lu indigestionanmd a *luku 8VI curefor Wb"lbh la r l7tu" la t mae of AYMOS 1'lI. fih ave fondtbat * Ë*" aued b7a loed. s temb yre il halereeY.&- r 'erthife,Zr Ma. oÂfter the use c et ' Ihh many Yom, ln My proia ai ,e 1 am Jusified l l ahet Mat austain teimue maiehtew. -W. AM estiall, M. D., V.ý P. ÂuuIlu SN. W. alwy o., Durnet, TW=16 "fAyer'a Pille au e .but M*elWIu known to me for reglatiag tUie b~u and for ail diiesses causi dby !_t . ordered stomacb and i 1w. &otiscmui for ever Ibica yeara from beadc -.ta-. ,digestion, and constipation. Ii mc appetite and vas 'weak and mrron Most of the Mime. B y uslng tbz'ee boxes of Ayer's Pillsanadinai-ihe sme tIra dietinoMysef,± vascom leielyou»&L" -PimfpeCkwood, Topekayâqisea 11wuastroubled for 7y«m wtth ID& ion, constpation and h«eda «.A w boxes of Ayer'a Elle, used l u MU dally doses, reaiored me t heaIth. They are prom p and effeoive."-Wg I. firout, Meadvllep Pet 'Ayer's Pis, Or, . .C.Ayer à Co., Lovel, Mu&s SOM b7 al Druggtiuand DelerluilsimaW mr. Lauriers Poftîon. lit will be long rem.mbere that MoOatby O'Brien and flattavotid aatnt thie Gora. ment when litdeciase li Roe, u*s Evr Rform poper will talk abouft i la the laudst possible voiet, sud misinierprtt1h. cause af dîfference lu thé miuisterial aet But ihaugh ibmy vil!quoa. oUartby sea.t and proper persoi ta décide what la Iniquttous --as ant who in cudemulne the. ovomrmt w- mueaessrly right, ibey vw!Mt tacà wei¶ht te his bald arralgument of Mr. Laumier. e l ver a gentleman vus bougbi and soli, It la the gentleman Who leada th O0 oIlo ln ibis Houa," nId Xvr X= . d.H thaught thé leader of the. Oppoition slaculd - hestate ta ocudemaIr HeRoraiLagevin, or charge the lais Premier with piacuitug cou- stltuenoies, whou ho bimmsîf lbed bargalned for a whole province and paid cauh dowu. Mv. Laurier and lMr. Mercier ba.d came dovi to a distinct nnderatandiug that on iyrg the aum of 8400,000 the latter vouldttum crer Quebecateto h.former, adthe speaker pré. duoed a telegram ehowing the exIstence cf uuch a bargain. Re eonsldered. ihat Mr. Lauier'. action u a amore reprehenaible than thai off 81v Hector Langevin. Mor, Mr. Laurier haci pledged himmeif te support the demands cf Quebea upan thé Fedéra[ treaanr and ta satlsfy ihose demande au gaiin power. The leader cf thé Opposition feel11319o11 urs ccmlng cculd but ask and iterate "Wh&$ have I dons 1"l Doueo-bound and ludentnred te tbe greedy Premier et Quebie, pledged ta oen the Dominion tresaary ai his kocok and lot hlm wrcngfuflvcontinue his iiostouirie ai tbe Fedoral expene-he hied dont enougb. Sitting lu Parliament au leader of the Oppoël. tien ho @u lt te purchase power by bargain. fig that Il Merier would use bi@ nefariane engiuory lu bis behalf and elevate hlm to ofIce Sho weuld in tutu grant the excessive demanda o f the, Quebeo Premier sud reooup tbe cripp1ed fnances of that iil.manatsd Province. Not alone would the completion of that venal bar- gain.mean the grantlng etdeadmdel the Quobeo Legilature sud ai teItrrvn cial Conference, but once Mercier vas lu a position te~ demand aud oommand the» oou- cessions ho would be lu a position ta exat whatever eoeshe longed for. The tbal'beng ini place the Induâtilous mohanlo of Tououne viould not let ilbo idie. Peoaud basfor jears hosu lin training for the reigu of pleuty under Lamxier, and the reokîses flnauolng cf Quebeo bas grown donbly reckiese ln antilpatlon a01 suc'u a giorinus reconing. The truth in Mr. Laurier. r.ndered duperai.e by many defeas, has ai lesi aold bimueelfto the devil. The unholy bargain wilii d lu his confusion, for tho imp la question canuot carry ont his lpart, having a purely local lu- ï1ueuce. Ontatio and ail the oCher Provinces itili not pettmit Mercier te frely leot thé Foderîl treasgury. Soell peoulations are baid Ofougil sud mu.t ho stopped witb terrifie auddosneua, but where contractue made off with huudrede Mtroier wculd boar W&Y tenua cf ilieubande. Sohool 14otes. NOELLND sohool report for month of September :-4th clan- Nelle Batty, Oeo. Boadway; Oco. Âdair. 3rd las- Ratio Moliullan, Met& Woodoook, Edith Batty. Sr. 2cd cas-Fbo. SimpacU, Clara Iiontly, Mary Bowioa. Jr. 2od clagla - Miutha Cocrtemanche, Joui. Ray, Walrer Simpson. or. Part Il laie -Ev. hrokensbire, John Batty, Leah Adair. Jr. Part Il olaës-Geo. Courte- manche, James LeGrau, Willle Perbime. Part I lass-Mfay Tedl, Ernest Bovins, Claude Houuton, Arnold Wakellm. 1 ckeer, I hlp. I strougthen, I aid, I gladden lbtheiutcf mmin d ald I st ooutipation's captive iree, And ail are botter for hakil)g me. Thus apoke ance cf Dr. Plercea Pleasan Pellets. (Th.y are ýijIli hat eveak for them- slvee.) Yery émal , res7aie o takeisto- ducs ne Danso& cf grlplng. yTotare Moaefeet ual lun.&Ilcases cf constipation, bilions or slck beadache, or dauged livr. '941 5 osais a viai, ai druitglat. Aperfeitîrem-pookeî auediine. BBLZB> kUE. PEu soxAL. -Min Limi. Tully hm »-e turued trot» a visit *0ot»Me frenâslook, lng the botter for beh rp...M.tu Renuedy risited mo eu W pear, where ho vent amomp&Wlsi b s igleceMien M. Wilson. Mia. WiaouuvOuS from theuce t itta u àSo awa. et bu home noir Orliha ge*Bêe Buunnîe..q..W Uâdè iUtfl 1 a iiwharf belng con.e ei 84 th#, Md of thé 9cotoh Lino on lbè IukaOf of "wb AIDDO.OO. Z4. 8.AM Oold- p,~eb~ig,.&suzn, LIs of Voie., Tm~ei&, hesi md Luuge., .... Omo lb.b lent favc Lad texem 84 Was e ~ mi Caie LTed.' The Over.badowang Can. One of thé darkse "kaova ibit overhass* l amd dbthevorld la th. onumo tromg drimk. Is inartoe wib fo u W s ad e i nlreseekwt* nulgfe. Il lay its hily sud d4.11h5 bandaehtom erey acre tbnq.It l iighîathe nte, tns hé body, detroasthé aoul Is brimaa doun th. blgbet ad proudeet, t degradès the parent ami the moblast; yon Mdal, ,e 'é M e mhle, ut. andIooilh. ml i ennsa sdnd 'Itions, teel terrer of IbIs Mighty W*ethat simites thé inhmbtinte ofmbe cirîh. Wble multitudes ar eleepx aid dalluing, ihi. curie la vaatiug, blighting sud deutroylu . Il corrupta tb. Indit.- duale, ouras e éconmwm*, demoriliues th. gorernmen"-preade terrer and deraslttcu everyubese. Let ohritiaui, as theyleaur Goanmailove righl.ouanu, pray thst the Lord May :remove tht. ohadow frosouenvdam, smd iot thet» no labor, and &0 tugtityand aeit %attthor phayes sEuil mot ho hindorsi or feul of AAàywiTH ToiaÂCoo.-AU Who train an athiuies knov vol! f bal smoking meana defeat. Ani smoking et tonMmensdot oit lu ciher fils ofeffort. Smoking meus cancer lu tbe tirot ta Gema. Grant, amd lai th. Germa» Eniperor Froeriek; amd il means beart diseuasemndieddn dealla If a Manulah.î 8te entueble hie muscles, shunt hie boues, poison bis blooi, duil bis intello, stupif y bis bruina, bsnmmb bis oonnoienee,.denange bis boa#% and naike hien mgrosa eeébie, fbbyv, e.eu0 t ehorhhlved lihlg, làmôi 6rta thone uho vere not him equals, lot bina emoke tobamea. If ho vishes a stroag body, a Cle a ea, a bounding pulse, a ringlngg veto. and a vigotona masterful person- alily, lot hlm break the yokm oati ii 1 black tcbaooo god, and bo a lesv, ire., vbolioms, decent man, Inelesioe a dlrby, tinktng, tobacoo-ioaked nuIs- STABlTLING TExmpERNcU Bxmxc.-A feu weeke agoa e ung man ccmmitted suicide et Osborne Houées,Rochester. Upo ob.table of bie roat» vas tound the followlaitlester. It preohen a gaid lemperanasoron;4 'RBathev thau bave opium 'ami rut» kil! me, I prefer ta do 1h naysesf. 1 fiel I et» poitredemption, and vhy sbould snob a useloestbtnq eneuinher the earbb? 1 haro abusi! andmi tgnatel rapboit ivimuis; have boal My pomtion vith my hanme, bave oardrawu my ooumus sereral hnndroi dollars, saminu act, oaoh t ses a ray of Illgbt abeai. If I thougbi my frieuda veli put me lu an ssylut» uomevbsre I1veudnmt do the oveuil>'th-mg 1 amn about te de; but tb.y haroe lýaus nualme so klndly, and I bave no lawanimbly abusei thoi trust, thît I eau mithur ask or expect, any more moesy au their baude. Yen orna iot&F y y ouse sud îLe>' vil! info'm my frienda ubere 1 &M, sud I tbîuk tbey utîl gire meaeachistan hurlid. Ta mi faiber and n'y dalilng eltir a long good-bye. Miay Gud fargire me fer &Il the trouble I have causel you. May ibos fiteuds lu Springfield ubo Ii iuaume te emake the pipe, and thon.- by uiched MI vouni lit, suffer fon it, If ibere la au eremging Gai. ybag.mon, for Go'î seke nover a ah e irepcliquor. 1* hba k(led me ami I il iiitJuni ai euriliiyo«. 1 kif ase bright aptose Mt I iFopu" ma a #er bai, bai a is posOIona800od aalewy, but VMu ani opium heoe got tb master>' of me. And Dow Mye>llu.8mir&" miGai toigive uMe. Lot tht. ho a vatm ta j«l 1o saoui. k. * tpoted ov*'the io t amees u op i opIum dim le the *odd. l'Gcb*. vwu a hri, &**bd mai vhwus vaaie abIe htatteMd te bàalm .But ho iraou- soute4 ta ilite *8uea sua$Wb ltiet .oatittha liensU it.d ri cf dis eues, exespi eue, Vkuii Ikase.Mebai obrolo yqe>de The eppelie ftr: is. ith lii wo. aIM dsbte ~l du î tmer «. Ebeyt, unKi*hTbam datm voolie pla crocs bamieW am, 1i lraThos; 121oiM we e vwo r.& hr1 n vork, 4 entela, ÏiU JMi 811;his d. IMg wlth .mi 2lira UnJàA Bheun; bsaîd. leu vlth Oeltoms ientilu,1 iese Foule 2 Mas W oumg; b=UaSdlg tb wors ., ia D 1iranJ wS a rvn, S W. Oa2 y benne bra yood ork net, O entrise, 1 Mels Fovlev, S lUnaW H MoOlure' berNa yoo wôérk iba, 8 eatrl, 1iwtsJ ÀhObr. *în, 2 bs W Thoin; 'bettenWmathb,1 Mima B J Graa; ohenillie vcrk, 1 Mnr J À Shevuta, 2 Mun W JHHares; coteon vork,4 cari.., 1i MUn J A Shervin, 2 isa W Rayas; crochet vork vlth vool, larg, 8 entrias, 1 Mrc J McAdam, 2 Mn J à Shervln; orobet vork wltb yool, smaon, 8 entdlc, i1MUn W Youg, 29Ms D J Mointyffe crochet -vork villa cers eotoa, 8 enériée, 1 Ms J A Shervin, 2 Min W Thorn; crochet vork vlh âne notion, Ire emtriéea, 1 ma W Young, 2 Ms W à Goodvlu; cil'. dreae, 8 su. trias, 1 Mra W Young; camp shool, 8 en- tries, 1 lMr@J A Sherwîn; seveweork, 5 mties, 1ilu .W HIl MOluie; Sorsypatch verk, 6 entuéea, 1 UnraNeelanda, IlimrsJ A Shsrvin davan n Domt, 3 ontrils, lir& J A Sherwin; mexican nesidle vork, 1 Mrs Osby, 2 Ms W A (*oadvln; ein- broidevy on mulin. 5 ontrlea, i Mise Fovlev, S2lira D J Melntyre; embrotdery euth silk, 4 entrias; i Ms J A Shervin, 2 Mns W Hayes; embroidering vlîh vent- ed. 8 sotûlée, ilire J A Shrwin, 2 Mise Fowler; cmbroidevy on lace, 8 outries, 1 Nur W.Tborn, 2 lire J A Shervic; emâ- broidery ulth net amimualin, 1 israJ A Shor vin; fanai kaîttiai ih uo!, 5 emîies, 1 Mr. J McAdam», 2lis J A Bherwln; fanoy mits lun yod, 8 ontries, i Mir@ J à. Shervin, 2 lira Oxbv; iancy knittng vihh ectea, 8 entriee. 1 MisesE Biacheell, 2 lins J A Shevetu; foot rost, ô ontries, 1 lie A liMillan, 2 lMr& W H McClure; gent'. ploin shirt, band made, 4 suivies, 1 lia Oxby, 2 lirs W Thoruie; gua'e plain shirt, machinc made, 1 lire J A Sherwin, 2 Mre W Thora; guipure werk, 1 Mise Fauler, 2 ies. 46MoMiilan; houllon liasvorlt, ilira W Young, 2 Miss Fouler; haïr 'vork, 4 entries, lira A W Parkiuu, 2 lira J Parking; baur ecreen, 1 Mia Fowler, 2 lira W H Hayes; lamp mat, five entiea, 1 lira J À Shervin, 2 lins W 91 Swstu; macramie lace or ivine vcrk, 1 Mies Fovler. 2 lir@ J À Sherwin; Kensinetan ombrolderi, 8 entries, 1 Mrs W HElicClure, 2 lira W A Sherwtu; oruamnental pabîety, 1 Miss Fovier; cuiline vork, 5 eutrima, 1 li W H MoClure., 2 Mnr. W A Shervin; aruammtal ecren, 1 lire W a Haye*; ottoman, 8 entvies, 1 Mia J1 A Sherman, 2 Misa Favler, pilloe lace wcrk, 8 enirles, 1 lire Wm Thora,!2 lire Wm Young; point lace vork, 4 eantries, 1 Miss Favler, 2 Ui Wm Thorn; papcr vork. 3 entries. 1 Miss Fadler; Pilîce abame, 8 eu- trios, 1 Misa Fowler, 2 lir Wm Thora; quili 1pabeb vork. 1 lira Wm Thorn; 2 lir James lis garth -quut la ice vork, 1 Unr Wm Thora, 2 Viss olaIer; qulît, log cabin, 4 entriee, 1 Mire Wm Thora, 2 lira ÀA llua; quilt, silk, 1 lia J Parkina, 2 ins. J McAdam; qualiting by band, 1 lits Wm Thorn, 2 Unss Fader; quhltlng by machine. 2 lire A Mo- Millau; qutît utbted, 4 suivies, 1 liraJas Keuueay, 2 lir& Wm Thorn; ribbaî vark, 1 lite J À Sheri, 2 lira W H Hayes: jatie vork, 4 suIvies, 1 lir J A Sherwir'. 2 lia Wm Youoit; roman ou.broldety. 8 on tries, 1 lins W H McClunre, 2 lira J A Shervin; sofa pillav, 6 outriew, i lirae.4 A Shervin. 2 lir Jas licOlory;aik putch vork, 2 Mina Fowler; lipper helder, 8 entries, 1 lies3 J Graham; ilk kaited. 8 entries, 1 Unr J licAdani, 8 lire Ww Ycungset table mat@. 7 suivies, 1 lie Cora Wal &ce,92lKre. D J liclntyr., tattîlng, 1 Mr§ WM Young, 2 Mis levier; transter vatk, 4 entries, 1 liraJ À Shervin, 2liMn W aHaye»; table drape, 1âtre. JAÀ Shervin, 2 liraW Young, te. cosr, 4eutbie@% 1 Misa O Wallace, 2 sire J A Shervîn; tidy in catai, 8 utirles, 1 ii oder, 2 lia W H Hayes; vaoleu bldv, 5 eutries, 1 lim W H licOlue 2 lir W E Oursin; vorksd etippevu, 6 airies, i1lira W H Hayes. 2 lMre W Young; val! poket 8S curiel, 1 lirew H Rayas, 2 lira J ÀAbShlvi; vbiek holder, 8 eutriee 1 Una X à Shervic, 2 lies B J Graham; fumnera vroaib, i1bitsÀAW Parklm; bracket, ô entdie,1 IL" aJus MaOlevY, 2 Kim. Fovlsr, groma railen ool vark, 4 entiea,1 lirs, J À Bbsrvln, 2 linA on paltin rf adeoipe, i W A Goal. Win; i iin =n ut»C aey mbcov 1W. iodb entnes, i ilas1OHmuae na~ à tn.a 0ule, ieht*ee, i mius, Ni. Ccdesnlgi'&"u vnaier caler, lands. tee oï w r,odwau b, stU ,j lita oi a iMal w*M cuais, W ea- q'41 liu Wn Thoru, 25W Wosliey. NITUSAL ,I5!ORT. Single bird, epi"den, ald 2 W J EBriten; collection of Canadianfaém i lira UnRBOxby; ollecton of mative minerais,1iMu R Oxby. Gren o edng-B.vca emrles, 1Jobn M&Ma2Tus Bave.. 8 3 MOU. Namel ,Speodlng-8ix cuides,1iH Mo- Kendo., 2 Wm Simpson,.1 Jes Dahy. open t aau hases-FOur "ti».as1James Dtxon 2Jno Taylco, 8Jos D mud o, Wm Stewart, 2T W Ruans. Lady Drer, dlu l.-Sevon ecuies, 1 lir James Busheil, S2ilas B JGrahsam Lady Drivers, double-Four mezo, 1 Mus Jamne BusheUl. Spécili primo for Poals br Suneblue. 1 WM Sherman. 8wee takerizé cf Jua Mnudcr for feal, Speelal prise for tub of butter by J B Kuovîmon, i1lira R Mulcaby. Sveepstake for caw for =eoul, 1 3 B Graham. Sweepstake for mare andifeal for mmdal, 1 D Sinclair. R.eammended by Judge.-Doraot Sheop 1 Thompacu & Word; tenteansd awuinga. Py J Turner; feed box, J Fleury; vegetablo, F Keene; ornamental hotu venk, Thos John. ston* towei toilera,- W H (Jhunch; hay rak, .lac kennedy; inrnip pulper, Sylvester Bras. It meauns omething to fai rather thon dis- obey, and s0 fallut. rnay somtilmes he the highcet pro of thal ihe hart la Vume. II bave proal faltb lu Burdock Blood Bit- tetesas a blood purifier. I have bakeua ibre. boutles io bud blood and fmd lb a perfect cura. It is a -guand mediclue sud I recmmend, Il eberever h go. "-Ida Sauderson, Torouto, Ont.-2. 2 Mtlhuru's Arematie Quinine Wine fortifies the systeun againot aitacks of aMue, chilIs, bilions lever, dumb ague sud llks troubles.- 2 5. Beautuful Banfr, N.W.T,* IWAS induoed ta ue Bodock Blond Bit- tete for conetipation sud gouerai debility éud téouai it a comploe.cuto vhtch i buke plessura in rocommecdiug ltu Y wbo maY be thus afflctd.-Jame& M. Carson, Bouffe N. W. T.-2 2. 1--1 Victoria Orbelle Salve las a vouderful beal- a ompofliid for ente, vounda, bruîmes bhuna, scalde, belle, piles, pinapies, &,25. Hiary G. James. Henry G. James, cf Wiuulpég. hane enites: "or éeveral Veste I vus troubleit weth pimr,.les sud irritations of the akin. Afior other rem,-dis faisedI husiefautbottles cf Burdock Blond Bittersand i atce then 1 have benuquit, irese rm mY complalus. B. B. B. vili alemys cccupy a place lu My bouse, -2 2. Tkh Kff( TU IIEALTI 1 I.l ~~eu vo. 1M0,mou mo 0& mum fmi d V l- 9" -mm* amp, No. unILme i& fouis !huuday ci n* marna., à a ~, aer Uaswffe mse..P. $à x bisét. 5bu IsvéAamsuVox. 1lias, m o b.emiamd UOUIbTa.1 «"501 né aluWecdibisé T. UtC. L -Esuge m ocS. Uim mOambrl lm&., Uaiuday, a P63L Uuamiy&U4.15p.. Reaut tAngracus open muriy&tm. to 10 P.m. 7Y9»g me« aIwpe eloom.-C. K. Omius, em.eeo 0 T. . mf£amdo"%e My mu* la lbe . . a.C.A. nom- aw SP.M. a=,lMnevey albuna. Iaturday a I1.30 oeel* F.M àMeAIftfhur, Uerelr !n aoziioa o couaravu Emeenum" m m fles' Hall, ga oferciemi andCalglg img 0 ani»« ElDev, ObieOur u. oehn lb. mmmd aMd ftq~unda vs ai Ves .m.eo. Ioum. Eme* W. Aumoer Ueereary. B« M00 Lamdn For Sale. thee melgusi bave a feu eboe JAZU am *m. raluble TOWN P8kOIWRTU.for is Lake Ontario Steaniboat Co'y mNEW PmLAiAL STEAMER NORTH KING,! Wil leave 0bourg week divsasa 8 a.m.; Port Rp 0.4 am uonarrivai cf G. T.E.I rainfromEt West aaNorth. Arrives si Chacte at 2.80 p... Returnlng hasves Charotte woek days stI L0 pm. exoepi Tnesiay et 9.40 p.m.; Barday at 4.15 p... Calla ai Buighion on Wodneday st 2.00 &r.; Col- borne on Wednoaday and lflday ai 3.46 ar. Connecte ai Rocheuier with New York Contrai and &i dtverging flues for a&U pointa a i te United States. Through Tickets and BaggagsCheck&. TE ZNORTH KINGlonheo e t.brsai ifesi sud most poverfai Steamers on the Uikes, iighted by o*eieictiy sud modern ibroughout. 0. ]HL NICHOLSON atenal y. à p. AMentPort dope. C. P. GILDKRSLEEVE. Gen. Nam. Kingaon. Ont.-80.Ut . e Da r te10 10 HIRE & LIFE INSURANCE, ]Real Estate Agente GoamLaamMde«is 1aei tsLindfa MONEY TO LOAN Atiloveslraies04ai luleet FIRE Agricultural, of Watertown, (iiti.uns, of canada, Commercial Union, of England, City_ Mutuel, of London.1 ACCIDENT Citimen, of Canada. LOAN Ceada Permann-tLoin and Bav- tmg. Ce., Toronto. IUAOHINERY WM . mu =ageWorks Co., H. afrSb ons' Brick MachMy ~Ims tabsa Un 'E iL IGWNSO IRAI. Druggist.. Lindsay. AtDEBH o n'.Mthe WWR flelagest Circulation of aay Paper i the MldlaadDistrict.. DBUGGIST & SEEDSMANI Corner of Kent and William Streets, Lindsay. PULL STBENGTH BAKING POWDEB, PURE SPIOESO LIVER TONWP ELIXIR ÂNISEED, DIARBHRÀÂ SPECIFIO, WORK POWDER, WHITE OINTMENT, FURNITURE OREAM, TOOTHÂCHE DROPS, INFANTS' CARMINATIVE, ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. usa1 LARDINE -MACHINE. - QIL, THE FÂMOUS HEAVY BODIED MACHINE OIL MADE ONLY BY' 1VcOOLL BIROSU & 00., Toronto USE IT OI«JE AND YOU WILL USE -NO OTHER. MeCoUs' Famotu Cylinder Oil. Finest in Canada for En gne Cylinders ÂSK: FOIR LARDIe.E! o 1782.-tf. THE ROYAL GANADIAN IN8UBANOE COU WHICH WILL YOU HAVE? The latet Bine Book shows tlIb a ter provlding for al liabilities the surplus cf the ROYAL CAINADIAN for the protection et is pclicy holdore ai thoeclaieof last year wua $509,074, besldes stock te the amouni cf another $100.000 eubscvlbed but not callod up, The meme Bine Bock shows that the surplus ef the London Mutuai vas $67, 176, compùrid ontirolV cf the unaeseaad portion cf premium notes vhich ne policy holder ever expects '.o be callod upen te pay. The felloving table ehovseta a giance bow bbe affaire cf the London Mutuel havebeen:gong duxing the 1mai fev joars:- Losses cash Surplus, nnpaad ai Available for lioney reckoninglirem. Irvestrintai Yer close cf paying loases Borrowed. mum notes ai each year. cach yesr. at close cf full face each Yer. vàlue. 1885 $6,047 863 96& Noue 8101,816 Nou2e 1886 9.878 50.686 None 115 955 $6,5W0 1887 12,455 22,701 $20.000 97;.268 8>000 - 1888 23,014 20,721 40,000 75,334Nvi 1889 20,486 13,911 40,000 74 068 9 02S 189U> 26,182 1.403 60,O00 67.176 l1.97 It should be borne in mind that durine the laqt three. yA*rq th.-L"ria Mnu..1à co '-_ 1 in heavy asassments over $80,000 more than unnal, sud vet at the close cf lait ycaîl, fÜ43r col- iecting a full year's incarne. thoy had only $1,403 wlth which *to pay 826.182 of rnbeulted lassos, la regard ta security ne oe uhnld hositate as to whivh compaty te Lie!sct;. S. C6RNEIL. Lindsay, Juiy 22, 1891. Agent Royal Canadiar. ,Cvm nonny. JOB WORK of ail descriptions neatly and proInptly done at "The Warder" office. G e'0prioe Organ and Piano Dealer, 5 &PIANOS imt; t*wsr thbe same a. IL sorim affliâm Lbidm 1 - 1 au .W-een