press Goodi5 MaaUtllB lt OverooaitingBBOO<8 Fijne range of -Men'a Winter Oa: av Maker. Work don. whethev£406 mt Ini Dressand Mantie Xaking cf" O " ..- ma lkti &fei£ Give uts a eaU and exmine Our dStk. Hlgh.i pries fo>r pWmoe LIII]. Bntitul, Oct. l5ti5-141___________________ Jo He SOOTHERANI R9eal astate, aMd ]Eeney lirokerg ,rire and Lite Inshiranee Agent ILs 1inltonu maklog a regular busines of BEAL ESTATE, MONUY LOANINO ald INSUR&NOE, 1 Invite everybody Who may have business lu amy et the aboIe linoîs taec0,1Ise. 00me. C3'Patioe having Propeiblea for Sale gi have theni advertbmod wibt out i, go I make no charge eoocpb wheu a male le effect-l., j3"Parties having Property te Récit ,UIl have thsir wants attendid te and no obare mde.ouil! Tomant i8 proviel. IM"Paîltss wantiug to Bnp or-Bout ane eordlaliy invitel te eiau atMy oe a d I look over my liste. US"Worklmg mon, lifeeantcanmd othorers smpied with EBouses or Lots en the Influaient Plan. MONET TO LOAN an Mr4guust.1lowesbou>. tliet rates. MONET TO LOAlI on Aperaviti Endorue Notes a14 lovuet rates. MORTOAQU EOUQHT AND» 101.. 19AL BEST Tboughl and »M lon commalii PROPERTIU hit*d and Tomant prolured on etet notice. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Vacat lots for huilaies blooks on Vent Street. 9 fot frontage by 100 too& vU be sald ln lais ta smot et a teasnablo prias, an an f57tasw a9 POT- vacant lot on thé encrner et Llnduap ad luseln gtrmUa, 4000, vlU Ae loasi tor il jean i buil kg prlyl1515. ',acantl oto -for piaedwellfnge la NathtA outAi Mid Eut Wards, ai=mn" advancelfat building iîttLrge tvo toy brick dwo ng ih EM nd Il modrnWordwtienmilon@mciiiof tnd- g*e n, nd acre 0f laidl.gardnte.iifri ie Ni lge vttry brik dv ieUlle-a 1 p 6'a00 pie moeonvenlencq o esOilpeare t id ies saud and good vg, lgardon. 21,50 i tcny vbute brick cottage, nie@ lavi and good aardei. 81,500 <i o whte brick Gothiec roofed i etory rn brick dweUing, convoi. aily.9 750O lentte Oollsglate Institut@, good la. $1,00On. aid a bailtory Gothia ioofed $ ~.>200dwelllnx. 8950) On@ ad àallaillerybrick ,oioerod 080D!é One story whte brick cottage. On@ and a haif .torY brick Gotiel rooed dwelllng. r300 nor hwaig. one4lghth acre lot lu $500 Frame dwslllng in Eut 'Wmrd J. H.SOOTHERAN, OFFICE 2wîl door woot o the new PetOO$@ l5nt-tit., Lnd.ay Lini i.y, Se l,, th, 1890.-21-11. ______ FRIDAY. OCTOBER 28, 1891. LOCAL -JOTTINGS. * UBRA lD SiTmUBIA5r. There are no little inners. A MARIIAOn LIOENMeztoi 0200 e aPrter' book store. -2-tf. Thêrte are no thons on the sunf[Dwer. 1000 0001) SOUND CBDAR PorST 8 ft long tor sae ch..ap ia qutntities te sait pUrChUse mxply te 0Gao. A. Ntthell, Box 77, Lindsay. ,00-72-tt, A good taker fi ane Who nover sais too much. MARItIAGe LionNex.-J. Britten (of thi rmi of Britten Bras , josvsllsrs, Lindsay,J Issues aàmirriage llefose for $2. D0.Ou et end of Kent IÈvery man la some klîd, of an ides iu moi Ion. Tnis8Nc'T Doua ALLSIOIR8PT.- Three hantera vent glldiîg ont of thé camp, Ont of the camp as the son vent dovu, To buy from thé e stloe, plump and frsqh The deer they would cla theT b.d shol stheir dvii. Par mon vill chuit mnd vomen believe Prom their huobnd' skili came the diii they reaolve-, Whilo the settiersl boys a. chuokling." No ma loves God Wvoh ua vamau haler. MONTELT PRIM:zus olBOYs AND 0Graia - The lltaniight" Saap Cao, Toronto, nfoer thé followng pruseas very moîtb tîlliütrher no- tics, ta boys and girls uider 16, rosedîg In the Province of Ontario. Who uond the grusai est number of '*Boolitht" wrappf; 18% $10; 2nd. 04; 3Srt, 8:.4th, 81; th to ldth, endomeoBook- and à protty pictuo b thou Who send fmot leuthon 12 va sr5 en Vrape uta d'sunlight" Saap=oN 'à olt lit., Tounto, mot later Ibau 2th ci sa" me nth. snd maîked comtiti; &acso#IV* ful umre, ddrve, agé, and nimbe of viappes Wlnnurecmées vu b.puhlied lun Tonal Mail on fir&t Saîurday inemeL mo@it.-92.lî Lszy people have tb pal donea *6b.Pie lige. Tua Pavii;ouLdistrict pl wiMato% embracing th. couatieS ot Petrboo, asIng Laciez, Addiqgton, Prines Ediardfou' Itmberlad. Durhami, Victoria, RsIlbuitci Yok, Ontario, Peel ordwll aMd thé.01W 0 Toronto la te b. held in .onneo ilb il whitby and lbthest Whltbpl.w1 im on the HRailltavm, osar Broo ct, on 'iueVie Oct. 27. Augmeutd b', tbe grami 09 alloved la thé eoupti theb b.PriU Agriculuran md ktAm oItIe, tors are able tb oer,enet'of Piseau<l te have nMumemulSssU tlcled are saldtoi mcmlaita". o1 .obroq joe.e Bsign of the MM i aws Bottom PrioeB Powder, Shot, Shellîs, Guns, Apple Parera, Ourtain Polos, Clothes Wringers, Table Omtlery, Curvera, Tray, Table Mata. PAINTS & 01L8 Plain and Fanoy Window Glass, Belting. Paoking, Lace Leather, and ail mfi supplies. SOALES st MoLennnC o. SCRANTON COAL j * t Make suffaerhg Impeesble, mmd joy hu no ueamlng. Two Lii îoaaniu vanel, enquin aI Tiiz Wà.zzuî fflcs.-4lf Nomuilatnllpemsiunehilleavlfod h DiàxoNzuD m jub reve i Hglabot. bau'. drng tort eixly lassa paokages-S4. Liltie bomplaie è re litesu taI holp thé amvi!lb.hemot. luas.-AiI repaiung autly mid qulcily done; aielac eunmsudImItations miadi up la thé latést styles, jm issWeaîov»,Il7Abert erat.l,4 dore norlb et Union, 'Whea troublée are liefaithast trou usDIoph looi tsebiggiat. RITIVALMT motoppis a chm)su,-M friand, yen lidn't knov pou wireon th$e road te perdition iIoneu cfitize,- "Mes. Tali ta sou.ame vbo's lest."o An n emy ileau uemy ne malter vitethai bo carles a flag or saninîLot. EvauRyOvaBAris Bo. -Théo dbplay et vatches, faîoc, cloche, jevelril',,euiare. etc.,. fi W. Y. MoCaîtlem vnlev la pell! noit sil tasty. A largo *uici et goouda to chc@tsroai aet resacuable primes. His @hop le opposite lie Daly Houe., Lindsay. -98-tf, Tite trouble ,Itb people vitecmisa ala I, thss tiey are apt to alahtc mach. Mise MRrouzLL itus iturnol fîom Toronto vitere sitebas beau attsnllng lte ufllineiy apounge. 8h. purcitel a law eateçk af volmabl gooasudid lanov prepared ïla .1111 ber cualomoesiluail ths latest styles. Also, &U tite noe4at stylos le lissae sud manie mai. ing. -98 -tf. Thé man vbo vilftLlly continues lu mil oolcons Ihat ho den m itlp.' Hie FANiLy DD>no? K.Now Hn.-i Bellevilîlemanili4 fa tii eau ombont end Orippied wvuh a lame book, but after Irpini the OR, Lînei curs, hio cul vak liks à boy agalu mil bis i.lghbors ocel baidll recociz. hlm. Tisirmed p lu tor sale bp &Il dnagimandai lte OR, Kllney Company BeIIetle.-96 18. The devil bas nover beau able t10h11 a Christ. tan bail snongit ta drive hil a quarter of am lithtaval tepit l. ROUGs on Ti LAWTEE.- CUie RoMso,- "Judge, paît hoaah, I fmli baci on malt prenions good rop'tatîi. Hst po' sither seel me op béo' deosâeit beotV Justice Clanr,- -Nover mon." Uncle Moi,-"No ssi, uebboi. 1 tais pains to kesp 'vay' tro aucb lisip'tablg Places, au. Au' y.t, iih, itoab po'à gvue t taie &&fa me C. Ward of a ubitîsos lampe vit'. beoau anatiu'do coble aul bes lit."1 'ms rma vho la happy in lie Lord hai tooonnt ct Iat iteavna Dot netermiavay a some people Ihin is ILa NOTion.-The. profits are lova. Ne h avne igoods sel for lover 1primesthonu v rare nov ming on ladis, gernlemmu" P ume',boys' aildoiildren's boots maldsitai Cous@, ase. anIvonder Atthle velue v. Siva I D fine gonds, aul pleîtp efthIem. Yi>u ar sure t la Sd vt p ou vant. Camn@lunald me a the bust ofCeihilf iuboots endmitie, fti jgooa, Germai fit elippers, nubbe, ovel obs mhetc. Trunks, valises, etc., relimble tuusly, serilosble pas, musuel et roc ibattom prime. . Br',ant à Co,, fuit borea DIi',BHanse, Kent strest, Lindsaj. J - Bi nà s, G ourai Man g e. 'W î ié Uii D et el ndensol by amp bousein Ontario. Toma cash end on. prloe.-.5.f. à DBiug afaetum tiofre amI buimeai uap mal it some peple boeve themaolelii but it do' net maie liom lov.e «Oh other, IMuiTANT BA&.-à bits.B.I ev r hm ued 1W gv@ uphuilais. ohe effertsfi sale ail thé sbep Oxinres, groelisam end feolomary. Theel inalt ffine ebovesse sasamn .d jarj,%ail - gool as301 - Aise emuai!tables., dlulag a boi"s ai ýs linel#ulI. on@ largo vait sdoeboard, ).ooklgtee amdpipes,2 buietoste ,1 liM à lce.erea m eee, nev, 1 i elgerabe, Me 9. vater e',liudoie.1i isiheu oupheed, mari ) .Sfaie sudDUMUM eoeothir thlnge. TThe a tila atje ugonodtiontlumi viii * s lIllu',puble &iWtlon o.SaturdY.O(W 24e h 17pet t timtie ov hb souie sal t aem, andl*abu ailvidin Mb.u saole e h roit,-8.ttf a îi asDt oh f t»aW%,ce theibu&, e a. ta fooct 11111 damna*6bits slmbtt8taun0et e huërt. sothi ta o esilwtbbIisb r. l oru 1ab taniei rk JOMLEPUOM Nm-WO alvaphm tes beee émaesgtisom s Wbothifr ag h, -Wibeaumt Tu <i m t[*% Mw et iM e Ssii a«1on t hsoiuél il oh of «0 je z AUOb M e t p* E. y, Wblteu <jmoeMs *f é d akWetý. e bi ?boe. 1Zan% eu1cigIwM , m *011000 "Wélee Gs4mue oSMm Priss 1ety pi he w i lu bad t, mste thubalutlel ndutal. JORN Hon2, gies! agent fthels inger Sovlag Machins.Co., le ready toe stplcp agete l ano u psutd districts. Office, àaMu block. K.., St., Llndea.--9841y. ROYAàL nom LRMAUEAIT, @@ts.of et 1 and Lindésy m@rose@. e a ufaU blasi for thé meu. Aà."cM bih efate proidl. Ovaltée. o.ked inu uery a.tw4o asd«»u&d Ploo t aflkindaiulneemii . T.M oJomm propeletor. -14f. It la botter te nid..o la tribulation thon col le bave anp tribulation te 6«8.&r.-1t pou bave amp lMe.oetbuylng amy thain lacrveaioreshrts, boit loi Me. Orimmon'., sho la givima tira &*&y for àa maie ion. The."spuet in 1hé Dominio 1 sud the. iMlbt place ta get souetbg nev aud nobby and faablonab -i..f The devil neyer gie a chance le rut la lie nelghboibood of viere a gonalivs, BAT Paopia, «o le W. Y. MoCarty lie Jowele, if Vonu o. numîti repoiied on vatohu, odocks or jaeoby. EU& Drieus au low, satisfaction le everyoce or refumd éai« charges. Try W. Y. lMcOarty, opposite lbe Daip Hlouses, LUley.-Oo.ttf1 Asnold bacheler in alwapi roady to tell Von howyou ouaht ta bnlng up yaur children. LJovais'QUÂhUl - A 1h11. quandel ap divide their ways, And stars Ivo seule foi the antipodes; The globe halI.clroled, faée lefaethey Sae lhy aue toos-ad tion mie up with The man wbo la afraid tletminis at thé lace ofthéb deuil vil neyvr do lb. Lord muoh go"l gBta's A Cuàarcn-Ths tailowing advsr. tièment be repscifaly imsettel."A oultured, @atoust, gollvy'oung mnIssuesa pastorate. VIvfd preacher musical volas, brillant organiser. Tait Mmd oftRndoappearnce Blamelesa lite. Very higheSt eteeos: Dloiel b', aIL.Saao', 870V." It recently appeam n.d a Boston dally. PmiTEOLuUEin Noîvu ViroiRouA-While dlgulnq a veli on lb. feaim ot George Mo- Parlons la Balla, dIstrict, Somerville lown- ship. DemrUobocoomk. a pronaucel quantit', of petiolsmua a onuil, The ',eneeusdstrong aid lhe substance vas ver', omIs mnd thick, yet on exposîro ta heat beommslquid. The @eam wuasonly 20 teest lep, and vu iar the surface a i te rock. Great intereat lm maiested l nthe "and"s Itlàledeemel certain muait mate exista Wouvhre bmm pie came tram. W. cangratulate Mri. MoIsi. lane au bis probable gnoo fortune; and thmnk Mfr. anthan Day of Pension tar the jutai. mation kindIy furnlehod as. 1 How le reach yaung mou-gel hll cf 1he LisAr àir Ors teachiera' convenioni wus bld la the 'bmrico," Le., the se. called "unian schoal" on Tnesday la. There vas a large attendance lîcludin t the model achool tudents. A number of aubjects vers informally dlscussed with proit ta 1h. as. rsembly. We respecttmlly snggeatthat for 1he cfuture vith the exception of tbas. intrnducing AnbJecte, the speakers be limitsd ta flue minutes e@ton, unlulaswvth consent oft he meeting. As muoh sense could he uttened slu tva mcinteas sometîmes takes ldau hour for delivery. Buck a ruIe vould prevent wanlerlng ftram subject te subjec mIa,. iils eavardly tl at aout amn bshind his bock se il la ta throv stonce at hie house la lthe dark. yWusr VixoRiaaT»Âcuuma' CONVENxTION I vu bell et Oakvood, on Thuradav aid ri riday lust veek, aid s u va aYtry ta have, vo b.d thé plesre of ttending. In smother clumai appears a partial repart n vhlch vas held over for the balances thls veek. W. nover pana a sohool vithout callng fi for a niait, if vs have a moinsnt's le ime; mai do vs @ver md a tev haursfi a b convention u=profitable. 1Itlbés nover been our privillegs le attend a convention bottei ouoductel thon vas Westl Yctoria'w, aud iu e-xample le commeaded le ochers. There vas lite amd activity, net the 9100m of a flrst. clasa vâke," pervadlDg th. dlcnsiovs. The uecutine nuder 1usd cf Meura. Mac. IrDougali, Gilohilat, Mouillein, Moogrone, Rancie, Canning@, k--, ta &Il but perfect, te Tho n'.xt seol.amuel meeting vil!hbehelIfi '5Kirkiold. Tasi) m by Roi, Mr. Langiford of Oct. 27, 28, 29îb, Opéra Bouse. A mumber of valuabi. msdduseful Préesl.hovil . ion say mgtly.. à BOG]oyAD EoÀn t Tmi SoANDALOqxou. -Thore le grest indignation et Borléand al the north country gsnerelly tovard tis aima. dorera vho ev oieicmtly busy dstaalngie h fair Damesof Mr. eorge Bouiton mul theru aeeoated vitit hlm, Inlil, as e troligbu the curont set hla t %ormal ftoilo 'm Ibreatessl a conuple ofat uWhovie vre active dismmiaimg tli e pras I»men, M. Houston le traclng lie luIers, anI le strouly nrg.d le take légal action agualiteryoao vbotbei lie arignaterm or merey lb. mon maliiuly reposa th é is lauders; for hoti aie equahily 11b!. befon e ltsli. Tiers aiebut lv. vapa cf reashlg siaiderersoie by te» ravhide, or ter Mil tthor; lhe alteér b p roceeoetla,, Lot Kt. Houaton moka mm example ai §sosoe the viecstinlubis «caseho mllb vi!have lié support of theo ommunhty at large. Bioxoer Fowx.auaisls lutueie éCelléglate Insttuts ou Tuomday nigit lutite ulsfre tacts proentel in dlemi deliberale language jet vas Dot, la m&ny respecte vial cne vONî expeot. Ho polutol ouIttait for agepustald îov EoltianIwvanmd lalte nation hadlng in civilisation. NeIt he Ire, a P"0l1eofethAe séeailty af lava, lAs aqualor and Ignorance ail miery nd degradation prsvsillug lu Il'iemie Englanul" virîn ttis century; al cotrasted, it viti thei present. Thon, lator On. inlusoviug ltaI lte salvatlon ot bnmmnflj fn lb. comiag centurywvu la standing tast by cl doctrines Of religion ho ludirectly idiculel piogrem in areligions thought s if the rm- suit ail tite fouit ai liberty af tbougit i re- lgous mattors had pro&de itfaggot ail ths fires of perss'tation. Biehnp Fovier said the adhétsto f the protestant faitit bal ou- durol aIl tbse unaflinchîngIV, and otitene ver. pra pared talao ea again. agaluant the teacitinguof would ho sclentlats. The speaker ovrloakel th. importait factor. liaI fiçgotsmal&ré, rack and tbumbcorev, vois the lviapoa cf t$ thon 'lorthodox" church aganit reform or p'ogresiu religions thongitt; juat mu to-day the persocution la by the presat oldI "ortito- dox" forme against turther advaucement. In shoît, the p.r8ecufe.d o by gome day. itaving tmfumphod, ààa aujt.ofoliberty égaast ty. îanny, Ignarance, superstition sud corruption, be surs elontully ta via. hoamme, aid lu a sbnse, are thte pil'eutoof titseviit- fig still furtiter progress lu religions thougiti. The. Isannel episcopal Blsitap of San Francisco just gai rite Cart bofore tis bornes.Science and intelligence aid liberty ars nover pension. tars. That ba a trado belongig innrilably le ilay al clerical aristocrtanmd ocitare metklng ta crusirt lail kesp lova lberty of titought. 1Thon, ton, a ad compliment, as vel as Oa- 1 pieutent 10 his bo ate péýneg rlo on the tblesoinge o n i tlianfty vierein ho ahoveci r boy lt.eal toacing bal lln.d ail blémsi ë trie vorld through the ceaturies, vas bis Pie, 0 lui. of theitoatsmof itigitoa civilisation vithin *the memorof man Il fatta iogitteen cou. turles of the blessfnigs of orthalox churos Bfebop Povler'as acorais description cf titi *horrblo états of the bigiteut civiiizatioî pro. iducld, vas tie rsultm.ureIj on0 maY b@ m fecuseI for nefueing ta stand witb bis amea fuildel, vit hbis back ta ltse brightIdavi of if liberty cf titoait anl progies., besseoitim Pilmplotingly the dark turbulent loali of lia- oappearili gnorance, superstition, Persécution le a l corruption t a r m ain , B laop T o vîsi, Ibas aillte latent data, vo believe, for an md- naneld libéral ia religicus thoagitt; but'it eoemed as ifb.ha ldbeau cationel ta touci Silghtly on certain palis faortsar cf offendmîg tite senitive nature ofcertain oft ttooeMai d boe of thst churcit organisation viticit data ef is beigmim« ot viti le ie h cit !Chris d True ho IIIshtovwlte teribly blfghtlng in- o lIence oet ttcreeo d hil hote aloweove wa l~it hll Its rver. 'ýhls vautoc muei fnr a fe fvite emplay et thât oiuîch;athsy vlth" A drov, .ieving tidi loesof tr.edom cof titonght 4 BlsbappPovîi or &avy other borsal; minIn au y alIteu ou lie subjeot chosi oul mot mi: euli titan hoe iI, or toucit more gontlirou lue .influences aofliaé creel. In bis rvl.v of thé oe impemdlug snggltsotfepitl! aldlabor, @eu alomlolier proboselifureh st Il.. voie limté&. It muet b.houfessol i bc lecture vwsualotUp ta lb. standard ef expe tien. Thor. were hait a doe u eleme il lis bail Wbo on îvmnly.taur houiw 1110" ot coul havs lulinerel a MOre lbs«ualug &W y, istructive addrm on tbhsee »éubjoc matISr F's Lii. tho old mmmMd ise . étrld t S. pleaossa partius d plfaodbuttevw. Yet l o. vu e',ldsullte goal usnawvas "botvoî Ith M~ levil aud lie les p e&.IlRHovwu arail to apis "e out Iica min. Butta vonlPragrOesos, 'la. inte of chancityrannise e -"Dan AW it type or oet1'ortbolox»" alesproaUfmot cf mind, vill aiitl wr util ai!uiisomaeto thb.utdid ot frnrI m. m exmpixlaChrIsto ati ts To teks or sot tu taie' tiila0Ithé 9Rm" me The »sun miemmlti 09s t dlPatian or gomebbl M anid lla tddtsi a 1 Nm pasd mn :Es r BOOM, CLOTNINC &FORS. iion to offer soubtemp&rng bagau»a at proeut. Our large, atricly caslxhi.ine.s is steadiiy iiireas. ; nov ostomrs arem iug 10 ns .vey day. Lm.t weekwu the larg. mt w..-êt's buiueu we have ever e mce opeing in Lindây. W. are glad tose oui effort are s<q weé'I appreciatd, ad we a e now full of ispecial bargains for every deprtinent. FinJoRl8s. - B'JIZR.. - W. hae made preparations for a heavy trade in fine fuis titis seasn, a.nd are - howiog an immense stock of Boos, Mufti, Bufis, Storm Oollar, Capes, Làdies' and Gentlemen's Fr Caps in Perian Lanb, N atria, Bt'aver, etc.; Ladie' Fur MandLes, Me'is Fr C.uiats, Grey ad Black Roi>.>., ec We are bou nd to nmake THE FUR ELY TRTIS FALL a our prices are down to the lowen oteli. If vou want Furs comim and see us. SEÂLETTES. Having made a large purrhae of Silk Sealettes at a bg discount, we are prepItred te gave yen from $2 te8 pr yard on yo& Steaiette Mantie purchaes. Matie a note of this and bear it in nind when you want te buy. Gox ing ticl Oui der. la trif quc OUR STOCK 0F DRESS GOODS AND VELVETS fullo &Ruh ater st oetre Istyl e.afor can be e rhaed rom us at in e. perlargestc. Wefuare hw aoo secapu orchse f arie with,1ail fol rieu , in a e he newus t lc. priyad. gl v pal u tSc. seof wvales i BlackDresa lod retse win ll khe wdt br.qinly a p7. siareon nd vanl u ti0c.Our ues inhBlackur iniga ad Tiunsare c e fuUown.s--th-ir Ioer athan othr oues- )n; on'tbuy ill oE en ohese muriites arge savmingriae fu b. oefthidlwe te.(e hus r~~~~~Ee onyFanls lnea SherieFlan ems a anddrge ar - an te m eu's ie ig ot n-o arfGry lanprels every ay Shaesor prnuels and vea"s eare riMt. 'viaare Hosierort ndn Smallwares,-stock always large, well asorted, and right in qualy and prive. fairly humming.' We show h1indrds f Overcoats sd Suite bought from a bankruptmanu-facturr t &a ifie over 50 cents on the udollar. la it any wordr we have no difficmilty in maêking aes when we eau. iote such wonderfully low prices. W. cordially invite eue and aill b corne and se our Uoods and prices dore purchasing. W. have every confidence in our Gooda and Prices and we aise, KNOW you car tffect a big eaving by purchasing vour. Fail and Winter supplies frein us. NVARNER & COM7'Y, The Great Bankrupt Stock Men, 76 and 78 Kent Street, Lindsay. forget.-52. CoOuGu'LATioN.-M. A. D. Malin bas! moined a mathemaloal problem lu a loidi.g A.ala junlma a anfrlprso l ol.DR ESS& MANTISE MAKER Dm. RmoN o f Torouto. ithfanonss pocll NeW Cuttn t' o.Havir g scrdti evcso ie l lot for oye, sur, tirost mil nasalmffections will ting th$srvceyosatu.m. la b.eaItlite Bonton Bouse. Lindsav on Baturday, . Cuiter, 1 am vrepared la warrait aiH Cucling sid FÎittw. la always rosiytoasamaftÜLa. Novembot 7tit "ext toi consultation. Re- mitciting Timatngo. AU cutomiru froni a -.itcm wc aitel upon ai Saturdays. member the date.-5*2. Latesl Pubiens alvays ou banl. AUl aidera prompll atteuded la. CAM.zR.MGUBST. MÉEoDIST CElURGE - Nexi Sunîay vil ho oluoitional dot. The MILLIN ERY.-I bave on haDd a large and valuable pester viii preachin hetb morning and tho Stock ot Mîlluaery, andi fiet-ciasa Tioeoeer. I am noir prepuired le make Hlais and Rev. Dp. Pattseta nigitt. The collection viii Bonnete amd au Milîîieaîpfa intie L&toFeFhins. Ch&a> fur fsh. b or crlte educalional, tuml.I ROOMS-Ovoi Wrner à C', Dry Gude f tre. Dobeny Block, nxt door te Gon SAVE vua QUuu.-Yioctnro n Ibis 1A. flgiinbotitam'2 Drug $re. u"'c-t vili te given by lte v. T. M. 7-t Campbell on Friday ovoning. fn tho Cam.x bEldgo streel metitodisl aiturcit. Tito,. vio boarltii lecture in Bobomygeon describo it sm mastorly aid oloquent. Thte ovoniug vil ho uVi j fllld up vitit music by local vocaliutu. Ail ______~_ are ivite. iveî collection. r Pior. Y. EDMOND, tlie vsllknovn maiti clan and venlniloqtiislvil i gis lthre. af bis popular sateriameitin ltse opera houas on Tuda dienday ad Tbnrsdy, 27b, 28uhai 9ri, asaiel by soverml talent o i number cf nov ail startlIig illusion@ Âmong titheatA&lest otLondon aldParite ,on- ia. "Etoctra, or asioep in mid afir.', Ai au additionil attraction ho vilii isinibute. amouf bis patrons a largo quaitity cf boîntifu ald eosîly presnt, coîelsting cf gol d a imer _ vatchos, filvor vare, faily goal., sc , etc.r J. C. BTzwÂRT's COmpANT viti tbIhir ~ NMowsanfun mater, u ite TvaJohtn's vi» b.o tie attraction ietlits Opera Ruiê nesaiBtur- day aight. vitile &alI machcomod les bear a cortain similarfty **The Tva Jotas" hms maîy distinctive toitures. The plot hingesuron the ailesoe Peter aid Phîlip Julirs. Thie THE OP.,MUS. PIMATOS AMND SEWINTG XA.MH ES difficultv lu lhtingulhing ame froix te oton reeflits in maiy embamnaaaiig entangements elaespro oayohr aei aaa n nupse anl ltse situations are camical lu tte exreme Ish r ueirt n tbr aei aaa n nupse The eoucdy tas bse nlte rond for a n. by any made ini America. bar of jeans ail bas alvays beon one aiflte mont papuamiof île ifil. Tho dialogue in inteisporeol viti itight music and iovs!eA speulalîos rendorsd by pretty girls and linely OTN fliait tram Istat ta finish." General Agent, Lidsav. 9 I ANOTHIER COLUMN viii bo found lte î Aolfork;the v em h Office-First Door east of Daly House, in Bryans & Co's Boot and efforts ta gel a big record ltoere may ho a Shoe- Store. ari.LutI veek at Bon. Mr. Laugf:.rd'a t lcure, ve o tlco a yoang te lcv belongig Y..C.A. NOTES-Mn, W. . Camba b o a ow lava uv ame n e a ronîl hlite Iwtt deivor a shrt address on 'T e fitio sa g itonivo bave fequoîtly msei n d the F.R, aItlteM-q'Mmeeting n..xt Y.M.C.A., mal bis cocduct von slmply dis- feno t 5 idongo n hr = HimsAl e utithe &telmns, sud otnges4essb tryon mnwilka adeiarlthe puppy voie lasulted tp bis re- lIessb te ogmnvi tr - mrkscoceihn îbmta is onada. l P REcbitfil meetig for y..unu mon. Con .. le cMarecler suaithea itto elov .br i PURETue veek of prayer foi 8,14viilho ohseoreel W lechaactrs nob n tst èllw wh bru .Ç bhe n laommei ith other artenci'tioO5 a diseneit on religiaus i tniialiois. No Tes- POWDERED 100 trouitut t d. l etings will be heid i. suat aeloau emanwuaa l n woist ethnysach evenhng ai lhe vsok exempt Wednesday. G i.i p.ýk'i are axpeoied ta aldýthret r. sacae viforeaihnuiaily ubmuofgn a Socut li m eb.rshIl la vdielyuncihi i services. Pull miounemouts in due l . ,adi t ebrip tio die n isAttention in callol lu thie annuel rejiýirt of eè canbevito detame lis reputationa o cf Wlthe G.-nerai Seortayij v i viha o tod ln sé IdiensF th'se columui. Il cntaine onnideahe i- i. M "lRT TILIla3iND5TO MY 000» OLD L CsL. s a reoprsiui esyhne PUREST, STRONCEST, 8998T. farmation about tié vork et the put yeam. te hatOn. àOueantcalviit ta Toronto is truti t_ da .= Mr. George Elliitt ai Tria WARDER ..taff, a. Wvprmctlcaillludtrted la oui ova came. & 80"aOqiipO~aî lefIiboire on Wedmeday le attend lte: La Ameafi Ibo vSi mmmv noble joug menoi it la., O b~ riptia» Endesvur-convention novj esoi 1» ft vascar puviee sd plaue tahave Ou. nt Petebore. Id douts in by goue laps, nous vie tola m 1782.A eylndcm pa hetitebd r. biher uge uftisa W. Cool Le.son cf litsA. D. StallionAu purchaorsfo rise$ Avay te lîmalso f amhet Ceiaoal aewller S. Les4m.1 mil Gaigs Gooleritamn sang .uxton lie bouce amI let cvne .iulb>d y àli nte he histrcagit. Cicago STun iso amtofe orgeue um., a. Thonuet.- hlmcm B:t. Paul atreel. pipers baye Sajoint cireulatIon 0ai 31ê000 ibis is fMOpUag ua Lsphave gpava -into mubA tsnIeigwl ehl tVlnimuh kk capsli bueuesmmn, Md am en w' y respect Atime1gvi ebela aoIa ott id steTate te~ anmd mrahis W.. «rat4 lieder tihe auspies Ocfthe metitodisf: chanci At M adjmaoialapealal moeing of lte 111 0'uby me', vledus houkialumeanmd courtemy uThankegtving Day, Nonoembor i2th, ml canogrogattau af St. Anmdievi citurclubell on >s mull eking st adieavuTrît uhpaiticulase ia feir diva. W Ddye vemlung, vieitvas iargely attend- tiI of vieai l MWev inasne,, aldt te &Teat 'A Tilli»TO Boi;a mSaL.AwD."-The ed. tte lecture mou vitero temeeting wmg. M pleame and Baoelty oetOa uislitt ali on alIe serts fet tons rom i te fn utpen cf bol being wvii AloI. By anu usanicua vot* Laie Oubatilo inMr& Goodsrha'sbeautiful R«n. A- Cerlo, te veerumblo retiied pestai te ménagers vers dinectel 10iprepoie sud, pist l" Ae,"Tht. yacht le uppandeatf.uene (if EBamva prf'byterlac ehurcit, have bheunrend i suhuit aa chine te t"rais , .to psy .ff rit husdred Mmd Ivmty test ll kgt. le fitted lvtens ai tuade tiroughout Ontarioe vit I1debt atil due aunte- burch, propertv. The d. ui oueth. i uutalom libo te aleal.toploesumi. Mamy ditinguinhed schieio soutlinel le te open a ,ubcription. ne uer, le nmmel by a regular c-putu Vced v'%nt!empu in tho proaînits bave onntula'edlist1m, thte subicribors te vitieh mîy puy eitsi silon, viti t eweart and assistent she e f.Rev M*. Curie *ad Ti WÂDa anmnbinh a lump nmnior in lustaîmeuta. thte &Mount lie fuahsslon the lak 'lua my kiîd rot lively contrib.utions te litovaturè Mmsore.ofai i! haver ubsoibel ta b. pail vithtitires ad *lu& XReroMM wu about lirlntt-utand cions bavre freaW e&xpressal thoir ezuoe ers or tarty tbomsnd dllars lblus irver fallen 'ittereet sad i parecistlou. To R.. 1Mr Carnie Ma. T. Mirers, Preuldeati U.M.F. Qiturchos, sl l teut mktte baehm l el i elugm>o e kinlmll !us i EIlxbeiril'ytoadm e licereai vile; -'I have alwaqm nejoiced in thit _e ressoilsua n M s emo s. liait jouig titac. Outw i viai LB liehoay tusspared, sucoesmemcf lte Salvatiea Army, admiret t o m msMt Ilel lain ,. oan s to revis!. tic mosau ai île y outà 'vitrs e -denil a n d eannoal lait u; ns uA ope tat - ý«.6-- bas von Mè h W13a mode! ho epeope deeuilsd tram liais hardy,'lu lus effort theymMKY bave lte Divine buss- wAt Ï&_.bI a uol4 hbubianad:-fatbOt., houwait 8mdinav" oretNotes. aukinom, £iv. i»9.» MW Ose.Gedi wnuvl potl ef bis famili ovidemos ut nobitr cfeba~eer, berttage« Th. veneraitla Ârohl«ou sparra~r, et % 1 b 1 b . la b le ivt . y t'a is r p lV 7ýnM a fre e nd lo eable ne esul . W etm i nter, wit - ',A .ek o pr arer Im ik A 1% m a. T -' - - myad mf-dnal lae sd ite ook of-W in8 0- ~bm- sl abliol la *rd ldiet p uA efo ràutpataS Md IHeadpkie. le mu effort in vblch %ho salvatien Army hot, W.B1ULS~IUBUV5 m anmd Dr. 31. sLime, vii. lu inte ReehuMoua- MY sutir'a uymuatiy. u .lao o itW i éoJL* ta, Miieeonftd a rool th*" iium eoblue' Thon v*ýs a goal t= uorawnfl iusuê ml fity ilAi t* vttieer herbe naimok asy WMmd ocrtaia I boylng I&Mt tuday on ltse market Aore, ~s&1Lt l ai 4f IUitirnr4usoatiplieu Xl.!. bo fim i I ooza eu1AViplontif ni il 400 to 450 per tg*Y "*Tîî.i0-va, l akuvuasJPaur. eOse andtukeys a&so founti rea-1y iua .rf t«t a lWi I" ,sdlsuSiiat. . b ,mi baeA i lo«u tter, al dquatity, was 6M *lI I!îki M d feï555 d"41elv un tlbe lOt, ville toifenr itrougitî oe.Eg I 111w. nuaIWtio 50pue sn, Sie uah.e~>'~' - gen u Js hpoqrq -rhlu, formerly of Port Rapetmd Cobourg bhwOo vhuce mao'sd te Lnlm ml Onmm th a nmbst yi opa. Thb e uil wusdie et tlsguluillla Dblli asamom te sbruite te hgaliillof the "& .Dr. Land1.ra 00h usuid& w" grH. lames Laui t etiusapisotl utlhsdeof Fel. M hi aaugdsrewdi.Mm a brother le at o Mlae. w0..UUpPwbII1hSom wm op U[m Loq d* o i5eaWli~a id, ese Fms pe a ae em b hsmlbw hSe, ew dm m wm d IWRMn ta gM i lsp' b sll lav', vi lad Iis Tl"imhvl oa s » bist b hal v s M y e t 8_2 %ho.à OhI~duiBOU*' vfty good m4. have used Aga best possiblersit C. A. Bauringt4 General Smith SA writes: 4"Âxgustplo a comple.cure in d like aîmrape." Daler:" w it&the bDy-vspepia." ~nineer and kuey-,,Austra1ia, 0'er bas eifected cms. It. act- Geo. Gates, C , Miss. wites: "consider your Auku3A Flower.the best remedy- i the or1d for Dys- pepsia. I was alisost dead with that disease, but useî several botules of Augut Plower, ýand now con- ider myself a well nmu. I sincerelY reconmnd this medicine to suifer- lin g hinanity the world over." (D G. G. iGREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A. OURCLOTHING -DEPARTMENT