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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 11 Sep 1891, p. 7

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8ERMON PftECMM AI' uàmIA, n. 1!' Ocim, eptxxx . O-I 'v r oa*mc h niepreached her to4wlto théimmev 6 ato e o j mutltude vhe iad corne teo attend the Nov a oi'ÏdIt>b. rt York and Pensylvania exposition, vblch ,noved n lekreeSIelOB.ho-ul in beuug beld ber, Sept. 1 la Sept. 9. Il n Md1la nt M*à& >a cornbuned tii ofetctti., eh' , rM eits n n i t &vuh mut î ex @Pýremoved in onde.. Ithmyqamy bbtotm hi horse. and valuslibo stock et &Il kiada tram rta--é-atII Çba eàu1 tho Ivo atatea. The sermon vaS < lied v, cs i neumm . "e hm fon the fair groiunda tesa gremî au= Of ,fmrs, horsernen, tdrovm nrm d took raisn xaalba oeoat edsoa frorn near and fan, as vo# as olhlsema trdm a fouatai, ytuae "otanht, tesMW vil the. adjacent cilles.. Screary Stamly, oftMlDaiY Othuim.Itl, ato yen 11k. viii lhe Young Men'm Cinis ian Assoiation of yeu m aretintoa m apOmp, a Elmira presidoul. D S'- ' somsrdh itting in* are Geneis xix 8, ZdleyXd','Bwe«cannom% a c'basod ohalowhich ha Gnis xxixthe, "Aid h7 mmml, VO <imiith, troa m ilver aWper. ,NotmeWmmy publicain andti ail hi, rocksthe ate r.d tehe r, mandciurs. Tou vaut te gelt toheavM mmd tiltlhen werailI the ooam e vel'sbut ilmuetîbemin aapeolamea, viti 701 mouh; hu vovalt li mhep.' tet ou a Turnh o etoman mmd a banda TEEneux TR Kr<OOS E.4't . music on boozd tho train. There are nmre reasona wby il in appro- Yen de mot wu.il te h in "company viti priaI. thal I abc'nld accept lie invitation rmatie Jacob and Rachel - and la b. drinki ho preaci ntt lis .great intertate tfairnmd lug out et thc founlain ;bars ton thouma te thie, lrongs et countryrnen and ot0 116ahep ve boon drinking betore yen. Yom s.na-icrsemeu juat comq treim théir fine viii bave ta remeve lie obstacle cf pride, chargera, the king cf boants, for I talc the. Or nover find yeur vay te lie wolL Yoe orovu from lie lion sud put il on the viii bave te corne sas vocame, villing tc brov cf lbthe rse, wiici .18 iu evory v"y take lie Vaten ofetelnoal lite laany va7 ioblot-muad speak te thie s epherds mml! mmd at any baud, and ixmmny kind et pitchoi, como tram their docks-tb, Lord iiself S i et:"OLrd Jeaus, I arn d elg in eue p lace called a Si. pbord and in an- thirmt. Give mhovltocerllte, cther place called a Lamnb, and ail tie go.d vhotber in trougi on goblet. Givc niethb are sieep-ani preaci te yen caîllomen vater et lite; I care net in vhat il corne. t oamo up frorn lie bord s, your occupatien me." Avay vitb aIl youn hindranoesce houned by lie tact tiat Gel humefit niis pride tram lie weil's rnouîb. il vortiy ot immortal record liaI ho evus lier. lsansothern mii i lakopî bac] "tie caIlle ou a hhousaud bil.'> fron thie valet of lite by tbe atoneofetam Ithin appro?>iate that I cerne, becaus I ebdurilo ieart, vblch lies over thie uuth vas a fanmer a boy, aýd 4never mmv a -iy oethle veILi Yeu. bavo me more feeling until I vas nesnly growu,,sud, iaviag, been upon I"I subject than if Qed àbad yet to bornun lu lb.country, 1 nover gel oven il, deyoulihis flnsîkindnema, on yen bel la do and would net dwell lu cilles s day if my Î the fliireteeg. Semd o ls la ail von vwas .unetappointed hhene. W love th». yesrahi.e velating arumsahelto. to you ncw, mmd vien I gel lirough I vill big yen i Wten tayooegratitude? Where give yeu My band,fton hbougb I havc lis ila;;zeu.. nc M d vnn nme ummor miaken bande vith periapm toty Where are,701W oe.ated lives' I ,Say Ihousaud people in lvenly-ouo slalom o a OU s LVmW id 1* Eichanmw, "Tiie the Union, ail the vay tbrcugbhoeCoorado Qd 8vi. ad l hml"tby br" itand 6ai and nort nsou eh, I viii ict coucludo thf vaY th ".3 u asYe my summer vacation tlli I have shalen - U7adyU 0 bauds vithiyou. Yeu old fariner eut lier.! bave te iGO& 7M..voslhave made HEow you make me tiul etmy ftlin!five hundred aysgej eyor viole Ynederîy wn oeut lb.... vithicap and Hilit. V ha"dbaeau m an pip.Tht.e spectacles! How you make me thiixk et my Ur.m dyy.bebomeaaahQ ' mother! table. ;;riZg, umer, anhumu and And mew, wvilethbe air ofthies. faIr vinhtrho bhm &P roptîahely appareled gunda la filled vit he i.bleating of sheop, yen. Tour ih troum hlm, youn cou- adthie neighing et berses, sud lb. îoving panion freonhlm, Tour cildren fron ihm, et caIlle, I cannet flud a more appropniate your home tram hlm. Ailthie b *gbl sur- text tbsu hie one I read. It is a scene in roundinga cf y eutlite tram hlm. &h, man, Mosopotamis, beautitully pastoral. A w,,l vh t onliu ithbthal bard heat? of valt et great value in tiat negion. Tue Canal thon net teed onethbrab of gratitude fields around aboutit wbihe viti i;iteflocks lawerd liehe d liaImade yen, and-the~ et shoep lying dcvii waitlug for the. valet- iChit Ivi carne te nedeeni yen, and tbe in&g. riet heir hleatixg coring on 1h. Hcly Gbcst wviebasami lies, yeatm heem bngil air, and lie laugiler et young mon importunixg yen? If yen could ait dcvi and maideus ludulging lu rumhlo repartes. fi vo minutes undex: lb. Ire.etfa Savionr'u I look off, snd I se. 'cther flocka et ahe.p martyrdei, nmd feel bis varin lite trick- cerning. Meanihle, Jacob, a tangor, on liag cn yen.. tetohead and cbe.k sud bande, lie iutenesting errand et leokiag for a. vite, melikmyen vould, gel nmre appreciatiex cornes le lie veIl. A beautiful siiepiendemso et ial ye vte s etucified Jeans. coee othe smre vel7 I se.lber saproach. limant of atone, neleut, relent, - tmg, tollowed by ber ftîer's dl o6 sheep. Toncheul by Jeans' cross subdued; Il vas a mmoirable meeting. Jacob mat- tSme. l body, mangled, roI,' ried liaI shepherdess. The. Bible account 1 Covered viti s goeeof blood. et 1h is, "Jacob kissed Rachel, and lited up 8notdu, vial hast lieu doue? his vcico and vept. " Cnýucifled th. Etornal Sou. It bas alvays besn a mystety te me vhat 1 ho feunu le cry abouti But betone Ibat i ~ 3TE TN ml E E.P mooe ccured aco accah le mi. IJacob, vith a good dealIoetlug and puai, hordsansdasaka hhern vby lie7 potpou. 0to k thi etn, frornthie veil'a meuh, se Mallng ct lhe tliraIof lbh se.ep,, sud liatheliDocks mgit be vatored. And 1 vby thby did net lrnrediately proceed tw vould liaIte-day rny word, blemsed of valert hem. The siepierds r.ply te lie God, mgit remeve tho iindtmuces te yen. affect: "W. are ail goed neigibotrs, and an pohling np te lhe Gespel n'eU. Ys&, I take a malter cf ccurlesy ve vaitpntuil amn the 1 ilfor tftnld Iat thi. vonk ladone, sud shoep et the ueighbeniood corne up. B.- nov, - oreiental miepierds, I ptoce.d to aides that, tbia atone ou the vll'a meuth 18 Valerthlb, heep. smieiat heavy, sud severai et us lal. Corne,>al 70 thiratyl Yen bave an inde- hold cf il and -puahit1 asido, and lieu tihe flned longinq in yeun seul Yen tnled buckels 6ud the troug ha are fliled and îthenmoney making; thal did net mmify yen. sbeen are satisfied. -W. canuot, unuil ali Yen lnied office under goverument; Ihat th Lks are gathered togolier, mmd tîrn did net satiaty yen. Yen lried picluresanmd they rol hieatone trorn lie vell'smouli;: sculptures, but venka et art dix cI etsatlafy tien we valerthie sheepY yn.Yeuar smcdlelnedvi A TIBTY 1WOELD. Oh,tlis ilas lbirhy wvend! iaotfer tiie bead, sud bllaternug fteo feet, sud panch- hng for lie longue. The world's greal vait la a ceol, netneshiug, satlmtyÈug draft. We Wauder anound sud find lie cistonernphy.t Long and Iodions drought bas died Up tic n'orld's tountains, but nearly nineteen cei- luries s go a Siepberd, vith crack inthie abape cf a cross, and feel culte lite bleeci. lz.g, explered lie dosent passages et this vorld, and eue. day came inoes a vol! à thousaud feet -deep, bubbling mmd brigit, and opalescent, sud looked te the. nrth and tb. seti, sud tlb.osat, mmd the viol and cried ouI viti a voico strong aud musical liaI rang thraugi lie ages: "H., every oee laI hhirsleth, cen ye ltite waters!" Ncv, s great flock cf sbeep teday gmlii.. m.-.und Ibis Gospel volt. Tien, are a grat anvthistyseuls. I vonden by thie locliseofall nations do net galer-v hy se Mmmy stay limaI7; andwvile I am wvandor- Iug about il, my tort breaks forth ith. oxplanation, sying: IlWe cannut, nul al thome flecks hoe gatiered tegehior, and il lie7 rol hie tone tram tic vell's meuh; thon vo vater lie sieep." THE QENTLENESS 0F 5HEEP. If a bard of sviue corne te a weii tii.7 angnily jostle escchier ton lbe procedeoe.; if a drove ot caIlle corne ho a n'eU,thiey bock esci chier back froni tbe vaher, but vien the dlock cf abeop corne, though a iundred eft hem saal be diïappoluled, lb.y only express il b y sad bleafixg-llxey cerne hegether peacefuily. We vaut a ftreat mul- titude te coee round thie Gospel veiL I knon' lier. are thome vie do icI 111e a crowd-lbey thiiuk a crowvdla vulga. .if they are opprossed ton rooni xi churchiti makes them posiively impatient and bl. ligerent. Net mc did lieïs.oriental shep- berds. Tbey vailed unuil aIL tlee dock. vers gatliered, sud the more Dlooks that came lic lute thbey liked it. Ànd lso vo ougit te h. anxiôua thhaila thie people aiould corne. Go out into the bigliways sud tie iedgesanad compel tho ho uoLrne. lu.Go tte iici and tell hem Ihey are indigent without lbe Gospel et Jesus. Go ho lie poor and tll them tiie affluenze lier. Sn lu Christ. Go ote blind snd tel! thiocf the tbnci that lv. eternal illumination. Go te tth. lame aMd hell Ihem te iejoy liaI viii make t»0 laine man lcti, lue a hart. Galber aI'thei mhuepSff fail thi. mnualua.N o o torn of the dogg, noue se sick, mono mde worried, none 80m'dyixgsas té e h.bWntt When .1it<jfal eloctions Ccii. ltheViO" land il scoured fer voter., sud if 1a mile: t> ~kor iu'k te vmhk teths e U. Sc6M isent for hlm; but wen theoquep- i,,;whether Christ or ithe 4.141. abali * t.h; wox'Id, iow fewthier. ave t0lo0tâ -wl 'it s,,*jýte sick, sud the lent, M&. and thg sdle bereft. mdtlIiOe l >their suffrages for tii.LordJ n'Iot galber a greal gdauIlAiR i:.a'ilî>k;a te worl4-fle .7ý %'is Weil cf tic oçel lu 4eup fut-ceth tis lire as thsue OIOteFrnoch animer vho fel tial he conld mt suy longer endurne the isfcrluuea oethle vorld, sud vie mmiii: "«AI 4 o'cbock Ibis aftonoon I siail put an end te my ovu exlatence. Meauhile I iue mmmil on np te liaI lime ft1he uten- onceofetmn y tmily."IAnd i, vrote ou ii boekunutl lie dock stuck 4, vien ho fold- od up usrnmusciplmand, byhievnband, jcncuded bis earthly lId.. Tuer. ara mou ber. viio are pertectly diacontented. Unhappy lu lb. pamt,, un- ibappy loday, t. b. unhma>py orevr, uniess ouye coret. Ibis Gampel veil.This satiafles gie scul vithi s igid.p i-absrbià anmd eenal satisaction. % i ones sul il efferstshle mcclunfettunale mains muci efthIis v onld as la boat for hlM, aid 1 trowsa mliheaven ile lieebargalu. Tii. wevalti cf Croesus aàd et al of the Relis- ebildsla iouly' a pon, miserable silling compared viti theeenai fortunes liaI Christ effets yen teday. In the fanremat Shier. vas a king vie used once a year te got on a "caes, vile ou the cher aide cf lie mames ver. placed gcld and ailter aid gein; indeoul, enough vere placod theit te baace lie king; %hen, ah lie close efthle among liepuac. But Christ leday spson one s i te acades, sud on lie othio aide are ailthie Ineasures oethle uni- verse, aid bo maya: I"Ml an. Jours-&a hegh, ild3ha e ng., albreaulh preclte tbe promises cf lie Gospel. Whon su agou l ergyman vas dylg-a mmnvory emmuent in th e cbuch-a young theological shudant shood by liu-s aide, and thes ed -anlooed up asud idte hlm: F "Omut yen givemei.mre codent i My digheur?' "No"» aid ithe youug mmm; Ican't taik te youen onhieaub>ot;ilou knov ail about il, and, have kuownu 8 long. ,' "Weil," mid lie dylng mam, 4jual recie ho me- mre pronimes" Tue youmg mmm tiouqçht a moment, sud ho came te tbig promuse, 'Tic blood cf Jeaus Christ clewmsli ram al in;" id lie aid mm oapp.d bis bandsanmd in bis dyiug mo- meuh aici: "Tbar s alhlicpromuse I bave boom wa tlm er. "The blood of Jeans Chrilst cl«eamm otia au mdmi.' OP tai he, icgm"UaUi,'tht magnificence et theopromlmos (Joue, alto, te Ibi Gampel ve il 7 troablod. 1Id« iw aPt ne, yen ha o esMâ e mL C m 60*1 t tWrn lta ,o t i etaiforty, ôtmixity, or Movm.Wa rt then, art n. 70*. I -y SMo, tin ds1 riôneQmhum toltted U M MI EugmMd BN imusi e. odbt aoiMèhy~îyn tien wM ievake trm smennoanawen. vA M éatulai, pmeed't. b. '#à....4 14 5 ileper 1m l meo avave bess1wd ur l4ps forti .th'U li "Mdsu N9 1 lma im * MdcF«, li m iml ,W b W " a a W e , ir M M a u f r S t u u i« 4 w q p "» w , B u te a n d E K ec t L . v w I I W a U ~ 8 * ~ i $ i s ' P ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _g n I a nl m 9 » O . . . . . . . .. 0 . . . . . .0 1 0 B .l d bH .l DCg g a f u tt ô film l m b"* t0v8h*heir d G .J..H.YL., A AIIJNBIUu. VEV" E11to[m the jà O vmm - -j. - - 0 i aUOYL ithýyonè*.ati* -*F a e, T ORL *fth t)» o etSug fOA di» .10 000 z= pu IRff? v1weab» b1. eto bae Pèv 0 M140g b eail AM M-M ti dwié, *à - ,b*çw lmk ~*êIQUUÀM ,W4Ipm, TruflB and vadi f, 16 àf , "dM elgtm e W* e." tp E .»,t aa.~nîu~ Sw« m m axsfer active. à mms mopumis, bavia learned thm ix omtratmmMmdst w ty thiof tora. I oukbt dolt" 4,W.IJ~llt.' i.vsaÂnI.moenhi I 01dm.DàÇg$l p.. -- b % thn,*bt étou sweper an u n d Asid&lu bis d0Iouf% 411110L a mflào ,a àw,*» SVOi0 S tli* 8Ud1fw0 réseau 1 9"A CFsYhForizon. wuvthe -IV JAME S LITTLX, n. b*, w> . Un.e-$m. bt w hao v hd e " ukY imy DueUâl, UN t. hae4MU ihdrsa BV y NUoBbf sa, rd50*74< IB Xd1 ~ wua "bruagle." a prond mmanwaM le mioud. m, of 7O ooid <ft~o hevermindy.," and a street car wua a 'fohk Pan hersa i d CIy n ba~ve 21 ow lU>lI4n, hat Lbeliev. newain." I explaineï-1to hiù n lsorrow that N - irehae b~' ascS péled out,' dt ~lif IMia h.w.uliving in the. West, vhere snob pro- lit ~~~~~~~~~~~oeuldb. cafled là eity et chuiché., Lt vaOsanBm m> hm aij t bZ iîew 1fiwdtw of vldozn veut unappreciatedi and ad DO&INO E NZVI. mc woeaot'e ae. hr ere, *eat if h. uhould happen to ask a policeman * Ab," MY$mm one n, '<you are nos old lin tkat, la Londia 1150 nhon.plaCe vn tii. "folk wail" that vent by "tru hav Duohto u n te wndm or om. on hI Go tclgt !iSmdVSico 5ma gbâW sb" me along, >the guardian of thie haeMtromhitevedanloga Ihia 1 OfsuO. Tiire wuS net> it 18je s vmould ne*er Imagine h. vaa lnqulriug or have, Mmd yeu n talk te me about mv mis. tiue, a line ofmarble palasal. aiO gtiih aotieetl tre abtv dtk fortuneinthetimeef old age» . u,î jbmikmeoftaGnamdCnal; thereivano baaut wc lma In±i."ouldvaine h. ave been a grt demi among old poo .i delal ra 1»Plaua deflErb., to &ho* may be good onough for Boston, but 11; vIE <jing<hesth, sud about their departedfriends, about a&l over the. city; tii.y ver. built T an lbous, the. lonelintau.that ometimes vithout r rd 10 geneiraI ffect, sud with Liagual Laps>.TEV C TRA.A HE etrikes through themr souL.Alter tv er- ne idea oe deceration or picturesquona eulalls fsec aescioasd mu on. have livedl together tor forty or it thOy lay hiddon in the labyrinthine eombined, they- produce a dialeot- whloh is o ats and oe *m oen n avms y, vhit strmet; the. vareheuse atoed baside mad lstnctlvely acutheru, or western, or New desolationi betveen thern; the cemmnon peeple dwelt i8Egad stecs a o h ol S I shail netftre t the. cry ot the late Bey. nrrov courts around them; tii.y tacd donbt *hat a Yankee of Yankees made thia -b D Dr. De Witt, of New York, vhen he steol mach other on oppoite si-des ef the lames. eh pngaeo isblvdsec:WILL BE SENT .TO ~he oe raec bsbloe ile, end, Tii... palaces belenged te the gret nobles 41 d s' pose there aln't nobo.ty seen r _s bequies had enlled, ho looked and ver. their town houa..; they vers Cap&. nti'c oodfi a ohrr down into the. open place asid. 1 : Fae. ccua eneugh te accommodate t he of& e t hiIo oodfi a nbrr, wevll, m houored, tsitiiful and bolovod Baron' retinue, oonaiating oe e f The. redundancy of negatives alone wouid vite. Thbond that beund us in everçd. tour, six, or oven eight hundred mon.Let botray enigin, the aAking and answering a k Thou art in glory, and I am hors on earth. us remark that'tii. continuai presae of usto ..h mSe.rah~mdth amla W. sitail meet &gain. Farewell! Fereweli" the lIordesumd those foloving did mucL I do't a'pose," which in the. veat would be W i à To lean on a prop for fifty jean, and thoen more for the city than mere1l' te mdd te is..~ ~~dntge., dl hsuh have it break under yen! o:hr. ver. ouily !lhdor by the. erecting of groat boume.. "I don'treçkon."1 ;0 yars difference betwieen the deatha of ?Y thow presence, they ke<pt the. pace relasonthingpctesu lut. [0 my father and mother. Aiter my mother's tram becomung merely a tradiug centre or brevityr and construction of the sentences, Il decea. mi fathen used te go &round as mn sggreçateofe merchants; Lhey kept the. tc>e consistent with the. surrundinge. Take. r-tbougii lok*in for sornethi8g; and ho vonid citizen. m teuch with the tet cf the a apecimen Iunta half-grown lad, scantily often get up fromn one room, vithout a ykingdom; they made the people cf Loin. dremaed, lounging up to a farm hbouseamd aak- FOR TH.E REMÂINDER 0F THE YEAR semg snd gote anether roomn; au don understand that the eodtete ig viti the slow drawl of bis kind: thon h.vould tale his cane and tart eut realrn et Englaud. When Warwick, the. "I don't 'pose you dou't kucv et uobody Y mad nmone u vuld amy, 'Fatiier, viier. Kiagmaiker, rode through the streets te Ids that dou't vaut te t.ire nobody to do notb. IlareTou gomugr' and ho vould mnmver, tevu hou.., followed by five hundred r. x don t know exactly viiere I amn gem *[ 1taWeinen.is l livery; viien King Edvard Thon there la the. peculiar mlsapplication, A lwaya looking for sometbing. Though hoe IV. brought wite and children te the city et r.membered verds, which îhrusît theru- (B 0 u±ur' vam a tender hearted man, I nover sav hMm and rode eut to fight for his crovu; vhen a selves into conversation as $rnisfits" vwith F R 8 ET [o crY but once, mmd that vuai t the burialoe royal tounnameut vas held in (Jiepe-tho ludicrous effect. We ail kuow viat terrer my mother. After sixty years living te. Queumand lber ladies looking en--evon tho mIi.. the rural breast at igit cf oeeof gother, il vas bard te part. boy. umdrstood,that lier. vau more in the 'tiose missives cf hasty nova, the, tolegrain. d And ther. are aged people Ioday vie are venld than mer. buyiugaud seiiN~, import- An old lady said viti morne exciternont: d feeling just sncb a pang us that. I vànt iug Mad .xporting; that everytig muaI "Thiere, muet have sornethiug terrible hap. 1.te tellthem there ms perfeut enchantmaemî Dot h e muréd by profit; liaI they ver.. penod over at Plke's Corners, for I se a boy in the. promises et thlm Gospel; mmd I coine traders, iudeéd, sud yet ubject4g et on a cyclopodia a rldiag over there with a te them mmd I effert hem my atm, orI1 take an aiolient crovu; that their ovu pnoseoity dlavatch.", their ari mmd I bring them te 1his Gospel stded on fell viti Ithe weli.doing / ot Behind the Times. .EL* J veIL. Sit dovn, fathen or mothon, it the. country. Thaivs w which made Ithe I"Well, you may criticise the yeunq Em- r dcvii. Ses if lier. la anything at thi e I Londonet. a"dent politiciens fromn very éarly peror cf Gerrnany. as mucisas you cicoffl SU B S £R.± uA T ON CE # for ycu. Cone, David, the. psasmiat, have tinea; tii.y knew the party leaders; they but there's a mark of business about him Syuaythlng encouraging t fe iea to ofrte it on etk id;adte ue that I like," mid Spodkins. ~ Y s,am'the pasimiat; "lThey ahail perceived tiat their owu side always van, "Why, man, when did you read t'ho h. fat sud fiourishiug. te show that the. vhich gratlfled thein pnide. In a vend, the. papers lat? Rie gel rii of liat menthoago,» Lord la upright, his lmry rock, mmd tien. ia presence ilu heir ridsl of king and nobles s d Bôdkilm. -ne unigiteousuesa iu me.'" Corne, Ishmahmde shem look beyond their walae. Loi-"n.rdc va? have you anything t amay eut cf your pro. don vau nover in Gheut; uer wu il a Veuice. "h&m biz mark, te b. sure." phicea for tii.., aged people!? "Y..," ays Il Vas nver Lcndon for itaelf againal the Spodkins hmd to pay for tvo. bsia, "DDwn taoId'mg I amn vith tii., wvend, 'but always London for %nd firut, _________________ and ta hcary hait. villIcarry thee." mund for its owu interesta next.- rom l"Loi._________________________________ Wel fte Lord is goiug to carry yen, don-Plantagenet," by Walter Besant, in yon ougit net te worr much about your Harper's.Magaýflne for Septemben. w'- TRnIT VALLEY NAVIUATION G0K. * s.m ~ a fIli eyesight sud tailing limbe. Yen_______ PANY, <LflIITE.)ALV IIS un new re get a lithoe worried for test sometime ou en T i ng of Bock and Buakin.1 vill coule te weiut, do you? Yout hidrn nthiesari mgo. hheatrical performers GANADIAN PACI F10 RAILWAY. 1à91. TiME TABI1E luE and grmdchildreu somelimes peak a little dimgfis.d th faces vith vino lees or a OUMMNOINOTHUESIAT. ZUNE éra -ACV"E R L Yo sharp et you bocause cf your aillnen e gmut Ec'Luu i ain rgeOiv. u alsmù..S nef sptakca h an ou VICTORIA ROÂD, I hink yen viii corne le vmmt? Who do yen poe nrdo.mskvii e.cf 1-.I reae espi tik A h*varions kinds, Éreasiug every age, coun- GieW T epeae eavl 1Wul efdtehLord a ean thgranle andpty ,condition and complexion. AUl ver. IhLfrbeau FUBNITURE A.ND UNDEBTAKING tr.lo uldarmdfre eWy precision. The dresses were aIse, adapted L9mye MetreiL.... 9.10 am. &U0pmU ie.As EEEti oree oarcI~ nauaitetlanthat thie pros i .t."Osa 11.80 am. 11.00 p. t- U.aHËB si cus 1cntutel stuait ,1 de o~viint~~chxcemaaue yleacos , ~ ... mIL45 101 m 8.50 amuTHE 8TEARER et vhich due notice wvi b. given wbeu teady. pic- tormake lt. voued and ik mate. And do t h h xcesasue yth &tare frammng douet te order.-lin1-I7 osuppose the. Lord of heaven sud earth W as ukucvu as the. huskin vas* a * eeeo..5.62p..1L M a.- L: vo .. in bot luhe. In yragediana i ?mIN.enteol..... p. m. .87r." %OL. Ma not as muchayrpaîy as the fimh o e i.bet1hoevrub 9..~.6Toto .20 p.m. E S T U R I O NLINDSA sea? Butyen amy: "Isamenear vtnout,I18 soestr, nhsud hick, cornposed cf E S T U R Ip.m.000N LINDSAY.m sudI an t n n. t Gd sy ore" yers o ork advere laced uit in front as tiink Ithe Lord kuova vietier yeu n r fethigh a adasvream vni AT PY1G EWE am or seo nt i ouvrc n ser uad many cf these bad lhick cork scies,, M ARB BLE W O RK8. use m.orlhvem ken ifyo e efor.ti, ucrfhefoo noig mroreiu leBs1 Iale...we.U xpre. Exw. Llnuy, Sturge>n 1Point and The coore ofthe fot LUvrîU.s8.re vpiom. 5.00 p.rn. Do yeu think God baeu forgotten you bocasened beiug lhe favorite hue for vamrora.and i " N. Toroto. 9.038m&.98pm. S 1. ~-Bobayen R A r ehstkn aeo o evnyo ïh purple tor olier characters. Slaves vote a .1PmU Petpool10.08 am. 1.09 P.M . C ÀBER he~~~~~~~~ ~ ba aei a.e ensvuyoneg lob he, baigtenaineof aock, viici ' " «Pe'r-re ,USla-L .1141 >s PU. IP-n LeeBOBOÂYOEON et6.80 m&.~n ,0i<.i rpme1t uum i. dibcus e bîkmr c enigle Carleton je...- 4.37 p.m. 6.25 am. 112-l a. Ayrrivé4. .00 ta« 80 SU ll-Il pLlflCII575lah-th retHehlkamr c 01 wa a a aime oordiuary foovear et cemedian.. «I OUawa ....... 8 5p.. 2 &.m. L"et.Lindsay 1.80 46 64&d5.« bell o n rb ie sudmGanI A] May tic Gel cof Abrabamarn d Isacmad Frein lhis circurnatance arose thwell.kncwu «« Monuieai ... -815 p.m. Li8. Av u .4 .0"~m Jmcob and Paul tho aged bc ourGol f.orphrase cf "mock sud buskim," me geuorally as- Nomu-Fontnwol Ila olY «17 -m.due seth imes In Eoepng on Saturda7. vien ti, steamer vIN have lm&o r PYgiriaonu&U itndseomtr L ve sociated viîh tie drarna. LIudmy. Lindaaai820pof, Mt.d o .45pM.)upMort. _ 1ARUrun TEOS.(V. M.ATOHiiTT, arivai1t.eCule:2train. bM*Tabî. Top., yackTope, Mantel Pee.t. GAEI ORFOK.A Paying Adtertisem.nt. Pettj Jewulry Itre,idsay Ment. BngeTickets betweefl Lindsay sud Eebea'u y ?Zm'a >r.ic.i veokuan m&l sbould seshin de. But I gathor mil thie promises to-day in a The foiloving try cf lthe far.neaclng 15Ci. eturum - ticmpkepie.etsr prcmIL .U Blug9tie Tickets bcomparenprludsbefand pItchgecagPeine gneup, and I assiitle siepherds le drive power et au dvertiaernenî la told by theRNDTUN AIW YS 8 cket a eteet ànand WOKBIuranttemrke o CmPrdint,. Ihei fioceks ef Iambeanmd aheep up toe l..ndon Prnite' Register. GANBingle L AL 85»T. tickets 50ventsbc.oîa tren ~ ~ pcighu. .prlnmpp , Bhl, iapyn the A St. Panctas journal iad a canvasser viio jjUGMAj STATION. Pen 4 ent.4 returu tickets 50 cent.. manwm r dcerecteti." "ichugi ho bad inducod alocal pianeforte dealer to invest 1seIf. éw r nily Ticket. and Excurson Tickets at ne- MOB T. CHAMBERS. cause griot, yot vill lie have cempaason.'> in<'îhirteeninsertiousamhigiteenponoeacb.«Ilam rednoed rate. cen bc procuned aM thc PM T01F0E "«Maiy are thé. afictions cf thie nghtoous, Tii. sdvertiemenhs vere given, paid tor and 6&00 an Mimd directe oport IHoe.VI& ULIBONQYGEON, mndcl onthe buat but ItheoLord dolivereli hum cul ofthem forgotton about. Wien, bebold! a 3'ear later ~0~,,from Liendtsoay.o Arageen ea md.eutneryfavorable termi The (J'anadian office & Sohool aIL" <'Weepin& msy endure for a night, tie.cernes te lb. shop a certain localOO vPr n m orouttom '-.',.'10 t 20 pmBeonregla but joy comti m the merniug." I arn de- citizen te bu7 amdozen pianos. Il Boomns that 1.5 pm. :pr.visPetmnero ote Port opog cm tfor terme aryb mteddre.eed te SeonetayPRIT , - TA O termined to-day that ne oue shal o the aid citizen lied ent a loa. shoot otTfeae T. V. N. Coc., ~bouygeouF ]îT ýN1'N A I mnway uueomfonled. Youder la a Ix td he local ppet. vrapped around aeap-barm, o*enom' m ~ " Pr e. 184 .LANE, OB1taiui BuoousrtelW. Stalauchidt & Ce., an iarixkiugseu] whopeems te bide t a on mbroada sd tbaltie sou, vsmting 9-15 &Lm- E rect te Toronto, hm NORIL]RND» Naium mo Office, Scitoot. Chanci, and Lodg chl iia cnoltinsau rig, a piano, and iimvkg frieuda il 1k.predica- 2.00 p... M b t ooulo, em Lldam as a chl ihasr adhides avay i ment, bad ent oul mouey te bis talithe Lo u . Expres te Toroute trosm Port RHe.via , ýj

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