the Post Office. Iw m m, dM a Ea o d P"mn .amsqItY alvt OWtdata" sIoin a lie lath esame asie Mdyou psaseOud v. viii pie. oui allmer a Tis uwaie the gde !f Ste vlty d pruson han.v* Au W WMddH» F« Ou" da udstlvat pshowaIon àoodavae a yabedmm varsi? il5,co how" roc mui atlieftat hae beela bog= mdti vii pfritéan muet h"rmmerd l Téii.y anrou""ueally begle S&ia engag, eiseting, sua cont ius libu il;:ttihe ntuteme aaloi ti tbit woh cou- b mrieorathtve. su but wlnoits gold e suu Evfe Iriedé mut hve a vatMiinova at@mysaut g be aong vrj li voutg Thoro uble" a woh r beasolitleMd 0% . cmenligautw eoo uldè it u U germ alon tcvithuit wse. o odnuivra olrluedeLtosd Bac h i e. aciadammho.a doe aaya and tituthaïeotblu abot r o use hâveyàu mthave .?e7le ate t rf ea.oa pru Igouoimt w god 1sd old, s tl zatcea àsor l gisacrse fors c ie ptutti ruttiineàiae v et iasud aore à vtoh forea mregar aals thedland"of ti taion ii. aor eailway medouaud tih eqayutire a strsg &but iproof, high grade articlhotve à wbtd ur soc ou7.wa mruo»wat epairin vs e priseaI OuaalI home. . aved g.ole, tii.lle su fore elpies ompise. o .xaofethelo pretaesttha thee lbsa eter equppnd antor e, ueCanada heseo"thIl ours Mad' url tmar bsine es aorlarg oe Thenunmbters of vrequina reob maiuantpress ig gade fortie ofrun. and therpatdiesta noge(orneoftii. ltreinbCaoadanita)is ré lhu our- self an ovidence of cout favorable reputa- tion. Watohemsosnt in ttis mauner alvays, have as caret ul atentionsas If brought by the. ovner iu perion sud are retutsed bl mail or expreus msOUs Mspfesible. Distance mabes nuO difference vili us sud or dors are aîteuded to jut the. saie viiether the seuder lives 30 or 3,000 miles away. We use over 830wurthi cf postage stmepryear in sendine repar or, lusy ohng of express paicels, sud Oui *&ade ii stesdily increasiug. Wheu iequested ve sUnd oui ostimate of Oost before boguuing thé voîk. Dring or sUnd your i rlInvork lu BRegister yuur parc"la Britton Brosi Ltnd,i.y. Oct, 29th. 1891 he ie ctoix~ PRIDA Y, OOTOBEB 80. 1891. A union et boutea&l a aunion et bande A union noue cala nier;, A union of homtis sud à union of lAnde à£4 tic fia«. BarrimuxUtron.t o." THI T I W17YORK' INTE IA 5W. À Nov York seusatioual paper ment- Ir publluhed asceaudaious "ltnlelw" rcputed lu have boss iiad lu tuat iby vili lins Renart vif@eof Bon. John Haggart4 Poatmaer G.ncrsof *aau Tii, probblltyinthtic vole tila a oombiud Yankee grt le, ineo forastis Interview t.nosoerned; but Il ha as smd great publiciby througb thoe dmaoum- soaîldloua preesof Canada as Win m of the United Bltes. Thé. Interiew I insuprovesou etiuug sud onIy one hing, vTs, "la m n.John Hffggsrt, for livIng s lieéiubsa4amm thougit sparatd flm .mine poses, las cio iuess N4foSut jesu«0mgOdsà lng a divorce toumu*a svoum asbes Ovs0evm ev w portimyshW,, ysl smsual. Te ah mev*0g cg 1fua b ave a "q t a s a duvit A", loft the umeds. Oan *0 a * et~ uI0i m*S mm lest sou. ye0re d. 'Bsua vu. ad" d e "amgalO%' md on thèse iv. - the -MW auasbu vesa -Wopellà by "08ule-pov5t; mm thougi iii. "stewartm Md o0o014sMd onmer *0" al cbred:-. éTh moue t.goUlu onunme1y'e Wluh huetaali headla' fui lbteet;" yet the. aLt vwu neir built for gocd milllsg, s. cmmet'O grief. Tiié people of easa&" regret tbat orruption Asnami fotu eiould 42Mstla aml depamt ti *theGovernmmt but lreuaritta sd obence nab atimes fou" n u&U bodiesa b. tiuyneyr au v»Il- ordered; sud the. natioin inrelutht resmectsot unIqe. But the-Wro5I an belng rlght#d sud the guilty -puulehed. Thi e opl f Canada, however, no malter Ww rulgsma havoe eusted, vil mos tolorste factom cies bu" dou slander sdmm cnd&L Tht. Intelligent people dmnds à poRicy euga wor7~i. »me utfateemen. Those t"b*I'Ltou onthé ibeWa.cooonyal side. The Poi-senot 0>uo-aed aorm Ilad- M aremore fttn to commaud gué raf t ms tThe. Bgboo," totiésaii.ip of a it' sucob88=4Qain .. WHO0 Bd 5 5iAZI5D ras Pluies5 Il Lgu Off, 000» AND 1112'5 Cai nada aYoung nation, yet se hau. a gret iltory, sud hm. iad experiemice1 of Goverument vithbabthi political parties At lie hlu. What t. tihecord?1 Our readers are&aUlfamiliar. viti lie aid MRn:- "John Grumâo meore bi lie llgiib o't the. moon1 AMdtheoom es aeson the tis, I Thot he could do mors vork inàde Thau hie vif. couid do lli re..p Bu the vif. veut tSu "havd the.plow" vuel John remained 'lat hame." But ho torco o bumuthle malt, sud epoled the béer,- he bigot lu put op lie bens, sud loet lie *gge; he failed lu mllk,i apoiled the churulsg; *'And' gaed vrasg, sud naugbb gSud Hlsucaned vi' rage, sud grat." The. reforu party ouut office wvan sd te suother John Gramlie. Tiiey eteruel- ly declare Ithey eu do more vork In s day, thau the. ooueervatives cas do in three." They boutet honselves staso- mes sud tell huv thiugs should be dons. Y., 11, offie ley ban 1k. nOU John Gruinlie, th.y do eveiylhiig vrosg Iu thoir flv yvearu lu oilice trade tell cff and languîehed; nu public voîks voeb.- gun or complote6; the national debt vas rolled up; defloitu piled on top of eaob otiier in succssàive yeas, sud ail veut vron<. The people restored thé. conservatives 1lt power, sud knov how te country bas proeperedasd been developed. esuaZa vaute nu more of Mi. John !Grumlie. là PBOPOS&4L or IHPORÀTIZ<CETO MNL N DS TlI'TES NORTE OO UN TA Y At present regatered letiers hom ail lie country belveen Toronto sud Lind- 557 or wesb ef Toronto forthIis lova or the vast countiy bti.thésortit reacit bere us te sîgii train. For instance a regis- tored bItter mailed at Unlonvile, Markham, oocdvood, Stofflle, Ux. bridge, Oakvuod, Little Britain, Port Peiry, e., or et any point vest ut Toronto for Lindsay or auy point nurti of Lindsay,or vesb lu Blackvater, un uay Mouday cornes out ou Tuesday mornisi buo Blackvatei, sud lu taken us uuitb on the. Midlsud trais. lb retuins ut slgiib tc Blaokwattei sud resohes Lindsay and other large çlaceeousTuesday nigiit at 8 o'olook; but ilu cher inalauceau nrried ou lu Poit Hope Msud l eveted on Wednesday morning. Tiiome for tie sortit lie inlu lunay tbu 8 p.m., ou Wed. ueadan sd reaob uhi destination liai uzght, but sot in my inulsces u bIn i for delivery 1111 Tiursdy. Lindua' letteî~ re mnul delivered until Wednesdal mornng. Thue ficm sml Ubridgc, ou1b about'-titty miles away, a roglteru lutter mdaiDooIn onumondavoum mt ha d.llverd lu LludaaY until Wedue day murng. The oubvard servlos rou Lindsay snd the. nortb couusry in .q»Uy de".oe The fit quesion uggeting lla.If t us Is, ca s b. rs«ued?tii. suaer it. Vos, sud vey fmssI. At presaIa muAiuk rugs daily Lic Port Hope vb a aly, Bisobater &W Amte hh 491, imua LcTowsaot libiret o T«ub -m Xght .010 le 0»& L Tuot *0Pïet d 8 r bo IL 60 iL Ube tub" b . WMM uabs mdae omait à* at~omcoma. lt taonse e. o !,7t Lut Urbi the. Ravee.Ioeed ver iii. mo.tai ..atusof Oaad'ugrosSest ateaniS, The.Rlitb Honorable air Johni A. IfcoMd. M.Tht. yousg natouh puareM for th@ awfui stroke, FM vas uiiookedtroni centre lu clroumfiMSUe, Mud lb vas mil Wvoenthé fiÊs bugt of grief iad pan" d laIt th@ sitution vu oêiady Viewed. Thoen I vs. round liaS ithe great leaue bad left ie veild oiecPlDd amY u.dor able générals; bis piaseMsd hie POIl< ver ifamiier lubis trueteld adylees, sd tiie wvatbord wus "Ouvard." Premier Abbott, tbe nev léea, m- cepted the mdate "Tés your fellove sud led th.m stragt;." sd rlgbt no*l hau hie doue lb. Not a mm us asdserted, tbe old standard. Tiiougii subjecle& te a trrSlo alsubt front the enonmy Premier Âbbott sud bI "elv"00have iieldhO 6"onvarerdin*the coutry'9 c a ai re on the opeu toad *0 tiie fullest deveop-i meut of Os&Us boi lteresta. Premier Âbiiott sud Ieable olagues, ait John Tiiompeon, 0"u IE.Poster, lMt. Bourefl, J. A. Chaplesu, 0. ]EL Tupper, Jobs Hsgart, John Carling, aud Othiet vite redylsg irregularitlos lunegar to theésmandala brougi to luliiensd pusls h eusgautyhave "UirIgond- -id sud advanc.d the. natilo ut in- tereta et home sud sbroad. Thor* hlm beu no ceseation. Agricultur asd mlung probleme are soIved; prop.r immigration eucourged; combine from cther lands, broken up; the. flehlng In- dusîrlea guarded -,smuggling *0*0 Canada suppreesed; the. postal system developedf sud lu short everytbiug douethbat a Goverumeut oould do to further apDple'o veif are.1 The. fret canipaigu over, 1168. Goveru. meut fisd tiiemeelves in botter f orma for future oporabluns. And the nation la proud cf ther onduot of àafa through such trying tlmee. Nover, did a Goveru. meut show itseif more vorthy of a peopîsi oulfdence. Bishop Fowier sud the TraoherW Institute. , ro MdsDduof et t Ir. Sis -On bebsif of tie lut Yiot'irit Toeaeu Assocation 1 beg tae eprès my ru, 1grut Ighat the lecture ot Biabhop Fuwler shoulc 1have beau acopted as s part of the proced lug# of tie Teachers' Institut@ toi Ope an( Lindsay on the Lt Intu.Wheu th. pro gamume was arramaed 1 vau asured that ti iecture oai Buuhop levier vould te iqual b that of Dr. Xcontyre, and I bed no idea thé, Lthe objoct of th. lecture vould be oedeonn to»me aud glotity Wesley. 0f tb publie sud a.parste sobool teoue who alteddthe Instituts ou Tuev. 10 or ;roman cathollos tue 24 are protestants. I d, not ksow how many wye ai tbe lecture. ouly orne roman cathollo vwu proseut tir sultinig languago of Blmbop Fowior shouldu b ave beanuse u" ilheprésence. I1,«Y mer should nul have tees ued aetaIL. a. . KFIGIsx, [The aboye la ieu publcation treoli th ugi 11e a mi u ovuld expeot tram lspetai lulgbt. Thal gentlemen, 1k. may eois lu indàMIy emeauxito lu et himeulf igit" bcase a tev roman ctioltos vers olended i som. varda ulîen.,d iv Bliap rovier. Tiay hava net a word for auy otier vhoui proludlcea migil bu eqnally wosnd.d. t. e ympaiy for raman eathliou an d j»i. lcuey tovande ths e lovarsetfWesy. lu. rpEcliàigit te decldedly vrong insaiiuq oiip Favloe'alanguage vas S'insultihg.' it viu lise us gspel,Mdsud vsBot utteied le offeud, hence ocold mot luany piops aenses b. t.rmed "insnlllur." Tii euh imprapriy or irtegulariy lutie viole badsa u n sbi lng à lecture otet l otn nder lie acepicua ufth lieoellsate Institut. vbioh uider Ontante lave lu a oburob sud .1.10 insttittion. The opéra hus.e rsuy baU or obunci vould have bain an appropriaI. plices; but as lie colleglte luetitule lu supportéà by ail denouluaiesIl *a unforuate lie lecture vus bid sunder Its auspices And lia lua&ILloIspecter Ksight la bis vords 'gbonilt Waeoy, on- îéesmmof atn Icéat u telaest body ut =Iîope l hit rntbu anoul bi» f nnuu p ouler's viieechtum .W"IaSec ras 's aprotestent épiscopal bbop teld the Irati vitiont a»Y sînumdodcua Il sut pucill thriibe fThe lectare vu à Seul. imleelbroulise Point eof atp or mumev informatisa.Il wuv Svir ydavered under vrorg aspheasnd e o e ublame. -1% voldha@ tniIg .se ,il.viii bock. bons lb,. WàM J 'EOA&OI.'4dOI USecet f&y*e. W.wiJlpmu% Àh Parrot" tmps Israul jof tftbsuln d 1 pn wa' êtheir tboap BEy bsude. M"B M ib",y01e55 beautiai pro4 Jein. oou n- i BEy othor aBop, h.«oet .njcy th. larguai mals in lb. world. MIT DDITOAIiL I~~f=. vP.mSu oulé Iathepbm skiso ht fait old .ivti uadoOcu 0"c aile t of us, ýcatila, sbeep, 'o", bt ladal, onIpdy, Igoipmbua6d4 h, aeu intet13 0u'ulek saip mur. Weldom à Dmm ill Ubail "0"he le lt* mK aluetut lis udace cf lMt. Dame,halfalsà M al uO t apoaStllo a m X« 7îb, oom neg taIOrne 'ock "y'r Zisa;vi!! b. erelfer sale eue ,nd al fo ading ostieMno lornun dm P Md b fsedlm ésvee. l'oi paticu 88e M Psters. ILus Boy.., arnttesiu. gr. pairbaluus Trp tb the NOrt weet. Tnssuu. Oct. 2711î, 1891. Dm INzB-00 mY arrivai homeoOn satui- dey nigil aftsr an «tended tuip te tie North- Wel sud iavlng bal tie borr lujudgeset evon cflie leadlug aiubl0eoftiat peut, Rerti Western 'counry, I Sud mv fit latter1 lu Tgo w AlSua, datodBrandon, alb, 3.1. &h 1891, vbioi sionl raid Bee8 l hs1 ave sgred le ffmtieh a repart ef ur vork sud opnions et the trl, t6 e d u ite resouroos. if h luyèkr 1pleasure.i 1 ii Iireugh the mediam cfjor n o auble paper, ud yon ashort letter weekly, lakinhl inue or tvo exhibitions in esch letter If von hilnk l of intmefl t tojour maai readere On Monday, lthe &th Oct. , vo proosed ot th. lova et Grenville by train, vWeoe ve found issu? Moende aaii.lg aur arrivai su te look atter aur omforle; as dea spirlted littie Icen on tie main lino et ralvay. Mr. Bohron, tiec usited sud uorpntsng former, vu avating us viti a splendid pair ef bron- chais te drive un aver 1h.eprairis ta bis beauti- tfoi hume, a drive long l e b. reucmboed. viere voa èv lb.e moal besutltul Solda ut viat Mmd usta I ever iad tié uleure la lok open. Tbe meut day beln show dey sud lhe voatier belon ail liai cauld b. delred, vs iad; a goal shew; lie different broods cf herses belnWeil repreeesld. The Durbame sud gradosti!.héls of ami odqualitv sud lu Su orntios being ail ps fut. BousIer Penley sMd ethéré ibovea some Benkaitr avine cf auperior qustiI; sie.p met beon o p te the standard; isI, bably, cals, route Mud vegslsblee lu tact adl lie prduots outhi form belg very Si.Tb@uladbn'depetueut vau voli aMd #oiernly placed.sMd showed vith gtst fyotsMd credht th leadieof Genvilo.Ail verbe of a domeatia mature us breal sd butter Mud ail articles lor table ase voe botter tisu I expoelel le s ulaI eempartiieli»W ev euv; la uat ail pa ta show that Grenville il oui 1eh.ig iealle properl.Aller tie shov lie President, Ur= . forMud dinetoote thle soctq, lu- vited us Sua diner, White voe esjoyed. tho plaisureocf lie company et about Sty oethi truebomeumesof ýhe BrWtisiIde. vitt neu. certan essd of malalaub mi anda for lie sAIoe.-15liethe aslp oft Ânos, on Flr th le 1h instntle vifs et Mi. IL Rusgit, Wa et . Tav&a-Ou. Tidav mUug hé SLnd inst. theov* o f lSe. RertJ.-ylor uf M 4 smtovueib of.1a dangiler tLrAua-O0* Tbureay uormlng the. 99. lue&, litvh e t mi. ?alue, cf Mmie. TAI -T"l~ *5 ilt mtby li Es.. J ab oe, ai lisrtaohms-et lis = e ttLilm , «. Oe3wlsà r T*.uu D ty *0 InteNte*1 tehu Lwis, IL c r I good Sbtkr lanel W. vl giwe 0,pair Mona u'. w"yoFullloth Pania. P'O CAOSH W. i in es #à Boysa good Tweed or Serge Suit. POIR $2.60 CASH W. viii give a good pair &Il vool White B1Ankets. 1FOIR $3 CASH W. vwiii give, a good Fur Muif or Astrachan Cap. FOIR $38'50 CASH W. viii give a Boy's Tweed Overcoat with Cape. WOR $4 CASH W. vii give a good ail yod Tweed effect Lady'. Costume. FVOIR $4.50 CASH WW ii give a Miss'a Tweed Ulsterwith Cape. FOIR $5 CASH We vili give a% Man's Tweed Suit or Overcoat. T3BRMS CASHE.____ 108 Kent St-, Opposite the Post Office, Lindsay. Idndaay, Oct. 29th, 1891.-1802-ly. ________ rhe People's Ârch, Grocery Campbell. DUR .TEA DEPABTMBNTe We have aiways made Tea dur ieading article at ieading prices, and e need flot say more now thail that our stock vau never botter asuorted than at present, comprising ail our popular brands, so weil and favorably known throughout the whole county STAPLE LINES 0F GROGERIES & PROVISIONS@" OUR CHEINA, CIROCER-Y AND GLASS WARE This department is replete with a varied and extensive assortment of Fancy and Staple Goods. Our, Fancy China and Gaware are ail new and beautiful designs, and at such iow prices as were neyer of- fered in Lindsay before. Au CAPBL SLindsay# March 4th, 18911 JOHN DOBSON). WiusLiquors, Bottled B «%"d General Groceries. eers, lati RE 60 b "le if obarvl 0ook Otheri the Il Moli lioli àMoli auU 4»it a ina P 'a' $31 sic. Gooderham & Wortm'l oelebrated OIZ Bye and Malt Whiskies; Cognac Brandies; Oid Tom Gin; Iriah and Scotch Whiskies; Campagnes, Miarets, Ports, Sherries, etc. IMPORT ORDERS THIS WEEKU Pu C. P. R seamer Empreu of China and Canadan Pacifia R. BR, 50 ohests choice Japan Tes, my -own brand. Usw hUIb « é ,o.Valemàla>ime uea, extra fine Patm ad Vostiua rrant; Onge, Lunes sud CtronPeel%;Imp. nsd Lmo l ayers. 4m ude oqcý2 sso ~arJ e Au *6.. d~1o. - ree ~u~ce of qualty at th. JaMaica ~êMd ij»&uuperisdimg Brandy whefr' h.cfJOfDudee., miyeof it:-"I COU- YINUST THIT HAS O&!E UNI)R BSON. mi 1 1 Imp er, Wholeisale and Retail Dealer in Bonded Warehouse IN o. 4 William St JX tuba Ch" 4 be Qq DEPARTMENT No. 67 Kent Sto and 21 and 4 William Sté