rocery . BROI YoU ALWAYS fid just whst yoi're looklng for in sny Its not to be expected. Take ours, for, ineitane-it's the most complete in the. Midland counties, yet there's a chance-about a hundred-that von catch us lacking something. The. of thinge muet ho duly conidered. You might get one on us by demand- i* to ses a $10,000 parure of diamonda, but it wouldn't b. fair. OZ course w. deal ini diamonde and other precious gema, but w. don't keep parures. Take us in the linos of watches and jewlry though-we can show u assortment that will cause yulir optice to bulge with admira- tion. We make a specialty of WÂTCHES, but don't negleet our other departmonts. In OPTIÇÂL GOODS w. have a very complet. lino, and a special course of study takon with one of the. !eading oculists of the province enables us to apply these aide in- telligently to ail cases of defective vision. Those in search of ODDITIES will find them ini our Japanese and Chinese goode. It's impossible to describo theso pretty. and quaint creationa of an ingenicus people. Cali and see. Brîtton Bros. Llndiay, August i2th, 1891. lb 4"ictuti Wri IBIDAY, SEPTEMBEB 18. 1891. à Un"io f iorto sud a union o!fbade A union norueeam Savon; À union of homos and anion of Laude And the in.agBarian UNIoN, torsi." WIL.b MR. BA RROZIN PLIAiS lEXPLd4I TH18 "SOANiD4L"t Inaamuch ai Mr. Burton poses ah Ottev ai a kind o! puit, 1h may nothea miesa examine a fev o! his publie* acta. -la it true that Mr. Barron, meinhar o! Parliament tor Nonrh Victoria, sold bis influence fornthue mo! hvohundred dollars in cash, promiuing te acoomplish a cèrtala ob jeet? And ih in rie that ai soon as ho felt the. cash 'ingling la uis poekets ho suddenly found eut he could net do myhing in the prem1ashs And ia 1h furtiier true that, fanding ho cooid net or vould net fulfil bis promises h. retained thue money and did not rsfund 11s soon aithuey amn aatiafactorily an- sworsd, othen questions avait hlm. On Thunsday and Friday, October 8tii and M9thei. eachers o! Wect Victoria vii mot in convention ah %Oakood. Everyhui ndicates thatthis iiib. thuehast meeting yet héld. Preident Maodoukmil, Vios-preadent In"Sptr Reaszin, Secretmry Gilorist and the.hasch- en anmd frienda cf education generally, mn Uniting homake thie qatherlng instructive eat.rhaing mmd attractive. The good people o!i. Oakvocd purpome maklg for themuselves an even ber thanusaI record an ontsrhlmem on tIi. occaion; md thi.e mbe cfthue Onu- ing'. Silvrvood Mmd chip fmills i aim tin, in"sla"mm u30 "b u an viiose~umumoon"huepiqimue isi osé rpart viii la g l of af ih tere f ai va»uecfid u mot gotec o Wu wm aI. mwd Wblu Tii. mmmwho nueshoneY@d wrd' 6" flattenlng phrases,.vWho Proves hmési 8a though courtosan=vay booome véry popular; but the iterftiiamd of "time i expose hi.chiemsneiei Md cause saesd- gêeratioflitebuOhle existence on the cenLtray the mm who kind.Iu yeh fealessy exposes wrong.dclng, and. seoks ho supply proper remedY MYv mont .hemporary odlum and censure from cetain sources; but la thevarm heurt Of th*. people ie namevii ln a"nauhonored abiding place. Theo "Burea; cof industries Rp-ort" isauod tus year, contalnin< the figures for luit year makeu .a v.ry serions charg againat this hown; and those la 1h engmged in the. grai trade. There are givea tho prises cfthie leading produchu cf tiie tarin pald on bohh Lindsay and Peterboro markets, as vohi as la the. Province ah large. ihey show mucih o the diumdvan. tmge cf tuis hoi.For exumpleo (a) Thei.vAozRÂE a'icuefor the montho July, Augtut, Soptember, Octobor, Nov- ember and Deoembor la euch are Fail Wheat 9&.7 Spring" 87.3- Barley 44"9 Oahs .36.7 BRye 45.8 Pum"e60.6 Potatoes 29., Hay $6 62_ Peter- boro. 94.5 91.7 46. 39.1 46.4 60.2 40.5 87-33' The. Province 94.2 91.3 50. 41.1 52.7 60.3 44.3 87-95 la tvo articlesfanluheat end ple Lindsay la up ho hue Provincial average. In fali viiatthue price. ield Up through- out thieviole term; but la pomme during November and Decemb.r viien grain in 'ciiiefly brought te. market Lindsay priceu veto 55c.wvile Peterboto for those mamn tvo monthesvers 60c.. and -62c. Ia spring viieat Lindsay wus 4e. belov eut neigibor; la barley more thua lc. b.- 1ev Peterboro, and 6e. belov thi.Pro- vine; la oats about 3o. b.lov Peherboro and 5.c. bovthue Province; lan yo nearly le b.low Peherboro and 7e. bbov thue Province; and la potatoeslie. belov Peterboro and 15c. b.lov the Province pet busiiel Later la the. soason Messrs. Brandon and Macdougall cf Feneloa Fals ralsed thue prizes cf potatces very high. Tii. Bureau cf Industries report f urthhr mioi-à o! spring wieat, barloy, csta, rye and potatoos, a total cf two million eight iiuadred and oigih hhousand, six hundred and 9fty-five busiiels raised ia Victoria for 1890, a great f alliag off as coompared vith 1889. Allowing fal vheat and PU"m vichamn up te thue average,to b. omitod, and on the. other producta averaging thue Lindsay prioe. hob. 3e, b.lov Peterboro ail &round, and 7c. belovthue Province, that vould show that thie farmers of Vic- toris r.ceived 884,259.65 loes than the. Mmme quamtity cf farin produce vould have brougit la Pqterboro, and $196,. 60.85 lematia if the, Provincial average- baad he received. Surely the. Peterboro. and oher provincial dealers mn not yearly out o! pooket uci sumo. Surely, the Lindsay dealers are net la poeket thue smoi, ever and above thie profit under provincial prices 1 lot uns hope forthue honor o! the. tev and county that hiers la a mishake nome- wheFe. Butthuers mne hhe figures in cold black ink lathie thuusands of reports issued by thie Province cf Ontario tiirougi- out the country. The. farming, nieciante and business comnaunihy o!thuis district want an ex- planation. Tii. figuresarmn tiere la ofi-. ciai orin. They muet b. explained. 1h la net a mattor huat slmply affecta thie farinera. Every fermert deptivod cf $100 yearly by rsceivlng toc 1ev pnicea je lajured dlreohly, but evy citizen la the. onnaty mmd its tovnu mmd villages in suc lajured ladireehly. If huer. la mmy propet or even plausible explanahion cf i. serions charge con- talnedlin hi. report o!, hie Bureau of Industriess ued - hiProvince o! On- tarie,thie people mn entitied ho it. if mot thon the. people have a igt tode- inand thut for thie future, hue ers or 1Miuihakes of thé. put, nottho useé a harcher tenu, sdm"lb. r«efld Wb have thie assrance O!fome huat h"Uismmc"huefanlt o!if*met fflepn 1ruftled, end ère thue md *t hmgipri. aaor higlurpâlas.1 h m~hs et Puehoroa, rebg Md.vl epl in léesy *à F% ~m pbell. *uai5W but tIoBY 10:litIbO &IAblo ovids," in1f« wuOrdxpnsst fo'd udnatiem o1 tM enn "-todisbrvé.» ".DwBUd - *is-thèt m - x * deysa domi dO à- wlm XTw110. "Soohlmd Frem' mud i.U a Napokonlotelumpi. <mgaESh riuglng uMretie r ci OMft a" mudcM7 e md iihsmddcisted from the P MInSul, the to5 m =W of the. best mumb0o! EuroPe. The. foflovlng item of the. Ooumcll of Wmr la leu6, more than two hundued y... muo vi be rend vit iutuurmt-- êIMmera ham dayefihtbff onl gt on board the ÂdmiréPl's hlp, vierein the Duke o! Âlb.marls, formierly Genmrl Monk, d.llvmrd this opinion. That if v» had dreaded the umber of the. enrnny y.steday vu should have fled; but thougi vo ame inferlto otheMmin shipu, l au n anmlthings éeae .uperlor. Frorce gives them, courae. let us, if vo noed ih, borrov remoutionfroivhat vo have formerlly preformed. Loet the. foui that tiiougii ont foot beo divided (re- ferng hothe absence ofthe Witeh Sqtiadron), our spirit ia entir.At the. vorst, it viii b. more honorable te d&. hors on our own elemenS than ha mode spooctêc o the Dutoh. To b. overcome la the. fortune o! var; but ho fly inthe fashion of ovardu. go lot s t"ahe, orld tiitt Englishmen vould rather b. acquainted vithdeatii than f sar."9 But "Tii. Boys of the. Young Brigades" of modem timos have been apt. upila of the. old sohool spirit Englishmen in the. regular linos of the. guards ah Inkerman proved once again that they "1would rather be acquainted with death hum feau." "Dinna y@ boa it," in "Joes' Dreami" depioting tii. more tha humn iieroism of the. Highland Brigade ah Luck. now in but coeincident of!ascores vero Scotch valor and bravery stocd out pre- eminent. Tii, grim mounds cf Tel-el-kebir bear testimony of the. fearlesa Irish heurt to-day. Wiiile the. rocky shores of Lake Superior and the. dreary plains cf the. far Northi West are monuments of that in. domitable spirit wiicii found utteranco at a laher date in Sir John Macdonald'is me- morable vords, "A British subjeot I vas boru; a Britie'h subject I wl die." Siould war unfortunately break out in Euo. involving Britain thn it may be accepzd asbeyond questionthat- Briih pluck the wvend ovot will again aaaert lt- .self as it iias ever don. ia history. R5LIGION AND POLITIOS. Our conception cf the. Scriphures, under the. system cf indepondent resoarch vhich w. veto trained to adopt, han. bd us te rocognize them as contaiaing substance, examples' and sufficient data ho kindly. and unerringly, direct weary sinners ho- wards the rigiht. Thee hf. and example of Christ nevor ucem wanting in bassons teaciiing tho way to live, and, consequent- ly, the way ho di. Churches cover the. land, and good. patient mombors cf tiie hmm family boar ho attend hwico and sometimes tire. timing on Sundays, bouides nov and again during "bweek" nigiita. Bibles, good bocks, .Sunday sciiooi shories, tracts, Christimn Endeçàvor societios, Women's Christian Temperance socloties, vomon's forelgn mmd' 1-home miumionary societies, prayer meetings "Young Mena Christian Associations" and* . a dozea and one otiier insttution for do- ing good and for revolutionizfng umeamty covor the. land. Th~e terrons cf futur. punlshment and cf all th ii s attendlng the unfortunates consigaed te tho Various doparhments cf the nother rejgions mre regularly set befono young and old. St'oniescof ponitent deahh-beds, cf doba.ed ouedsmmd ermaismi istotie , i Qe.o-irlt lia«vi huol u hbelr cpm congregaDoodue v~~Yoti.oyiauan ¶imn-hn"sa aunortteMlort4hnrduo ie o o Mt biorlvfie knovmohlg Wo! ii Uma ut r ocd ocaèremlko areebrd vtsti nuist o b remd mpiri m Otfora ChristmOpe, thr0humain farcqlm hie tmu Sadit mbIl. o theut trsm&Ant.m crit Aln Wi!eas o visa e"h u atice.l Bri o gadnvasiennuhuer vas ne thouit tiagt h.dy vIl; flnd a Brithi foot at"ntho Darels rthsoi Yotui l hi. a so.m etii. vtued as smrted n u« moon l go rn h, aeolin Rualaruti- hue o Trayc Prsrgada i an lnhencoofafeto .BakSamd tuhon iitr armniar174 bmptin o! h osphehr os t ad t h" Daanos nown cfâ tii s cf Rus a maihodel seiz monlant norma mdcarryot huong cie »nid e udspczrs, &Hf@veOua énoe oznohe dangeBoysiofmtendBihéO Bore Briuai ndus honwduBida ltereh at geneay l Ruaia'sdeaBitish fLoreSisry a i teD r orhie i orhy iean f "iton," tha ietsos, rigi thfe y ubjest crfedgreatBritli eTii, oot is ih na eOmuromilo Cornhin ols= mmd, seiuldRussia ath- tempt avoisuret c! ht he stoiiyong o bheoreahueofeaPvulzd . aheomin-e "Bridefa ieroon thd Biai cSaiond thould b. onfhue aen aviaction.o h Tii. cruentyheeard ads ar.i ofterman,sro-Rung u, Ily seid Corstayntpendho mllo the longc fair vi h cipotan ftcheianeiiior; vioizig the daingerivaoueRuBsiati-h alesoa aAme;mm rancoixbnt on vein@,n pod aibury bligU poBelgim md ol- thanom ofd Egyptvion hied bugrossive. Tat XRus. eda a sond nubbinge rghoveeotauubeton.dhe;bt Br1ha Thrlet lttia t rchinsie hurtso Coartvrseloeyand~, mhould si.Ti simpleatmheeaat y ould copih h -Btsh aroocts aymmd eiècanon" dlapo eon mtvhe s tainc.o rn.a ch entr mgo.n twrd wr Wh rmanc. meddki la y, a v janv lat veeti, mdt acuibysitin onAland. Luoaieoain vu kinb. grmtlforng mm t .or diohuenttrangecloca vm huml te a 1820veLouissapleonmmd- ville te.da uepoopley in uroefaitnd vhin as; ud Fhoan e, huiton mmdn pormil g n ling e vlhhtaa nsiRla STh o Ruda funedsamy olddriaahu mgleis a e n ipied but tin ai gret ptythé ler idons wohes an aers b)tyranjO shuota ufer. aThei simples sud cespesfw y wol- t DURTiDEATET W.e bve aIwym," mdouianartic« le at leadingpuces, sud w. need notsE -ta ou stock wus never botter asorted than at present, comprising ail our popular hi favorabiy kuova throughout the. whoie county ay more flQW ths. ýands, so v*elI and STAPLE LlNE8 0F GROOERIE8, & PROVISIONS§ OUROHINA, COO.KBYAND GLASS WABB DEPÂRTMENT Thi dvrmnti epes tha varid and extensive assortment of Fancyi F =uyC In sd iassIwee ýail nov and beautiful desigus, and at such low fered iu Lindsay before. and Staple Goos.ý Our prices as wcre neyer f. A. 'oAMPBELL Lindsay, Marci 4th, i8gz JOHN DoBSON) wholesale and Retail Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Bottled Beers, and-General Groceries. No. 67 Kent St... and 2 and 4 Wiliam St. Bonded Warehouse No. 4 William St. REOEUVED THIS WEEK. 1 Car, 50 Barrels, Gooderham & Worts' celebrated Old Rye and lt Whiskies, 2 years old and 7 years old; age and quality guaranteed; in bond. i Car Case Goods, Irish and Scotch Whiskies, HEollanid and Old Tom Gins, Cognac Brandie, (Jiarets, Champagnes, Bottled Aies and Porter. 1Car, 60 Barrels, Canadian Refined Coal Oil. Also a ahipment direct, per S. S. Conoordia, from Dundee, Seotland, of BAIYUR'S "BAlETe5fl" This whiskey "1Barley-bree" was awarded firet prize, the gold moedal, f'or excellence of quality at the Jamaica Exhibition. -It is the. most wholesome spirit can b. consumed, and is fast suiperseding Brandy, when- ever usod. G. D. Macdougall, Esq., Y. I. C., the. public analyet for the. city of Dundee, says of it:-<'I cou- eider thii whiskoy to heofo exceptionally fine q4ality, in fact TifE FINEST THIÂT fAS COME UNDER MY NOTICE. OAMPIN91SU PPLIES.-Ham, Bacon, Potted Meats, Canned Chioken, Beef Tongue, Chipp Beef, Lobster, Salmon, Sardines, Bloater Paste, Ânchovy Paste, Sauces, Pickles, etc. JOHN DOBSON, Lid.y ug. 26, 1891. E. E.W. Mcaffiey Pbespectfully invites the attention of the, Ladies ini~Wiy and its neighborhood, to the large stock of Mantleswo re ow ffÈ% gfor 5ntpection, especially MANTLES 0F GZIRIiAN MANUFACTURE * Wbich form a lare portion of the. stock wo are offering for the. present Fali and Winter Season. We are .howing Tbree.quarter Jackets, loosi, as wonl as reefers, aiso tight flttingu garments with hip se=n. The. materials are varions, but mostly of Beaer, Chevron and Plusii. These are to be had ini Black, Navy Blue, and Fawn color, andtii. garmeusuar braided and embroideted. The Newest Dosign is the Three-Qu.arter Cape, Whiah la a massive looking tutrewt tsfsinble high shoulders and high collars, designed to givO tbe M Irmuof broa4 nid numrw. Mpe tb the vearer. Tt in usualy adorned with braid or ein- .bwa4oe, ni lume assis1w hique. 'W. lm a more xmposive kind of Warm Wrap, particulrlY ~ ~1 IBULad M~ b4RUId'wtn jet; thme trimmod witii Astrachan dowfl lie fta a wY prttY, thélb.ot.h Ïersaeoa b. varied at wil. lm mteWsfor Id"' 010010 or csp.. aevuilu.W. ha,"& aut exuave stock of Mandie Cloth, maflY ém *ef"0s Wb 0hare reà -,in m, moy 4b*VWO% es, vers, Astrachans and SesJettes. #IOds n. Mregalarii .oisorm UbeUaMd50 W #M bIoo&ing as the Seàskinii tself, and will tow wi 1W Mu h - - ý , »M« d ms a . a twill Serge for- Ladies' 3ackets Wl] ai~*W*14V i dia-M ve off« as excellent value ner.i ÂFFEYs