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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 23 Oct 1891, p. 1

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DOU6'ÂLL 8L.IV(,LAJR IsPusa.r o turue &4asreugunable pime: WÂGONe, LEIGHS, BUG- GIES, and CUJTTERS, 8% gOs nm buha domo in the put 058 - i - - - £~ mUses Llfld5sy. si - i W' r L l i nm linvs LÈI rU a- IL *. s qu LW: iliuu .Sdé C16 V umnk ~ LINDSAY, Parm Fr lie a taMon I. 10 MI à4 a. , * SM 110 lu the 91b Cu. Ilion, U111 i. r lon, about 70arscéuermi. ruamehos am bas. good orohard; cloue w sahool and aoh guto JOHnimTINNET Vsk.la ort10. H Bopthins, Wâru'Li berLma. October 10, IMI-u aI -.Farm for Sale or io Rent. laut boif LAt glàlO b t on. Mavai 0sib rs, &bout 70 âscsou.d, balance ardwocd enidai; weii watr.; goud oard s"d Coud %uidan; Ibras mi*. from el hany. Possession luu.distull. Ap. pli to D DIOZ, OMeMe, Wb s ept~, 1891.--4 LosP.O To Reut. Park lts S sud 4, ~vot fAbtstie t, '.lmduy ontwua4 nl.emacte WU b.horeod cboaP for a tOM of Yul., If uoceiaary, 10 àasultable tenat, ici ter,0 et-à&WYto JOHN DOUGLAS, Aprl 2, ROI-80tfChiot Constablo, Pot Hope. »rM for Sale or to IRouti For sale or lairent, Lot No. 9, lit oon Iate ontalnlntI g ll ors.. lacr" . lUplovng dm&e lPoi fuil partloular. apPly 10 tb. propriotor ont the Promlsu, or 1>7 1.1.er to April li, 1 91.-70 1f, WM. B ALUN Horna ?i .0. Fa.rm tio Roui. la th. Township of Oouabe., 94 mils. trem Pelai- borou b, on lsadlng rose. Ssnuta> hait rd Lot 2s, son. I,18acres. Over 7V'hcèse undor culilvallon, bal. a111 n li vWUrs Tvt5stmry bouse. a roome. collai vndir vhole boum,. shedsansd Ivo good bains, stable fai catlle and root houoa-a The ferra la ii inud.& PoueMalu given b plow 11la N)full oauo AprililatI 89.for furtber part4cularsal= 013à& BPILLSSURY 1î0sn. Ldyi.0.. Fax= for Sale lu ibe Township ot Ope. The follovnug valuabie farom propsrlybelug the aoutb.eass quarter of lot 27 in lb.eSQ con et OPa. M@i faim outalus 50Dosr., &a i csad minlua poi adate of cultivatlon. Tbhoe are on th* pomflie ofortabl. uivsiling boume, à trme bant, stble ani abus !Tse fsm te voil- suosi s.th odi rail fumai. The promrtY la sltUawtufour mls.é from Llnd.ay on hi lad lgrsd tu Eobo&yo*,..u.Thor* la a good Fou r tva goci vells aMi pUMPQS, vila ild¶ICk sohoolhouse on the corna i cf1ld lt il éburchos .onveinleus. For Issthir pautlcusaaplY' we JAS. NOURISON, KL et., ovrd,iney Farm io Roui lu Bexley. South.vust fifty acres cfLot Io Cou. 4 ,107ley upvsndaORf forty asor s tre. Good sa"; large trame boute.; ood barn sud siabis.; voli vatèed; mail oroharsa; le.. Ibm ball a mile tu achool; a fow rode astoalisd poil ocilice; Ino mils. 10 railvy. Piovlng mav ba dou*eat am iUme; posesilon of houareinlu arb. For particulara apply to WILLIAM ?BE, Bxie. o toMES. J. STAPLES. Lndsay. nexl.y P. 0..Ct li, luSi. g t RPare Chance. Plceut sud WlrFo enc sbine for mieî, teaither with a uanbty ut Wre sud Pichet.s atd émorn e nu. but,ýâFoc«.Apply t 10KIi Banriaetei, *e'Lne Septeniber 91h, 1891. - 01.f. 0.04 Housandi Loi for Sale. A good Y îoamed wht brick bouse wllb kitcsen, ena Adelalde miet, j uet north of toGollelate in. utitule. Oi'e acte of gruud, wlth aU i Ihelsof fhuit tres and ahrubbery. iOod won ud sImIli. A fats.cim platme fur a retiff arms.. For partculère appiet ai eWAaDn,% office, or ta M .wm. WBYDr on lhe prsmim.-,-I4-t. Separator for Sale. We havesa ru-lu. Separatur. -mautbtuMidbY L. D. awi er, fur sale. IEI ber for afls or boxa pover. For partiua sapplv tb ruoiî1 & AN DEEON, Sept. 80, 1891-92tf Proprietorai, 1diu Vlley. Eaud Loom Weaviug. The undor.lgued 1' pro jaaedto veave hrbuu- kets full vldth, a&o)fauoy oerei be! sprosadirful vldth, and atl kinds -of narrow Fianuel, tilld, plain snd fafaay Rsg Carpe&, it sud mis., 10 conta perC yard. âBe. lc SA.MUEL HuTCHISON Oct. eB' us, i.-Ol-4 ension l'aoue. WILLIAM McKEC WOODVILLE. OT. 3BOX10M Breeder of piirebred Berkshireu of the fineat strains. Yeuug pgs alvay. for sale; vllb midigri. a alw o' kept for service. Prces for young sOMMek lo1 Court of Rev1alon. A court o AIHvWson for lhe List of Ops, - vill bb lihet!on the 2Oth NOVEMBERs n«ulalg stlbe Court Hous =the Town et AU porionshavicng complainte 10 fiche ère ne- nuirsitc tond la tisoso Complaints era thse M 1y of November lb. votan is lia bc- ho -et thi usar e chool bous. or poisoffic. J. OSLT - Opa, October 131h, 189.-d-2 Notice to Crediiora. In theA matPr of rAXNV LXIYIS .d MEC. .dRD PEARSON.dradin; u%%dr tA omm ot Lewis à Peason of the village dif Bob. Coygeon> in Me Cb%ýot ly aYcorks, car-' rfage Makers.j Jo11la s ereby given that the aoeuaipr "Uc bave, la pursuance 0frChaptal1, E COrU Mmean suoi mont 10 me of ail Iheir ssta elaecta. for t9s-euelit cf Ibi eoille àAmeeting etfthe. ciolM svlba 1MU4eat le.COU OW.H. Nxresollalor, POX il qgbont on 0Il 00ocok an. for the appolntmto Iuffl to d n te gvci dhieco téio 55 o Oillon aolmle sadavlt ta <ibr daims m iii the t8àla day 0i bie 11. iml s W. H. NOOREC, JOHNINLT -.. Pehsibroqh. a 0 morigae SaleO. Valuable F;a-m Proporty.. lieOffl w t GaMio i. Ibu fti., bi hAt *00. IAN EmNU, IDITOS LED PEOpEiWgo~. 21x lDEfB.,r Wodtfl vnLA t luositWoIII'.I t e~, Llndaay Semai tGirl Waaied. NéX dor w Dundas & Flarihe s. Hlbslvgu ampe*,î rgirl. Sohool Teaàcher Waaied. S B'iev AppyIo A. TAYLOR, Seo.-Tieumr, Oct. 1871.f-4.8 T"o toachffs foi the Litlie Entai. Publie Blob. fer the vWarlm.SU.n. holding #a soound.olaaa o6M&l ce, foirlbthenior dopailenl mie im.mi Adie.AE.V;Cr aZ LiUflti ria, Oct.U 1111-4 8 Teacher Waui.d, ForI 1800 Expoloncd omI. Uecnd.la é.ti ato.ci o ralchrmairFlor acbool sconM No. 12, Ope. Adirou W. J. OBANOT, Oiec, Truoe. sipt. 80 189.-à-5 N. Horeb P.Q. TaCher Waui.d. For 189. Holding lblrd.cl o crtlasls. lor achcol amuon No. 7Yua, &nC4QAPlv tatlnaalàry7 o 010. BOOKS, 800. Trou. Burys Groen 1.0-be Teaclhar Waai. Watei, a tacher fer school setion No. 7. Mail- pou. Mie iefrrolAppllc4lions recalvad up te ami loulgaIrsNov mber 141h, sddreaaod OsdRAN, Sec.Tress., im101h, Oot 15*bf 1891. -5--f lira7d. 1.10 thespreranissaof DânieI Joes., Lot 8 Con. 18 M anIbie rzm"" 7.Io osr od. h1o o-no la roqueustid wprove properly. par expemnsd take tbom &way. 1 rankl., Ot, Mi. --&a Boifer Sirayed. Cae ntlot.thepreims, Lot M C ocÇ 10, Eldon, abitt he midle af Jue 1891, a t*o jiar li boiter. Owner la rsausebuA taov0e poury charge.sud remove the animal. Fo utther PRilla Ulai apply on the promis«i%0 SANUEL STaPLES. Victoria Ecai P.O. October 12,15.-U Fromt Lo No, 1Dmô in Cou. of Ope, oneorabout 111h 8epteinbur. aslOW 110, hlaek ofor, White ftce vith smofeWhte smots onmet ia viilai ta e rcvavlil fbïaultably te- waried. JAMES STW.0IN0 Noie Loai. A Promlssory Nota for Nlnty-elght dollareansd morne onuta, bearing date Jmuarv, 1891. Made by igdard Burton ia favor cf Richard Uilvotborne; payable Ivalva montbes ater date, ha. been l. The public are bereby cau loned amid farbiaon to nugotiate theUma. RICHARD 8ILVERTHOEII. Inlay P.Ol. Islsy, Otober Il@a%,1891.-45.8 Ormage Notice. N. foi AualUD, lbe mimbera of L O.L No M0, &ae roipeocfssiy re- qus.ted to mest a lber loiga roc. on BJNDAT, NOVUEER Jlut, et10 a m. sharp, whirs tb1h07iii foron lu proolon aud marab tgetIlJamu' church,vherethe U.r. i lanmb vilà delivor en appropriate sermo11 fut théeoccasion; ami alact PI ..llab.he Vsnn10 * Omarah tathe PrmbIerilsE hurcb, vbere itlàle epecisi Rey. Ni. Uimaon viiidoliver a mormon for the occasion. Nim sof other lodgui odlaly inviled THÔS. JOWX&TON, Sem »%D"on lail., Oct.SM 90i1.-&2 4airda, ct'r 24 J. eSTEWART'8 WorM lous ocedy!> THE I list 'TWO JOHNBI Bon%, Mud Funaleoi of aI comed7 oreaous, The Cassie Sisterso Enrmomu oharte dancoe; their fit Âmerloan tour. PtIOiSa26c., 85o., 50o. and 75c. B.merved Seate now ou sale at Porte'. AUCTION SALE 0W vALUAIL Farm Proporty' bon imi laudh oonieemct molggstunWllaH cmgbstobeTiios 'Udurdai m i tue tof. *9 . UaaIe làace r tel nm outgmiew"hie er àMIm tbtii9fu Un fsle, thora viiibu mi Pulie MW i. ?Wi5asl'ttho 109h Nov nies,'LL ÈP4 i ouith ab lsnus1004,, nev teaflornon, saI Duabars heMo, âels i 49 Klumount. Il. tolloviffl Wyejuable b- etWb 0 r9h in** M ý e awt a lmui, ireonla.mn oaw mi hmrea enlimmbouo Oi5i~ lameaimIs. a me ad e bimssu. wt't *uniNom M a buons iai- M5t5 am Mit m ORi hMm lbOro WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU!i Waiting to show you our New Goode and let you know how oheap-they can be bought. W. were early in the field and so secured the very beet that a full market afforded in the line of Staple and Foanoy DRY GOODS Corne and take your ohoice of the good thinge offered. OUR Dress Goods Assortment will be foùnd com- plete and satisfactory to the buyer. Our endeavor to keep fnlly abreast of the trnes in MEN'8 WEAR, solih as Boy's ana YouthRi Ready - made Suilte, Over- coats, Under- WOB!, Neokwear Hais, Gloves, Caps & Hosiery 1ea4s us to pay special atten. 1i on tothis department. Our Notion Depatm't Might 'Well be oalled the "O0mnium gatherizlg" of the store. In our store the buyer who vais the notion depart- ment wil be sure to' make it paye Flannels, Ladies' Underwear in combinations ana separate pieces. We offer some extra mnduoements to buyers ai ibis htime. Millinery0 Mandles and Mantle CJloths ame the goode of the hour. We have laid ini a Iav- ish stook of ihese goods. Lindsay's Leader of Low Cush~ gjPrio Dry Gooda Houe. E1E9W EOBGAIF-mi âme, rehq à Dr. J. Cd Ayer & Co, Lowell, Mas& Prie; d ix battI*., 05. Worth $5 a 1*111e. Tiumàv ,NoFeMber 12th- Thaak«dhlni Day. ------ ___ The. Weauer; Report for th. uwk mdlug saturdtay negt, Oct. 17, 1891, hrouLiudmy oboirvtoy:- Taum1EEAm HIge.t...... 68.8 ...Wedneoday Loe....... .......... Mmday Warmenut y umaif,45.5.....Thuîiday cideut d 88C-0......Mondai l'h. w..k la 420.29 1 IOmpriTiON, IX INoNU oroatet fail of rata ina1 dey 0,11... Thums Relu feI on 4 da.. Total raitan.a. ..@ Tue@. BEALL. IAninuai Report of the General oretary, 'Y oung Men-s Chris- t"Ausolatlon. 'LIMXuAr, Oct 131h, 1891. IAIttis lime, lte close of anotherta isoca i ion yoaw Il becomes our privilege and dut>' ta p roen oarot revlevlng lthe efforts put fiorthn by usra a baud of young mom labcrng for th. e lfaeoolar tîilcvs. Couttution. aU>' ateil oui objet le the luupnovsment of thealrituil. social, laloilectual sud pitymical omitouofyoW pg O. Vr s;à à report vs ntay datermîne lu a, meaure, iov anier objoe tbu lonbeauisi. W. have mucit nia son ta b. titanhfoila oGadin lthaI Ho hmoasus- tdanisd dtreoted oui voit duiag lthe monlits t have gong. Ont cf gréât difflool- lis Re bas led ne sud thougi lthe vs> hua mot alvaya been inioti, yot va ltant him ton tse oppontunltlee gtiven te reset anidhelp younpg men Witit, greater fneed tcibmn betore. Frontlthe five menthe Novenibin 10 Mancit inclusive,wv o ves ititont lthe belp of a gemersi secretary. l'h. membescarled on lthe voworktflieuly a.possible under lte' clrcumatane snd lthoogththons vers man>' hindramosGoods blsse.u amnlfe.tNo statisîlcoshave beunproeeved covatumg tthis perioi. Suffice Il le say'that ltheSuada>' afteuncu oon etinug msroglarly mualutaens vitit good nîsultem,&ac a proyer meeting on Batunda>' nigit. l'h. veet ol praaverw u l> obevedl, and lb. public lesar> hM eulu i CJambridge stîsel methodist citursh ing tht% mout aIfNovember. AItlite latter meeting adiresses ers deltvidb>' Bai. Dr. Ne- Taviait ni ProvincialSionetar>' Cols. lTh. mnos vsreept avez dsM1>'incharge cf Mn. John muunoe vWho hu duce removed, hem Titi proiet Gemeral Secitar>'wu Wlliet this filiinuDocember lusitbut onid net cet aI Ihat lime. la usuponse le suotior sali given ta Febiuaryt.hosccepted theo itioni sud camn* horse taApiR Sud, l'h. report vii) proporly eev. lthe vork ofthelits imx monu. We gratofnul 'auovwle the timuinugcf Goi attleng ur oui v it âlta lime. We have lied continuai lokea ofBEs prene nsd la Hlm wvi glus 1h.prais. for vitatieerham bien doue. la social line motblng ef su orgnissi ma- tare vawu omhse The snmieao bs largob r.pMsl ~for this. The rmoins vir mai. ncit etuas possible sud mony yeumg men var aiseoasila la n foimalva>' et anltime.The gsms. sud.nm"lcmsistd in @pouding a Uttile iure lime macàlaby. W. tiuat lthé grasp oethlibondtand mivend poten hm doue mucit t. app ly lte act et more Pro. nonne.! iealblhly. Wlit ttie ca-epealof o ai latu-sulmivi ëMI arrange formaone plaisant soiaO=vnlu m rti tiisfmbu éd viater, 1hereby, iiua ur uirocim vasI l*@y ougbl bi te, aomte forveua£ mmuWhvite rstran. géré sud a plessat phès ftc4tiose vito have Intellectuil)y wvi have don. mmcl bittai. The rénoim monbau lon aes.ible troimS a&m., te 10p.m.,oet.viel day sud ths ieu Weil patrenauo. 'Th.e tetofpapoe.ud ="«whlemet large, bbompraeoce hot.pf.ITlis à certain)>' r on iaet- tractio oung minmuid vo trust le se0om- large Ilta a U -il ap lui bomtlnginluresllag end uful, Tile l m ubonis od ms ~%c ef oresF b'teusmaburs»mm a> hi ave bom Mrua ItieoMM W.rm juS t. modles a déentimi tiè . ellsduiéof Ubookmsud if possible lteénaleS or velu. sooes i i l .ie le -mltode tii" l'm %oubunhp 1 dia le instructive, lotu.eom Aul11%,w x«. Dr. 'Wlihmm lté muloot ofo"MMes." - m oM » bon"museM, M*Tv -& ee"mmruasvu sbI .qmL Il. ~ mm m a iteenui ulet E ud th. its mm.eIa"0s roi U&BZmetsigoh!vitU toM #TOBIMR 23. 1891. Os rrh boe re m " loathome Md dmaserus . Titerof e o lou the lest of ail blocd - M& t w ooer you bogin te better; del# sidaneoui. 41 vw tu ItUcatarrh for muo tve ye. IVarions romodies, end vasu at4yanmber of pitysi. dians, but rcusno blouait untIl I fev bett, 0r1 olicne oud me of Ibis troubi ecaplnainud cm. etHoy i t.-J I 0Whme yer iar@IMap&tM& avas roc ornmndd à orcaantI4 1asuln- cUued ted eub2 efoao . Havlng trled so min>' cem Wlth ij1 M1e ben- efût, 1 b.di no lit aytiting vould cur me. 1 oe maclaited frorn les of appetito and' hmpalrod digestion. 1 lxad nearly lait lte îOflîO of emeli and un>' "stem va Iàdlydeangd. Ïvas about dUSouragsq. viten a fend urged me t tryAypalansd ne. ferrcd me toipor'uo m Itoinlad eure of caart. Âf t ang haIt a dozen bottles of titis mdiCino, I m convinced tiat lte only suis vay of treatlng titis oübatinato diseasela throuih lte blvaod."1 Ob4rlos H. 3Mloney, -113 River et., Ayer's Sarsaparîlla, ruÀSU» mm TmE LADIESALITE TO TE ORRAT rEOT. AltOS 0F SES URDERTAILINO. l'h, ladies et Canada are delilgtmi; hu- bande notice vit ploasun. the émntlizsp taceof vives end daugitter; xioed lte vitale coumnry is tiurei up vitit a plesurable excitement. il aimpi>' amonustt Iis-that themanu. facturera cf lte ceîebraled ésu mavoxml> nuied Diamoni Dpi. have lnuunratedl a grand conipetition achaeme tuovan e e"Diamoni. Dyo Compellîlon," vitici ta freely throvn open ta ever>' motter sud isugitten ot our bicai Dominion. tic leu as sn than $1.500 O0 vii) bdis- tibuted le lite motter. vives sud daugitleri et Canada, in fiel, iecorid sud tisird primes Titis aum la resU>' beglag nerai bthe cou. imuni..of Dlsmond Dues. Evex> lady in Canada cou afford te bome a campetiton, sud itu mofficteul intelligence sud abilil>' le maiis up émornfalte articlos montionsi a int.e lon g sud variaiul. Ample lime lu affoisi le aSU fo .pnmentmng sud beenuperfect m compehitrs for lte large cah pio ffermi. Il taa su nrecedented mcl cf liberalit>' on tihe parfa lte vltby msuufacturs eof Dlamend Dpee, adi nver before tl.mptoi. b> an>' im-ilainstumtilon in 1h. varli; sud tie public have té-mail ample pro thsl Ive" rmise. .ll b tll 'carrisi out. Dnrg tise msonaa lteé muanutce ofe Dianoni Dyes baves cotrlbuted libersil>' l ceuntry' fairt, in aider ho encourage houas. bahd conomy sud &MitSmad ud smeat1 uutnovn concerne bave t1usd tle timniato Ibis ohanacler cf 'ont, b>' ltséoffer aoftmagul. fcaut mmsetfrbont eus la lhnedollars, thal. wouli mt net»Y my utémce defna>' oul ot lin adte matlug up ef geodeSlliei for. go furthemtMI imitaten hvebouent yet dlsov.irei the fiel litI adis. value to higiti>' touhi e sudml erial% e, l bmid b>' mit Iriing sud miserl>' prises Thée tareoetoui connt>' b»o l o r lteé smon, tit mifesutcture ofetDiantoni Dues mesu te iiep thes ladies bou>'durinilte long autunua sud vinler avumâge, by offering large mai slxbetalprimo.la tiopingwvlh th. charaetsi et voit at.! fer. The production ofet erorompellton vii tei n #a xhibit in ttie large sudvell-iqulppei Diantond Dve oslablisbmSt nl aMontri, sud tbni. of thelsI amil u .lt knvu dry'goode âme a Caadahave pncmfsed experts le avani lté pizses. Titis.vehîluovun bouse are: B eauryMorgan à On., Houry' à N. E, Hamilton, sud John Murphy & Co. Grahm à; &Ce.*proprietais of tise Nonal DslIy Star sS amiiliv Hera mi udW.ely star, bv giss.mpfliieli" lllagnionle sols. juigos on teé varions sua@s ent tervsud for onpetltlon. youn Msd owIrcandoo l ave an opa! hancein tie magufeot ud nove! vi mtiou If huiave mt et reeolvoi a bock gllbg ti pr of mi thla e hmIN ville at o elte Wolo& à leardaos., X«m % tsslvit vii ami l t tris. W. ère west. e rimidoui n.dum of lit hgc lbaen mlabuimnlg ompslllc "aie t am. alélio* taéir Iatostnmet b&com---b eemm. POIMI Stiff ta VIe fie4 M oM le M I. . ist eon yula *9upo o im . *shi lit I , - ebn!ala ahssl«Wmv C*t IL Thi e »u..ctS b"& ne ~~buha,.i . * *» lierl j; v UJAa.Jk.V.WlJ No. 18ou 'N O. ", Xmriia sMd Bnocàk:-iorlmm ... -,if dsup à"ci.y- e d"meti e ii 0 » di àI h4%m9él -, I Umm Beol hany Pal] dhow. PRIZE LIST. *WE»jmnDÂy, sept. 8Oth, 1891. Orae.-Brood mare wifh trial at her ad, 0 Longh, J.cksci, B-uah; fca of 1891 at @ide of duo, W E Liugh, J Bam.re-hl~yr cod r'd n,' r filIy, j Han. nah; 2 .,r vi ' MsldinIg cr fi lý, J Hannah, Bobs Oiipp; pair horet i.i kiirness, 15.2 anid ovtr, T G IL. et F Stibpýei T. Evans; pair b.'rseb il.at vst-, 1).t]F15 2, Tai. bert Eçun., AàRI - P,i at~~îs inscle carrise borre.. 15 2 pted ever, C FI Barton, Ira Nt-ras-;sitl~, carr ?,g, luse under 15 2, Waa C.Jdue1i, W C Livine, Ira Natrap,@; best caddie bormp. I a Natras.; bret i raitetr, q-.t O li ci ýee, Wm OIolvilht, W C L vgtB NM. G 1l; bout spau roadetere in arosceg. C H Bn, ton. Draugbs H-rtoe-Bro-.d notre, Wm Maitno; tuai ci# 1>91, W .rî;iy old geidinu or 6,11y, R Bw.. J Mortom 2 yr 4.'ge-Idiniu or f -6' yIM S1cron, John Lowes; pair ".s in bewn'.a, M Sima, J Mo' Io x, A D àv i. G.nBersl Pnrpoýê-Br...d maro, Jom H Stoif , Alti. Kenus dy; foaý ot 1891, Alez Kenned ,, S Bs of)-; 1I r oid gesddng or filIN, I BositonD; 2 ,r old e 1I "riR or fil7y, A Ki-nyedi . R Swair.; p jr horion in harnss, G Kenù->., R Ptcîîon, John Elgar; besbt si&git borse in i'arness, Geo Fooaki, Bert Fut. -r-. lit efoalu mutktb sMd Clo Vamhdwe ne av"%5 Hforap kJhoe4,& Swaly bobbing promptly aigended to. t, ladmaj aL ive, Votera, 12 osturdaY eveclng prayer ee ne had u Mltsn verage admidans Df .- Th gtolgdid mueh te deyu p ong Chii =0s27md o prspae ofr lt.e sandayorgumac W. hay" boominable te oane t aim vacaion ut ae io&fugfor Ils relasttutlos A Bible "isemetiug on Thnrday e9"l wus cigmulaud iunMay boaMIud bau coullnC aiesvitI lthexczeption of July sud 4ugut With ie stisudamn-c asbi.mnall vergl ttre, Bibie slnd> la lte Asoiaiona Ista Imsportant o a te àglod tbeugh lte bqiz minis Ma bot b. voly motanoum À lhble riig claie for studeate wu fomel Sept. SSrd for lte l ansd vint.r monlhMad Mats on aurayat4p m.l'he airra tlendance bu beon & W. ame cou. fideulitaI l teefdote cf tié tisld y fIlhb foltitU a piritual lhf. of lte membms an oomaoqeuîly cf lte Ameocic. Weoepor viith Jo>'that lte meetings duriug lit e ar haviebore fruit la ltee plesmin by 5 louug mon of Christ sas tioir lersaasvleur. Tvu havi left lovu, one ha@ engaged ta vork tor Christ, sud th. other ivo havei mstod et varions Urnes, lThe membership of the âAsea. talon stand s s.folloea Ordinar>' 27. sus- taiulng 49; removed ordinar> 10, enstalnlnt 5, @quels 15; leavicg a prisent menibsrhip of Ordinar> 17. usalaing 44. *quela 61. Of titse 41 aie active membors; 30 ane sasoctats. There in soud for unlted effort lu the building uP cf, lbe membership during th. oomiug mouthe thal viania> ricorer that vhlch vs havi lait fromn remogal sud other caumem Titi auerage daily atleudance has ben 27. Thlrty. fi,. visitors have called. Thtis i nouraglug lamamuci th ie report for tit, marn penrad 1889 shows su averae attendance of 27. Wilie ogaln le perceptible noc ic e b p. parent. The fBut annual excursion vas itld cn Jli> lOtit te Wéahburn Ilaad. Upvardmof 200 voie on board sud a veiy enjoyable day vas spont. W. citeerfll>' teulifi' to the itolp snd co. operation cf the ladies' cominittée ithé put yen. They have had te fuornilure ropaired, carpet put dova ounlte parlai floon sud aie maklug arrangements for onverlng th. e or vitit Linoleumetan su aily date. The ioase have beom rogulsrly cloanod usuder toir super. vision. Refrs.hmsnl e rs piovided for maclai gathertu ngisd lteé eboursion. The SIsI sunual convention oethlie asocia. tions vu held iu Kingston. Ont,, Fibruary Stl t t. Mr. Charles Matthevs wu a doe. gale tram titis Association Letters.cf introduction have frequinti>' bien gipin to yaung mua lnlioducuugthea 10 the smaoialiom lu plac es ie elte>' voie gotug. And nov s vucloue, &iai) ve not mmiifor gater unit'cfo rpi in titis vor tit more blesolug me> attend it dunlng titi ooming Jean. The are l"arg umbers of yong mem taw lo ut r)l b oaohsd sud ever>' membai hma u influence to exoit. Oui duty l. f uIt- fulnm o.. the trust committed and lb. résulte nie vitit lte Muter, "vitase vo ans md viton To ail vitehave in anyva>' aboyans ind- noe@, and to lbe local pnoe for valusble spte given in their colunins veeiiiy, ve neuma . C. IL CàIoIIN, General Sicnely.' The Leades Interested ln tne Distribution of $1,500.00. Ul FM£ itsaequk, a, FWÎM14î joui ans.su(eui). Sdal Auie M ?«>uA"$a Vosn lDonu4d, Ka490 Murray, oTremeen, Loua Burthickai. Pt, Il- H ugit Bi"i, Erceet Poiguso, liurbert Mo. *'Donald, Amuie BoncdieJtbn NoLism, Monde IL. Cuniugham. lRobert Coniolophom, Emi Titorn@. Finl Booii-ffdie ergusonAlbert U MIes, Viciai Klrbv. litu. Fergarn. Cait Ir Ferguea, John MoDcuald, Male" mMaDon. Le sid. Ireland'a eBal Issue. LouDON, Oct. 19.-Pîere Mahou>', the muceoan 0f tParnel l n mmand et lte Parnellite purty, lu uaid tb have spoken 0S yesterday of his oppocenta as thb. olrtoal ,t psity. A vell-knovu Liiberal-Unionist, w spesklng efthlie Irish situation to-ay, 1- atd: r "tIreland la simpi>' under&going the f experlence of aIl cotintrisvhere tho Thajorilly oethe people are roman oatholie. Th roman churoh makos an effort ta central lteituation aud a part>' le foîmed for and againmt sucob control, Thoat isllte rosi ilue to-dav In Iroland, juil as il has bien in France. iu Mexico sud i il Usncb ouontrios vitere 1he people are at IibortV ta faimparte. la Iroland tho break bauscaine raîber souver thau il migbl bave on accouaI of PaIrnoîl'a persecal diffieultiui, bul il vas bound ta corne.", A. TMp 10 Bonmie Sootland. <Centisued (r&m l1"t taA.) Soiyvà.COt. lTth, 1891. M'y Da" FiuuiD,-Aften mpcndlng a dey in Glasgow on ni>'roturu, I proceedea, b Edun. buigicm lte Stof Augot udt.oan Sabbatit 1the o.t, 1 atsndîd in lhe U. P. hall, Cialle Terrace, tb. services of 1)r. MoGrogor, moaer 1atci of tbe istablialasi choroit. Dr. MoGregor ls minlser cf 8t. Cutthait'., but 1h. churcit vas atth it ins.undergolng ropairs vhlit ,led te the servies béing heM -salorenid. Titi "'prehminarles" vers conduolod b>'au sasis-. sut sud attervardo Dr. MaGregor pveacited a mail elaquent sud forcible semon le sunia. îmsnse cangregation many of vitom, vers traveliers liii. nyoIL ietettwu ta Geu. zuil. 18, «'And in thy qoed saal aIl lte nations aIflte sartitbe bleMse." The blesmd. mess cf Citrislianity le lte mations, vers a&l dwelt upon-lte bourlg cf lte tout on te piseent day wum mailcogenil>'sel forth-teé lasue in Chnietian lands, mot betvien Chris- tiéaty sud idole, but belvien Chitiaully sud sgncetioisrn. Bolveon religion sud no religion-a&hoavea tao cmtort or no itoavea la eomfort-grscicua promises le chier lthe droop lng sud biravtd eart. or no gracions pro. mises. Nations vithout thse Bible have de. cita.. Wheri Divine revelalion shine. mail briyl t lte prement lime tite place vitere viatitsudpaver, site sud manufactures flourisit. The perorationvsm grand,.a inticit te proacitor exbonted ever>' individuel 10 niake religion a porsonal malter, sud embraie the 8aviour u a persous! Savicur, "NMy Lord sad my Gai." Asulte outoome et ae.dolng J vii be feilte dut>' of mission vork ho lte nations mtil in tdarkuou and lte usierlng lu of tise gloriaus limeviton lte vildorneu@all b maie gla ud lte damait rejoice and blouomne s the nri."'l In lte eveuiug I attend.! St. Gile. cate. irsi. The service here tsi mors aI su air of rituel Ihan lunlte morning, but lte sermon ccnnactea vithit il vastilevangolical in deci rite. Theti ton u rain John xii. 19, "Beaold, the o vonin sgene afttor him." la St. Gil.. thte magnitude cf the building forci. bi>' impeahe , trauger, sud a iclemu feeling seizos ene on loaking aetlthe tattered sud lortn colona of lte varions Eitgisd regi- mints vhioh art enrepreaorved as memonloos cf batls. foughtt sud von. Tite bullet haies large sud mail blaciied vitit povdor, tlîl te horrible varfars viere mîny à gallanl haro tellinl Egypt, teé Pernls, Waterloo sud Imda, etc. Atr a vieil le Stirling su Monda>', thoelOtt Anguat 1 loftlEdiabui-gi for Liverpool, psmtg the mane places in on My jaurney ncrttvardm, but maming nDostay until I rsachd 1h. greal asaport. Titi 131h cf Auguat fousd me &gain on boardlte good sbzp Paumian, viit man>' cf houe vito accont- psmled me oslte voyage home, nov lUe my. ail rend> leretrace thier stema to Canada, The Iriaitcesvu al.! idurlmg lteight. andithe moining cf lt.e mext day touai us aeuring thse Gisut'. Caneev>Msd ether mes on lte nort centlcf Antnlm and London- a"n>. As oaur steamer c thne iiO da ma i ba oc our ratura, a ocaiderable as> 1 vu mie ta Loch.Foyle, but lt e aarrvid 1 at linglt, vien ltse Irisht Orpbmus cisanged bis fiddle tunes on board lteé tender, snd vo Ismei off viitlte pathteetsiains of ""ud Lang spa."sundingintaOur carsasfit'set off, as fer as lte mustolsu vu ecnmiite msuy vito voie nov biddlmg adieu teliteir denr native Isud. Tte voyage ont wva pedy-cnly five deys froiand to land, butlofg itléIt ui sd loieen t.'Lavusuce longlteum ite lime. 0, ame b> thti @traite cf Belle Ilel sud fcund ltse pumsae old sud vet for lte midleocf Augus. On te 22ad Aur.- vu ladet a Leoieenter-A&s'd rani, Jas Kennedy; sboanling rom. Wm Havvait, Joa Varice; ram lamb, J Vano.., 2 pr!zes; airei cwos, haviug raiscdIlambe tis year, J Vauco; siteanhing cws'e, W sc'evGleuvy, 2 prises; evelIambe, W Gleuxsv, J Vanco; Cotêsv.Id-A«ed ram, R Vao, 2 prizs; sohearling rani, J Vat-ce; raw Iam b, B and J Van..; agod ewe. baviî.g rfsisedIiambe Ibis ysur, Bobt and J.o V,.uc.; sliearling oese, B anid J V.ca; ewe Ittobe, B and J Van.. Soutbdown - Siteariinu ram, Gil bort ]Kinkad.; ram iauab, G Kir.kade, 2 pnizes; agod ovas, haviug raised Iambe tht. yean, G Kinkade. 2 prize,; ebs'.riî,ie eos, G Binkade, 2 prioo.; oeeIambe, G Kinkado, 2 primes. Shropahbiredown-nm lamb, W Hon- dors, B Vaias.; sired ewçta, ratrod Iambe titis voar, J- e Touch hurm, w Hendeo; sitearlilu evs-, W Berds-»f, J Toaabburn; ove Iambe, J Touebhsirn, R Vance; SWINE. ]Largo Bred.-Sow, Ihat bas raisec pige tietssr, Joihn Smîntb, J Morton; boar of 1891, J Gilleppie. Improveti Borksblree-Sanw, thst bas raisci pige tht. yp.r, R Varice, John Gîllespiis; boar of 16s91, R Vance, 2 prizeo; s801 t1891, R Vanoe, 2 prizes. POULTIKY. Gocce, Jas Kennedy, Jro Gillespie; duots, J Ksnrner y, J GulIle-;pif; plvmnoxth roche, J Kennedy, C Cain; enohins, ,i if MoCarîiey; hanubuga, Jas K-rinedy; wite legitornu, C Reynolds, 2 puiee.; brovu leabouas,W Hl McCaxlLîey, 2 pnizes; biset miuoncos, W H McCàrtncy, Wm Westlieh; houdans, C Reynrolds, Wm Westllck. MANIMFACTURES. Cook steve, Staples & Noble; etove turnilur., tin, Staples & Noble; bsdroom suite, C Bsynolds; specimeri cabinet vert, C Ucynolde; ucrol vont, 8BeBnsori; sol hao.e eees igit. bond made tram bain- mer, W Westiick; sel borse aicee heavy, baud maie tram baminen, W Weatilick; faim hamneau, F Mdinus; single carrnage haine, F Mince; pump, Green & San; grancratille, Bobt Sutan. IDAMI RionucI. Butter, tub ar crack, Mrs 8 Giles, Mre J Maison; butter inrolls, Mne R Toucitlurn, Mis B Pattoni; white breai, Miss N Preston. Mis A Griffita; groiam bena, Misa N PrsIon; houey lu comit, Mis (0 Cais; bine>'exînsce-ci.QKinkade; maple smrp, B Vance, Mns Vale; Pol vieat,' B Vatàce; oltb wheat, Wm Perter, J Barnicutl; wiIte file viteat, A Lang;- Colorado wheat, I PrePton, B W Filb; ping wvt oal omentiocd above Fitch, J H-%nnbh; pm,îIl peso, J Morton, j MeGili jr; vWhite <ce,%. i Prs'ston, O Coin; baiîop, tva ioved, W J Wetberilt; barle>', ti roraiA, J Bmitb, W J Weltoer- lit; timotit> seoil, I Prç»est,; "ile beaus, 1891,-W G Sisner, F Vesls; flax soed, J Maorton; oon, G Bissa. W Wetiit. j3now applo., RB Byem, J Voe; ru"a. 4a, j voue, j a Stetr; fail pippins, J McGilI J 8mitb; yiiiow belîfiover, Jmo em.1h, Richardson; greeningu, T Bleb- srdaom; mortheeu apv, IR Bpers, J Sith; voollhy appiee. W Putir, B Byeis; rubi- eu,W Porter; unsîden'. bluith, T . Blet- aison, a Griffon; viit>'of appios, J»e ff11h, A Gfiffec; vinter grolpO, W West jlot, R W Fitch;poen, W B.annah, T Blehadonl; mots... et Oldeuburg, G.. Sieso, 8 etîlles; Aleander, J Vounes; baldvlmm, J Sm11h, A Grifeu. Bar!>' potelees, J McGdI, W J Weltcer- lUt; !os« t*ble cairose, J Smill, W H Ne- ' bémédite cnote J titb, l11iai; bb.e#i R W Fitch, A LUCa beetet Jtit; paj Smith j =be, R WSali*4 J teaarad r. bbaei jàÛ ç X ,eOtaiii1 se; tWosero ,abesuulsuT Ulobmdon,è Kkame; ~ J, erle; ré BOINjoua 00 »W . uiA > Durh'am Cstîle.-Ag-rl brai, L Patter- son; hn'i un os 2 y s, WM Hanrnait; bul caif, G SL!opI.e, R M-.cier.; ou.-, i milk or.osif, G Blap!Ynf, J,,gMcG 'l ji.; boiter cal, G Stapls-o. R M.iouetî; year aid biier, Jas MeG-ll je; Jereey Castie-Juw, la.milk or caîf, T O'B'uei.; b. ier caif, T O'Bri'-n. Grade Oatti.-Cow, un miik or caîf, M Blason,. T O*Brion; 2 yn ci' boiter, Gea 8isson, R Mbtceet; 1 vi old h.ifcr, G Kinkatco; heifor caîf, I BoaeD, 2 prizc.; yakse raeo, Johin Barnicaît; fitt caw or eteer, motl les titan ivo uans aid, (* Ken- nedy, John Gîlleppie; co w or steer for feedivp purposes, not Ios han lwu years oid, I Pueton, John Gilleëpie. 1 îErBEP. me

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