! the colt, 2 antries, 1 Bart Downey, 2 George bigota. jl.n of harems bruti lanthe*icL In Smith; one year old extire colt. 3 entriol, ______1 BR17TAL DOoGu. the roati ad carnage alan the principal1 Wm Stewart, 2 M Fox; marc and fai, ~m smtii u. ~ ~exjibtoru m'aie. XMr.Tii- Calvert of 3 entre, 1 Alez Smith, 2 John Waltion;, bilote tMr nsun Y rng» othde RsSuT; XMr. Robert WugeMt, of OP&.two veur ohldlly or geldiag. 6 entries,'l fix aln. ii ignla ereailsosud- Lawai Brou., of Bethany. uhoweil two à»e Joueph Stals2lacMi,3JoW! am nlansiThigaasoned. ati te tune. Mr. Logie, of Ope; Mn .je& don; ona year aid hlv or gcldine, 3 en- A ,!f> th t> ~iid Teul- sh u t vio r , F x rs so u sty n t he B rym us; i'. p . M a loy , o d E i ly ; ]g r. tries, 1 L o e @ B r os, 2 G e o M cH u g h , $ piin fah a t uckve ync. andt A.M que-!E l. lu cagi - John Waldon pair of horses iu harne « A" th ff n 4ru1"l0 mt. piit ofaMor. sth ru esed he n tordi clansMr m. sBrock, o 0a; ]r anti maggon, 2entries, i Denuis Scully-, qipmi nsti(to gvr r otEr@ rin tw.M.Smtgmqa nthe l-ua e 186 CAriL A. de Sm ioha2 AetheIit il ogctotmeugerigtenecessitY of remain- MageI.f ic Mu RL ot.(p&; gr.ohnWlon on rh pruSeut, Who lu tha rush andi paie, had ll d 1f p.su x Thomso n,.~ John Am'd. and Thos Robet- ordtr ou ocnredxmxt hvebeau crusheti. it ail enhibited fine animais. A il t'w ' i î~t~'rIt~I aV ~ t~r1< tly ne ao re d me sohvet b l, w u h rn s Th e d aug it h rses m'ere ".11 repre- son. Aget bull . 1 antrt, Chai-les Fair - tnjig mmci ore sud mýorkhaeen- a'ihOm'd i ean. m. tW. 5Chrp C'lay & Son; ona year aid bull, 3 antries, ityabt o'octtevnnmas.ntd M.W.SearfNaisbi-;toeaadbl,2enreIBr rijngmuchmorerapiad more -1 shoedla fine 3 ye.r oId " Pince Arhur." Wm O'Brien, 2Valentina Dale, 3 W 3 'tE fneaimtitan usuaL Strangete o ~ ~ o ons iGi Grahamn; bull calf, Il ntiles, I.John Cou- gar in lrarn U.Oagvn I rl af nrey, almost imrnediately aterm'ards theSMt o lisn oit R rn;noliy, 2.Joseph Magili, 3 JoLn B Graham-, (11gtii Y an tl4FO a a n tadi g aiting at on f - ofE Boeoc , of F el ;a nti Mm. D. andi 2)John Connoll.y, 3 Valentine Dal; hi e i ng.A anot prhe hal l eredSonIshmidlly x thia ciasE. Mr. S. Stin- one year aid beifer, 4 antries, 1 John Con- founttemring n tiih asr hn o allats, eowed an a Jiuturai nolly, '2 John B Graham.: heifer caif, S J lb> t the fudr. - hebl wsaRma!8z4O fmy-a 'Thrfr, Cahlc.Tccign tiofte alarm mare anti foal. Mr. R. Sutton exitibitet i entris, 1 Barclay & Son, 2 t hia MCHughe vi 511psvexi 4sn-vinilt'~h-$ bua.net yet beau aiscovered, though f a 3 yisi'old ntire col u in at ntiud:3 Barclay & Son; lard af une bull amti fortslu tnt drecton ae being Matie., carrnage clam, anti Mi-r. &Southam show- ithica females, 4 antries, 1 John Con nolly, 0cqij,1404) rTic inctâ i ret as orjti dg>i 2dayao ietr ol.Aldea ae'Barclay à Son, 3 Valentinu' Dale. incientis cusefor ustindinaton týpeiaI AyssantE C4,irLE-One ve-ar at-ibull, On the part net: only of rtsatbt fn iias at e '" 2_ ntris, 1 Jas Hana, 2 John Bady; îhy in-ilii( t od point.n lIV. DIL &W oaIe f the bitter clasa of Roman Catholica. mention. Th iai lir-f Jcom'givinc milk or lu calf, 5 tvntries, 1 ln it.mitE reeeiveti round after round (CATi-LE M- Engine Shina, 2 John Brady, 3 Jas Banne; ~*l Welorae ef~>arnv lie aise maide char the vwotk Ipplau- elot ny e e ion , i areat i~t&l. a"attwo vear olti haifer, 2 enrios, 1 and 2 Jà Thé rv ]- on.<ltI<ithei' m<'rit.",M n1 t han( lam's, andthte reductian iij alodrng tic progress aI bis deîiveny Royd ai ay. Ur. D.Grant ofHanna; anavear oltiheifer, 2 antries, 1 j',lt ~~t~~4i tthe iritb > f atean miahd a ca" ariTi .)fîtheatlddreas. mgiietdsl n .Gat anti 2 jas IHanna aid fly f a . i~ ~, gv~îte t ujit, 111> n> .v ~ A~.Wooiviile shoe'd 2 buils ani 3 icifers 'LE xr ArLAe ul l~iqi. lin>riel atatet'ittý.I, '>t'îît j>> epuaio c'nln~t) the' >v.IDr. Kàne follo'ed Ur. Smtith. nt theDurhm breed; aso tMr, Valentniî 3M oyui kCo; onuei-car aId bu7ll,2 etrieu. lier t). Ru» t 'Mr ;et.fi ii 1na of»ai is holin, 1i it tuianliThùîî't-h unvtl. 'he made a capital speech,DaeaiOkodMmCh.Fabau UD.u4~~%'Wk ~ 1.înith. Ulgta i' t' l ter A.ntî- t won.d nt agreP ou terma qhae culti eenter g'r unttIt E eains existing cf Verulam', mWho ah.om'aul1fine bu"ilad iM Boyd & Ca; blcawliv, wntr i n Ite eal I î~"t. rai ' ~ Litstsy tm Itic hui ~o rt nd ave bi c!gn-.ngth h tuieu prtestantan the ram ct holic haife m rs . M S. Bhnelay, af Ope h ed Ci,2 Boyd & Ça; cow 2;Mxn o un&lCor lu 1'a ettîr , nt WîC' ttc d it 11 l'tam d a.n uatter in what part ' ii rX nt. Ha sho'vei that roman cth- 5 ii a n e b ing a dein lmp rte huP c i,2 e tre ,is d i.' ~ t ' DUIIW IIire Iranttinai lit ea eant, nq,-ya l ef',2e re,1a B'a fli r tO oiio nt B orpoeti , îIdlli ght - a -hi- re ute,-ei'seted onl the: jench, John. W m Sa rtf M nps, Mm ya I at ' u od k2Cm; oy 8W 'L T A T O W ~îfth e ffua-e ti i. I. 5 t n t nt l e iti; hie> s i i . 11,11e , 1i ll, t :tu ongt E t e M agistracy in- par liam nt and Jo ng r.eI Bm rady, of P & M r.eu L Cya O;hlt he ri f , 2 1t uMne , I nti& MCo. 'tli anib e- tttr t e v0 i îtîîyl t econstabular?. Indeeti, though by z M santi & m Bn âdy tcf pi. Mm. x. & Ce h A TI I -Cow ivi M Boyd orCa. e>~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~~loim ~the imipriv)o>ve 4inu me, ;end for the iglit Belf.t.4t's force wuasta be roman catholic, uu c1 M.Hun ni mIcauaes,ierge Ege-o eao 2A l& i-;"lti i-1,,i heifer, 4 entnies, 1 John B Grahain, 2 Geo .>estm t)'unî,t tt naW-v. lione instanmctý,uo ~yet it m'aS recauthy more titan three-feurths Brien o m'ed s ala finiietie sow Q cu, 3 J eor ean;uheito ear aid 1 Aî\ t 4WAUS'pi> li. 4i'aiuh M'41ê tanr tfriner of about titean acres '3 ç>f o f tha nomination, anti protestants did Mr.>B'a > a~ sia les<wa cfg,3Ja een efrci. l'~ , ..Iin,4 Y_ ). k(rtist. knom"n to have relcd 160, or about net complain. ÜLthe attaof roman, Duriham cattla- entries, 1 A IcQuade. 2 Robt Eagheson, J. l, aigt I.eJ Ia5, he' i teir tholallll hllanti practical!. m'a. net as numeres asen prffloDS veal4, 1 K Rovul & Ce. G. JU V~LL ~~ ~K»ght I. .l1Inia tat ",suppoigtE îdlr aini4es erroufYwi ftev je. .E w r s P.rty.'l' l1,t-at.îer 'Thm P>IlJ'04Xi(n the f ormer tenant notice te quit, knîw that oftexr, money hd ibeau sent;i thougi wbat m'ustd're ma'e ti ay EE-LKiCusýTEI.S .Jadge,TeasdeUl lieha fintta r . CM aulter, Dr . X -fl ie vOUs Fi r , whiclr the court would entite fj m m friands lu Ameica tu roman catho- , hast. T t, principal ex ' h .. ta t m'e> M . W hirfietI, Isaac 5maI1 a LIlH Littit-iohns Mare J ~.Me a l ave, .. F. hi t t rruivO a'. cOmPensetif'o lti be lcs lin his parisi, trough him, anti uany John Connelly, of OP, M r. A M euiade, JRam sged. 3 etri".. 1i 'n-st Fairbair, 2 Sooexteh nI-gsd ate al u 'P. Giflouelv. Reaboirc, art M5-tn ai j %j.: snnia n. R. sntch lwe %m nFgldaetr',lha ritteu for tEeni back 1Emil. o ery,.oe t HeavY Ih1f i $ain ut» i. R. Leure . W nt %otlantL. Th(*eefont- ixthe Irishiteanmt uai.TIy trustet, i hm lusucli mat- Mr. Chae. Fairbaimu, o! Vrie uamot ai C has Fairbairît. J -i Swab, :",Rieh" , P.r. àfl atn .Wie ..Wos a'etr for til»t, enant than the Engliai :tfor their pris. But tEe priesta iwhoSe hopa obtainetifrtpu>a .tp net rmat:,1 -tîa ihr aodJ. x. FRumuf. iaorthe- Sotch. hall hangeti ail fthâ inci the -National- t Tie display et Sn."axtt, %,.an-!:t *a.4 Eubai-ui t wo .'we etes mittremIn -1 SEF.? ageil, 5 intri-s JNt Swin, -2 l 'h: ài In thce eemntg the dehuti Smtatwit& u drelnis otsetwuiaedaed eCO- L K ousus oit '~~~~T hu' mint en i! e i . f n s 'e > n u~ î v ,l ? . a t vnc i tii d ec din u t t u uneqiiivoc l t a ta the action 1 w a very go d. M . s lu gar'l o f V al- baim u, Joh i V .e ; tire ' w tt exte'. i siug , d'e Ailiilv-rThe lie ttfd Ot t hey wwle' ap u j et titi rom an cratholic er y, a d t3 e 1 ent a hoW ed Laicistena an di CotwoldL s. 5entiies,1 Rieh rt1S urgg tt, 2 a d 3C ha s ih~ks w t~th ,ind ar iort M a - sh d , nIt qa i,*>.* utuie na y f-ti nv u a ' breake m T he mombe t0r Rev. Dr. Kana, lika M . Smith. -as L cis m lMm. D. Gr 4nt, oiI'it ha F iîar.2R a d S g e o«rkýM th g d * ag 4a ple ii a i coum h t I tha th b y ote.themb e ic urdiere naptumoul! cheeteti agin anti a,-- how eld la fine Sto u i-4: M -na lE F tis tiu a g d u tutOYti, ra ni1 e .seng hs' N atona ia uU W UU t. eth tiL it han i u Li dsa 0 . ec,. f tantib . g r- oF. r ir lo an h.'had im . 13 e wan.rie, Ti kori da m- rJoh r. oit lio . ~41.i~h~ a~ffiI~ i~ ~ but o haie-t citien Ica mi thm. x t, ,the lun it n e ofai s Osu n lt a dl haln ,i>nr I -on V ne a H er o' 4ho n g loMf =ant M, mmrie 0< Aruagi. Ild 1h o daim ei titi Pamclil an d i hlm oIbO Wm' e v&, m o e f aboowing nisolntion. .d edf o g ta u l i fe 3tu.R îg- V n e 3J M S ar: t o a a g d ai.-shn rsî t& 'itj. j rst sa . D% _ m 'a Car.. bof,eti >hoahre, lsh owed 1 îoew Imb,2 ntin,'tpntt$e*.aelutt- bvRî e . untht: f mrev1hc hJed1-Mcetr. nre, ar Sai.2 J-tnVnc.tt Bniain t... a mn by .»j' tg,- "'it m. valantine las, of Oak wm' . t-mes ahearhiOne, 2- uent le. iJ 'on Vance, 2 rlet ýl- Ul. 1 ý ç VOL XXT-X-ý-WnojLe iN o. iu-tý %. 1 F"&à p l' »t« et We

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