bon ud jwrb uPWM M ahu« s '.1W* a 0*0 " .s# -*lmte u '= wuu4h.- a,* W *Mfrwl. d wu 'fmmeti et-, & J~~e die.lwfIv.w.. 1h. m bu M. tht bigwi- hm t tittpMd am 18v. bue *M. Nru by ed jShIlm #u' l.mU ntii.UI4Y1 w.oeuU Id#lIcmy dîl utehoé«yde ito o mehii h 4itr. dabr des.iii théukae cit psepav.l t.mi. et h . mIne " (e0, py, h audl dWe kmio se a.rteW lubit ho . atudo 1theo wis o th# s4g 1h 'e lle ai obsiup o 9w 0"u * s. tapa. hie uienuoh. 'put- vue nasa. me tekie *enily w- ifty ânons! tissu. ahfiu~lIy atl4~ y, twitlwiv< 15 me. bu; I maqeaitu vao me as Id., I - M., n dievue oe vil le '.lonhu ae -. »ubotV r~d 1w~î iitnp h. nwadlut. êo.fuily. t tiore agals, ut <da. sud b. hlusos!, aaaaa~tataa.t'ctL ie~ I. 0h. ai ~i. douai. att î'yu. »r. t' l.~wk ram amtra, taits! t t 'bat' wiy ta to laik.i. auy UO lier tu >oImpbm bi.: mmer Mr**a. mek tu 5vkaemfl boaa afi" h.ait thet, '.1te -e, ,wfh "a.- ,ta vmd ê1hei*hy dSbu kWI.m, om en vmat ther ('Md traaw y"b vKda4e,_a, ua of e iee omiwalte 4" it t 1*0fr Td arky IM »Mdmd fflrvuw- 118mt.e f yqtl ghe lm -m hWleyàme hob" hl ouai him"m mi"rees us 9"itli ho hmi Oume b.aetbl"hhuu brfi e Ios ns 'uImm bwr nus, sui trfpoiblion lvi h i~~, Ku'th w ~qe-doIaW, *Md. W wk etpt.o w viî.1 lne 1 hnfl ba I mie nie hii sus t émoiiePo di ~thaUi Mibtreii And tom. khed Nhaâ.- oii4.O emlmiy e ho pfnùm ..,winli p vida . 1 Jxt shudlike le sho* .touMilok postin tine<iyf. (iryce 11, W-" 1>0 le beres," f o dleodo not haro te carry lut tân non koep it Io'n* 1w.\I1sI4a e. dwsr qe Me live n amy fouttsur fot roSis, air .Mililek tea Frrla 1-Ofo*it uy buaariei Mr. tiryou attooîl hi. ermabgiag righ butaniers," h. erepala, "iii.1ub 10uv, paar sp s "de mad mn*tlua o donu it ousheu',y. titi I 0,Cln100, t9 40. 84et à 4.le, e 4,M» e tublofs is aise t otà* ti ta *i IL $wveut Iavay for a short vbaaio a la'. day.a #. amuIt hongh ah.* pi" iite hoe litai. t hl* ftoson, Ilirh'i "t 005i.. It Ke a. au .iiy(p~ «vly OMtAn he ia vmyine s~Wàr .Ù« ? be.. b oyvultbav t ai tus y il. m$4 Nemu mi! hu tow Dothl1 Wlal» smmueh kwoowtbu Ieo oroermv» for bti k hop 1$ t. e, nel îü« * aI, semii, xo. i i hrmoloo Wor$t iàgoing gte )A»sny atay vue »aaiId rlw' ie.yw, h iaitmst .àmu fran>i»mmt* suNfllrvl-whv, Lena." he ewwleahétior aa o acY-mg thse moabutah« mmv Orjes, aIwi beiaaon ~W oittrime .sy.-- »a thm enl; hm le L«* .1erppoi huW, aMuW li aisomuoit tit oId lady vue taalt" hal li uips,,4 imilmuea.enousoi, hà. M& fto nt i e in WU8 et . pu finiaiiêîetni bWlse mm. ails. la tu u vit d 11.uswtWd ta vesdor*ote éIWtla rie nt! 1 r cm »e 15, ut»W"uI à% b e te Wrb" *" abew O aim*e *0 àitq sie 1" th h.s mave .M&ai, gts.. io ram r W -1la sasrâ.*b MW is . v hu Pothme pi =C: glook. a m ticku i~foeh. alklutb hm &U7"à hdieb, "1 I wudo he Sfflr vi So. & mm% 4us gt~mm," ~o.I1efr" as the ee laubulesu goingta a. ,uoe rt me mmepete.d si«ht gfNtr. wu" w usorne confu"m luK mi kit ror Gr.yiùe himsilmh.hai maresy monng rmm; ho vutoo ma tr Wb*. Up ltii. UtteranS of tetve haieelediauIs~ be. evident jutemtion of bUiii P." à& minr ang V4opposte th ir atchful eya o( Mr. as ncha excreic.of ucs i bbnseilover the. camiety W" hia t* hl.&bouse. Mien, if thffe w a. snob, in the ilisi vas but momeutary. la le turn.d, a", t Denfro.tieg.tis oit with Mome s.veritv- 4 %vork ie thero for a. deteetiv« young L.dy bas takeu Puise 1 b ave n teiecorer-." "interrplted the otIae with aces of limibity andl respet, me frmusthe, 1 cr iam. nger and! mv errand is tommay suef COms til znotiniit migbt. habve mebestop Ier.andaitM6 , » interférence wih sn a. comaondnty ans! it wy e 1have perforîneit itd" abbtys duty te vatels oyer P& bikibut iUySSlf," broke la vith isariy ind4igatiOuL -De aI it la a wômà * and a lad1 à m g4z , lb uit md doyod thiukî F -ce anr mari, rnuch lin s m *O Im aleI Oaty nue cd Mao, buti e i er ai! bave àa.'rtgrd 1for i. 1 ir;m th" »Msua way; ly bmn. bimte e h@g.I a reut vasuosI inmôtherly SOs., eh* drew -the end!(d tiàe P"8 «" eu't.poor fle.mI face, yMW e sedias! s, wiluvl wva y~~~w MGroiiwuIIappr- e et. si bftte-oIe piiyni- to »CritDr. Meteworth, 1viii Cli. u t teber." Ans!uin a faaw words lm r 1mw in.e anae. (J violez.: dsatl, it t.dbtad;ViMaIe for ibe coroner te wal' t.aM' sa-s oon &îter as pot- uaîi:.'andi vheW as l in ýcase circuits mt.,.ic kmadeddelay, no oui., Det <ven a - *~~~~~~h .,tvr.nvilae Icoroser to s eas kiasal sy vish as yuairm iAat every 14-1 aa-ttl.blb aboyaithLie o.. wIia' 1i î honloriatsuticiety te isial I muae .w y wt.." kuldihasl*y shook han boas! with aus vi'dvbo nadenefautîerproseoL lia,24<>m"~maiuh j aa.e4 te a Chir. "itali ii. ~ u~diecoronter sat towui; w1ia has a4list oao i» haattention a ait do".t aiestisi. uma!" angrly criesi ;ite d..cior. -sit. ii osible that -the. frouai door h;taa leen lets orpam Anal bruma 1îai]y jplitg ly theie nov Tise fellAw vWhe rais StiMMierthats etiot azis mach irore tin:pper, pulleci a mwaIt boenkanal peneil fzam s i. pochet. t areupeor, a"d >ve lila frrizwitmuaf 111 .4'O are intrnatintg,?* cied hle. *Tiis h a pnivatte bonwte. astult -.10Onc sskal ouste. nI4er. .,* .ar tilo a.tu-ay w.gamlias n0*-' et ra ui iîa w suas! vhaoae ye vil! * n at:hia yuarng tria i as not. to h.iéaaiIY oui artilest nofi mrniffl ?'h inqbrml - .1 you girlof taàà ciy has di"inaâ carriage suit tibe peoaple have a ight tu baew hov. stmlllSay by Uea0thebU "8.euab! t onae foueDr. Il- w4cbuurela'" Vous ah-0 cstmite- s Hit o in k *» yen v have jwabay neva er ebfru~ti ibcexar m Unie t!i.h. 6d nritu elt ieotvat *i. ide, h. e 4eIamcd 'Niu 1h solfuIIo., If boaum-9.a vn aism,~oautm ria - net horm a" b«* 1obtt serv, a 4ws~a VNer, li i mie ib, adih. isau&t puise-. i. sand h ow - . ei., sit , 7 WOM utsnl. 1 . o tl ls uaufeapget tuk' mss mer lu Es. 'e gue -j rSbo~T. c g- satin n Ky J4 ;m..fcre Pl Seeo >1 ~L 4k 'v t', "M n. ov, I e u a w n- ta& And . #t 1 1 ( m e n o u a m u " Jl b « W m e». hm hm* gtais a (y thaa* ide" lory wain tb afrlit le ni 111 v Itt the. Po".kwe. omi ýAfmse MWnh *m tit hur v. iMe 1ev ie'. fZ o'va noniaitlouaferaim %Vlwns.liON*'Wgo ot «*rbeg hll boy. tel Vhlak M0t M" MI'Itdê't lile&"'. my#oçit bdhiwboni" ,4 e ruaî 1osuor, jau,1. teflic ala.atft -Ir" sopn t" te 'te uoeuu eheosa»i heM. Yjamt t<ame ftm a ntt~autts brIde~ ta t' ments.* a uni- hoon "qýie utt'i b leftta 'lmlK mg bf th eobsul 100 8m l o 4okug aifa e uitIillunelite lrlogonm tir01e l at,4 larm*, Jhuleêm abittet nupeneitf pow r«MI owesl aoo iIQtoms s, d1 *ftmtti, sI I îlàliat h o cuynlta'g IaboS I t le pion ts-remm anrhslai User w ÏM ulboue edit WWWIi p Me, m çouugladyha-lspaun Wal te atii .indsaiy. t 't a' I. pet lin ual us' liai 3 Wf .1a. hfrfn,,atc id made catlua ea S 6Z V in the IUge>t i t cOuce and dc.kt ' nl., tbi U». me a cal. % LITTL.E. est StOckwO hi Our rtaa - er, Iatest out. As LES, in gol.d ard ~~hes ~ ;ut qbI . o e -bv êr1r~ Mid, vil *msuil bai t.he, ais.. hi."m ia'l'a hNsit b«sa rimesw Mn agarm rd Seo dui meu4i s"reet, Liadsmy. RE e'£4 qJ. Makers. show it*. ÏT &COP &c.t o bofl.I mmq Dy .5 t