I .~ ~. I E I I No W14 »TâG __ DBUN qln 'ITE III -OO -.X 013 STND Q! U lANT1)00E V VALUE e-y - - s" ~ltmw Ub" fOur d IiryDM~Ia f r - '0 ri U U W U lh s y HECd wu INON Uu»VS ems mal uike d with the' 1 tharia 'ING tliorougbly department 1 )fWoollens, oaings,ha rvaluey and on. the top orOur cloth- à lower than la efew twithNew and sesSo 18Cr DW etc., we au boug s bmi arnof oj aa1 Iwsoob cf o 31" CAS N ».Oo r~ "ftb .w a s"i m oun tirade,. mark~ I - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 wdW.Wk~ he hs ~t ow On auisb*u. vwyI.ulyMd RÂNpm Cîty sre -OATHRO y Ue.,No.G~ *sW Eooki 2* D oor w"s eonos OR, Ket 8treo, ia RTDftT AU VLI[iULJ %mes E «M$W»-r W41»Omlé*« bum« O log*NOM -*=bt -w oo 1*o*a O u ma I OUm& wWw W M w ww mm$bl M bbe w Pmc#we u ~ Wb wubummOw et ~0* AM 'tDa- - l- --ab -w1%00A esÏC. iî a i U», ~ a,~,.u,.~ ~ < ~ ___ 1%0bus % CMèsRed trb1 WIft ,~~UIUIUIEbP 1of~$s,~ ! ýb mmV~ * ----sir lfAVIMUis 1 ~SIbP~aOb I@OMM am -boe** 0 I M lo@ ot1Y mi I kburte làbte r beWM2fflt àr ib Zetuzm jwu »mDlebmt a.d est lv have ever Weon: lie thoyr. tii e JoTT1YGB. w 1 . eigtel - à silie mat to ea uj& "a theOu aedsy lasi week at en ai eggl. SeTeral urvosvmade.. ,of.cdDarfri- e was th" df LW CE Fairview fim, abter a Iengthened friends. Burton, vie vsfor ev=I44Haa nt u~.wg ~ - ~ - ~ ~ai m aà m in e dm e QR "«ýMÊLw #4I ~< 'IY<Ifi t~. us and t ~ v. 'f~tt A 4 ê~4 ~ ~<t1 Am mms .1-I ... ... littI s... q ta w ý 8-p , ý - ', -w4 . , , Mil