1~4 7. LINDAT, O~ ________ Wl--. _______ I WIm~ _________________ ~ ~I 1~ I q 1çl Fhvgd& kàflIJI Wudu r~w ;p~ ~ -A, ~, ~It'4 '~ Uic item. M. Pistes -OMasq.~a .. fiO hb ioil - tau. ., ~L SS - ~.nu hb I j_________________ a' dom ti I~i el P~ -. Wbfl~ --.4 4W. MWSSAT. -~ t I~. vaste mi S"êmhu u.~1 P~. 15&0M~U'< W.stvWW~ O. * IS 1i* Pte P LA vý.gF Re týCNETO *.dm MesOMMw i It~tO OsCONV NT4o 'f AW <I wia USii esaihn:a f , P7 M ol, i05i, < OIA1 rAG N>D ILL SINCLAIR &LEGH. BUG- àâd CUrT.EBS, a2~,189O. m~m~ ~wa us. lt - -,v M ay,*~ *da tjob5 ~ .Md* .uy Imm* 41 tu- bd - I *bm4 lbmlqu lb lb nm b And* bl ti *ê' 8 -mm kw* = mnti mc *4 o-« ohm& ma~ j' ~4'Qk w#' ~' Md Sole J l I 1, Ememen Uui em mi p j C~, ~ w4 Tome .solt mm miNu#~ .ç usà" M& i.u m~ime »k; »r d »mfi - w~ wIMM* s 4wxobehhlatbu buitéhg iavlis oi m ra p..!otaiaviu& abe inpuk a. mil meut. ,-ý ma dflim, - am Ihâw.oeme. ëyuumr, timt, t~ a.inrata*tvay bom" bm ik ' Uver. ~Iê.b.os il.*,de&l.Mde&b.» - tb»Jm PIni Thomanthe re&tlvidm - ub ssitulb e, a i. l là t" amm t 9"~ T.wstu - moam pwma woe a"& t ninctaino fbi, et. bhe bs iuuhThe n Xlb. oft.lg vumm yxo . îe'm@=i iii. Atmie Smkilk.WM . "ce te McM ,.t vwémusThb~v - mcMW.s7 lbted vnil jas,~ ~ um uae buhhtseulb >. m" imt te.Lé Imm t Pm W. MIL &D aI. lI rOmaugi oua. t j biedIL W. »»&-W . Lý L-Im C I.tb» G. sa 1 ., ]LB. Vu ILFt G.dc.,.R.aL feao. o4 Al. . J. lÉ. D, 4 lycW.. W. Bou &Myso lrtu cw%»Unm yàmi . et - I 'u. f]VU .mu n 1 tel i e, f"sle" 80 OntW. Imhm mat N* MdIul bnmdmmi o - - ;w- u mc iy -a the wasy in hs at f lbe faumta lUfit iQb tIh mr and! Cute buchm ca umboe k saep bent bulle. *up 4ig. ae obéa a ibut bw! 14cm 4t. et.. £,e a Iex VIt W eS; 1 tI.very. ma or Mr. îJpbn Cairet tis pv.ftw hi m,-ultI a fine one~ I3lth matBath amW iegm. a9p cciuplanig Pethaine -and tliek it i. frôm th. Pigt of youtk 0, auas a"lia lve d Camadu& an IT ystand lat fl f ts i patboelad. hW gan. F at bt.. et t voPem =ter for faim*puodaom rtlimm ait«r bauist. » deep withmat féygo". Md mne 1hmai-hmbom a lot of Sae ougamd bout?.' 'y Md airai lift *et te - mmd agu p lm .nay -o» ois n. buzton [ l vutum Md aI nS. t à ce amb l e t"n eut aMWy -~ Giuit.~ ~' ~ --y--- - -"~ wuy I :owatn eh. Be se ~ 1~ ~k - 1111. Uomijr. 'lainant b hosb.~n T.-Ye lui rn lulmuai tua -n U the amT.,~ - - - - w Wd~ gain., - - Mi o. flffi i tý*t Mit. e r