D.sI~ b.,. e'; *1 t was ilumuosi f. Iboir bhê~~wosk two xOmG INC> ~~%Mw Uvid bdg od sdwi&bour imeased là mo eMVI a t la 'ThéBEOOND E VENTwM. theSlni Stocko!- Sia o.ns o hedollarfor 3iGoezal Goods, and foi the Eeady-mi frorn the luge«t wholoeue dealers ln the trade, and -conBiats of ti kids in the market. Donrort Ui .oeiuU pIto # n5doule.ont pre. e t ot he rst cSes.OC iý>Tzrus in. t1h ai ~# & PE~~R'Y, e if- MM4 kW bk4m lien du o.Ef é. i o ouai Fi4hf l I U b*bwi. a 'nb i. wP i. bewu.. % . , e &Lmm Iha» te *w mg a k« flO* tbwa W»d - qn<>isttm lsidit u.~ .~~aMd kIt1w a*é vm theseKne.4ovà SmogS £h6yb~~ __ -"tua.fruW. %09 te, <oa-. &"Wlai lm hma 'x oeut ow wsi f,qw n mb IMAW _____ V * ué& t.Wfmu sasO&I4 ptmaJW mi Mb, *~~~~~~~~~~~~pug »ug0 shi W ik m.. 'gI ~ u ~~ & a-.OMUOMM OM véc .,u.. it$mg s. hi4 ý b f " e w'. 1h s.s.6 ... ,utia xhtl *~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ET OF..itê ~w .~~w Nt' -lp. 5 U ~ s m u v E < h w tî *,W tIio.wD *s'1iu as *M&ii pau " b uu*bO~.l .uI b.msas k W ayg a.hb-wgIus ulOssvfs w - & I 15~.o cuLaflum e i *JIWA u~ smo'e Whu~ 5~,50 v5.U1RR.ôaH>hP ,?cift ' WX .UuAM Mà- SUME COMPfW w im n.4I or lut nIVuhah8 ICUX C 9 ORA& "I.,b4 ushem- n ~ ~S. ~fu=<a. m-V. ~ PLI?!, s - ~ <S. .15. ~mi - Lmmp wwmbr Sudo.?w1..et J. . dwara RED ý AP m Ip- JGQ Edwardsý, -Y m fbt ePm o k e- '~oe WO DOOBB. SeIns ANO e. ~*1 -w e. .hli Id ýrd- ta w aà ithe dolla ;pE tive fair Mrofit )USÉ'.. bob lodi. 8.c bm* bS ttIh Oost a LIE Linds~ 'Sm is retfring from Caps, Beady-ma and 1Smallwar' lii. Stock-is welI asorted in o' REMEMBER TRiSf Iut a g-ami se% lino adretili bu7en ot ttma "ud airoiidaug per om.Wtayu cmbuy the P. &.-The store that I CH IIAI~ wtho the~ lek Bein. orne- h Mll,. Lin.'. 'urnilsh-iug. tor Csh csoitd' withont -r 3 at~ prices tfrnm215 dweilig L ou s 1. C. Nul ai biock la!,,, b!,. 111K *hé 8.6 Noie ~oe ~ ~ - -. XI8TAUBA1NT. UUMl,10xkuOum i 04 o ub@L A â u «ba Sesmo est bn~u i* d uPt 1 ~ewingmac-Luùes, esold by gS & Co 'S, ~'Boot the DaIy oe on Short Nqotice- and. S..ingl 50511. ID SUd UARt~ id 't, i .~' E 4. <t F