Jobb- oi - Utmcwt per, A*a, K i S@. S Y' POU~3R 16. 1891. DOUQÂLli&KIM bPrgOPeetO fPMaa ruammhi. -s WAGONS, SLEIGHS, BUG- anSmd OUTTEES, VOL XXIrV.-.Who1e No. 1804 LUMBER, -OOAL osAND' WOO Wbolesmo mi 541.1 ed ama u a UM& c Lumber, WeodL , Geai M ahUIj, tsia 7»eÇa7I 1gipe olbs £v ae Lumber cf esery descnibtion, dy tui n o me. aji,âbtrukemi&lon, bng Bf -'l staR f aIl kuds. TIMb klx or a"rd"'Tia i LMe cf th, boit qumliyin tock, delivereil Beoamy part f tl»#à" a 1Ot nti.DET Telopiono oonnéoti. M 0Oc and Yard-Vicorima Avenue, meu cf 87e1" . .'MI be, isndsay, Apnil 22nd, 1889.-17044if. Organs Repaired and Tunede SATISFACTION OUARANTEEDM Orders by mail protuptly attendeit C.F R. N. sis SON,$ - LINDSÂ&Y, ONT. I i~cr ~s. ~XT lE 8E#OABUE TYL..E AND FAIR IGuRHES reasonable proposition to nake jbo sensible people. &.iv y 1 You know it is possible for us Dress Goods, Mantliings, .MJilinery, Suitings, 1 to do this; the promise is in Overooatings, Boots and Shoes, Fine ratnge of Men's Winter Caps. Have a, firait-ciase Dr.. u antie Maker. Work don. whether Goodi are purchasod bore or not. In Dress and Mantie Making and Tailorlng we1 guarantee satidIaction, Give U-4 a eall and examine our stock. Hligheet prie@ fok produce. Ltte Bntalu, Oct. 15thi 189-1W04 W 'a.rm For Sale la Eldo. Lot 16 ln the 9th Con. Elden, 1192acre more pt leu, about 70 acres ciearid. Trms hbouae and barn; poil orahard; clone te ahoe and cbunoh Apply te JOHN TINNEY VainlaPO. oý te 0. BH Hephita, bniÏ&r, Lindsay. October 10, 1890.-bi t, Desirable Parla for Sale. Iu the gardon of Karipôsa, lot 6, cou. 14, Maripis aqare hundred, &It cieared snd culltvated eopt Clve acres-f hardwood bumh Oood bamn, etc, trame bouse, uooe ila. On. mlii direct rnuth tram Wood- vile Teàuàw- eay. For urtber partilulans applyta W. H. BURKNE, ou the proice., Woodvfilto P. O., or te Uept. 94th, 1891-1-4. EL. JOHN4 BAISLET, for Sale or to Bout. But hat Lt 20 ln 9th con, Hanters, 100 acres; &bout 70 sr, cle,ýired, balance hardwrood eud cedar; volt waere gond orcbai-id nd t. uildnln; threo sallestoa Be- hany. Posessioln lmmedlatety. Ap- Ply ta D. H. DIMK Umeme P. 0. Omeme*, 28th Sept., 1891.-2-4 To Bout. Park tLots 8Baud 4, vest of Abert treet lndmay coctaininI i -aacres. WiI hi ented cLeap for a tere, tc, aplyta JOHN DOUGLAN, Chiot Constable, Port Hoe. April 27, 1891-8W if Flarm for Sale or to Rout in Laxton. Fer mie or ta roui, Lct No. 9, lot con. Laiton contai'îg 100 acres. 15 acres tait ptow6ngdon@.' For fou partîculars appiy ta the preprietor on ihm premîsles, or by letter ta Wu. B. ALLIN Apnit loi, 1891.-TO f, ra.rm for Sale. 09 200 w1t1 buy 102 acres cf land vithîn 2 miles cf theCs 'o f Patierboro, voit teuced, veli vterod, sad wei hulit on. A firot-cluas tarin. Ne tout meoeda sud In a bu1b niai. of culttvation. Ono hWai eW paid down, the balance ta e hiseure by mortpg fur a aumbir et yeors ta suit purabasier. Poamessic un bbit gîvon immedlately vih or vithout oep. AI- ply to T. E. BELL 81-if. Box 741, ]Petoboro. Frarm 10 RouI. Loti299Cou 9, Ope. oeuiaining eue huadred aires mari or Ileme, ia ta rent ta a suiabis tuuut. About 80 acres ère olaaa, the balance boing bralin iatueo land. Thei tarriii ituaad on tie ]Be-baavgeocu Bai oe Milt uarein .usy1la vithin hat-a- Ile boti uebool bouse; andhlve i watered. Possession give aitmuY lime ta suit the touant. For tanker partios lae app-y te Mnt. Mary A. Bal ou thé Pimmiasa, ot 9f by ltUer ta Lindsay P. . XR .BY Juiy Sih, 1801. -1790-Ut. Farm toRoui. In the Tovnahip et Otouabeeé, 2j mltes frein Potes. borouuloiadlng roam. Sauthi hallt cf Lot 28, eam 14, 100 ares. Over 70 &acre uion a ulititln, bal. ésce lu ature.Tva storoy heuao. a roama. oel.w under whole haute, ahods aud ivo goci berna, stable for camuie andi noot houses. The tain la wvolt teesd. Pcmsaslnn iven ta ptow tioisftautfunt Pc.sséell Aprit lai,IM81.For turtber psrtteuasanlto CAS. 1PILLOBURT 1808-tf Luaa ,0 Parm for Sale la the Towuahlp et Opa. The fotovtng vsiuable fam poperty bolng Il eouth-eaiiquarter et lot 27 lu thm o 01eau1cOps. This fatancotaini à@ acres, &Il éiean sd lu a goo dtaea et cuitivatlon. Theon ara on tii e.a!o a ontfortabte dvetlng houas, strame buem, aMMb@&M aobois The tarin h oel ,enoeeiviit osier rail las The propenty Je utuated tour mlléesfrein Ltndocly m ho Joad ng roa obdoygon. ThomnIh a good, joun orchard, ivo goc odia aid wu 1 iSa good brick sahoothoinse ou tbi. omret f ii ti i ahurahes ouiveient. For famlerpeuclr te JAS. MORRISON, ilgwmt., o wyad, nmy Farm to Bout la Bexbey. Sout-vosi f fty acres et Loti10COn. 4, Eeis upvardi ef tenty soacrmatene. Gcamcl; lar trame houses; g ced br. a a btos; vl eof %outil crah*rd4 lmtestha"It s muiWtosioUi; ahve rodist tomstore sud post ocEes; tu, solia terMWlVa. Plowlnirmy ho donttsuv tl»mââ;pOo id bouse à iMana. For pemltoularaaplysW ILLKA FIEL, MI. J ITPLor U êa *.paratft for SMUe. la.lhave a Iitalama Sâg rtc. naaaufaetur L. D. Savit or, for aale. ui for oWe. etrbui Pover. Tor PemiuImnOMITt~~, Theuand mil h proPeM ite «%&M"Mb- Vi"ti6, asu uni si het t plai sud anejEa an pue Msi nmaU Per yard.Ueau t. XIU - Oct. 0*, MLUi-0 Breeduo f puribMd Dok 1"rlue 0A2.8- To* i1u~ %-hg Jittoriî vtUr ba publbhoi At thébmlOue Gambuidge ai., South of the Narket, UAU HUGNUE, EDITOb AN PROPRMIETR NIEW .40 VRTiBrissENT8L Wauted. A goci geu"nat mtant. ¶17 toGU 1800.1. Welngton u 51-s, lnumy SerantWated. A gad geontservnt.Mit ha asbt cf retrenes Taheish prso apermanent potl- tionaind geo" wme. AP aones te Bond Stmet. 1-Lhinmy, Oct. 14, 1891 -,&8& 9 Ezle. Aplvte A. TAYLOR, Sma.Treauner, Oct. 9, 1871. -4-8 Teacheru Waat.d.. Tvo haones tor tAie Lito BitainPublie achoots ter thé Voirn 18. One holding a second-aiâmscrti. amie, tor ltsenior iepsntmontmate pnatirroi. AtIdreesA EM VEOMAN. Littloe itiain, Oct. 15, 1lu1 -4 8 For 1891 Expleaqaei male. BSecoclam eerti- Leatoe. Geai moral ditmacter. Per mebeel amtion No. 12, Ope. Addim W. J. GRANDY, Sec, Trustais. sept. 80 1801.-I-5 M. Horeb P.O. luto the prmilespfDaniel Jooo, Lt, Cavan, tbro REIFERS, ivo yienm od. we o oua FranklunPAO Fmnnln,6Oct. 81» IL-"4 Cameobl te .premimme, Lot M ,Con.10. ldo., about the miii.of 2et11, a tw0 jeer oie boiter. Ovmit bsroc edte provo pmrosty. uay ebargesuad ramove the wanmaL onrtir parie. uts. applyoau Ilspromises le OANMEL TAPL.. * Vicoriona ad P.O. Otobet 12, 101-&i Issi. ~ OOW . £flVPIO. black or.vtoac good faith.' 'It n'eans foryo-u the beat at- low prices, Truth TeIling about Seasonable Styles means a stock of 'Bright, New, Olean, Fresh, Goods, That's what you wanhi; we have them. Truth Telling about FA It PRICES means honest,close, fair square uniformally low figures; that's what you want; we give them., Dress Goods. This department is a very striking feature of our stock. Thesd goods it will be fonud1 not only appeal ta the eye and the gond taste of the buyer, but also to their good jndg- ment. Don't fail to exam'ne our display of Drss Goods. Mantles and Mant1e Oloths wbft )Monbk; to ifl u OMOur stock shows that -we have =j7w,1dtl 1.4bw Mmd Mkept pace fully with the times. Undaavï. o. InaeW, our stock is truly us- impteborpresgenhiative of the very beat Strid.the market affords. VM»" OU. o=wa"mïï mrWooflen Flennel, Eo -Gate U mt»sV" umu isitul1. o. à«YU. lelm- Do not hesitate to seek ini Teadrs.our stock whatever grade, or ~ weight of these goodu fanoy aum.i c**, M'.1 u*0May incline you to o abit cil* ictat foryour wear. un SOIIuS[11111 In tM deparm.nt it wMi ilpma le r lin s w e ) a . o g t for 1ýese * Z' ir d 1al1 SE r' I 5.50L49 4 froa o. 15% inom'*y ........ t uhe~ th nie elica culdl 0pl'Il iifg tat o tuneed od auj pM.7nge~ nihi Icmenet lrodued vôden ii rsula. oc thll Ios ceui a.dn mioemnlum sud vii cmhie l~ a nl Oi tad *. Witre ing re provuede1aci sanapi afterafev Inm oantu ced w >alblul< tete.So1our directions Iy bmm tuyelf avuz voman, mle to Mbâd uoailuseo dluis. Ticmh ie buasive* mmea new leame cf lt Ayer's'Sarsaparilla, ?E3An E? D. 0~ . Ay.r & Co., flovou& as $1; ao ixt I*e, . Wortb46a bouts. Notice te Credltor. la ui of mUr 4iîtzxls W Md8 mi 7. ABRD PSARB80N frad*W ng 4ir e>' Lewis &Paa. c f die.iilkq. if Bob Lt. chuety o>'Viooa, (Car- n*àagmhn. Notice la bey ghe lal tbe abeve-nmed pin- sci baye, lu punsuamof at ter let, a a 0. lm made aialsimd at t - a4ohiresas1 affecta. fer ibe bofli ci01tborediamu A mesting ai the oreditas viWM e hff tii. cEMS 09 W.HJ. Nacra b orolmrbwrusi]b on FARIDAT, TREùI DAv h1O a&OI ER, iN5T*N ah 10.80 ock, a mi fetoebmappointaient c9 inepes. hors aid the gîvingeof ilnesouàasaoc the diapammlcif the essae. Crailon sheuli flsb&"ite of Ilsir daIm ém vêqured y Ilawon or beicre Ithéday ofmml mdug W. H. MOOUE JOHN FINLAT, Amignoes loflilor, Asalgme --el pehebarcagb. ucrvood, ont. mortgage Sale. VaIuable Farm Proporty. Unieai»d byvirgue ofl-à*power of mie ontaus lu, àcortatu mortgffl vhicbvi ie y roducei et the tinta of ate, thora vil! W .sold by publices«oton on TueMdey, lte 1 1 eîm ,1891,et 29 oaiok I 01 the 0onaI D1.brs a theubmVillage of ElUme0nt ftitite àv'g aunbte puopert? Lotm nma ea T U i itn eMconcision A, West of thé Eobcayg.enroai lu Ibm Tovnablp cf Lutter- vorth, lu the provW" na eunly cf Halburton, ceutmllng 90 ares. mons or teu,%bot 6W acre otemred.Thé propor n la Inesi lte Chamerm tarin. ad thersame laid tg. W q&tbe papecty W trime homves aid a Me i. TERME -0 ntb ci parebeumomet ah liocf mito, "di tberai toe mi tinS imusyl W maie huovua ttimse ofmie.,or c laiemt VâUe&Volleitor, - id"F. Iiatod Octeber lfbi, 189L--a GUY m BROS. AND THEIR GRAND MINSTREL CO'Y Twenty. five Amnerican and Euiropean .Atists. Bradbi=r'sOpaHoe MONDAY, OUTR 19 Tics. vho have net vitumuasth iue ao GUY BIROS. lMindtrel, aboult loue anoMmo la proomblngtàoketa. Nov on mi. at PonlrW eook Store. Adèmission 95e., 8e,, ant .d - TUB BLIND BOONE CONCERT Cou Opera House. One ýNight OnIy. WEDN EBUAYOOT.21 A Rare Treat'foe the Lôvers Of Munie as m4 Iody. Pilon,2".,SU-oanid 800. Pam of Nas m» 4blaeau al.b Potin'.Book stuo.--4 1. o., CJOIENBTON, uwn*W4Oont b In ou Mfiqdqtet - ~e m.ig.lio i al wdw for 11.1v support. Laut Fvlday evening Che ibudeubs vere veRt repvcseusod in the Âssombly HaIl. The miession b.ia« the eleoBion cf offleemu te I lie important offices cf lime litemr uodety. AIl nempai lus le put he= favotite. ln. Officeva for tie tollowine terza are :-Preaid.uu, Mr. J. T. Haming- ton; lot Vice Presidout, Mrt. M. Kennyf; 2a4 Vies.Preuldenl, lis B. Brovi; BO- ovrdln Bée., Mrv. A. Clark.; ou-Be.,. lia Z. miàinse]las E lvelie, sud Mrt. 1. B. Weldon; Trou.,, Mr. B. Ne- Kenulo; Canator, Mr. J. Baller; Warden, Mr. Muchai; Ezenive Commîmte, lelu Mavty, Mr. HRdy, Mr. Maundar, ias fflg, Mr. F. Sham.Owing le l*0 latsa.euof lIe lient bismeeting vuada- jeurasiunsthle ucîl Fniday, vbsu spcseesWini be glven by the nevly elee- Md coests Os Tuedow 1u$-a meetof tbc litulcne u ovs llsd te domidolupon formn- ma thlchlo ascelaion for yeumg LsBo" ai aile s ports vers op"oie f buts moihing soud bciefin- ily dcodeduapon à vo. Plac.d in the l>.s'i t fl t hast tbe Blsbop Povior Isoiurs soIt Tudesd mselg, Oi. Oh., Us Tiasbj*Me to e bc"BSecProblèmu .1 The WOUiae sur for ils vosi edbln atarday mghi, lut. 101 ,IM Llmdsay bsaory":- ~ 7,. .......... Ocaihy 8 10.9, ... ........Fnida of 61*.ss..........buadq 060 8 .-Weduda PO JVW UiORANER& ~melte 2T rer YeN ,TEE Puizn-WO èr ver oy mach pleaset tem many fune oite et diffament ages on lie show grouad ti aieFeu lb.Mr. J... Wllloci bai a good ivo year colt ou exhbibtion wviciicarrieti off tl iet siprime, oeitngagint six otion cf due Mme igs. Tism prize v=înig colt cf Mr. Willock's vas sired by Chaion Fred. vioso famé la sproadlng fer ma d nies a gooti herse. M. IL Bieocai v i thé ovua rnetuset a big price far hlm aeotlima @go, Gi.on TanrnrN.-Ât prisent everj treir h.@ a atrav ia"cksud every co ta busy pioughIIIg. No Sîcmu«. Boom lui reil esCale sid buiding. Omueinee la botteir Chai ever, bat bretlirc cf lie chohad ocher fratemnal uoi«Iés have loarned molte d len oc mach on brothely love ad ch wiyvhudesirable radeta elel aboult t change hindi, aid now, smi ve ha,v linggolanCthe future. Ou Sog ihool in progresminq under ]Rail Boborlao, prinuipal, sud lie sfl. dent staff cf tehcbrs. Our prncaipal bau fev oquala lu lis profoasos. Johna. LCalder, put eibor of lie Orne- mu seveulavies to-day te accept a lio l luleoi t lieânaingu type. John JLbhm ey squa litse uesudi -s vomi aroumd ma"y a largoima vilimout maiaaJl Thé. Boy. m&Tompaam »d Bamiorli, tie attmodamialsier. bue atac"lmtg oagegalosThcp ame both a .zc teb pu tiho pemby. 11111sÊ11111 al bU 15mw' s uery lisov»W ishely Indue- tq m '4. Ubr»& unie e mhltc4 Mds cOBiDmat iN J" ob J Lràà» .î Tiers ais 6v iwIIIIIIIUMIII1os11 ltwDomiaha itesupM us u vuI 4. Triwp t* BouMe B@11»dlh.Ladmies luea la t»e ( -. I lon of0f1.800.00, soffà, . Cet7ib, 18L I"A unioriFRINRILY ErnLEY am Whu ýà s Imw w à va. lut, I -. Vet e de s aS Ra idu&iTol.1 .- ,Dm LM ro T» GRTIMOT GYI ou TIEE Uv3>ERTxm4 FinsL <apeNeilMeAtiu) to T~os. Tié laites of Canada are dellahtei; bus merrad,.(CptNoüVertbr)to Tyes ýbanda notice VU lpleasurthei. mlllnfaims et Ti l' metming Wuahovrv, vith a vesell vives and daugiom; indesi, the viole vinaw"olcaumidrocki roeilng id the. lttti onomy ib utieti up vith a plamuble stoumor tua l titquit. @qu'un"an md wu xcl'aisent. kt a lime afkdlulthait 1 vuu'ýd rp"nome via t laalply amounlitu thus-htheii.manu. I oaoly e.wulencod in crciilng the Atiamibe, factur -tu et theécelebmats mmd unlvoraly am ofe et s-mioknuss The pasage soroas laeaui ýmn Dyesa have inagaratoi a grand initient a mocili eue, ami 1 eould met but compsnlo.iou schéme knovu an the. "Diamonti thini ef the bardohipo exporienard in former Dyo Competition,"' vicic freely tirovuM lin o it5 iL nhatitla i f Tynet lad.,Ltuojet. .u ,,;ery mothern mai dangier of ont bdmg thirpain luopen hosts fnom the. Rau broad Dominion. of MaIL. ;ovoader liaisuci mm d otior hào leu s am intim 1, 500 00 viii bo- dia- milaitexporeimwpodueed aceu cf saeméen trueledte mothèea. wivas and dauxhiers seond te mnueinatho v.nld. 'The ide Ai- cf Canada, la firsi, second sud ihird pris. amtilo bhsfull swing. se a vestenly vlidThisumm la restly bain mtumduituth le cou- dumai lia aves ségalntihe aged o0ema; cf mumenofetDfmoniDye)va& Every lady in Uni it dtinestema tu submerge thbe 1ev lylag Canada cm saBord te became a competitor, talmntiof Tynse. W. called t &dBeinlia a d a.usufficient intellien d abultj ta hok on board pmengers and moilu inat ta moike op soin. cf due article. mentioned in the many, wvenu ho a rougi aie, but &Ui unheedoti long aid variid liai. Ample Uime lea afordoti by dm . irdj fiamum, mal@sudnifemâle, via teuaonfor exponfmeuting anti homlng porféet had tu do viii tho favorite1 Fingval' au 4ti se competitons for the. J"o cah primes offered. Acum ualit. 1h aujfavorite, fir ah. lanmenurd Ih in an uniprocedenfld mca cf libaraliiy ou baen eaptalu le cabiu-hcy viti Tyree ailera, tie part cf ithe vealliy manufacturera of ah Ias se I vue lutormed bj ai aise oulât tu Diamjoud Dyp..and neyer bufors attentpttd kaov. Fro bo>'hcod I havo a varm intaresi by saujiml«instîitutionen theus onld; Mmd lam Tjeo son eii actasoen oflmina le publc hveýa i.Moat ample pref ai vas minler,& vif. la Cornaig mmav jeasermgo, overy promuse .111 h a tihflij arion et. sudmymother m'ont ucine cf ber ivlnliood Düring uhe memion the manufacturera cf days thon. viii hor n ter, before "Waterloo" Diamonti Dyou have contributeti libenally te vu fougit, sud la et111 neinombered by tho cauntry faims, la cmder te encourage houa.- fsortinsas 1'Shin, a KM inu bicsaici." bhldeornmyasdudat.Binait aid aimosi From OmScaiula voprocoedsd te Arinsugour uninovu concerna have iled te atimulate la Coli,' vian. uhings occurred inlu ery vay tilaciaracier et vonk, hy the hifer cf inaigul- similar te vhai vo bave leady itated lun e- ficant marna cf frein one tu thredollars, liai feronce te Tyreé. I vms sonry thai by tua voauld net in &av instance dofray ceai of lime usine hate te retanu te Canada imd ge% dyfng andth le making op cf gouda callei for. possession cf my feeling& te mach an oxtemi W.e foar thes aniail imitatoe have ici vet thal h pastdI Tneesuad OUl iticut laning, tilcovoredthetiitact tiat ladies valueuo ami proceèedti tralgit u"t day te Tobommcry iighly thoir tinte and materiala, te hi luneti andi Obàn by the. Bount cf 1Mail, through by suai însfling and mla.ntv priseo. viL.'h I liaiti puaed the day befere. W. mot Thte taira ef car country have cîcoit for lie te Oben about 1 p.m., par steamor Floverdals, amaon, the manufacturera of Diamond Dveu tu ich vi iad benutrmnmferned at Totior- memu ta koep the ladies huîy durin, ithelong montth al ve migit arrive su bour or ivo autumnd idvntar avoufuga. by oifitring largo mooner "ha by the. Fingal, vhieb imd cella te and sabatantîll prises lu keepiig viii ithe insu lu due Soundi of Mail. Froin Ohan I chanacter cf wvan maketi for. prooisdod by train liâa tinoon te Dlmmlly. The produotian cf every competitor vili lu Glouorchy, pmaslg tho beautiful siones et fort an sîhihit lu the large sud vell-eqnfpped Loch Eîlve-kîrting teusofooteBn Crumoisu Diamonti Dve etabiishmentilunnoral. andi timough tho vilti peu. cf Brandît, anti seoingthrecf te langeai aid boat kuevu dry gooda fer. due firsi tinte the beautif nI Looh Ave, aidfirme in Canada have promiseti experts te lie &ament seau cf due Osmpb@lis, I"Kilabunu aanithe prime. ThesevelI inovi houssea Caste." Thl isa raglncf pecuit internit are: Heunv Morgan & Co.. Hesnry &N. E. tu me, for mv maternai anceators once liveid Hamiîlton, aid John M1urphy & Co. tiarensd 77 vian. @go My fter aid Motier Grahain & Ceo. proqeters of the Montroal veut, hem Kintyre teu pand their houevinoon DalIvStar sud Famlily Henala and Weekiy Iamong the. relativfs lu G'.uctrchy. Stan,: havi algnifird their uillingaeâo te mot ai Dalmally la a beautiful place, but ether fi- judgem on tie vernons essaye sent fonvard for iigs théa admiration of ithe sublime and compoîluio ' (beautiful prevailtet nc muai viii me ihat I Ynng suad oid, nlch sud por. have au larrniotoe n a atigit but iprooeodoi dowu equai chanci in ibis magnificent and novel Loch à ve aide tueCladici, anti thence tirenai compétition scheme; therefore &Ilisinulti Glîuarj :o Inveraray, viie 1 passe.d the vîuî"giy enter. If yen have net yet racaivad bit. Boy vai il;%iat aveu, hnveramy vith a bock glvinig fulpaticulars cf the mohento. ita osaile, non lte ,olonre,-r camp iu Glon. wrie at one te the Wells à Richardson Co., sire, Ivo miles sam, hati not chants onaah Montréal, vie vili senti h peaufre. te dételame oeedayt Snch in lte tact, uhât W. mn. mkit te nemnd aur readen. cf tie nexi moming h prooeetied dovu Locifyne te tact tamal ilniendig coinpalitons abouti mt Ardritahmg,.njcying a moat charmlng sailou once ignify their intentions et hecomfing coin- a mant luVely Loch at aasefln Moscii aonablo petitere by aeîdingliithefortu, proponiy filied and on a dmy,.of tracedentioniguin o l p. wvicinlafnion spage 15 cf lhe bock ihat reglon cf cloude sud meiy veatior. referaiti le. We visi te imprima apen car Auctiten nlgbt at Lochgllphutad sud thon a peoplo the tact ihat tuae contentinla msolutoiv sien tfon Glagov pelmteame~r Columba fliiahM Lmriste aIL. Tiare la ne oul tfor bocks. no lo r Olin lu o rhr ,vw ilIusetume uft% ,amn. osqnete ho.smut forvard; te tlulyet, iftMy lite la prolonged for 1cohd lt la as fine tuall an tâair we breaths We marcoly feel econolledtil o heme, liai everj trust aur people vill do viie t hey cmu la stop h teck "as ti@%lant I ahoulti aven tako on duim compétition, andi laibus talu tiirevu- tuai boloi esil. Thte tanê&tti1I pok ofetnla atatian et eut woiniaid girls an former letton van. for rifle practice for ti.heabui.iold vomki d evt. gréât gathenlng et hnvenary. viien six hundreti xllted sud plaided volunteen frna&R parts et Oomfng Evente. lie country met anti sucampeti for a few daym ander lhe leadership cf Coi. MalcolmJr.,cf SuNDAT A» MoNDÂr,Ct. 131h sud 19d- Polhaflach i.u laailoug iov the gerb cf Auniversary services sud tee, aider lie olti Gaul anti thi "Pîbroci" ioundlng esuri nipauspices ofthte presbytorien chanci. tho martial feelings efthle. igilsudera, and Omsmee. Tickets fer tes, 25 conta. aven u os. vo are net dinoll Highlanders. MNDÂTy, Oct. 19ti-Harvest Horne Dinnen but broagitlolto contact vii mainal ihe dmi11 shoed, Janetville, ondin tb. Tours fmlhfullj, aspceof themetiodisi chanci, In AuRos' CUEIU te yeing Rev. T. à. Campbelll vi doliver Ide popular lecture on "God (Jolleglatb .LIerL. tute -N ois. Bave lie Quae." Tickets for dinzer sud lecture, 25 conta. Great vas tb. excitoment on Wodnes- TIEhBDÂT cet. 20&h-Biaiop Chas. H. levier, day evenlng, UcI. 7th, vimen lion nDom- D,D. . L.D., cf Son Francisco. vili lnato BeWiith. Varions M ofiscf tb. lecture in the Amambly Hall cf the Lltevamy Sooleîy vers called upon te maie Colligimie Institute, on "Seine Prob- àa peeeh in Choir bohaif. Elequence wu lema cf the Tventioth Century."9 Tick- et@.25 cents. nes wacllag in many cf the. pee0essae- Tmu»Âr, Noeomber 12h- Thaikogivinq pool Mr. Maunder'o, in vhich hoap- Dy rwaI& wa . L.tai1alin a a k. e sud aUionloRock for his recocvry... ... W. am pleased Cc knov Chat Mr. Tics. Walke 1lanoovsrlng îicelyunder the *Oatlmuiof Dr. Ua-aham, 01 Fenelon The Rov. Ni. amnoomb le about tb .vid m, ud rganis achoir prmtils. iF Fmobdlvr very eloquemi su proen.shmof a vorker la the geci F . . Jhnm Do- et Kupom was em mm weq, nid olhome lih hlm à d s 1mît"e.W. velcome aul mm0 m, Mg. Dames. lm bllë -*goumbmqbmmt '4 t 13. . Houston Bpek. Nom£x.ÂroOct. l2uii, 1891. 21 ~ ~ 2 tABitr 12.Wsgr. DI" SE4U-Wouid 708 kindiy aile, im. Op&ce à Your valuablo journal tha: ubrough tht. Médium 1 maY b. enabied to refute the fI&WMaidauaercu oU mrts that during my recomiabSn tahe N orth- West wero mo freely clrculated, flot cnly throughout tht. VicilY, but naiveUin lathe tovu of Lindsay aud othor portions of thiacoeuniry, of cour@% aul emanatinu source, via., a f.v of rny (tu my face> frinda, vho are nov feel- ing mot a ltte more after heating a hsaty sud Ignoinausretreat on the. ovenlng of the nhit instant. To èxp.lain-the faim. ruiner s aid that G. S. Btun&uai, *ho lied basa tres. mrer of the Laxten Branch Agrieultural Society for 1889.9u, bail miappropriated the soclety friesida, or in ether warda ho had re. ceived much more rnoney. than ho ever paid eut fer the society, and hînce-aseone Official aaid, when aakod hy eue cf the miembera cu the lait - "fair day," why there vwu no claufif. cation of stock Y "Wo could net ho ead, do any botter in the way of prizea tis ear as aur meciety bu bien robhed by the laut treai. murer,. but we viii iry and ha"e a botter list Deortjear.0 This and many sîmilar &tte. monte vere made on that memorable "tlait day" Wheu there vau nemrly heil o tpe*itioia ID everal departmenta of the exhibition and the mm cf thirty dollars vil 1 ho required te pay the primeaarded. (alter firsi deducting membeiuhxp faeu for theeinsuing year of couru -weverythinitvwu mmde remdy for the investigation and the. word was;, Ju the moment the ex.tremsurer roturna, if hi over doeusf vire th ini stèr of Agriculture ta seed a c miision et once te investigate the bocks of tiie society for the. lait tw 0j'earm. Thé treamurer roture on Saturday night the. 3rd list. On Monday morang arly. the ominoua verdi vere fiaahed ovor the vire. ta Torante, aMd the r.ply vas that, au lanveatîgation vould b. ho hold et Rorland on tii. folio wing Thurs- day. on vhich day Captain W. J. Mliister, tf tbe clîy cf Toronto, appearod on the icone and the. investigation baoun. h ahouid hors be said that the, accunts ver. atthe ilait annuel meeting audited In the. usuai way and epted, at vhich tinte a nov treeanrer vu appointed, and jet slter mll tua certain mein- bora cf theo accity vere dealing out such lying alandors to the public, ai for instance. le VU sald thie balance on band of 818 38 band. id me by my prodeceesr, Mr. John Harohav, nov ef jour tovu, vas not entered on the. bockssa a oredit te tth. sociîty. tiiat certain prizes charged sa paid vere not se pag d, that the. ameunta ai given in the books for the. Goverumet nts vo wren fot me largo as they mhouid have benu. Nov as fithbu nover beau cuaicmary lu this branch scciety, nor in fmct in auj tbat I knov of la this part of the coun- try te take roceipta for prizea paid, and titis belng patent te the officials preminent lu se- curing the investigation eue might have looked for thornai a matten of common courteuy ai leat te have iufermed thé party se cttarged, and vioe hould b. compelled et course et the. invetigation te produce vouchons for ail u9stîoud pavinents mpuesning ou the. books atho enm1ighi havieturne te aie the. partiez viiom. the booka s&id, liad rectived thte a! md questiened payine and secure roeipts for the uane, othervise suifer the consequences. But, ne, not a vhiap.r vas ho te hear of it from t sii ad officiais. hitvas cliariy evidont ihat the intention vms te get un lnvetitigation uprung on su suddenly lihai ho vou]d lhve ne chance cf defenice, ner of joinirog "Inole" Thomas McGreovy beyond the bordera. The. investigation la on. The ciuuîry is scoured, sud evidonce cf faIs. entries l te tu a forth. comlng frein the Boho office et Mindmn, front Ouon'Weaaeiu, at Moono's Fails; froin ?atthiw Watson of Buck Lake; froin I.maç Sprlug and Jamie Quinn of lhe tcvnahip of Somerville; frein Benjamin Burchoil beloy Cohoconk: frein MiesSosie Kaes, Cohoconk; frein Tho&. Soutiieru and, ochers mt Head Lake. Ojie. thi ex-ineasuren la te bc once for aIl ceut Inte oblivion. We vould on several paut occasions havi liked t etît mi hm hecause iias ugiy and headatroug and ven't lead. But nov's Our chance, and net a atone viii be lefi unîurned. ihat viii form aven se amli a facter la the. acompiammuiof ar very vorliy and long Po Inobet.l the future ho is oniy te b. rýmmord antpoken cf ai theo obj oct of an investigation, <(a mre cf viich vas recently cencluded,.at Ottava) wvhich, vith au ovin- vheling amnnt cf evidena. ito e tte for &Il Urne teucma hlm iutegrity s apublie man, a klnd cf funeral se te apeak, tu bld faroven forevor toe .lait vestige of hlm houer and lntogrlty. But, &am! the mounera vore not tc e b.priment aud the. pall-bearttrelooketi 80 ud a tuiey cannled their entpty coffin from thei intendod 1'laaI pile." ReceiPte are fur- nlahed, lettn aresoni, and eue pereon in pre sent te pivse vidence, and &H1 ooborai.thé entiezosin the bocks for theea»dvearu 1889 sued 1890 vlth the fcllovlug exceptiona, vis:- Katthev Watemn 99 conta tee littie, and Jus. Quinn, 75 conts toc muci. The balance due the. sComt reainrrby ith. acciity heing iveniy dollar. and four conta, and vich ho ia nov takUng stipe te recover, Red the eshae hein plaeti oniithe tiier font Kr. Editor, I 1 1 1 1