.DOU&QÂlL Bor" Shoeing îa jrobbing p'rOniPU*ttIy l £va"»gms- K *.~ ~f1 :1 F1 er ÂMnuml  r-C~5i~ol' Linldsay, Won&ý JOHN 'ýROBI9 GREAT m WORLD'S bug m me atmi i omat ORUM r Than RW INDOSTEf itions ttrtuu RAL L V ýLAU iuasisi tRetura R"at vince of 0utvinl 20t1, 1891p ptur u nt&ll iota,9.ý 1.o»net lia l8thondSmP11 MATCHEI?, urance .1 gents. Dbtorey rce2 realii 3ed in cal one of 'th, lstorOy" r of ti CLO, in 8& ouvl 10 BIG 3H EXP flOIWGênerai Hlardw*are inth.e st0e% No. 22 Kent St., one door Bust of the B. I intend to, devote Mny Urne Md attention exe1usiv.Ih iond propose to introduce ne* ideas, iew m.thoda aý wil b. e i0i aoerance witheh.progrusoft bus bitherto beon cum ar i tisliii. a I cordially invite. everybody whether tbey are. bu mechanies, àrmers, lawyeue, doctors or poundkese.î f quotations of my pruces, TRIO WEBK I arn makingmn extra puah on OP( and amn prepared to give the very cloaet que Powder and Shot, Cartridge and 13 Primer'a, aud every other requis ssry for Sportsmen. Sporta, core ne me me before you buy, and withj wil make a pcnar lication thain ni cobeb for yur optio. Ha-.rudware Merchant, No. w UV W COMBINIED. GTetly augu ented by lbe nev Biblical, Hialornlul Trlumphul Terpmchomen, Drumallo and Musical Spac golomozz, Jmil<temple and f m Aitsic sud dolcmmal insprational cnation from Ibm feim Relllg. Ibm father, cnigialon, ptejectot, pinte, dasigae venhd.fam.d senasîlenal spelaolea& 100 Besutiful Ladies in, the 1500 people rcpnsenting cbaracterm cf Ibm WISZ KING'S RE costumea, iilar ta thoee on laut age cf opulence o tunci ast a ceaI o! One. Bunirsi Thousani Fout Circe a nfour Rings, sud uevly lnvented euera 50 CJAG-E MENAGE 30 woîdenful aud eclin>g Race la the geaI Roman Bippodro Chiliren, leguilli coatumad. lu the $800, 000 .FREE >STREET Wilh ils myiai Dan ct Pertorming Wild Beasta, tigens, :lie pythons, anaconda., boa- constrictors, etc., vith Ihir koa witl tle sides dovu, in th. miRhty pe Doors Open at 1 and 7 p.rn. Performano Arrangements bave benu maie vilh & ail lrcdi for Cb.ap E Agents. Se. Pictoriai and Desciptive Billefer fui! datui Show ceming tbis seamon. ADMISSION% 50 c A few extra ýeeved Senla at s sight aivaice. Bach perte: BIBLICAL SPECTACLE 0F Thus ensbling île.Who deine toevalues. enly Ibis Scriptural]1 tunity te de se vitbont vaîtig to me thé grand ci m 'W L--a---,. a1 MdColodsmaSceegrapblc,U;b q rie nof eflzeba m ai gIflai brain of Mn. John mn aMd c»omtcor o! mrIg Grand Ballet. mu HuGN IQN, attiradinla mgnificent NEW ni grandeur, minutie- Dollars.To a ont elevilsi Stage.,T Watd aunel i DT1~.r ertd olaeON ]]RIE 150 8. a. No. 2. Lu, aummor vucail omo. 1000 Mien, Wouen unid aySb SL le JUIF___________ For uchoel mec fihyesu..leepands, beau, mccod or Iird9 pera, &Il tîvevu open, Daîléeata cour mraie. e One Hour Later. àvguàt 19.1lu à& ih l.*e ouly blg M ari 'ENTS- The und Smauce vill begla viit the pay the hi of grain SOLOMON, ttin Bistenical Spectacle an eppon- iroua perfrmanca. PF1- On Deck Again And sales largdr than ever. À clear sweep of the Oanadian mar- ket for 13 years. ept. 2od, 1891.-1798-lye le publiahed IY YBIDAY NOBNIIG At the m o@ as, South of the zImit, liamij 10. l[DITOI AND » lEPUIT r D VEThDZXUNTS. eacher Want.d. eporleed Tombher holding a noeond irfte.0te flhaLge cif bhel in atou. Duiui 0 o mmence ~mitrmd' t. Apply dttng maiuy to MATE" WATSON, -flOO-U. Uforlaad t'. 0. ioher WamtecLe motion No. 11, Emtl7 mal or femal., aclane oertlfleute. vlth good reforencea mence Beptember lot. 1891. Apply to DAVID BALFOUR, Becretar7, C>memee, Ouit. 9eL-9&2 ket Opened idersigned je prepared to Lighest price for ail kinds deiivered at Mar-posa JOHN SHERIDAN. %EI efIO Paint, Stain & Varmish OLD ENCLISH CONDITION POWDER ail 'n one, Coutume one pound luavany package, sud avery package late bm me rinw and year ont, Nol iujuuioua. Rin or chine It won'% hart amimahL. 250. EÂCF!, OR 5 FOR 81 00. A. HIGINBOTHÂM, Druggist, Lindsay. -ý COAL -.AND m WOOD.I LUMBER.. Wholosale and Ratail dealer la aIl hindo! f Lumber, Wood, Ceal, Lime, Lath, iglges, hie, and- Pire Clay Semer' Pipe of beat Ameuliem make.> L mber of c'very description, dry, dnesod, a ndready for u8e. Maple, Ulnch and Ash Ploor- SIng Bill stuf of ail khndu. Timber and J clnti of aIl lengtha. Shingles of a&U grades. nLime of the boit quality in stock, deliverod t o miy Isrt cf the tovnata short notice. DRY WOOD o! the beat quality to auy part of the lovain large or m& atte, rmty Telephone conotion. JOEPM U2<DEJS Office and Yard-Victoria. Avenue. aouth of Sylvester Brus.' Worka. 'Lindsay, April 22nd, 1489.-1704-tf. For Stalalng ail kinds et veai. Fer Ruen ln« liFurniture. SFor Raluitng c&ria4el4 For Stuîulng Willov, Wickcn, Sult Work, etc. For many etler purpomos.1 ASPINALL'8 ENAMEL For rnovatirag cvonythlng, The abovo Gooie !are vonli-reuovuei aid nequalisi - Jea G. Edwards. DsUWe la 1.1Ha v Su Pnyadwae r SiEn cf the Azvlu. An Invitation. W. invite evewye to Sâ ansd sec ourKEP OTD IffW AMIRIOÂN W1lfaTOHS AUT In Nickel, Solid Silversud GoldfiUed. AI» Weare convinced. you Whave eeen th* eqý .*iumcN ORTHWESTI A Soliâd silver st.m windItq sud uêem < pye Pgoms I ady's Watch for W.160. 1 4b e1 A 15 ypar guarmnled, goId R4 M*ohlue l NO, h s Gentlema's oUd silver watohiLr te 9.L Thse watches ut bes euIq *~ mwot kd o pneu mwhlch 1»*& ceiuthan et te l au d get )OLXNQ GOODS, utsFti1muon b4a, Wado, yont permission I emoye the. ~juy7 99 Lent utreet. AUOctioll Sale Of Vahia e foputy lauth Townsjhip of, Eldon, la tbé Oouniy Of VIolona. Tbere wM beasll<es SATURDAY, 8rd Octbber, 1891, Ey vlrtue cftI*apower of " mueianed la raluzW mortifMuwhleWb e eb.godc t be MUleh M== SeeM.Bam. Ntude sMd A=emetulfe, blug th. vo t flot uumber ulxleeW«u the Brt cou-' oeion of the Townahtp cf Ela tlhem out aloro.d.Thone u mid te b. IOsuc*% cioe« dl à 90od alite Of cultivullon, Witb aPM houai aud log barn upon the p TEIMS-Tweuty-Ive par oul. êéf tbe purobaus moy to bopald enthe dey ofulefoithe bamue termewuil b.made kuovu ut thb.è ror fuumer pwuculoru&MW yte P. ]E. IA1KE ohool Lobe. Bimzux ESOiEoo-Wekly report, IV Clama-Total 95-Mini. Huâter 86. 111 coe. -Total 90-James Hucter 83, Lizzi. Stage 67, Matilda Warren 65. Br Il-Total 80- Ida Lewis 75, Minai. Mitchell 72, Harry Kennedy 62. Jr II-Total 65-Carrne Steele 59, Miller Johns 56, John HunIer 50. Br Part Il-Totai 52-Minale Moon 46, Marlon Johns 45, James Romdail 43. Jr Part II- Total 50-Jenny Kennedy 44. Renud Robert. on 39.&,lot book lamaes-Total 40-Bazal Huiler 34, Alex Mitchell 84. Richard Warren .,3, Arthur Kennedy 29, James Warren 29, 1Walter Robertaon 26. The Weathieri Raport fan the veea endng Siurday, nigli Aug. 29, 1891, from LJisay absnvatory:- 3 8g0 10t .. . . . ..7. .6 . T t u ru d oy Wanmesî day mea a! 640.76.:... Tbureay Coides i " si 680X......Saturdey Tho veek 00 590.5 PIP1TprATIoNlx nIcHES. Greabasî ail o! nain la 1 dey 0. 65... iSuuiay Ba4 f ell. ou 4 deys. TotaltaaMin i. 1.34. Txas.Bnu FaliFaim The lnduatnlalToronto, September 7th te *1911. Lîndmay CenInl-LIàdsay, Septoumbor lSni la 251h. NorI Ontanlo-Umbidge, Septeuier 2911 sud 801. Custrl-Pêlerboto, Septamber 21io, 28rd. Ontanlo sud Durbam-Whilby, Seplembor 22nd bu 241h. Central Cesada-Oltawe, Sept. 28rd te, Oclober lui. West Durhamn aid Du InfIaBevIuai ville, September S4tl sud 25 - somervlli-At Ocboeomk, Tlumiay, Oct. -Ne w Equipment b ove0»the Orop. New. vharoptebao@unt«tj vIlle an ormoul s "Yaaw, sudthe rnroanw viii ue m taxaihl lIa t aMOula amnying Il mal to mustiL.Itl le o v ai!if th .omplaint clIMatoe about .kuptla- goa udgIt bi e peàasi " ama. Tb* MWv bsole - ma 40 losamlva Qw*uMaal bu waad- eilaloemmllam ru m i b ami~ ~ ~ bub pb mli Oml alme 1»Q bat eM g s -f 4, ISOL ~s i l. lisefee ez"splanasmess husistata, utlrly freahum. my pomoilS. b *i . irsubdb -st hm tis VoL !X1117V-WholO No. 1798 easlesttb»e bmmosfccatdaia, sud ébo- m te th.ufst ou theproiuotlm et maulela Our cira eeaaty, ami hmy fatheIa mpmaY W" e, eau" mompol wt u ovcia pepla la lb.~ î oboe. at.. Tha" the GevUramti have bo oomadadag. Weare noliaa hur r e emammetgolag te bal a b abeat I1 a aismpIy ooutdrlg tbé maler ~W lvebai lawt.IC mrnevrlI- Md peemle laaiani o! lviformatin va -v gaitag lanratIeragdiat eultu Ibis Imdmtry te be ourlidon libI eut 1! Ild bd" av boomdone vth efc asy without a a ded anger teour outtibe tae va veula gladly have . l.,das ldulry ea soe Imotneadmgiste b.e Stab. ilmhail 1.esIu atof Our outry vhara labor la pletvad whoeaoui laboa M r going ov e .li.te asm ub*sneam vIr e vowolila evaryinstance gal provide labor for them te rIsIlem n l Canda sMd improve ltbplysical sud lianciai condition, but ne indument oethât~ dedaanptlo-ad itl a a etrcag onete 111ei Goveraiment, bmeu s l aour buslnas to en- courage the industries cf our country, as vel mauufacturng sa agricultural-though that la a atrong inducement te a., Il vould net velgh a fesîberlo veigltinluth.euato vhethar ne vould rua any isk cf lmpanion th. advanlagas vhlcl vo derive fo a cattea itde wtî England. (Hoar, hear.> The bMllovasrua the third lIme and ytm tbe Dbvpkaoe b*Oak Non. Zr. Abbstt movoiel I. Iisireadh« of M lbal Hruaela abi lnvg OfIlve 'La.. rRad <MilvIle> aiu b* e I bll pmasi e veau 111. le make a lmw aime. Iaaa fi prite b.,ilthé of âloviff A~doa caI e .bebrougt laie Iis ous. tri tea b autud. Re vau 0»of thma uIm bebvai thst thée exp ettle maie "M dla me, Md hoha bpai tha Gevenuasal oulu net do. aything vhiol ugIt laidtthIbm .hédua% efCanadien caIll la Engla. non. Zr. Resmor alarteainlate dimcuse 1h. istym osor, andd matiIf it vwon aboliéhai Ou"ais ouldtalla enmb caIlle vithout bsiangtulatle Ameea produot. Xon. lMr. Allen miii lIer vasàacertain ruliyabout tlée 8eWs eaproceedina wâbh afiole maiuntaidif poombe, aud if anol large questions as Mrt. Ramier vas raisimg ver te ba braught Up tb, Route should hâve nm outice o! it, go thât au the uMobaravho deoirmi te bh. heardcanli h. ready la express lIait opinion&. Hou.Mr. Reeaar uni f Mr. Raid bai net beau alloeuite make hie mop"choa ouhi uot baveaaldanythiug.He agreeivwith the pro. pnli«y ef living the malter brought nu) la snob a vay that ail parties might h. praparai te tak, putrinathb.debate. Hou. lMr. Abbot-The abject I badin con- mung b Ni M. Rald'a remarka, though mot aprpa. te Ib tis bil,,vwu in onder that 1 mlht anaver thora. I do net proposa le make any speech on the aubjecl b ut almply te ansar vhat I mlght construe as a question on tb. subitet of this caIlle butina... The Keuaesud 1Mr. Raid la particular, of courue knew.la h. heGovenument are perfectly familier vlth evsr deuail ef thi. cattle ques- tion. Thé Govennment have studiadit: Il bas bau tbrough Ibair exentioneand Ibreugh, Iheir precautlons la mauy respects Ibat the traie bu boou lrougbt ta Its psent stage, and proeottrough mauy dager.1 ti ku bM Houae sud 1h. couatry mat h. ver veill utblfied thé the Goverumonî are fot going te do, on amy temptalon, unything that vouli lmpugi that Iaids. I may stats it et once, sas pootion about whlch lIere la ne pcbity of modification or abatemont, that the Goverumenî have alaym beau sud are nov detaminei to protect ouar cIltle Irada in, every possible vay, ani that Ibey are dater- minai uet 10 do unythimg Ihat couhi la auy vay impenil it, or thut vouli tend te, introduce contagions diasa.. lto Ibis country, no as te deprive us of the very valuable pnivilago thal ne oujoy a! handlng aur cattia olive la Eng- laid. This.%flair. vhich bas oroated sme excitement, I tbimk naedlesaly, amonaale notbing more nor les. thon the. A numbar cf gentlemen propomed 10 put a capital cf haif a million 10 s Million dollars21 into auetablient for tbm manufacture of the varions articles that are produced fram caIl. They ans very numerouo, muol more numarous, perhape, thon bon, gentlemenI kuev. In the butcberinga!ofcatlle l i . ordlnary vays there la enarmous watts u th. Manufactura cf meut producteasa. hey are manufacturadinaChicago and the geut cen,. Ires oi the'United Sltau, thon. la naovasteut &IL Evanytbing ItâIbmhecmusof the ani- mal prouces laturned 10 geai acomut. If thé mat beold t ooaor bolov it, thons t. rofit enough mae from, lhe hoof, bide, blodoffal and véniaus portion@ of lh. animal to puy, and psy liberally, for ite manufacture Imam tld Ihat the production of au animal Ibua man!scturcd as more than double the out o!the animal itacif te the manufacturer; I do net knov how mach more, but couaider- ably more thon double the coat. Nov it vue vropoeei lethe Govornmeut thala eétabllal- ment of that kini abould b. aut on fol la Iis couuny; Ihut thia large &Mount of caiala should h. brought ln; that four on fivohan- dred people vauld h. employadinlatheicmenu- facture; Ibal Ibe'partia oould net depeni upea obtuining ai th. caIlle coaeluntly thnouah th. jour that lhey might requin. for this manufacture la Canada, aid therefere thoy deainai, before placing theit mono, la auéh an establishmnent, te eccuro themeselves against th. poaaibilily cf beimg etopped la Iheir vork by havicg the pnivilege of brining lu Ameni- eau caîthola Inch àaeucas .that te, the Point oi manufacture. A.t preomut Americai caIlle pus through the country every day by thqu- mands. They are cannieci union cureful pre- cautiona, whlch bave baun evised by tbe Govenumeul aid spproved by tbe Imperial authoritie. aid thaït rade hu beau going on for 10 or 12 yoars.Thera bu been ne la. stance of infection occurring Ibrougl Il, aid the Goverumsnt fimly believe that thora la net the Most remate dan ger incurnod la COu- saquonce of thal truffec. lauthe courue cf ltaI traie the catlle are alloved te b. laniai, sud te slav aven 24 hour8, 1 Ibluk, vhile they are fei, rested aid miterai, aid thon tbey aure e piieed in the cmarssd mat te their destination, *ibcl la beyond, the bounday of our country at 1h. aller eud. Il vas urgea ou beoul!oc lb.. vivesag*,ave IWfby7Sa AM mi bi w bli SIii je4 auguet% I ý d~tp~1eb M'y vans"a1 M'y Uanadal (Am-AuLna LANG Bm>ý BY TËOxà.s O. ROBSoN, hndou, Ont. Xgy canada1 My Ny" 1ad Boy buelamy Ieart for the%, Thin home o! mamv pure delighte, Thou land ef Mabrty. Am" shahva e trike thy grand old flog To do anothsr'a viii; Oh god cf bat tes grant thal va Mai, prove we're Eugllah atil. Yu 1 IHnglah stihi, or Gael, or Scot, Or froni fair Ena'. Ibrone, We love hy triui. banner yet, Amidai isas cur owu, The meteor Las, 1he triuno flag. To aIl our faîbens dear, Oh may our chiiiren gaiher round e or many a oirlcLr year. Shw hosbtile logions rm the .South Comne on ne hâke s sea. Xale atreng our arm, Goa ef sabaotb, :To keep aur country frai. .But if 11>b. Thy viii O Qed, *To elsulsu a. ou high, Oh MaY net "LIdve the tyranta' slave, Bu; let us freonien die." The 'I"yesettlig Machine je Oomlng. lin. Murphy, the Officiai reporter of United States Sonate, was in town o12 Saturdsy. He in a etockholder iu the Mengenthaler tYPenetling machine, which la nov an uudiaputei ucoceusauni the orders for whioh are ooming in se nspidly lIaI tbe oompany cannel boRin te Il thora. They are closing a cora ract wilh oie big shop te build thom aà theuîand Machines. T. W.. Lemon, vIe vas s compesiter in the World's newsnooma two voire agro, in nov workcing one of lheao machines in 011 City, Penn., snd the other day h. lest the record, aettlng 44,000 ems soli miioln neveaper composition in eighl heurs, fout timas the îpeed of the lest oempouiten and six limes that o! the average one.-Toronto World. Ras Turkey Ylelded the Desr- danelles bt e Czar ? Loiqoir, Sept. .-The Acatrien und Ger. man newapapera continue their ecicted dis. cussion of the Dardunelles question. vhlle 11.7 prolesal ote believe the report that Turkey ba syielded te Ruais, tIcy dedlans Ihut if tbe report is truc it might induce the mont terrible complications for &Hl Europe. WRÂT'S ON MOOT ? BBRLIN, Sept. 1.-Chancelier Von Caprivi and flerr VWu Kaltenhorra Stackham, Minis- ter et Wan. have.had fn.quent proloîged audiences vith thc Empenor as s preliminary te au important unnouncemeno. The Reich- uangler ays the varions muera carrent in re- gard te these audiences are unreliable. ThIýe military Wochenblmtt urges the mu. porfaîce and necesaity of inventing new cannan te meet tIc nequiremeuts of modem varfare, the omali calibre magazine aune baviàg naducci te minimum advautage vhich artllery formenly pomseaacei ver mnfr. German papers, commenling upon Sedan Day. dilate upon a situation requiring Ger- mmiv te be more aient than ever, but they are unaimona thit Germany will neyer begin a war, hovever provoked.1 .&mong the Dead at Lundy's Lanel Sug«esti.dby thoeannivermary smrvices in th. Inria! graund et Lundy's Lie, July 251h, 1891. Hm relie eut lerees, c'er their broaste We revarerttly Inea; "Ti% moea grouni, vbere calmly test The ever-iving deai. Ber.elie aur berces; aide by aide Upon thiagreun 111'a brov They bnavelv stoai, end nobly diei, Aid sleop togethor Daw. Hon loyal British frasmen fought For freeiom, hame, and iIt; And hbe. ivading tees voeetaugît Boy British treemen fighl. A Ihoneaundlime. bave Britun'.mna Mae Britiah valor plain; But no'er vua foncer batIe won, Then that at Luudy'a Lame. 'Ti@ brave le male lb. brisllimg IsiglI, Or cross th. iraevpt fied; But braver, bau ta baudto ight Ontaumbaea, and mol yiaLd Ami on thase heights car fathors tought Par, far nt te night; bt duty, home, and God Ihey thongîl, But nover thaugît of flight j For eigbt long haura lhey bore tho abock Aid carnage o! the fray, TIIi. vallant mena et noble stock, They won 1h. fatetul day. And vhan aI midnight, sers distremmoi, Thoin boitei toemen fRai, The voaried soldiersunir le ramI, *Aid alept amoug th. deas. These are oun berce. sleeping bore; Theïr glory tac !a ours- Aid mo ve'll came tram >ea.n te yaat To dock Ihamr graveu lfoyers. And, standing by Ihein tombe, vo'lltel The story c'e nd 'er : Boy brava îhmv vero, hem true, boy well Thoy foughl in isys of yoe. Aid patriot hearts vilsi ehl upride Te hear theo etesatehi;- And Vaung Canadies aide by sfio W illieani, liko Ihose ef aid, United even, heat aid baud Te guarn vhsI they revere: Their louer, frecicu, native laid, And a&U truc men heud dean. JAMU L . HIUam. Toranto, July 25th, 1891. "l'or Better for Worse." 'II have nover pressed thee, dea." ho »Mi (The vii viaves rage over Whltby Scar); "But 'tva. but for a mo4th thoysilai .away, And Ivice thbuat couralsi s yearaid s day, Wlth nover a vend oetIhe Fiying Spray, Au' thon kuoveet tby Jouea edcii. "Thon ul noemn ld me close sud dea," (The vlld vive. tour oer Whiîby Soir>, 'But tby lot as lonesome sud 101il ard, Au' if thon yl gi' me thyseeî 1 guari, l'Il nover asI lb.. for monreead, Ai' 1'll hld lb.. vory dean," At lest aIe mobbd: 'II viilb. thy vife," 1 (The vii mmav.. thunier on Whitby Soin> Shc bai leanici 10lemn on lis tendercne; Il la fil on a lonely xatl te fore; And nover a vomai but tain vauli ahane The rose. aid vine o ei.. The veddiig day dmev noarapace, r <The viii wvv eilalupon Whitby Soar), L When a lai rai bard 10 bhs cotlage home,- 1Ani baie hlm, "Buste thy vayesud corne," t Wlere, vit1 piteous eye.sud vwhitelive )8h. looked u'p l a sface. Aid at lest she vbzaperei: "'No vaddlag day (The vili vuve. crash upon Whitby Sour), -Wil ove bning mo, dean, te theu; A visionha. came inaltep to me, t And 1know le lvs, ough doep la th. Lislte vrck of the FIyimg Spray, Love'a Young Dream. Loves young ineaniwvia avenv Inrighl one, au M Itffilmil viil e brlght . teà, if il. brido vii remember %bat ah. la a voman, ami 1h11. o t théail 11epeouliar la bar sm. We rerini lIca vIa ane suffeanug trous ay et thee%, lIaI Dr. Piano.' Favorite Presoiptian vil rsnev 11. hue et goulh in pole aidsail. 1ev oheeku, correct lrrllating altie diseaes, * imi mi sure uloandtlcsud, Inflammation, Mid lafsmewv vtalty iâto a vasîieg body. *'1%vorite Pnemcuptlo s the lb. ly Medicine for vones, sdiby irlatu. unie a positive, «mmlIa Nathe U fiturer Iat il viii amallafatim enr vy cse, or money vili &Ïuii<hi. ato.subeeupnîuled os lb bttla'wtaPPti. uiaitisfuliy cimnad îî oaa ide »beoeJifrÈemn Worm da& i« o ~uot tu 1 at ruaable »,loon ~W~ON&MOEIHS, BUQ- Omo Mmd OUTI'iEB, I Lý One Governmnent for the World. ToîoîNTo WORLD:-A vniler -ia The West- miàten 1{cview for Augnet argues that van promotes peace iaid lIaI Ihrough wàr tle venld wiil yel ho haumenci irato One vast polical sud tIde union. Re instances the case efthîe poesent Gemman Empire. which was crestei "by bleod sud imon, b8 the Danish van. by the Austrinîsu v'an, d by' rhe vun wtth France." Se vith ail thec countrieâ that have been built np te a greal size, tbey have grovra tbnongh conqacat aindet by qiet federution. Rassis widernêd henrdn Ibrongh vur. Engluaid acqulnod hem aolonies thns, and France w"s cemented thc saine way. New povder and enonanous garas have made van. terrible and alliances have been formed that ut a signal could tura imb îte field euch armiee s a.the wved ha. nover een. TIc paversare ansmminr, the enginerv of van is becemiag more terrifie, and the consolidatiag influence cf the next Bunopean struggle sholi ira the isamsretfIbinga be teotou11 t ofay putI encounten. Thc coneolidating influence, tîough, in net actually touadiniii orcible con- quiet, but in the vide uluimate rcaultseofthte oonfliit-uot la the actuel terra of setll- mont, but inufilc caightenmnt euch s conffiot vouli tamnish te thc enrd. It would show the gneving inexpcdlency et van, more. the absoluto îecessiby of peuce. The malter traces the proccai of evointion from the tuse vheu every famlly heli a burricaded cualo and tougît vith ail-corners, dovi le 1h. prenant vhen vIcie continuentseleinl pec.Ta him Imperial Federution ina tning uccamplialment ton a snmmêr'a after- neon, sud hie gnrad dream in tInssmn- Thun vithin a tom c.nturics-poesibly mach oone-the venld usy be dlvided betveen four groit povena : Pan-Amenicu, the United SIates et Europe, the British Contederatien and Russie, Pan-Amonici voali probably central ueurly &Ilithe Wesler Heinisanheno, vbile Afnica, s part et Southom Asie uni aIl the tahandu o! the Emtera Hemniaphere voîid beoeng ta the several staisa et United Europe imd to a Greutor Bnitulu. The cxtension of .Rusais aight head p the federatioxufethîe British Empire. Imperial Pedenutionransd a pnepouinating Rusais vouli Suggesl the ne- ceesiy of ut laset a militiny union et Conti- ioutl Europe aid cf Pau- Americs, or the crw ierght h. ohanged or reversei. The «neation of aiy aa otthèse pevere venu cern pel ail the olhota. h vwouli h. no longer a qu estion cf the balance et pover la Europe @one, but of the balance cf pover en sil the sanIl. Thon, perbapoafter sma ou. vnid* ommeu ltha four Goal Pavoer. mugIt 89re la umale la One international goverumeat. "I M mivbii.dea-lt la more on us lotI"ý- (The ii viavas rave over Whitby S&an), "Il miv hlm vey, amind onuad vhite, Butltecon e broke, in hie laid alan. brigiti Ami ho lissaitIlunion a gpeut mecs. ilght, Aid mid : "W. keen eourtrtnI.0 111dobt hveuseiîeuvêty W," (Thé groy vaves viioveWby bar)., ."Duthoutrtleder and strmg le forgve, Ai'hafriis telit IIlIaiI have to liv., OU&aI thebhm have lelmy hive 1 BUatm bluilt b hapymIlIL -"miJaun looked up te the bmai ise, (Tb* ebI-Iie mobWui anWhitby Seat), "»I bonrd kbi vsaapsal olsar amamog; lu iii.'ou 'Mami ase I »hnt fer lm& F n N u a m* s agb I l v h u l s l b m a" e A" &dumi wu la bs em. And c e U« otlarstanael 1 1 mnààniu oeýý ? ', *, - 1