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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Sep 1891, p. 3

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berellc'Bedo Âyher'sSraf ll.Ite mad rial f iis ediine jo r early fr himnts pea t sale t tths roeindet e ure.Iaveans a "ont yes e I vaw lakemg wi lnfninmatorheumstlmbenu o plindto my hrongse imnu. b m nsing Ayer'saparaailla an1began iMproe a tlonce, g aein lustrgih rd soonry orverlg nyuselMoil Icaomlt sactre.mIhv inceprai t ii wel-n on the dicie." - s. & . g Dodrk, 1NasuthN. ., e rrtQ "One. . yr a& Ce.,wu oellMass. ies 5tmmix oryrUlten, otb p a cou- taBId, t n pePiteBEand8 1891 Lund ye'sg sprLlaand e. aI anheloretdcovimy us uel1 re Iereant sl the c Inud hisoryof tua llaons fi, nhic aed aotherIL% A veOryJ,0Andfoer isCr.,ube o u& marin.sBi botl$ otve$5qarter o b loheçir loiabncei gere int depsed tofat bat unci- at nysauhe bssemak«el t chn-i doe& iln he ee.nd, cotinoe le d lainnstegby *. o ad alier s ut i t orynge t Lteeoeeor of thecolur eus xaaazned ortelof thé met mom aient rtune ttde cfpatltiseu gve lb. spnd o ar n cted plcenthee moes cf isîcruy.teeqarero nth cfbethereltesberin ohurct ud tai il wkeletons ae ben est h ine h onl ethrand hesu d ry ou rda ih wich ave eenointhekenarge cf bv hthe gitoriuet Sety ici rei htntermnuii. Theaneai es rthoso tnef mn c de 89naythed lO3 nd fagilercah. butn gen1erlaieing b. biuerals brvery sd tindat. sluins amt ciia mJont.rc hed, aite f Dtiuan- gavithe sod aseerepelate Lindthe Laze ofHistoia oicy a ii.uld e n elsfound twlîh, the10bones h norf fi the ' e lna csietfrn f he or ars fa 11îc se1nh.ve eguain pera ein lb onTh olotle andetoi onl psrid edai, wha. h been ntheeart clharge omuai ah hisia. Bâcoie IanorQlier.an i theuio cde roin eare Ihe of mco ted 8itensud 1h. n e ight, ethe buttdons silrtigthe fiery Jnl dayen iîidsa1e Pnw Hte clocietyii.as9the, t wi re"' ment Ibise un i bcithedboudesbth Mosffere ti mei eare prtion b.troap ofcgag>d thald, were: twngo effiers, 27 tien.o th en kîliand; le ra 1 77alo ai Laîch, aa ee the eeltIonspateund insh Biho ia cf aeicfth ei. The 89oth is undertalycl.oroere bie berci ees Cryslî' im, whiemch pst ane erodecthen yfa psborex. formable inasieona nof Lwr andthe bulsdi- ried ad Yrk nbbc 21.thet July, wiîh glaeni Guin Drummond, as om y id son the fieialy eay and ludscooers Ywte lord ez fe, 89tIm 1., a oywi regimeul nit hion Icbeis accnd eDo permîîbe---u---g1h.-reieS -1 ar1L ICold Il was at sncb an "leventug servicC" beld, net in th.ehurei, uhough In lis Vary yard, sud te wich tbey vers summoued net by tb. vamper bell, bui by ibe boom- inR cf cannon sud them mareus rMile Cf muoktry, liat the lads -oflihe 1%>Wd received their "bsptlsm" of gro. From the, elevation oet he ouatrt Ibm statety abatof Brock's monument in plainiy dissernible,' towerlngbve96 Woods liait ringe ;4hd ote~lsma whiie lose qI bapd. on . *sel0i*i US essai BIope are tlm I.srp4eutlostiê no ln Issuoaed, vmemoriele Of ma f#Id Hosare eo01telaetoyf Lieut, Col. the m .Cod'cli lbop 10b Foot Guard., audImpde Officar ln Uppet Osuadi Eldeet sud only suii 01 Sir C.oil Bishop, Ba"ldehlp After hsvng ueuvsd 11f lhe Brith army la 136jd Portugal, b. dlsd on aii11 Osve4 l oi o ib Dkthe toma alt bicher osewg, IMAM -1% o 4 A- Whohlta ath 'r.'-. Il 1~aImn. Beloyel Wtt. or Jau eSoe, dMOL proplsiy lemsloe brs ie mariai: HrffLiUses b.Boda of B iry, w'bo 1.11 usai iis spot ln the Tis youg offiemi vas thecwuofetGan. Holle woGmon tp l6si.August, 1812, Tbis couutry ebaura ad le ladoidholy Thou. fielsoar@emaeid ibai sward shil b. Caadian'me ., The spot whsp yaélorts t6w hurlai baok lb. dar .bedei's book. The talea" l liv. vile iow the lies, vile rppllng vater ru»s. 0f Jame'. brighlt, nle oCanada fhe the lffe.blood of her seno. S1- WaiLAm E. HOLMEs. Toronto, '11h Bcptmmbor. Soto aeai. Womau ja vodortufly ludelSnchbbmuty grace. douic.>ansd purity asies aipoae lanaS as absth *kveoinaasrreZulresz tucue dermgsausulapeoutlerOaIy te ber. self. To correct liss ansd restoeata Lealti ber vondual orgauiam requies a rutrOitvs sopddcia dapbste#tothat purpeme. Snch Mn ene la Dr. PWM>s' Favorltm Proai>tio-z-§ Mm.ang curative sud regulatinq properlice ta a romaakable degrés..Mae for tbil puipose sloue-reoommcendd for ne otheri CotInu. aly grevàin flu tap nsd ,aumbablg m île staunehronde tiiosudg oethl»emost Intelli- gent aud ielnod ladim ofetIm ad. A posi- tive gumulmo eacompaul.. s"cbobaIle-aI jour druggist'e. Sold on trial. The Del'e Reply to Rtobert Burne. [The suiioîmbip et lha followi0g peem la unknoov. Aibhough a alevin produc- tien il le nett le b.ound lu suy published volume nov axtant. A copy vas breught te Canada about evenîtYyjeais ago, ince whlcb lime It bas appoaîed once in an Ontario iaper. As it as ver>' much in Burnes evu style, snd vas s#mil- lng bis llfelfnbtilt Wosaf bIs liaI he msy bavs bsen ihe author.] 0 waea me, Robl bas ye gena Rite? «w bal ie't Ihat gaes e tsk dligit To jeer at me, sud ban, aud lyte, inu Sttli n hymmi And fausel! gis Me s'thbm vyte 0' ilka crime? 0' suld nicknames je ibu s fonth, 0' sharp ecaîo ihymes a îoutht And as y trs enblegis thema cot, 'T voie ju asvel Foi you lo e 1llhe nest truth, And sbams lbe deni. I diuns meau tb note lie viole 0' veur unfounded rigmsrole; 1'd ralici baud MY longue sud hlboe Yourlsbmaclaves, Tian Iry te pied ibreugh iei a mcorl 0' mensoe"mubaverai 0, Wgirlooke snd e' vitches a' 0' kelpies, spunkies, greai or $mats Theis ls nol enY truti av& In abat yen a87; Foi siocci frlgits I neyer av, ;up tothis dai Thé tinhle 1, Rob, liai wickmd men, Wben eugbi la crimes vbilciare thir To Aini a belp a&e no tfain, To shara the shame; LAd 0o thgy shoul vi' migit snd main, "The dell'm te blâme'1 Thue I arn blbmed fori Adam's fa'- Yen ai ithai Imaist ruined aW; nllh bai y se ting, tba's ne lvi, I faaht.ns. vi'lie pair avs, But Ilooi hem be. I'd ne malt ban' lInbal trc8Musreuoa Yen dele ure "Of s' oppressio, LAd, vue sud isalb ansd me's daqinahli, Than Feu. Tou",e'; I filisi a des$"i stuail And, ]Rb in Oje'l uet YPt4 Ys* ible, mnatou 0'bla.'Jomx Kih-Wa'fable, c>.bmol#U., WAu b a mwail -To brm -',,-Touw. Il bhupp tbéi th berseklabea' 0' eull m cme *asiblant1lu's And ".., vbàa e Mun theu bbu', 1 teon je, Bob. 1 lai uschars, in Wa'hebtlisis, ore.chberm, I oukt on01 do deelare Nor &%idba el , lm. or mslr About the malterf Job bai. a minutie! ' bisemdu- A gpoinut, rare ibo' somelbing vain O' rbjmssud lotir; sud Ibh»aspin, O' drink sd cuocorn.Ipn - Thé nsa.do-veehl He'd singeo' lairds sud ladcu fuir, ' love, sud hep., sud mi kdscpsi, Lui vond'rous tales vud viles propane, . undstring licgelbmr For a' hoa éuaimiwva haïr To mai'à a tiher bo, vlth Intention ftu!>bout, Mr doiugs $0 mimrpruenl, Thot book o' Job h. dlid lavent- Anuimhbs ibymes Gel publiais inlaArabisapisl, To soilt the times Yen poste. Rob, are a' the mare, *Olika blirs, &go or aime, Or Four intentions, -Malot o' jour chiractera ' lame Are pure inventions. .Shakespeare mai abalels sud aituhes .pleit>, jock Milton, d euvils, mare than iventy; Tom Puck vil oon bo creuse sud cml>' Wil'Rob tha Banter; Ad Fou jours.!' are maii than vauntie 0' Tam O'Sbmnteri Yeuî doge are baith debaters rare, Wl' sanse galeasorne te $para; Yen, m'on lie verra brige o' Ayr, Yen gar lhem qusiiel Tak' Collt bon tl edcciyour bahr Wi' scottisi laurel. Yes, Robin lad, for a' veut spite, Ani Imante, end jeese, sud vianglu' vyte, I fin', before jeu end Four figl4i,. And rru jour plro, Youïero s esukertitheb bile, Alinte giru.. For viienyoeu liuk h'. doomed le dwml The long forevar mii in ball. Yen comarnesd bld àsuni teroeel, And-Gude bo here 1 E'en for the vera idl himmel' Le& ia' s leur? Aui, Rob, I'm just sm vae for tie, As. ever thon can' b.hoiorme; For 'lesm je lot the drink a-bd, lil tai iny ahi, Yo'll ail gse wvisuq, snd ahorîly die A diankari's dsshh! Sure sas ou mourned the dalsj's fate, Tiat fate la thine, ne distant date, Stern iuiu'o plougiais edrives elaf e, FOU on tby bloomu; And, crumhbon"iusathdesfnov' vcght, Sbsllbeothy doom!1 -W.à. T. U. TorFoied and Home and Native Ldand.'1 Alcohol. ITS HISTORY AND PHLYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTI. . Froui s piper icai b7 J. 0. Wilsoù bef oie lis Doyeîcourt Gcgod Tomplar Lodgo.) Frein tic ssrhesl eges dovu le lie prosmut lime, :man, mot ssllfled wthi th. naturel cdrink f uruiui by the ail-pis sud boeficeai Crsator, have endesvormi te supplentul bom t wllh v au cwffea compond-tomseort lise.geod sud olbéesbai. Ameug ibm urtiolalbevermAs abici hava bien mSd commoul>' mcd nes lie hava asm vine. béer,.vwhio»y. cIe, ai ne othiishave bheu produsile ei mach a vant aMouni oh suia - ueig It ie avwell kev. fMd li hl aterul drink srunspleedag i iepaleli; vbui Moe spiasan rud blS11g *ma Ini.aeIly ifagremable te houe a»epur- tùkeof ib.o tor il*0Ioiq etpgo, tlai" i 11le u mas p*uqa 1, ij.&Z -klth, s a -h4 m *4w~koert **5 sciera- I Euh sliq*. I ~ L~ - le&' mql C m s*,- ow Mao" Ob mr6iagwo4 mat ien î wlm the &druad in f.btsUo0 Amoku satmI bM beim ssid by Imffl am i md u " irc4dPeePbeMay et wliOMmmmuovbe#* , bot ans M obSut elmod*gb I. speak lii iriub-lu ier Pt R"4modsousa e> iof 00M bouhla belh sid »a amediomne, f f I he.a rpose et *0 vîlter (mpmaklmgt a&0a medw 0"mu) te show '10 ii. foêvlupapersth&$ oohel sai'SU lime. sud uneaw lucondi- lions, eee ouy ljery viien batroduead loto tii. humba is*m sNd 9 eu r, by- sn pMOuhflmous.s"ris a good Purpccm 1h16 eould a be botter aitalumd bi odbm dl m6aagwu imoane, sMd lu lbe.support fe m b otsuiollebeill quota th. opinions of lb. most emtasai ma i asprofum~ioam voare mil sgre.d ibui alohol le very dangerous, sud 0f but doubtu Oilly. Ot LU. P«Ul. T _IU ofébddraen moftea edangeredby choléra monus, diarihees dysoniry,,and boval compinits. à romoouabie ud cels procetion in te kesp Dr Fowior'. Extract of Wld stmravborry ajet ha"d-1800.2. AU ago.s Md conditions of people may una National Pille without li miy and vill groat bensfl.-98-4. III teck six bottin of Burdeck Blood Bit- toe for ier complauat. Lamdaohm snd duil C udtlLngbut niw I anm utrsly veli &feslhhv. Lvlng alto a good appetits vblcb 1 àld not Lave proviouay. "-Mum T. Devis, Rugies, .s.W.T.-1800.2. It eau do ne Larin to try Fmemu'e Worm Pcwdors If your ohild leasiling, favoriala or fretUL-98 4. Clinton Cllppings. Ihad for vean been troubled vith dyspepsie and sick headache and found biut littis relief until I gel Burdock Biood Bittera vhich made a perfect cure. Il fa the bul medicine 1 ever ueed in my lif. "- Hattie Davis. Mary st.. Chuntes, Ont.-1800 I. Auction Sal.e or r iablPSety luths Township of Eldon,1 lu the Countp cf VIctoria. SATURDAY, Srd October, 1891, At1 léoock p.m.. t eo. Leng'eHate4la luthe vil- lage et Lorseville, la the iewnahip ef Midon. Byv 'iue ot the paver of m"e ontsled ilua certaint mertgffe, vblch vlD be iouced et Chu elsthe Pt= iund« mertgp = emJohn NHetelfo -e sa eoatt, lne MtSll »dAlto. Mêecalte. blng the veut bà3t ef lot number s u C h.fret oon- cession eft he Tovnship et Midos, lu the ouuly aforeuatd.- Thore la nid te lu 60 scres cleerel and lu s poil umute of cuivation, vltb a trame baume and log barn upon the premlase TERMS-Tventy-ftve per cent, oft h. purchUe mone7 to e po pon tuhe daY eofmalefor h. bissee tomma vlU bu made kuevu at ithe Fc or u er partculars&py te Il. I. CLAK0 -_Q".Ont: - ~ ~ E.. 1, mets e. 0'am~âu Oamp No. 4e, meuh lb 1~iureisy cf o.k maoib, lu 1, evar ElaokvmWe store.. P. Hem. ~ hé! es second Mes- bd a"m he %F bum. lant SYv Wodw emort. bW.mH. 5.uaAauu~ Ns. U e m the wieeond aMd @vo.» lad«* mm* ela oo Nc. E. VN. LWeu ffi am4or. m ai b Us., Iatursay, Rtic.; sun"ay, L.8p.m. t'W roWmo opus dsly 9Sam. tb 10 p.M.. Young MeM alvaje velcmeisl. K. Osieun, Goa. meo. W.O 0 I Ir. mm 0fet 9ma e vr msbl Le y. MN-0. A="Zemaai .80 p..n Tms EROmeUsMue0e LouOMutive irume. metlu Skb5e aa'V ARl evurp eterntesmmatrantai1.30 s'aek im à.u. A eiur, uerebav. T!hm m"Soor Lwçoorvm Euamusmoeut tu @Sn.' Nilusner et Keat sud (Cambridgfe etreelsLlauy r s teuats SaU»rday oves.. ma S"'ixoé. i. Eer, mbatEge,. lu. «ogg, Tiret AuwsaabE noer . D»Momu..,or Rm.mao» nTaurul, imeuh in àmdWaCOa Mai, corce, Font sud Cambidge e"re k» ne. shefosd aMd oun h Sudoa e t 2 weook >».u. ucJm. aster; W. Assor, Uetw. lBU:5M Laad.lFor l.. OieAlludlgn.d have a 1ev oboles N'ARME »d orne valuable TOWN PROPERTIE for 0Ma@.on 0. . HIKIms, - Uruter LTudéay Lake Ontario Steaniboal Co'y M'EW PALAiAL STEAM NORTH KING', WlloveCobourgvweek da," &p. arnB;Portop 9.d5 sam:aaunarrivaiet G. T. R.trinstm Bat We.Csu North. Arrives ai Charette et 2.30 p... Returng louves Charlotte veek duesetI1L06 p.m. exept Tseisy t 9.4.0 p.m.; Baturday ai 4.15 p... Clle et Be=lhOu ou Wd et - 52.00 &.m.; Col. berne ou weduniy su etliy 3 .45 a. Cenneeto ai Rochester vlth New York Centrai and ail dlverng lnes for a11 pointe la tho Unltod States. Through Tickets sud Baggage Checks. TENOBTEE KING la oeeoftthb. larguaI, ,wiftest sud meut powertul Steamners os the Lakes,lilghted by eloCtrclty and modem throughout. C. H. NICHOLSON Goneral F. & P. Agent, portC 10pe. C. F. GILDEB8LEBEB, Gen. lMen. Kingelen. Onl.-40o-tS FIBE & LIFEÈ INSURANCE, ]Real Estate Agents GemrLada n OnlwisItd. MONEY TO LOAN At ioweSi rates of lut. dom4 #»~~ for u to omtp.siu: FIRE, Âgricleturl of Watertown. Citiss, of Canada,' Commercial Union, of EA Queen, of England, City Mutual, of Lc ACCIDENT Oltimens, of Oanada. n2land, lDndon. LOAN CaaaPuskament LosMsud .. lffl Lie., Toronto. MAOINERY" Wa~oouaNiainoWorka (Jo., H.Bsfrd k Soue' Brick Malnery OMM "M !Ld va,> Bu-- ~rnoitgAetms; "Lou of. Voice, reu h..t àud Lange. Ê'.. aIGINBOTH&M, Druggist, Lindsay. ÂDVETIBEiiithe WÂRDER. The -largeit Circulation of auy Paper in the Midlland District. DBUGIS &SEEDBSMAN, Conrof Kent and William Streets, Lindsay. FULL STRENGTH BAKINO POWDER, PURE SPIOES, LIVER TONIO, ELIXIR ÂNISEED, DIRRBHRÂ SPECIFIO, WORK POWDER, WHITE OINTMENT, FURNITURE OREAM, TOOTRACHE DROPS, ÂNTI BILIOIJS PILLS. INFANTS' CARMINATIVE, FARMERS9 THRESHER8 -AND- LAIRDINE - MAINE~ - OTL. TBY IT QNOE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHEB. Every Barrel guaranteed. We are sole Manûfacturers 'of -the genuine Lardine. Also Oylinder, Engine, Wool and Harness Oils. McOOLL BROSa & 00,, Toronto 1782-tl. DRESS & MANTLE MAKER New Outting System. Havii g 8ecured the services of a firt. claue Cutter, 1 arn prepared te warrant aIl (Jtting and Pitting. la alwaya ready to, ass it in matching Trimminga, AUl cutomers from B diatanco waited upon on eaturdayu. Lateat Fashiono always on hand. Ail ordera promptly attended to. MILLINERy-I have on hand a large and valuable *Stock cf Millinery, and ar nouw prepared ta make Bats and Bonnet.sud aIl Milinery in the Lateal Faishions. Cheap for Cash. , ROOMS-Over Wamner & Perry'a Dry Gooda Store, Doheny Block, neit dooi to A. Bizinbotham'a Drng Sture. 1740.11 f 1749-17 Advertiso in The Wardor,. 'Mhb Great One price Organ and Pitano Dealor. ýOKGANS & ]PIANOS fhin" E4 ud ot e 11 huets evei <>Uere& ozuale inithe Towu of, Lindsay$ ~BUP. n i h I.- isj -L iReguistes the stommah, Liver endl3owels, unlocks theS*cretlonà,lýurlflesthe 13lood end rernoves *il Im- purities from a Plmple to theworst Scrofulou* Bore. CURES, DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNEU GSSTIPATUM'., HCADACHE 1 eALY AWUtoý,, »ORCr,4A.A.; fws.ý -Wco sy- -Z, 15 M. et ï D i SSPEU -ý

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