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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 11 Sep 1891, p. 8

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MOv GelI i Umd uOm S by eve* thse Uoil Ta"f.Imfl Tao, pue 11e ttyklckMiràoÏ* â9 o et tis. large O samers *0aw reU efol over a IreSure large enougilto . pti abemr Mmd Its fittingusee"rm e w..Tua lttie umbor lulb. oidPOmm o êasuwc chust. It recolveelite preous fiullsl itis. laut me sýt befoie ste steiaiir auditswcntents dre the irsl partionof lie uirgo toe ave lie ship vien aie basboni ueurely brtied. Duriug tie reon ru. Of = lda hrca, thse strong boxe have kept lu very active u»c, and the "uro f lie MY"oai hipe have b.d carre- .pondngly lncreased resposiabilities placod spcn them. Conlrery te lthe general notion, a. shipper, « gold dow ntîgo *0heBub-Tremaah 1(ew York te gel a cousiumeul cf g" simply becauso the Goverumenl koopo 1h. anpply there for tise.payrnent Of 110 lOgiti- mate obligations. Il la ual an ,zciaugc office lu lie seuse of bnklug any sort of iscurities or logai tender sud glvlug su gold coin lnstead. If gold cortifloatea ire proffered gold rnay be lsad, and % isi as a membor of tiheÂASOCiated Banks, doing business tirougi lic Clearing- flouse, liaI muais gold goes ouItfrOU Iet ýub-Treasury into lie bands of the Smeval aauking institutions. Tiey do ual keeP ail hei coin or bers or -iateror shape lhe precious metal may b. sln hi'ovu vOaIlts, out intead empoy the great vaultiaiPlie Bank of Northi Àmerica,wvidh aisnabe. me by general arrangement belveon lie aev"ora ks a sort of depot for the depoil bf gold. Thore is a sort cf cooper Siop *ttachment te lihe bank as well, and a bag fatory toc. The bagi are srangly selved %Rug little affaire cf stout cenras. Intoeaih be o$.5,o0Oolu gold coin la plnved,,$5 ples if p hter sort is tobe hd, sud $W picoosil jsrefrence, bec-ause lieu tie surface ai airs- .job is logs sud tic los tram lii cause Io kry muci reduced. Tic specie kegs are suad. of inrdwcod and bave su extra iran band about them. Thore la a roam iluthec -Srcf tie batik speclally set spart r tie packing cf the specie, sud tho pperalion la witnessed by a ropresentaliveofa 'ho aiipping flrm vilci ihm received %ie coin order from abroad aud upau wrhose order lie .iipment l a uking. Ton tags juil 1111 a keg, sud wien lie iead iha bSen put ln by au attendaut coope a tape lseck is applied, four holes are bored lirough tse ends cf lie slaves abore tihesd sud battem of lie keg, sud red tape run tbrougi. md tlle ends brougilte a common Point aI tise cntre cf lie iead, wiore thoy ame sealed by a. greal balci of wax, bearing liéemsuaioa the shipper. A stout, low cart stands ont- side the door cf lie bank. sud on lthis e W5,OOO kegs are placel. A couple of men lump on witi lie driver, anotier couple prhaps look on and follow along, and lie r-easure mores off. A single truck viii srry as muci as forty kegs or $2,000,000, aud >fixed sutu per keg la charged. Tic delivery to lhe steamer is simply as olier freigil, sw uauy paclages, contents declared, but ual l'onched for by lie receiving steamer people. Vihe marine iusurance companies wiii insure àt lie rate of about $2,000 on a million lollar shipnient. Eaci eipper bas a dIffer- ,nl notion of doing his business and mauy do aol insure at ail. Tic steamer la desigualed, ,cxd as an extra precaution a large siipmcnl, ay o! a muillion Rnd ahaîf, may goon as --ny ws five or six varlous bonIs. It la on lie sim-j pe rule of not intrusting toc many eggs bo Due basket. Uf foreigti hoarders of gold vould crust Uucle Sai to lie extent of believing liaI îgold certificate reaily meant liaI a gold Scc would be kopt ready for ils redemption eèn the vnulting away of liese yellov- ueked bits of paper would answer every furpose, but Russian and Englisi bAnk men Ioflot take chances in tint way, and lie mosequence la lie lugging back and forth tif lie gold tb "meel balances," as la lie. currAnt expre,;sion, but reaily to aallsfy lie uscod of foreign bankers wio take *a notion nov and tien to demand bomelhiug tangible, as gold coins or bars. With bars duly stamped as to weight snd Ineness in lie U. S. Assay office edjoinlng tie Sub-Treasury tic saune kegs are used, but Instead of canvas bnps closely packed saw- lust is used lu keep lie bars apart sud lie loss from abrasion la reduced te . a uailtlirum. Il is ail lie, saine nomi- kuown crook at any lime and have bMm up for an explantion bei are a police mbagaste, tud thu s aisl donc viere a kukovs bad ebaracter is found dovu Ila lie Jewelry or ,the bàuking section. Il la a simpe rulo, readily understood by marnasd marauder *nle, and has beesa fouud te work aalhao- borlly. Closely akin ho lie aborl hipmu let <cil &umnthte strong b=oxa f Wsfl selto.Uw- nearby steamers la. tic Passage in àsd fro1 et vauabfes for lie &jvernuu0 pvé- tise 4rvided, but lnu"ed the Gcvagoo d.. feds upon lthe a Oësc(wh vue 0. vreus cçmpany. Focr tv.siy flve yesiAdam m.aotser, o 6 as ami"aand tic savegar .M te - ?O "Govehu âa eatly 0*-ý Q~PPto nWame &"-te i&e= Wea-ftrgd ICIP acmmpany Srrw doser mous quBsIlitiOs of gold in duelt and nuggcts wroqs tbm Wesasrx p1loisud «Or the -Zekleo4, Um erm tais çf close cfls sd bold robiaries beyoald nmner. The train agents bad a lively lime of it and thei cacah driversansd guarda a still liveller. ThereIoa mofo!itgoing on yel. but a Weil- rnn rallroad affords. fwaities for the most sceur. transit, sud tli tile iron aes -v-ida are bandicd imb sud out of thc baggage car carry yearly enarmoa usams, go mucl tIraI lheb. >.l.ormd. oagury and el;pre.5 "m ttié dtoline th makeMe oesanaprt- It JeslesmaU btft l a dy Worthametion-, lng, and enfarces thc fact tisaI the great public lu a prebly isoneel anc lu the aggrcgate. 9 -New york World.1 *"1T'8 A LONG TIME BETWEEN DRI N <." Incidenta Titat Led Up t. lthe SaYlnug Thot X ade Two Goveruora Famoua. Evory man lu lie United States is supposed to kuow wt thle Governor of North Caro- Uins said ta lhe Governor of South Carolina," but possibly smre do not know when and under wial cfrcumstmmces ltme famous rcmark wome made. Icrly.a century ago a man prominOul lu poitreai affair inl North Carollua moved %cross the border and settled in South Caro- ine,.RH id been there onlysashort tinte wien lie oomniitted some small crime or maisdemean- 'or, for whciho v as indicted. To escaPe ar- ru h. returued to hie old homo in North Caro- lin&, iu due course of time the Governor of South etmronissued his requisilion ou lie 1overnor af North Carolina for lie fugitive criminal. The fugitive lad rich and influential frionds lu his native Sîcte, and lhey interceded wilh Îhe Gorernor until he refused to grant lie rm qulstlan. A long officiai correspondence followed. Promnent men in South Carolina told lhe Goveruor tint he had nol been trealed wlh proper officiai courtesy by lie Governor of North Carolina. Tho result vas 'that the South Carolina Gavernor, accornpanied by a large parly of friendesud adIvisers, journeyed by stage to Raeigh, Uic capital of North Carolina, for s conference with the Governor about tie mat- ter of glving np the criminal. The (kvernor of North Carolina, wili s large party of distingulshed friends, met tie Governor of Souh Carolina several miles from tovu snd escorted tUicm 10 lie Gor- ernor's mansion witla ail tie ceremony due snch distinguisbed visitors. Before lie objeot of lie visit was tated lie enlire pnrty sat down tluana elaborale dinnor. .Ater dinnor vine was served, sud after vine came brandy-tic applejaçk for ich lie old Norti State is famous. Af ter msuy roundq of drinks lhe decanters and glasses were rennoved, lie Gçvernor of South Carolina stated lie objecl of bis vinit. Ho demanded lie surrender of the fugitive criminal. The Governor of North Carolina rofused. Tien followed a long sud beated discussion, in vilch lie Attorney-Generals of lie two States took an aqtive part. *Finally tic Governor of South Carollua grcw angry, and rising to bis feet, sald: "Sir, you have refused my just demsud and offeuded lie dignity of my office aud my State. Un]ess you at once surrender tie prisoner 1 vii return ta my capital, oel out tie; mililia of the State, and relurning vils my army 1 wiil lake tie fugitive by force of arms. Governor, viat do you mytl" Ail eyes were lurned ou lie CGovernor of North Carolina, and bis answer wua aait- Bd wili breathiess Interest. Tie Governor rose sbowly t bils feel and beckoned lu a servant via stood some distance away. His beckoing vas firm and dignified as be- came i position. Ho vas slow about su- swering, sud agaîn the Governor of South Carolina dexnanded, 'IWhat do you say V" III say, Governor, tint it's a long lime be- tveu drinks."' Tic reply restored good-iumor. Decanters and-glasses were brougit oÙt again, and, vile tic visitors; remained, if any one aI-* tempted te refer 10 the diplomatie objeet of tie viil ho vas eut short by the romark liat Il vas a long lime bel ween drinks. Wheu lbe vlslting Governor was ready to re. turu home ha vas escorted 1ti.he aIs lin@o by the. Qovernor ai North Cerolina, and.Uioy pmrted Uic best af iriende. The fugitive was neyer urendered. SocialAspratIons. Jinkna-That felov Winkles la lrying te gel inte lie Four Hundred, isn'tlieho? Bink-I don'l knav. Why do yon thinh no? Jinkom-He ibu given upbusiness and bu begun living on il 8 e.mcuey.-New York Weekly. Site Wanted the Nova. '«If bhere's any important news,"I sald the newepaper man'e wife, "lwake me up 'when yau came homue and tel me about il." And thc next morning as hoe vas walk- ing home ho ist ily rewed the newi of the nigil la put himself in shape. . "Wake Up," lho said, when hoe gaI Ihere. "There's a war with Italy an.» "About what?" aise asked, as 'she yavned and sMetced lher arma. "Why, ycu know, in tlbat New Or-' leansaffair"- "Oh, Ihal aid Ihing," she uulerrupted, "What else?" "Wel,a oe of lie Harriaou meet- ings to-nighl'. * Oyee, of course. Politioe-miways politio." "cLyima ae hid etisd 't "Ohann e Dew h bIeen luiobi4 lion aabbP. l' vet.Il yl a Ia bbugi f e bAl» ood -0tS (g Taeourcdu o.f~~yuwudbw mau"k camelu a vbtis.but tons2p0p=seIt mumtg b. a, klnd 0 eoda tf. 1n L o Outicura BemnedieS Tbà puy Bboci m Skai. urlm, tnsll&Y (tg flammsm ttc blad ne an lmpuilh mu à"paoomisic mont), &0d uvim MaCure. md md . aeiuic hé " and aP, Mmd iuiainlbtbaneIntu Iyrllv mdspuly cur v -ypaI5Ol0 -< burml<mi=17, oumtdpmuWiv urlou a md humc dlli eii uzd humais cU the i., Swam u bloa, vllb bos cf mlrom lufeDy o , trou pimple. 0eofula. sold eraryhem .Pries, Cmu07U .; U80>S amnu, 0 1.50. Ppsimedby the Perron air AuD CEENIOAL oasPoEuCi, Bouton. jffoud Wfor o 0OureSkih10Diomuas, 46 page 50 lilusration5. sud 100 lauimoimlss. PPLUS, bbaokhmbud. d, rougi. cbpped, md PM oly shin ured by CureouRA 50» RAching Sides and Back,. SlpLIidiy, maauterlue pains ami ;;emreUev ae» noremimaI thb le IUr M tS,.&Pml e le go IraI md ouly pmluklllSsg -m Cozalng Evouts. liMÂT, Sept. l8ih-EZcUflMBta Point, pur tagerOamsh d the auarneea cf Valentia and Jmal orange lodges. Tickets, 25 ouat; CéA dren 15 cet. Sv2<AT AN » O «Â, sept. 2t1M m i - Amnnveraay Mmd Harvert Hoe ui th. Auspises cf the mthodiat olinré, XMao illlbe held et Mmmliii.À cocncet vill be gim on the .*"abn9 cf mcnday, 21Lst Meurs. Hogg Irce., cf Oskwocd repasî grandyield cf tworoved bauley in Maripsa. Mr. Gilohriat cfOClifornie te home for a viait anong Ithe Wcodyille friands. Âfteî a viositte hie mother msusters, Mr. J. mille, &L' h as raturaed W hie hlgh uchoci datios in Renfrew. Mr. John Thornbuxy, Qlenarm, luiras ta. day, Frlday on a riait to his son John A.. Thbornbnry, Lacreese, Winu. The. btter fro.. Coboconk, deficlng the position of Dr. Broad, wiii apper et week, belng recelved toc late for this isue. d Capt. Brown of Brook] in, Ont., recntly viited his worthy non, Lieut. Brown, alorik in Mr. Dobson'. store, Lindaay. Thi. captais lnaa gaulai fllov. Mr. Chrlstopher Johuston of Wbitby, for mmmv lyins oonnected l wth the fihm of M. Royd & Co., Boboavgeon. dled et hie home lait week. HRevwu a vcrthy citizen and lhed warm frieindi vherever knowsL. The. many friendis cf Mias Eliza Huasey of Copleatone, Ont., viii regret to lusan of ber dcclii on Auguat l7th, et lher home. Decemsed wus thirty years of mgo sMd vas daughter ot Kra. Marget Hussy of Opa' We regret ta se. that our aid friend Mr. John Vau Neet cf Solins, Daîhmngton. lait two vainable bain. vith full content. lait week. Ther. vas littie or no Insurance, No ene vas et home except mm. Vau Naît and il la probable the. fine vwu theresuit cf tramps. Mien White of Londan, England, fter a veny p1eàsamit rIit among CaBda4'a cities, Montreal, Ottava. Quebee, and Toronto, and in Lndsay and Victoria county returns te London next week. Her friende in Victoria, Mr. and Mno. Snelllng of Inlay. and Woren Worelty of Linday aie aellghted wlth their visitor. Miss White bear a k tothe ld land golden opnions of Canada and Caamdien&. Rer. MIL Spencer cf Masillé ocuaregatlo-4aI church le lovlng for Woodbridgs mnd RAâh. mond HIII. Hoehaubeu for sou.. ime resident In Marlpcem mmd from reports asud observations ho leavea grestly regretted by al. Mr. Spencer missu m orgetie, able speaker and gocd citizen, and the people vill misa hum muoh. TxisWà»m vl.hes Mr. Spencer every sucocuelashis ne fileofa labor. Spiauzu-At Janetrile. on Tuuday, Sept. 8th, 189 1, thse vife cf M.,John Spioule of à danghtoi, BzG-1llLindsBy. on Sctulday, Sept. t, 1891, Sidney B.pg, aged 1 year. GLAI>sarru - In Llmamy, on Tuusdy, Sept. 81h, 1891. Sadie, lmfmt daughter of Daniel mid Jennie Gladotome, spd 7 monltso and 14 deys. punky f Igrelen. md aeurcyof ou- din maelilbrs' Arn~aloQuliie TEVICTORIA WAA1>E UéINR.&. OMT*8I. te te s I W *11 W N vn -rmm Thmttiml1 ~w 'w- ~su1moe 1usd. vibi -i-ume VPfe do doé . ... ...aOlto O09S 4do .e 000t10000 do OdeO do luai, do .*.....00o urm"mlxd. ron ............... l70î 276100 00 ou M«4lpur 100ib..... ....... 2 26 10250 Bwereypat 0 40$04000 le... do ....... ....... - 0*000 po@d4 lrgeé ............ *0 stoc086 Ot, do............ 0.28 Otu 0 08 =16tca per buthel uto11 00 0 Ït10 00 dom 50 0 12 ..a......... . ... 1 . c0toi0bc o nd s ...4 ... .. .. . . . . .... O 00 10 o0 11 avu. wWo.......*I511 ......."«..- 510010400 6 .. ......l...... . la003010i nt, r......100to1100 00O 40100 Toronil. tcmau!on. ,Sept. hd, 180 1rhal .bm. ....... 0logetol 00 w mt1 re&.................... 0*90 ,10 10 o... 1010000 ~............... 851086 Berly. . .... 053860 0 O ..... .....0361to0 08 Ry........... 038 go0es Pua.................070 10 0001 POD ....eehgprv..... 076 0 10 0 Obea hprper......... 060 to 760 Choku prpar........... 060 6 Duck perpaï ..... .... 000 te00 Tu rk....................-000 ».000 Burs"..................... 008te.00 Butter-rub........... ... 0oi0010 0 Buttertu ........014ic10 015 fP ttperbeg..L.......... .010 10 055 Poatspper...........060 1017U Tuipa es ........................ O 1 00 60 Cabbse,pylow erdmsu.............0360 10004 Cbee., pr dom.................01580 010d Bea, pr o ........ ..**-*4"*«*-: 0 l0s10 000 Parde.perdoien............08 0 t0,00 arrota.pr dom..... ...........015 10 000 Cary ,per dag ...............050 10 005 or. per do.r................ 01560 o0 1 ltadla, pr don ..............000 10 000 Raia,per os..... .......... 3060 10200 Ra r auf. ............ 100 1400 Wooawrlbed..........'... 060 tu10 00 Tool u nlb............000 e 0 0 C Tti-xoroti oJbs lt Up-riet wudm6hL;11a5fld51suii....$, 600*$00 Ntzd sd Blle ......... 8375 -4 ô-) Butcbonru'ootoplcked par lb 8 50 4650 chlapeev 25 400 Perb...................00 8 50 Ipigrprhead.......8 00 60 00 unebOvepuheid 2500 6500 .....xpo ................. 450 e00 ranz, par ]b ........0 02à w00 Butcher e'.prhad..... 75 4 25 Lambe-Per hes................. 350 2 25 Hog-Llght fat, peretav........... 500 550 stores per C«v........... 400 463 S1tag, per lb ............. 000 000 Osive-Per head, good 10 cholos.... 4 00 6 00 Conamon.............. 160 800 Touchburn & Preston, GRAIN AND PRODUCE M ERCHANTS RbmmakesueofmSUf Ibe j84,a J1 J. PEISTN. l9OB?. TOUOBUau NORLAND. Hlouse of AIl Nations for Blood. BAR6AINS!1 Inui wsu vli.eoe msV. Ilsffcrdet e muOb champin Uply beoumi 1407 - busmu*u rlumm abOber oi o hb ee :I pre md~~~jo quesnlu. bo e~ ra b., sud mvukaltmnu r"eOib *0 oc", = mdbave lodteoonng1 CARL'S. Axd issif rusdamS le batt OBLpUj ubr IIuss. *m o arc OU HRVTSboots or vb4*, nv'dbutibm bame aceuntcf atbui~ 0pUd et MY Ïrle.TA Ez~B l@. l1.,.Oh ~ SI& 1 l~ vllluaehds ~g auilran. c i~~~uYa IUIIpB 01oR1 Il Cul~~omlos 60cOE U OE, ndN TUIDUDVUUT1 N#bALU To Relit. Park Lobi 8 md 6, wu*eof Ibert l* for a tanna, mia, apfor a April 27, 1891.-4>-« ly 14iN-44 Nous.uaa I d joué 'nid vUm e d r . fLPm lo mUandfykwP. 0. % isylut 1, imOL-S-t GXb. MANIN1G#' AUstenUr ferW be 2"ldlmgofet m ocmaw tby Vitoria, Mmd »M lf« fer. Msd DiVish ourt "¶ d residMes, Ibuiai& Fu l'a=e Futfi *5@W.lL-14L GOd Ho3«» Md Lot fbr Sa&W. A - I Yropmaui Wh%@.brick bo»@ Us. vibSée 0dlmld mme,l" jo- mot t b oI» Usi Md O pebay, a mi skm&l. àst Tmw m " or to l r" lu operaionthe lm rrund Highest price paid 'ini Cash - for Wool, Tic souIbveatquartcr of Lot 9. cou. 6, Eniui,- aep eI14 aors, cntinlngSeacrMe rle ==pytostable. à lnig ifageo LCOu W E S H't t UGR CEa 011), Ceeon"PO., cr10 CO HT EE S CeennSet 11h E~,1.,I'ky LAN]ELS2 Etc. Frarm for ffleor - 6 w- t i FOR SALE. Laxtton.- Foreor onutan, LotNo. 9j lot LLAVE £ VO. ooutining100 acres. 15aoeus Mfalo;Îd" AL RaC) l'or fluIperiuar apply to the propriator lin lts promsesi, or luj lettur 1 o Ianb"y. July BIb, 1101-1700-IL W" __B-______________ Farm for sale. W 0 iibuy M61&ares of land vithin 2 mile 0f lie govu o Paerboro. veR fmnod, veil valtmd, sndvwel builten. à irut.clas.fam. Ne foulas0811i andinl a blgh a«"@eof culivation. One-haif 10 be naid dovu, the balane 10 b. meurs by moiggu for-a number of yuars 1 suit purchaser. Possesion' eu be givan lmmedial.ely vllh or vitheut creP. AP- pil 10 T.BRLL, p.tLf Box 701, Petuboro. ra.rm te Rent. Lot 29 Cou 9, ope. containlng one hundiui acre moer ar oe.',la 10 ramI 10 Bsisuita"letenant. About 80 acre.s lare lo, the balance bslng broben alr lami. Thse fam la sltuated on the Bobeaygeon Rad1 à". mniceafrom tLndsay; la vithin hesf.amlle 0aithe 4ahol hbouas; m and ve »livatcred.PoieeeelcnKi-en Mav entime 10 asuit lthe tenant. For f urther partiu- lare apply ta Mi-r. ay A. Ray on the promiaes, or i l b y l u t e r t e , L in d s a y P . 0 . M R L R Y JnJy M.h 1891. -1700tf. Iamm for Sle lu tho TownsBMP cit Opa. The foolvlug valuable fam proporty belng lte ioulb-em.tquarter of lot 27lIn the M h on cOf OP&. Thiasfaim ontUlni50 acre.. an1cianad in lua £004 "te Of eonitivatlon., Tb.re arc.au lte pramissaa oomfortable dvelllng houai, a frame bain, sMManmd ù»&daThe aimosla veil ,enced lit osdar rail feme Th e proprilaauatsd four mile from Lindsay on the IOdint tu1Bobcaygooln. Thoienla vood rbr.wogood viilae and plzm w., joo'bio whlIbon teou b orner of aillot, vlth churchus convenlent. l'or further partlcular a ply te JAB. MORRSON, KIng-.t., eut yard, Liu=m. Nrarm for Sa.le la EmUly. The subeorîber oies.a for ae the We.t Rau of Lot No. 1lID the 121 Con. of Emily, 100 ace.,W clered fit for auj klid0f fai= machjnery to wort on. There in on thls faim a cood bearlne orchard of on. e, 10< bouses,1og barn and stable and good vater. Si1tu-, &te villita Ive mile. of Lindsay, the county tovn, tbree fromn a churcis. and Ivo md one-haif mile. fromn a ahool. À bargaln vlll be civen to à pur- cbaiar s. lhe ovner. on ancount of having a larae amlly of boys, la intending 10 remoro 10 the North- veut. For pailculansUai tenma, etc., aply 10 the ovner on thc promise., or If by ltter. Llduiy P.O. WILLIA M OCONELL. Emlly. June lTtb, 181-87-ti For Sale. One Paragon T"WehngMachine,. mannfactursd by John Abel); one Clovo.r 191 bulit by mame;ane ton horse pavei. Osliava.AUi tii.abois amhlnry ila good riuning aider. Wfi1 be .old cheap for subher mouey or stock. Apply tLoI 8, Cou. 15. Maripoue 0. F. CLAIKE 11894f. Woodvtle P.O., Ont. Voters' List, 1891 VUiLLE iOftme omsh i i tsorv. Notiesla liursby giron that I have tras. mlttudor duliyured 1.thepumsnmention- ad lInsmction. lve and six of the Onttro Votera'LiaI Aot, 188, lb. copiesrequfrsd by .14 @acticn t ua no b.sotamimtted or dolrsrcd of lise lnat made pursuant t10.1 Act. aofail Parsona appux. -bu by tIb M 11rsviaed anesameut roll ci tbs nid mnlcalellto 0b. ntild te volela lhe .14 muni- ipflîr aI ulloma for mmbers of the Luislative Ausubty ian st lêpêl glectiona; a"d ltimaad Mtwu amPsted up aI4mv office., st Bunt River Qu bM18mb day et Auguat, 1891.and romansthuisfoa arel, .mdup qon 10 eminbe nid .1db auj amiedcmior any otha r uroneisi tIbusaei àtke mmdilepacedlnas Ioharo the SAM 8U1>DABY. Clark of somirville. DWAtdeislftb day et Auguat,189L 1891. 189 là p.aiag of 4clzools ~'ow 8e~ioqI ~ooka. School E&~i- SIàg ~ ~. #~ METM~REU>~S W' iT Tl[ OlMEIFE STATION, m pr.pared 10 keop &ilhndi c àlouldiNM ,SaabDouis ]Dressed Flooring, Etc. aul of vblch I vil ueta Peterboro or Lindsay Prices. EENRY TOOLE. Omîmes. 3ulyBb.19-01 Disoases of. the Spino, Rip Joint Huco and .&nkle Joints, Club Foot, Etc. SOur Mr. AUTHORS vil b. sithe BENSON HOUSE LINDSAY, ONk t Thurday, Sept. St uhaehe eu b.oontulted bv ladie.ar entlemen on or au thfe aboro diseusesAnyonc oln im m I iibe 10uted courteon.ly, 50non . nsdhults beCRLd Mr. Authoru s. not a traveling quack. but la hi !Cbestenaby the mediemi profteo. u aini ba la an 1 o r k in harmoy vith thc profuamufor thbuba Interusi f01 e o t Our s $ U e a e ias ssa et lb.t ie , p K & "mm Cid 1 a Il for se . ai bjR u Pet' a i wiladies, en%»m% tlemnow 0r chidion. We oe=grI= b hlhm rruo 1 I Patient . OlAdies m m e. are only e = a Umoubby purmlase. . i Uimutaelure. ,.ud a&couatructad vlba apseii nv 1O 0 sferu mdaicbuait. TueY sm ev lu desiu md banmame inufinish, tha% buing lb.o nly cle iio o dioui Irade mcasfor. DD oas l t a "n 0 va %. i s=fo ta al, dtem. Aulbors vI ibu oaad 10 uxplain Tour caeaI tuly ou AUTHORS & COX, 121 churcit c., Toroto Mamufaturen of AuIlSelLlmpbs, etc. No other. Eanlsoa 53 It 18doms aot epat e m cmrtaits T. BEALL, LUNDSAy, TO Farmeru. 1MaDonell& Oowdry me »nv prepared *0bur st the Falot Wmrehouse acrose the Bridg. Wheat Barley, Peâs, Oats, Red and Âlsike Olover, CASH - a9l.stothe houe. PUREST, STRONCEST, DEST Redjfor use lu an y uantlty. For maklng SON%. 80=en aWater. Disintig nah<ldcie uses.Aomcqumlg pounl 1el9oda Boldt by Ail Qîeer and Ihaggli,. COLLEGE B7USINESS SHOIRTHÂAND. Send for Circulars. A»»nUsa J. B. McKAY, Through Ticket. isecd at lowost rates to ail points ini British Columbia, Washington,'Oregon, Montana. Manitoba, Dakota and the North-West. Paamigers cmi choos9e their route eîthfi Yi Chlcar3 jor by the Lake Suporbor steamers. or the a&U rail 'out* vis North Bay and Wlnnpeg. Through tickets issued to ail the principal pointa in Canada, United States and Europe by lirt-clas lunes. for every informationl aPply te F. C. TÂTLoR. Ticket Acent. Expreai Office Lindsay SÀHILOWIS CONSU M PTION CURE 0 The success of this Great Cough Cure is without a paralel in the history of medicine. Ail druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos- itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sc- cessflly stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enornous expense, are plac'g a Sample Bottle Free into very home mte United States and Canada. If you have a Cough. Sore Throat, or lronchitis, use it, for kt wi cure you. If vour child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it proMptly, and relief is sure. If you rcad that- insidious disease Consumption. use t. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CUIE, Price io cts., 50 cts. and $g.ao. If your Lungs are sore or.Back launcà use Shilohs Porous laster, Price 25 Ct-. 176628 Knowlson Bros, Real Estate,!Insurance and Financial Agents. $5750 wili buy two btorey solid brick five tenement tera2e reaizin)g ý64J rent per annur, situated iu cettre Of towu. A good investment. $4000 wiii purchase one of the fin- est resdences in North Ward, with two acres of land. $1700 will buy li storey brick dwellng and additions, conveniently si&~ usted ini North War. $1200 will buy either of two brick .dvelllnge, 8 and 9 rooma, in Southi Ward. $850 wili buy brick Cottaiee i,1 Boutit Ward, five minutes walk front POfti W. have fer ale and to rent solid brick, brick vemered snd frame.dwellings and vacalI lots In ail parts of the town, at prices and 011 tmrma to uit the vents of any juteiniig pur* choer. Cal] and ee our liste. INSURANCE. We reprebeit everal of the strongest EDlg lah md Ameromm Insurance Csuaies An pirno ire, Lii, and Accident riska atIlOW0 rat"s. W m peator the BBAVEB LINS 01 1 uailiu »Wg belvacil Montî-edand Liverpool. QWLSON BRO$. M Kçg 8re, ffy.rgh of E .ms .t. Ni AI The 96-26 KINGSTON, ONT. L-.MAN wi RýAxhl kt U45 ý 1 1

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