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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Oct 1891, p. 3

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oured bl th@ lm Of &vWu mumre vila.e B e m U W go m Md otier, and taktie t M 9»OlOHU acdid& e1t0=oughp expIW cd ba i . myten. We challege setca te "fAbout t i v ese040-9lt rn~ for early Ivo ~esfc ie rornedios, inluding mInai waésum, Without relief, 1 55w bp aenmIveuisc ment in aChi ~opaper thaïs aa mhâd been relleved 0111118 diweee aca plaint, mfter Ion affr a > g jmalce a trial Of tht. iaedlcine, and loch It regulsrly fr uebtmonthe, Md r pleaaed te ataS 1aI t hmu0etoed a complote cure. I have aInce balnoie. turc of the diese.-Kr. B. lvn D)Odge, 110 West 123th at., 2ev Ti. "On. e ergo 1 vas taie. fil wlth infamzatory rbeumutmm, beng oma- Sed ilte Mnolisîîe six monibe. I cern out of the elIkneas very much delii tatad wlth no appetite, and my m7mieaq dsoràered Su every a. I commencel coing Ayor'es Braprlla and begin bo lmprove ai once, galning ISa ieab ana oon recovering my uual bemao 1 cannot aay too pmnch Sa priSm e is well-knowan m(dicîno." 1-Mis. L. Stark, Naahua, N. B. -, Ayer's Sarseparilla, Vr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., LoweII, Mess !Pries i . six bottles. $à. Worth 05 àabottle FBIDAT, OCTOBER 80, 1891. Coleglate lnutltute Notes. at tour ocInok on WduadyO t h, a meetin a hhltatous whetho ol te have the KEmerson concert Company, hore os Jamaary Sîmi, As thé Company ws ue111%s good eue 5 wuvas ided 10 eENuoqIhe. bely arte1comlingvmmY blghly leceàme4el Mdit le m ot oflea tlit aauoppuoity of besrinoh talent le gîte. t. te ~Mcpleet Lîndmac. Owing W this ntice boingr givma fan chd aigrat oovi ilil beezpMoe Bohool NOtes 8.8. No. 8, ELAOES, MASIU'ouSeito11o ,eport:-Fftlh caé.-Bestrfee Eovm., Fourth cla.-LiDs Brooks, Blleé Blaok, 24.111e Bagahav. ISnlor Thîrd. -Barry Joeail1 AunueBalabav, Johauy Sponce, Jimmie MaI aine. Junior Tbid.-Jobu Cory, George Da&ore, Pied Black. Second @la.-Lizzls Bégabav, Maggis Ba ohsv le Kiane., Andîuow rnt, BDrea rooe Albert Love. 145 Pt. Seod.-Lillle Taylor, P.lmr Jevoîl. lirai clés&.- Maggie Spences, Dunosa Upease, Lsmle Obort, Dtek Capeland, Maie Bagthaw, Edward Ouris. Qoi attendant.- Anale BtitabavlMangle BaSusu, Au. mcv Gr&at,. Gereral goei conduci- Alb,-rt Lîve, Eiwari Ouiiî. Average attendairie, 20. BitAUL.'B, MAîuPBA,-Report or.S. No. 1, Mâripos'., fer the p,.sI fev vsoks. W.. kly ûex miusSitons have boeaubel sud lb. standing of îaeb prpil basa boo taken rem the. avérags p.. r coul. obttainoi teèreon. P .rots whriare anxionm aboni lbe velfere of thir colîdren shouli pend Ihe. rein clt.,la order $btihalie atorgni my .,,téf ,il bolov Ihoii mort. an %eonot of riaalug on@ or tuer. eum- SIcaiie. Errtaro" clama.-Aia SueI. groe, Barbara Ftrgua )ni Gea. Wool. dîidigo. Jr F,,nh-LneFrglisonf, Aroble McDnàt.'l anzd Charlie Coninqer. god( i), Wèilliam Gilson .Tbrd (lgo 'qn'e D ivlsoc, AncIe Boblumea, Bruniag, E ga R .doe tui, Maggte Glson. Pà*rt Perd -Middleoton F.rvosen, John Liinnvey, R'y D..visnni, Abert, MoDon a&W, E 'g,.r Woldridgo. Tablois. - Liwollyea Hall, Walmee Davia, Charles P.ubion(,OuraoF gtsn Omemee Fallil~how. PRIZII LIST. dOT. 8'h &Bd 91,1, 1891. Drtuph t Horsts@-i Audncw Faulkner, SJusa Mlaeiit; lilmi, and'ai, 1 A Faulk- ner, 2J1*,s ~2 yn la geldiCg Or 11l1p, 1 G McQil do, I2 A Fatîlknor; 1i Vr ci poidir.g or fili'y, 1 T M MoQosde# 2 Jas. Mage Agnlctiltrr.i, H )rage - spqu, 1Thos Graham,2 D T.onlt; ingleu boise lu barnuea, 1 J J5 B' .kw 11, 2 L Wilson; mare sud foal, 1 T H bMeQrietip, 2 D Dick; 2 yr old oole, 1 T Hl M -Q iceSe, 2 A Faulknur-, 1 y alid nolt, i a-id 2 J lna Spence. Carine.Horsa-Spat,«L A MaQuai., 2 L Wiltqont, oe.rf and f1l iT Il Mo. Qu4i., 2 J w3Maee, 2 pr iclt i, i A Faiiîkoor, 92A, MpQade; 1i pi eh colt, 1 D D ok, 2 T El Fou. Speatal prizs.... B'.eu fotiSfie ., taàlln (lmoun>r, 1John J Mtobsîl, 2 à F.,uliter; boat single driver, 1I sud 2 John J Bîakul. CATTLEI_______ 0'Thornaghbrei oov vllh edliree,1 asd 2 Wr MOQQ'ied.-; molb so, grade, 1 à MoQuiade, 2 G Moade; 2 iold helfer, gnsuie, 1 G NIcQi -do, 2 Blurt bMeQ*Sde lyr oldieSter, igrad, 1 àMoQtad, 2 IloQis; helterasait vite pediàgree, Wm I[tQuaàSe; hotifen cait, grade, 1 A Mo- Quai@, 2 Bit Willim;ooc L aIet t'r-Aged tam, 1 Gabiel Svil- %r; ram lrnh, iui'i %T a Tes; pas aged ewep, 1 Bot, Ford, 2 r à. Foe; pstz ave larnh., 1 T H 2Fo B R ordi Ontevaed.-RsUI Iamb, 1 Pallereo Eoyd, 2 D Diek; part&W ei ese, 1 Bovél. 2 T H Fo; paîtr sman 1I P Bnyd, 2 T JE, Pe; pain oveflb, Flne Wool-OshcBtieg rsm, 1 BailtU Quais; psir gi *on, T H. MeQuade. MffolL-AgisiGMQa, Borkhio.-àged e Iboa pevu u si THIlF..-; '<mat nde ô o,* lifil PTee,2 D DinkI; sgod ou, i » Dl*à, 2S MoQai.; Pmcv unic rn b. Elackvell, 2 D Ddt*. .R lord; mev uuideIl Monthi. i Pair gossac, i B V#eemis,a air turksys,, 1 T 919 ueh &sde; Pair du1044 L W1 illamooifn; olells dP, WIITE- PWE BALSAM ic ouLg.andyold I eos5r 1110w ~a~à.oeu~a&V: al1ie, i m de ii.ta , - o.é..l pet 1D etorj, s2G 0 ise .Pair mewd bot, .irm LoddIj; pet. p.ed boots, à Ldom OINMl érbWme d.bkmkeis1ZT a «44% 2lu"s Fepair, woolée moa $iephemea, 2g9 .Sop ô Ibo me f, 1 MmesStoeey, 29Rb$ oyeebbob e els.mb, 1 0CWilliam. son. 2 à rmsly; @col: tove Md fwitu, Mles &Bmtbvd; parvoolesmis, 1 Kutsoy, àT E MQumcdr, lost bheéd, 01o,171 rneDom "= 9 G 9u grain crad, G n:r mh NOS »MW ITAUU. Elnuy Oblo potuîocsBbi Ford; pois. toés ul kini 1 and 2 Robé Lvtie; swede twàMll,1 EB Wison, 29B Lvttli ait bus whIi hein, 1i G Suom, 29J J Mobeil; 12 or&"* oe lts, lnha Morea; là vhite coi, 1B Perd, S B MeQuabde; Il blond but% ý1 B Lytlo, 2 J Mourea,-,12 paroulPe. 1 orea, S à Switsev 12 mangoide, 1 3 Lydie, SUJ Blaebvid-l;2 pmmpilu, 1 134017 Nugé0i, 2 J MOrat' 2 white usp~, 1 lobu Mlogr, S2P.LVtW.; S ved osisae, 13 liiiloO, 2S Moorea*, 8 heid élejuM, 1 àLaidly,2 JMille,; 8Shedo o 4 o, r es 2 J Miloy; S2esllfo.ers, 1~Um1 hLytie; là tiomto, 1U( nei T pbieencon; wwtr ' o», i1 Wilso2 ST 13 Foc; botilié pickles, G a ltarw;12 este cmn,1i1H Nogeai, 2 T eF»OE.. &UIT. â ff- - 2 ,btineb gpps, 1 G Esglioh, 2 Gabriel Swiiuer ues ppleî, iT Blpben. 8o0,2~ f> StIc:'t 12 orthemn $PT,$i1D Story, 2Sp OBIOemU; 129 mov spples, i T Biphemmon, 2 G Sutiser; 129 lu ~ïT~ir,1 Misa Blery, 2 SGoo"Me Quade; firkln botlet, a Nagent. 'H'eâtide abiri, Mien Storv; P:.ît wotkea lippers, 1'Mre T Ivery, 2 Mns T Il Ves; rag door mot$, 1 Kw. G Switu.î, 2 imas Sîomy; faaoy kaitting, cetioc, 1Ides lob, S Mie.s lnry;-,berlic vool work, I8.1, 1 Mise Curry, 2 Miese 9orey; l1me haitl ting, *col, 1 Mise Utosy, 2 Mrs T H Mo. Quade; mmbîid'ry, cellon, 1 Mies Curry, 2 Mils tory; omnroîdpri', silk. i Mises Stephenson, 2 Mia Dirnaub; bnrdi«, Misa Stoty; hoqnet mal do usi, 1 Misa olpbn, 2 Mie Storv; ha quel art foeiMiisa Story, S2Ia Pte.; peil dravini. 1 Mttm T Ivery, 2 Miga Svry; qalit patchwork, oalico, 1idlre G diiàer. Sr M 1 Ve.; qaili puohvosk, olol b, Itum Stepbe-uaon; quil patchwork, .11k, 1 Mr&s () lvory, 2 lds Fée; applique vok, Mima Sqory; arrasmas vwori, 1 Mn, B J mliuia,t 2 Mia G $ui5ser; coelsi nrk, Vias Stery; dcwong, luncet. i Mr@ G Suitser. 2 Miss 8Story; point las, Mr@ T Ivony; panting on plush, il1k or satin, i mise Stephenson, 2 Mies Story; t1usel vomi, Misa Slory; vhiek bolier. 1 Mnre BJ Milligan, 2 Mien Story; oil pantig, 1 G. E ogliah, 2 AIez Suherland; sois eashlon, 1 Miss T liuîy, 2 Mige- Steîy. aiL ' ro tuSmk 01% 545r a Vrdi. DRàA ise,-Ai 7on have takon a great Icttreat iu btlngaenbefore Ibm publie th. deslmaililf of raimimg thé îwo.oved bar- l.,, sud s e ts la are différent hindi preduoed by ou@ patent by jadiolinua bîbriditing I Shoaght I veuleS gel the àîvice ef krofemaot Sandoeauastethe becstkumi for export s dvised by lbe memiters et thée seabeauge sud mal. étems if Eugl&nd. 1 sakad bit opinion et the Dackilli bsrley. Thie lu hlm anaver: *The Daokblll la a variety lot barloi witb a abottet b'ad ihan lb. Prises roiS., sud ou athé average a i argct msuorare 1 ga. Il doms moiseem Se b. mo lgbly esmed hi bieop as the Prime Froliflo, bal 111tu a very uptligbt'arower. 1 do ual thiai Ibe' trsv Imae»v ailfer, bat lbe position oetIhe hoedu sic uearly clraiSbl. Ali bhe vartieies vhish bave beeu pro- dased hem théeeer lbarll, of whist the Prima PoliB@ laeoune, bave lhe beada lo)ng mad pendillons, sud tbIhin thlb font bgbéy esteoed ibarley for mullin purpoaee. so tbe otber close of moteoap« a ilýgblgowlug barler belomi Ithe Daskilî c*old Thaupi sued Itailiu. îou $&y y .eo à baie besu offiel 58 o nie. pem.butmbe Lveu oqittbehbve mors. 1% lam alllug lx MomimemIfer 6otm. 1Isbsli bm vtiglW qSuadco ivle pou say fartîet Infotms 3 lion in Mr -power." a Isoaov tourmwbuehele of lté Gevèe I.ment subi la lhé sortes of 1890,11 dit r ry véi isud tlb. Tiold va'very tait; bu otp.ulpoiled froma ,anurý%e lahesIhie t. rem stet gl aeiaed tle Our caimais; thil Ir euiutea fie. uMple velgilue ovew fi l. tlte bamebel, btud msmsure. I1c2 .n - -h aeffemotsil me both kind I litb-e7gsOL'%Aav ose w ng pareomes!, r a Lbesne cy1 e »0zpor 6p 1 puse 1 J b. Ueau .ll P lbsu lOa e e i xdootai 900 M é T us d t0 D V il I aW g oIMtIi vF» a va;sn M Mb t * 0 à " 6 " w »a m ml"u d hb oel* b~~~~Fr hi e.E s ~NyMmd dmme.of »»Four ane lm umL "W"NUaI umu.-Tae Mrniveof lanstfle masodeaebornés beld ltote, sacuil JubIleon lsîbMmd iu if 0e- tober, wauls lete"on ouiW e a oilte mécosé.Large otovis lwom evryquttI of the elueulime b boeruthe Vaud sud loyal loeueoetlld "Qed ca@ the Que..," dlilvendehi bv e Bst. Mr. Camp. bell eofLlndesay.Oun dayBsteSe loba Pover of Duiieford, preeehed mcm.- lng sud evsulag W ca large elongtaliof evey avaaile mots belog oeeuffld. Ou Uonday .v.nug et4 oe'eio*, th. lables yen loaded vIitb ihe good ibietpravided b? the friande ol the ohunoh. Grsat grine ieSadue tu the Be,. -gentleman foer hie lecture, the yonug people gsi a <liai libat th..y vil mos forges la h4etee, oa cesoantoflthe loyal entment$ ihal came troms hie lips, sud whîeh hm urged Show tombouer.. Ou tbe ooooluiou of the les. tare, à bearty voteeoft banka vu. gîte. toe b.Bey. genlema oWb.iebho h. pouded ila fa sppropulatc vorda, sud tbon thal glortoac old national ahe., wbleh le me duar te every British @or sud bourtvas cane by tm heooIr. Tbum mnied eue of the mouetmuce.elljobilse'm *ver beld Sm Jauttvilîs. Thé proe»esd amouacd Io the hanisome nm ef evetj douta wlà oh e bpày fur s ew tut- ntO lte in uthe ebaroh. Boo l Kâru.-The trustées of the publie mehuoi bave te cmgaged Mr. Bîtoh- srd for acoiber pear am plepai of thee eshool, thr-y considertbohmsolvem v.ry t attuneeucihavlug no goed s teasher, as Mr. Birehard bam been vsty muosmll sas s teseher during the lime b. bas been R7NMO UI1. Tuzs piAcs wblsh a peat silo vs. laid in saheas i nov ail mbuilt.KM. Heary Graham, who tornaerly kept a goueral &torne bore, but Istely of th. Qaeen Ciy, la teturniag to engage lu his former coeupallon. ,The peopie hop@ le bave the béeite o. f r. Grabam'a cip expotience. Alse Mt. R. J. hMise tenidi opeoing out a goeeral lino ti Ke. Traîna blok. t BiONEs.-Threo of the boys vho 1sfti, bers earip in the fali 10 encage Su the lumbetlng ou lh. norlh ehore, bave te. turned homo mlok wîtb typhoid feyer. Aise lira. Gmasrer oofined le ber bod &gain. BRIDGE BUMIDG.-Mr. Fred Train loft bore Monday wlh hbim gang et votk. men le bauld a nov bridge ove'r Buat Rivet abovs Irondale. Mn. Train isJ moed secma bridge budet and vili ne deubt exzeoute te prosent job vIth the sm a e ped ai lhcroughneum se ho bas sb.awo on almilai vorke. THazoHiNG la noariy aIl cdone in Ibis natilon and farmera reporta&f air stop. PataSops are turtn n wovli, Manp of tile fariners are ialllng oftirvîng soma oft the tory biaetneit pear. Ge in farim. @ri, Ih la juet hal pou waut. IRisvorp low. Sawmilm .5111 rua. Dion. Ma. TRàiy, J.P., a shortti the &go, ai the instigationa of J. F. Perrin, inauçed a warrant fer Ibe errenl t ofsu ad mon omliDalti for forcibly entering hls hoauetIpurmuit of hie, Daftp'mdaaghtor; whnm ho wished le pommewi ih his whiptiilok, and throwinit Mra. Perrin clown and dolag ber maliliem ljarv. Erp pesderi gullty tlte ochnrge end va' imade te damesote hé tune of $1150. This aheuld ho a vcroncg leold ra.-o@s whn drive iheit obildren. freinbhome hy abuse o nt 10 liv leenter other rme promises to punithtai4ite te bull ouiendef a vhipetook. Weil Recommondol. Dear Sir,-I amn happy to ail I have used Hagyard's Ysllov OiL for bains, bruam, 1 prains samd cuta end find ibat thero la nothing ba-tter. 1 tecomimeod it Se ail my friends roud here.-Alaa G. XcLood, Souris, Mon, -6 8. RITTIu'm STATION, O00t: Bie, 1891. CoVNOIL PnoOEicDI;GS.-Ootlmoîl met pursuant to sdjourmmmnt. Ail tes mein- bora présnt. Themeeuve lunlime chair. Tb@ minutes ef lait meeting vers reai sud ppo.d sud igned in thé.nuait mannat. Moved bp Mr. Perdus, secemici by Mr. Morrlaon, ibaS by-lmv No.-, a by-lsv le, lsmy township, ounti audohnoi rates sud aies debonlars and mlking fondirtes b. nov remi mund pa".-Cairied. Moisi by Mr. ]Perdue, oouded by Mr. Buup hab th.elfoving accouais = 0iui b munlcipeliy be pali : cou. lrcotoiu, building bridge stilMtchell'o, s9f00;13. Douglp ybalance of oduaw, ooîlootor, *40.-Curled. Movsi by Mr. Romney, amsi ld y Ur. Perdue, ébat b-liv No.-, a by.lmv le provide loi lb. expeuillnhe of mouie cm th. publie momie bh owe »ad and Koved by Mr. Romney, seonici by Mr. Perde, ththilecouacl do nov ai. jourtmumet on the 175h day of .Osiober Egm auTRvnt. 0mb. 110, 1891. Coansll met porsuéânhio ëdunWent. AUl thc umbère prssentTe teeve lu *b. eha. Mnutes09 .1 eet .big te"n Pai, seoueiby Ur. MotUImes, IC. W.. TjpIiagbesNM pelsa .. .. .Eme Uh118 , st edu di e bu by oec ii elo nleq4law Bç*dfor0 J.~. N.5i E&1U~. OnTNOT. woadowo dg.Onld Moed by Mr. MIia monded by Mr. Cebit, th&# 'Kçes wmoou an sd Perdue examine thé ,*dnbrtb of Oobo- eouk, mai bave . m »Un proper repm MuId report tto î~Ouiil tDoit Môvsd by Si r.arlgueoonded by Mr, Romney, ihai thia sokuelDow adInUrD to meson th* 155h ý&, of De.mber noit.-Oauied. BAH. U>A, i. à BéveeAttach. D etlitRviî loatisi btsbourdenking on diptitera Ibail aoihhig ta th.houas but ilmoyaidl Ysllov OU1 vhlah -I c uni vh grest beach, I suam urtist îhid sotbeea for tS them diamea vould have davelopeoto ai.dv thonis. ItlSa a oioonSd mc-diemea.-Mwm.. [Camemn.KoorsI. UOat-6,8. lÇcvew .11ev thébowela to reutalu onstipa- ted luti serions vii eaaum. National Pillaeame unmariiaame a remoay for oontlptlou- 9-b. A ses Vcqrag. Amavoyage Smajex pmne xesv prescnipt@a, ep*acLilly itmoquitaly <ccd recuitae.s garde h.al*. areto babai bp' impil tokng Bardock #lood Bittors accord. img directiona. It Sea e peio for dpepop mielesasiethéblcM. rogulate. tha hivor, bivelu sudidamys snd remoyea a&U impurs cm**te fhuat 5k.eyarm Victoria Omibollo Salvi 14 a wonderfal beal- ine oompa>nc for ont@, woundm, bruiése is ecalde, bala, piles, pimplua, ke.-2 5. Deai gir,-I have od Hagyard'a Pectoral Bala. for bronoblîls and b.d oongh, wih the boit reate, and cona hghly recommend it ce a&U aufferera. -Boscs Pugaley, 250 Dole. ware Av., Tornto-C 3. Tan VICTORIA WAR*DER, LIND8AY, ONTAIO. à Wes Journal(rhlimhed srery Friday mornimg by SaLxughmi. B~oa, Wardr Prlntlmg Kée Cambridge litrset, soutb of the market. Book andi1 Job Prinhlig doe la modem etylem ai medee prie-s. H"TuS orADVM1N~G. uad FoU élunm, by lb.heMr ...0100 0120 go h 0 f-tr .... 455 80 et- 0 quarter. 45 58 de oek...... 15U1» de aoumbtiC sm........6le 018 hai.> dar o0 50 quarter ...Us month ... 14 le wsek ....... 9 10 COMMERCIAL AND LEGAL NOTICES. Ton onuta paer lino for Onrt Insertion, nouparsfl mesure, and irno cent' forr ob Inserion aftmr. PR0PEeidON &L CAisUU. Six mes manaeor, pur y70Sf.... .. TRANSIENT ADVERTISENMS. 1Sxliaeummd goder, liai insertion. ........... l80 Six b saa uboqusmens "lon ............. 25 Fremi six to tondunes, frsi Inserton ..........0 5 Baab ubsaqusmt 1n» rtion .............. li Ove ton limes th et insertion, pulme.......... 10e 550h au&ZsujOs innsmon .............. O The numbecetin o Se oreokemui by itoe q»S oooplod. messur-' by a muoe lmi14 ouparsil. (12 inec mare one tnoh)j LOCAL AN2D SPUOJAL NOTIONS. Ten omt. per lime fer SMiInsertion, ive aou for mach ddItio» ni ezLn. Blacklice locale 60. te5i arUe. No local tobe lethan$1 te buinéeu frme who armoie regea adveriaoim uii. by speclaiarrangement. Advertiseuents wiihent wrnbie nscitbms UlI n. inaored until forbidien, sd obarged aorlg Ordoesfor dlmooailnung advt.ý.rntsmao doivered ai the office tthe morning privions le pubIL. cation. Ail advetimseflisfrom non.roid*iii permone or siula4 ors, muet ho paid fer ln adiance, or a sufficiomi 1 iod madetoe seoue the office againsi lms lm4PERI4 Orou ~ Tat *AKtI&e a mrmmi*ds le.~~~a 2. h . mSo AAU=.im ou eava No. lUmesS'on the a" SMd ibiuiWMmumi etf "éM"l osr *. -@ srjb W umdtI 4 B mepsof né mnu in Eake' m S. XMr. I amn or OgOU.AE-OIkM hu OaMpNNdo4, MoabS mSoud Md m orli1uraay etusm mih,tai Amodua E «all, v lao u tmore.. P. nom O M M , e bddon uecond om- 4 -V o f & Mb isé . Sh « Ml Orm o, oter WoodVoe.MMW. ILOMM HouA osaUm. go. no,. m 'o . lm b. usomi ai a* rumbyce «eh monib la Woodi bisé. A. .»D EoGacome moStwy. y.E. IL.& -Nowtnon or. lent aud Ommbmidgo M U ft or i d &Y , K1 .. .; H on a , 4&1 5 P -M . B O " - lmg romopen daiy 9anLto 10 p.m. Youn m m wad y wolome . K. Omibema, es- mme w. o . 1u. iorw sut No.day cf e y moth la Tu. DaoUmUMmuoeto LOOOmeil* humsm mut la M» emU na ll vey altouiie Uaurday at 1.e eléoé pi. à. MoArihur, Ioetar, T mu BosUmm eon o m OoriiE Eeun ma u t la "onsHau, minet flent md mi su tdge m te = v aium e t ers ee tut 4 1 A.'LMmur, chio tbegioa. Jas. Gmg, Ihai AMtm aiengn Anookabo àWsUocrai et e sumd Olmbiidg mi. net e lb. m m m orh S miaju sti 6,0100à .. SaioJoumn, Mamie; W. Sauce!, LaM" ForSale. !be sndarld dbae a feu oh"e AkESUni amevalmbli TOWN PIAOPEETI for maue o dam, ltus . .OPEiNS Lake Outrlo Steamboas Co'j 115W PAL*TiiL STAxME NORTH KING< WVImy lCn oborg wek doias 9mc .; Port Hope 9. 45 a m. onsmrrv a ef G. T IL trains from EIM i.~ Wosi maANorth. Arrives ai Charlote mt2.30 p.i. Eeturnlng basves Charlotte we.k deys ai 11.05 p.m. ex epiToday et 9.40 p.m; Satrday at 4 15 p... wCat.t &à Bihiun on Wenmsdy at 2.00 ..; Col- berne on Wodnoey sud Mriday et 8.45 &.m. 1 Connecte at Rochositer with New York Ceniral sud Ili dlverging limes for &Il peints la. th United States. Through Tickets sud Bmage Checks. TRE NORTU KINiG la omneofthlb. largoswif test snd most powerful Stommers ou theLakes, lighted hy oi.trciy and modern hroughout. C. B. NICHO LSON Gneral . à P. Agent, Port Îoe Gon. fman. Kingsion. Ont.--80-it 1 JsCZI e e e FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE,, Raeal Estate Agent, Gem tmerM#Md euS OUlSte J.Id.ai MONEY TO LOAN Ai loes te t« of ieresi Alow for. go. f.Zowief Comp4n wU: FIRE Agricutural, of Watertowfl, Citizns, of Canada, Commercial Union, of England, Queen, of England, City Mutual. of London. ACCIDENT Oiti»sên, of Canada. LOAN Canada permanent Loma nd Sav, samn r nanIa~5 . PO W ER MACHINERY PUES, SOUEv, jrT.Waterouu Engne .Works Co., CêBîabe O A umi A m orMW i ww& HBaird & Sons' Brick 1Machinery IL W. aILLA??To ronte. or&1 ThE KEI TU lILALTIO imS Orzka f an . . .Pi.anos.....O.. eanslom"rud SWID Macines ss 1 soS aaam O~UM Oop&hs&, ES Euzemu., Bronchitis, Âsthma, Lous of Vi md &Ildimmofte Throst,hut and Lunge. 260. EÂOH OR 5 FOR 81.0. A. HIGINBOTHÂM5 Druggist, Lindsay. DBUGGIST & SEEDSMÂNI Corner of Kenti and William Streets, Lindsay. PULL STBENGTH BAKINO POWDER, PU"E spicEsq LIVER TONIO, ELIXIR ÂNISEED# DIÂRBHRÂ SPECIFIO, WORM POW DER, WHITE OINTMENT, FURNITURE OREAM, TOOTHÂCHE ])ROPs, INFANTS' CARMINATIVE, ÂNTIBILIOUS PILLS. Ol1over Seed and Grain. We are prepared to pay highest, Market Prices for Alsike and , Red Olover, Wheat, Barley, Oats and Peas BRosé) CD LL ))1 Sept. l6th, 1891.-1593. Change of Busi nesa. I have recently purchased the Hardware Businàess of R. D. THEXTON aS, a rate on the dollar, and purpose to carry on a General Hardware Business No. 2 KetSt.,in te dooreast ofe, Bn Hue I intend to devote niy tirne and attention exclusi-ely to the busibeês, and propose to introduce niew ideas, new me'thods aind tew prices which will be more in accordance with the progress of the I 9th century than hm~ hitherto been customary in this line of irade. I cordially invite everybody whether they are bui!dirs, carpenters, mechanics, farmers, lawyers, doctors or poundkeepers to cali and get quotations of my prices. THIS WEEK I arn making an extra push on SPORTING GOODS, and arn prepared to give the very closest quotaticuis on Powder and Shot, Cartridge an d Sheils, Wads. Primers, and every other requisite neces- sary for Sportsmen, will make a pecuniary application that wilI remove the. cobwebe from your optics;. Hardware Merchant, No. 22 Kent street. lindsay, Sept. 2ad, 1891.-1798 iv JOB WO1 RK of ail descriptions neatly and promptly done at "The Warder" office. L WNEFE~ The Greet one price Organ and Piano Dealer. ORGÂS &PIANOS The fineit ana best lot o Tnatrumeuts evet ofered. for sale in the Town of Lindsay. PIR103-3O0 Per Cent. Lower than the same ~u..I±y U" ever' been offered, before. ndfuumaes It.Udcm iMe o.mtomM e obenefit of th* e éms J.eETHERUP. I J"i ~ j HOGGC biner# sr 0& PoliÇ .aiVUJ '.4e ~ Mâha m a- ÎsMiz Mr- Mr. à ýà Ërý 1 1

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