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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 9 Oct 1891, p. 6

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jI. ,Md oeOOur "4YouWr a wvouai," iortad Boulp, - dumtedly, for ah. b.d nt ue mah behiber "Y.e, vha lia.hem Ieesi mi bekmy. by a mat" i. d madame, fiero.ly; "riz do you tilk becam 1 mI oor àa swv- lug humai ong 1 am attracted by bis basn.d nmre facet You eught tb knov tae botter tban that, Seins. I hbalvays bom tus t0 myuel,'1 and wllboutî anoiborword mli. Icil the room. III den't like hlm,"l Sem a ad, ernplrnstu Jug every word wltb a poke. "lHo'. Urn wmth snd bandiome, bise, uain'ltue,à andbis longue', too enari. lI b hm. CHAPTER V. wbcb marked lo. site of the Pactolus Mine was a long zlnc-roofed baud- divided lubtva compartmeut.inu one of tbesesthe clollicu, sud pub sit. hefore golng down, sud ber. aiso they wen e serc enau cnlng up lu ordar ta une if tbey b.d carrisi &w&y ans' goli. Froon ibis noom a long, marrov Passage led 10 tbe top of 1h shait, se *t any miner baving gold ooncuei up= hlm aould nott lliow il away sud pick It up silervard, but b.il ta go igbt ilulathe seiirhng-roern from the cage. and could net pouulbly bide a partiale wthoul belng found ont by the ucarcher. The other rom vas the sleeping apartiment of uuch miner. as styed on lte premiues, for th. majoriy of the men vent borne la their familles vh.u lteir work vas donc. There vere three shif t. of men on the Fac- tolus durlng the tweuty-four heur., sud each shif t worked eight bourg at a Ure-lb. firt going on at mldnlght and knocldng off at elghl lu th. mornlng, the second commene- ing at eght sud endlug at four lu lb. aftor- noon, sud the third starting aI four sud laut- ing until mlduiglit again, when the grnI ashit aimen began auew. Conuequently, when, Monsieur Vandeloup avoke nexl mornlng aI six o'clock the firat abit vas ual yet up, asmorn f the miner. wbo lied to go ou aI elgbl ver. sleeping beavily in their beds. Gaston yawned once er Ivice, thon feeling dlsluchined for any more sleep, lie seftly put on bis clethes, so as flot 10 &wake Pierre, who slept ln the. berth below, and descending from his sleephîg-placo, greped hlm way le the door and vent outite bthe cool, fragrant morulng. "I1 must kIt nothing stand lu my vay to acquire moiey," h. said musingly; "withit one csu mile the world; without il- But liow trite and Wad tii... well-worn maximsa oserai Why do I repeat them, parrotr-lke, when 1 sec, vbal I have te do se clearly be-I fore me? Thal vonian, for instance-I musti begin by matking lier my friand. Bahi site la liaI alrcady; I saw itI nlier cyes, vhlch she cau't control as she dees lier face. Yes, I mnust make ber my friend; my very dear friend-and'then-veli, 10 my mmnd, the venld-pivot isa voran. I viiispare noo e lu order le attain my ends-I vil! maire my- self niy own god, and censider no oe but myscif, and those who stand iu my path MUSt gel Ont Of it or- rUn the chance of bcing crushed. This," with a cynical sxnle, 'lis what some would call thc devil's philosopliy; aI ail events, it is goed cneugh for me." Ha was near tbe mine by "îi- lima, and bcariug smonue calling to hinà ite booked up, aud saw McIntosh valking toward hlm. Mclntosh came rlowly aleng vlbb bis bauds' lu bis pockets and a puzzlcd loioubnIsa severe face. île could'not makeùp bis mmd 'whether to likie cr dislike Ibis young matn, but Mme. Midas lied seerned se li- prcssed that b. had haif made Up bis mind 10 dislike hlm euot cf a spirt of coutradie- "lVeemen are sac easy pleasad, puir ici- less bodliei," ho said te finiseif; 'la bonny InVe 1,; U thiqy îa2î 11l,)ir hcadsaboot, thougb tehe n. a 1 already in lie grip of auld Nicyhel.Wc'el, weel, if madame does Tncy the lai1--an'l hes ne badlcoim, Il'l say t iat-she nist just lhau ber ain vay, sudIl'l l~.~'my c n bh ."He loeked grlmly aI tIL ï.an; ~wi 1h2 came briskdy ferward underground srrenta-not. grve-oank thOug t 1h. Mme le cetàwlnlsgp*ive th. cemeter-vhlch consitai e covas troui, itevy boots, bie blouesof arcg voolanmtmisi sud a8, e Un s -t"b.Tbu «umaogeacLtbey wvusi eqqg Ibo foot ofithe poppeth»o, daà,9 hit %)Med a do« nahsreè i, ex Ib moth of, 6. ésbft -4 vio i"miýl buS t mNeki, à fow ftstabOvé' s ni - rW&éd mu - 6118100 e~y* i tftdie. Tiseait vws drivua a, *à lby »0. wtp,, a"i Uro n -s, e- sallsry, $0 t t th .vuaans e e>Mm clrcladu g ai *roug11h *0lmlue tlaoa h. eryâtaregular intumis, we po" t ofsITnybutk in a verticalpo- *a, "Wb 1beamaof h.rnewmrelai b" m",mtysrcu 1h tep, but s o thalVa- MM oklnmhe head agulat "ber- oeugîng 1» tb... ide paste srem Of -white fungus, wblch the -miner. nuetaTe- morpe discolrationa -fromt theïr haud SMn fx'om the roo f alo l ung like gleat drifts ct snow, agitalsi wlth every brcath of wlud as t*e bemm air, damnped an ililed by un. nudrgrounderkuo% rushedpRMas bm. L'ne nov .nd then tbey would har a faini r=ume iluthe distance, snd Archie would' dmagbihmp1 ne ia kewble a trolly laden with wblte we-1akInwaah, and li- pellet! by a runner, would rIpaut wih a rouansd grindlng of wbeIs Z-At inerrals on ouca aide of -Ihe Main drive hlack chama appeared, wbh Arabie lu- toism Ia Comrpanlo. verdrives Put lu 10 tuai 1h. wasb, sud as these maier'galleri e. conilued liraacblng off, Vandoloup thought the whole mine reaumbled not1blng so much as a herlng-bcste At last Mclntoub veut lmi one of the ide galoeries, sud going up su iron ladder fixai lu the side of the wall, they came to a second gallery thlrty buet above 1h. ather, sud brancbing off ai rlghi angles. Tihis wau where the waah wau 10 be found, for, as Arable lnformed Vandeloup, thie main drives af a mine wore always put dowu thlrly oroty fet el bathlb.wash, sud then they culd work uptolthe hgberlevelà the reagan for Ibis belng Ihatelud. eds . a downward tendency, sud Il was neceSay -for the main drive 10 b. sunk belov, as ho- fore mentloned, lu order 10 gel lbe proper levels sud judge the gulteru correctly. At thetop of the ladder tbey found smm emply trucks vblch b"adédlivored thefr burden lulo a klnd of shoot, through wblch It fela 1 h. lower level, sud there another truck vas waiting to take 1110 lthe main shaft, iron whence il vent up te the puddler.. Arabie made Vandeloup gel mb ouane i these trucks, sud though tbcy wcre ail wet and oovered vitli day, lic vas glad 10 do go, and h. smootl1y carrlcd along, instead cf slumbling over the rails and splashlng among the poolU rof water. Evcry new and t.hen as they went aiong there would h. a gusli oi vater irom the dripplug wailu vblch wus taken along lu pipes to the main, caamber, and from thence pumpcd ont 'ai the mine by a poweri ni pamp, worked by a beamn englue, by viticli means th. mine vas kept dry. At last, sitar they lhed gone smre consider- ahi. distance, they saw the dim llgbt of a candie, and heard the duil blows cf a pick, then found themselves aI the end of the drive, where a miner was werking et the wssh. The wash wherein the goki is f ound vas exceedingly well deflued, and represeul- cd a stratified appearance, being sandwlched lu belwecn a bed of white pipe-clav and a top layer cf brawvish earth, interspcrsd wllh grave]. Every blow of the. pick sent forth showors cf sparks in ail directions, sud as fast as the wash vas broken down thse runner fflled up the trelles with It. Aiter asklng the miner about the. character cf 1h. vaahl, sud testing soe himiself on a shoel, Arche left the gallery, and going back to the shoot, thcy desceuded again te the main àrive sud visltcd several other faces of vasit, the journcy ln cacit instance being exactly the sarne in ail respects. Each face had a main worklng et il, sometimnes two, and a runner who loadcd the trucks and ran tham along 10 tbe shoote. In spite cf the ventilation, Vandeloup feit ai if hie vas in a Turk ishl bath, sud the heat was In semné places very great. At the end cf oeeof the drives Me- Intosb cailed Vandcloup, sud en golng to- ward hlm lte yeuug man f ound him seated on a truck withhie plan cf the mine before bim, as hie wanted te show ail the ramifica- lions of the workings. The plan looked more like the map of a citýy than anything else, wlth the main drive doing duty as tic principal street, sud .11 the UitIle gaileries, branching off lu endeu con- fusion, looked like the lanes sud aleys cf a riepulous tewn. *'ItIs ii, ic hecatacombe lu Rome," uaid Vandeloup te Mclntosh, siter lie lied con- Ib oua i ce4 etru uj tusrivnumitheaaiad *eus uc*f dm t'w* a r" O 1~hwhereai& Nomib Wb , vre eBslu, -,Pi ' piir tbe puddle. ves, buit deair0uu of leAnuIM i'@îiï.ha -1bs ui.,vie"edbiena lt. an- other 9 er"wihfos'med a kini cfaboop 1 udlndlitb the main drive.As 'gamIn stumbied along, h., feli a taach on bis shouldu, aud'on turnlng one hàvWu Pierre who abhen put 10 work vlth *e o*l on and sudasacting asome of th@ "'Ahi yen arether., myfnien,"sai Vin deboup, ooofly, laking ai the uncoutitige hofore hlm hy 6. esMWeglmmet'ofi is ca1. "otaay okavay; il. am vu-y pleamnt, but, aita&.vamt.," lua &rapl vhlape, $dite botter ilionNov CaisdoW&a" Piorrpnoddei lu a suflen mnnesou vont bock 10 bis voit, wblle VanOiup buharidoen10 catch up 10 Molntooli, vho was nov far sbead. 6-1 viali," aii Ibis pleasant young mmn 10 himslf as' ho stumblsi aloug,641 wisb thaithe mine veaud feRl in sud crua lierr; be'.s uaadeai valght th ho hatnglng round =y neck ; bouides, be bhm sucli a juilbird lok about hlm tbai mi. meugh 10 make the police flnd out vbm hocamo ifran; If they do, geai bye to veait an" respeotabhilty."» Ho lfound Arable vsitiug for hlm ai lb. outrance to the main drive, sud 1hey mac &rrved aI the hott=of ailb. aafl, gatinJta the cage, sud ai ltreaclied lb. top ai lbe eartb agsin. Vsudeloup drew a long breath of the freub pure aOr, bui bis oye. feit quit. paintin luhe. viiglare ai lb. sun. 'I Idon't envy the gnomes," h. naid gayly ta Arable as tbey vent on la the puddlera; "bbtey muai bave heen subjealta ochranlo rbeumatlam." lir. MoIntoali, ual bavlng su acqualntane wlth falry lare, naid uothlng lu reply, but' tob Vaud.leup tbIhe puddler., sud ahoved a&H the precess ai gettlng the gold. "Sa. Ibis, y. ken," naid Arabie, vlien hée bai finlicidal bis explanations, les lbe way ye gel gl." "My faith," nsid Vsudelonp, carelessiy wilb a merry laugli, "gold is as bard ta get in ite natural utle asinluite artificla." "An barder," retorted Arcbie, "tforby. there's nae mu vicker ar ak abool Il." "Madame wyul b. nicit me day," reenark- ed Vîndelonp, as the.V lefI lb. office snd va]ked up bavard lb. hanse. "May lie she wil,"e repliei tb. other, oa.. tlously. "lAustralils a gran' place for 1h. siller, yc ken. ras ne verra ina- wraug bul what vi' luduslry sud perseverance ye may malt a vee bit iller yeruelf, laddla." IltwanIbe my fanl If I don'l," retux.ue M. Vandelonp, gayly; "sud Madazu Midas,' ho added, mentally, "vilI b. su exoellmnt persan tb asslmt me lu delug ua."1 CHAPTER VI. loup, baving passed founcl thal bis ex- istence on lte Pac. tolus cdaim va 8 llkely te lie very der.Day afler morning, did bis officeNvenr, oit bis meals, sud attera talirw wlth Mme. Midas lu the even- ing veut te b.d at ten o'cbock. Sucb Arcadian siniplicity ai Ibis wai not likely ho suit th. highly cullivated testes he bad acquirai lu hlm eariler ice. As ta the eplstdc of New Caledonia, M. Vandeloup dlsznissed Il cern- ple4ely f ro u i mini, for tii young mmn never peranllted bis thougits te dweIl on dis- agreeable subjecta. His experlence as a convie. li-id been naval but net pleasant, and ho iooked upen lie lime which had clapsed ince bc ici I France lu the c aviet ship te tie day b. landed on lte coul of Quenýsiandinluasuopen boat as a bad nighlmare, and vaould willlngly bave triai le Itreal Il as sucb, enly the constant siglilof bis dumb comipanion, Plarre Lemaire, rernlnded hlm only toc vlvidly of lb. reality ai bis trouble. Otten sud often dii lie visit that Pierre would break bis necir, or tht th. mine vou'td fmin luand crush i hm te dealli; but ni, hing of the sort liappenci, and Pierre c9atinued le vex bis oye.sud le foleow hlm abint wlth a dog-llka fideity vhicit arnbe-?nnt frein any love of :1avtom 40«0 W.bU wb u éa tg M bour if *0 u81 $wÉ." Lw&~wflnW1~Jj5 âll; "Md 1U-é "a=sis 9l dUke r Evt udd i Mark yuv11 k.lm be 1» ber miSk»àh Obr finger, "mI n41 tarit eao th beivlhoy ce your laSe pienie b hau boom verildy bmghi ap, aoui 6. or igu is.Sea 10 ber." ~~nrtre to look puulit,% sud suod gravey bovlng, "I1uli speok ci noea Iia tMadiemelle Kii but ci th e th- or n d th e ptUR yen rturm. "Tan are nz1rglbl6, MmoiuVande- over, dou'I. forget vhs I .1i, for I trust Whm Mmns.Viliers bai Cou^e lolng t6. office dom autr lier, Gt. wus silent for a fev minutes, ani iben baret out laugb- Ing. "5h. trust. me," b.onid, lu a iocklug tino. "In Hoaveis n-me vtl1Ineyer di proiend ta bo a saint, @bdI'm certaluy not going tobe one becauseIlm put an my word oiflionor. Madame," with su ironicel boy lu the direction oaithe clossid ean, "msince yon trust ne I vii mot upeak aofJam ta ibis breai-ani-butter anlu, milie sbse proves more Iban oa'dinarlly pr.tty; lu vhich case," sbmngging bis&siteulier.,*'I'm airai I must b.tray your trust, and foilov my ovu Ho vent te vork on the figures again, ve suddenly b.e beard a bigli, clear vola. ulaagin outslde. At firsl b. lbaaght il vas a bird, but ne bird coli exoanta mach, trilla aud sbakes, mc by the lime lb. vola. amived .1 tho office dom M.L Vsuielonp came to the conclusion liaI 1h. ovuer of the valce vua %veman, sud Ibat the voman vasMiss Kitt~y Marchui-at. Ho leauci back lu bis cbair and voudered idly if she veaudrnacir il tha door on enter witbouteerno.ny. The. latter course vasthe eue adoptai by Miss Marchurst. 1I thongit I vouli fini lMr..Villier.slier.," sha salinl a loy, as mot voîce, the pecullar timbre ot wbiali set a ibrili ibr-ýugb (Gao- ton's young blood, e.sb.oarome tabisft.t Thien she lookei up, sudcatching bis dark eyes fixai on lier ville a groal deal ef admir- atiun n lu em, siteloaked dovu sud. cen- mencel draving figures an the dusty flIon wi tiie tp ofaà veny dainir sboc.' 'M11adame bas gonedovn th. mine," suai hi. Vandclonp, politely, "but ah. desirei uie to say tiat mli. vouli b. hack soon, sud that yen wu'a'e te vait ber., sud I vas toencuer- tain you ;" thon, vible a grave boy, lie piac6t! tie. ouly chair iluthe office aI th. disposai cf bis visiter, sud Issuei up agaiusb thc muautel-piece l u unattitude of unslndied giace. MissMarcharai iccépted is off or, and iepemltiug ban mmmi persan lu 1h. big ca.ne chair, ah. tecok furtivt églances at hiili, .wbile Gaston, viiose exper ienc cftv. anen va. by ne moins linîlîci, h Irai aI ber (cel- ly, lu a manner vichui ta e beLen rude bat for te cbarnîlng saile vitici qui verai upon bis lips. LIlty Marchurst was a verilable tairy lu ise, sud ber bhuis and feted ere axquisitely icrmci, vblle bier figure liai al bbe plump- nom asud rouudness cf a girl of seventeen- vhiali age ah. vas, thougi she dii n't look more ibmu foarteen. An innocent, chili- lik. face, tva linapid bine eyes, a straiglil litIle none, and a ciarming rose-llppei mentit voe.Kltty's principal attractions sud lier bain vas nuilly vonieninigrcwlig ail over ber head lu crlsp gaiden. aunis. Chili- 11ke enong b ler face looked lu repose, but withthelb.nle camne the vomna -sncb a stile!1 a laughlng, naerry expression abch as lbe Gmeeks gave te Hebe. Dreibed in a rougit white di ess Iimmn it ill>ple blue nlbbonm, sud ber golden beai surmnit-t cd by* a silor bat, vlth a scan cof tle* sme atumebue tiei aroundi il. Ltty lockei realiy ctarming, sud Vaudeien1, couli liardly me- straluiniali from laking ber np ln bis ar-ma sud kis.ug lier, 80 defightCnily fi-eh sud piquai dm appearci. Kiliy, ounlier q4de, bai emldGâonwtiavmn quiak- nun cf tlnog lu dcliii., aud she menlally dacflcholiwvasthe best4ooking mmu h. bad ov enmc, ouly ah. vlsbed ho vouli tsik. Ueypassvaucltaparbot bernature, ataflr va ruga anel.ime for valideloup te "l'anvallug bb. eto ta, itesai drm d cf ber oel monlly,iêeoeadw Gestes suIlMi a Ile h Kt iys ute aùmud et Ymwvembailg madae!. ldo me oo n.al ebornA"ii,'pouslY, "1 babe' 7-C1 kbw W" ya Mba$ng1ai,' ce 6 S ; Ui J 1dS% rou'rea geai youug Molk. Tou n y bei," Ioeloiy. ~eoly, tdap'6mb e1env M IIBqpcss yenun derteko my 1rebqiu- =. ; =nklltruble hlm," sai osm tin aIy wbo by ne mes.. neUba b mie vasabout to reply vhs. Mm&e. leo 'on" edand Xtty iyflv1or wftb a dry ai KIIII mty" nMAMadm&e, ighly pies. ai, .'I am se0g9aito o.o'you, rny .de, but kespeor nIli hompaiing your &drees." "T s seyen vil," sai Lily, reating toa aidi stance; "wbhal a long time yôu.* 'bave been." "Bave Il dearr" nid madarne t.klng cef ber underground dreu; III hope Monsieur V&mWobup ha. provsi a gaod substtut.." "Madame," musveed Vandeloup, guyly, aube asitei Mm. Villr. te dof bher ruaddy Surment., d"vo bave ben alklngabaut the as. suad te6e athr." "40b, laeef repliai Mn. ViRlion, vh nv 6thefiash of Kltty's cbeek, and by no mesus appraved ofi t; 'l i ;ust bave bern very entertaining."1 "6Ve-y r' auseed Gautongoing beck ta bis de&L 94Came along, Kltty," said madame, ville a becs glance aIetber clerk, sud takiug Ltty's ami vitbin lier ovu, "let us go to the lieuse sud se If v. eau id auy pesait..." '1 heope we'U fini smre big eues," smid MIly, gluttonoaly, as sh. dauaed along by the aide of Mm.. Villier. "lTemptatian buascu placed lunrny palb In a vemy attractive for=," sai Vandelaap to biisîlf, aislie vent back 10 thos. dreary columus et figures," "sud Fra afrald ltai I1 vil net ha able ta resis." Wlien lie came home te0tec, lie fouud Kltiy vuas ijoyous sud ful of 1f. sever, lu spite oflta long bol ai ternoon sud bbc resles eergy vitit vbich aeh. aibeenrnnlng about.j Aiter tesitl as tee holte ligitt thie Iamp and even Selina leI the fire go ont, vhila Z the windows sud doors vere open to etIth. cool niglil wiud blow in. ,Vaudeloup sat on the vemanda vitit lcIntosit smoking cigar- cItes sud listenlug te madame, vlio vas playing Mendelssohn'i. "In a Gondola," taIt drearny inelody fuil et bbc swing sud rhytb- mie moveinent et tb. waves. Then to pie old Arcie site plaved "ÂAuld Lang Syne"- Ihal tender caressing air which la oeeotflte meut pathetic and heurt,-stit-ring melo- dies lu th. wvorid. Ai-chie leaned for- m-an viit bowcd heRd aq lhe ai uielody fioated on the air, sud his thouglita ent becir tehiebatber-lai Slcal- tisi bill.. And viat vas Ibis madame vas n<ni pie 'ing, wvtitis plercing sorrov sud ,ad refraine~ Sumcely "Farewell te Locha- ber," that bitter lamnent cf thc exile ieaving bonny Seotiani t ar behind. Vandeleup, vbuI vas net attauding te tho mnsic, but Iiking of Kitty, saw tva big tears stesi dcvii Mcînlosh's speore face, sud înarveled aI sucb a sigu of %N'eakness. " Sentiment from. hilr lie mntterei, lu a cyuical tous; Ilvby, I sliould have as soen expccled blood from a atone." Suddenly thie sd air ceasei, sud afler a few aborda, Klbty cormcencei te sing to nuadame's a.caompanimenl. Geâten arose te bis icet, and lesuci up against lhe domr, for site was slnglng Gounodis cbarming valsa tram "'IMireou," theo blrdllkemelody c« whlczh aici lier bigli clear veice te perfec- tion. Vandeloup wus rather astonished ut hearing Ibis innocent 11111e maien exocabe the difficult vsLqe vith escb emsan d lier sitake vas as rapi sud truc as If skie bai becs tramadinluthe bout sahools ot Europe. H. ii net kuow bht itaI LIlynabai lally a very flexible volse, sud Ibat madame bai lralned lier for nearly a year. Wheu th. sang vas ended Goabon entared the roozu to express bis tbanks 'and aitonishmont, bolli of vbich Kltly recel vei vlth bursts et langliter. "Yoa bave a fortune in your titroil, mademnoiselle," lie ad, wili a bow, "sud I asure yen 1 have icard al lie greal singer. of to-day froni Patti do%-ivai-i." 'II banc only beeab h.le teachliber very 1111e," said madame, lookiug 3ffectienately et Miss Marchai-sI. nbe nov stooi by the table, blushipg aI Vandoloup's praises, "bat viten vc fini tih. DovU'ls Lead I1ian going to seni lier home te Italy te slndy sL-iging." "'Formthe stageîas aiaVudeloup. "Thatle as Il may b.,"1 repliai madame, WATOREB 1 lfî»l -oU 1ilv.r, and Gold flled. We am avia yenbavb neyp. »en their equal. Juis a c SSoN Mirer ,hn Win"ingànd stem sBtting &meiom L.dy's Wateh for $.50. 415 yertu - aited, gold fflld watch, for $10.50 'Getbm.Iim he wateh for $9. Gold filled for $1160 ?h.. Watohes muet b. »nn 1o b. convinced as to their quality and *merits. Olyto beseen at '00 je E TY ,The Jeweloe * Nexi door to the Daley Hlou... Kant street. OUR, Orgmsi,Nmïs8 s o g lcio * LEÂD THE WORLD. * Modal and Diploma at Centennial Exhibition, Philadeiphia, 1876. Xodal and Diploma, Sydney, Australia, 1877. Gold Medal, Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, 1878. Highest Award at International Exhibition, Toronto, 18 79. Medal and Diploma, Toronto, i88o and 1881.> The only Organein Canada with Patent Mouse Proof Attachment. Beat the Clough & Warren, Masn & Hamlin, Smith-American (Bell, of Guelph), and ail other Competitors at the great Exhibition in England, î882. HIGHEST AWARD OVER ALL GOMPETITORS at the World's Exhibition, Belgium. First prize ai the Central Exhi- bition, Lindsay, 1884, 1885, 1887,1r889 and i890, and ail other places where put in competition. W. W. tOGÂN, General Agent, Lindsay. P. E.-Organs repaîred and iun.d br a practical man. Ail orders by mail will reel, prompt attention. I take the.liberty of cautioning parties (havýing instru- mente) aganst allowing botohes or inexperlenced persona to tampor with th'8m, au vis bave aud Instances where parties pretending 10 dlean anid repair Organs have broken them in tryig t ]tae tem pari , d 4wh.n &part did net know how And sàles larger than elrer.à clear sweep -of the C anadian mar- ket for 13 years. OLD ENCLUSH CONDITION POWD ER Cotutan one pound lu every packaite, and every package le the sanie Vear ini and year oUi, Not injurions. Bain or shine it wou'L hurt any animal. Me*. RACH, OR 5 FOR 81 00. A.. IGII!BOTHAM, Druggist, Lindsay. THE MANUFAOTU BERS' LI FE&ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES.,, Combined Authonized Capital and other msets ...........$3OdO)OOO 1O&4y. JW. WALLAO E9 Agent, Lindsay. W. A4. HORKINE, District Manager, Peterboron DIRECTLY 7O THE SPOT. ecTUXTlOUlx $ITS IGTIOIL. For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLICI DIARRHCEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, mmd .11 BOWEL COMPLAINTS, NO REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN-KILLER, Ine Canadiari Choiera and Bowel Complainte its effect Is magicaie It cures ln a very short trne. THC 998T PaMILY REMEBY FOR BURNS, BRUISES. SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. 55 t~ik Uu D7Br d .ztmbs7. lAmuoui 0k3F1gaoet gtu SL VEfrmwz*EAr A050. A BOTTLE or Demw of Oontn*Md mitawu 10 s~ UIRNITURIÉ 00 M SON, NIGENTLCo# Te LIN DSAY* Cabinet Makers' Ne trouble to show il. CENT& c00 War&

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