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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 16 Oct 1891, p. 5

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f., infante end cObldmen. L àh. Ama% L j DT.WI'm.smls ~~a OrnionCrâ, VmvUoN.y Ji He SOOTHFRAN,1 Igé,aI astate, snd Eoney Droker, U'ire'and Liee uuranceAgeBnt NOTIOE. A"Iiteul wakota ua ruins of REAL ESTATE, MONET ONN Mid LN8UB&NOE,, invitte cvarybody *w. vi wl bave business la auj e1 the above lices toeisl snd ueo Me. 9@'Prtios hevlng Proprd tor Sale mu have tho. sdveulîscd vibbout Cuotl, &à 1 make ne charg e ooepI vbon a ah1-q * .ffool.d. OWPartiot havlug PropeîlyltuSAnt vil bave aboi vata t éieaded lb sud ne @bar,@made toutil Tocan -la provided. IMPartios van îiig tu Bey or Bout aère aorlîall Ivltl tu10cal et my office and look "Ver MI lias. ~Workiugmon, MHochanes an41 * - otherit euppliod withih utas or Lois on Ibo mutai mout Plan. MuSIT TO LOAN on Mortggeta lowes u-I ruai rates. MON UT TO LOIN on Apoov.d Undorsmd Notes là 1--wut rates. I .MORTG*6ES ROUGET AND 5OLD. u&AL EST tTE bougbt and sold on oeminm PROPCRIT11U8 D.inid and Tenante procurcit ou ahot ioittes. PROPERTY FOR SALE@ Vacant lois for huotuses biots on lenl t rael 00 lut fr,ntageby 100 fuit lisp; wtlI bu sod lu lota te sit a br.onable prios, and onUV aq rumai1 Pv- ont.. Vacant lot on théicnr7a i ndsay adsudsl trs..t%.40m60o, wli bhi lud for 21 yàam witb bulid. lmg prviIegui. Vacant lots for privti dwelllnge luNorut, South sMd ta-itWrd., aid mauîy advanoed fer ituUdiag purposoa. j large two story brick dwlln tte ;rth Ward, wtb Il modem luprovi- ment*. 4 .osoare af land weil panted wit #frut aieas auci ,,rnameeniol sirubbery. 1 Large &wu tory brick dwslng ou ,2 0Wavsrisy Avenu, wtit geod loutbuild- mdiaIwn" and good vigotable garden. N. 14 story brick dwuliInwilt -a. 21,600 iii oanvsntenoe o t o ilt Wwt Ie.and ,hrubbur , u<rodlgardsn ~ 9 .tory wht brick cottage, ies lovu and good orardon. 81,500 )li to witetibrick OotbiG raafsd iMryrebrickdwellfticonuven- $1 ,750 ienti egîa"atoostuute, goed Jo. alliing On@ and à bait tory brick vensord 80dwllnrt. t*8Q D Ons &tory wite ibrick cottage. $ 5Q One and a hll tory brick leItio roufed dwelllng. If $300 Prams dwelling. ons-elgitlb acM lot lu f. ONortit Word.- 8500 FPrame dwelllng in Eut Ward. J. H. SOOTH ERANY OFICE.- Snd door wvtofaitiéneV Pool «01ce lenit 0, Lindsay LidaýY. sept.. 1tM, 19.I. * FRIDAT. OOTOBER 16, 1891. LOCAL JOi TINQ88 It takom love te bnev love. àA HAiSUAGU iCUN5U oir09.00 at P ortr bokstore.-9-tf. W. aro bouud te loe héonouso vs vorb for. 1000 GOoD SOrUN Ouxuz Pea 8 ft. long e for sale chaép in quantities te suit porcesor *"PI trpvboe04. A. Notherll, Box 77, Llnuy. iOO,-72.tt. a gocit habit ia aventr, *a b.dhabt laa coitl. * MRRiUAOunLroîwsu.-. B ritton (of lie firm et Britton Bro., jovollca, Ludaay) sues a marriage looens for $&.00. ÉtatI mi oe timret.-1770.'tt Thlukiug rigit viilkcp on u rou aosing CHNAP, 0O31API1 E Hai',T-Nov la the tlum. to seanre baraeue lu bots aid Waiet thes mev parla? bol sad §boa store, m o u j dtermined net te carry auy summar goode ever, sud aise ta mabieîoam foi Our immune stock offatll and vinter gooda. e hbave * made sncb a surprising roduotion lualie Pries et Ilcaur emmcigooda om viii deéan lieuout *l ia fov vok o bseoauro and ucoaroi and eurs tomeofethle bar [4dimo 1ai cm and ûtOn'..,tirsr.door oof t aly Heum Kaet Bign of th-e Millsaw, Bottom Prîces. Powder, Shot, ShellB, Gun., Apple Parers, Ourtain Polos, Clothes Wrngeru, Table Outlery, Carvers, Trays, Table Miats. PAINTS & OILS Plain sud IFancy Window Glass, Belting. Packing, Lace Leather, and a&U mil supplies. SOALES at Avalas for theo oobratod SCRANTON COAL Llndsaj Ault. 19, .-1. l'Ro vii b. oui guidoeovoeztante dotb. IIn OuuM tisan d flood. tamis.B. y. Jevtta restaurant, Kont strot.-81.tf. God noveraponda auml ime in lulmmlng av a dcad stick. DIAMONI> Dyns juil revd aetHiglbot. hm'@ ding alores slty doszakgs.84 Loe o siais &IaI talk a veYMapt ta b. coeu sldered ail mock. Ptus. -Ait ropairifn uesly and quiokly don-, aim fuis udlm tations mado Up la tho latosi stylos. is Wzeaovn, 17 lbert stroot, 4 door. north ot Union sehool.-4.tf. Ood novAr domande anythlng but a, raison- EvmT un Oui SAisc.-Thé dlsplay of watohes, fanoy edocks, jdwelry. silvorvare. etc.. ln W. F. Mocartyls wlndow la protty nesa and tasiy. Â large atuck of gouda ta ohoose trom and at roasonablo puoes. Bis @hop I. opposite thé Daiy Houae, Lindsay. -98.tt. Look vere yau anegoluq, and kmev vise Feu are loeklug. Uness MoiTHLL hm roturusd trom Toronto whero ah$ buhanattendIng tb. millluory openinfs. eh. purchaued a large stock of va'iiablo goode, and le nov proparod te suit ber oustomors ln ail thé lateat styles. Asie Il the novesi styles la drosand maitlo moi- lug.-98.tf. Dolng wrouf slways bis s om.lil'g good lu your ovnur Hia FAMIL? ])ID MOT tiow HM-A Beleville mai bas for years ceeu bont and crlpplsd vith a lame bock, but attor trylmg the 01., L-*du.y cuise . o uld waik like a bey &aini andis notlghbore oould hardiy isoogniso hlm. This romody l for salo bj il druagaseand thoeO0, Kldney Oompmny, Bllvll.-96 18. FARxEic, Rew ia Thîl-1 former via drovo tu Lindsay lut Mondai reports liatInl bis drive ef se, 20 :miles ho Boy at bau 20 bnder, boiu udedrs, boserabsa, e., eut lu tbe filbd#, in foncescorners, tai Travll. oritidi e frmer@ vho louve MoobM.ry sd implemaunts lylmg arouad t ild&, LixD8Air MARITS IMPOVING. -Battur lu rolia bronght 20c, lu Lbnusy markot lust voek; wbile ou. lot cf 18 largo tubsuvwu purohosad by Sp'-att i& hum t ram Mr, lames Graa, Daîrymplo.. atil1e. FUMo&ru quick te Juon whore th. hiaheot prie.. ar pd.Llnd.ay l boom if bici rdmOo buyrseu ly koep up tholr ig prOIes..As vs etated sme ouevks &go tarmo suaremArbet. tmg bost Ibis jur ho bava net douese for le bot oic God nover «tàthélb.mainvih e t afroid ef a bard piéeso LiIIDOA! RTAIL MUEMOIEAI<TSOV Ilte tbriomseo vl ààou tatho oemmuglly ai larg up koop ai Intellgent oye 0ou tbesur, rounding predueomarkets andidmure home bu jura keep up te tho l10e. The prope plusa htu gt samplos aid pries. poli lu oth o evs. Oui balola hthat la manj preduots Ibis jour Lindsspaya g4 food priou.. Tie rtail ucrh$Dul@01 61111dovry oobsplY, sud formera baow il,.Now lot thootti morobauols lquirs e r th es on uotier markets and b. murc Lindsay ganducmarc 11b. testsudsrd.Th*Elr tou vbiu a u d looj. SO IbsI htbc su M s& il taku. troble o ls u fition l tu moue peuple vide avsbs. IMOSTANT BoAI-à&A s a. E. Fl..t bas deod tuogilv up b"fust sab@ ofcrAftu Ma a&U th@ aiqp xture., g rtes sud coon fcotesm'y. Tkersin à slot e01aine0aOv.eesoo. sosie aud osndy jars4al&U àgo80d sau mcv Aise «uIll tables, dluiva tals@o, bsir sd lInoleum. on# largoanut sidebeard, i ooI.sOVo aMd pipes, 2 bei floilsi volr lu MdorsI1kit"es osearl £la sud umereai ot e ag.Thèeo tblujm âï n -oou dttlu udvill bu §outWb $ottes obturday, Out I2t. U,,ïotm tuicVM ie à priTisaleaI ocLan esul.bulding vMiibu-ferSai S ote ow m INL'u MM là le. OCUN IWs., Cumiaina . met vs* et K thèse Il Dé- & .o pth" ias ecoca dinu m e#"(lâacol. MimaD La& NSmu biii l r e y *»ue b bgatnva* n "fgusl& m % a bdtatkr m i fma.0" Ae s lat tuis. 899 su t Ob" -.4 Gel ousaop Mr m Whvi viii aa stan 11b usns eu h é MIg.h in toa h-X onta-&u' li09e omydno la beauaepae, t er " ho b. bals nsl. Su ils 600 bord sMd Woft8. living MacilueCo., te ilyle am If Tour roUiesd@u o nIm pove lmu ciorater, i le tah. vuosg biné. Royixnom mHe m EA Z, Ocofent sud Lndsy srets, nelinfan blout for tho mos,à et taçiemmprevld,. 019» s oobsi lau oes, oyle asdu.e"d prapùwlo. -1ILt Demli boaiAuter usamé abubibut Mf up jour fort bravil ud put lieu dovu se aquérely liaI l iii Mun mouetblng for A 1mw PLAIN Veau.o Ou& Famie.- Il vil nol be duW tai a Ti TA iboa boom instrumental durai lhe Poesav"on jIra in laina muci -Su aViotorts. AUl admit thhot la an lndcpmudmmos oet lieugt &uMg lis people nov Ivu. mot foa erj1tiuh fer loo mmuMMttlbaci baokbouo.Tl*reugi le th.etOfTÉ. VAEDuEtho GrandTri livar verbe Oum te Liudaay loin t Of ngteo iOt re. TIi bADI t aIouiaiMsd alvootai thé Buboton, Llnusy aid Bobcmyvcm rail- van anuYer ervo p$ te e-tilcomplot- a.The sehéma te Soot lLindsay vii Sudbury t imeWTii Wo»ua's, but lit vii b. sMx or savon jears bancs belon ltias k eu boocoompiisbod.Theodredgig oflithe ec river to allov steas o to tuisW"ligo ainsI bridge wvAM fetpropoed by Tx:: TAEni sud toloe up là ticheard of TraIs. Tiat the onuevsmtaappllodil expoudituio vu ntDo t ifaull t Ibis Journal. Oui vevs sic no vlvoaii cmptui ou bavlug benu correct on liaI oint.TRI Wàziarevivol sut rensovd G=ag Laid- lav's ilsu et a iailvary o b Mttave, sud thc extensivove oîkanov boitg eartledou lu fliug bridges. lmprovl ic hetrack, etc, 1usd ont o loueoludo tiat taIaunusriy date tic Grand Tiuub Raliay viii vlgoroualy puai on the Mod. Thé route Tv ia indo u uil. vinéa sud Matt, c~oreally ourveyed sud roporel nThsroai viii lu à fowV eaus b. miseainaccmplaod tact bt us bopo. la eduematal mottera tee Tam TAUPES bum tabin au advmuod stand. But tioreare tva movemenis net et a local nature aboie, et vhloh vo la y aim, le bave beau lie pioneor advocaioThebo rc direct trado viii Gréât BrIta lu stockor or liai caille, sud the iovtb luu&anada twIo-rovol barli o téieBitish markets& Ailthéoeodit vo lol a u inhaving Aretpointed onI th. advlaabllty etfsuci movemenia, sud vltb porslaently alvocaling thou until nov thov are eétablisiet tacts, Furîhormofer bock om 1885 liijournal aiovod liéa oamoue quantity et .gge impoeoituo Engiand aid pointedot lthât tic pries. thora avenaged noeais lieusuoiaareeivol l eui"l Status. But perapi tlt paper bu dame moal gaad for lie oomty et Victoria lu teariosalj exposing, atter tva pearsoe quiet efforiteo bave justice donc tho fermera. the grain markets et ihis dludeL. Thon the Bureau ot Indualries' Report for Ontario lut joui shows "it Victoria eounly farinrs reoslved lie eormous sumetf<(82,000) Ivo -hundroit thouasmi dollar.sliaihonlie average prie. psud Iirougbout tho Province. lion sOff estimais may bc tormed cf viat vu l1tinl former Vearu, for, ft liet rl ime lu lie lovn'a bcon thé grila laleis beutel liaI lnd&ay prile.. vois m good u Peterboro'. lut jou; admitlln, thus, tial olier jear ihoy vers lavai. O0uireaédèeabave aen lui yoaros report, sud ou emuliyjadgc vial former yoar. vesliks. It vu aiso aur prlvlloge, saalatod, ou lu eveiother casa bv thé but mou eit tieo autY, te exPose a tev poltioal ringetois, sud a fcv oithore vio seugii le legiado religion le serve parly politicai onite. For aur mexoursOfat ho grain monopoiv, tho patent cembluallon sailtho vould - b. ciarci managrs va bave lourred asauder, vlluperatsen mid abuse et ovoiy init. wrsicbes vcri inspiru edvm wylai sud aveu le murder us. Te havebeau atoked lu eveiv quarter. Ficidtng vs oouid mal b. ian oui or mobbod oni. lie viiy villalus noxt b. au atocklng us finunalllf Theolod ddge familile tounscrupuI lous pOrmo8ith cattie thoy bave greaily loie.aod pios, ail diret buoeta. lu otherfan. proituao. toc, bigh«ie rlvoprloethon toimerby are paid. Na benit umu lu Victoria bat bus boom e» Blted through Tii WAEI>E's psue. Oniy lie monopollits and plout cambinatioeui have besn lmurod.Nov, bt elmer posk Pll"iy E3 jformer Msait overy ou shoul l a TmE TAUDSMauigny.do; *&U exept lic momepoilst, sbotalé. Fuithii thep aould poy for f1. Aa*insud laou hovot vebomtoid. 1'llmghas omlgjus uv stta u ii thé uescpoliils. The fermera ami tovusmon viii profit by peur &,étious, but the" ili m u théastbseiy vlli botoc, ungmalstu vm e eta»oy=ui paer; tioj viii viaullo mlete, 1mev amefgibors; viehreo if veu astaluviihoringl ioy viiipatro. nts po."Our omarbu wu oves b ev 2 1IIBB4 vileta dgt md fthle bot latuétéOftovu aMdi08. .Thobuo éo * itoutIOIIUuS4b eaodonaut a Ottea lM lie all o utS iA sadao t su a « thé Par e us ar msoilom Vo vaut oui ovm. Thit ct mmraé iasutiele le Tanim IS le M ubOMMbevs l il theI mo elso. mol& lo o Wha ve sab memnoIs. eeeMit4.TM ie.bâ For Cougli & CO1ds John F. Jous, Tmx,writum. 1 ha"e Und, 8yru forth six yaus, Soee'%=c uilCo1ds, P iu the Chest iud1 mesatay moe wautng a mdce GermanSyriip is but. B.W. Baldwlu, rnsleTu, writes:. I have==md yur eman Syrup uiny famil, and find it the best medicine I eveg tried for cougbs =~d colds. I recoieud it to every- oue for these troubles. R. Schmalhaum~, Druggist, of Charlesto., 111.,writes: After trying scorea of *tionsand prepara- tions I ham'my files and shelves, without relief for a very severe cold, whch hadsefttedonmiyln=p, I tried your German Syru. Il gave me immediate relief and aperma- neut cure. ( 0. G. GREEN, soie Manufacture, Woodbury, Ntuw esy, U. &XA R1N3)LT PAT jour ubcrlptlon tb TEE WAEDNE tha .wk. jàà iam ua hyaeathsrma yolta Bardeam. Primlow tv bisYMeat ILE Oruory&s.4 YoIu om't laboeume soUp iti h.0dltvl vtlioctthbsut eabo aneîe, @,8ày .-lf jeu have auj dos cf buylng autln ua und r or shirts, boit for No- %,lmmen a hot.glvlg them away for a me.sn.Tho oh Mg it l he DOManoO aoad ti iht pae taglsmst m g nov aud nebby aaabl bllo-8.tf. Augola noergvereuty7Mffersvay tram noople vie mre villing le do thoti duhj. LivILi TixuiAT Mn»m.-'-Tbreeoet sU eut" te au aid bae-ball tube. Appilg lheie ae l ioveiy gril array eaI"dnuou bhc fabéry opisodo sud il ab"da hua.- Taugit by Oommlsulms ordon tbbii avf gril hoters voteamembele léIeolaaoe Ouada lic Minden bulloes vote biangi le f issb, ami eue pasvu Buel. Tia vu tl i §nt. Pravon te bave avoin viol vu talas vas thé secod. put theic lu thle best et &IL Il moma ia posonmmcd Davis via bad occu' lieé uneuviable position et a apoels of citizen et vbou for vanloua reous lie people vote mois or lm slau nowu fl bj Oommulseser Gordon luaiplng. Since thon thoeaira yet grit boauty tu lh. village C have benuerokng sud iarptng ou tie affala. J White Itlta tin stitle gang cf Ontario GoverumSoflcislm and a tcv ai miner im- portance havo exoreisait a kini af importai rulo t ovor the lav abldlug citizoe of the norIa country. Vel aveu a voiviiituri von ie otn upon toeheaval'. S0 lhe poulace bave gr dalv grovw. Im atienaui fnally itored te bah thoir ho a&ltabieveu lu the. preuvie et lb. beauties. Davin ih a large mana veigblng about 190 lbo. Bert Gainer te a voung lad jusi turmeit 21, velichlmg about 140 Ibo., ouly ashsiet lime off-a. alok bei vhere for veeka ho bay a eatt's beor tram ai operation wvioin bg ismde vouopenoit.4 Young Gainer plabed a parnt h. e oi= of e l the note lui apring. Davis aoane net oied.t Youug Gainer had a amall net tan fel baong,j viti hue moohes borrovoit tram Young Roy lu lie village. bul wbloh vau, vo bslleve,1 ovueit by a gentleman lu Tarante. This vu 0 seizsi by M. Gordon aéaimedut oufimateit. ÀA short lime &go Davis amèr4ing unden 1h. ex- Vosure madeet bis affiavit. tireatoeelYoung1 Gainer so caleugel hlm te a backvam.to te equare accouaIs. Though hvng iesie1 atili baidageit la cotten batting lie plucby1 youong toliov, * vortiy son of s noble aire, sommuel tho challenge, saddalone facoledh1 ig buliy. Thé rsi round reaulteitlu a fev aitempta by Davis le i Gainer; but lbe ladC warded, off thé blevs sud gellu a couple ta cotant. Davis achd isil; Gainer trippuit aveu a stick et yod and fea it ii the big teilov ontcp. Quck safa Oba par ofbooia vont op in lie m.abiatge cnasevu e u Mta roll over, and lu a tvlnkling thé ilihofaim et Bonti. Gainer vu astidie Dlcb Davu4ansd Bortlo'a vimy luer eoston hia guiel.ý Mustime ... Mvte Chil.f Magitrat. "lie1 handsoue WTuisIl. becami a apoctator cf this the affray from tie gate. ond it iisppaaoi vuà qad!y itpremetaI eolg bis haiemu 1 se -«kervballoped Il After citoking Davis foi a lime Bor it aei hlm Iifhbelbedlibai onough," sud Dais i.ad "jas." Tien hi. oeked if ho vouldb bobo,.imluinluregard. te ies cick about lte mts, aud ths aupilaul promimeit. But ne sooeam bldGainer allovel the big foiiov to gel up tiai the aitack vosi &atou begou. Qulck os u h the immense1 carcane vont deow ie; qulcblv Beutte'£ anugor$ f itei tIhoeivu %0te ie inîpipe aidq ohokei thle valiai Davis. Anotier sile of' $emougia," and promIses ot propen oaiutc aud &gain Bort Gainer lot thé vonquisiel1 filev up. A cnavd hitd bv tus lime goiher-' ait seDavis snain renoel lite attack. violet-1 ru o the second lime hiaetils pramisea'l AauBert'é upertai stiltlfellel smou- @trous asaliant and egalu lie cboklug pic...1 vus pertormed. This time Il vu huai. Oni crylug "eneugi," Davis vas lot up. Butl snob aa igut. Ris shlit; ii bremoies. eoil sirota.They vou7,d do amurably forn me ohev neit vosi. Gétoielg the fragmont$ et bis gormeuts mrunbsaiil miioted ocares Davis 4espédonof t agit v ,Bert OsvU. 11= ethe lie of th e ocoutrj. Mslu lie sasie oustabie, balli, goier, aucose luspealor oet iceumeacollecter, oIc., tooL otouedithle shtreInac0tive o u uuWhon thesfight wu opaho etoppedlto e iMod'a sac@store and lod Ùel liai l oldnet aI' Ir,$vas thé cause This eatolmu se stltscl«y oiy. hbonlie remait lié mol, sud he wadiioff vil lie -.8g001017 cOe couuteuoosau ho voue on lie foinous returu trip s fov oFun @gothou Hllburtas Thus rlgitt lilupiol foer one In laden Ail liaI as noosanyteoum gooalilving lu liaiUl*ilet t bosc i kvmusearrogant queunte t lq osa b. bmodin lmiu su overy fulon, Md tw isivii ous ta lieu &«»&o. 'lh. viole neili ceutiay isbonc brulueianmelong by lie Onlàte (levauMMo rlu-g thot the people Vié beomtig bCIob spîralsd. Dut a nev oM bu. davuel.The populacoe Mvbllag sud anous to UlI .lu pesos but Id tbe qu shlsaàI. voor auvltois, ib t .t e vu *"v-q tisas. Ané ticMeo tb. viole brde eNOMMONS tg lie$beot. The lads ou liroi ho biet mes ho dune tutu eSt, sIo omsMci gi0*0lueb evm a n nuomso.Ifroee oun Mursj m mliu. Irv trisss viii mlyftr4*sinu 1hlii. ipl hl m tm .s ha *hb. I $hsealsi. tt Po lis inm éïSd u ' j oft ý . M1 s "à" ýý *14M vie ANTLS AN IANLE[LOTHS& W. have jut recelved a la"g lot of NEW MANTLES bought t a big discount which we are offer- tm a Try clos, Prims. Also an immense sock of MANTLE ()LOTHS in ail colora and blacks, commenc- ing at 50 cents per yard.' These are special values and are being offered mueh bblow regular picet. SEE OUR PL-ANNELSO We show an immense stock t al prie... Our 15c. Grey Plannel knockse them ail out for value. Pull range of pries. in Navy and Fancy Flannols. Canton Ilanne!. from. 7. per ysard up. Our ales of Shaker Flannels are simply enormous. We know where and how te buy themand are offering thom fromn 1 to 2 cents ilsu thon our competitors. Special value ini Flannel Sheetinge, single and double folia, white and greys, bought from a bard up maaufacturer for sput cash, much below regular prives and selling like hot cakeq.' White and G4rey BI in- kets, 500 pairs to select from, at our weIl known unusualy low pries. YÂRNS-Home-Ui .êrt Faetory Yarns, Fingeringe, Baldwin'a 8 and 4 ply, Saxony Yarna ini ail colore and blaks at prices guaran- teed satisfactory. OUR OLOTHING DEPAIRTMENT le, booming and our stock was nover sio larg e. Boys' Suite, Mensa Suits, Odcl Pants. (eomrnencing at $10OU worth 82 00), Overcoats, fulIy 500 to select from at b.d rock priceL. Top Shirts and LJnderwear for the millions, a bargain in every germenat. Furs of ail kinds, a very large and choie stock in Men's and Ladies' goods. Prives right and quality guaranteed. Ooms with the crowd, and corne first to WARNER & COM'Ys The Great Bankrnpt Stock Men, 76 and 78 Kent Street, Lindsay. RAVnitou lAU> jour .ubeciptlon, teTins Asi Kr. J. XM Corol oll athe thiuba et the Guy Broo. MInismeis. OponoHouas,s Nomday nexi Tmi Muaz LOvING PIPoLE etLindsay mare quettel te watt. vatoi, aid b. reody for the grand concert te bu given bj lhs Sou c Sotlad et anearly date.-4-1. The omly kmd et religion vorti iovlng ta tie klud liai coaba something. SAY PaopLu, go ta T. F. Mcmrty lief jeveler. if yoau, oit amythlng iepaiisd on kaches, olooba on jeweiry. His Dies.are 1ev, satisfacion le evoryone or nefunimLi charges. Try W. F. MoOeriopposite lie Daiy Rouies, Lludao.-98.tf. Thon tie ne commaudmentinuthe Bible liai toilae anybody ta lave a hypocrite. CHEn8TuIA znvon Noria, - The regular mee.ting of the local union etflthe above gseosaviii mesi Mumday oeiugt at 8 p.m., lu lbe Cambridge St., metho- diai claureh. An luteîoatimg parI et lhe eveulmg's exerolsea vii ho a qustion itraver. Ail membera et tie Y.P.S.OE. vishlng fer information viii regardt te lhe von se disonssé alet hinneapolis oouveullon, eau gel it brongh the medtium' efth .question érayer, vhicb viii ho tabou charge et by aur debegalte, Mn. B A. Hardy, BA...Do'lt orgel lhe cou- veulson la Peteiboro next veek... Boreiy notii4 could have poaseitoff mono ples. santip, or mare bappily thon lhe "AI Home," given in tbe presbytérien eburai lest Monda>' eveniîg, by the .ocietp. If lier. hait beau auj po.eibility et eut tor-I gelîing liat vo didt tbelong tla ia partioular brauch et tboe society, il would ' baye bien uraden thé influeme et the varm vebeome tiaï; vo icceived t lia occasien. If jeu wvitl a vend*et cei, or hope, on velcome - jasi drop in and n apenl an heur lu a bhiatian Eniteavor aathsnlng. '1 Whoundeath' dark satrcam I ferry o'er, AnI munili taI lime viii corne; Iu H..avsm itef I aek no moro, Thounjuat au Endeavor velcomo. Succn aATmiD Rav. T. G. MLu iN Nzv WTi maa. B. C.-Tîn WmwnzR cougiatulèles Mr. Milii, sud bis relatives ou ies soee u inov ewfidof labor. Te ans plouci le note lia inluthe Orange hall boas. lily ho bas bienuremarkably auecpgotl. I as hop@tliessociations vili couse hlm la b. came a meuler, asual stnoit ivoîflt fJuly yull finit Rev. Mn. Naileciapbalu of tie blge. The tolloving extraot ib trom lie 14 ow West. minster, B. C,, Ledger :-Darlug the lirai 1ev veebe oet1h. eyen pontions of St. Âudrev'e presbytérlieengregatioc ueiding etltho voot endith ic cljand at Sopperton decidel unpon eieclng schanci elice nmuter homo. RLv. W. G. ci1eo Sunderland. Ont., vu nul for, sud unlor bis vigorona managementltho veni cof org tlzaiera bo gone ropidly on. Tie voit osit divisinuovu sa Test oharci, boa just reoentiv coupleteil a fine edificee a cu eot oa bout $4.500.wvile Knox ohnvrh at Sappomton hou alnosiy pumahase landu sud ke- an peration@ au a beoutitul building ta cool lu he nelgiboriod ef 85000. Tic poung uluister te wvieuthe o of etrganluig tlie tvo churoies hle tallaina anative af Reufiev, cat. Til e .1Véry ycung is pareilste- mevei toe Lluy. u inlCoiquiet Ihougi ou- torpimins leva bis boyhood daja yer@ apent. Ho rudeved is orly oducationa at tie colle- Ësloi nstituts oet liaiplace. matiulatel Itt Toronto Universityjudmi nafljg#Aduated trou, Quesm's CollboiKingston. u inte joan1887. EU is r hargewost ai Snderiail, Ont, [vieso troux véry aaullproportons ho lu lires y 1as' ime bili lue congrégation up catit, on il. Vb forli t eli e se.ut, wIl v u fb t l e largaitluaiitavu. WTile tlre he recetvd tour iieonî clla, but et the marutIroquest ethi ha irge retessi ho iË. R-! hinl Jsuuy laut sud at ance ast te vork,I holdisag service for tlb. Oral limelin be WeatI Eua l c ouse vili Ivonty perbon. re't, satin lis Orange hall, Sappu;ton, vitiabu tho aime numbis. 4àithb.mmnisvent by, bcwver. boli lis soh ouse sud lhe Orange hall béceu. 10amabi te houliothéevslres. tlueoo aegaaf ss, n vowuvsos ne bague UPouLa 414 etgh e caMas etSixthavenue suél Tvolfti hoteOn July l9th Il vas epansé ili iappropishe oxslsos, but slr.adj tu esallg eaecv-ffl 350-le on mt liasm osoeWouosboispobtcoeely tn a bt. At Sippslm hocos a- 8113aise lUosas -v- tio sud vns? smues a Sernmileor ous M forshéOre iL 1The o144 el ohem "ktoInos u*loit 1 eeévsJmre misdby lu inmulra tor weeplbbah ~ etnela - MW- DRES8 & MANTLE MAKER Iew Cutting System. Havii g secured the services of a fir-t clama cutter, 1 au prepare to arriul aH iCttlng and Filtlng. I la asreody tu smaint tu malchlg Trlmuingm. AU outomema trou a distance valted upon oL 8.turdaya Lateet Fashions olvays on hanu AUl eider. pnemptly attended tu WILLINERY-I. have on hand a large and valuable eteck et Miblineiy, and firet-obame Trimmer. I om nov pieparel le meke Bela nd Bonnets and ail Mllioey nytél les abel sm. Cheop f-r <Cash. ROOMS-Ovor Tanner & oa Dry Gooda Store, Doieny Block, neu it r t, A. HWalbotham'mi Dru Store. CJhange of Bu'siness. have recentiy purchased the Hardware Business of R. D. THEXTON at a rate on the dollar, sud purpose to carry on a Genera1 fiardware B usituess in the same store, No. 22 Kent St., one door East of the Benson Hue 1intend to devote my time and atten>tion exclusively to ihi ,-ic s, and propose to introduce ne'wideas,new mcthods and new prict-s ei c oi be more in scordance with the prngreqm of the l9th rentury th'tn bas hithert-o been customary ini this line of tirade Icordiaily invite everybody whether they are buiders, éc>rpenter4i, nechanice, farmers, lawyero, doctors or poundkeepers to cail %.nd get quotationt' of rny prives. THIS WEEK I arn making an extra push on SPORTL . SI' and arn prepared to give the very cloast quotatiuil q Powder and Shot, Cartridge and Stieliý;, V~ Primers, and every other reqttisite in~ sa.ry for Sportsmen, Sports, corne and see me before you buy, and with your lpe r imni sF1i t.1 will make a pecuniary aipp1!c'atiDn that will remov- tI cobwebs from your optics. JT.E]P.E9 Hardware Mercheint, No. 22 K~t' Lindsay, 84 t.2od, 1891.-1798by ENLARGEDI ý-TO- 16 PAGES WEEKLY GLOBE AND BALANCE 0F 1891 4. .~ 't,. I UNE THE IIO8.T-LIBERAL OFFER EVER ~'~ NO FAKESI NO SOISSORS OHEA? BOOKS!1 NO JAÇK-ksýj.i lv ±±j5i1 OR CATCH-PENNY OFFEIX '-: BUT A CLEAN, WECULE13IME FAMILY PU2X~ UPON ITS MERITS. Commencing with the issue Of 7th October TH, GLOBE will contain sixteen pages instead Of twelve PaQ-es as heretofore, making it the largest and best famnily n, apr l Canada. Every effort will be devoted to making .* READABLE, ACCURATE and INTERESTING In ail itsdern.t, Special pains will be taken with its Agricultural ~s MORE SPACE WILL BE*- DEVOTED TO SELECT READING T-T FAMILY. SUBSCRIBERS WHOSE ORDERS ARE RECElVED PlRPVTOW. 1'-re jistý DECEMBER, 1891, WILL HAVE THE PAPER SENT Ti-4ý.-, i- CLOSE 0F 1892 FOR THE ONE VEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION. Il ' ~15, months of a i 6-page lUr $l ta. TCTHS, BAN S.every one who subscriblcs ;W 'AelTS WAiiýn:D IN ALL UNREPRESENTED DISTRICTrSý -VF«îerms, address 1 - -

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