j r - N WAGON8, 8LEIGHS, BUG- IGIES, Mnd CUJTTERS, w~kg~doe l Pur ei. Oeil SiPer A.nnum in Adva&»OS. 6. aicojy. Farm For Sal*elaM Edam IM1tu ithe th Co. Eldon. 112 smes mmr lm., &bout 70 acres lsrs. Items houe and but« goo ochad;clama tesabool sud oeh *App1jd - JOUXTINNUT V.h . or .0 H lopliia% k r, Llandms. O otbr 10, 189.- bl If -1i Park Los8sand i, vob of Albert elrto. Linha oontainlng ninssrs..Wili b. iutesi abs fora toruetc Aplyto JORN DOUGLAI, Aprit 97 1891.-80 litfho o"lt Mâo Frarm for Sale or to Rent zm Lazton. For sie or 10 reoui, Lot no. 9, lot cou. LutIon oontaintug 100 anres. 18&sru' taI piowkag doa For fou particulares ppiy ta the ropitor on lhe Aprililot, 1891.-TeO et. Farm to Rent. Iu the Township oai4"tonabsea, 24 mlléemn PeS- boraumh, on Isedi.ag roarit S.uth hait of LoUS, com 14, 100 srs.. (ver 70 ares utader caîlivatlan, bel. aut w insisure. iw<i t..roey bouéas, Srmollis., osier under %huie bouse. nhed. id two good baron Miblé for cattie aiea pal boumw..The arteei I i snsd IPUsI»asi n iivtn ta u .w l"iifail fuil poismmslou April 1., ltiéS lor furt-sr partioulavl eualy 1 CH&& OPILL8BURT 18084f Li.duey§. 0... rarm for Sale la tbe Township ot Ope.. fthe falltovng vluahi. farm property boing the soulb-eaai. quartar if lut 27 Ina the M10h0couf Cps. Thi lm uonîta, 5m0 acres, a&l cleued sud ineagci ste 0ë f cuiîivbtion. There are )n théo tmls e obfortehi. uwliine houes, a framne han, #alelsand sbeds The faim la weii encsd *.Itbhoear rail fsoosm. The property tla wi t.,uur miles tram Lndsey ou ho tusolaig ru>ad tu Bubc..yaret.. Thor* e 15aega louag orcerud, twa goud velî ud pum th a *ead brioh sohouihous. ou the corner cf md tf.% vll ahurchesouvetient. For furlher penlloulars ppl>' to JAB. MfLROtailfl2 I....., .mut ward. O..,O.. CpbwIge bte,,Seuh of the Narke, 8&~NUHU RIo&TaAYL OR, e~o.Lm Oet . 9 1871 -U4 Teachoe.Wate& T»w eobsisfo« the LitleisBrilsin Publia Uchools f«w tbs var 1991ons holding aa oad-alm essrli es, fce lbs senior dopevlmsnl, mb niapvfrmi. Te»a"hr Wanto& For ISU Explseasd mals. OUeaoalaes sit- noste. Oo onda chwtatq. For achool soattO Nu. 19, Ops. Addree W. . GaCAN DV, 8e1N Truts" sept. 8001891.- 2.8 W. 130»b P.O. Tomoher Wobated. For lm9. Hoîdiaf IirêcesumarlSOats. lot rw .09M0 Teaoher Wanted. Wulbed a Iseaher fr soboolmasato N.1, t- poe. las pro final. Appilaioni reolvsd Up ta di looludng etuw4sv ovmber 141k. adirsuss %0 - OMîZk GRA&HAN, e Trssa, à(èýý ocOekwo.oui.P-&- Rare Chanoe. ICam e 1.10thb.prémIisaof the subsonlber. Lot O iu ichet aud Wrs Fence Uachius ton mal, tlether ade1.o uer a qsti 10provo piopsilt, par fetui ne ty ut G. H.nd OPkINsudj m mu. S, CIor. a y hle nidehi et vtLh so nce.it y o esdPcessa emn.epme u e.le WWILLIAMLuxeS DSrri, etc , ~Ladsa Cps, oul. 901, 19-. leotembor Ith, 1891.-01.l Good Bousand Lot for Sale. A, 7oo roomed wblle brick bouéè, wth blîchen, on Aelldestroesl, fuel uorth of thes colliegla l. et11ute. Otto acre of groun, vith ail kinde of fruit tise.s ad mrubbry Gnod volt and Mabîs. A Oiremiolasplane fnr e retireit farmer. Forjetoulsm appt' atTal's Wà*anus office, or to M&. WIL WBNDT on the p.ls,14U Separator for Bale. Ws baes a lirat.claes separelor, rnaoufeolursd by 1. D 8ev' or, for sae. 111ther for aiseni or hors' Poiret. fur particular. appiv Io PflOtL & SAC DERSON, sept. 80, 1891-941 PoribrBdnViY Hand Loom W.aàving. The undarolg nedi pre,,ai'ed to veave bd bleu- keo, fuilt idth, alWof anay flowersd b.d apraeeda uit vldth, and ail rindR ni narr'w Plumets, IwIlsd, plin and fanoy Rag Ctarpe., hit end misé, 10 cents pa ad Se slèn. UAMIYEL HTTCISON, Ont. Olh, l89.-0I-4 PFoasion Flaits. WILLIArdMMKE, WOODVILLEC. OT. ]BOX 101. Breeder of purebred Berkahires of the fineuit straine. Vouni Plig alwvve limie; wth nodigres. Boste &la& II kept for service. Pricse for youug stock low. Note Lost. A Prornisory Nete for Nlxaty.sliht dollers sud wme coi-tu.. b.rlng daté Jeuuarv, 1891. Mae by Idward Burton it fayot of Richard Silverthorne; payable tw.ive muuaîhe fitet date, bas boom lotI. The public arc htrby eau ioned and fobiaden tb negotiate thé sne. RIIHARD IVE HOlE hàlay; Oclbar Slst, 1I$91.-8-8 IiyP GEO. MANNING, Auctoneet for the Mut PJdlng of the County ci Victoria ' and - BatIO for tbe soond Division Court. Office andi reideuce. Féelon Paete. Fenaiun Fails, Avrli BI1h, 1891 - 07.11. Orange NotIOe. liv aider of wormbihUl Mut Mfr. Thos. Austin, th. membffts; L . L. No M1, elle rueottll re- qluomtteul i m@eet e their lodgs mom un MUN DÂT, NoVEMBEII 18% st 10 1% M. Sharp, wbsfl lber Vil, torinu roeelon and mamtc etUSJanisa 3~-churiuh uit te th* Ref. lEr. FarnOonil viii dliverau msppropaýato sermon i lh@ bu ooeslo; snd alc to 6pini. In the avpning tu *nMare)% tuth@ presh' tartan ohuroit, whera it la eplcted 0v. EM. Not-leinaon wiii doUtrer e sermon for th@ occulon. Msrnbars of oîtr iodg-os caallii nvité&. T1HQS. JOBUSTON. Se1. 1"nlon Faits. Oct. 201h, 1891.-.2 Mlortgage Sale. Valuablo Farm Property. Uncler sud by viitua of the powqer or sait oontelned lu a certain uortgaewich vill b. producai et the lima cftsls, there wtltib. soid by public &uotion on Tusda, the ltth Novembstr, 1891 t 9 olook la the tternon, et DuLbmr's hotel, la the uileeof Ktiunount,thie following vaiuable properli :- Lots numbers Pour àsad FiM a luoncession .J, veIl of the Bob-sygon road iu the Townshlp of LuIlmi- Worth, lateproywsonsl counly 0cf Bslibutlou ooàWaflfit r200 vers, mor oiss,&bout 60 sams lear.àd. The pmprty te knowu sas théChalmers tan. anid thcro ar. e hd tu ha on the pioperly Ive fumie houemaand e famne bain. TERNI. -On. tenlh oi purobsasnionsi st lime 0f me, and libeisi terme to balnce vili b. made knowu et tinta of see, or on application b0 Veniors' ol10r' Daled Otober 151, 1891Lidsay AUCTIO.N SALE OF VALUABLE PFarm Property in *0e Towuh1il of ope. 'Coder sd by virile of the=p eof "esin amaou" morltggfroni William E Donoghu, w»lb #»doid# wig il iibe producedetlmeoamssu$0 e feul beiTî¶nidel payainet theImonele i »Oum ttre ilib. owf6s i mi by Wd AUCIION, by Goffge MaEu09I1,Acecsi at the Bonbon Honse la the Town of UEGSBIs Vrlay Oi evenM, tlmi m19 'ilO h Dos»e, lb*f6lsum iPopo* amU r Lo Jt lo »Me iftnm lài4kUB paemmim a51 ilsW a uu is o% à Mid e log bu.Thé Piopeily as ss abttime of msl. UoLindàs, ow1 MOieI8 jL 1VA14 *Rio j I I i. I p Item lte pmimofailozom Utm., lu Augt, FOUR YEARIIIG HEIFERS, ans aIl whte bu sons, Md e lite red ercud thé uth msuysé. ans eh red. tte others roi and white 'Tb. enier vil b. multabi>' nuarisi. moins FERGUBON, 08 a. biLut 20.cou. 1, ZIuiy. luto the promisesof Daniet Jooesu, t 8 Cou. 18, Caye, three HuIpEItwIo yps te ad. fibe ovuer la rsquteci 10 provo propouty. Psex penemaid tahe lbem eva>'. DANIE1L :ONES' Ftenliu P.O. Pftnhllu, cet. e1h, 1891.-4.8 Botter Strayed. Cam* luto the prt misas, Lot 18, Ceai. 10, Fîdon about the middle of June 1891, s Ivo yssr cid botter. Owuer la recuesaisA 1 prove promerl>', peu ohatgs M d romove the animal. For further partie. ..t.. ....I ,.on the n..mison to_ LINDSAY. WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU 1 W>siting to show you our New Goode ana let you know how oheap they can be bouglit. We were early in the field snd so seoured the very beet that a fuil market afforded in the Une of Sl>'aple and Fanoy DRY GOODS Come and takre your ohoice of the good thingo offered. OUR * Dress 1 Md soi. Dry. 0"cure, lb. mvii iuldmfetve. sud -1renglb mi td actimn, sare gpuer- eaiperleuh Ue13Vb* gbdm mbistI:f4 orst I iet rlsAye tPWs. eût fbomisthei se or over wYt peut 1 have on$ et the» pJîil .eI~"-G. W. M"IMZ ba ï Ai'. lla sud. 1* lgvie ÏE , L!y sice 881 su Mon heor i y I1edts 18Wandl use c sshe bleeoua cth t sloin -JohWe.bct.-e Loulal. tad. Jor hn . B I004 sKY.cod it wprm hiom1h» a c tbeosme se Wt&4 e, ihG chdo looutdo e mre f t me. cor Thon X b o no10 moa e e' ru's', sud soct le bowels roovred lhii naturel sud rele ation, so liat iwLs1I me "elnt iealth.-S L iberdge, Irysu Toesa. Ravi used Ayor's Pille, wi gocd rmulte, 1 I ndorse them or tho pur- pomma forwhichtieyare îeoommeuded." ý-T. Connot, 3L.D., Centre Bridge, Pa. Ayer'à Pis, Dr. J. 0. Ayer à Co., LOWeII, Matss. lot by ail Dru f' misi sdDesers lu Medlala Noétice. I hsrsby asuto adilpomo&Ulv auo as nion Wtliem bua epropensly 10«Msinl Oshit wboevsr hsoasa. Sme ppople, vhma 1h07 give a ot hiuk hedte smpsld. lI e ni allsll ela upou 10 psy hie rolm em.xdleur * If 1 dii jpuy I vould sooan boomoi a beakrupl niyss e i Ie of t11. Cut I"-sout. ,JAM STECUNDIKE3, OeWbr Wh 18I-U kwood, Cl. O]ÈTABIO Duasues IGoailoge, BU3lLLNV1LLEi 93rd Tsr. W. B. lROTNSoNldJ. W. JONNUON This Institution is the most wide- *ly attended Business College in America. SEND for the new circular. It will help you to decide" about your future. ROBINSON §&:JOHNSON$ »Otobr il 189.-es victoria Pc"eP.P. BELLEVILLE, ONT, lUTIch .psasd1 lusen na.Na plete and satisfaotory to the , or terme applv et 46 Cambridge lit. t. »y Ce57 t9"th, 1b9.04 5buyer. MORTGA GE SALIE Bouse Wanted. O_____ F VA&LUABLSI . Agood medum alsed bouse 10 routinlutev". Lesve parùicmar5 vlth ARM P O TIE lARROX & XcLAUGHLDI. Our endeavor A M P O E T S cot. n8,189.-0.1 to keep fally Biu t i the Township of House to Rout. abrest of the imldon, lu the County of A Kgocd @lob% reem bouse on corner o Albert and times in - Nmoabourns sîrsoté. Brd and sofit wve on the preurlss. Apply to theo avuar i'nsancee e ei15Ivora sae onain al HARRY FERGUBON. e=mortgage iihil%.0odoia Ielm Lndseay, Ocobor 28, 1891. 0f ai selsthsoe v 1 bhoffoeaifor maue by PUBLIC1 Usolgi mIta lu us Walia cfOcloen ri W RBidon Houa. In the Village oi "gins@publete notueottate a note purport- WEAR - ~ - mn eCaaie by us lu tevor of Richard Suver- cf is etlay p . fur the Oum ci ley4lgh dollars sud somé cents, u the mme baidbÉo:abo8.1I such as Boy's tFr1ant 7i NIoember. 1891~ hoby suen)bsvvg sverstdr*i'd r madoea note for an ots thel emounilu fayot of thé seld Richard S]lverthorue. ad Yuh'a 1I ock p.m., thé Ifottowiar tsuds BDWAJD BURTON. Reacly - mdeMia nmaii iabu et 7h 891.-0-4 mdeT"e]Worth Maltof Loi No. b 'in the 413 ______________Cou.__ofthe_ aid Townehz 0f Id PaàriamelitarYNotice. Oe-100 aoremnaor legs, auQ te W eaïil .Mcoats, Under- rSiLot No. 4 luaUice8M voCe. ef the Town- NOTICE la hersbv piveai Ihat su SPJ>t&vll werNcUI rMl4 fer locucontaiotul eehundisi acres mure be maie on bbtiltf f haooorposa'io he - n tTThoue faimsens slutei about eo ueM-. of victoria %0thie leglature oarietero o ait Bats, Gloves, uls from, Loruevillo Junetion and about thise mle. asean. for su Ac% tees&moud the Act 42 Vîctuisl, he-~ rm Woavtle. The 1aidin ollg.(he soUimu Che& r 47, rasm~tig the Towvshlp of serve Cu'.apsB& nosiery 0elr sud cay loau. the tecunl) of ritrbarot. , by pavldit katl Ihe Ou 'à" uortib hall ot Lotlvsgilathe Fourt31 en roade fermeriv formnig 1the unnie?! lune beIvesuleads ns to pay special atten- camion tbee bout slghty.@%ibl la« sI«sd the Ceunis ofPetorborougit sudtVici.rie, sud cr uegagn aace à vbte ith go ,ain bridges ibsiscu, aboli continue sud b. unier thei tion to' this department. Itvd. hio builn scaun"s of a tissi edar jolu% jusuiiollon cfihe Counoil of the meAd ciunm, . lghus h8.a trame stable 21z»0 f&, suis ani tbat the CoutY 0t Peterborougb h aolb. liebe framhn O I57 ft ounaatonefcujadetleu ith ged te aotrtblte ethe owmltrutllu and maintenance @ubfauntier. Of the Igmm &long vth the sai Cotv itor wié on the ve- ait.et ofLot nuniber Four aui1the-pu F. D. OORB, N on cnein erlefo ft.veemiI'aesf 0 Sollototfor the said Ceugi' 0of Victori urN onteartm't oLUJ LeL"Ieoin good cuitlvait"oDn ma vol stodtd; aths usi- --------&nostimeriualuc itti s mixai sait uumbsr, princi. .IlW yoem anch 'lTe buildings constatof 8C,6 1 Mght ell be called the log ouse sud log hbandn#*thi TVote181rM htnue fuime are valuai by veila vîth pumiz <e O niumluas..Thé fat.. vii b soid tler spatelv or ~ 0/ O~dRDEN store. In orstore the yransputeaiwl .sl suitbjedg uot be ovsxal the byertrteof rigpurohs.rs 'a -who visite the notion depart- EsCa'.Ietm*of he llurbasemos, e Ie rlddovMtnmeetsi, %ob Setterme te1b Niotice Sm herebj aym b a " ey. ns ment ili be sure to make it mais huevuet aie Tere vili b. aréev mitWsior delîrI 10 lte *Psns Mtin - Oullo ment Ti i aehI»e d.t 1 lu snstlcua ive sud six of the Ontario tOther colvand ii . ail e hu vosls.t VOIe.' ioi 1 89,the copiées rquird b>' iT.. uie otclr u oailn fsl nar1 sali halous1gb o tam5mtted or dâd of i tha l. _____ r HEIETMULLIGAN Milhrnoh, lia mais paresu te nid At or6c1ailpesons appeair- or t VeaîdIbR oUcIàtýOrs PrtHoe lug by lthéleut neviedengsgesment rollio et ts i.4eiws oitPtHp. 1 muliibitllîVo b"entIllei te votella te sidmuni- 1opa t ;elsotIcn ur atmambm eim hé tLeîoiail Flannels, Ladies' UnderWear mm%; de uep 11to;adtM-duoU.ll 4 eInatltute Noteà.ý «, nst va@rs pL4ede up et mv oilice, etl irkftod in combinations and separate OnFianitattr.Leer oej on the »* da oi., 1891, sud romains 1km o nFidyagtlî teLtMBd b= ànww e aieupon le10 no*l pieces. We offer sonieextra bald tli i meeting oet lila au. The Md i My io s>'or ther e1ro an the mduoements to bnyers at thiB uel eloted preaiiue r. Hsrrlgton, ame%0sats oOd w,. âtme. ute book leing mia-laid thei. mites of lZ ardi. lest meetinwgâvr ol n"aTesdio' D&W et Itli bis 99"1k dày ci Oc%., 189L Milliner oantinsdMate o.imd ijsnt standing Clotho are the goode of the Tie proident lien 'ns«m d osild uponth 18 LE RI G ALE horWe have laid in a lav- VII ""0<~e officen f«thliempseu. Et ish stock of these goodo. =thiafci; ho spoke for emse mtin h is. ~-- -- '--'-- Imuel é lquentsl h . e wuby thekl j~4~'s L aderÔf Lw Cahj i auiv» ae for tlé beattMfl y pot. km. Dry Goodo, Dree. Goods- Hais. ýospo,P5 cmuset NtS eMdaaias s'- ProsDry Goode Bouse. E.Eloi I Naesi spae .m gi Ilsaksi Ui "D,:mbrf«qi = "m lui -M vMr . moldeda luy Et. Meadhi - - plaad oi. m a *> Pnemb t a dsa Ulm t s L'OB3B 803 1891. VoL XXXIV.-Whole No. 1800 iiTot lve- osmtie l vi-emo.Mark, Glaspeli. Whl'e. Reirnie, Cuana, tmZ Youugsudnt"uti qu5 i cu05 in tibSm guflcut Mmd sevd t Uved by ki.liN, lm by gBrigPseIvnVletn eiln smeIestaalabid0'sleala huoéss fsretîucarove,SpueSutadCrmcsl saler. If m lm rellé 111 5a einitu sb.ie ssi 10tehale a Cundal, NicolaD.KDghWion £1158 11 UIIUIU ~ fl sie eosemg ut aimeppatt li cortMoulmhUsM. Mad nd Gilolit. .f E&a pu mýa m bI&as eutheuin Litas), lii LivoîT. ~f" d tehlg We m UmmsU "futile drope etfvalu. dm" a M com lbel Litde giainaof sd. OS. W Uui___ ~ ~ Suithm m.ve ira diml aleprom, visvoul ay -7gr- W 5â Md UmWl by Ut. liat Dr. eau'a tsaPelleta are "tde l uid _9__ glbebu u tevling d0085 , i the ob litw Oe3UIUS - t~ue o ekimssid liver, aMi tu mtorlut a Wi ym es"hel, esiysi1=5ladtlom 10 the oahsu sir5150& W OUuhO U ltoi, p enlietgldS& &0s a ~ a"mot à evi. ia d hi aspl oe Uti thîu.Ti. se b al, làslepi sioueeo 1~Uss . , '4 * , Nore hoeiztg a Speor.ty. Jobbing PromPtly a«4 10. *1v5 SU W lit -q xxxiv.-Whole NO. 18045 1 Ooming Uve. A'Trp to Boume fiolisnd. Wet Vitora Teachers' Associa. - . -tion; Boavi..Oct. BSth, 1891. The msai anuelmeeting cf the tesohars et Ny Da" Fmzs-Boe w indion up MY West Victoria, mas oid at Oakwcod, o« que*h e *r. ortesf le«M ewilh pou silo, me te mke ThuMadey ad Frids'r, Bih ad 9h u. ue *i Mo toie o g&. la th. jasue.oet t. Ther wuva elarge sîsendeaca cf tasobars sui Ee~lfor *9b. wes& muliu r sUday mIM 1eb. by morne mialeke i mils belvoan Ardu.. much intareat meuîfeated Ibrouehont. Tho ci.O. 1891, ha Ltduayebssvaloi- hag su" Loohgb s" la uaglied into 12 dicuasions voer pointai sud shoa e friendly inzUPRE I U lno. Th e*,thm e a who ka to nsl... places feeling &M g te members of th assocation - Elgest .......... S.. 1 ....... Sandey vould aaroalp forgve M&oha misteke mo thia, Mens. Hughes aud Knlgbt voe prenaut sund 6@*M .. ... 19 9 ...... ..u:Idai and mince 1 a mn dp et L o1yn , iay aMd lent vu ble Réiace lu h e dIscussions.t !aMeudey iméanf 51 «. 45 ....... gnndae th&%thb rrlng B&bioc vu firiy commenced The Brut aubjeot "Promotion Exaumlnations," u)Mat @0 830.3.........FPrldy wben 1 vas liera, othst I Lot frei Lochfyne vas lnroduoed by M. iloagrove,. uho red a No -ak fi 860.71 hosing". 1vsalso lu lime te pet large ripa wall.prepsred vaket on the subjct. A few cf . ruoimITA t ION 0 L gooeberrlos, ech s ve mosarcely raisiu the sedvautages lhe notai vere -:-Fist, that if OrosImel tail t of " iu 1 dey 0.19 ... Tudsy Omea. Auothet item wus the bea:y of the unitorin thav vould tend to gi ade the schorale 1dm~ ~~. jpot-t. to po viîh their blu inaut, and pro. lu the iuapectorate su that pupifi. in movinif Total on lai). 0.19. *la n udes lime te show plonly of potetoe front oue part of the contry to enother vould TotTl rab 0.19.apples vhtoh vo amidons me nov lan Canais. stiti continue in $hm sanie cimse. 2n. Thst Cb T B I& The bua bant ot'elt o tland Jet, nr every techer vîguld require te divide bis time VOs. w(ould It thrive ther. il ho di. Itlela oo cola fairl3 amcng bis classe. 8rd-That @soli blorth Victoria Dominion Voe u'ad vwl for hlm. teacher vouid bo lad te make à thorougi pro. LiAt for 1891. The otier orrectio, la lu the Issue f Oct. peration of.teouons iu order ta rîreet he ub. 2ai. whtro lte Central station inaGlsgow le ject on bandl clerty te his pupils. 4th-Thsl Poing Dlastriet No. 14, compridalag a bt made tha e mm@.mSt . noch'a. The tva es. they wonld stininlste the rulil teta tesa Mtt of lhe Towmship of Bexley lying Eeat of tiousaere mot fer eport. but mtliiore différent, deeper interoat in thonr studios. Re %]se à* Lime bolveen 1he 5h sud 6kh Concessions, sud beloug to difféentlUnes. Whou 1 got pointed ont some evils thal uuit arise. lat Sd luat of the Lime baîveen Lots 30 sud 31 home, for tiare in no place ike hooi1vu -That thsy rhight leed te thanut slporti. K.W.B. Conceusioan& glasite Sud Ontario rejoicing in sammut bonti. clous habit crenmimir g. by going ilver Ibo vork NAUM STO Big AiDU. fui hbuvent Ont msson le short cauparmi te rspdly bitture ltue funomeLtal work la Beaty Wllim, B rown Brew raniawlt thle fsthorlsni, but ms clear mky sud eu. tkoioighly masterod. 2ujd--Tbat these might B0iettyWl Jas, HBovn WlBimw atyahine do vosadarulu 1he aummuer sud ve cmu bai to, pour methoda cf teecbing froni the ovirin lasso Frnk, ovins William . rtey moey realiza ît until va are mde lacom. t*scher's suxlety te pea s aiarge numbuir of enlmln Brev rai, ovIe Wllim1 pare notes viti vhat vo ane ecrosa lbe AtIan. pupils in each clse 3rd-Thî.t îhey might ovis William . Bovine lasso , I4ovine tl. W * have a goodlv heritaga ber. for arcnea spirt of stife sd jeloueiy among Rober, Dadd William, Dader Chu Y, Dra- vbioh vaebsold b. thsnkfui, sud imprva 10testeahor. As the sadingz of satecher venul le Pblpg Draier C F. Frguson Wilim, h. buo cui blity. Where se mauv rode greatly dpend ou his .nccess in uaasing pupils ohgm oertohnkeruson d, F.uak have la b. meinlmined va cannut hope te have st the examinmtlone Rit closedà by statiDg rohn Fo kie Jo n, org u Ro ert F& k - lhem ail like the old cou ty ro d e. naxuher th t th s e exam ln tio nas he ul be con àidered tterA, roslle ohn Greule àl m& aU on ve have the beautiful bdgs cf Engleud, auly a smemus cf prômotiag educatisu sud rhLes om Jori aoe, luIm mWiGeir, Les.donmione parte of Scoluan. We cen, I hiuk, ot sasa goal te be gaiuod. In the diteutiaîcu ýo hu, ip I Lsa mb a b BLaombeorg e , bovever. take s t0have lever thisties liaI foliovai it vas puinted ont by .Inapector mmbié Gbts, MoLeoo .mblIati, LonooHas eong oui 'roada than vs bae.This lea e zin, Ihet owing 10 au irtqu titv lu the [rn arcio , ain illioo, MGRaymalter vhich shouli eceive more attention sohoole cf this inspectoratO nform pro. & 7 Mourcio cin Wle . [LlemNtil Dtitan ildois. Whlst msmv, desrve grat motion examînations vere lwpiacticable, Pitoear, Powell Geo, Pntoqr Jame. Quibel praise for lth. tances they have slonit the road, harce nothiug vae due t bave them eslab- &Ibert, Richmmu Wm, Revel M H, Bons F meuy othere seem motlte heed the mate, ý lsabod. W. Rchmod GergeRichmond Bothel, Trou plantipg elong th. ronde in enother Item Mi.s Anie Silvervocd gave' a rcitatiou e- rRichmond vRme Georg e.o, m as ot to bu forottu by the tatet u mer. tillai1 Brlmr-r' se" in excellent style. SSleÀbJond ei, umaJ oge , Selds W 4 îî osateme thsl such as venuldnt mse Mr. D. MeMillen irâtroduced the oubjeot ctot J Thon.sTrotterhPeter is W obta tcross the Atlantie, but altiivonld vlsh te "Grammar. " Ho reed a briet paper lu vhich Wie eremthomas, WTrSotter Pae, Woelibtvieil;lbhemalt valet lu tbe nommer mighî idbhopointai out the mecesaiti cf mskiug the om pi, W hite Ohale, W ilsn John. Dm eqnry. liaI Il vouli mot cont very mu ai atdy f grammar no pratical tht it; m y t9 do smi I behleve thst momy vonld fini form a part af every exorcise cf echool vork. P o WI g D I s ri tN o .0 ' 1 5, c i p n i i g r e a t Im m o lâ t r o u s o d o l g . G o l g t b m le n g h H a r c o m m e n d d a i a th e te c h e s e h o u ld at of lieT aip cfB la lyrg W s of of Rimouski vouli bo e grest mater snd the correct errors mae by theit pupils. ho Lm fte e Ltvom th t dObCnaac extension et the trip te Shodise, Pintait or Misa Anderson of Fenelon Paille, gaveaa ai omtof be inobeleenLot 80sud81Cape Breton vonli bu atili beltot. I bail resdlng eutltled "The Witch'. Deughter." i.W.B. Cosion, bottr nov conoludo my aeriaa of lttae vlci This vas foltovai vlîh inistrumetal music l>y IRAN» vo il ADDE». yen have se kindiy notiosdin u our luotisune. Inspecter Kuight. after vbich Mar., McDougsl1 Banom Robert, Bauuou Caleb. Bovie Sans- If lbej bave entottained pour readors tie lutrodnced the subject "Truaucy aud reed e uel, Bsii Henry, Barrie 'William, Bai Heury. vrltine cf thera bu beeu a pleasure te me. vell-arremged paver, He mîentioned s fev o! Baker Jamnea, Bell Dunean, Burbrige Win With many thanks for lie space you alloved lie ceuses that lbai te letrusncj ." lat-Tho Brandon Wm, Barker Robert, Broomer W Hg lu jour veinable Ipeo. I remsln, jours home.trainingntil a pupil becemes cf scbool Cameton'Polar jr, Conson F B, Couacu RobI, fsitifully# Ame'CI1 uuumu. age. 2nd-The iiflueonceof etbad companions. Demuroat David A. Dash Eruont, Dallen t uc, Srd-Tla surroundiugs or attractions for a Elallon Wm, Ducherty Donald, Dallon Am. Town uourtil. iay's sport. Ho traced the iawuvsrd cereer broe., Dutton John, Rauls James, Faulkner of the persistent truant, iut-o aller lite sud Abrabam.g Fouatain Chares, Graham A (Il, MoDAT,Ct. î9îh. urged upon aIl the touchers te try ta nip tibm Grsbom Dunesa jr, Grains Duincan or, Grn Prenant. reevo Flsber, dep-reaves Bryoss vil tu tha bud. Julia, Height Loonend, Butchison Jamen R, sud Kylle, councllore Craudeli, Armstrong, Au intoreslîug discussion fellowci by In. Rail Caris, Lytle Rivari R, Laiilaw 0OS R, Winters, Touohbentm, Conuoliy, O'Hslioran sopectora Beuzin, Kuight sud Mr. Hughes. bijou Philip, Muray John, MoFadyen John, Bujsand amiCeill. lu lie abauce of the Miss Dames favored the COLVetithOfl ith a IfoYaijea Nel, MoDonald Alibxauder, bic. mayor, reeve Fisher tooth le chair sud callai solo, vbich wus voli received. Collant Dune"n. Miuua W H, Mathsesou the ceitucil te order. The folloving cent. At 8 p. m., a public meeting vas held in tho Wm, Nicholson Win, Ostetag Julien, Pollend muniostions wve r d:--ma tovu hall. Inspèctor Reazin gave an inter. Win, Pellari George, PunroasNatbsnlel. Put- %rm John Hosi, sacoary of the central estiug lecture en "A trip througb ibe North- ®rbough George, Pure R H, Posuce Henry, obarilv cemmittee. anioreiug correspondauea Weat." He gave a graphic accouint of vhst Putorbousth AMoi, Peel John, Pheiroci Chas, fron t . J. C. Armstrong re axpouses imcur. lho sav ou bis vsy to, sud throngh the Rocky Stsbback Charls, Shields J ohm C, Tril Wm, radinufittlng up houasefor the sai. Mouintains. Be vas followed by the Rev. Winchester Alex. Wood W Lloyd, Wamsrnor< rom W. W. Logan. asking a roeval of Mr. YouDg of Millbroak, wha delivoréd su George, Winler Thomnas, Wyrem Pstet, t Susrem as of lot 25. Quuen'aS qare.bReferred tae Ooquent addrema on *Edncstion ." The pro- Robert, Washington GA. Wéabington Stephen, committee on lavu property, ' ceedings vere enliveined by oelections by the Weahinaton Azrdrov. Front George A. Weeae sattng ltailite Oaklieod bard, alto by vocal aud instrumnental arbirators ou tha property leasai by hili ed, mao b>'Mr. sud Mrs. Coad aBLd Mr. Win.. T'he iadies Interested In tne svardei hlm 8176, and asking for a oheque -Caut.irhbt, asoa reading by Mt. Laughiu. f $1600OO. fer the amnount Laid on tb. table. At 9 a.m., an Friday the convention re- Distribution of 1500. Prom Thos. Bell, cbtef consteble, sckimg fer usembled. The roll vas cs'led after which unit crin fat solfi andssistent coae. Mr. Reunie taok hie subject "Spellin g." He A SPIBIT 07IRINDLY RIVALRYr STIERE Ur.. Befeursi ta police committea. recommended it, ausa test lu clasification in TEE ADIS AITETO TE OEÂTIXPBT. Fromt W. Herlibey, .skiugte rouI a hanse connection vith other subiects. R. suggested ANCE 07 TEE UNDERTAUINGk. ojpoite the market,,-oflring $4 pet monti methoda te be tried la improve bad poler. vant. Reforted t1" cammilte. ou lavu lu the discussion Mr. Laughlin poirtei out The ladies of Canada are iahlgbted; hus- ptoperty. lie zaeoessity cfftquont vritteu exorcises banda notice vitb planai»ue m millng faces of Aven of aetbitratots -in refereuce ta lhe tram lista of miseaptlled varda. vives sud dsughters; Iudaed, the vhole building au Queen's Square leaaed by Dundas. Ur. Cundatinttoducad the suliect ' Lesviuq country la stirmid up vith a pleasurable sud Flavelle, 8250. Exanutions lu publii achooso." He ehowad excitemnoa. F ront the chiot coustabie. report of fines for lie neceeeitjy fou such. an examnution lu rural It aimplj amaunto te this-lbal Uic manu- theuîouth cf Septamher.5 Reterred tlole soitooba tacoine belveen the Eurîiacî and the facturera cf lie celebralad sud unrvetselly consmile. g igi achool primsry examinstion snd snggest- uaid Dismoni Dyaî. have linaugurated s grand The bonis@ 0bocollecter for $40,O0O0vas ai liaI the ex*mination paper. ahautd b. pre- cempetitian acheme inovusm tiha "Dismand rend, Megure. Hugli Workmsu sud David paroi by tho Educationi Departinent; but that Dye Competiion,." vichil freely Ibrovu Biravu belug beuismen, sud, after some. dis. lie examinstion olhould be coxîducted bv pub. open t eaveny moîher sud daugiter ofcf r-oui cssionvers tefanred la committee ou aupoint- lic achool inspectore sud public tehool tes- broad Dominion, menta to office viti the undenudimg that cberm. Ho anininvi p the bont-fite of faucli su .No leu a aum than $1,500 OC0viilbe dis- lhe commitsee vouli report et onhe. .examimation. 1.t-A stimrulus le pupili. tribulsi te 1he motions, vives amidaugiters The chairman of lie tavu propert>' coin. lud-They vould do avair vith high tchool .f CAmada, in firet, second and third prises, mittee reparted varbally, thst lha hai I ork lu ublic achonîs. 3rd-Thov venul fit Tisc sura la teslly b7lug notuunad ta tie cou- comnaunicatad i wiitle police mnagistrate in pupila moto fully for tire active dutias cf hife, aumers of Diamani Dysu. Every ledy iu refereuce te lie ventilation of Ibe police court ËI. Raisin gave s summer>' of the veuk Canada con affori tao bicore a oompetlloi, rocm, sud thay hai agreed that ta put lu tva 11h01) te b. pre#ciibed for this examinstion. and bas sufficient intelligence sud abillly te tan ligila, ane oponlng into the couneil Ha shovei the benefit taie exsmiusticu vould maie up nme of lie articles monlionedin the chamber ami tha oliar 1mb lthe bail, vouli be ta pupilc dairona et taig the vork of the long ami v#eiasl Ample liane le ffariod soffico for the prout. blgh sâbool prmmary as pupils psaseing this 10 ail fot experlmenttng ami becornn« perfect The chairman of tie police eommita.e resi examlnation could esslly prepare lhe vork for as onspolitatono the large euh prises offérai. the repart eft Iat committee. slating tIret the primarj iu one tari t the bigh echool Il la en unpreoâeletei sel cf libetslity on liey bad ieaiexamiuod lie raurusof the aud thun do aae>' iti high' achoal work lu ltra pert ot the veeltij manufacturera of j hief conatablo for lire montha of Juiy andl publie aciools. Dianiond Dye,sud neyer betor. altempled Augusl, the seabalng fourni correct, ani Miss Baud resi s melection eutitled "Thc b>' auj simillar institution in lie vorli; and! thst hie roent of consable Reeves for beave Isiani uft1he Scots." lie ublic have the most ample proof thal et absence b. granm, poie .byss Miss Uscuiven of Fenelon Fells, resd au *vryprmie ii b fltful> crni ul srieba ubh tuts. Rpo adpt ai.exelet aarou" in uwhlcb ahe maie .1