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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 23 Oct 1891, p. 4

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w w, Itogus*lhcItt~ ~rtlaafor the Foi and wi Trade exc.ed ail our, P,. efforts. In every Lino of G&ode w. Ca" the toé i&well aaaort.d and ', thestok ~ta date." if OSTU lNOTMIO, te cemm d lo Iruh.te* lasmi am Mdif Iou'bske Bë af lu ii biult17IlUI hé» * peao en ET m MIPOSKLE lin . mm@"l sp&aodlcbs e t i- vottIiiseoai *0 do motodmsabedy indioste in àagenonalvY Wb"iWe have. To neNGIN, Gld sud Silvor Wabtoiiuilfor eter ladlom or gentlemen ab mch a m400e of pricea. end style. s wîahied &Aste suit a&U pookow sud ploaie. &U t&00&s. The grotet care àa aken by um*0 irus te eur cuatomr Or OMipltO satistfaction. Wo only bandi goff of known merlu i in. a76eàsonai warrnt as tu qullty. TEERAm citjevwoiry je golargethai t e m b. Moreil touchod u la bore Brace- ltBroochea. ObNN'Ceuna Pin.6SievoButtons, Locketamd s on. à& to Weddlg inu sR .gae- KEu r or Uc aloolargetaM slogan As TO Silvrraro. We bave a splendid1 stock, lncludinu atout eVo7tin iroma& plain sioon or ap=kring to a full tomeai or cabinet of à"a vir. Thia luolud.a sm o f ith@ flucat reoettation piom «oM mao -in Llnday, am WouI&AsncaryeOvo ut i arilel for table ueM&"-. OLOOE AÀRE a »cccsilt7 lu overy bouse, and vo have the vhoerovlii ioj eau cognera; cleoka iWaau oay Oak, etc., Nichie and be cs. for pinlot, bai or anyviite a dock in uocdod. OPTICAL GOODB and spectacles. Innorne m ofciie busindas have ve been moteosuoosi- fui than im eur spectacle tinde. Thée application et scieutiflo principlosi ftting Riasmes make. this as mach a4 mnatter et uience am ofbaoter. Thé people appear te approciate eut en- deavors in this direction. Whou vo turnlsh a customer wlth glus.. ho1 liu the comnfortable assurance thati hi. sight will ho b.nefitted sas muoh uaint possible. Soetales boqht ii thé ordîntiry way geuerally verki more or lesu iîj ury, amretimuca trou taulta in the guuds, but ottener be- cause unsuitable. (MINA. JAPAN. The lmnd-eyed olostial #Mod their vares twelve thonisand ztilé. te do- light you. These gouda are quaint, pretty aud artistie. what can b. mtore acceptable for a prenant than nome;hinq having ln addition to ita unetuineasuand beauty the. internat that in attacbed te theme odditiem. Pages ot descriptin vuld tai te, give an id.. ef their beauty and attractivenesé. DRITTON BROTHERS' store is one ut the sights of Lindosy sud it and the goodi therein d.. played taken together present toit- ures ot more than usual intereit bte the shopper, or thé. lover ot heautiftul iart. Corne andésec tor yomiscvoi. WATOH AND JewoIryrepaing u iusual-thuit la, doue in a int clam manner ab raison- abie prices. We are hoih pracioci -workmen, and give ail vork enttut.d te us oui caret ul atteution. Britton Bros. Llndsay, Oct. 8th, 1891 A union of he and oia uion of anda à union non$e au enr; A qalon cf homesmiaaunion et Laid. ARd tué fia«, BZarvîsu Urint om."o "Tbe-patent-graud-offiptloaI-b5gb - aff- sud - buffiz. - double - oompound.prumso- andsquer 1ethte Yankee, Wib b, reiucing tue kuobe on en utriof ti. 6 ompub-ocupi"' or "sinoapi," uami .ei.- Ibo tucie cf suouier, vouli fnt s M, deIm a Uiar, for a lavyo.n; il a 1brUer ta dootor; if lasy for a bmo*ocmsý turIfd- honcit for a polImtcIa," eo., mbu M ulvaheiby "TiepMmts-gr.st.ai. do~igr, uom" ulitU TERGOODB maters bouimmre"aMiorespnol ?mmagmleracvdMonue nd ibua sNgwid a a aueoh llberaI.onsSv5i âip ciet so ilci tuyii " e rlng for oq»uay gond Porti, ud by oven mor tavogable corues, t&sà tue oiginal rot dr ame sPMUu& Th" ka th te "tmmd- lubbmr" Wiio arrcgtte e $0timmolvotho cemmaniet *t u cl uor 'vessAi m vbo have complcOWY vnoc er o. in theirnémv orsîtt uhe mjetlc iberal. masrvatve gmiip, uhounisi env of lib".Ooomvtlve. sud stunci rtorm saUots, looh viti plty an m cm upio tic "pite,"" b oi tng tue b"ao sag bus t. rottsn huakdubbod ami dinh- e. vththe mm oi0Iorednamefthe oli 9r0, . Ss& it. Bt ubre ah$e&«b4 r,>o - Wby raggod an roula sais etfsid- *mc tle tte io ccood mua.e nnea "o u a"SEosud&Lt"Thec oldiiulk ltsel vas oeutrotoi tan back ithe "Dark Ages"4iom nlay sud clérical tyrauny, omupt rings, démoi,and arrogunceVOte miii bemiavalble tîmbons.ý e h .Unablo *0 compoeoiluthéOopen ss h "épiras"UMM cion bu attachaunden cavero et gh tou buccaneer haute; aM, vite aie canneS senioual hum ber noble ud vermarot cinovsud tuesa plrate@g*gundor commuai ot a povd.r- monhey, e*ays te place a torpédo undon ,the llbiMs-ootvitive crait. Whsn pa- 'suit ofet tinte m mide tue"blach vamch" sekamblter iloatheomo menais crooks, viioetue air lu as potileatW 84a te b. more ijurleus te tic.. breatulug tisu tueexistmeefethtuepirate la Wiien thé ommrvative afti gots a tain crack ab the eueY lu cpOM&meatueéme@ vilhbé Up. Itvlll requin. asgood fine y« oaaptchi up tue holée. 0e long ai thé remuant eftbte retenu part7 cho o un nsuihisiauZlk bofore oe nol mùtansd under suai pirate leaders, just as long vill ne reputable officer or seaman jei tho tà"aiip oxupauy. NSav more, tue bettnr tion oet t0i.crev are leaviug ai eve'y ttlng eppertuuity.' Her retten hulk, ber coeod muta, her ra gdsali.blovn bthe . inds et de.p.ratlen, pemaîim n sd dpair, afford a sorry spectacle te true levers et the. s« snd gea sosmuahsp. OxI 0F TTRI NURLS TNZIIID. "Short, strongy bbat and energetic John A. Barnon, et North Victoria, looks like a fightiug Liberil. Whon lu tue ity hoela trequently in tow et Joseph Tait. Tii. twoe eocrumnag &IougKing strict when thcy almeit tan ie H on. E. Blake, jusi s hat great monn vu about te voyage up te his law offi i e ii lovator. After su itercliangoet ofarteglos boivoon tue ture taeaen, Mr. Barren touni tinta to tell an interviewer tuai Major . au Hughes vas the hep.etfLibefamu la Victoria. Ho considers tuai hi. evu election in a Conservative stronghold by a outfontéble maîority, ia dune lamgly te tue oppoatien oethte Major. Hi. oe nw.gt.isi.thttheii. arrior ditor coaldnet b. unnlng in North Victorisansd eau-. pa ininSouth Victoria ai îu. ame til.. H attributes the Liboral deeti m Beu Victoria tote absence ef Major Hughes lin théNorth Riding."-Torouto Evonig T.legram.1 The. above lina mple ofthte "Widing'i ithe 11ruadoiger" wyens up viion Toronto. The. Globe oumpl.toly lgP1102 hlm iita summary et d.eurvlng-ot-prala libérsa, viii) Mr. Mulock and otuor re- tenu leaders lot i ut vggle aruni un- noticci. Mr. Blake la a tongivlng man, but vo ve vnturo a sixpenco tuai the usm*o cotomptuous cari efthttgentle- man's.lip vasnoticeable viien tue "doigers" tan Into hlm lu Toronto as viien John "bAbusai" mode thse owandy excuse ai Ottava tuai ho tua te support Col. O'irion's rsolution te plcas.tue orange aud otuer protestant fanatios et North Victoria. "He k»wàow rong, b. vouAi ratiervote viti t théM. lau- 1er, but ho muai hoop 5cW wtutue pro. &pclo aroman cauchiela Llisy. At tuait*n» Egt.BI*$ sbaud oM suà a oeturw te* *ba t mo t memp,-ne ami sc aIL -Rsgiuilug ou l&e»me tr o SutuVictora geotm tiihe om- Sot ault. b e MsE.llé 0 -0@«o iWI#b Ot, wbo ,I& t u mad? ojli ESb e cf Tis meà bt anamua osMd edii.m >fussl a i 00 ou dbave .mle tbcm of t.gIMle dravlug povus. ,Nm" ~ @mi EuropeUmm ou eave dmc ýmcOUolyf ioy mote, b o WuM i t do t@sou@Uta5dmlor Pair cf broocici end n vb vlédirect eur utral Pairfntu = wmo ot Mr. Kevai" hemm o recs 7py theum vitu both dshild buohmY veu e . ley» omough fqranthlag. Moatim, te sow î.1gbe b bqn The Globe vas wcnite dsPlaY gnot smmecel@iucdlng mmt tus mcm - jing afair in tue invuutgstlosaseaiOttsw durlng làc pou aummer sud lu gomal *0 magnlty mole hhie mountains. Noir, ont look& ivain for tic sonstionslhuai. ings lu the Globe. D)Unlng th# ummof the.mme ld 0101» supprsssi . rytulng bomnng axai"it It Moenda ilu b» c luttgatloaetiOttave, Mud t ilu ing tus ma»nenov. Indomul, Il" S o notice jets ofthte Qubee ssand aIslumaw my suii ortuai journL. Ou th@. contsarytuc Jempine novas lu tue OttevaWfar publiaies both aide. fufly, vithout tuer, f avor or affeon. Tho Quoboo scideana a serions blow to the 6Party ot Uriti.9 Tii. Ottawaanda m &votehilte vork of onsr or contractons; the Queboo afair are the doinga cf the, Mercier Govrumeut lsi-.groat idbfreno. it tranapites, iovcver, tuai not0 la the retenu Party in Quobeaivol lin tue rebbérlem, but the. reform Party etfail Canada la in tueéaffir. Thioumands et dollarofetbte stolon moueY vent te Psy the. protesiteeeu fthte nocut eloon; sud Mr. Mercier himmoîliasubeau diteoily ceunected vii tue affair. UN PIRITTINIoAW18 CON TROL THI MOST. "The laiws vhlch contre! us moni arc thom@ vhich have nover been written,' in su old and a very truc uayng. Frem im re iminmooWa certain members et the gromi human tamlly have possesaci tue peoular bout et genula or et intellect vhicii impelci tuem no te bo uIons or leaders in tuein evu nlgiii. Ti.y have arregated te them"ievea, vithout the en- donsatien oet he people, the power te Honc "Divine rimph," a speclea et lu- mnity which affictod sud muAi afficta ruiens, lay and clorical in aIl aMu. Tuât la tue direct catumeo et i.tyranulo sud oppression.sviiotuen found in churcli or lu state; in mouarohicil or republisa govermunts, hIariatocraieor e uorsio forma. The insane Ides tht any man or a 1ev mon sheuli ha", tue power te inftotut vieva on a people la till désir te mamysau unoultursi lidaisd tyrannicai buani This ich for forcing people by lav ie harmouy viii others' vieva lueoneofethte vcaknée.s ofettue pront aisvol as etfail put nansd onieoftheii. trougeat marks et tue unftacis et a poople for soi-gev- erumeut. Take ton ezample absolut. prohibition as propoaed by muny vli-memnlug poople. No one viii dony but MUCILiiiujryi by liquor. But are tue on!effeti x tempranc ncmasgresi tiiW ghaitouy fAmi art moi tue groat major- iy et drunkarda firani red S, b- jeos for ithe vluc-cup b, glnum, seU abuse, or otir egrdlaadig h.bleI la buher wyens dranhesujusola eoondary habit, tfdlovlng tmocbudkow im Hlstory prove. i. But thin to moteras il cme People mlghi bhomdc tlmmfer a tfre*by,abselute proiibtaq Iqtsatom but vIsa of tig» montieus «Uu vbo v0 o ibdom ale lqb*-lmbie.- but Dlabéé il»o .Teuw*tomsit tuait stq* "andepuapmiukold tcladiIaulcm uai èii0f "b thé Minm e ob.u"" d &*Èimm, ' &I~ Jmltr ' jurio Mu e t i 't h.1tedei o- SunIlhla" <.*dfrel "M"9a w m'u thefir BOsp amy bou.te,"PU S I& lrgui ase l ti. orkL a.dmibêff5It@4? t*bUfrvievae ~aeSpuhtoU0*ig#fOUM sd * Do drmu* 0M là I.the. The. 4" .cfi '" stmom vil be .tsmuMing ma'i ontinoe throuffhout =i.gmrthe&-. Thi e p*ooive or cet- ci". cla the us oWay, "doaum mm- intil,c slanuly an 4qmrhfents Or huàmui govarmmmtit à noa ta bed p t0 foilo, OhrlS OMs ozaped fclov "The. livof iba" y rom dui I. lav of poefec love.»4 &WOi.vAI IJD. Thoue 01 ami.purof purlty Who bave boom ahreklng thatthe. Ocmrvatlv Goveramont voe* ot micr. la tiiel dm omie 0p=U ithe vuilty viiiprobsbl bogin *0 hau! la mil Dowv" t ut . c!Sud othef rhe rii efor &u alè. re in limbo for d.frsudlugthe govormeut. The. public miv tritaMuod tht jutic vil! b. doue. A RAIL WA Y LVZ5DJD TO SUDBUBtY. The Grand Trunk railvay ovns thoelino north te North Bay., viero connection ta vsd0 Wft-t t .PF. ]k Alresdy that oempily bas contracsth the). O.P. R. fo)r tihundaling Of two huudred frelght cira south duily; sand the. trafflo i rapidly TM Ws.m»aa, YOM ave, pointed eout tue route trou Borketon te Lindsay and ouvrari te Sadbury as tii. beat in every respecl~te onueci Toronto vith tue O. P. R. nortu, sami vo sec ne oison te change our opinion. Lot tuai roai b. pushed ouvard as rapidly as possible. h viwilb. mué maboter than suy preoent or otuen propoec route, froor trout bridges sud grade., sud vil travers a boiter couniny sud oui vioro tuere la lmocompetitlcu Ârnong the many beautitul boiflng apniinlutue Rocky moansin luee umai"'Tii. Reformer" becauso as thie lady vho naid iai, 1"li in alvay. aplutterng snd aplurtlng sud slinglng up Mr. Lister Ret bmselt premeuis vitu a "IManademontralon u onoroet Et. Isgter laut veek M ai ula The, rtoon pre.s my "0000iatiemdauce,' etc. The inut ii awonva a ile, net mort thon 800 bong ab themeeting. lî vouldunot be a b.d ieatforMnMer. Burron and Ommon te gei up denonstrations in theoir houer (f) Mr. Balteur, nophcv et Lord Sallbury, ani CulotScarh"r for Ireland, hbu boom leoted as leader of tii. conservailves lu tiie Britbsti blouf Oommnona. Ne6 taa grand felov., aMw UIMf iii. btb. spèreod, vil mahq bau maut asleader.. Mluuug l;North vwctoa. la 7M0incyl pro... et oMoSptlo. «kI veho s- eve, NMns.Jsephi EcàrtintW. U& Mb .ma 4Gecqp Uxu cfa mam rabId bavn logu. qïeeatig a geAi mIne ln SpcaIyatr"»A"t s more K&thle ev M rock bottout jwice. A granld opportunity and the. bes ûw lhy oboy Fansd Winter Goode le now off.r.d. ALrge, and Varied Assortment of -New G oods Ik aow op= si r pectin. The LAtest Styles tthe maikets coutuin, suciiqulitv, such variety snd such pilusw.have n»ver before becu able te offer. our oustomers. Core m and see the NEWEST BIGN8 IN DRESS GOODSO Our saporkelerusl laXihinery and the. rout perfect fitting Mantiesand Ready.rnade Clothing in the trade. Ouri piloare within the, reaoh of aIl and noir is tii. thue to buy. Bemember, the purchasing power ai UWe. zney go. far with ma. W. have the stock that can prepare you for the. weather and equip you for the. Morins. TEB~S OASH. Oppoite the Post Offlue, Lindsay. LlndaY. Oct. lt, 1891.-1802-lyo The People's Arch. G3rocery Campbell. DUR TEA- DEPATIENT. rW. have always made Tea our leading article at leading prices, and we need not say more now than that our stock was nover botter assorted than at present, comprising ail our popular brands, so well and favorably known throughout the whole county STAPLE LINES 0F GROGERIES & PROVISIONS. OUR CHINA» CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE DEPÂRTMENT This dert Ment l rpet wt a varied and extensive amartment of Fancy and Staple Gooda. Ont Fancy Cina and Glas8waere all new and beautiful designs, and at such low prices as were neyer of- fered in Lindsay before. A.OMPBL Lindsay, March 4th, i891 JOHN DOI3SON, WinsLiquors, Bottled Beers, ad- General Groceries.' No67 Kent t and 2 and 4Wilim St. RECEIVED THIS WEEKs 50'Bauels,» Gooderha & Worts' oelebrated m m atK~ W*sklss, udI l yund a d 1 7m a d xiquaity gusranteed;in bond. 3&» GoC4sr IÉSIx h &ê 8otch WIskcies, Holland »Sr W$# ,> a ieffrieêQoa1 Où. ,Irof peredngBrandy when- flde. aOf it-"I con- ~&u.us.pickles, etc. DN. sd Who 41n h sordi look cther 'the I no Nto MhO bai Mti. 'mm whoiesaie ana Retail DWer in Bonded Warehonfie 14 o. 4 Wffliam St. IF

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