TEE Vi<TlqjSIA WAEDEE, LIN 1MAI , TIJ DAY, 001 OBZI~ 8,1886. é( tu 601, or '* ma a tsr.P.A. the mor I ~' w der vilue 111th- leltty.-laa Ml eb taeawd ne --------- mm.9 FO BALEU I of lt io. dl . lle1.lat os vmL gt;I rOne ib Nr4eO re& )YES T'a, irype Balm, Fe Cure, fitrs i Ief *Linduw.y. 00#8 01 r I puin t alu.w o= =1 17 9A.OOOI__s ON ufev I l . akeg.Ui es dil __________________ ssbh.tu pwmO"iIc*e *11ituau la L IFE i A C OuO A A A velnumoViu"10 " etN o i M " ,R A GREAT SUCCESS. 10 pblib I 0-1161110 C &W*vWd kt. 0 MIM *0SU" 1»#, la dalm« et otbe laI taoe and lou e câ@PIWMM 09 M ponb*l" mm là:r à hnvI liASSU RANGE GO t0F GANADAÀ:ENOOUMAGEHOME1 rw* wt téabv fw N#slhWî uI ot 6»omI 2,600.000.00 NEW INSU RANCE. IWIiétribt.. S4y of Mr. lThots0«21 Wewna7 . MWlebuembtgu mopowv & spe!'je bota te unntand l.a~nat f Th. m ip~,fruita i mne.<<~ b U ~l5O t.wwiUO Rblte.TROU.WORKMAS. Pre*idert;PR. AC- By baying yrom Pll .1 Mai v#IS, .~fou" 1«4m4oott sae tuc#herbd bon eam . a 1AULAI' . glug DIueo.rW. IL I ,Gm.esi Agent. htebor-wEh. lïB3wiOîo' B itiauà lwé#Ins1tttidonofthie kind, wbh.rs the offceePG.oREO. iâ DEfOU& t. re deoey interéâted in the work, sensible aee G McGRHGO.Né àl ée Trae f.Hla et ofU:t>Édg. Vu. thé of the fSportanaduîiemteng.upoa thou siA .Lnrn.N.8 Ue mo ofr Mv.ao M Pr.aw boau, rnneant wth the Bible; me 'wil a ~ -M.o~t t ~pihd un~ l eid htn elrgla.l AI1J~ ~ L~ er o"lD nio. the lii.ratitre p"rtairènn«toit, much good iWfegtsWorld' Wondpr or amily Liiu T e èa gît. enwardon , voer 8614 Ur .1 M M et. F.Byera, ff the Long Sault, hcuadiol(d should ho. kit without. aus it k4 OU. -ewide, or veiin 1,rlixigton, Aftesl Mniy wandezinglibegan an:v uefr i<i,<m.It in il àdiRartwih ~ ~ k ~ ~ t u. dn ho la back to the old ,nlnaVe tfr msvainacuts, brniiq st scal-Iq BF!egFVoeI1LiToX ~~~t ruv evcr Iodaba ue , ,i d <*o ONT.Such as Shirts, DrawerCtoa o bL»4 'ut5td (<tm of Mrs. CatbDrîne cation. 25C. ani 50C. lierbat. iSIVTFH YEAR. réit of fi)h lae John FICTORIA RO.ID. drngit.-415. ZiI r n e't'sn is's nuî~ 1bn c i f CarLwrlght. Ttue dîe- qpr,,riai o he iWorrer. W taLiver Pill,, the wî)rlii's belit creg- hli rr.hne-f i an o wd WABan ahi rtmideori f that Tjim .fth)e 22nad irst., wna re ýrn. u ivlr c'.rnpak ic , ie Iseniche, t. .u.i.,Y ii ., n ieqt e AWD..h: admany imp.orant aivi 110 re fîllit.tDj3aleu titini.1'i'r ssd.l liortn.vvee. a rnr, I..t Y dfeen O RIEIM: "(17Z*II ~ eichngem have beecuet. 3f2 pIlaC. A . "aî:y wsîix ivttMrs. F, .nbh 's.a rî 1 0 iH,25. AI! ,roVii1c. SSII .tat., 1nelhng 5w,of the Wust ;, ioro mince tho decoaseti first'G. (; , u te re%êntsttiio f,& Dx1ijg;iýta 4'*cdxss~.~Icnsaloîa n tefantun iere ShfA breruth- m, ceairg recoive i i.kd uni iiusructi'u. and prorresi ac- ~ttI' ~ hO aver caké 4bsket hy ZMi,.a Ami.ie Thoubassis of tesinioinndinc rg rdinit4asouîitv. Vorcir-uar-, etc *aidress W aero o ago rc ul elier &t. Tbou Veaa41118worO Luintr.Sh.rlel, ou lbebait of a nuaiber of demeand atet tthe pu1).iniarlty tif %V eair'i ROBT1tNS)N ArJOH NSON -haeowgtaw bikuld ,i, the burying «rounil of St. Idm Milîîar'm friérnde, as W M &uth Cough Syrunp. îhso poptnlar rý-nt-dY for ail BIetI.Ot ujz E1. P. ohurob, Cartwright. l ar&scmp*nvlng n dos: àroat and long rditeuo.s Try a 25r. 1lot. i__________________ Tiit~t <1 he ie&to ~DEAR Mkt. m!LLA,-We, th ii ~<~us~- S zi~ h<ë TLindsay central For .,i jttttoRO L <A iN Inrkutu taio o te . . 6,8 f icor* ý)d nd;vLi t, ;and, 1 wish tel notit. th" public ROLL UARDI G, ip nrti at 101 letThe C. >* , *hI >f vorne %ba anal vllr nty, 7Fa"ai Attacke. geuerally that My varxed dep.rtments are o.of the Iowev ,:temitlee, are 40Z lion te leav,, culuidat and move to Among the mnos. prevaient fatal anîd complets. in Teentir#' surface of ibis dlorR- h yoff Toronto iu a few days, 81tdnattso 5etie T h4 ni ptrntur lego e overd wth avebigeveail&, âotto iveeXpes->ý entto the sommer sand rail. quels as 1ý'J trioLUShv bi reig e e«.epe-choiera Morbua, Pilloun colic, Diarrhoepu. 'oiL ars, P p S, A U A T I 1is md t iroli. srvce wi se aen ii te fyrvl-Dyîsutery. etc.. that oten provl fatimi 1iP e Y A TF C U I ~ ~sad hairaivi N'VOO W~lable qualii.. a few houri. That ever reliahs. rr-nedy TBCOS J riy bothed 10 tu.e suts'0,ha)C. Veu YOD Oeau. Ote la village, 1Dr. Fowler's Extract.of Wild Strawhtrry, A!i te i.W.nC .O abot a i retro ego, in the bloem eot abouid hbeat lhard, for use in emergen- and îmokerý' sundries generallv. 11150 tIvto fthere bas bee a 1,-4freah Si tlY queeu, in cO- cy.-41-. _______ Ii :su Jl ewlrl <wante( 1 th qustoyolu or tePIDa w wtrh Yomv uewly married hua-' od:ad:Jt:Jwly ~~~~>bad bebir yetLlmfr h * &W he 1.bride was a A Speedy Cure. WS i hisRns t.WP are selling0 Wev yaa w ofCa ha- sterling qualitiée. Since thon Asa speedy eur" for Dysesi tsry. Chfil. \ALTU1AN WATCHES AT -OT ogi l(snr1t'd nob proportions ta It overv rot off eeur lite bus beren that oe Mopbus. Diurrhrwas. Colio. CaRmpp. bulofl) for thm sptinc and 5flOlYflt cf a model lady. Tôt, combiue 0affa. Sick Stomacn, Canker of the StciIa~ch 110(1FA, CY GOOD -1including 3luqical lu.t 1s; h aoniebac liy mdesmdtrna;ynBwladallrac omrsrnetC.îsadBuhqPre p»do r,)1rentead by Mr. FPrguon, have oita l" e, soe neediag Complainte, there la no remedy MOT"rs r Satehsels, Albums, etc. I&Wif Toronto, la 99" brlekt and Ina a k.., o ibmm 2oâlý« Coib" S& a- ui '>h. Dr Fowîs.r's Extract of Wild' codtin "d ou u«mt 'gaoeom :ouigorStwb .Dealers who.selli t ,J iae arme z agiitude wbo e t .aite on wbat vw »dla viey caole, a boonm d a boat in confidence cf lits merit.-412. t otiterdei' bl ' 1hdt, i n lL M .Waves, Curia, Switches, Curling Toua, pu$ié-s ro forred tei rs.Ived ai &blé ibd twe mare lolg àa eh- la GodE£lit&Hai-Pins, Nets;$ ina fuet the store is dor- kbid ahlpped <om 1$ v bi t aIW ,PouNWS tmg a uep.zIo e alius. J excMudob, .ritlng tro, L- aed ml of thesoGooda et me 1,8W0 doenoff .ggL ThM . e W ngW i p t.«g yo dpalU e mye; -R.B. B.L" ma are"rae o ie- oures sieoesitaed a f tai, n auon mmiliy ed miSn~~.nsof the blood, lUver and Iidieve, hm.J I O ' Io i,îîyeioal syalu. oathoCartwuli t Qauîzeletr.uttoni IislcaiofKetStLiday O #IIS b" aUusie «W uy tbna (ur 84have sud It ansu peak ftotu experieîxce, Kn tLnsy e rn~~~~~~ Mavn ol sWelî as observation. 1: la the ouly Lindrny, Sept. 9,1886 - 14p-tf i the band@ Of tho £" , mba V ba W#he ea, m dicine want, andlI advisothes aff.i-_ _ ___ iwaes off theéMO""0 tCFM M,~ ee in, u&oul@.ý ov j"0014101101letdtetry lt -41.2R A adtoj l ei odooi u;- W 1oired upon a.a 9 d rgM oM M su d n O steen, .od ton. ino urne ul 1 bt1 h&$m i« y sMd *6 l.mnod W11 lb. permenios weed Ioiiill do so 62se0llit youv u.d.y anit nlu mm b.t m. thé «M5 Imor of th.1w W&Yc AMdteO Yonv ai.meI duttesa W# wigh oq lb. ardloàg andfoinyi dsr l- the l tbkld e fo lracl 0011501f Thae Omemee Foundry t.otlg tbe geoin.e fil"" mi<&W voua. Befotev.ud&Portisw.wih te bu ocnalrably lmproved; whlk the boqneatb yen oui boit W"«be, a long, FEIE & LIFE10& ?IGS PO U Wot and ahooieema inlduhtyil l 1 qvUa lte govsa mtefootovy And no doobt et- 60s ,«d b"Wé hveOR[ ou àmuealie -te i# oblifflog and able air« ezpreaud we sek ynatou- U R A N uexeledfo Mprtentaivé Mr-Gf-0 Nihlmu eosptt. token eoui ledregfards m1aaA 0 E ý Bat thé Important des;ideratum h 1 a minimu ti envf Ourintreafeellon, wbioh ~ ~ ~ t MAS.wridooîîx t OT ouplng %vi:h il aur earoïst pram Real Estate ,&egent, Qtc pe ih glomment place uira r.h ofl a1. ouvr obait, aid inabehaif nfiDat Mn, if wt lo th 1e word, 1,it lbrasnch iyour wenlhfbobaad dear ehîld- IRuasen t.,]:e,-LldY frt] lino of rail way tmi osm oittyn tn4l bhi tyurn-WilirU co.1kitiasi fSeparatorit nmdc in Canada I respectfruy rfrt yn tht' C. '>* né p in ie . i ne l eh lIo -u n eil fii oa , team powcr. A large flamber tonfl w n g n i m Ma, Iee wf o M.Ju. .ANNI:S EJKL»D, Cneeall ieAio'lstove, whose testimon.3 Rot, C,rtwrlgbt, \wue sud uçu!Iy pros W. B. CAVAN, erncs taletl ily a seri ii tit Ak Afiliics, ..R. . Ti3ôýisox. Head eOe, Toronto.Rerecs dealer in. Lindsay to Pie bl t the btittift uf w tfig ber oundi iMsMla ole lb.sdresAmwtq.......... ........... 6 3.OJALMGE.~meP .an.y oh make of stov( tion WamiIehlup '.ta r th&nklnu e hr friands for iheir miny Dvisionl of Proflts 319t. Decomber, 1&I&Foth.erPOUE oliver of lilauoîsai laa ue cîsie 1.,E11 CLM PGUE la harud. Itr. MeKsce :u xle in i cso knna ll n h ast ad .t ?CO UING. ,Wmn. Whte; James B. Knowlson I5c) l fr ieWel .aadi ?W.ROTNHERS, rnfered to, im alit)Ffo uft: i~ rliti .lin 6 I aîy lu the" HAW RT BOHPRS, L. n Iorh.Maguire -; J. W. Wallace; Edw rtoeivec pit-o. kindly sentiments expr lu sed!ommercil Unin GE1HART 'MROTHitJhnRS. MuraJaest n~~îurv ,t(le ~iuu O' ~ reqe; uiiso for the beautiful plece ý Mr, Lees John kiannalt J;ahm Mîi'of Assn~' v~nîc tdi.sura.Ce. I00.ER ileRJN Jaet i lle. xjjj. on* Chas. Veîth b, à 4to süehr11.yCttrgit fBvÛrwrnr' proeneid ber, anW1Ih1l". ; AGEE,-raneille aa Muvieamsuil tic-i hcnwatever newft ns01 LOIIdOIa. Eiglid. Assce., "21,000,000 00. htvDOWŽ EV.Lil' stoves; Joseph Cooper; John Lyow mrsrs.is"night make sha wonld nAyer for. OBISONJoh T71.sn; 4. Ba.e y; S. Il Mn1. Wiîn, plauslp rifthe mi~ 5,t ht.ler aid friends of Viotoria Rond. p uDwevlaloir. Jh tlW~U;iR. Mr.yley Cit)ihtb ( lul . 5 NtA.DNn-h nuîdi-iporter; Mr. Clarke;Re.M J homo cof hir Fon, . uL ýv Wt1. ';ilp, ANr INP.Tý %n.ldl-dfeetIn" fSPrtr. '1idc;M.MGahw r C.C&. (ftùrehas Aguttra, U? lqthoMîivalÇ 'fice. mur in conneCtifoci itii the Metoil.Agrc1 a inu- A.nf ' jTr.tiad ! qrtr. Mirdock n; B. . Mcglahawo; Mr. lui ~ it h scported il f_ d. ehrct,î or thig pluse was a deocded I ancýn, Go., JA.S. EVANS, ideo;R .Lgtot r lt. s.i~ an * tu prc~od axloUltiig t ~ . OmmecFod. Riggs ; W'm. Pediar ; Wm.. Dutf $4 Comstock. a.00, beInarn. the onlly dnaler 110 1. î .4 Cun w îght lnu aI iat yumra pital..... .. ............. . 8. O sua as v i-it ". . . . . . ..a& h e x ',- - - T L m n t n a nd e a l e rD i if D x ot Rg«antio, enterpriffe. i Py il oP. ep pjt egluvi<>g, omunmin te ai MXtRebecca Smth, of Clarke, ti 1 u4ral lelh l ptn eultn t of Mr. Dovld Johusteux, CnwrgntTooubn CumulA.l Wal. PUa. I W"S vilting mmong her tiends lu theolmst Robert1 ibbuk pdu nRali ewnteli .W PE1êk O Metitioned plaee. 1' have îi.e Dr. -hm etWO A rui-it dey'pu e ei onbeth f« mtllM fmlyfrhdms m t late efl l uualt Wll e ore ha ou th verey fth«t dsese.su boId1.hU litlre etXVi lu ub on let reu a th a tom ch il,50 mke unchlmpvsslws 1lmv. Isboeotber' Wenboying 'Dr.Th ?b"610%.~ L.J~.1~.a--- TiF pulpiî Of the Cadmiî qPreqilyterlan ;mA' Eleotni lc 01fes that r etl.«s.o 'n"~" chrîrh, 1aeve o ln rgeMIîtuesbor;, et uil . Renrkellf Weit Jedoeana.& l Tilleaommte villa" orev-~»Ioe &p~. iSîla,, trwn gchooi, 8 1Mfmilnf nLuUOUY. *1 O iii19 0 m $nluIsu by it4lt'iiier Ilîtiastr, lis, ](-,V. W. wies Iwish teinfnur i of othe Wood- emeer, Wgo etionce, n»w tracene maus, ood 4 ____________ 0- \Viidle. He insiH îîteiîa e i . stis enui nditle~us ùfDr. 'Thomas' 4Clectetc frase luarua d0x42. noer faluig WOU, a bargamn. piowliîre 1,iayofls !thoqe for Who)gsrl- 011. I had a herse 90i1la0e thel h.coeuld i1'5tt i"ttereet8 11(qlabortd inmuthe cdeys go». scrmly wRlk; the trouble wa u lb. the by. roc: and teeo or îhre applicationsi com- lwm Bi:l. Neiti wte of I3r. .lchn Vu'ai, Lake. pletely onrecr inl." . m d r *5li'Iv41, (Cartwrighît. his dleperted on aS M ecý = th~ retîde Wo Wcf Wonder thegeagi-eaCure wonal woeey.M210. SMmmNO A'0rPIvritwlipaîteintoffl Wall b bhm; f4r nheumétgtii, neurtW&v nctS, bMI9, ttid in Menveri, oi t hursdy, 28rd, fiti brun.w tui8b and aul dlss - 'Oan Octpying lthe flbt but yen ow « r dvetu--4" mno c.tm& MW »S!~~ ., . mPondaent wae lnteuxm.d It âbté potiE 'W>slsiIW r Pifasmm al M " ' J> 1 11E1 POui.Whether i e,'dl bth" IM edy for aIl lI,« "sU X . ~ e~,wogw -- IlorDotho id ot MqkI* UP4Ntoy oep&& A OR» itefioit à oeffl ne dpOYL E, "11c'in, rcs1doutq ô? b" y WeV r J. H OYN ,A i îii ropertv Stttd T O ao tiM Iayk@ %.4e !~~i1 atent kitB f Cka MAL> 4 tid l ot gýe e ai iy e,4 tn o Al -k---- a-of the ieltnt1oudTk«tryIe w 6s hU4Lê*' 0 ITJM>, uel7fn 5ir Wu>Iu Uhuesu d dandM to m"et, she Ij bnOuey 1;1UmmTIl matap eu *~~ 4%of rkm~T~ . Iwr 1.0W, .,etc e.- Uboff In M - fbobw -4 ode Ï;Ca ,Pm A m r pr mouir# ot " Mr - mi, QOLLEN MILLS r.,ui MANUFACTURE AND SAVE MONEY. [ btus, Tweed, Mlanuels. Blanketa, Yarn, &c., also Dry Goods, welling, Prinrt-. QsmrsDc~,Ccttonades, Tasble Liner, t&,., 4% at the abovt' Mill, IIAM AND BONTD finc and intend rnnning ail ,,~'r.uo thf.t inthsta Ltire von -" c% FULLINO, DYEgt. DRESSING, ALSO [NG DONE AT W ail the iear roitnal. 07- CLOTH XNY TIEr u IURRAII FOR TIIE1885- lIANT HOUME STO VE» The only stove made with the hiose intending to pttrchase coal stoves j,ý ,fl who are now using this justly noti.o'4r, .y can not,-be gainsaid. I chLýallengce roduce as large a n'umber of peo-p'lè, usin -. e: ward Benson, 2; Dr. Coulter; Jame- W.j-bherrr >; John Nsx1u-s MeNeilly; John A. Ba.rron; Mr.M -t J. -ue: nas - LeCornnell, 2' stoves; H. W:tî:. stovea. :E.,rgr ns; Peter Nicolle; Wm.'Bh'ck,eP : X.I.Irw E[ughes; J. S. Williams; Ww. inru . oII cl. E. Tr ones ; Rev. Mr. Pearson; LRev. Mc. ':'vs;w.~ Thorîîdyke ; F. C. Taylor ; li- Tuc . tI: Ferris; Rtichard Kylie;.M. Mzs. . 'C fus ; Johni AndersoD; Mr.Goiku;J Br+ »- j -who bu7s theRA N111 '5, 5' r ... LNSAY PN A1 9 g LL FROST SASHUi We are prepared to furnish the above sash on the shortest notice and lowest prices. In.tending pure rasers should place the ..i- orders before the frost sets in a-nd ha-;vete- ready when required.' GEO. i Çm .J k -i JOB o c~Ude~ptiTiSneatl1y anrIomptly *O~ t &The 'adi Vmaw1 AnsM. ni Io iuiibud or à Me ýl. 1- ýl-- IESO m