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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 16 Oct 1891, p. 4

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Jevorunewitlimca=n *a tU ~r tiffl forthea Pand 1.arte. in evmrLilne of Ged (mm~rz tlb. stock ie wsa aorted a4 P to date." Ir COTMOTI ta came a" lob ok igli ce, .ab- liulment, ami if youtalci pusr hlb. beutdfu[lot iw himme hm bc taplten7oM ihe b maia" Pcu alotted I té aai vertisment t. do ma»t lasbrbiy indicate ia genermi v"Y V Ia v have ()OUisud Silver Watob er t "uie ladies or gentlemen ab mha &MoMe or proeol.mnd stylo » "riaMta suit mau pooke A dpoe..ma tiles Tre ratest clebtbn p-t* masure taoOur ouitomum ompet gMatWfm«in We only handle,£00018 cf knoiu'n lmeriu, Mmd give à peammm v an t stq»Uaty. mEE RANGE of Jevelry-in 4o large Iliat It coubu moroly touched upon bers. Brace- leto, Broocho., EmrulngObàu&, Phs lu evuButti.,4LoaeO M Md mS on. Ai tcWodn ig ,Eig- ment, NKe or iemRngs li a.oamet re mda" gat Al To Bilver&m e .havie .lea l stock, lm@lding about e-very&ln tram a plein Zoan or napkin rn laeaàf ailte.seut or ciet cfi t vare. This imludué M»omfaithé fnstpiesetation pièces ever sinn i ndaY,msM eon ai nealy eVea usul ticle for table nue md. OLOOK8 A"E a nweosty i very bouse, and vo bave the vberevlt bctaplaua cames; eocks iWalun 1=u9gny Oak, @ec.$ Nickle anidMable cases, for parlor, bail or amyvber a ock l eii. OPTICAL GOODI and spectacles. ln no brmnob of business bave vo boum more tume- fui tban in oui spectacle trade. The. application of acentifio prInciples in fitting Rasse makes tbis as much a matter of science se cf buiter. The people appear ta appreciato oOur on- deavors in this direction. When vo furniah a customer with glaisesho bus the couitortablo assurance tbat bi sight vili be bonefttod ai much as le possible. Spectacles bought i the. ordinmyway genera,1ly vork more or-e. injury, omoetimes tramn faults in the goodi, but ottener be- camuie unsuitable. CHINA ,JAPAN. Tho almond-eyed olestlala Md their varmi tvelve thouiand miles to de- llght you. Themo goode are quaint, protty and irtistia. Wbat eau bu more acceptable for a present tbmn somethinq having in addition to its uneotinoas mnd boauty the itereit that is attachod ta thoe odcdities. Pages of description would fadl ta givo an ides, cf their boanty and attractivenoms DRMTON BROTERS' store in one of the. ilghts of Llnday, and il sud the. gooeistberen dia. plarsd talon togtber presient fe"t nies of more than usual iteret ta the. ahopper, or the. lever of busutiful iart. Oomo and soesfor yonrcelvuu. WATCE AND> Jewelry repalrlng as uual-tbat là, ion. ln a fit. ciao manor at reason- able prie«. W. are bath practical vorkmnen, mmd give m&l vork ontrustei ta us oui caret ai attention. Britton Bros. Lladiay, Ot. 811, 1891 l t 1*atsu lm Vk Y, OortOBEla, 1891 A lio futc end misneof baud A unîcu ous un maio Auulaofhemesmdauuboflsais LZIDU F MA DI TS. Tm Wàuzua baifou ym gà.vol keep the markete of Vkola"acunlyMi good ai tébut. Luit yIslhy vo»t u mny th inesfi tuly uptea . obg lavus. W. aue evotr rudy tlaie MnJuilcetu aur icalers, d f.d eut"*SMmýI cSpromsing t*e ballet lat lhipeut l voix bureau » "du e uit'w M aci prmtestuasbebwàsai * f 5 cboulon& WINTER GOOD~ 2*4v4 Dry Goodis. cemclWe 1e* b*0mle lot ~ ~ g ov4a #oklb Wsaet pUukV uluUOdg, Ooly vote lio.sevuu e* Pot pur. uuadul*ara" bprlsy Oom- mndulMlo hé uill m thcou- sornvausccdcmn .mode dped br by tios clubks iho drev p fr citr v th;"Io aboulbave ojcêita selves; but tLbq oe mmmenl blo ta romain aet aamd lins a apole À oler l a"ociler' for aravlng1 pay for extlime; a mombuo f pur>li ment la a "6patiot for thé Mane tbinq. 4"wmadme Poweatbe «Mfboe ie To m. eoursulvéu asi Ihle. ne0nU." There bave boom a foi gm"alun-1 MM" lodIbissosoinab Ottava, meinh cammoliawu li vSnm ontracta c f Larbin, Oamoly MidC0&; 0»e in connes- lion wlth a mm »MraiSMOnea" mo n- allier nmmai Bpuikili cf the Printing Bureau; cme lnvolvlng Hon.Thom"s Mo- eevy ia steamer contract; amother a clr mmmod Aradi; Mdi a couple cf "orm afaira, basides a fowi rtarlttos in oly one cf aul tioentransactions dii th. Govermment or tlb. caq mtcoa cent of monoy, Le., i h lIakm con- tracte Inesi i BonooW'doingi hi "tbeat ti» fram vbom be maie Pur- claies iovm boo, ordlnmryvbolemale rates, mad tien oobed for a commisson besudes. Son"eai mntai n . my put- uai lbhecourae cf ame clergymn ho for their position and prominence fIn accpt a iscount on pnrcbams Hon. Thos. McQreevy le" 1ta tic Goverumout in lb. name cf amotiier par- son, a iteamer, or reoSivei a Govenmment subsldy thîrefore. ,Thss wu m.rely via latlng lb. Independence of Pailiament Âct"; but ho vas almo conuected viti lb. Larbin ivindle. Theomirvative gev- crament promptly bouuced Mr. No- Gruevy, ocnduat in marbcd contrait vith lb. action efthlb. rformors viien in office, vie merely promoted Âuglrn, Viii, Joues and otier members of the ref orm Goveru- ment împlicted a as uMoGreevy. The only zvindle et amy account vas the Laikin, (Jonuoliy & Ca. afakir. It viu acoomplished by pnrchaiinq lb. gov- erumeut engimoors smpnrntendiug lb. vorks. The Goveimment cngaged lb. services of the fit lavyer in Canada, Mr. B. B. 0.1er. a reformer, ta proseante thi investigation, bcsides paying .t1e expen- ses of Mi. Ocofrion, tic lavyer ongaged b7 Mr. Tarte the one mablmg tiie charge. Xvery facility was ofeored, every ielp Rivon la ti orougily invustagatc tics. charges. But il M vasednt froni lb. out»set thelb.refor. leader% vere mat seeking justice, but smandai mand clecon cries. Yet lb. conscuvatives perseverei and probud th. charges to teé battani. The only attempte maie ta blndcr or pre- veut investigation vere by lb. retenu leaders viien their pot Murphy au their otier ally, Robert MoGreivy, or Larbin thi Globo aitockholder mnd proideut of Lincoln reform mmaooatlom, ieemed likely ta ton iomothiinq Iat vouli expose them. The Dominion Govermmt have turter consulted Mr. Osier ith a vie ta osucer- tainlngiio cf mil tics.ivolvedi the coaudmls au amemable ta the laws cf lb. lamdi vlthelb.vIe, cfprc»mcung ti.m. Se .of tii. minor ofeonces vore desit viti aIthtie of expoire, by prompt f.> f~'f' Gogecot te jêM b ta m 0 shoul te âla olir *" *6 .Jeilsw a aou ct Que"". vbose battis o0y vu -% bu 5 oM «uIgj55 'Ontaio,*$6091n, Vltb; the protestants cf Ontai.," om"m tie loyal Frenc-owuidimilui by snc méc-aiHom.J. 'L. ObaplOan, BItà. P. Caron, abu ectar Langevin, ClOuirslt, Mmr. DesJardin4su mm othors, vhoso var c'y vas, "ti 1w cf Cm&&a *o Do mWés atboalitr or religion.mae violatei the la,, vu mluy trldbplü. lav, and m.ua thé .penaltorf is The. mamo fov poitie u M uos Who cannaos- bath sides ct a caie, bave bous dambwville Oliver Mowst inmilianos illi the. extrMoroman catbollc ve, ba boom gràmualy nd.mimn OnlmrI public mohool qutm. Timoutiasers alec cooed on lbhe tcal ool o o- lys9," 6TRio Sebou-Globe dmoal'""T Iria Ca i Loue," u4Tbo CovuTIm.îr bar frauda,' aMd various other matters &mouthe ii.Ontario oor«Mt .No liomost mmn ionldor idom objoot, to aMr Mmd oeorclergyman upholng thc s"'bSdor iniviîda purity. e.s or bocmo aailanicur b=Mi.f. e imply requestud the guiltlses ta begin. lb. &tao _lzglg. Thougb rocks vore pleutifolmn vt"ttvu, no Re bmndly iirected th. accusod ho, te Mot for lbe future. In departing tram Chrit'% «ample, sud boomlng Part mmd parmil of lb. gang cf bowling hypocriCes, bave tb. f., uforms clergymen vho, bave icuglit motoriety by Siag-vhmmging the ooummtivou 1"at 1. tav," wvile piously overlooking lb. ru- form doinga iTarant. and Quebec, toi- lovai or nearly foliovod in lb. footatops cf The Maister?1They have mot TaWàwux condomes. no offoex-« cuses nocunprit. The countrym'b7eoo Mst a grand example bZ te lb eative Goveimment mmd.ita members "aima.ru- tier, vu are rejeoita. 50 ergyemem anxiaus for public as vel sa privatu mom- ality; mnd are pleaMss te ocause cf iiuumnity advanoing., Fortumatuy the gret body oftheb clergy cf. Ontario areso veli informed, and no laing lu bigotry, sitiier of pitici or of religion, ai ta con- tain but r.I, very fow mmn vo vouli descend ta, dimgrace tiliptlpita by roter- encesa mch ai sumo fev bave reutly made. Letunepresenta paualeL & fev caumsoft mvindlïng bave beeu unearthed aI Ottava, mot one of vbich involvai aMy conservative mombur e of lamntex- cept Rlon. Thomias McGreev7Wvoa vu promptly dismissd tram l. Heoumo. On tii i tt0 ereterm clergymen vho bave ouhatariety bave triai taoldander the viiole conservativo Party of Canadaý. la that, fair, or honest, or mauly, or religions? How vonld duose clerloal hooera like if nmemobitter opponont, pnrni gheu un manlycourse, voie ta =0b:Uavànmo f the numeraus "meootions," tuligitumate love mrapoes," bremohes *of promise," "commissi ns"md the otior mundry ami several. "f&llhwga ram grame" vhici mib bu raked up agfa!fnt men vbo have donnei thc acrei garb of clergymen;amiudlmming a&l preacberi et lb. Gospel iu theccare domami lb. ovortbrav of tb. vhole re- ligions mystem 1 If lcoe reformée roter- ted ta vire mot clergymen taI lje lbe very lime they voAi purin.. As it tg lb.7 doubtlemi tale lb. proporet Viand mmy, "îevoiy fbol bhsblack mhiep, mmd tlb.- linquentu' da mot tthafe lb. ocu&e." The man is a oviard vho »nébs ta mml. lb. short omim c f a fow blaclon lb. m=nyThe grot mmasforgyMa g *suamipure amidmemiblee.Bubt thor are fi"bi h"otamong lb.. ai among a&U other boies. S,,moa few ragm1os hiet7 reform- .mplth c onservatlve Gov- ernentdo al uth.eIetuI affect lie tbu mode. 5:aM ;IOum sIlu. GvemI May4 DeuplIsthem*w *QPc.MMOSaMd mumoatomWma âlb. mgItcm i nbyTmz W~A&M lem qgo a o p th. bWuly tu"aie wlb glMID k M ueA F«erer W4&d7 ac n omuavempgeof 100 peu " M»'toa. tpthe tvo..aovo "b fSatw d mz-uowud,&splendid sow. ing fa thé *.uN M*.' Our W "mmd. vil o*mbr the Moll aMd mivels of ou a PPOsIMMaet uM vii vo buRin Iis moem64 R advo boom a soivler or boum infhamcoi Munr thé agitation w" o n boae. nipped& As It in .efoljw* prcou. Te&moaon wavehocimbot barley loto the farmr'pookela in ample mallmion for us. The fum.i.are abovine tii 8"titde by tmkng T»a WàaZD 0MI lUND» F5418 00.Ag The Puncch Revolution, tàh btai struggle of a grand people gromni dovu under lay and olricl tyranny, tg acqui. fr.edom vusin ita infâmcy o». bundred yeaa éo. Puir ta the, Revolution Franc gol b.d preut O"wnalpamomns, vl airtiona for mare Tbe deslgcof Pitt wu mat so mSml ta efétéer Frati0MdS thme lb y Of lay aMd lerlou iliocat, for aulUng- lma ympatlimluwtlithe cause of lab. erty. Pitt »mawhcopport4imty, by' en gq[ing Franc la wu wftb aller Enuropoan powprm, of.galnlng poouéeoton of many ithie colonies of Frano, and of extendlng Britishi prestige. It wau the moot unboly afiance Britain wuas eor on- gag»d in,afld msy it b. lthelait otise kmd. Tbe war;ceit EUgIUuîdfrectly upwaud of thb ilOn of dollars, boudes tb.éi- direct loninhimen, commutoes Md wu Hovoever, Britglmi olonial teength dates frot the onoludlo f Ibat w; md the dresm of the Gmter Britain, mnci- ing a UMMoof tb. motbaer lanmd mau ber co084loae ifait -""inln reliuallo. Groat Iritain d lmotinvolve beretH i tbree billionoA debbt ilmelfor tbe ton of »seing a king iuslad'Or Ilprecidenti Vanee. Theéuatmwu to boild o a vaut empireboonai together le boo The oentumq of Waterloo, 1915, wbboh ooosthé v rt&Uay bejgm in 1789, vniM he iigreat dosigmi cf1Plt éooom- ~ tuhia uion cf1lbe Grau Buitih ita i.- li La6SaI4 m'me Uad luit. lb vlhotU . RW..hIW1Ja.,et à er W *Bd Oit le u hca p.duBy a~uIh~ d usp~~~p*~ ove, at ,oek bo~om pries.. A grand opportunitiy and the bu. laU id WtoeGoodi ià uow offered. A Lrge and Varied Assortmnent of New Goods 1~ ~~~~~T OMM &.Vfo u.o4n 'h I" *ty. b.Mue.t oUain, mcli quulity, uuch variety and sncb yeiss . hV« ee befoe bomsal to o0ér oui customers. Corne in and s ei NEWDST. DESBIGNS IN DRESS GOODS, Oui mue ulyhe WWlau lmy à"&0M " b autprefitting Mantîsi and Ready-made Clothing in the tmd, uiprîq e o. imthalb»Wha of ma &'= noltihe time ta buy. Bemember, the purchasinu pov«et o a li#he momey go..fi wth un. W. have th. stock that ean prepare you for the weather anu equip you for the. storms. Opposite the Post Office, Lindsay. Limdu.y, OtiL lai, 1891.-1801.ly. The People's Arch D .uR GTrocery of RI md abový cîher ibb I Nul rent r MOI -iê 1 W' .Mo PRO MortI jeet fr- Mut st ont. streerÀ m. Mnd & $4, Si'( $39 854 TEADPATNT W. have a tuyamae Tegoi dn ril t edn rcs u e nfot that ou tock :La neyrbter asre hua rsncmrsn i u oular1 favrbynonhiulottew lecnt say more now Ibis brands, so well Wn STAPLE UNES 0F GROGERIES & PROVISIONS# QUERCHINA, CROCKERY AND GLASS WAIRE DEPÂBTMENT This depatont is replete with a vari.d and extensive sortment of Fancy and Staple Goods. Ont Fancy=Chnsd SGlassware are ail new sud beautiful design,, sud at such low prices as were neyer of- fered- in Lindsay before. ACiOMPBEL Lindsay, March 4th, x8gi JOHN ,Wmnes, Liquors, Bottled Be ors, nd General Groceries., N@67 Knt 8tpand 9 miâ4lwWima K Bonded Warehiouse 1o0,4 William St. REOEIVSD THlS WEEK. I Cs 50 &res, GOdGham & Worts' oelebrated <M y. md .lt#bikI~ *y....OUI md 7 yws oktd ope ad qsaety guaranteed; inbnd i>r OQa»sGood% ]Ish and, Sootch..Whiskies, Hoiand ým u 04T GiS4 cB Sai, iaps Bu htd Alen ad Portr I ~ oawre& O n Rened oal Ou.à .Duud., Sootland, of bu ouleuee ciquaity at the mî I fr1sup.rding Brandywhf kuco' Picleet oNd wholeae ana Retail Dealer in Oampbell,, DOBSON, ýNy "a-;! 7t', - - ý =, -, - 'r

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