of Ups pt45p Kin E NOP Ay§ r* Ils k Uit8flM~ -<-S-- hi Sîsillon lesBR,1E2,T HMA NW W MNWSTOCK Or. dei ~:~rnoHATS, SOINNETS. LAOtSe eid- invites an inspection, i*PRU"1 HAT$ A SPEOIALTYý - The Stoe s a few dom East of the Benson House.-2*o-6. CtyHar.nefflShop, Li.ndsay, JAMS LTYýlE, PEMPETETOIR M~ y Stock ofEt aes., Collam. Whip, Traumd Va1ihes levifif - -" ...~ - IkstN~ NORE - b. Thopq~ulyof R. ceu y bus a leo k s 3U le bew m bu ObS a'u . i r - qo.-. o i o.' lé", Le w' 0 M Mle do e ll ddE t Mt 0Il JÂXES LITTL.E. 1ftKAy8 <at4114< 4 . 4 ~W e Miotiier Ornai Breaoh ol ftohdm, ii-M «nreO UNISY Osutes 11 DdI. elIys b auwa' fau I.b o u vU get a f«tmau.s ~~juB*l.*evbwm é iasMm §mi looo i âMhbttIm'yilh0 LOOKIý 0*9*S ?*hi& moire Bbe mwf ayant lm . doed aail ~ ver LsdI. Con w il tuesa Pair Lads.! Kd a-vs. 6bats.,. h.i Macke ..f" u l o.& rst wuk e hmk at »Osor mm p- ohmi..a-g lwuh-W *v t.4q l But rp.1c mam 74& ta e bdsy a #,»d frTm?5.l.. U.d hgaaYtsb mie&"d ~ 9& Ne~ !41921 ; IsmTOHIB'BDry Qoode f a lothing:è -w ml ihf lmiil PATIiAI .9 f trv". *o0mimmp, Lot. Wo.Pm.47, nI. uiilsujm,. oUi imfl~kUê ou iu Wumi.l.u~ uil le s ius.P.p ami ~ Lores 8ow LAitePls &mal". Elles EdWWdL - - --ui~pui~ ~;=~ s,.,- n. -~ iszÂw Z&Z.~517.g oui' Toul ITOU êI Y O bEy S I 0- i 1810 0.151 LOIS LL N 0k o A~ ~ NA? 'HA U il O lJ~ Y o~ .1 Y 43 o Iy 101 s i N8~ 0N.~ 'L:O S O N 810 RY 1510 RY o S wl o i y o ij: I O i Y O .11 i o'y.o.U NY O ulý ii tla iLo Duhençr BIoê wimaip of ?suley.d fr W-. MM 01J Oi. ThU#mnd qmd m bi the. lat reviaed &.iep!et a, 0 drainage hav .tt*ed the Cous. « tract . of dwic l We oti itei._y IloMltof et nd Tawalip, e&L aeould b. Madie awiakfci ii!. liaixied undr tii.provm4ong of th a ezmminatioxi te lbe ma& oby Un. purpoe, che-saià !C-Cilftv r -opogel .f the wcrk: t4 be made bv the #aiÀ f the. reaI pr prtv to be benfied rui ot beneflt which fi his$fl r' rad amU lot or porticn o f lut: th* >Iýwith, jr., iii reipeçt therée:r and i ,AQu»u.t 30t!415,~ha ~ea kB lck IK t'atiLots 1, 2, 3. 4. &c., i -8ni T.kd t oggh BlockE. I idrm*nas aiiawnon paesx:atatèd UPp.Y bar, anti Igwer &Mid e:. kbéd pettreqicired.. f7 ;DifliOfltheVrpotI)e ,de am draiaed. N ei -a e jf whit 301 Acre&. . Value ý4 l~r r..:.: 427)5 0. 2030 155 22z0 30 278 me tsirru, 1. 'L . onth reftwonteahip of Bexleof poe hulmmdthe idratia itevo Sewuty.four DAIl d, S, » Sixtis isedehentures of thé CorpOTItig pmysible witbin fifteen en fttintht huCm peuirnum, thât is to say oned PlMk of Xdmtre.1 at LiJsay on h manut and Senty-fçrr Polarsna. be midlands en as te' be.bet-efitedUà itv aud o cever interrait threen f5 hflovimng qpdalat tsi .?er an-1 bo?" ë sute maifier a»d set-ithe ame tii. rt t lot oir part of lot >rmpt: *Mafr k partstâlb -ms~e4.-£fand uing of tlis Bjr-lav, dig wi~l M.A] BE, &gmv~Out. ibw 15 Y". 13 75. 104 624 165 224 %7Î 90 89 40 115 50> i6g 46J 37 bc -- t-. ULIj Eau.. for -ms -'l5 41 Éq0l860 1b 44 318 45, 22 172 20 14 1479 14 S4 $lin e 10$4$ ett te peadujce the m oi lu levet (firtii 16 ratemble iirp'tty i ai~~~~o dic ti Tv if Tam W * i b IK ., LSO¶', C 11151 cgpul Of I Co iDooq]L E. B*EOClk e: I h 1