~fU8VAILI5 IL P3,. luiy 4 ' p butm«.e = - -afr,10tAy a r "%* iIuoij4. mw mi ~bu u~Et huo k, af4wllb9s u.4 0e fu.Wlyf4>USêe tie. IWWU Ni.wf obi-u. nuiS -hms. o'îuate mambo be4o., Ial uduoiny ulVS ooeë bdyt;wS vio c urTbem bis. My rf4O W, flo Il4kàz*iuil l hlm m d.a h« a lb4fle ii lyu h.uis- ne ugWr>.4v..lbe .ooy b" sSIy big rumi w-».t e.tibosai i lb. uIt ce lb. IY :teua g«f M. * lba ha" tino.'W 91 -be cWffl Si Mv *@wWî we ia o i.. t lo x i... rb«lwSM ývwwisgthe up .'n Wtbil b m le o* twam i* n w:>.' " tiftViii .u tbo ijo l.d *aM hpfuiry fnlb. >'ao> wt.w blb. d bmei &4b. RI l%'dt..hto pv4 vàCOUld loris ooeuml t. *ni iwettly n'b ' I Tée S bepowd 1 iw tMt iesuvt f bh."Ipree.de .Wbmruiu.o tu am 09 g om i U .U IqIbos. . wqW hiluO1.7hu bd fmufai'domhi iAit«. My bo1.5egu Ag ais outiSbiu 'e'MaPmebg @@"yhS ilo.okwws. ua wk W« * b ul », toso WSi eItf pwb's'u4fur u uu.Io 0 us wb4 o y o p ýimu ot- bwpoftaI&I094 teib ni mifrs , »M a .wlmine>.er.d m btner. b. W l"% iâ tbue. ii.lW»t ôsSwW»b beW bu wwllIhave wdMimevw. s. Os.. baM s *rtppW04 M he utt 4 CM f1-mu pUtt a" hsll4W;thatb roéa. »tut i.bë ig" mwo il,* e ai b.adou oi" trois. wïotI il'boi hwmu uv' si4miq" trois. &Id iartsh ir. wknut tmsun A. % W"a 1 m,. up>oWm *.5îld o aismi blo Wmrné . Cidu wà* a mo».d.r b1 , f uiI. >r ledgb MIMOsaer Uné Ibat éyeooieaUUOS ,tg y be à5ImpnuWb pare b oué i ml& #b pSaiS, ,ebisu déidoua flf muuy bao-roUt lu a hw OMmys bu. vsg. mlimg .ii », o h, P, suéassse oupham bai b nimuOi.u"hg9. ile go 1%mn 9s 9me ltihIbi Asi~ tus v tUiotpuIgq l AM4 b rUS. b.lis e, uloy ti -tu. .dé9b. 0.>55 la< bslp~ husu1'usba e 1* . ~~ont hasr46m" a A9umubuusé~mavwm ma u nd e Iq0*7t --m me&~ e m~ud , d» 4"mo 95#j - gbmmlý i9 ou_ * àm»&m rave à&**.emoeB 0a ORM1éuu I %b- obl's s. Usbb bus. kb adA ueb, '"Nol Ald.h.hB ut Mm tom et b mm %» muolislm& **e lt*Vç1uo&WyUa feBys *bklb Amuida rodébas siOê5 u mm uai ipu u a s 0«oe a.noîvwm MMiai ah. ihd mw aubdlp.la OsoMM to. men4ru, s moU -5.w et Oumaie, sie# 84006Mbi Men.95bim" ébeousit os2a tua »au .sbislrt p à à thateeba~d Poo umé vlImore dbuuo&ls Ait tbeltbis wlen roa maSg mobeh eUhElglutul uàpidhiy lbrwnh b hr uSait mm 9 S. rying s. formul a ply "Ma*y 1 in *e ermmro*l ts.oest pme«m#fM b&iUé. U i Ailia mot m"MW tloqb »buhsmey tbac Lupsâowoeu I* a$àrucu6 be ielus Mupai ber umumin. for a M.fsa eecmi usbo h.dUé mit quemk. Ai lem, vilb aieffort ise lher-'1 waucà s-Bagedu~~.pu eyhuav,.,i., . gr goi-1.twke.; nh a tIbougbi ha, s.. 0efl-d My hait. Iudulîve Osr4pe Yeu. buts love$cu-ib--uev.r *01w574yur molambavo e d" ycu,' uSé lumus.. wftt mw*m1p.tM rmoulé mK" paudli d "mId "Tut maa puily apoo a"- su" f i mêe*vos o ugt la bais 9.bth. douii Sm .OlOUD"éw a aPW*usuS tmwseL 1u, "Eva Meuw Tu 00 lws.s vo. MeUs. - "4muwliéber bar iMsbed sd bise, ollb M "M mmi as. eguter regard ima fhblàp for biup, Msé usmiséthe ig>e me W 01.0» s e 04 ... gemsiy de. w uiveut15u. s.95p a mi. but oW tâ*.44 eut h esist chuup h. lupute pf68b s . runnus efrta vu, ýet sea'eui1, a" i W»rui. ubeaif bosit ud0& jie&om adIboli eS raibmck 5. oW5.' Itat wes rukavs leur. fullIy tbismlg lb. ocoMTUmnor t te even- mag t ber' mollie, Eunosqwfaîi hie ftbor weoebootué to4sbsr jeakxt4r pm & t **fm viurM ao t je. sbing but <q Waetyvb kloh" laigi fmnal.ving lo.;O 9 jealwproué sn4.oud pauùs ooMiW .fUr, but 1 ia uhumbles q' 7.1. yu eaus OMM 01% Vie tu "d. un *0 au.ustmS e Yeu Poquil eruew e.hotus. rbich bos Wmtilg Wau sowawr, esd the soosuor va eeouae.the b«%C«oo' As op aleg«â& lususSiý ed é .10ledUik.ouy tbé PyMum ms.0 UMorai, balit the rous-.d mou.'.' la mod uMsMr vtory 0y« Im N a itesuloum we.ilu get te bimMus ai <étict-. Ihave a m.rsd o ;O lté)>uwY.rt &iM Ieu bu wulS at aaw mi qU:kweaaj dîévide iah Ms *hbutes ibo emoco", u. eethe ibcwmu pou gosi e bmadwrftxîîtgl the bMelr. If pou ha" OMuT 'otxrulssn Ai ail about 100 PoU eau euuy de) t,man ernU.4 hbave th. wlusSg$0 Camrybt he o 1rhtrouxu ý' 7h... noua li.wuud8 Wicàtî£ige:is esmisa eiicttsé.. 10e IuLisuod matiivoIly mmd muiki: -won, abat do joui puupoe. ludot"' -Tb* sr4ub.p tU havu io be takenby pu'ou," salé uio, '*bu& 1 vIlS mulke a Sug- = oaTbë tmma wbo je. &luperuaate Pery AUeport PosamuMuéc -tus muly he-ru i igue sis MSoIb i niibîu but ýyoa 00* geê b. oop7su*M ne b* Umsl khuer Il e b li. y.. lunébette .mmai" 705V phusunt nlaloa* u'athe DogmesMd U éArlméUm liiou made &a âgmmtaeub"M ot "ssVer your Y.dbp O aIn sheb. e efly rein- gm4ble Yomfoh.r puna"o witiab. e 90ý. Mmes-»«» sau- Iht hi 014 toboixhYM PMrw'laPuilieubm, t50 u9. #a sé i. fS by 1» tlb. oxibi- iMm,,w wbun tt 1.w4y, méd o PMAl l ai me Mn operluay derlug 90 9010cm et 0" *%OwbIumam'h de. flbtv ta st quhaas rt vo 1 %t py ais pon tare.. Is tffkig i;oîu l 'Jiat nt ,u cxpln. aé l. Jti .' , 4.lagpme at ul." lli diaw i asatl tl t ik.' ttrw'.ýRe o Wbs.Epn. ufoealrni u . fr nisub 110mW uauer beir tuizclouand ué tlaaucu AWl a Slsdl oinentod aunît ho au Inumweptsucd to.te h. Dotacie arui 4 sagdu e, Ili r(*Mwrfor %usiojul 4lvYs, a" le NPrgn...una. 1 rparrs,, but ffouufvow'eît huiplfan ud co artes-. - h *uw aint'ufe$g etulm*u UIh *M dsu e m b. . W . *M M as mrau -m Ibere. bus beau terrIble Siohem"es Takei Mr. Brogp bOa" plie sadm- wisy abat do yos ansar'aikeitK Os& girl wshf.d hoev et oh . porterziSa be0 mm ub Buggyssuiiu v4! EauAr- PMWS v51slmg d" is lw tea,10%M t . è mm '*tdmd bim mWli b u "opusé * mdu vhà&- B eng hué hW.but o se@ oeDu et ng" hNi.s 90 ,- fr - m éviý à l mâMm m * m'-ýl Ilj u au a baz X>7. mw mto& si. b lm am« bai. mioi t be tU«c. sRb ma m.fs.ui, mu'"1. parl7 ruué09 me amieputy u-m.* -"o 3Luh9; puwé ui flliom thima bu hob usMs.eculy Istessl moi *M07yunysp uMcb" 9.wm v W *w' mué eurnéa pnUs. bfl lah Mr- Bkoi4er.hué aisumy c«' Ille p@rforUwteamo' û aîmaarte muai Aimurlema wamuacé.1ry ib ob0 At. or h ras ovni' lb. cdgmercet 11,, amo. B&mloBISA, boul cëe t hi.omis- r' b" retWipnîos, voa iw . rIities ls'- inéth.s m . . ii ouung.lbe gama.et ths ludimmul% beus umg lýr-hba" mu i 'w - abus naef INt.Èmg Whst M s ar.BL41« &),d i . mr~y _.laale0 o. As Ihupéhito a du.turbsuoe sadds17UaIct pi.. e ~ aerse y '.lood a&Wi *.mm 0>014 te oeff Lu;ultte1xSinthe. rtu"suliTa oqber ad hou ru. evtdontt holding ô4- t. lis oîdutaau w"tau s ombrS wuîch bu la- luud *d sso lu .n WSbIe Rgl tahemo. Mst owd ai hereit amnund Ilm mo anmes tou &-eChes O>gîtbhuit vhtb@eyý maisituebodluariy i'. mge oy Murured *Bbamr teU&sUel' 3$Ul 1 noUdy t'lsd té paP u% Mea utitàh a biarky policetima pu.heéi ni uay îbrohsg l "ascruw>an md eudmuvormi ta pmtbo e Abtauts. W&1itt ùh Aîpor a bymmmbuSoe bmi"a té 9 Mroswwg mm o Ue lfs% sbe -tIw té* ye r aubséd'on a ami vom It t an .6n»d teb esllbu Iu ntéS oi loi bSh" .hcd mmhe gies IWou ghi ba"iMera. U. A tary quarm tuzlmaius hacaum Ct the dim- l5vbumO& Tb. youasa- - hu crie aout - Iuiiy a a*masé ma" b"i; bachea" pocw vse led 'as t". iUowg nt iSu" am" .uws; but lIe oldor aa s pl valus w» u9y tbust üi huma mirecoaumë a. voiSs eow vait a& i oniS tuho"&ra Ls betty poozoma . osdu bla two prài. . TaiMsails h slé a a hius m@md.ber h"t& oup fojy >u.1 lb uba"rorsi ite ber compaimiuom ber tm :rodèigb ue crnord groaS Oas*- atuimi~.rs midcr.d 0out; 'PrpLousM To. siv.? ll euma Porc'tu rms bite ps towarst.h. "àla. lis uamm&va a mmabuaM paierrêltauiSK ahactk broutsgb hiefan etuteOS-" vI L Eue ehuw% Md é 90u tmDo ou reciouute.ltr DIid Shf A 4tibat s the uaussa =MO uMi t jea 01 mumxism amii peut-up bamt. abs .ciàutgLed»à aé> ue .yi.il àtUme: air, Vo1aluaz g us.ads aatrorr!Thamis If tue. ponds bib". sm. 4c. y coeu »t bhves bad a. quaalLs'or su'ogef laioS. au lb. pciioeusaum,. ne -Mrai luugly aw"moéte &à& awmotsmu cftlbtheatu Mt lus tm tittakuS tovrgirl; ha Imé Swmucid beé h.Scruténias, m&" wa huiug bsae abwit sa te ta oaloes Mr'. Bkdgu. rrna guni ttephe-m Bie&- or, Jr., bluimnssudtaeuy fofua;.1 MMt 1> SI> 10 aseeraan wau the extraordisaar muo-Iftlbon ber part nm.atl . m asMma DMOlrO fk11o.l Vtl kUsp.iuafrm *ea usai te ber andt exm.ete m akodi *M1hbr, sAour' rusz duea .iitLULS a nsan' . .45I&5 eM - y ChIiS, tuai wu bai. on Nuim toe.ithm a& 4t-..hu.at lusr, 'mils! your émar, dear iat.iuor rnan y.ronraM go, 91 tie maabaho etrUiêtod, Lou aaaqum iirnauda had. aih-t fOrgut oti tisa ber tatie' liait taon rnier'd. -l'ut Chia rus s. tim. ior epmia.U. ud .>rî idimot Mis. for'une, hbut mi t u..:, Wâo isa mn. m ilinunUtise - polk*mamu, -Peeyl'eLrd 'y deur,' abois .â avar Tises), vratiuia--" v,pa.. . ' :ppeàr- and mbook ùbus lutu.-4i: h a Iuortitit-nu : uat bçi ahi" W.ullà "Vu ' a>ho-' geaus"a luqos ui tovor had i le wutueueu the dep A monweul aor ltié p 4ducemuini ois bis &a1t4,Cfi. le cuandiSMn. Didaromu y LVo.»îursnd ail the 4lie lb. pri.ose did mot uer a wurd. Ha nus- ý à"ourcé-tu mît .ow. ndweu he urài.itl Ms Le "î.'td vou orm t'rtf f, and Ui' ut'tT la l ati r1u it rs4 Stn as --'îTI!,! c' mlen- 3 ]tf r ffo .lu L w.ic t mm-i t. Theu" dm:ui ' ým tt'- ta: =t huSnave btn bit mde '.knwtru l. esoc Of proiîn'- à mai ,.i t3w- mmxi door s. Or , or fluas over. 3oid ta ut. j: rom': hart say t~ Lindsa.y. RE M I 0e. Makers*. "cou I Aftor &OI Dm ~*g~hs. I ~ j a j -x x I poteé laé 'oua' mué i-- mu. -r Mb. misa uq s,. Pull ~sm.g. u'lBe.s lO*s.r aséibe. buolier 0 Q -Molk" w-'m 1 8W rm lé m Ibis kcoq-ý - -f. ~'sb" -r"' -'<su' --i - '-,1