ITHIE ORNORIBor NlOADMITTANoE TO 0 'O M-- Min SiouId g M 0* BvooKLYN, Aug. 30.-Th.e abied -0Gflw or4porhija .a1 ' t of ineager harvests in Europe and the, Um. t BetýulW. b. ory of the yaat crops of rxpenîung grain Whi" b t eteb*«-4 .zcl, gmu Mtl r 1 tw h0 ýbmno Dr. TaIniage saw during hi. recent tour iiin th0 o*w ai the.t.r4 tb.t iii, the NYCat, havle comrîote '0 Jet" of Use. -. l 1108asM3 çt tsp 1usdV4" b *41- - back to thait patriturehal tr.wm~Utii he b j=Botha a ù.tat"ctguhâkl atna~ i. wrts WC ICI sent to Egyv t toelle obrn and tene W terk, fr the wu s e roni the door 4 iet tlr p t& fI~hws e t i litea4reu e a Gospel lesson. Hie taxtint fla nqxs - vë l&t î tckiid of p~r a it erl hs îU UE iijj, 3, "Ye ahallot sac my*âe., ý>4* eCttrmii ph -aia.dy.t bow maisy o Ye bai: ogdésirus; but pÂtdis fola v éoýof t o o yot ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 brohe b.wih en. m)ijt lsl1ja.j,) a»e geU2bag ogo* pat au, W tliii rea louid *ey 3il4sk£ù1.s er)sm.vlslà.ed in 1 Jit isnid .ugt is snuiuer« having oroe. lgte.ofsaat im.ý-.tiaI iin% ôïw sx that uhem iin uyour seul, porbape, a secret &b ot" Is Uu a&1e'i"ttad 1n otiâicoantre." long serpnts cufled try ever reaped. If the grain gamublers aim bncdwi ~~. =Yd that great uorrois instili i YeUr asfor IalàY,Bb*h. wlRiiiir iiUiiogfe lMuoe century. Spenser, itho firat do lot isomchow %reck the» --,È" ~# latL aathe t ~ !Afe aamt Irving vwu dead the .sinaloef wu, for lf 4W dd, sewadbc f Fei use peake of- are ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 y U oetruo i.gada sa.vrdssdxk.~J ~ 7foitnd a litti. box that contained a b.flattohaeff«,a.»d ýbod ma11 a ea. Wh harilh iahcrcdie ofS roput htAoiahu0e it- happ. II ard ~~r rbréid of liair and -a miniature pnd the md. 11 coaulsaaiyhassole rout2 1ngWihi il e hd iehfui ville, la d lltwhl h s ei aur own or nthttoudds~~ane of Ma.tulda HofTman, and a meoe- lwrthattaly euobtaM herahmr.#,ad DothweopfUlaoream sue dethtenders country, on the other aide of' the At. luat metient-h.saukes a friouid te ceine nid randumiof lier dçcath, anda remark bore.luthoýprguontatatWaaiIamaceushoeJ 'And 8aepae x i.scn at lt t c there are uationA threatped wlth *ltdovu b l n ad, umu hlglkkel: Te rdafe htvs ta ttshare ooiy frox France, s tm aKlinei' Vs the a on partyof far re, uu te uoa dima cy thst i. prlate t iia caa,ýthet i of "e o a Miii te me. I went in<> the . try gSn awr8k n o euere itfor, in. Gatrsso ever lieard will, I fcar, be uttered-t. he ory îng Hs lo. Trriglno, te scut o, ex.. but feund no pence in solitude. I trled te f5fun h is5, eooanl-add,4Boie i:a hemurf rcdl fo ira. gedate enh o ar acarvrag, go rate àociety, bt1fu é ec nn. iroÉ "1beabe, tiiorcoaFrance. Noi- With Sorrow Buar rlnting paa8ngers, I pray (4od that the côntrut betwien "X<adena and tii huid.» -the oyâd czety. .'There bau been a herrer 'ban 1nu ther Austria nor England dresas ef var. It our prosperity and their waiat may net b. '1a , uly corne ta and admired it. 1 -ey.ovrnus by night, and by day, and am la therelre 4B, au tweui*y year age, Frano Correspondance of MarIe Ra gKli. as ai arp am in the lanuds roferred te byvmy bÏody tliet locked et it vuè 'in, eestAc . But afraid te hs alous." and Germany who couic! occasion war; l>fl Ini the correspendence of Maria Bu-. tex. Terewasnotin e et. len on da, aterau h" on d o t1at d.oaue,whateverm beallaged, wfateverm~ tex ThrewasnoI.Y 2to nt BEnsAaNDafeFOOLIhS1t1landailtOt XFASS 2a FOLIII 'ioisu. opeclimd, rwow r m b cocai krtcif paatotettnctigatntonar of cc izul iEgvt ut gluýastly famine in riration, becauae ho cid net get au mach bpolieowaee ab o=Z Caur an. The çattle moaning ln the aball. cmesation f£r hia von aushho c! x- How mny unutturedtroule! etiutheuotwenationsdeairei-wer, firstforite lettera addreased te 'valons persons, a great Meu wmnei uudchldrn wfulywhie ectdho tok a mallet and daahed the man esàrbau aven heard the sorrow. ~Own ma e, and exitforieri Queut sdifhma fwbmwroe nterZoannlly kueva witl huuger. Not the failing of eue cnop exquiste sculpture bta atoma. Ths enrd troublild seul, I want te toi n that th re e hw.doue wlth'this evw'luting tehe;t husadsire tte olabot e h for one cummer, but the. feiling cf ail thein poor pompenatinpor a tlaston, la on. salve that can cure thes vonntls 1:Franceo-Germianuightmaas, urepecouldnov iewh dîe u euaoteey crop f or seven yeara. Anation dying fo oe oises. 'Famille, famnine bu al the the heert, andc!that 'lu the salve mac!. out promise te foId lier arma, and aftervarde t neo thait he he mdiumvsot lack :f tixat whieih is se common on yonr '4ài; net for uevsn yearu, but fer six et the tsars et a aympathetic jans. Anduntarvene merely au arbiter, ver weuld break Como isren tou texdrDmasintet table andi so littile appreciateti; the p o- ieuad. But, blped .God, thora .yet nmorneey ou will net take tuis olcé ut to'niorroiwbetween.F=eando sud n crreapneo;t AeadrDmst uct of harvest fieldi and grist iled b retoorcnb. The.Lordmuit ad yen try chloral, and outr ophin eor the. atality et ver -haunts and askiilmtoe ve lier rendezvous, t6 vhieh ho oven the price of sweat sud anxiety aid it. Itg lsa buanother land. It jla eand yen try strong drink, and yon tuy e verrida. botii natIons.An edn iad raspondch a ntvi th e ecle t ades,n atm ge-breati! J1acob the inther the .large place. Anagel once meaured cliange e cnadye n .try newbuïis.a . put once for &ail te 'fiction vuicu whîcht, a ey catil treliertestacount last report frouuî the foeur bim1 and-ilhe finds it, ad as far as I1ecu caldulate it bu our associations, anti anvthing ad velytIxnw evsrybody affects te b"oive, but wluiol rultavr utigrpyheGnon tla eyhn sot u i aat i haethat eonrbl ite inrd rather tlien take tii.Divine oompenionsh in hb"elivd by uobody elleio i. xxzed cis in addresaing hin ; te Sully Prudhiomme, sons, "Boys, book up the wagons anc! tart miles long and. fifteen iiundred broad and anti aynpatiiy- auggested by the words of te saa reh for the truth of thiaga by woeper il e ihsrrs n e for E "ypt and get us something te cet" fitteon hundred high, and it id fuit Foed my text when t aya, '"You sail net os prebtsg husuan depths; it la'net true thât ioeptrfshewtisurseacd. Ti atact vai there vas a great corncnib fér alnations. "Oh!" msa the people ie, y fce au'ain unle yonr bror b tue Alsace-Loralas question la vhat lPlace. raýincois Coppes deacribs Marie Beah- in E,4$ýpt. The people et Egypt have been vil 9tart nlrigt away an get thla supply yen." JI utit y ou mgt underatend IFrance and Gsrrnnny face-to-face, it ha- kirtaeff i a mnner tint woul(l )have atis- large !y taxeti in ail agea, at thea. fresnt for aur seuL' But stop a moment, for trom soinxting of -the heiglit and deptli and tred iu their eye.. foc! evon lier.appetite for pi-aise. The peet, thuîe paying betwcen 70 andi 80 per cent. et the. keeper et that cornerib there connes thi. ieugth andi breatth and ixnmenaity and in. aelogh=trmne ythe desireettemretecxfsetitheoysa their products te the gevernunent. No word nyine, l'Yeun aelnet asemy facefiuity cf Glia etarnai consolations, cf telhing the simple, non!, and nndiagnlaed a he snce orune, n t atevlie ly ate wonider inut tit tiune thIey lied a large cern- except yeux crother b. vitli you." lan other tI gq ourther, anti finti la my sthejeitr oncerforuannd subajectn What makes the cianti it was full. To tiiet crib they vor a, tiire mue sueii thing as gtting frorn Int as tethervand livn oena tset a de-oaohns adFrench unplec bly centrent forget bier. "lAt tiiuec-anc-twenty," ho erib, tsite thexpecteeavdeopfns teetht d.. ay ellehalooked ilînejuyouîîger. Sic vas canefroun thc regiona round ebout-ticue lueaven pardon and eomnfort anti ernal Mtarting sporitbut*0 are talc!intiitrlien vixo were fzauuishe-soins paying for cern lits uniema vw rn eih uor ieb r., itelvsgates, and ons people ine latter aud the onushiag victory et theraersotbuhrnnisiilerpo ii neuey; when the xîoney vas exhausted, Brother, the Làord Jèsua Christ. Comling from that tact tint ail tic people vill j former. Alsace and Loiraine are objecta moons; v th aw olrud hafa n itclz eaying for the cornu in shcep aùd cattie anid ithout 4lax vsahal fal eUbfors vs reacl in w ithout referenco te tieir put lite; but!ogrief udp*de chie ybeenume, tiiey ee ie si eewt huhe e pre n anladwe bti h s fh et the K"theeuigihie tanestrrbodey cfaeyhoaa rendaastit evrreiwitahauhougit, teyca do-o hese aticaueaaniwhu belon e tstons e ad unhoieduei e vatlath ueetiein egae thea etti tiuîpu teu prttsc!th eeriow voandvthti dsrstese atitokav exiausteti, theix sefling their onbdi.prtion fr the jaciiela cf the vilderneas; sometimea te lbs shut? Thet swingl a : s tt theien.B>'tof oone y te on that ea firm mouti, ked andi thouglutful, nestrila andi their familles jito slavery. but eerning v'th the Divine Jeasa, al the a w caimplies thet our entrance bute haaven 1teFec d e oeAieead~thet vibrated like thocse eof wild herne of Till,:SOMIOW OF JACOB. granaries et heevea vil swing open bafore in conditienal. It la net a mementar> c ou.-themFentatotin.'love emdoraine.the teUkranian steppes, Marie Basiukirtsefi The ornng fr sartig ot onthe our seul anti abuadanca ahail b. giveana. dition. If ws cerne te ths door ef an Ioni>' a htte ov hu l h ae eo h is eenleterr Tuernrnngforstrtn, eu o ti.Wa i"ilbe buvited, te ait bu the palace el quisits concert vo are net aurpriuad tex'more becanse by necovering tiem the>' voultigaesenon thioe irstcsc ne, te erare crusade for breati lias 'arriveil. Jacob gets the ki, hati tbe n hiete v ut e'ata orv nvti t in I t the arne tins i-eters their prestige. cm)ue ih rc. is tauxily up ver>' early. But before the Lord eIvR lahpprticabuafrenhaerhy uinaepnsv;btaltsfireNor do I melsn tat tie Germana tic net set eide sos sart ]îc an' amethng inteM table te othar tables, hbe i net forget tories of heaven coeutnotîla .Havain tgatseeo-hn, eui htb epn m.e lmtebl ihemotien fi-cm us, anti then andti ters it vil b. found pasuotliing for fts munie. I n1 Ufee .ithe ri.> roann i an time Alsceands tr a .-iil . d :or iabuoe.ý1 heati te foot antilui-at inte tsars.Thie tint oui- Benjnmin's mess ila laigar than There tb ngte hb. ad ail hat holding the fotrush. Tn iaean! W:e ot": hoîhr sa nt)- tact vas tiat these eider sons hec!onees 1ilthe etiers, for me it englit te b.for era is-aexxbut e t thfett0in Lrantsnegaee rcoa ets "hti e ..-i~ before been in Egypt te get coi-a, and "Wortiy la the IÀamb that wus alain te nernrne u i odeie et t eter, are for both, above ail thinga, the Cicnr~B ic-de. late heaven li nr-bringing Oui- divins Benja. tlîey lad beexu treateti soewlîetronghl>', ceiva bleaming andriches aend houer and. Min 1 vg iti a.Do ynnt ic homymbol efdefeat andtheticsymbel of vieoy (Giving hizax tp i -y, lea -s. ytrn tuei lord oettticocrnerili suppiying thim gîcry antipwer',o utndig peple. yeupn euca e Their restitution pure anti simpl e avstu~"'ais wîth cornx, but saving ut the close oeths NOvMISrN." etT HMT.te noua]ing peroirete a pon J eeati t v nt ntuflies those vie have lest ____________________ interview, "Now, yeun eeed net corne bock OAMSINWTOTCRS.teuulpao feeitepes-ofrdtîern It vouîci net effaice the, bitterneasef veefraymrecr ils ypbig Iwnt te make tiree pointa. Every more tien ail the otiier prayors put te th aqibdo h rd ftevco;i souîîct!ipg better than noney-even r n omnsnemnwl cnw ehrILr en eev ysii. vouid leave untoncieti, despitis protocoe younger brother Benjamin*' n your etige huxsei te hea esinner. What are yen QuOe et oui- congregation, wheîî skcd i ntitetes i reuoibqanaoix A!Buj i-tt e>nmegini te do viti your ina? Have tiemn tic clesinp' moments etflhia lite, '«Do yen wic eatsthtw ntis;ndhs estiveetnîl intenderuer naihe wvasaug- 3rdoned, yen may. Hov? Tirongi the,! kuov ns?" ai: "Oh, yen, I knov lic aprae tctv atos;atitl dt t bir altet tintsou-ahemothe iondbac!rn I ou I venture-te affixm aeth~e GNW AI FIG RAIIWAY. le suint cern-~ meraet Gfoi. 'W bat de yen nana by the Goti bisas yen. Gcetiby. Lord Jeans, ne lep- i ik eappsaringprdxcl it ftl ingad aother pr i gea -atn n sthe veny mr tte adIsionte etal it oune- a ceivè ny spirit;" andi lia vusgoe. Oh, yes, es e n aarti bypo tha, ifreui s thon ghlt etfprirting vitii benjamin muet b o helasio falwtot e nthe CIongmoments et our lits vc muet wonid lie moreeulresigniedite leaving the1is j -dQu iv" -~ k ape ,aac te char&~er Be net decelved. Imshv Christ te ceil uo. Iý Jacb't Germans Alsace and iraine atter epeni>' jIN WOT tis éorncu-ub, nevertheless, says te tisa. '! cemi.g p te the gete ef marc>' and sens lied e atevard ýîgypt, anti md defeating thern, mat as tic ýOemmans would 1- ~ ~ ~ ~ .uo qlder jsons, "Tiers la ne neeti of yonr cein- k dokin et tiecoccib of lieveni>' snp- gene with trc ver>' fiesat equi age, and lied sufeMa.a fremesr-nirc iue v xra- Epe. m" ng liers riny more' for cern unîss yen pi>', acia veice tram vithin aya, "Are net taken Benjamin aloug vitin tham, sue provincesfter avinnhxlg a resi victer> Lauve MensnmL.....Io.. 3.80 p.m. brincj Benjmin, yenr father'a daling" yen ens"Ti.ineele, Alt i qeto ue'aoiihaalsaeer ths ncb. For if at tuis me- j Ottawa-...11.30 S.M. 11.00 ILm. Jacb nt bi tmi>"s'rymui ee~ sen."The voicesfrom wthin aya, l"Yeu obligretite anuavr: "Sir, vs dida't briin@ Ment Fac Cxarlepov it LI ".Oteton je... 1.46 12.01.ara8.60 sam el~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~hl bçdbu itatnglitwntbe ie!net se. ni urdoi' face unicsas >'ur j in, as fatiier couic! net let ingo; vivaswuthec empire muci more tien herseif " Peterboro..-..6p. fle.80m. e briad, u htlu a s s.Tcrgiti ai-s e>'Divine Brother, tic Lorda Jeaus, b. viti didn't veut te b. botiéreti viti him," a wiichvas vanqui ed, German>', if the Pm foto. . . 7. 8a.6 %10-M. de')i8t tv i hi rief, sud I heai- the , ." Oi, thtlislathe point et wvilciso voice trom viti vouiti hae aiti: "Goeea e'wu(l demontrate tin i tio ..S&OS 800&m-u-4m eutý, ailîig oethtie father as tiese eider sens mauuy are discomfenteti. Tiers la ne mercy cuva>'fi-en us. Yen sheil net have an>' el it vas France herseif -i ici aile veuqulisetid ceuASr. keep reiteu-ating in ]bis cars thse nuncunce- ro Goti cxcapt tironi Jeans Christ. tus suppi>'. Yen shahl net sec my face evertirowing thxe cm*e.Tic conclu-EXrs.Epe. mnut Àftire Egy ptian lord, «"Yc milnet ma iihmv racpei omiug i cause yeur brother la net vti en"sien te b. davufritils-tixet tbcques- Express a.. . 6 pe.. 6.00pm une tien- f eromainysrbu-Llerlintactîtou limvoaie njtIU S. Toronto .. 9.8a.m. 9.18 p.u. 5.81 p.m. Peter put it rigit in bis greet sermon Mi ETEIGO'TI. tenraianacbee Franc at you. "Wlry didyeu tell tliens yen mad aefèetebg ret uletudrd Adi ecreu oadtedo lGerman>', that ne conupuoxir n s .ettls:it, Pm sPcntyeoo 04 .u .9pm brt r'said me oic! mani, coxplaningnand bfr h il ilsavs stutcei At fv on ptvr i ic Iandt tt ven tic. tins coe ecbattis- "Peterboro 111.81 au.7.4841p.u. chii teîî. Wh, tthr, ti>'madfoitii: INeithar la tuera selyntionlam*an>' lîavexu ut iast, thougli va corne front aU]I i!tcft e imcnae decide A IIDJ..47pm I .,i .i "h -kei s ilabu oi-faîl',ani e otier. There lanceotier naine given un- ltît-nrrunceandti nllianseof etiri-oundinga, af-esi ticeantagonisin et centuriies,\viie i Otetawa ....- . 1 6. 815.n. "lid- soe l usal abou omd m an nbd e-der heaven ameng men vicvsby vs me>' anti knock fer etimittance anti it la feund separatas the G enliai from tic Ger a fieNo-ntyesi la oly 1? mi8.15amanhto had i ide he ould nakeany uc ie ssBve(L" Oaxiona iniier! O dyiug ta hiti e ihute oiee ae qmfnyw J zy1 ne u oihfo trlais, oiuus as lie lias imate." "No use -t .tn Crs sne iin, h oie frc.Lindmy. ask <'ics-t tu ttimr, i ~ si î mneri O lent sinner!1 al you have get to eaeven vii li ent ns back from the b-ec! ii17 Facehl tcpieme couti- T1908- 0.MATOHEBTT, wilI~II Hî, i'-euo B namiiI. de la te have tliis divins Benjam~in elong hous, aying: IlDspart I never kuew of the peece ofthticworld. No sword couic! wil fie c, a teoi!ma ie es iti >yen. Side b>' @ide, e ming te ths 1ye."» If jacob'a sons, ceming toved J beunsheatied iniEuropevitîsout lier con- PO'WJewerySaore, Lindua Agekt. hilu u<; anid wl:c,î thî-r-u lins been bei-cave- gtaltcaoeine thae iiEyt dls vrtsugo i a' lsent. Naoison III. vas ticgi-et ai-biter. xrei i ahouLhill.citachc tkn Lswing openliefere yoeuxanuionas snh .Amntic>' ac!expentictitheir lest shiekel; iU A trewn rom him darkcnedl tic horizon. GA DTU KRIW Y ilet l t luehlimlL itake Irihtin alin Jan 1Benjamin? Otisy id ceins np utteni>' exiausteti te thi Thc day after ie iexpreased Lregret te Baron ! R ,DTU KR1 W Y iiksth te lliielintehueodo long enong c ouc ribs ef Egypt, and IL abeamnfu tneHbs- tntbcxg1ieca vtiAsrLINDSAY STATION. Nvs journed an-iaîjeurned mian und.= guve a namnete that chuldJantiviti a c!>-' tint Bnjamin vas viti tien, al tic stoesthLi stock excianges sverc li a paie, antidiêIO!-A! Stii elin-e-s f ue auuin inneasjra usaiscalisti him]3anoui. Aftr- b ounsa ouiti have swung open befere theora sri ntHMusi î>ofldd hsy1ece101N islt Pr elS anti udermo ie eais nei ce e nd cb chaugeti. ila naine, sud lieofAnti se, thougi b>' fatal cesuait>'vo n lse.te atbdtxe toai 6w.0ssat*-mtru Ld aay.t otROOV& ehY .-An crc u iecri nimr1a-c__ _ue_1si.Tsmaugcftieb seeiutetceenivn;thuifcin icetcvne 17 tsri l0 uEx- u i eabros osHp.ta coi (,il ~cru if %?ateriliioeebandîi My toit aise auggeats the roeauonWhy EsaCIeept; but hm tl fatn reyea tevor Ie ueiànii Iui'rn WeehP Journal puabsed "Mevery l me umnng1 -u1t o-i lit!!rc ctl:chr, anti mcci dova maiiy people c!'not gst any . realnI cret,' tarvatien. If IL von. a choice betvssn î viest amcli ea ce belishon aheathe by Ms.ainHughes. Offce, Warder Pll1~>Iu bco~tlis i zi ci'ived travelers, vesh- Ynme a epe is e h., -aie ilE. rtros 'nmgi n'I pu-fsr Lthehon mord. ee hms nt oy mbiig rkSmuhe ten.W flîg (i, Ile iluSt <f t!re ua' i bthn setome kinti cf coudolieo.Thors ,'Ce.toif"r Iprtrthe 'Memieli"' over, -t i-nia> uhmni Jl lu oel oe l'et iauiiri u ird riterers ariA cterers oethLe primo semetbing la tlioir hsaith, or i î heii tets1'But liere iL lsa achilebetven-harmon>' ficatiou, ton Germai>' voulti flyty opr(e.MrTS I D3TRIG. r: pre-par-ei !: cast. -i' or b Lli.lr0 oeatie tondition th&e and everlating uisconti. Oh,-viii ou live arme hildredti Lme. el tien loue hon i", Outl or 1Paln u- uesu.tin sats l amilgropu xpnda~*# ..u i,ê à.mouo~on dis? Wilou .ynst-art for Lhesgytan conqulefl ; er-andtinotwithatandiuq ber tWî ihreatatabla, tic food.on la t -04h er >eA~ne.I~5 uxuiesfroi i"peialMnt bet eioi i I u mt t~iUIOUU Oic s imd acquan-juma anti aviaebs are L'5>'go ai the. vreng s>. Wilen theW U meumaii.1the e tuirne, adaefiling 'thliagdpj@e taaza louzs' maiE'aysnom yet"he-ym,1r.......Nl pLtt,- o l -ctise for .tuis g afsithere vesel Mao,.i.j uvad fa vat 'mwit -= î u.<.a..- N i(,uit -r- ifls taegin 1eana bel st6deh0 ~Iiu qf u fif, %zzaviml l hna hafs lvuds tha 91f - ~ ho-as dt avam ainsoeatqwýtià AUIptI rluS«à W nur show I. Nill ae kil him, slav Grbgorytioie pn Ire seP ' .UA i l 8~5 u 1dof tise conîib i la seateti al ýei& t ail.àwla cmo 0:t ulanti ho leokB ever te tho tqkb - ha1 -1%V hlie4 of.his gucts; and hao udeaeportion te - Itif t %t ehem tenbut isouaalrgen portlop,, wào- ai l lijai, or, as Lthe Bible quiledtl pUM »~ ~ 1»" t, "l;elijamiin'amemass -asfivo - tima.Io m* W skW l,... fucias an>' et theira." Be quiak f te r I,- mniord linck viti the uvittest camai ta tia iLeoic! Jacobi that "B0rj la yo into - lis val; ho Is farilg tsumet 1 Ot *d 1 -~~sinlord tii net mea nu d G& * lla ,$ an 1 ati- but i. meanlu delitermw*â 'x, w ens ho annoucctta e uson la ï dl mut amec my tacsuls.. your ,-u rssfi-ents, thiS ven la * 5Liek oftân. Itudca. not 4_d 15 iniIger bitteu, ii. fout that t si uet est a uW~~~ 'llie M Pt Utrd 8êoek4~ Chlle, Whip. Tjà,masdVig ~~~ ~runand star sse. oa1~-4~L !MES LITTLE., THE A WARDBR" WILL BE SENT TO FUR THE REMÂINDER 0F THE YEAR FOR 40 CENTS. SUBSOBIBE AT ONCES TREbAT VALLEY NAVIWATION PAKY, (LIMITE»D.) 1891. TIllE TABLE OOMMEJVnqG TRURUDATr. JUIF£ Toi STEAMER ES TU R IONý Lindsay, SMorgeon Point and sobeageen Advertise in The Warder S. OAVERLYi VICTOEIÂ4 EOD, Ia prupared te mnuply. FURNITURE AND UNDEBTAKING l &l i lis branches. A full mepply dn banud et a&H limes. AmeD a BEARSE la in conrse ef construction. ofe whlch due notice wiii b. given when ready. Pic- ture framm* ons t. order.-1771-ly' LINDSAY MARBLE WORKSO Leave BOBCÂ9(Gion at 630 an d 81 .l Arrive Lindsay.- 9.00 "4 "ZcA lejPreMm"d te tur-tu th-i.pu.1etLund.3aMdc Leave Lindsay "11.30 .: i« 5 6 surcubilgoeniy ith iMoIGtMEM nd WsCi<ED- Arrie BbCaTC go " .46 " "8.00" 8'ONE8, betlmrl' 1 and Granilts. Exeeptlag ou Saturcisys wben the steamer mwill bave Llndpay et 8.20 p u., insteaci ef 6.46 p.rn)upcnn lutestproptly givetu n» inda 01 oeueiery arrivi cf arouto t-an. vork. Marb. Table Tope, W mh Tops, antel Places, etc., sinugle Tickets betweun Lindsmay and BDeoygeonCam uii7 76 cents, re'un utickets@ O mne Cpraclsal enk ors e uidc uis e-» sing e Tickets betweei Liiidesy and Sturgen Peint $M isand oocuparemcsbfrapuuhsge. 85 cents, Tatuma tickets 60 cents. wuere. Simngle Tickets between Bebeayguon and Sturgeen vOEKB--Iu rear et th. mar-ket on Caumbridige St. Peint 4o conte, returu tiokete 50 cent&. opposite Matiheva pmckxng house. 8W I'minly Tickets muid Excursioni Tickets&aeti-e- BOBT, <HAMBEBS. dumeet rates enu b. procured et thi. POST OFFICE, BOBUAYGEON, mand on the bout, arrmeu@sosbeuxmdenuvery tavorablour.a The (Janedian office & School foxceniaonset ram 10010 00pensons on regniar tripe ot tboa. Furniture, Co., Limited. Fer tenus 1 1y lutte addrused te Secrtur R 8 O , N A I T. V. N. Co., Bbmgeon ES ONO TA I 1 a-f M LAIE, Caplain. OSooesors 10 W. Stablschmidt & Ce., Maufaturera o Offic, Bcel. Chuncb, and Lodge House of Ail Nations for -Blooi.! Heavà beau through the lire, bat nov for bbood. The, BARGAIN SI L Thal wure aven offéed lax the City of Norlanci. Sus- lur la believlsg. ceae sud se.. It alfords us mach plessa n e howlag goocis, if ouly ta show ama cou- e bnL'S.Us oaui As"d mes it on% Iebe#ienOft,esPsowlly lu hant tins. luk for sa pair of OIE H %&EVY'8 boots orf #boss, whtch are the usapeai mnd best val". liaI an. uufcturu& Don% m@ home vilt.h eadaclue os su ofet etbuyiuug a poatioftmy 6. FA. Ton wvSIl alve a" Lsd mallg villiatl suge01a DBY:0001),S.GROERIES,1 B0T% AND SHOI% aga 'Y URNI8ING CR0OEERY, tLYWABJ, QL BWànE BffaS&fD CaFfi.ý- niMILITA A s ETu . ain M d QWZ inîs d mot no92%e rou, 148k 5"d f sE la leuéài na Pauprues a «w A.B. 14. CAIL, àlm*, "-wefl. i , The "Pmazcr ÂJTomATIe" Socl Dem The latust ad beut. Awarde&Mou.Golci Modal aIthe Jaumca ExMbitios. Thie âoiqol Des off Iis Comupany cauci b. excefflet fot Strig» ,Bsuty cf Desigu, Adapt&buly ad o rt l ib e Behalar. 8ud for cirmeunu Im TOUR FACEý Sai, S. ani Boffboal TN~ @BIY -a' Av. o'