,mw4dttroA.MOWnecomble pnhuf J WAGONS1 LIGS BG GIESO M d O TT EBS, I itdm latheput Gs 8Per Annium in A.dvanos ".' a Copy. LINDIA.Y OwI,, ~ 8~P~xao lis ,1891, VOL. XXXIVB-Whole NO. 1799 ChangE I have recently purchas at a rate on General No. 22 Kent St., I intend to devote my t: and propose to introduî will be more ini accorda: bas hitherto1 1 cordially invite ever) mechanie, farmers, law. THIIS WEEK I arn ma and arn prepared Powder and Sh< Primers, and Bsa] Sports, corne and se mi wiIl make a peci Co of Eldon,1 in thie Cunty cf Victoria Thora wm ib. sold on SATURDAY, Srd October, 1891, Ah 1 o'clock p.m., t Ueo, Long'. H.ýtel' lu thi.vil- lage af Lorneville, ln th. Tonahlp ot Eldon. By virtue of the powr of ul. contained ln a certain' mortgage, whch wIllb. produceif at tie aethie propertv under mortgo from John iietouhfa, TLom- au Metcalf e, Jane Metcalfe and Alice Molcelit, b.lngi thie west hall ai lot numbur ixteen lu thea Sut con- emsion ofthie Township ai Eldon, lnthie couuhy atoresaid. There la mid to be 60 acres edan sd lu a good state cf cultivatlan,' wth a trame houe. -sd log barn upon the premises. TERMS-1'wenty-five per cent.ocf the.purébab. money ta be paid -nthie day of sale; for thie balance terms wlll be made known ah hie sale. For f urther particularo apply ho P. Hf. CLARKE Âddes, x746 Lindsa, POuÔ, PIE' Palnt, Stamn & Varuish ail in. one. For Staining a&U hindi af vood. For Reaewing aid Furnilure. For Paititing caruiges, Fur Stainiag Willov, Wicker, Slat Wori, eta. For mam-y cher purposes. ASPINALL'8 ENAMEL. Foi renovating everytbi ng. The abeve Goods are vorld.renovned aud unequalled - J.,G G.dwards. Dealer ln Shat, Hoavv sud Fincy Hardwar, Ira., Oi]s,.Cemneniy Painte,, Massetc. Siga of lie Anvit. *IRLST- [CURIO Prom ail mtlom n Oal auart. XETHVEN DELORAINE BINSCARTH $ 80 REGINA MOOSJA&W$ o.O YORKTON $ 00 P~CAY ÈCAL R $ 3 5 . 0 XDMONTON s.00I To leAve ail points lu the Provinc, cf Ot"lom September 22nd 11rE!tRN NimL Nov. zatl, l leu iîckaîmng trou carPoints icnld rag tov tToroato lunlama ta eocneci ih lihe Cana i oLtc suy iokatent cf T. a ,M NHE9Tr Dal NoAmetaS niay Cardan. intia. to cmsacea smoon aupossible. UalsY #"0 pat anun-. Apply ho G. JAREET Seopt. gti, 189.-9062 Dairympis, Ont Stray3ed. Came on the promaisseofethi. underniRned, Lot 15. Con 9. Eshiy, on or &bout thie ith cf August, TWO BHEMP, one white sndthie othr back. Tha owner la requoted ho prove prcporiy, pay oxpens.s ad take themawaay. - -- 1799-L. WECLBY XAKMON, Downeyle. No0ttue. Wimea. mvwtt, LIZA HADLYha fhv imevforbldy = encorcipmnaons fria givlng hon cdit n m imeoraccouaS, a. I wvlUnot be i.- sponaibl fornthie sm.. WILLIAM HADLEY, Lote 4 amd 5, Cocaton 8, Township cf Monouth. Monmouth, Sept. 8h. 1891-99-3. StraYod Slyaed trom lot 4, lu mnd concession ciet Emly, 4 ,,aD OF CATTLE 2 ied helfeusvithi a vhite star an fac nsons vhlte spots about hhe flanko, 1 ied sud grey boter, 1 îed stemi, viti white spots about the flanks. Thoy are Il tva yeauî ad put. Any peran faiding hem and wil moud word ho me or Tm VicoRnà Wà*snma, Lindsay, vil] bc sultably reward- ed. oepS. 15 819. HENRY TeOLE OmeaS.. I ~ atA*,.: KW 0OD . te q nsno M.Eivss¶l Prousa lit aboutlo n e harem ahop ta oui village, Timutà nigit Edvmid, va vimi youenmcoesa. .Mr. A. E. Camninanb out ta auaot a nov dvéllag houas on Eidon St. Look cul for cemeIhing. Who lb ho dd i v ithe, absei1 Ratai1 Who w vers liso ~ung mon, vho on dnlving ta Lindsay Sundayigit getlolet? Keep àabtrlor koul next tima, boys.. That - quixohlar omnibus madeie fi lut 5. tompt on Mendsy. Wonk on, myvoycg mmnsusd pou vil accuhave it dons, and vel Look cut fIr tbe four*- Young minuWhiego mruni lhe a eleunday ulghts viii Ihoir peut* nalled up laShahir nse. Wam it e gentioaanly sot or nualelathb.quemîloni Mna. Ceai lateiy purciassi s grand up- igit plana lio. a W, <. Logm.an sd Mn. Andereon alto purciani a flue instrumont fnom thaéasmea prty d"wto newaor.. EEuLL-eyT reports froa fermera reseclting gond yleld sud qnalllty, many harlng Shee& Tiabiel lopho aS presoat la théarrsant fine As tue sufer nud loaem vlev the ruina they apposr la dubtmelet e re build agmin, meIdng tIsa if *S i"ncoudbnr" 01 la armad fumSe resMMay ae, e.Tic algi abua Se doe *daelardly vor osuld net lavn bosu mine haveesiote do teli e ndil, m lis vini wu wi àa mtonagégle irca thisouh and *9ii lotS Irai stood on the czlrsrm uti. go mnunes e her viS apI agln Osedlavli s» entiti qusd, 15 havlng gVi"i o.siiablc hee.lvy bdte Ieaie vu air. Théfsf«mi»a th*r .t..b la liiitaowsy »bmaTbvia Orry', Isry'a TEE BSalvetienAmyi bastiai voiserded te hm thli W" wMmue.aal u cm» or thé but musicalorgabomls ««, 1cv91qpMrs nSablmtIIs4sW of ABflmNW* JAMI3 MOTIMIMu. Declirsi bafoue me at~ Minden Village, intahoe ccunty cf Hîhiburton, Ibis 19ti dey ci Augnat, 1891. 1.Boa PRO VISIONAL ý C.uaty of Naliburton, PROVINCE OF0? OITABlO, Ta WIT: W. Gainer, knaya as Barie Gainer, cf lie Townsbip Piovaicual Cou. nly cf Haiburton tasd Province af Ontario, son ai Wm. Gainer, Eaq, do aolemnly de, clore J1. Tot I bave rasa lue afidaviti of John 'Burbv sud Richard Davis, shos makors, ta Mindou Villago, in the Lindsay Wstcimsu, dated Auguet 13ti, 1891, surd la1 iescn clause of boli affiaia i a uneaslc o ioferred te ia lie sii clan.se usol vbere it vas gel by A. R. Gardon, for veeks biiore lie lot day of May, aàsavenu ta by Bnnby sud Devis. 2. Thot1 third claus.e ofaaid affidavits la vîeng. as 1h vas on the 5th day of May that Mn. Gardon vau ln Minden, sud nôt lie 101h. sa sw avu o by Burby aidDivis. 3. Thot clause (4) ta Bnîby'a affidavit la untrue, se Mn. Hughes vas in Mindou Village ln coapauy viti y ay hbouasd James Mortimer, about bibi a milo avay fusa the net, vigne tiey vers hoing lited by A. R. Gord on, and him constable, mai Johu Bnrby sud I voie presout on the opposite saeacf Gul River, vien sai Gardon sud constable pro- ceoici ta lift lhe nets, vs valied avmy loarise l.village, sud fatior ieft Mu. Hughes and meth id Burby, mynif sund Mr. Eýgietcu, publieaocheaileaomber. vbo vws cou- veraing vith imo el aur gate, vien imîhe caoe &long, sald Burbv vaut on misai ni ae fuca ou gala ho Mindta Villege, and I do taliove John Bunby kmev i. vas avesulag Ibal viich va. tééainuntrue la nid clause 4. Tiat clause (5) ta Bnrby's affidsvlt im iluo untue. as ha mv falior havlng a net, sud sud I inov liaI Barby mew halle, sud ho tld mo il vauot me ho vu aibon, bat il, vas mv fetisu; ho sai liaI felie voahi bave te )sy lie flue, not me, sud bo voli lave saisfaaction luib tia vy. Tia cnvarsation hoockplace juasts voiee lasving viene lie nets voie hoinit lifuied, sud ne cther peiaonm vers presmul et ubis timo, viti lia exception ci Mr. Gordon sud conatabhs on the opposite aide of lis rivai, lifting the nota. . 5. la' clause -(5) Burhy savestiat Mr. JGordan' sai the net h. got on theosoten aide o(thoriver frein viera Burby ba ieisnet set, viciMr. Gordon lifted, vwuan AmrenI1 csm ccii net, sud macre naafol Ianai Bunby'm ast vs., aid Burby kmev al about the notsansd ho mnev hlm sud D&vls'nate voea oflpil and nseifor oathilngsaudmon tront 'sud di citai lient, sud Burby cocked omrne7f@ ai troultt viwn osugit l ti n zet and 1' vu prucal viera liey ver. Imio ul of mglnet by Davi: and 1 frther nm s a m'fatie novesul a seSt o umi a net onà *GuIl River vaters, liaI I au remombir of. sud the nel in question vwu aa U" I lina ai, n I arntol it i vs etneoetily use, ne o» Son Esmm et Too. .Xai I mokeia molsun dae1--"-o h m astonly ballvithe ienm».te b Iras, Mmd by virt0e hileSt ZMolln «IBra SàAoeuLPuàz.om WU.M Gànu&m Allaav, lta iaUt 9da0 Aqguat, 1891. WX. Gèàmzu, .P.> PRO VISIOliAL I u GLuntyet U bUMd W G~ bu 49eve Md Danisî. mfi. PROINC OONTBIO j7 'Oicoma HI hothesu d olen siIforhe W eatchsu's we bm*l kiliet tI u fJ uei fr51 ea miagUiuda 1S bar kinia.1 fgiy ~, ~s lué.Higest..... fou. ......iaredy r" «tIg.aés. ~ ut.....»ým.f OMO.8 .......umeday laoagýd d la gbuéet Wi abmek4o m àlday 0Mi.. 5, th km de. iom i1.W2*InS1.4 tisai, 5 MW- 4= nTué.SuOm W.bki - ÉM 'W LOD& of_]Busi&&OSSOa.I ba m uaep6 the duolramMbu et mue LrU N rlime Goewan &Geinar of Madm 5 ioe *ed the. Hardware Business of 1R D. THEXTON faim a"t.n m*t. aehrougi a mtaeui the dollar, and purpose to carry on a avenue t. Stu puhblc. W. hamenomy - '»»- thc talmme; but vlsve m i Oui frienda of the dimtant norM bave o -Hardware DBineOss 'tic meunce&" ledaut hi~~~~~~~ ththm*.Dei kvye rovic ia es m ytil one door Eut of *the Benson House, igo kotht mai a. niainemno t tieadatninebuieyt h uines r"5.eofAnson sud Hindou, and WHlUi and tttio~ezcusivly a th buinpEGainer, reéva of Miniea, aholintvelants ce naew ideasi, new methodig and new prices which £ive lie puhli o t. mcvtSi clam of Hasi lb ance with the progrees of the I 9th century than anis t. daîsmo n", Our efforts ore t. vin tb repc iou ery demat man. The good wv been customary in this Uine of i rade, = éf m oal etier couited nor ieslred. Th ybody whet.her tbey are buiJders, carpenters, follovlng apasis for tieumaves- vyers, doctons or poutidieepers to caU and get î,JmesMoi quotations of my prices. PRO VISIOKAL limai alliae lavi aking an extra puah onl SPORTING GOODS, shily of Anon.]b ýd to give the. very clouait quotations on COuaty etNlmnresa, the Provision Oonty et Rai Catrdg a d hela Wsu ad burton sud Pro t, C rtrdge nd heli, W dsviace cf Ontsario 1 every other reqttisite neces- PIOTINCE011,OlITANZO. auevef hh Uni cy for Sportsmen. TO WXT ..Auson sud Riz. e befors you buy, and with your permission I dodo ooie. nl LIriary application that ',ill remove te1- ThsS I1vwu prefsaI on or about tIL. Piftb obeb fomyuhe icday of May lutaInluMinden village andimoi ~bwes frm yor opici.Mr. Gordon of tl iahaer-y D.punmlsn, vi bai maie s sizure cf nets ho iii fanaâ illlegally aut in the Guil river, noir Minden village. Hardware Merchibnt, No. 22 Kent street. teDii:oaen otoi, antth iioMe UV 'wHugiem sud Osiner, ldri iicith"M. Warder l t e*tti "xdttonhi fLat wrh a Impblihd 3. Thot ne discussion toci place raitive to L Y, te iing ofsMy pono,oremusion of au ADs EYERY flIDAY MORXING finsunader th, D)omInion Piskery Actd ung r Atthe olite tlmo I vu prion ta sitting mcm, or ERTAKING lietfUa any clior lime during Mr. Gardon's vIil oni and U mbrldpoI., South of th. Marikes, ta mY prO80nos. RE& am4. Thot I have rami tahé.ete of Mr. ilEG ar Lalia:.Gordon liaI appea te liLn"y ~Watci. ai. 1Pichure sR IHUGHES, EDITOE A"D»PnOPIMuo. mnuoaitle 131h Auguat, instant, ai in .correct ta ovary purticular no far am my - CVERY.NEW ID Pli TlIIMZI(78. novledge cf tie matter goe&s. And I mais tuis soean docaiiin cou. Teacher Wautsd., môeioulay baHieviug lia saine 10 b. lino, )ale Wantad a protestan t Tescimi, holding s Suld chasa and by virtue of eu Act repeating extra t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~é en@IgIatasag mgtbba- O t he litIaveiher vonld procticeslttis âmfe wal moved Be 0Taranle vier he of mo e i virtue. he prascbo., or afeActs, ho aftnetbeng&a cedent but 51ev moulas. veu hbea slittia orsconsistenStanhie The Woy vsbrongit home. to thc SooèBebusm nin ahgrity. By the lime ho rstarmm IOsMe cy for burial. On)aieh arrival i i narow elf~i. hyuil doubim t lmi 5h.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~tm BasemTrte. __ ln for ieulati ng the airof ithe rami cf celema or i theb. w m .Damlie oni. Expanieuaad orrespondante iacha v.~vd l s lie trsvelang iBpectoirem &Pît tiebcome congeegaliourela for asivW i isi oeiu sud precumptiaus, esp.cally an Bie. .Wm. Spenoor pr.sd lm Sp promotion tanov offices, sud mometimes are s PW" »eseMOnL.Th@ Un»s. vs.th"n nluathme as ta tgel off titeir basa.Hov- bora. . la ite metig pias.,-Many oe, tke oy m ul hpandoaed for the biu1esmmn u be oh iofethBisdqpu l. vitakios ey have plavai izulla future Bearnmu. -Lit e la vive umaie IM, , ieved viti su approIniste pension. McIo sat vb»S v. um md a b i 15 o y uj fr'doabout It, !""e Tiw crItra aieBuaL. our ough eau ha cursd. We *.TheIek ie 5i halIIj mevIlbsa op'. Baisas vitianM» h~1,~s, to esp llyen*ap ut pMW=fv y bualis red mc mauv cenie ma soc m tei oume eo&t-o i a-> '- ~ - - ~ - - - art, H iors» Shoeizig a Spuia7j. Jobbing promptly a*.dýd t. s.vemam&1 ' .~ ,7~ j ma Md tr hnre u vmuty foot l08&àà Md ut th s uMvmbui ts cd t» - i ,0"fimlukngs for camion. Theii a w ratm dw tt"8&k"b je, Înhâ-rOmos ae h iu~nomdy equlpped es 1. ?h Srddame botiadsiis he icbrna eloeirio lghted tkrongliut Okm una.s tvu 0- 1h 0*MciMdut.» t 00 Iy f17 1" i«Vlg Ove Sound, the voculaiti 5 ltiaili BUrbye Divis evrth"a A- sumum blin d aidaoit, omana in Yi* E. G el MMvu stISnSwl # &M. Ruila., ntiiS i t e i. la trS.ptsd by aMet-is uyS & ths*obs.41 m hwg ,, ffdeit la TkM soning bbigcoU sud foggy, Ski va may mtins mmdI bsEe*8.~ 1mv vi a uap. »Vair te *0 .pari«, viée tI.y i on. MMar 1, thaïe 15vu UM-04, teBurby snd my usitrtal.d bY vocal snd instrunallmuai ur am VOiSUp 5mthe t, IOS her velif n éloo byau«prt itlien harpai, accmpubl id ths »t&a" ai ebv n m tli sud t vlsyskpiano- Eurvin lthe mernlng vo areil â& Earby vu GosdSa!e Ink« Merd Mmpsdaitformai thtthe tuimia bpaming Sbro , [g et vesY imesa Germlonansd constableothé enuov delur, th. main route for a us ver pr# P-P g Bs 1M5 MOnote sém dilif1 te"ahilps t. sud from LkeiSuprfor, aM th. 51cm sd baingtim e ". idon. Mr. Huges hurry ou dock, vie am n ate ghtai se v etMinden Vllla agenOMPSny viiit. tobo "n. Botaethee are of avery desaript am Jimu -o laU Myma&bout omehWiai onattiait stei ac sht@, M %nova negaui w, mile av»Y frcm tbc pis..viaee te nota nov-boita linded. At on. lime uamomny à istvin, sud aItich tins Shey vers lifted, sud I flfty.mlx large atoamase visible. AU th ho thsa laft Moriaurnsd Hugkoe sud tic3 a. m., the. vecoelhau ieu vithin algit c rill volet lavande M. Brovu!a (ounty Treauror, mignificoal moeroy, &Ul to beautlful to mis bo sud I proceadsd on oSier aide of rive t. moet anisng, sud only the dellcoon fruit@ sud dm1à1 Burby snd my mon, um aattenla my a@m'a oces prepired, &long vith issu appetito affidavit. aould Sanipt the o alamgora ndmdc r. 4. Thot alaus. (0> of Burby'alafflusylt la We romain et Suit:St. madea'five hourm m. aléo untrtuama I balil,.Gordon novai made wvil imia, b@pont l in ndalng Ibrougi thi ln muai atatemant, wviat I board Mr. Gordon uanndlng gardens, and viavinq lie vondeax ia my tht the net ho vuas sentscocuthe fui vorks of the luca, vile lbe pasage ii il- riveo for, viu mar of a proteonllo .baing made. But the ohiof itlerait le tau 0 &Ii tia My damaga, but liaStthe big uot ia the mile-vide rapide ove vhich tha C. P, o, vas Amonlin cordnet sa n a lrtaeIront railvsy bridge la buit sud llrongh vhich à d- net, sd in aad GSi clause, vbereBurbysean glidlng tice Indien in hie bark osnoo of avoirsGordon Sold me ho vonld hava t. fins Soon star laing lh. Sault, vo enter on the o. me, I poaitlvoiy dod llarélto a unlruo, as bitit bina votera of lai. Superlor, sud iu ly Gordon sud 1 hod no obcuotsion am le oui of igit of land.l* ia avenlug, sudlthe viaethor -io vouli fine ma or not.Mr. acene on the. voter ba nov enchmntiug. As ýh Hugheo tbld me Gordon vould fina me if I fir malie oye oa reach numorons vblte-vinged et hidia not;I uaid to Mr. Hughes, lat hlm ino "alle glide grsafully ovar lie votera. Tie 10 say. I bave no net, navar ut s ale, er aun ib aatlng, and.,omueai s mnumal1Tis in Id nevar ovnad ona of theaGall Rivu ateras. the mocmi beaitifal of a&R 1 The fine aud orange in 5. An ta clause (1) ,of Burby'a sifflaavit, of lia vosterna ay b-refiactod on ths ai]l ahoving Ibst Gordon annad on ooming vatera6s, ading ocf ils tintingu cf bino sud f ont cf l. teroom, vicia ha lied on viti rose, ilvar sud poari, ths trasparent miadova oGainai, Mrtimarsud Rugie, Iht ho hied chaag ssci cther avlftly ovor the bigit ex- d.olded flot t. fine Gainer, la lin., se I have panaa. la the distance a elatly vouaml i .red James Mortimer% B eovo of Anacu, &., aila ontapread Hire soins buge phantom of the 'y affidavilta inte Miadea loho sud that middeep appeau, crcseu lie hmmneung path. a ffidavit la lino. I have alao réad A. R. vsv, sua complotes lh. picturo. But piler Gardon'.a eatemanltanansvar la Divis ansd snd pier grova ibhemnsceldyes, dueper sud » Buîby'm affidavit inta e ticWcman sa lors- duepe the purpis glov cf tvîlight, and nov rsald, sud tliaI I vu luoompany befora lb. aplendor ha. vanziedad udheslakibsa SMortimer, sud I amn positiva vuS Gardon shoot of aliver, s fou, oarly stars sud th. Smid b in reaes 1»wmivhm gesting liecoanes glssning acimitar cf a ycnng moca appear, tfromrnmy ou; sud I miv BDrby pointlng ont sud nigit feu&.,Msuy passaugera romain on th e oGordcn. dock unul' ltitathte algi, deapite tie cool And I mais Ibis solemu déclaration, con- air, gszing et tho diii viereansd distant >bellsvlng thécmm@rnat. b. li, sud by virtne vesmalsasounudng forth thoir homae viuatie. cf tie sot respetong exra judi ciatis. Unlil lots next day vo travel ont of algit cf r Dsolarod beforo moeillsud sud in the meantirn eomnloy tleiouro Haliburton, lis thlrty.heurs la vievlug lis voudorful construction iraI day cf Auguat, 1991. cWL GAINER, cf the mblp, sud il aalug ou the pasaages JàmEs Dovun, J.P.> belov. Thora ver. Ramisa, Dutai, Sveia, sud I dont, mcv hov many cîhor nallonalitios &U jumbl ogalier ta altitudes mors sng. A Trip to the North-West. 1 estv of omfort than cf gisa.. Svarthy. hied mou, vili unahaven faces, Iheir neais BY BO. X. T. 13. idornad viithbiigbl-r.d baadksîchofuo, voe Il via on Si. mornlag of Jane th. lvealy. estiug bard boiled aggm sud daiiibiaad. fonrth, s beautiful, brigit, mnnny moin, liat IWom5ii viti unkempî iuir, ariayed ta gar- vs slmrtod on ouri p ftels qW., sud, monta cf bight-yellovm, bines sud roda, worm talklng oue t. inother ta viat seemed te me voe.Il nci or psiting vith aeariy ioved a senmlenabbeî. AU voesdreadfnlly untidy fulensuansd home, my hiait bcd basa lu keep sud iooked as if toc tired 10 camie hal th'y lng viti tho sunlight amurundag is. The looked 11k.. W. mude short vcrk cf Ibis sud fîreveli bsd beau spoken,. sud ona long, list trned t. oui ovu apaîlmeuls fluai7 con. look at my childiood'a hom. besu talien, aud vtaaed tiaI one half 1h. vorld doea'ut kow vo vere quiekly bnrrWd aviY, lssvng a&H b.. boy lbe. cher haiflilveua, A fov beum bolore biud. Snch thongitu s "c ou l n i wt e rsichod Port Arthurni viperaalv.d sceneiy lies. moments of parllng crovdoduon Mny cf liaemml ostwrd descriptiola, forme tnashape. mentlivision, vwiHI*1slioforae. Woefansgles,, Irtangle., dom*s loves aut]es, Ihere orneslier.uPOn viorNefac. I ahoul nd udmaufigures; but ou dravlng nourer ue'orsn a intlu lusgaze Y Should I ev.r view lhey are gnsdually metamorphized imb ordi- M*~ boantiful homo agalu ? Theo Ibongita amy looking menulaisînof rock,1 but rislng le are noualiy snpplanted by cthers more hoefui. su immense holgil. Lia taia h p.m., ve nov sîgils appear, tatereating eud attractive; arriv, il Port Arthur, vhore v. romain but snd eue'. thoughla aie nuaouacionay, Vol a fov momentsanmd here ve set oui vatches gradually divertedod hlie. mc vidiy aeu- back an boui ta couiormily li ticthestandard groaaing, s short lime baera. I ime. Toc oon oui delightful trip mrci th, "lTime lsiai&l ucrrovm" sud lb, prospect vaSer le at su end, sud vs a&Uregiotfullv humn o f no deligitini sa trip, vouid animaIs the Our gaze ou Ibm brighl bine walais, glittering moat depreulung spiiean sd taou.nefond cf la Bis sunlight over vilci ara glidlng, silmuîly travelling provo a polent Ioula,unuder auy air- the, vhate.vznged ese gulla. But vo were anastance. Sa oui journey began, sud after muci toc phîlosophicaile v orry ourmlves havlng romaiued s fov bonis at coecf the about plsurem nainlube, sud so turued small bovus &long lie lino vo siiived at Oui attention to tlia locf Fort WillIam. Toronto, vhoea Io deys vers qulckly spent (Port Arthur'a rival). Il seemas P. A., vas tn ay om f lhe varions vaya afforded for pics. forrnelythei laudiag place, but in future Fort sure eekera; &lac ta vlilltng somns cf the pria- William le ob. favcied. Thers va atavad to cipal place. cf Intereel, cuiti imong liern lie explorea srsirkible mounîsîn, lie great at- Oyelonams, t in li la s hova the batiseof triction of tie lowvansd from lie gams1of Gettysburg. No visiter tb Toronto, (especîii iv vna, my comanion iemsrkod, couid be seen a lover cf art), sbould fail .to aeeil.Word& IJapen. Il lan Id ho b. Ivelva hnndred iset fi ta deacribe th, voudarful iconeS portravedigi and appearu but s milo avay vile il la an lie-e stbonsand varda cf ciavei,'iti actually five mlles. Il l is ceuded by step@ tust circulai dom., Amulerau lie O ea akf vay, sud tbe oSier balf by a stoop vrud- rasahinta ey direction batisle b raalng, sud ing traSte pilh. The.. stops load loa s thauaand soldiersa ppoar ta acluai combat. mil a tone chapel, m vwich thoe lente 8o lifo-liko il appeara, one coa maioly ra- entei once a ysar for vorsblp. Prom tue tp iz. that it la net vialouary. W. noctantlv of Ibis gisul moutitansunulmtddaac bide farovel 10 liae Quoen eaSy sud look lie o camhon.nsd alliougi very vearxaomo te .P. R. train fer Oven bonad, viars vo re- reach one fuels smply ropaid for tbe strsugth mai Ivto <gaya Yieulswng théia msupioturoo- exffldwJ. Aaita ve board lihtaamin aisar que places la and ronnd lie lova. ,huaidlirongi tunnels, viaducta, sud viere Oven Sound in a vaiy prat plie, bhanta- doep rock cptliugm mu. aoiitautly cccuiuing. fnly sltual.d ou theaWonglan Bay sud su- Tho roai bse vlndlng liaI very cf ton Ibm cocmposedon tire. aides by ville of rock,' train toikts thforaci sfa mi-oirele, sud one glillertag viii marbîs vitels; extendlng gentleman ln 1h. pullmanu car said ha îhook ta msuv points to as hgt cf ona.bundred banda vlth 1h. angins driver, thongh I muaI and fifty foot. Ingall' Polla, about lire.ocafesa I dlaaredited hlm yard, as I didn'l Seo miles out cf lovu, la ans cf thliaobf0fsturso, hlm do il. Prom PFoil William' Sa Ignsaeh 22 Lindssy. Sept. 2nd, 1891.-17! Advertise in The1 Sm CAVER VICTORL( .RO. lis prepard be su>»ply FURNITURE AND UNDI mIn Uitebrucheo. A fü ul y c lime,. HavhKr now ooinplewaMyv pe pared thoupply undertaking Inu&a Afuil supplv et furnitura always on1 framelng doncau muaL. Auction 0f Viluabia Proporty luthie Township md Meu»Ây, 8s0s. 7îb, The Ind"iisi, Touonto, Saplezub i, ad prentlhe ayorn tht@echaùhpbava 191h. y1àhPlai, dcpnly-rsve Brym nsd Kylis, Ltidsy Outw5..Lindmy, Septembet Un rt commn ohlo tmradelWinters, Toneibonin, te 251k. 00 onaoily, O'Hullee, BrYina, allisud North. Oaio--Uibridge, Soptembai 29]l The Tcfolk"v&g ommuinletlona vire md - Oetr&l...PetOrUbro Seplmbir 21 to 23rd t Fromt Pte MaAvoy, isking' fou extra puy Ontario sud Durhszne-WIalIby. seplembe e, for cutting Va"i, etc., on theotea Mii29nd Be 21(th. Id on lia tabla. ~ cetr>eal iàda--OltaviSept. \28rd t a- Fromntgant É.Stiosen, «iglasvs t. cOer2d thi Connut a drain froin lie clle of bis housa West Durhamsud DsrlUngtoa-Bowma, di on Duke shooet taonmee mrmdy laid, ihilte for v'ila, SOPtoflbe 24th sud 25th. l ie bickiibeau suppliai by teli e&R , . 90 Somr'llle...AI Coboconi, Thnrmd.y, Oct la ferrai toeatreet sud bridge commllle Che lot t. Prom Rannai MoOsb. raehe onomn. f hvera, Beliuy.--September 29th anu 'd pied by her on Qasen. juaro, Laid on the 30th. m table! Olukto-Ozoo...SPtember 22ad sud 2Srd. la Prom John Read, scrahary cf tlientrai PotOnborO, Emt-Norvooci, Septembor l3t, f caanîy commiSSee,akng for ticé ianl grat, sud l4ti. i. sudthbailngthSiccanuail for tih omsepro. OanulgSou Oenlualý-anngtoD, Septent 'videi for lie home ici lhe. qed. Fyled. bar 25th sud 26ti. BO Report of chiai constable for Adguat read----t su d ralerred ta the polio.ecommitlse, 21 Daye Front china to London. "Report of mInet sud bridge coarnittée rmd, le recommendlng liaI lb. Inorsanof vugos .. raskei for hv hie men vion cutting veu bc. LiD Sept. 9.-Londonere this mont alloved, lie commithe cousideriug they Mcralng have an unuemual Sica. for con. Sabould motl trere bibvos the oversier sud versallon. Itl a tbe onderful Canadien tie men empîcyedi by hlm, vien be bold them pacifie mail record, snd r-ve-yot-c ils lie voag.tiey vers ta reeive, aise hiattain loîlegrt en.ToCl @Om mrne ceesary von tao dans liaI vuinl. t Nevbu hi rs eet eCt 'despensibîs, and liat lie Wellington Sttof e York, wilb lie mails from tbe har drain ta aleiued oinl north of Wellingtonuit. est on bQard, arrived ah Quaenstowe2 and rspairod. The report via taken np Claus veîday. This nsorning thmails voe bv clamse, su amoadmeat tb pu t dovu s oroa- delivered at lie London postoffiee, lini lng atllie intersction of William and Welltag- cC>Wpletiiig the j .urnev bet ween Yoknarus ton streets bolng udimi. Tbe report vu lien sud London lu leas than 21 dikvg,. This adptd recoud bhuaIal pie viens effarte sud Col. Dacca suad Mi. Gros., members ali e aves the postoffioe guide baily in-lthe ceuIrai claisnty commiîtee, addreoasd lie calui. lurch. Tuat official thua, table Rives tie cdi in regard te lie ions, raabod by tie aom- Chia&psud Japanu mails 1 ai iys via Mlîlee froua Mr. Armstrong for a homea foiri Vaove uthea. i beSe agoed, clsimaing liaI lb.e concil abculd rscom. Canal. The fiantthiI the .P R. hava pensMr. Armstrong for the oullay tacurisi doue lhe distance i e hnhl h by bim tanfllting ap the bonse - viou it 'via . ,i e hnhl i notS cptedkby liconail. Tie Muyor-wauid lime requrîrd for the Suez Canal route la ual allov suy discussion on the. qustion et muai aompiended ou. and it lu neeies tis stage, but miadi h vouli b. hanupet taO aY lt li te Oompariaon is calouiated thoproper time, te raeslie Canadiau routevery muahini Report cf finace coamitte. raid, renom. fayot amonu business men, uot te epeak mending the psymeul of séveral acconbs et tie postoffloe sud military anîborittes. &am tiat iftea mpall i lbe lova he o unase--_------ ad from, Mr. Dean. Report adopl.d. . Mr. Parkmea ddressei tihe conuaxi iu regard D4LRT>fPLE. la the by.lsv regulaling lis- plscing ci poloeseui ate 2ë WSrder. for electrie ligb t or cther purposos reqniring TEEc viailorm cf oulava have ail gene. pois, shticg tiat 10 comply villa lha latto We mls them lvsry muci. But s difféent ai lie by. lav vould taca".at. imposaible Ii kiiid cf beloneinfost the place Dow viz., a smre Casses. r. 'lVi made a motion la ap. sanisecf huatera, uich and poou. duck and point s commtte, ta erruaga lie difficuity, iai, sud once in avile s veiv boli on. but il vau poited ont liat a resobution of HARVESTING l8 jusi about finlied. Orops council couli net avenini, a by.bav. The have been prelty fai. Tunip look extra, Mayai declsred lis motion cul ai crier. Tiare is sîlgt danger af tie potato rot. Mr. Oounoily gave nohico liaI et next meeting of conal ho vould tatroduce a by- D UNSFORD. law te amond lie by-lav iogulatag boulevard- 5pecial to luw faro. ing sud nisnting polos for eloctil ligbllng, I.O.G.T.-Ti. Goopal temperance mseting ai cliii purposes. Moved by Mi. Brya, î ecoudsd by Mr.lu conneCtian vii ttiibadge held on August Ooauoly., liaI the cheik notify the police 30th. veu conducled by Bic. J. R. Huv. He Maglisals, liaI lhe coundil chamber cannaI teck as hie subjeat "Thé Ivo paths," hrus, b. undi for holding the police court ta unie.. viich ho pointed ont veuy usehul fadae. Rev. by the. permission cfthe Mayor. Omisi. Mn, Poverus vahlin cillai on sud delivered Movsd by Mu. Bîvans, econei by Mr" very louching adduese, on "Temperance." O'Halloran, Ihat viereas tic tromanrar bang 'X he chair deserve the thanka of the loigo vorbaly notified la take from th. special horu liu ableasistancs at ali tthose meS. accounI of lie Queen's square prapertv, lheia tge. The next meeting vii ha hhl on'Sept. emount authorized b y council 4oe ha expsndod j 3th. Al ar cordially invited ho attend an tha nov viapn, thal isa action ta ie.ioing thi1esemeetings. Tic Iode. parprses holding is ioraby aonfirmmd. a publia entertainmeul et an oarly date. Fui. A aotien by thi e me moyeu sud seconder lier notice will b. given. vU pamsi, iashructing thi e ari ho give OURt entrpîiiing mouchant, Mu. Wm. JHsunah McCabe oeemouli'. notice b Gdeiiver Germyn. hbs rented hie fa ta oMr. George up possession of lis bouse ocnpiod by ber ou Schioldice for a toumansd vilI nov ho able te QuenD'asquare, sud la collent ront at lie rate give his viole. attention 10 hi& general bnsi. af $3. 50 per moahh fîca May laI, sud propor. Duî place la lie Village. Hie is nov getting, lion oh taxes.itais stock cf hall gonds direct from Mont real. John Wilson vas beard ta regard tb the oli and as. il, ubether you vishinlabuy or vater layiug ta front ofhbis plice.cf business mot. on William mreot. iterred te shicot aid CHEKeE MAXiNG.-The manager ai the brige camallloe. [cheese haclory la meeting viti excellent suc. Mr. Wiubera, chairman ofhtho coamittos au cema. His last ahipment brought the higbest finance, neid the aulai eent ofaithal figure and vas rankod ae firsa coase ciee. cammillee; aaessedi value oh pronmrty $1. 800,.- Mr. Thurâlon is ta ha congratulated on having 000, su inarease cf $50.000 ovor bas uer; suci a erviceshie man asulMr. Kosh for cheese total amaunulrequired fourail purpoas b be aaker. ralsd by taxation includizag ichocla 84 1, 625, LôcÂIs.-Harveeting is about aveu, ai- made up &0 feliava;- ltiouuh tho recent m.ine are impea ing its clase. Genehul purpose, $26,325. rate 14J aille...Ouirvorthy tescier, Mr. Sprule,tns on lie dlii, Daot beau ahle.tc ratua '.jhis duties vel. We Public scicoli, $9,300, rata 6 ... 3/10 Ail bpe ho mme him around ere long... Mus. Côlleulîate Instituts 83.][00, rate ... .17/10 L. Smith cf iumout, le paying a fissuves Separîte iciioole $2000, rate 6 ...11f5 Visit lo er eur, Mua. Wm. Germyn...Mims Siuklug huni, r. debialures for collegise Thursîcu oh Lindsay, gave 1he village a fiying I h foeon rite vil caver lhe expendi- . i aehy luis for tis year. viils to e oheasdeficil frnt luI vamidobanlurea for $10,000 viii ho CENTRE ELDION. issued. In discuimlng lie report it vau point. 8onaal te IU arder. ed ontlthiet hou vas s docresas lu tha tevu ScHOaL NoiES.-Oar acical aI Saudriug. exponditure, vil, for publiacacol purposea bain bas i..apened viti a fair alleudance, on lis incisai. aveu lamI vomi vms iif imllonAusl3sA enigtaerhnuu, the dollar. Report adopted. uut3s.Afrng le hi ea, On melationte Mayai sud hreasuier vereowoing ha lis action cf lie trustees, wvici vas authorizod te place on theamarkst dobauturos, very cormnasdable sud approved ai by lie to issllzs mnficionîte omeel actes disccuenuaiparents lu genenal cf postpomalug the closing et lic bank, Oirried. lust Jniy. ivo .veeke over lie umuai date: A by-lmv va. iuhroduced sud passdtain e lieroh the pupils vais affoiddi vony pom- auaimane fxig ierae h 3 ila u ieaibloadRvuhsgo f nriiptu a he te r. to a. et. id d. th a a OR "R#Aý