Soru e ho.lng a sp.a14j. jobbing prompaytlym&d. to. t, r -. t f 14ND~*Y, @xe., mmum WAGOS&MOEIHS, BUG- GaE,8 Md OUTTERS be b dm a tas - tOa pro"B 18919VOL XXXIVe.hoie NO. 180M Olover Seed and. Grain. We are prepared t~o pay higthest Market Prioee for - q '4' Als±ko aind Red OClover, .Wheat,, Bar ley 0Oats and -Peasj HOG P.ceZ. aoI Sept. lGth, 1891-1598. IWarm ]or Sale la Eldos. Lot leln he b.91h Con. ldon. 112 memore pi lesg, &bout 70 octet clored. Prame boums aud barn; good orohrd; cloue ta o oo and chutch Ap< 17te JOHN TINNET Valeulla . or to0. G. RHopin, r1teLdm october 10, 190-l lif Dosrable Wrm for Sale. la the grone of Marlpném, lot 4.coM. 14, MmI81 aquaré hundrod, &Hil oered and oultiImtmd u fi* merez of h*rdwood tbuph Gkrod bamattopetcraMé hou», Roud we Li. <nuemile dret outb irom Wood vile.Irrmesy.Fo)r urtber priculmftapply 1 W. 13. BUIIKE, on th. promises, Woody'lhe P. , or te ma. JORN MALLETT, Sept. 94th, 1601--l4 Unduay. Ta&ri for Sale or to Rent, Zum allf Lot 20 ln 91h Con. Muver, 100 MoMu; about 70 ore leared, bmlnoe hardueood sud eodar; weIl wmere,.good orchard aLd Wood nuldni.; bre cilos t rom Beubany. Pousession lnme#dltly. Ap. Fili t D. R. DIMK UzeumoP. . Omemo, lth Sept., 1891.-2.4 To Rent. Park Loti 8 mand 4,: .5--fAbert treet udmy .c tllkn,. miem. Wdl bu réiited chesp for a tern r m ora lncewamy, to aaueltbe tenant, lor e0" lu. lat terme, etc J.$;,PlUGLAU, àprl 2. 1891-80tfChiot <outablo, Port Hopa. Parm for Sale or to Rent in Laxtou. F'or mie or ho ront, Lot No. 9, lot con. Luxton oontolnl&'g 100 are..là%ore. fait plowlng dois! .or t" ip..rtio.ltre pp1 b te pre PMPWt m es b prem"»e, r by leiter bcW.t.aLI Apri le, 1 99.-7-1f, i Worm for Sale. 19200 %ili!buy 102 acre, ut laud vithin 2 mlléescf the __ ui'tPtOtbor, wat t ouoed, veilIwmbered, ud w.011llullt on. A iroi-cImes tarin. Ne foui mOud and ln a hïgh stateut o.ltivatton. Onebaift 10b. îcald dom , the balance tu be stcure by aortgaige lot nuu' or of ysarn tu suit purobsuier. Possession un b.giveuin nmdlotolI wtb r wlbboul cop. AP- plytoT.Z. BELL 31-t tBnz 761. Peterboro. rorm to Rent. Lot 29, Con , Or)#, contoiflg on. hundred aces more or lèt, lý tlu rnt toao sultmblé, tenant About 80 ocreé art% clprred, th@- bamuos belug broken poéture land. Tho tatou le .ltumtod un1the Boboa%»geoEMd, ele ic lu t rom in witbln blf..milletcfth1e échool boue-, and la e 1eti vo d. Pomalion given at onvt mtlm utl 1th. benoît. Fortfurtber prtion. .e uopplv to )drlq. Mary A. Ry on the preinlii, .ur Il >'I. ît bLldm>'P. MAT A. RAY. Jul>' 8t, 1801. -1790.U.. rm for Sale*llate TOWU$Uip k' ot Ope. - The tollowlni vluabie tarin proprt hen# lthe ouemt quotter et lot 27 ln the SIlo cn. ci OPa& J'hie orm cunan. 5ocre&, &Hil oemrd and lua àgoid 51mb.etof îutvation. Theor rcon tbe premims a omfonitrlh dwelllng boum, o trame barn, Mtble sud ebtedaThteforn lm wel esàced ultb cedar rail feues.. The propeut>' lu etualud four mlles frout Llndaaj on ho lendligroëd te Bobooyg'u. a MM toug oThard, hwo good Wells sud Pulmpe il good brick uholbouee on lb. coner ot al ., wth oburches - ouvenleut. For f urtber partiluiar touJs. MORRISON,, mma word,Li Farm to RouI lu Bezley. South-wot fty &ores et Lot 10 Cou. d, Esxloj, upwardu et forhy mmci@o"ae. God so;lllag tramo boue; good barn asud itables; vel wted; MInol orh ru; loto tahbia tlle icl* ol; latm rode tao iloresnd post offiùo; 1.0 mles 10 rallwmy. Plowluîg tmay bo donis atonyt his; poesseion cf boume 1lu Matc. Fer prtulmrsmpply t0 WILUAM î IIZBL. lMxey. er %0 MRS J. T APLES, Lndsay. luley P. 0., Oc1. lot, 181.-2-6 Good ERouse an4LLot for Saie. à geed 7 toumed white brick houas, lwv ib éna111 se Adlalde sroëtl Jut nortb of tbe Colloulalo lu. filitI.. 0neacteet ofund, w.1111 m-l hindi 0 fruittreon4 and abrubhery. Oood weUmsdestble. A tt-clo,,t place for a rettred tatas?. Paretnt appi, t Tais WaRotmoffoo, or te MIL WX. WEDT 08 tbm OPULAR 0 r iEWAVy W TOTHE. OOt 7-21 ire Nov. 4s18 Nus Tas ARvUwM rogrtsz Rapid rlu L.w toIety of ftu Utiuiaae FM A»My 01 THOS . O to gog Servant Girl Wmtled pbytoMIlS. W. . WO'ODS, hti.St-1104 Separator for Baie. W* bave a flnsl-clmu Separator, nmtauturs by L. D. Baisi, for smle. Elber for asa or berme paver. lor partiubmoi ;1 Puo à i AU1>EION sept. 80, 1899.-m-If Porooe dnV~ Straye&E Prom Lot No. 18 lu SIrdoc. cf Ope, onuorabout Ilath Septcrnber, a SCW PIG, bîla 001r, itsf&06 vIth enms wbite spots on body; two rfxn: la ces@. Ayp ruostumng mas or ivngleu informa- tioni =i111lsad teber reoverv vu 1bu iul" l e- wmudmd JAMESLinduai Ï. . Oeptember Oti,u151,....94 WILLIÂXm xoKUc. WOODVILZ& .ONT. BOI 1lot Breeder of purebred Berkshires of the fineat straîns. Toung lgalva' orsae; .1111pedigree. 1mars &'W ap kpttonucilo Pefor yjanistockh bw. Stra.yed,. lu Ray lautfrothebmpruulet P1 . 0GFermron SindLot, lua1C. OhbCenet MmnVers. six Ouï T aIR LP OATTLE. Ilonse mIsransd tbre helfars, tbue aran ud tsrord, one etIbterd botterasbam o White fc.Anr punen =lnlrmotion of Ibir wboresbouhe 11 rcoveo & Iabe eward Psua nslamiig tIbm mter Ibis notice .111 be proftoet.d Piolet and Wlrm Fcuom Macins for ml, topsîber Mi .lohaoquautty of Wtt. sud Plelet ansd émne manu. fatured ]Foc. Appli t10. LRPIO u Darltr, etc , Liday W] Sentmnber 94Wh, 1WL1-01.t IMPORTANT SAuct t10o TA8yABE I arum v.1 A gurIMevt. 1 ~~~M orad O l ,a AmIbe,.mj D.ltIU Wan on know it is possible for nse.. L do this ; the promise ie in BMd » od faith. It means for you ft il,"o the best at 10w prioeu. Pan o tf4t Mmd mm,10 mt ______PUy SMuuIsur ONN OoL t. 1, 191-03-4Fnln o 'plifh Tallinn'i e8rd 1 iUlI about Ses brghl'si Wb h& Truth1 '4A11IR ýeans honeE niformally bat you wl MIo or= a lbo 8WJl U a HIEmre cmuglu k io oowth aln laforsbà pinon lu suelbinormSto -iwiiî lasd en ru==e, ii nable eulmbly nsarded. sud ny pono delanug ber #sMck S . OhARLhlAOE mbm. Set.14, 1M.-4 MOmryPO ilean, Fresh, Goodsi bat you want; we ive them. relling about PRICES ýt,c1lose, fair square low figures; that's rant; we give them. m SaeleDresS' -OF VALàUABL- &iot* Sliuse. GOOds. Hfousehol& Furniture This department is a very striking feature of ont stock. anadIHouse FunLsbings. Jhese gonds it will be found I wilii afer for taie by Pubul.Âo-c, n Di ot only appeal to the eye and premussoAuton h the good taste of the buyer, Pool nt., West of Tlye-gmm, but also to their good judg- -ON- -. ment. Don't fail to examine Wednesday, Oct. l4th, ont display of Dress Goode. a Brick Hsansead lis olieving valuable - lioseol Fmi OO:- M antleB and 1. Loatiter oovered Dlmng Boom Suite, 1 Longe Waiuut Sidoboard vili Chevalier M8antle O1oths id WantBccs u nh tcr- Our stock shows that we have i Walnnt Exteuien Tableke tpc lywt h he1. 4mes 1 W oCair, 1 Plush Chair~, IMeed, our stock is truly te- l Pair Drape Outaiua and Pale, à Pair Loo ac.Crtainuand Poeis presentative of the very best i anlg an,1 Germen brouze Lanip the market aflords. i Wainut Bide Taile, i Ottoman, g9011 Paintings, 10 otier plotitres,_______ i Tapistry Carpet. 40,yrds, Catlry, etatuay, 5ilvsrvate, Glamvare and China. HLL Woollen G-oodst i alutHALcL, i0POll la1nnels, Etc. ï i adiant Hemo CeaiStové E 9alrhi %1 Ha8leLnp ti Carpet and Boa§$ Do not hesitate to seek ini BEDROOM No. L our stock whâtever grade or ifaîblo Top, Walnul Bedroot suite, i maltroa Amd Sp«clZg. Willov Table: Weght Of these gooda faney Toilo suit, b1nit4ii7 'tofma nln o to ai rr.-.é- madinctine fryou o rabit BRDEOOM Ne. 9 1 iwerooU Site, SlUOa, matrieBdn, MatIras',1iTolllSet , MMDR003 go S. iBediteai 1ifflai i alIrm, uiU 1 LavaX olsr dictatYIur WLTear. In this department il vil please you to look tlurongh the peillines we have bought fo1,1r 1th. season's rade In Our MMliery deparbmont th. séection tor b611smd vin. teis ,wlà hm"Ilu Nolima Mone vmtmdon Ie 11'a Novomber. The suborier egeleae 1 tb~ la umetona ouseo- mfon hf patngedugth. put yr,1 m d .afor thebe 10 annue ltIliwf mou hutabyto imaboie dte AUà ac eu ule tled lut j Uer 1111pMoe lu legolbande for oleetion If nolt loby CemboYs date..w _ w "tbral, Oct. 8h1 SOL-. 05.4 Ira= nto Ront. la the Townsblp cf Otouae,9 ie from Peter. bcoh, ou j«idng rod. Somth bo-Itff :Lot 98, con. 16d,108m0"mi vr 70 more. uder oultlvotlca, bal. O mu$ i u atome.TvO mtce oum. 8 rooma. obllmr undir wbole houa. ea:$!: twogoo b ern 106tbl for caIlle su ros ounu.tzz eàfim l leuo Pouldougiven tg pihla tel!bu flpmeeo April 1.1,101. For faillier ;rpearoueply too 1808-tf.Llnuao. Uonday, '~ée~I 9 A Play that kas made Millions Langh!1 ASI&W iiGrn o d sd Oomy modes 0ONE OFTH E FI NEST The stage cf Theatre cvored wtb A River of Real Water 20 BoTs lN BWIMRIbG SCENES o20 ELIBORATE SPROIAL SOkiNE TRE ORIGINAL NEW TOIâ OAS?. Pre#ty Music and Nw Son4ge. Admînlon 8o ,RBasrndu'ed Set .A 1w cholco IeRvend %&te, ?Se, ameute ete lnuadioe st Porter'. Doobstre. COomlng Elveutu. TEVEuDAT,, Oct. lbth-Mn. NichaIs. Wel- don w.ll oeil 100 hemd of fesdomg cttis at lotI 17, omueselen 7. Emipoma PEInÂT Oct. Otb-Bey. lMt. i.agfcrd ef Irota. aaminiltof tli o meodisl chutai, o couvert frontron otholio. tom, vill delover e lecturs ta lie Quen streel rn.liodlel bchc, on lie ubjeot "'Why 1 became o protuelst." AÀs&û- ver collection wyul bW hum up. 9 SmI4T ià» lMONDÂT, Gel. Ishi sd l9th-1 Anîvmtemsevlee and teundertle 1 anepicea o et .proiabyterlan chanci, Ounee. Tickets tor tes, 25 cents. MaNDAT. OcI. l9th-Hervail Home Dinner inthie drilal d anetiyllie,inudu lihe opce f thie meliodisî chutait. lu li ynlgBy T. M. Caellhoilvi! delivur hie pepular leclur eon 'God Save lie gQteeu." Tickce for dlmzor and lecture 25 oulae. TnbbPA, Oct. St-Bieiop Chui. H. Fovi.r, DD., L.LD., etfS&a Praneiscoviii l1cture in the Ammrbly Hall ef tb. Ce lt iatiuha, «on 'Seî rai>. houa cfthe Twmutbi oenlary." Toot. Tamà A, Novomber 5h- Tiankegvine Dey. The SoDa of the T2ea-Tester. IronM ta ~madias rur, O...1891, lmIn on tuo I'm Iowdly bosiang Oas soutisup ty sad bout « eoee; àA l, l omnée o«Mgr Mai mmnil% To mu liy ih beeynlysd frugranue Mou n la esaslderiegea emi tu tbis maîba t ah pimnt tunersau sU osed viii l. yWlat namseMs hmana. aopuv u Bzounuu.Wo are <la estalaiaI fben oI bâ asla siai lie On. iS 5Oda< i Um W. IJ, ?@Wta om déami, nt liaI gfl le e bIs- a u ew. i i t to i sk m un O1 àieu ra peeh. KI . 0"4."5&-hm at6mns ovrvu aps.toededw m héeput or the eluàmolrt d tbbipmibv e hm b au D m Msd loca pall" ie.mam m t th*b.pommaI lm bu berna toRy dmmaaodama th@ arivai et Ne. mt. Oloalm' in th* m.lropu>m ctp. No omm ebd îhbe am nom lia a maiesfM mapalgamm"tf m ould Ibe ld la eIdtq Pub ofeth@isdIstrict tisaà ponla r aivet op forthlis momdfale cnommssmao f tii gret immb"ie.Il vas tieugilla th* Intoretof the Ubera comrnalsrlç,hbal a lmiT aor eting ct iud =ad ao h.d tvoflng latahlb. ft. LAwowre bh&14but it wu moca dimcverMd f oq% Q lis ~ou 10 Rheitunatooismefct urdby the. useof &7ewOt omawsfi rUi6a Be sure j'ou get Ayeea sud no otite,snd take il WlItthe polomonu add la tborouhly expoffle from lte ystota. W. challenge attention ltueths toetlmoy:1 for nearl two years from rheumati ~beCag able 10 vlk oly ith grot surt ad havlng tried varions remedies, lnciludlng zmiunrawaters, without relief, 1 saw by an advertise- ment tu a Chicago er that a mmhad beaui relleved 0of t dlalresng com- plaint, mter long auftqring, by taking Âyerla Sarsaparilla. 1 thon dscided lu make a trial of thia medicine, and took It regularly for eight months, and amn pleaaed toestate that It has efected a complete cure. I have sance lhad no ro. tumn of tie disease.'l-Mrs. B. Irving Dodge, 11o West 1251h et., New York. 'One Yeua mo In'as tatou 11fi vh Infiamatory r eumatism, belng oun- mcnd te my hous six months. I came out of the alcituess very muoh debili- tated, wltb no appotite, and my .ystem disordered ln every way. I commenced nalng Ayer'a Barsaparllloand begau to Improve ut once, galning in etreng&i anud soon recoverlng my usuel health. 1 connot say 100 much in pralse of tbis well-known Mn. UL. . Stark, Nanhua, N. H. Ayer;s Sarsaparilla, inEPàARD Br Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co., Loweil, Mass iil dit 1kbottle.. $& Wortho05 a bottle iioome saed lime gatig oM tieassie, Abiout à tbousand cf tb.e*leture vere proent and Bon. lMt. Vh« wmu vu cllai upon te apst vithoul delay. Ei-ihtmenthe tgo%" began lie Seéray of atm% ,"I a telIonenaIhomaniehall cf thé hep. ae future cf lthe greal Pertyloe riihwe blong. Iltold ybu liat lhe gpend old standard beatr of cenervalove policy had deeiared that hi. d d ot viihotecicae i4 res« vilton ee@moressolinq lb. poliy sici vas te glvs a gruat empiret'th Briihorovu, triumph hrongiiout tii Do- mnion. Th.e seson viticihbujuet bien brougit te a close vihuoiied the diati of liaI ilueticu leader, Sir John Macdonald; but If eo dled lteaeujoymnieote . ueent sud woatllude cf the satire country him spirit simn amougmlu, and vere ltaI gréit patriol ou soiune to-ngl th. vouid e»y liaI, un. speclive cf race sud oued, Ithcoenon vient 1ihve loft behlud me aé t «ing on my lifem wonk, Il(Cheera.) Hon. Mt. Ohapisu vent ou te remnd hle ièrera liaI tlmld people hmd ead tial lits levetumoot vos lu danger, jet tbey nov sv ia lât.theAdministration had coins onI eft1h. trouble.suad vlcloonuly te. TRUIE CONSTITUTIONAL BISIET oe roie over titi Dominien cf Canada. It bai béie aeed why lie seakemer badl coma hon. to.nlght l lte soldiota vho reluru frent the battllofild." Mt. Ciapau nid liaI ho Llrod onne Moolo, c te .faces et aid and ldied supporters and tae hie falitful tleondm bythe hand. The. deati et Sir John hMcdonald vms lie mail mounul ieveul Oamada hmd ever bai ta undergo, but lita the Venehianietof.14 loyal Cmnadians araped bonds ind crled, #@The king le dend: long liv th. king VI <Chenr. r.pested againmuid miaou.> The SEWroutary cf Stale thon pasmed rapldly on, rovlwngthi. evente cf the past session sud cou pèred th. honest sud ehnaigitforvotd policy of lia Consevatlvmen atOttaa inldtag ta î'viry possible tanner fuil Investigation vîti tie Mercier party at Quebec. Hon. Mn. Jiapleu »Id Thonu KcGreevy imd beea hlm friand; io had bien o tslhhful frlnd efthe Jomaetvallyo parti for 30 years, yol the. ne metoutIhe proof vms maie ail the vu furgothen for lie genéral good, sud hlehory viildîciare Lhit Il a.the oey cf tieCouservatlve Goverunent et Ottawa te candemu lthe gulity. s o vwu their policy ho acquitthe innocent. Tvc menthe aud a haifftfhePuteelmssion bai bien @peut ta cemmittie, sud *the Dapartmeuhe cithienterler, Poittaster Général, Seorelary of State and Public Works voe attackai. As for 1he lutiero, lhe hou gentleman hld tht no dishonesty had heon dieovred thoaa sud ai for lte Pastutr Geneal, Mr.Chp lion sl.lgmatozed the allacke upon the Hou. Mt. Hoggat s e t oit OOWAEBLY, DIBUONIT AN'D UNI;OXINDEE charges aven lev.lled aI the iead ea iMiâletor ofth heCrovu. adeeleHn u .At Iblu part of hi. drnteHu r Ciaploan referred to 1h. epinion irpro.ied hy certain clorgymen os te departmoulal malters at lie em cf Goveannent, sud craed titi griotiat amoaxtl oftinhoroil bhis outapoi.m tanner ta slludlng te the divtae@ ta questian. "it belevo." hho iîated, "liaI hoe. uveraud gentlemen neyer road a lino efthe evideuce, but have baued titoit altacks and conolusions upon articei ta perty mavipupeta. For long Yoms émothet, iMotn fulminstod oguinet thi uuduî infiuence et a portion a*ofi.theng0ry efth i.province, and Tot hhey mmseen ahave felleu n m lie very sinmoerror themmellvee." The Hou. Sacritary cf Stahe beleved thet, more thon suy olter tan. hc héa gt te mposk onm hie malter, sho had Roeete Rent ta 1881, sud front liahead cf lie Cothellc vorld hs bëd oblslued a docise lts aImde it ne longer possible for tihe public adminlestra- lion cf Quebec te b. allihe mercoy oethe inm- blut priest in tie land. 111af&Mm," muid lie speaker, -thal no clergylmne n malter viol hi& rud rnay bo, bas tie zigil le diseumi mollira cf thieind ta hie puipit, for lo eu- nol disoc@ume ient ithoul reýang the public documente, sud if h. givieshimuli ever te tending tie latter ho muet meceeearlêly ect hi@ congregation."» (Cheers, sud crime cf ,"Heu, heur.") Betutulng &ain le scanda dleouMed thle HOUaON hlb. iter referred ta the mail delicate torts te lie REIEm= Uxm cir giR croR I.ANGEVIN tromthe cabinet. Hie hon. ccllsgte bavinq dopurled, Mr. Chapau snid liaI opposition, ta Ihoir désirs e ein th ue rvallve psrlytin lie province of Québec, thon sourht vlhh ail theurmugit 1e blacian hie (the speaker'.) sharmter and force hlm ouI o1 polihicl lite. Tii., hovever, hmd taaid aithonghi Ilwuosnet thpe ina temph. A foru.ei meter for Argenteul hmd triai te 112 asaal on hie character, but elgnally talai sud thon spinla ocurbelcue broier némod Prenlica hmd mode a charge lu théIi. Lellturl of Québeo, sud vii iol hatraiuilPrentilo b.d le lsave lie contry. sud vent te Londai te die ofa broe outi. The ird vas1hf taruuenoquel. tade by Tudge Reultier ai M. 1&Mle alustl«ollnn. sud olhhougi 1,70( pages cf éildence wuvas lith& isfada ver.0e ao orusiag a nature for lies scumaltheli Eler neâer even maked lIeintle report. Greatet fall ni rain la 1 day 0. 12 ... Tqaday Rata 1.11 on 1 dey. Total tain tli.. -..0.12. TROU.BEAu. The vesther dnrinq the laut month waa, in omre respctg, unuuusl, but not àe many pu- @on@iu niptsoedented. The. hlghest lamper- jatars, the 25tb. vau 90«'.6 vhich vwu 8.22 higiior thon the average Of the. Put 12 yerm; but on the. th Septembor, 1881. it wu 98.4 or Il doegr. higiier than the averago. Tb@. moan tomperature for the. put monuh vau 62.19 midlvwu 4.25 dogreme higiier thon the menin of the, put 12 you& e.Ti mema of Septomber 1881, wou 8.82 higiier thon the. 'Ph@ mneino for Septomber reached 44 per cent. The average for 10 yoars, . 65 per cent. (No record kept in 1881) The. relative humidlty of the ahr for the. put month vwu 1.7 per cenàt. grener thon average for Il yean. In 1881 it vas 7.2 pet cent. lover. The. rainfali for put menth vu 1.87 incs leue, and in 1881 il vau .69 taches more thon ayerage for paut Ivelve vomie. The Cod Trhat HepstoOure The OoIde MM dImgfOIe 191Me -.-- la YEOI q Prcea lu. am a« M a Gro ur,, for. Oelo er Di. 1 mvw in dey# of earlr ouîii T11. goWon berry liaI, forsoti, Wus bleed ta eierV edims ud land. BcLt no, a,I thie ecene IOle inged; Wli i OUrMdmd wvse- mrranged, The sof., boom of modemn day. Otd Boston, proudly raise. tby head, Thon Atheme of te.doy ! hMe'er the obug« thet ame made, Thy bea-W.sHpure YlwE. TOWn OounclL MoNDÂT, October 5th. Promet, the Myor ia the choir, reeve. Fiher, deputy-roeveKylie, C>uncillors Cran. del, Armstrong, Wîateui, Connolly, Bryan, OmbùI sud Keuney. The foilowlng commuuni- cation voesraid;: F rcm Nr. J. B. Walerous per Mr. Dobson, e cocslructing vater varia. Rferred ta ipecial catumittes an vater vorks. Front David Dunoon, &&kinig that o fine removs.dwvile reptiuing tic Wellington street never be put np egsin.R.forred ta sîreet and bridge iti power te act. Front A. O'Lomry, polite magisrate. ln re* fereco. toa imeitable rooîn ta huld the police ourt in, in conequeno. ot the coucil r. fuoing tich use of the coundil cbomber vhen *eq rd on pecilml o ocu ion. L aid n ith e Tram Haubert Barry, in retartnc8 ho an electric lighl poolthobàt waesen pléced àà ta block the drain from hieR property. Referred to street and bridge comuaittea. Frorn lie sonltory Inapector, in refèence ta drains tit requires ta ha cleaned ont Fyied. Front John Blackveli and D. C. Tu.., a@k. ing remuneration os fonce vievers. in tis motter belveen A. D Mallon ond Tho.' O'Neil. Mu. Winters tank exception ho the. bill consldering lthat tha concil abionld not bu ailed on topay. Tn..tovnamnlocitoaexDloxned thaI tle council ceuld Psy the frnoe ;'iewera ltefes climod by i hem and charge the. amount se pald aitainatthe proruerty, tbe sorne os arîosrm cf taxes. Referred ho finance c',m- rnittae. Mu. Connaiiy read a communication front Chaules Re... conutable. asiking fouro holi- day. It vu pointed out that the Mayor hâd the antiozity tle grant the leave cf asence oked for. Communucatiun fyIed. The. Major colle the attention cfthe count. cil ho expenditrurea, tequeoting the duff reout committesa ta pend nomoneV duriug the us- mainder of the yar except what is rally nec- ceulary. à1t. Fisher read the report of the mîreet and bridge commitlce, reporting adveueiy ho tic petition cf T. J. Overend and others, for a craaaing on Kent street. R-port adopted. M. Wiuhem rend lie report cf the finance comunittes recomruendinghe pamvraent of ererml accounts, vick an, motion was adepted. Mr. Winters aloc red the report of the committe. ou appointmnts ho rffio, recoun- umndiag ia tictheconil ppoint o tritant affieer. and tbaI application for the fffice h. aeked, for lb. balance of the ear, up ta tic l6th lest, ah a alary of $20 pet vear. Oa motion the report was ade'pted. Moved by Mr. 0-endieil, anud seonded by Mr. Armstrong, tiott he Plitce Magistrat@ b. allowod the use of the. tuneil clliamber for holding hie court vienu rquiued. After anme discussion the motion vas vitidrawn in favor cf oameudment, movel! by Mu. Winters, secondai by Mr. Conuoiiy, tut the. communi- cation be refered o he tovn property cent- mitle, wic vas corriednonim'ýu&ly. Mùved by Mr. Kylie, eecorided by Mr. Kenny, tiat the clerir require the town phy- sicien ho moud lu a mortily report cf thc vork of hie departiment. Council adj urned. the. paut, ver st the disposition cf his party aud hie chlettaln. PROVINCIAL MÂTTERS. ocmlug te provincial mettais, taheuo.1 gentleman speke lu a tannai thst raimed the . outhualsentoethis hmrerm ho lhe higiieat plhch.4 I wil t net refer,". he saîd, 1 te tiie diffcultlea belveen the Lieulenant.Governor and hie Minimiers, os thoy have issu aettled by thei1 fmct et Mn. Mercier haviug eccephed the. royal1 commision. Ths, hovever, vill net preventi ne front dlecnming the.sects of Ijoot Adminis-i talien, and if ltotre have humn diahoneuti transactiens jeu have e rigit te mew ail. The nevepapers vhici reportai that 1 had1 expremd mysolf as opposa te thie vievu cf Lieutenan- Governor Angets ita hi qusthion smmpiy lied, and thot la ail luero lea&bout it.i <0hee)- h may bet liaOgonoral provincial election moy b. breught about, snd if ma, 1 viii be eh my pont. I vouidsamy la yen or- ganîze; mcs te It tfiot où, are ta halîle array. aud ifthie prament cenfiiot siioulcdbuiug on sa election vitîlu fiveoretsix vseks, I hope yen wili il be oh your poetvote Hlou. Mt. Cimplean's igi ventwrds er veil uuderahoed by the peopie vie came ha lileen to hlm, and every man present eoemed ready for lhe fray. N. thon sako a te. mo- ments ou gomermi politicu, and vonnd np a very ahi. oddress by a mmguificenh aupcal for Canadian nalty, vrogresa aud urength. Mr. J. B Dant, M.P., for Two Meunu. laine, &ameepoke. Nelghbor, jeu le@ otolhe .signai la that loved one's cheekt Heed vou mot liaI constant haciig, Wilue the terni greva vomi? O, doiay not, ot this dear one Seen deti'. avu viii hi. Yeu can mber honhle use of Pierce's G. D. M. lu cther vorda, get thie "Golden Medical Diiecovery," aud rescue this nimber of joui famlly frein consumptien, vhici tireatons hou. I1h i.. avai thoosanda. According te th. docînus il hos vieugit miracles, for il bus cnred thase whom they prounned incurahie,' exceut hy a miracle. It le a lruly vouderful tcmedy. Foami buenchisi, tireot and lung diusoee. veai lungs, epittlug of blood and kindred alimenta, it ilas sovereigu remedy. W. bellove ta Chiat, bocauso vo meo hlm iu tli v.esft lie . The Weatflerý eport for ths veci endlng 15aturday nlght, oct. 8; 1891, Iron Lindsay ehm.vatry:- Effghet ............. 89.0 . Mon. &Bat, Levit...... .39 ....Thurday Wmrmeil day men ef6903.7 .. oday Ceideot i'< 44 50Q.0... Wdeday The wveot de 600.01 teLo via dCo net Kt Ibis seaM omet amgmingn, sud tlenai zuelsPamily Kei- lecy bteulng ballng voter onli A ma -om-fer oeusepa" and'i ~t1: 4mi 1 FIM -l FORisT Hi.i. -Thc tollowiug is tie reanl cf tie vnillen oxominstiens for 1h. tanIn of Sephoet is bld at Union Scinol No. 4, Mori- posa sud Brook, Names mnanged in aider af merit. V Cla.-Joiu icallunt. Su. 1V 'Jios- 1111. Campbell, Jerry Aunis. Alfred Frances snd Katie McLea.-Jr IV Claa.-Magaie Browu. Jouie Javell, aud Cors Stone.-Br. III Cu-tous Adami, linie Francia, Annie Joweli. Wilhie Annis. Elle Burgess. Minula Mersiml, Eva Burkeansd Adelino Mauaal.-Ju. 111 Clam. -Reguaid Jantieâon Willle Mcludoo and Arcie Brown.-II Clam Role Harrison, George Stane., Mary Brovn, Duncan Brovn. Cimlie Ht-pbu'rn, Libi. Burie, May Toiler. Part 2 -Ma<gie MaCallant, Ji-in Brovn, John Ciark, Elmira Samis, Ameila Baugeas. Gis Brovn, Eddie Postear, Bone uf.amlant, sud erner Burke.- Seiolr 1 Ciase.-Mabel Hepburn, Rubi Clarke sud Herbert Harrison. Junior 1 Cimes.-Moud Harblon, George Joyau sund George Francie. Average at.donce 35. Wx À AUÂGOLIN. Teacher. Nommt Ops.-School report for the menti et 8eptenhir, 1891. The namea af tais pupll.e via ohtained honorsble standing given lu order et mrt.-1Y CimesSenior-Lsvlnia Brmdy, Mand Boita. Tho@. Curuios aud Moud PeoIn. ..qual. IV Clou Junior-Mary Petrie sud Efla Bateain. 111 Claa-Ks*ie Petri@, Ida Clark.e, Danutu% Curules. Il clame Aggse Clarke, Frank Italone, Allen Cuerins sud ifatlie Poe git qai. E T. WHITE, Toacloir. FItiGaEBBoÂn-Sciiaol report, T4 fal- Jlaving ate the nantis of the pupnli vie have obtainai honorable standing ln esch cimsfor the menti et Saeptembor. Narnes ronkai mrcrding le ntri.-gr. Fouul.- N. Kc* Kinhon, G. Shaver. Jr. Fouuth-E. Fiy A. Mos., M. Uuaelie. Si. Third-li, Dv. son, J. Davim, A. Rogers.. Jr. Thiid-E. Caldv.iIL FP rise% E. Dawson. Sr. Second- IL Shote, M. ILThorium, 9. Smith. Jr. Seocod-G. Hoover, A. Caldvell. Part Second-V. Mois., C. Watson. L, King. Part Tiret. -'W. Kin& J. Beecofc, A. Thor- bure. A. H. Fosrm:, Teacher. zuEuLcn-Subjjolned le hi. report eofS8. Ne., 7. Tendon, for lis menti ei Saptembon:. Foonli olmemi-AngU»a Hare, G. HarRosiRes Haye MargaretBrie. Su. Sud am-Ltte Kenney. WillIena 'Wagtsif. Aibert Hors. Eva U ay0 Jr Srd lme-lary Irin, B"rl lain, Titi.. Jecm .J ibn -Jact-joz. Or. 2sd clso-Wile Gre«. Tionuhen, W. ýJLeoaasJobla dicot. Jr. ld clae- MW tounedy, James Eicelt. Part Il. -hode Hanoook. Woiw Hon«. DavidlEedi- ust% ary Endicott D EoFàAIm, Inn.