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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 23 Oct 1891, p. 6

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htW eI pifflMA*y ir ýpouwste1hn ",X74mde" ld" laid the. Frem.bU*% s MWMgOD hm bamasu.oomiflgolmtobfr W %the ampue, your Luiher wod 7 connt t th maoh m , aupoor ud w-t hnown, sud no'b by amy moans the Umm hoa would chos for you; md lu thoe au J plsoo beln a O ioi"-hm eM. Vaudmiouf ta oodduiy rofgou-"I muât b maltdw by one of my own prisiL" b Mmho why not in Bailar? objeotid d ZKitty, aMt» uuonvlnoed. ' "Bomus your aihor wouid novarOC&n mt," h. whimpored, puttig bhl m roUnd m hier wWm; '"wo muat runa way quletly, mnd when w.e murried osu ak he pardon i aud," wth a sardonlc sml., "hic bleming." r A doUdcous ihrilI. pase.dthrough Ltty whma uhe heard tisl. A rosi elopomot wilh O abhandeorne lover-just 1k. the h«Or*nu inu the. &tory books. It wadelgtfully romman- tic, and yet thero ueemed to b. WmOthlng wroeig abnuti t 8h. Wa' k. a tlmld bather, konging io plzzge into the water, yet hied- tating through a vague fear. WMith a qulokj catching of the breath ch. turned to Vende- o loup, sud uaw hlm wth him burnlng, ointil- 0 lating oye. fastened on hoer face. a "lDon't look 1k. that," csh. nid, "y= frlghtn me."1 "Frlghten you, Beber' ho sad, In a care.- f sing tous; I"my hoari'. Idol, you are cruel to .poak 1k. that; you mnut corne wlth me, for O 1 eaun fot aud wlil fot leave you behlnd." "4When do you go?" asked Kitty, who wuam now trernbllng vlolently. "4Ah i" M. Vundeloup waa pusairi whaita l gay, aseead no very decided plan af ac- d tion. Ho hied unt ufficenet money mavod to h Jugtly hlm lu leavicg the Paotolub-4Ail theo wornalways poeclbhlltlom, aud Fortunes 0 wau fond of playing wild prmnku. At the ame ie re thore wal nothlng tangible Au vlew likly tg mako hlm rich, so, as ibm thoughtm rapidly vasd tbrough l*mmimd, P b. resolvod to temporise. n 641 ca3t tell you, Bebo," hOmald, ins& Ca- T ms.lng toue, umoothlng ber curly hair. Il h vont you ta thlnk over what I have Mid, h and when Ido go, pehaP in Oüth Or m, you will hoready tocinsewith me. NO," ht d ald, as Eltty wus about te anuvor, I don't tj want you to replY now, takO Urne taO onaid- P or, lutile oue,"1 and with a emile on him lips ho p, bent over snd lduced hor tonderly. Q They et silently together for smre Urne each intent on their own thoughte, sd thon Vandeloup uddenly looked up. IlWill madame stay to dinnor iyih YOu, Bebe?" he asked. Kftty nodded. "8Sh. always dos.," she answered; "You î viii corne too."1 Vandeloup shook him hemd. III arn golug downte Emlarui 1>0 ihe Wattb. Trie Hotol t e e ry frlend Pierre" ho nid li a preocoupled manuor, "sudad wml have somethlng to eat thero. Then I whl corno up agalq about .lght o'clock, in time i te e madame off."b "'Aron't you golng baak wlth berV" askod n Kitty, lu surprise, ns they rose ta their foot. '">o," bie replled, dusting bis knees wlth hie band, III stay ail nlgbt lu Ballarat, with s madMme's kinl permission, ta see the theatre. f lFow, good-bye at preosent, BeVC)," klssing her; 'II wilbe back ai ight o'clock, @0a you i u excuse nie to madamne tili then." f Ho rau gayly down the bul wavlng his hat, a and Kitty siood looklng af ter him wth prido ln her heart. He was a. lover any girl t mlight have been proud of, but Kltty would 9 flot have beetn so satlsfied wth hlm. d ch. kuowu what bis real thoughts woe, "lMarry 1" ho sad te bimiself. with a laugli asube walked gayly aloug; Ilhardly! Wben a w. gt ta Melbourne, rny cweet Bo3e, I wii1 find orne way to koep you off that idea-aud t Whou we grov. tired of oue auother, wo can mparate iithout the trouble or oxpence of a divorce." .And ibis hoartiess, cynical man of the world vai the. keeper itowhbe bands in- nocent Ktty vas about ta commit the whOle of hier future 11e. Ater ail, the fabled srens bave their equlvalout la the maie sex, and Homer' dec- cription cymbolizos s cruel truili. CHAPTER X. YMNEDS IN COUNCXL. Rotei ta whlch - 1Mr. MtIcItosh Pierre, wau a quiet ile, pub- li-bouse lu a quiet sireot. To a camual vouid seoin that s taveru no dIffi- - cuit of accuSs by had long dqparod bis l1fs, hsvlng bohlnd her the iisre d-no" .da te ho heu t atber'ec emfort. As -amatie, orftact, ch. vas JouM theOopposite, sMd Simon oftou wluhed ihat hlm daughisu' bal eparied to, a botte worid lu company wMi ber mothe.. Thin, tlghWaoodwiihasé"al Y" an.sd su açUubbste ame, )ne by u tlia lus0àu, sMd not ee 6'h t» gafl70e tu4 *S * to Ui, bit4 a gak cm mera b" fWe wb o$ qsawivafg m MW * ,e'd 11Ave lms This bing s-- 1ibial - rIha fervestwu i e SF7 yheba au, wt*ot wating for mamy ,walkint Inia tue baek perlr,' iad tl 1.11elbe bOu ier, md vtlel Ium s h eU t I o LOUp, tiiowgh, ai s mattio f fhIo nove did wbat Oie wuaa lid ma" vea it th lfl .iéh ber owu vmhom &uZtwo té au righ, MWtb5, jIsuppose m14 Simn, mloey. Marthsamerted wM daison thsit h vuld be &Il right; or ch. vould know lbe 1 onwhy; tbeu arh gouagmin tte bar, ch. drow aspot cf heer for PWeru-wllb-, out mkn him vhat ho would havemd ordered hlm te oi dowu sud ho quiet, vhloh lut reniark vwu rather unuecsary, ý 1 idr hgiat the m-- wa.dumb. Tm: ut down hblbnd her bar amdrsuméd, ber >ormai cf a navel cmlled IlThe Duke'a Duchecse, or The Mfilner'a Myatsy," wbleb oontalned a ducal heoevith blgamlutie pro- élivitlco, sud a virtucua iner whota ihe itors.uid duke perseid. , AUl of vhleh wu very outortainlng sud Improbable, ad gave MW. Twexzby much pleacuro, judging from the cymnpatheio mlghc ch. washoaving. Meauvblle Villiers having heard the naine of Pierre Lemaire, sud knowing ho wsen- Sagod i the Puetolua daiàm, ame round te, s. hlm sud try te find oui ail about the uug- get. Pierre was sulky at ifret, sud mat drink- ing hlm beru ullonly, wlth bie old black bat drawn down c far cver hic oye. ibat, oIy is buchy black beard vau visible, but Mu. ilIliermsuusvlty,. togethor wlth the promeut of a hait a cuowu, ba arkod offect onei m. BAh. vas dnmb, Mu. Villiers vaes omnewhat ZerlexMhow ta cary on aconversaion wth ubut ha ultlmatoly drew forth a pieu et paper. and;msketched a rough premnlatlon ata îugget thoreon, whicb h. mhowed te pierre. T'ho Froman, howover, dld not compre- hond until Villers prcducod a moverelgu trm des pcckot, sud polnted firmtteihe gold, sud then te the drawlng, upon whtch Pierre mcd- ded hie hoad meom imerne. urdor te show tiai ho underuteod . Villieus thon drow as ulctureocf th. Pactalusolami nd ud aeo PlerreiluFreuoh At the nugget wvs m thoue, as ho ahowod hlm the. sketch. Pierre shook his hend, sud umklng tho pencil lu bis baud, drow a rougb repremeuiatlonet & hors @»d cari, sud put a square hox in ihe latter to sh~ow the nugget wuc on a journoy. "Hlo 1"'cnid VillAers te bimsoif, "it'u ual at heu owu houae, sud uhe'c drivlng smre- wbero wltb lu; I vondou whore tel" Pi.ro-who, net belng ahi. te write, wmsý- lu the habit of drawlng picturee to express his thoughta-nudged hic elbcw sud chovod himasketch oftammniabox vavlng bAs arme. 4&Auctlonerr hazas-ded Mfr. Villiors, bock- Lng ai tilckeenly. Pierre stared ai hlm blankly; Mhic cmpreheuclon et English vms noue cf the best, ce ho did not kmcv what aucioneer meant. However, he u&w thai Viliers, did uot underctand, ce ho rmpidly Oketcbsd su sitar with a priesi standing ho- fore It biessing the people. "O0h, a priesi, oh?-a mlti'I«" nid Vil- tiers, nodding bis head to show ho under- ctood. "8h.'. taken the uugget ta show itat a minister. Wonder who luIcai This vms epeodily answerod by Pierre, Who, ihuowing dovu the pencil sud papor, drag- god hlm cutalde on to the road, sud polnted te the White top o! the Black HiU. Mr. Vil- lieus instantly cornprehended. "Marchursi, by God i"l, h sald in Engish, srnhtlng liii leg vl hhic open baud. Ille madame cher. nov?" he added in French, turning ta Pierre. The dumb inau uodded and slouched slow- ly back into the hotel. Villiers stood outin the blazhng sunsbine, tbluklug. "She'u gai the nugget wlth her in the trap," ho sald ta hirnecf; "aud ch.'. taker, lu ta show Marchurst. Weil, she's sure te stop cher. to tea, sund vont stant for home tffi about nine o'clock; i wiil b. pretty dark by thon. She'» .b. by herself, sud if I1-- hoe ho cteppod sud lookod round cauioua- ly, sud theu* vithout another word, cet off dowu the. cireet ai a mun. Theoft ava, Mr. Vilhien had cerne ta the conclusion ibat aq bis vile vould not give blmoney willluglY, the hositbing ta ho dons would ho te take iby force, sud sccordingly hO bcd Made up his mmnd ta rob hor of th. uugget that night if possible. Pull cf chic hullant ides cf making s gaod sum ai one miroko Mr. Villiers vont homo, bcd corne- thiug ta est, sud taklng wih hfm a good atout stick, th. uob et vbich vas loaded wlth lead, ho ciarted for the Black HMl vith. l. thuIteut et watohhng Marchurgi'. houe. unui hie vite lot thon, sund thon foflowlng heu devu thoebhlsuad psesi himeore th. nuggot. 1The afionnoon vorQ drowcily along, sud tho groat hisai made evouybody lndined te, Evon Mariha ch. vide-avake vas yioldlng heu fha, oodei face. f h ,v-wâ a ztsvr ai tt"dhru 40*e0 m Il- el. 4 . 1' te0io v dé « kng te have the bar, bût firai utuglug I W4ll me chat télie"ernel a webr OethOceoe Md agtnd ta l oO '; "h.' on L t. grenail 900t',u alu't neo tau te ellmb-eOW'what ar"e7 woklug a@4 mir,"-vih aotier s'aWlir ghs, ms Oieesuglitt Vmdoup swing eaibe. BEit ho vwsu »Mleoklag at ber mtehM U musturé chaume, bue a is ah cf mal in giowais rong vbhverMs un m te bNcs- mma Oie voue la te front et berdrs &-Wbai aère..?" 'ho asla, loucbtng lb. white blasou llghtbY vlth bis f u' "4I do declere lit'alht nmsty beulookP'" t Mid Marcha, An surprise, pulling tle. vb goorsoutot thebunh; "muaI neveuknew Il vasthore. Pcb!" sud cho thow thebics- mm dovu viti a gesture cf dlmgut di"Eov tiiey mell1" tg Gaston ploew up ono ce the floyer., Md l uuhed h hotw.ou hic fingeru pon Whlc il gave oul a pecuilcu itrouuy cdor minontly ilugmgUccahl. h as honlock, sux'a nougI, sud ho wonderodhov snob a plant bal crne into Austuall. 46Do)M it grov Au your gardeur ho achul b Marti. i That damuol intlmat.d ibai At dld, sud ef-b traIte show hlmthe plant,anothai hocould b bollove hic oe.. gysu V&udeoeup msentodeglad they vou moon ntho fc0wrer gardeaith b .dcf thé ~ boue, vhlch, wu bimzng wilb vlvld colora, An the. hou glare of ch. sunubino. 4'There you are,"' nid Mm. Twexby, point-. Ang te a corner et tho gardon uear th. fénce whme the plant vau grovlng; "pua brouetl C a loi of mooda tram home and ibai boaatly 1 thing get mix Up vith thei. Parkeapait i grovlng, thoggb, 'cause ne one aise hm ge% M At. h'. quit, a curloshty." t Vmudeoup bout dovu aud exainel lie t plant, vith itli large, round, crncotb, purplc- spctied ctem-lte smnoili, ahinlng green beavec, and ch. tiny white floveru wlth thoir dlsagreoable edor. "Yeq, it isbemlock," he sald, hait ta hlm- mef; III dld net knov At could b. grovu bore. Some day, mademoiselle," ho sald, iuuulng te Miss Tweý%by and walklng back ta thé boume C vitb ber, 11"liiask yen ta icitnme have mor1e cf the moots of chat plant to mako su oxperl- ment wltb." "As mnucli as you like,"1 said che fair Msx.Lha miably; "i'. ana"s meIhiflg thlng. What are you Somng ta uiake oui of il" ".Notiug paiît4cular." returnod Vandeloup, vîtb s yawn, as they eutered ibo bouse sud atoppedat ch. door of Plorre's room. Ilm a bituas chemnist, sud amuse mycebi WUitbtom tblngs."1 "lYou are clever,"1 obsorved Martba, ad- mlringby; "but lhere's chat mcu'u roclfl-Wi didu't give hlm ch. beet"-pologetiCalIY- "as miners are ce rough."1 "Mademoiselle," ssad Vandeioup, cagerly, s sb. turued ta go, 'II me iere are a few blossoms of hexnlock loftinh your floyer ibere," touchl.ngi wlt bbis finger; "vwiii Yen gAve ibem ta me?,, Martba Tvexby siared; mn'aly ibis vu the beng-expected corne ai bnci; che bail secured a lover, sud sncb a lovor-handome, Young sud gallautr-ibo very borao!ofber dI'OJXI. She almosi f ainted la deligbted surprise, sud untastenlug the floyer. vwiib rembiig fin-. gers, gav-e them to atoxi. Ho placed thei lu a button-hole of bis flanuel coat; then, ho- fore she could sciesîn or even drav back lu trne, ibisaudacious young mnuput bis aum round lier and klssed her'virginal lips. Missl Tvexby vas co, taken by surprise ibai she could offer no rictance,. sud by the trne she bcd recovered hersel!, Gaston bcd dis- appeared inta Pierre's roomsund, closel ch. door miter hmm. "Weil," ch. nid ta bhereel!, as she returned tacthe bar, 'lit thai lsn'e, cmseoftlave ai firet siglit, my name aiu'i Maniha Twexby," sud ch.e st dovu lilie bar witb ber nervos ail o! a fluiter, ns ch. attervard tald s to- maie fnlend vho dropped in sometmem for a friendly cup of tes. "3nton closed tho door miter hlm, sud tound. himeel! in a maderately lange rocin, vith one vindov booklug ou tt h.gardon, sud bavlag a dresclag-table vith a mir in front o!fi. There vere tva beds, eue on eacb side, sud on the furihegt of choe Pierre vas sleeping beavily, not even (ias- ton's outrance bavlng roused him. Golug over te hlm Vandeloup touched hlm sigbly, and witba prng he dumb mn i st Up in bol au if b. expected ta ho arreutod, mmd vas ail ou the aleritaeescape. "hlt's onby I, my frlond," niad Gaston in French, crosslng ovor ta Lb.eoCher b.d sud mttlng cuit "Comehere; I vsb toa ok te 7011." Pierre roce f roma bis sleeping place, sud, v la b. vii bear, 0 drivg ta mutoléefi4e cfacodte '. AU iU M.rBmr-i.. la N IL e vot& 44eçt mm hm aie arvam te Mmi onunivb.revenu it n f tquleily Lt te madame MIdoo, i s.' buabid uflovo wrle ive-wW& 1h t"isauulikely-I vii on" ouexcu mas leb wS.'r vlng tbiem ne rov, rm golng lp tMcu4eur Msrcb.rats àonsaocmyonu m »M me et tetp oti. k11, êtsight eolooo i.aght.Madame vIg abobvaut s alf mtEbt or aiuli. S C"t vili ive 'mplouty of tdm te am wbai Konsiour m e àgoing io de."1 Thoy both rose le choir foot Thon Van-1 delep puit oun Ni bai, and, going te the glanmarrangebd la u ool sud non- chalant a mnumsir ho bai een .nerely planning 1h. detis for a pimleuInteulqt a posible crime. Wblle edmfrlng himsel! lu th gluas h. cangbt lgbt eft he buncli et1 Loves'.given te blra.by Um.Tweiby, sud, toklng them train bis 0co ol, ha uiel round to Piorre, vho atool. vuuoblng hlm tu bis uul suilen uuner. "De yoen - coe ho asiai, teuchlng thé white blocomwih thebcigarette ho held bciveen hic fungeru. Pierreitluîated chai h. dd4. "PFrom the plant ch.Ume, igy fnieul," n«d Vsndoboup, boeklng ai lb.. ciicaily, "I cou prepare avagatablo poi sonaudedly as any et Cffear BorgWa'. XiAs a powertul namcatie, sud leaves bardly asy tracm Hav- ing beou a medical student, yen knov," ho wint ouonversationally, 1"h made quit. s tuidy et texlcobogy, sud the juice o!fchIa pahta," tauchlng the white Liover, 'bac doue ne goal service, alchcugh h vwas thO caus of My exilis ta Newv Caleoula. WoU," wvtlbaaubmug o! th. choulders as ho Pat thec foyers bock in bis omat, "il is ..lwayc cemething ta bavei nePserve; I diI net kuow chai I could geL ibi plant bore, my frloul. But nov iliat 1 have I vîli propane a Uittle of chic poison-lt vill always ho ueo>- tul In emergencies. " Pierre icoked cteadly ai cho yaung man, and ilion sbipping bis band behind hic back h. drew forth froni the waist-band o!fbI.t trcusers a long, sharp, cruel-booklag kliie, whicli for eclety bad a lesiber sbestb. Draw- ing chic off, che dunibhminurau bis thurnb aleug ch. keen elge, sud bell hohu kif. oui lievard Vcudoiop, . vii rot used At vlth a cynical cmii.N ",Yon douit olleve In chia, I Seu e," ho nid, toucblug the dainiy bunclioet devers as Pierre put the huife la lis chesth agalu sud returnel îute ia hldlng-place. "I'm afrmld youu ien are euh cmude-yan hoeev in th. golold-fnshiened styleofo!blood-lot- tlug. Qute a n'lstake, I aseure you; pol- ce As mucli more artistie sud neat in ite work, sud ta my mimd luvolves leuc rick. Yen se, my Pierre," ho continued, lazily vatchlng the blue vreaths et emoke tram bis ciganetto curl round bis head, "crime muai Improve vilb cIvilization; sud "ice iii. Cain sud Abel epocli vo bave refuol liee art of murder in a meut vendent ni manr- decldedly vo am becomlug more civhlzol; sud nov, rny frlend," ip a hlul toue , lsylng hi&s denIer white baud on the sbouider efthe Iumb man, "yen mu$t really take a hilo roui, for I havo ne doubt but vbai yen vill neol ail youm atrength to-night chenld Monsieur Villiers omove obstinate. 0f couru," with a mbmng, "if lie dose not cucceel la gettlng tho nugget, aur Urne vill ho slmply vastol, aul thon," vith a gay amile, taucli- Ang the faors, I II i me vhat I cSn la An the urtimie lino." a Pilrue lay cdown agahu on ch. bel, sud turnhng bic face tacthe Wall, f011 faut muleepi vbileMIL Vundeleup, hummlng a iiiouy lune, walked gayiy out ofteucaif tacthe bar sudi aked Miss Twexby for sueibor drink. "Brandy sud soda thc Ure, ploaim)," ho mid, "aly 1lgbgU ammothr cigmuetto; Ibis butissoenevn,sandrIm golug to walk Up ta Black IIL By the vay, malemol- coll," ho vont on, as Oie apenol th. sodia vaIer, Ilas I me cher. are tvo bedai my trieecd's ucomI l iiUty bers ml negt" "'You shah hbave the boul uom," saiI Marcha, deciclvely, as cho baudel hlm ch. brandy sud coda. "'Yeun utIo kiul," repliadILM.Vmmde- loup, ccolly, ac he teck the. drink frein her "but prfoety vith zmy allnit rIei tioilo à-ti el-pv4o Ik-I É'~~ s ob*.0mvwu oembzg iVM *qUUX plt agat" cm amo reo -% * p Mil pvel Mu. v im r %* Ob tu! ceqs «go"* PoSmb s itnus b14 wuiy n R mlblmatohu&ynsegia I«zlonih "ss id thuec a auui iho ou nculd kg your pao." Thiasooeevba trange o dofetremou- tr me.vsdolivun'd ln a celemu ncuanor, mli sprcplrt.gsuue ansd tlckled Mu. I o erme mah ai ho leaned up agalumi a puet rook abutiUg on ch. palli, cnd laugb- la long Mmd oUdlY. "Thafl' igbt, sir," nid th. strauger, up. ~rvn Iy laugbtertaic te . oul wbat food b tolbd body1 l dsir" inaJobneanlau @=nuet,â"-b. thcgbla ahappy co." Vla4miotel vlth a nal, aud exain- id tira apsaker aitbmtivoly. Ho vas a mm of méuhe§ olbt ratr portmly ibau ciber- vise, vlth a lmu-Oiaved face, clearly oui isture., sud tva meury gpsy oye., vbeh ivAukIe l 1k. cMmaesu hey rmoud on Vel Iem. Hic hair vwa grayiolh sud inclined le suri, but could flot folbov lia naturel inclina- "o owlng tacthe unaparng ueocf the ber- bers Oiuurs "*What your namer askol Mu. Viliem Fo enply th. cirsuger dîved lie oanothor pocket, und brlngiug te ligbt a long bill- poster, hold itup bore M. Villier. IR«io mark! sud inwardly digest!" ho nid, ln a muffled tan., beblul ch. bill. 'fli documeont set forth, ln red. black, and bnluelteus. hat th. celèbrated Wopples Faily, consistiug oftwivlvo star artistes, vou nov la Baliarat, sud vould thal nlgbt appeau ai the Acaderny cf Music in choir nov aud original farcical oniedy called "The Oruet.-Stand." Act I. Pepper! Act IL: Muatard! Aci III.: Vinegar. " 4Yon, chou," snid ViliS-era mter lho bail poruse ibis document, "are Mu. Wopplecr "lTheodore Wopplem, ai your servicle," sd11 chast gentleman, roiling up the bill, thon put- tingià luto bic peeket, lie produced thorefroni a batch c! tickets. "One eftchoe," bauding a ticket ta Villieier, "viii admit yen to one of the ciaflleto-nigmi, vher. yau viii ces mycoit snd the cbildren la 'The Cruet-Siaul."'I "'Raibor a peculiar titi, sn'titll" nid Vil- iears, taklng thie ticket. "The play lu stili more peculiar, air," re- plieI Mu. Wopples "Oh, I assure yen h Ais a mcii original play." "Very," cssented the other, dryly; "lb. suibor mus et aanuo! genius-who vraie "hIt's a translation froin the Germi, air," nid Mu. Wopplec. "Hov did you get a hold cf itPl asked Villiers. "My vife, air," nid the actan, rolling oui tho vords in bis deep voico. "A voudert ul voman, eh'; paid s visît ta Melbourne, sud there, air, seated ai ch. hack of the pit 1» tweon a coal-heaverand an applo-voman, she copled, ch. vhole lbing dovu."1 "But isn't chat rather meaul"' "4Centaluly net,retorbel .Wopqgea, haugbthly. "4By ch. Il,"said 1Mr. Wopples, break- ing off suddenly inas light sud adry manuer, "as I came dovu bere I env a lovely girl-ma veïritablo fairy, sir-wiib golden bain sud a brlgbt amibe chat h-vints me sill. 1 excbaug- ed a !ev remnarks wlth lier regarding the beauiy oet he dav, and thus allegoriezilly re- terr.d ta tho beauty a! bersoit- s cbarmng fliglit of fsucy, I ihink, air." Il muai have been Khtiy Marchurut," naid Villiers, net attending ta ch. latter por- tion of Mu. Woppless reniarka. "lYou'ln excuse me, j kuo)w," saiI Mu. Wopples, imn apolcgetic toue, "but the Oiov commences ai elght, sud h le nov hait til'civery kind f o! enta give meothic ticket," nid Villiers, lu wbom cthe gontlo- mnly instinct silhl survivoe& "Nat ai ail; net ai ail," retorted M. Wop- pie%' itb swlnk. "Basiness, my boy, husi- nos. Always havesa goad bouse firet uigbt, no muai go lie ch.hebigbwayusud bywayc for su audience. Ha! Biblical illustration, yen @»ot" unI vlth s gracious u'ave et hie baud ho kidppcd lightly dovu cho path and dieap- poanfo rm sighi. itvas nov getting dark: ce Mu. Villiors venton bic ovu way, sud havlng méeoctol a mlning ehaf t where ho could bide the nugget, ho olimbel tmp ta ch. tope!f the bll, sud lying dowu undon ho sbadow o! a rock wbere ho coulî gel s gead viov o! Msrcliurstu boue, b.e vaited paiently till scbime an bic vif. vould start for home. 1'il psy yen oui for ail yeu'vo doue," ho multered ta himef, naholiay cailel tp la the. hlack shadev 11ke s noicome reptile. "Tii for tt my lady I-tii for tai!"1 MOSvÂT EenniET. b&à&2A T Mr. Mur- que" churst'mhboues din- uer vws not a par- tculanly exhuara- tAng affaiu. As a mnotter of sci, lboughdilgulfo viti the. mre ef dinner, h vaa no"bln m ma blgh lea. Vande- loup bmW ti. strogéveda"te tho mimail- am* Iitulbisb udai Vralg's eow a niées Nio dmemr, uMd *11011k cf ai Ib m'dur Io bààodt XPMsnMd»" An invitation. we inite veyone to un ans u r 11 &EW lfvIRIG'AN WATOIIES In Nickels Solid Silvers and Gold filled. We are convinéed you have nover seen their equsi. Just fancv, A Solid S3ilver stem winding and stem setting &merioan Lsdy's Wstch for $7.50. A. 15 year guaranteed, gold filledl watch, for $10.60 G3entleman's solid silver wateh for $9. GoId filled for $11.50 These Watches muet b. umen to b. conviaced as to their quality and mente. On)y to b. seen at Se Je PETTYS9 The Jeweler, Next door to the Dley ifouse. Kant street. AuR" tb lai 89. Organs Repaîred and Tuned. SATI.SFACTION QUARANTEEDE R. N. SISSONS UWL - - LINDSAY, ONT. On Deck Again And sales larger than ever. A ~ clear sweep of the Canadian mar- ket for 13 yeais. OLD ENCLISI4 CONDITION POWDER Oontalnm oue pound lu ovmty peloao sud avery package buthe smre year in and yoar ont, Not injuions. Bain or ehine it won't hurt any animal. 25c. BACJH, OR 5 FOR $1 00. A. HIGINBOTHAM, Druggist, Lindsay. THE MANU FACTUBERS' LI FE &ACCIDENT INSURÂNCE COMPANIES. Combined Authorized Capital Àf-l&% - and other assets ............... $3,00,000 LA J. W. WÂLLAC E9 Agent, Lindsay. Distriot Manager, Poterborcu LRDINE - MACHEINE - O] ILI ONLY BY. MoOOLL BIROS. & 0O,, Toronto USE IT ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTRIER. MoOoI' FSmous Cyflnder Oi1. Finest in Canada for Engine'Cylinders Oheap FIJRNITIJRE GO TO ANDEB*ON, NUGENT, 0,Go. il. 11 . ç TITB LIN DSAYO mi4ew~akers n. Cabinet Meakerom No trwible to show il. IL PUO ENT & 000 Ward&.e -obi* tw tom& or"rs hy MMI promptly attenaea to. 1782.-4L 1 M ASK FOR IliARDINE!

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