IMM11 *a W&,flA.JJÇE1,li "Mie mWel lm **- of queghs ls Fwq4 ilise . m #ut< rifs' t d tiii à W e@0sau eu il swn. ,e Mye. wu o i. iewp&uou uwdln. g1.jou «. mevr, vls1mu %y mmewi- me ë"W 1,asm e hf cffltbble40Sq Iou. %Mep iblala e leeu"i les 40 uApe.sesld âmW4 1 "W Il. bI 1mbw lb*W. mfreal' I.--f o. m « is 9W bus eues, kd"M immî je uss mut ve.vII ua~hd M b.w.1." usumimuel, "bey prou 14 <leespe SsIl wA puuluuvedustu wuêfw e * s. M ~OO" bu Wpsaunesrburas oui "06f sedume, mue se3" amoslb a « b.4gomlO 8our hem$- otiuR lmoe. -ý . t!f eumol.ei t lutamuovi te mk mi «4'4o m obun ehoýil, - m, duudelet b eut.) umma lb. tus et bu e toe. mi rnqUty e meeev adOS te.sey tlie sue, gbceIy,"I utuMet m"et Wattlge bimma M.-s ,Aumm %uhvfi- m br mlufi il. a opà.14Ie e btru. s 4t4e»Pmueg teil ue .. buS Dot" las8,m* et i l *0eohaud e jho, . P. vwI ber -wbeso. M i u but to i aae .L" sh!. but NfVCwa*b"a liS Lavets ili1in sud i bit*b-i I dmatv.Iý OR i"tee,g Meuelu uth"* bae vol oeil pté rem4mow ailsalaset jW" ovi . mle utr. a ss e. .d ova.., ot bave o *me, ath*m Ib hfi#ae"egli rmeu. eu th*eeloi4 upS. uosMd avelb. he vItao fl le' oasmre mtaiea. h4 wb 1 mirél -lie borspeu àk*5gvm ei!.. M fIml 9 fllevO wt tues.I»d loté ftbagouler, w" i f iâ4 . c. h gI..! f tI* eua e .u N' moio ý ors.1 1e nm tiew wv'sslta mv. uiil anise u »x»re I t. nl ul «.Lue$l louaml malt l esn alb . "Do »apebae u Ite a luutiug eu *ti. TI - %0 ortm tu mile 0 yo uuarm - le s.U . mMiitado otveWiineit Lueaem bm»or vtm i oub " ave iteeueialu s. foiluiv nt R e MailsmUl<vhm .6 ll, 1 o mi mmd ou W "1 canes :d1 hve meM'alfev * 4tleou gidrl vislita lt*nIe.1uboas lfor 11i5t suamieelt. Ilweus end aktly lev« lite. vii' lsI o 4».ntinhoumii'v - Aut vitI au auile..riliable messes, - r uloreut oui ilvialltag; ~g ~s bas Mn us.'5 (1IAP'TE~ XVIL I OOAWWAI. lie h,. et Oraulvut, lamool bp bilait. vus slarpusellue eus, lis terni boume mai 11e hep beS~ usuel hi~og~ 1h. frm-~ lb. lest et. r Ir..,.,,.~, -- - ~ m y " »w Clar monlifoe . amlmtml ia In S.~ ~ ~ ~~ i ý;Che.Omt Xtemupol MM 5 it*upoil.-sht in lierme&laimuioqMy B."ut ltbYuI dbaye,& iXcI -er ira a fêrhuudim g aulptby. 4*o 7us pum uuwàmsvus1 a i!..a ppfemSeat mtarai«. b elul." 'bt» alfit bapor-m. leokusl T'buh be %"ht biBwa" beoui& " mdm 1I fsI v1 e oui I&M b in .0b* ei s mudn nid amin GusaIe . ~ ~ s d" C M ' p u r g e «b l a e m . Tm mm e am**ei =V * b"OPhi," ,in*0 * è "aaa bmw i Ut' te" i»àhgl vm tr Wte, e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ym ftmb 1 mI ~pi 1.1 âhu ia - ~ ~ ~ ~ à â-6~SuE~i iilWi' t'th esmadame. -1am war uit m ~ooe i.4 ,4 h6aW ' Lire v S as&a.tft m i mam o q ll4 j -w *hPaulvsta , unchiIrý l A'rt n sai Machsljour ae mmeflh à silo.nn am~4vwabea týwy krt r tiLemnie er :r èr= hm&i W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J Cinoa" la bar xhr er ~t l The 01illi fflant raditi' A it eeel1wasa Dot enoegli for Mu ~iywmi.umas~ s~~tîenh vi .Ic' k FainatuVr eosiering berscif bhues,, eot naead i.dat, She h,ýi i l- 'n' . tuisr.te the. charg. #oruw.laua*ca me$ r ~ ~ t~t ~ ben, sd,-tii. .14 servant Ih'4~euijirvlien von vasuci jtr ' qmw, ..1Md.à" a. veul ,s lmiiy UflIOOis.lebrme .. a..fer more -lau ot I)sme "ate , oeVery o1l*>Lt -YZ! ý. Ie iu id nô intention -of coedtdiigt sU U« aou M Mdoftt *al .tic~ x- t j*an Parizot, uliom o ah.WIDfr Wvat ub.~ oIyvinl)ria. -trî4e, ncrnve,.for stle feit that the ta- " l'h.y d418»Metkuie alIe *0» výy thn Md ~ atifriomtthip alsovu for bar vee tSualu Mdaie hl 'fu, vautte>rihî.t Bwt-empiw»mthel. hiffln fil.,Ia iiia- ,îîs Msise*to emielt '1 i i la.ltioai ou ltié pai,1 t be r eèapsy..l.' ps-Tx:e miot toe peak ýwhmXhart. * iiy ,oLtr apok* e Xtihr~î~<i.: adu er frauik.iyto ofns tO me th" der the prtexat s ier aqtgiô. îss b - aie&ieu;tbat wb asc oMt, s04. v» r.Ievd of certain di,. cii wo tg'; hùt lier chuid i a d !or alie, bie 4u"e Tii. famtrevf hwe -rai, iî ek*hm a.nevt heard a Word of ber beo.u eans fanulialy mdail amit aas â i ntî explain -ler silence if ah.ievere. latteir .nve quha4 astoni,ýht4da: teand it es res nta m4Lry ries te teoncees iLu %hie.chamge of Mmeuetowmarda he-r, 1lm te.lWo t itr 'agititt ' isrdîicoua.Suelj aile 1 1 8m "t vorry abc-il a thîinq oî'h n Lt 't1o n> amI sanyaymso bar tpetm, i hoe..vaae &itele to ber, andl suet-.IedL i -ihl rnim. 1 to tendqu]*I -thei a Mminc. Parixt did siot ni" herse«f Lotime uane c haingBaî'~npî »er b- iho laxi, as eleh li td e.I.à4iot, a& bernuEs~ias easlc.8h.b.di.~,qirbta~tiîuelîngmetio". ashe fett condent ae to b 1 P*'o .for ber isrvanta momiedr's'5U.ils"ce'adety. lir vbieh, Ibougli 4 âtme h alt tc" ta:rin, ~kJcra4àiea rmsiuupry lqgatee-& t tilismi. %olnrally "Pm i ith fcc wih o1p iot vue ý atraight- ap, T e n lIre 'vaitb . lace tew a'Na i. %eer thêess, the. fasm er'a 'ife bai bem a aid the ehiget ltheisam au.! vwtnai-nt. sez.cly disturbeti ater the oit ertatbail I blt ber thatte ah. bai te at the u Aliûm hiae he nùttm nd_ýwV,-vtfarnitî & dtomealie Wihai" reunaîneilbut ditgtwwikthe egliers vire in MetIi t> hyantd uS aaouher viiotbail been ia m I bis. & ehrIzedi t eti.enil <4 a veel. F And the fwnae*'s vle talijet, dair,-t l bt w as trilie, thb. d sbherlngh . aw-c ugimraeOQPtIst4 Le U I tatuîkea, an àt ia t of ta .pA . e hort. MlAUail oete Winlier ceaulutence and i inlunteu ock ce let loger buregaruluilgo r "MY d.ear yn m lte i,"ithep~e - @h le besk vo 11 amIe i ," sahn ii. . t*?uiz tutte hmae. .1 mfp e ecqrtainly -O u uary sci-, lie rvtnnusubel*,n fi act, Itbàtbo t lbe rWeha'.mo t m " rr i r t Nt. ou mmiaîe tunue, w-servuant 4 b.d coe . P, Iso&rusilte hmadu ÙI uedie aet anuenrty aý;c. arm. i. l dntsaylnWh% amt " têml lla eaîuy t& mse.niasinjour y ontà jeu teslmw. vit, uit Ver.stdemiete welu vrk es a aarin. ' ikin- iu.vaor, rather as h. beIuul, 1 b shrlaM ersawny sme great mieftir- hlÈs t irrelletl vitii-ier mistre.., veut 1time a y our life, ô» et sbose misoerturies back to i. srtibeàofS bar formft sa- lth" «»hlandru u it, ift hey de neut Ployers.. *àWFhu,*&1kilt lth. ev ,sarock jeta vati But, witbiot.being aIle to afim amer. lemm, f« i pte et -the tins,îIitt hl",% lutely t" tlie va» net Mistaken, 1ho11 as" P vui, yeu M a rs Sba * thomaks oS It vubtelicee-neverthlems, lth" e' lau canfued 0 jour Pae face, ijour ,*m titi! of afflneffl Pei ,t sn ahisneac " a Y~ â lpe. vlikh neyer ensile. 1 Was not te âge oftheii urtiaul, viblelas- "o 1tlbif ]F u e'hoU'I itynu,-andl eucr-1 î.ellhlawhat dmi hnW'CI laire bo 1.v W"ulé1 cum ul ieve mal elp4e-Vo. Gei'slta ilitonalpruo? Wo.l I Isiuve me, uj h4«r,' ita s ,relief tne teiliof air rmvant, la làu titam Clain. me' euewmI'ke; &.*OMM à biteiez rrow, , Giaî ve beau likélj n.ha e a P booomusie. ue .aduralle sn ie p-ra .4it.,faIdt t étillîe-the euily bjqpolh eon vhich - latoethlb h...-etiba .e.paeaete faiî a foruu te .Mystery h. hich Beau- 1I bave n mroble, ne sorrowr, nuitai. ' o.pirh...1 .earapod lierauf ? m uure yeu . eiîtn Is nilogicall yfer ltas *VYeu ay that. laia toe hivh heel *"k tL t.te idflyccnacu es 4 sir~le. UndOmbîeutlyyvot iPitO1 reu. ut the-e vas nue îhsug ofS.vhich the wu . 0 Ar* calmrd t .bnyce lise vitlî tii.n the m rj4-y g'î.s, '. u kt tu vuetii. hhiag ah.e st et théM, vhich s e ou,ir con-v .nteil t,::kne*. ! et» metnckfaY.I h. v.,uùld illi j -bave give a suifiom 1. *If ine onger reummber, of whist ie 1îe - t fM oai' ie ofte an veulgitit ha tii Me ta live? tloi- 'sho v on . bavà,e toItlier.. .lire 4îie. 0 o a"e riglit. uy dean. mal1I nitier- in ia i.rtlî te ber child ama h a place. d stand îbat- vcl. When v it tc e eVran i'l iet î. ditl net uli. >-. is ulgam o f theiture, Wve l" W lin o t iii A Msd slew oulil evea have de". as macih if L pb*t, vhich lives agonrii n out nienàc>ry.*" tbey lied t4il lier tAie chîlti vus ail ave. 0 Tii. serant 1kt a .1gb escape ber, Sh1e vantedtat-n ov-that vas ali.' b. -Tbat .1gb may **.y* tbing-< -sajilthe- ta.dysu aiit uieftht 1... f ' farmiers vfe. - set-vtnt andti e yeuag orne beang on vry "Whit des ilsuon b ni naianie. ")d ternis; Dexuae,'More fortumate tLan 44 14expresses regret an letant. ' ali, miîSzht ýPeibapa ence.! ingettînl- bI ave n'îohingamar eregret.-"'. Beu-8041Fr ne upeaiL. It vas voeu try- I4o 4 W t, byoicannotsay th"tY«u mg. Ibaieme ecret." l8h. called the - ung eil antid aap- 4 l'h. e14 servant reutained iliet. 'te interview vwith ber, amil makmng ler (M t, my iar liotinueit Madamne ine pruptises c f a new dressata Whutit:àU.ýle, Pansizt .betveeit ne, visait teSahuineam ofa gOlulring afier thë harest, atia à*atck 0 eepni 2uts s c "-jat New -fushlcato i er an lithe~ Wbit veulîl lie the. gond of -elrgnsetnet how the greateatduscretioa, 0 enlieracertain thints u i a ima i i e t:n i=. et penalty- of incrringb r uer an ti forglet? -As jou id i ot nov, Madame, a eue» of heing drîveafentefrni he a1long lime ba" claper. l acu amil 11elip - -seci ber nte laidues. Beaa.$oupir, 1by ra miad wh4istju àcà mi scrt &V .aI s.iwqib!û means. ta make -a ecouhfdant cf ge b.etf auureatt ne auy ou.. -» her, t:;at ixc te n iber ber' storyi vhici a t jourireromietak«i, My dan, jeyu niant he cf thesee ursona 'îa itt tertiting e one mi»t*itei." -atte y s-8upr liok boar b, ail epolie ermsreàthet e ' * v thati" 1av-e takeitu utinto . i,.tcd1 andl tu Waccmplish ber muaaîo-À)aan fream Uizp ani " eauit'lfger tdo vinhout verv dily, 'hile et frouathtieid.s I ju,"eîîîiiîîeulthe farinr'é vIte, t-'l l ert ageul. frcat, elle ms a liber: 141uslt ho happy teievO1-' - F.r soîne txiBsuSni.the MiWs "Cues huug%," muid eu-opr tres.'bchon s gonddeieulceucer»ed about - "omsîhluli s çmkaler, bat von-ltac ets.' ~j vl) 'Pl veMfisng ig; -r~aglmt tan i oma e r ain a ruputo aperM"n wbm nw. e ve- } 'Jealonse %Well, bardly i h le not lier e TM9 servant diii net anaeL lîn.sanei o*ard jo& tni ail Iroter t10" a Aftira:mmetsPause, Madame Pamt owitthn? r.~ Xurray Shoot, S. t Uion Powdr Rain or 4hia. it v wut hart a" IF E &ACI DENT TANlE S. ize&l Capi SWÂLLÂO EL Agent, Undsay. W. A. H OREKIfs, biotriet Manager,'P.tetbSmu rcTL'y -o TIE SOT LMPS, cal LLS, COLIC. ZUCEA. DYSÈ.'NTERY, OL.Eft&MOR3U%, IOWEL COMPLAINTS, dian ChoIera and Bowet luO ts affect.13 -magia" i a very short Urne. rBRUIS=RS PRAINS LGI.& antilTOOTIACHL- Te again 4ul ýt th at - eare and Quality are is Year.., erystorei4 We have a Qg.- rerything iin iiie. Clocks and Jewelry. le Jeveler-. ,IK*nt8trdeet. RE NT& Go.Cè, -Makers, 'tShow it I~NT A 00 an)REp' s i 1- t I - f i tI V ut Iii il,- ai mcl iii tit- oh on ha au ritA r'. '-.5 If I te ho a tut 'J w-t tii s-- the au- ca l to , -t' - 1' f. h- Wl: kte o T iav bt etv thl, e, 1, » 1 tTý,eWE