. W 34 (V%,a n ri ~mti id p'jne range of Meonts Winter Capes. flye à fu*Mm UDYUIBU4sud litaker. Work done whether Geoda aMep$Mèaud hareor â, I.u iDress and MantlO Mekaldd 9o~ugw guairantGG uatisfîàotpOf. (;ive uq a oeil sud eamine our stock. Highu*s" Prime for produce. Luste Bitain, Oct 1. 5hisL-180&4_____________________ H'o H.SOOTHERANsi Sigu of the Mill Baw, aiu BOTEDE KmUMMBNN! Real astate, and Ee0ney- Broker, pfire and Lie Instiralice Agent Dottom rGeB NOTICE.- AI menil maklag a rogular businees Powder, Shot, sheila, Guns, of REAL IISTATFI, MONEY LOANING Apple Parera5 Curtan ]Polos, and INSUIIANCE, I invite overybody Who mai have business in any of the Clothos Wnungers, Table Outlorys aboya linos to al aund sec me. avrTyeTbl [ts iS'P&rtles baving Praperties for Sale CresTamTbe a. eau baye 'hern aiverttleei ithout COutP T L MI make naobarge ezoept vhoun A N S & O L j"Partles havlag Ptcporty tu Riait Plain and Fancy Window Glus., wili have tirir vantsatstended 10 ani ne Belting, Packing, Lace Luathor, @rre rmade until Tenant la provied. Iý'PrtieIs vanting le Bny or Rout aue and ail mfil supplies. eordilly Invitei teoeial ai my offios sud' SOALES st look aver My lista, lâgWrkr1g men, bleobanueami ~ L cthers nplied wlth Houmses or Lats on f u i&1 0 the Inata Mut% Plan. MoNECT TO LOAN o o Mtigagsé .wM ar-Agents for lie cslebraei ilaNE? TO LOAN on.Amotaiid uie Nota SCRANTON COAL M<>lwotrte&5IOGTADOL.Au. 19, i.-647i. An anulos life a a tru»ami rue JESAL EST &.Tg baught sMd mataon e.su FIiOPBITIU tb el m Md Tet.pnoeurd m airn notice.1 PROPERTY FOR SALE% Vacat ita fr bminas blocis on lKaut Bro, t ltaifo b8itur depvU bu oad uie te ,sait &t a eaoiabie prie.S no s eu fpi Vacnt lotaon thec"r7«Rur cffl d aIuol strete, éo6o, viii irbasai dfatr Ua»"wth buil- ing pniVIiegOs. Vacant lots for privatie oUuinForNeth, South sad £ait varda, ansi uasy aivanoesi for buildiag parposis. j~ia.ii~Lnitctvoatory brick dvelliug inthre $4 500 Natir W&rd, vitir ad] moder m piei muent. one acre of and vobI pianici vilfr Iuit troul suid ornamentil brubbery. Sn Large tva »tory brick dviflig ou $32 0W*veriev Avenue, vitir gogd cubui' l1a, and il modern oononielices One are i lau, sic. iawn. and good vegotaibe garien trousand arubber, ,good grien $550 2 toayvhitbrik cottage, nice laiss EiOP li etory wvitbrick Gothie roalhi 2 @tory'J reu biknwlt.tcnvn $ 1,750 ln o legseIsiutgo o aity.- ~~On and0 a hall @tory Gtine raclai on9 ~ lO and e ai orbic v.ud $950dwelling. ý *80 )One story whte brick cottage. On@ and a hiat .î&oty brick Gothie $ .i 550rotifed wlig $300 ?l'reedwellng. oue.eighth acrelot lu '"JNorthr Ward. $500 Framo dwbllin luat Ward' Two LA» iT nam unmvatai, inqnire aI 1 Tmn Wmzn>noffica-4.t!. A gréât muty gdants bicorne veny mail 1 Wien yen pet oies ta tièe DiANoi;D Dumjuil recelai aht Higiabot. hau'. inng store sihty dosun packags.-S-4. 'WANTE.-GOci Puialiservant. Apphy Mn. G. B. Hapinas.No. 10, Mill strae Linimy.-O 1. DANXClàAITaT's fie &et méoe ma *«Tru~e Irish Hiuet," openm bouse, S.tnday .lgbt neul, Oct. 81t.-f0î. A l111 lu ner only noeis lIme sud eppor- hunity le became a blg oms. B93" DANXliOCà.ET inul tut sucionoe. fol san 'lavuul Rte Aobao" KitsoCale. usna a ie Brady lu uvuet Irish ballade. satnrday ulgil neut, Oct. slot. "What do yan a»y ta a tramp after imlnn" asied, Janeuanlotis for a vali. "'Noting. I unobalu lihe iog." FmlR.-Ali r'palriug neetly sud qulckly inn.; aien lune andimitlations maie up lu lie latest stislilasm WiiiRsoYE, 17 Albert utreet, 4 doctennti af Union cho.-4'lf, The dovil eh veym comes ote eedding Whou thc people marri far'moay. ise MlrroxuELS basreturuoi itou Toronto vierte iehusbeau atteuiig tic millinsry apeuingu. Siec uioeod a large stock aI valrrable gaade. sud is nov pteparei ta nuit ber custonrurs b in&l tic latest atylea. Aima, &il lie noeul atyles lu item and manîle mai' An empty guir liaI you thini t. losici Vîii mouseyou a badly as eue Ibal lu Hia FÂXÎLiY DI]) M»T Klq0w BrX.-A Belleville man bu. for ycats beau bout and crippled viti e lame baet, but aller trying the 011, Kiduci ente. ho couli valk like a boy ag ad i bs neigubord couli bard iy reoo"ulxso nhil- Tht. rsmui lafon maie by ail1 inuitgiets ami tho OR, Rlidny Compmny, There t. utihi snob a hiug %a living îenY - A - .-à .-ril- J, . OOT ER Nnoar Chrit ndyc ei"' a " .~~ n OFIC 2d oo vetaITHERuw ouYOe, DuaT,07 As (LSD RIIDENT. -M. Robert OeFIC.. tlndmrwït0 teDO on n"Xiecr, a very aId tewid ont Of Ontauio cooutys a len-s.a, rt. Tth, sm.-1..diiet Whitby on loth Octaber. lianY Y.ar ed __________Sept, _________9___11___T._ &Coao b li ainOsheaasud aftervstd for the #ie Toulslvas engaged -lu fermlng cunr oui qw afin Gremvaad, la PiokerInit township. Rt. the 't't llul»cttià "0later yoarm ho apent lu Whi s Howua Th, MeauIOfie strlotul integrty, and vwsmuci bul FRIVY, CTOER 0,c191.itInluthc oommrnilty. go eva sfoll FRID !. OTOBB v, mil tva so, it. P'Fank B. Illeker, rI*s LOCA JO TING . asd Ul. BA. Eleker, vwahasbubeau for UBA £MD aU'. JMEAàr, atMna jntien. '6Why didn't Maud delîver bcr 8apxcita charcte in apial.commnencemfeut? Hadn't ehlle ,Xri«lti 1 A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~1 MARÂUrONEfr 20 IPira "h, yus. The semech vwu réad, but ber book stoe. -2,Uf. mevdrues vaa t"TwhéEpeci. Luefers are neyer happy. 1qorcn.Tbe profits are dav. Nover THusDAY, NOV. 5TU.-SPcOISl attration batVe fiue goode mli for lover pricu su vo w sIOer oae-1 2 ae'nov making on Isil, gentlemn% Cil etOpem ra lv sloou@e. M. isses', boys' sud cildron'l booté andi suu q 100 GODmon ar anAlPars8 t.lo Comc, ose ami vonier et tbe value v. give ilufi 10or mat chapSO UDuîti O te ut uongetfinc goadu, and pleaty e! them. You are to aieIn .o.A. io uathei Bit77 Iluray. sure le fini vhat you vent. Came l u sud mecu p10y0to Om.t. Mto lBx7b ida . ébut aI everv tig ru boots and sioee, fait PC Ai1 pope0re".-72ar4cpt".0 ou'goods, Germen Icllîppeni, rubbsre, overt yi Ail eopl are11peulia psole" os m hilons. etc. Tranku, visc, etc., reîlable, bady. trnaty, lrîeable goois, mared et rock MÂ'RRIAGUC LionNes. -J. Britten (aI lie boteu pricea. Bryant à C., fret door cnt frm of Britton Bras., .1evehlers, Llnieay,) Dahy Boues, Kcnt itreet, Lindsay. Ri iess a merrfage lic..us for 82. 00. faut sud BRvà.Ee, Generai KMansuer. Wc viii nol bfe of Kent treet ._17Ott. underaoîd hl amy bonne la Ontario. Terue Yon neyer fini any happy cii mla licei h andioe epric.-.tf. devi'a servilce. WmmreBEu" -At tbe reeldence of lMt. S.0 B.-~Gramepian Camp, Nc. 40, soots 'W. B. Grahams, Opa. au I1omiy Oct. 26t1, Whae Ha@. Woloume ail. Pin l t t your ou@ et the Most fashinlae edd stook mmuri, the' date of 1he Soottii concert hby place la tic preiseuc of!noms ilgt ile oahil the Gregg FailIy, No. 16. Bond ths Paper bcgt téiclématiage of Ida Mary Graham, nuzt and folobaing issue.. yonngst danugben o! 'W. B. Graham te Mr. A great many people pruy mont for the A. 3. Woit., cfoi the olti cf Toronto. Thé thine thy donot oed.bride vu beautfialiy ettircInluwitIe sain thigsths d nt nci .ring vail sud oranuge v ,the &., elhi MONTELT PltSEu 'oR 1BOTS A"D GnxA.- lcakocicharmE u u u. tai odt The "Saulight» ap Co, Toronto. affer tie tr MisaeImma Grahau, via vu=b in folowlnc prrz8am .veuy monti tIl fotiet 5'no. l, aseby Misn Ivan@cf Taroto, lice, ta baye ani girls unier 16. rosidiaf inl 1i9is Btus cf Csulngtca' FILaiIi tie Province ni Ontario, vie mumd thc great. Qilverson o0fToronto, ati sW mmi of est number aOf'"80oiIgt" vr&PPM;t; s, $10-- houer sud cnrei thc ring ila ebeaui' 2nd. $6; , . ,, 1 Ibt 4bafi uvt The groom vie la a Baudoc'ue Book'- sud a pretty pictuni to ticoes lincY.ýA o msa of o@Dtlonal abilitlul. vh o ud not fems tian 12 vrapp sud. S r m '~.Jy lUr. 8.011of Tarento, ami ei vtspperu ta "'sunlight" floep offie,48 80011 H.A. &tn0k ellillle aMidlUt. UBab. St., Torante. net Ister lian 99th i e MMGrabam, bto%ier ofbride. . ààtiebridi menti, and mariai ooupetitimow ais"giuftul«L, , te dc raidngroom. the cmre, aidroa s gc, sud naubet of rappir. W mtin eInvathe au irvtbavait' Wluucr' cmnes viii b. publt.hS.lla Toromn sesJoy, adiancliii forméiai ssumrol Mail au firaI atuerdai la éocimon6-92Si7. osnon he bt IbrbrievuImmi The trengeit ths dt Gei uni 0ie ino' ý snu, psociulh? tcoiber devili bath crI .lebton l i rs Lc.îioftheli mmiomu biairi of mon. stod Bei. z Ma rvi u«~..in.lev orbis CATi'LE AND Samni u&n&Lu uat bm ebide,«vie petfcthe tc omen? la bu for persans viehing 1i mila etdo on bmedi u a «Il$ m oem«e, Who vu usistai h u« $uu Oas eyrytbluig vii b. nadvibioiit rns. t. e t u2 f *oo . sIM oeti omgmt sris.Tiare vili b. no "lbidingla," Turc Ulil t4u roa%, &w h., andi amuit sevet yull beficlred hi publiccmtion by oeuU " ek& ut grm mà " ig OMr LiedL ,welion à Damre, ou FMay, ISti W.rby malua?"w * aon. ou lot 17. conceeson 7.Kan k ome. Johnm est .eils eupre. 11 t5Ul Derie:tmoiinvrIlmedfci 5ev Yak *0. . to vto la acUl talle and one birueal e gofodtmne à l %q%11011 owés. Sale te emmeas et a," 4110111010vu 101111111tW sharp. Ttm-Sui e01,810 niMd »d« . s W*m 1 et *9d l osI. Abvi 10 o usiq . usd11 mmle Pmse' nird«4Ib mon l% la> ma. dusa untlbig a vpsvvujoint M & m somIu.'i laroeutoffo lt mu l f u ".JA 1891,uamu chiIdfO wlu" V LaiT wu six or $eu Linday youngt ies, toa iidepenient ta ask or sien deaire l Company of gentlemen, sud wishing ta go, igaged a large oarrîiamidirove to tprebylerleu ta. meeting lu Omemus. bey bai a mant unjoyable lime. oea lie, say; t fanai made the nigirt brunmes vaft the flovlug noes Ioto1h.fair mardens' car. age on lhé home trip.- .'0 sre's a pretty utl ofus AUl for lavera et a lon 8iall ve long continue thual Nice Yonng malien.." On@ cf the ladieé dunles the abovo vas li @Dg; on the contray Il containci tiese truth ai word:- "We'ra gea, ad truamindhandse toi lu parlai'sudan ukitcben." Men viii figbt for their pollîlos, but bai Liet nme of tbom do kusp about tir ru lirs. Duvian (ta aoik nebani né preecie itet),-,PelhsU, uear, ar peator bas cou ud s uitile pus on patience. Shahl I I fon up à littlil bcd?" Mrt. D. -1 *1 le goligto ruai Il?" Mmra D.-IYuO, der." Mrt. D -'Jul pull tbe oumtorbur over mi boai aud caver me np, vili yen?1 Ithink ici e adraft."1 E lDUOÂTiIO nLSloNSfl< CAlinlE inE8 MEMtODIST Caillou - *10. gg s Dat ta chutai on a Sirnday, Churob in aIl Teryvol l ils vsy; But lic t. tio higihv rnformudi Not to kmcv viat the parson ionuay. it doeveil .nongh for the Ignoraint, Ami vas for poor peoplc dealgneci; Bat, bleu yen, ils ne goci to1the upetart F Ior bIl sMau of grat mini."t LestBuddé, ln Cambridgec trect methodi obureb h te vot e llvered tvo sermons 1 thn)roufuly ertbodaî cirlitlin miniatera lb for progrMsii thongit emMPllfled vabelli la their eîery iey actions too,-vauld e tatnli belbard lueW.I the omu Bevi T. M. Camnpbelin bis calai, fir" logliiel amiéloquent manor ptoee a a Mm on "éucation» in 11ttu moains; à vas fefleeion tiheasme o ufetItu sverrlng blBeeiv=.Jb Poils, D D., grest dur ofl iilon the il bond ethé erroe'cfrationas"on other. Théomelathéiiusladt 09 gon v eut kowblu 0 0" ofe 9iknvl vithoul religion, aud Itlet.difalviel li, more langeronS Thé mots ut mn d la bis ue éèrmr e degré. a puf"ulbiendUind( edm reliion bé ic odý etervl ontt ln M, = ,« âmb o *uw l I uaay *-8U10, ,. d puinos.- U - " * I ngthî,oughait the iCutry vail h e=s of cfhe srviosi cf lit. Cmpbll t e mi en lecture.,s il tetctaaligI»na,î and pitriaile. rlu-bna a tihe Frins NO1IMU~ThtiY ii of be the twohundit'h aMdelht Siztisau the mary cf tbe guapovie;plotes us di8a41 M . a a emO am it vasu assble ftu Ma14 s th. eds te divise, vuasbaPAI iro*"M Ih ~rcidm Of liat AU @«M ffl mu v, m.,aB te l ga to notiethttii e na" M00 ona are mang arrngsuriviltu0 caMMUS ~hdey. aeommug te0h*Ibsirduoh«omuuci Md ai Aothe avait makis b" day, dos l ft toloyal Britisi subjeo, istbQy Ihin es. wu fongit lit iaUufIn9S tré d"itisi 01 miel t ithis »*m5d*6 m h usvonioué sel 1li Wu U~v ams mbn ai Ç et*m' kAM fI i ou' IL . patk*M NUof GOOD&CLOTHI &FORS t la i ail 0 c U anq 09 bouta te« Prisa le, lune o ye in n T17huarth, Um9%1h bmf ep Ton Gaoe CAMeolro mi du o! ?me hSi ImaTh@@," @ cat ndy n Md ul ie. tale, ute, W m. 1 ou ai "Bus."-MdetlurMWa' b ie a onumimes C t ovlathMs, & y. eafU He c ttil a i alces BOI, gfew i.l. l t e ier I sue MO ad ami O,je oëy t emf @The uns&i viaptali teraitimeulf Np gaci mmmv cheRpooteStou vdy.Obbilg Fouse id.u-esav ase, oay le sud 0 mU riu bles, d in e oue a iO5t5 théen mi er anisblarles, nil mslilug C- Iyt coulaIlie . . inewubylau dui.tf ovineo likioai C.. t. eiy lmplcy grpent l lurpr tuditi.Ofce A"' mglnu arieraprba byt. dlmIl he efa e in the Ditto &OYAL N t Lem etsvsAaT, cerne cflen niby Ladaay atestbe pue l ai ba o hwmyi ise n A ealc bpeofpfan ovmiuxdide halr. cookei latue i styl s ut unI Ia Kavise a!ilhlmia sesea T.MCoNnLM Mser'. m-If you bais ai" l ëies ng aythng a nderair o tr tc, oi ferLc >rimm h erésenute Souath imavoria h Bm of so. Thu cbeactlamotieuthé oniti mde lb. tendeplarila gelouh aanib Hovb eavt . bGreypsud lmbo.t'afli' oural th goët-al abiy si et expenhosud. théolegntnlme stud e-itsen I lus Me. rlity, te prove my enh sivlobu.h saicîes utockiaeis, ing. go haitmfaosa P maisrn prinl' cM ar nrencmat aclotsD. linuaWi yn ite p vstlngh batin.i hoaua"pb"s r n h C.u ieS.Cue itia t. Hotoc mmci." l notesf tnecaattl sd u tirChrmes Pairthé exclnt i conieuontofistckici l bu. te goues aI ommne ba t nluete tic ctlty ctest ta hrexdi lnlp etheufa iaulta f da&rs" tere ing noHeacoutepmin- vît,1 i ma.. Fey su ,ouaeut itai cy uuby makilie vestraie, aI vluamlandb.su li. Fairbata auraon erofyte tnlatisualyt pte.l th apaters c tht..nHifor n iatmle &Tam a tbe ising.te bfoseeinatgea Ionfluy ol pcoplu ai o ei peopWinlapeg iaam povnaai; old fromndsleamee i a ompyt reecte aI li dvo;btsnt bvlleo he mlir ujaahure.Ope ia o. roi s th istae eeuon balleutUcf bs ob.tu- prese of hintitthei Befbaiconeseioa T. i lAie catîe udas sntuplud atethe grena fui B sathey rpsu equal ta the ste wh Eat itr lcte a ntaoen te a Ima stu lieth tbotunsayeîbibit aIlcare se r ae ,oc Laragoee, thvewngtoe alul te lu' dorir n@uaym. lir. Farbaiooa cudeaI ly place I te futurye adie yugnen toaip. byu mlilon eeal tripbeetenlufrm lnde.Il G. oo ttoa Vis. Tbssaop "iOf a IDE, rho keeps adru sels aul mediines in contact vith tht Patients a"d ti fmilies, ad knows better ayome dat Lw remiediesS-%lWbaittu enit they have. bers iOf a2 he failures and and eau hereforejdg: " no of no nedicine i $meub4Sot Ihrott, )r Hloarsenes that 1W~ dome sncb ef- ectivè work li n=y Doughs. miasBoechee's 3ors Throat n ca.Llest Hoarsoness, at MY * ewho was sufr g from avery svere cold. She Cou hardly, talk, Rnd I told her about çeran SrP and that a few dosesFould give re- Ref; but she had nid confidence in latent medicines. I Ï>ld her to take a bottle, and if the r4sults were flot satisfatry I would itake no charge for t. A few days after She called andp aid for il, saying that she iould neyer bew;Ithoutit li future as a few domeshad given lerrelief. TmyaaDAT Nov. ôTEr, Op»a Houe' Den't îrt.-5 2.J DR. ]Evusoof Toronlo, lbe fmussspelal ot for oye. @or, tbrcat anasael affections vili ho et tbé BeonaHoue% Ltai.ay on Saturds roiember 7trhmort for oommd"mtlo Bi-. mouber lbé date.-5-9. Inn -Ys.trday forcefflb.té ire belle angau n larm, ehonI ilwvafouad thatea table belonng talMr. John A. Bamau, situ. atudin the augth Word, vua onit.. The fremen quioki, rupouded ttoelmiand got the are undr ocntrol Weone muol damage was dose.1 6ÂxAXILDQE S8T. MITEOPIST CBvnow-The Rev. Mrt. Campbell, pestor, vin oapy ie mwn vulpit bath morilng Mud eveninfi nuit aunday. The mmng oabject vii be the 'Ilrreprmsible confio. betweun good sud cvii.' ! n the emnlng a vety "0ni ong srvce entitwe oThe Prodlgel Sos" viii h.rmeiea Cati) or Txàxe. -4At a meeting cf 11< directoas cf South VictoriaAviculturs Soiey the follovine motion w.u nmongli puum:-lioîed byD. Say, su eccndud bi Bobt. HqanaBh, 11tLi tlesoclety thack W W. Loga for refundinu fOve dollars polit hic for farllng music ait ou lt 1acentrai fair. Y. 1.0.. LTopio&e.-Tho eBible claess il mut thi. veek ou Thunday et 8SP m., O55 Baturday et 4 p. m. Ths veekly "tdioe si pro ving bath lnteresting sud helpfal, b lb you Dg men lu tte u ee. .. The yaung mou meeting noît Sunday efernoan viii bu adrei sud by Mrt. J. Smnith ou the subjeot of l'Âctli Chimtianlty." A beatty invitation la exteng ed ta, eIl yaUug men. "lThese be the melencholy daya Whou dovu the hernies do drap And trucs begin ta show their limbe Jut m tic bathers stop." CiaoTms ALoLoIG. --I1 horehy vithdrev lbtheonn tion cantained, ln au ertiele of mine ln t Post sud WÂABDER of thu 121h lune lu.t, th W. H. Grose, E.q., L-D-.9 of aieIstoue "OueSeded" by luproper nmetu9"l obtaint bis licou» toatc e deutistry," eud 1 reoi heving pubiuhed uoh an unjuet rofloti upon his intog ity and proeosional stendit Dated ai Lindsay, tht. 2Srd dey of Octab A.D.. 1891 J NEEiLÂNDs, L.D.B.-6 1. ÂNV4u HUNT -'Yutuday, Liudseoa Nimrnd club under the oommand af the v otan Dougeilofbt for thoir snnual huat the uorth part af the cunutv. The psrty omposed feaIh.seme mn alait year, sui 1la sale ta say, yenisou viilbe oaminq back Lindsay very &so fromn the boys. a Dons viii make it came Itou c souoroe. 9hope thora viii b. no snob y7cm. &bout ebovu tht. yuOtsm last, about mietakinu vearling bolier for s duer.. W. beievs bays viii gîve a go0d eccouRt Of them0el Éà.nv»sT Haxu-The harvuat home fi aval lu tb. Qouen streot inuthadist cburob Monduii vas s cunipietOsUWcs.Oi&@ rO U au. eppropriato sermon vwu precbudby Bol. Newton Bill, pautot cf tb. chu on Monday a herveot home dinuer vs.h sIter wbîab sadreses vote doliveretd by B Dr. Patte. John Webutor, oirman cf LeNipisalu distriot and au olci N.nposea i m. and T. M1. C am pb ll. Th é hAudiom e .su x The Great Bankrupt Stock Men, 76 and 78 Kent Street, Lindsay. -Tho Empire say:-A. large and entlii »lic oeccalng e! the ciîiscnm of Slayner proauntei a sullable adirese uani goli I vatoli te Dr. Wylie, Md.P.P. upon bis do- parlurae t.role l inte city cf Toronto. The chair vaa oeoupled by Mayor Rogers. A numiser of apeakters expressci lie te- spect and estecm- lu vih tie dootor là helu lu lie tovu. Re hau occupici many public positions here snd stii repriacaiti this eoaelltunucî in thc Local Lesature.i Tic doolor, howver, neven negloo"hdà~ profosicual affaire lu lb. di8ocargeofaIhiei publîi etbem, oa. ho eslablished a splendid pi'aetice, and vas widily inownaes a okilîu nd uni.eoessful practitianer. Hi. oeany frienis wiebhlm ptospeiityinl bis nov bous ai 685 Spadina iavenue.-[Taz W.AswEa cangratulatas Dr. and Mre. Wylie on tboîr advvanomelit. Bath woe Mariposa children, lirs. Wylio bolonging la theo Forguson Ianniiy ai Sonyr, vhoe lieco4octer enoe laugirl sohool, an ration st Fingerboerd.j DRESS & MANTLE MAKER New outting Sstem Havix g iecured the services of a fird. dam Cutter. I am n1 r .eedta arat sU Ciuttlng ad Fittlag. Io always ready to a"eiotin metohing Trimmingm. AiU cutomers Irom, a distance vaitcd upon, on Saturdays. Latel Fashions always on baud. AU ordire prempt;y etteuded ta. ILLINERY-' have on handl a large and valuable Stok cf Millinery, and firt-claos Trimmer. I amn nov preparei to m'%ko la m Bonnets and aHil inery in the Latent Fashions. Choap fur Cash. ROOMS--Ovor Werner & Ca's Dry Goaci Store, Doheny Block, nuit door ta A. Higinbotbawn' Drng Store. 174041i Nover before have w. b.d sncb an immense stock to offa our host of patrons. Nover before were we lu a position tao fer Bacb tempt'ng bergalxr as ai prement. Our lar~ge, Btflctly eMh business is steadily increu. mng; new euBtoIDer are co 0g oUS every day. Last week was the largest week's business we have ever done ince opeuing in Lindu.y. W. are glad tome our efforts are so0 el &ppreciated, and we are nuw full of special bargains for every derjartment. yï4 lié B ITiu s- W. have made preparations for a heavy trade in fiue furs this seasn, aud are showing an immense stock of Bous, Muffa, Buff8, Storm OolIaro, Capes, Ladies' aud Gentlemen's Fur Capse i Persian Lamnb, N atria. Beaver, etc.; Ladie"' Fur Manties, Meas Fur Coats, Grey aud Black Robes, etc.- We are bound to malm THE FUR PLI' TRIS FALL1sa our prices are down to, the lowest notch. If you, waut Purs corne and see us. SEALETTES. Having made a large purchase of Si1k Sealettes at a big discoueU, we are prepared to ave you, from $2 to $3 per yard on your Sealette Mentie purehases. Make a note of tis and bear it ia mind wheu you want to buy. OUR STOCK 0F DRESS 000DB AND VELVETS Is full of ail the lateet noveltiep; ail styles and qualities are represented in our large stock. Useful Dreu Goods, suehsas other housees are askiiùg 15c. for eau b. purcha ed from us at 10e. per yard. Wre are show. ing e speciel purchase of wide width, all wool Henriettan, in ail the neweat coloringe, at 37c. whîch are goed value ai 50c. Our values in Black Dresa Qoods are s0 weIl known sa to require only a paftsing men- tion; don't buy til y ou see them. Our Liningisud Trimminga are fully oue third Iower than t her houses. Even ou these amali items a large saviug eau be effeeted. Our Grey Flannels, Blankets, Shaker Flauinels and Uuderwear -Ladies' sud Men'., are going out in won- derfully large parcels every day because our prices aud values are night.GoessdHosiery, Corsets mid Smallware,-stock alwayis large, weU Masorted, aud nlght lu quallty sud pnice. OUR OLOTHINO DEPARTMENT *Is fairly humming.. W. show handreds of Overcoats sud Suits bought from a baukrupt manufacturer at a. trie over 50 cents on the dollar. 19 it any wonder we have no diffleulty lu making sales 'when we cma quote such wonderfully low prices. W. cordially invite one and ail to corne ad see our Good anad pneuS before purcbaaing. W e have every confidence lu aur Goods aud Prices sud we also KNOW yon cm ef eet a big oaviug by purehasing your Fall aud Wiuter supplies fromi us. WARNER & Chamois ikiums. spaugus, tanse. abouider bracea, etc..' et Hielbolhan'U.-8.4. A cavetoiusaoneoer ovnisuytbiig. Iai cura u30 Iminutes iv Woollord's - Sauitary Lotion. Sli bY E. Gregory. Thonghlesuen s thle Aurse aflie age. Detroit Free Pro..:-"Tru m Hris~ u A gret play. beautiful aceucnytaigaad came .____ aelau for Isuteru', lamp goae, cil- - ne7s, etc., if youn ama is Temoney. A Tiome bivina al raffection oallie oye, car, T E ~veA' ~ W~P nous or Ibroal siould consulDr. Rymneon of! TEE M AN . PJ.IANO AI) .USWJ,&4 z A .IE aI Toronto aI tbe Beumon Baume, Lindsay on Satuuday, Novembr 7 i. Note tedate.-5.2 Isel1 are superior to any others made in Canada, and unsurpassed b A man se vsty ains f yom coaaput ail liera by any made in Amnerica. t. ai hlm in a offi. Tii reaiete ai TEE WASEE are patlt requeshte baiookup Tuoante Papoe of tva weuelg.am andMntrcal papersaIfIlet veek 1 -6.1. 'flrm t. a gociduels]ao public prevlag General Agent, Lindsay. douethst ious't Mnsuythlng ila bue Ofc-iStDo.at fDl ouse, in Bryans & Co's Boot anid et on ealb.fc- istDo at fDl The deuil viii vali a vihole day lovari Shoe Store. h ar v ithyau, fot tic sais f getting yenor. Ca frufNatr O a 4 o e Whoe l ou pten uhrngoue. s lalaW te tavu viero sic will reside irfuture. emanager lic. sud bis able asistent. EciaM. ilamPiip evUUn wnl .1 iawaen seti. Tiere havi bemumoune gale -ET T mli. WllmPllu. ulvrtowe suyt poleg Ion G ai, o vutta u moueu. sLyFin fpreple vif bave nveu givun upPURE I Mine Barris, arganist cf the Cambnidge B9. body liaI tie devil iouent trouble mci. ustiodiat ohuri prepit' d ta give muas Ki liiY. GlenueyoyfaIOeave und i 1e.IL EI dv.i nther coinun. g9 M. Glonimey o! Little Britain wveoguesto cf . iss Nelle Poster, 1morveai Placlaslutj ofl ia th ile saluatIon army *aI of veek.Bcwvesuil talueusu. 'il Lindsay on Friday, October SOu., te. âg dey.The adjutant viii carry with hlma g An li bsnu wti on@ chiaist.probmbly tocrk f U iude f uniloru end aroey netuhe g en kee on slnaingTvhlamm l wT, y lteatur, no liaI corps viii get ail thefr eh îoing ils eu came ns i ai STRONtST', DEST . vanta on tlit.lino supplied. te -Vaiu ant"Cil bae?0 7We adem 4 Thc alveraary of lic gaupowdr plot viL r,~~~~ ,auileiomcbtaki.abutbay Eu." ' be oelèbrèted by Caneton L O L. Na. 539,.ce' Bolicmm t si m potle d bnt by, ud1WnAUer' - el' i Tinudai, Noiombcr 5tb., iv a t, it iodai. % ha f i e u l a oiea elange r ertt hMd as a ml 1i6' W 'K'W xm W -Addremma ihi bu îevced bi Riev. bit uî lely uifoa nopolcrrt hm en, j 18&MalehLindsay, Roi, lir. MeAmus, Fonelon Bd MI7uttl Plit" -llYleoani lie locasl ministera. A pleaaasi ai TnuIrisih Earta, vii b. presetei et Au a faIliMedicine. Aye'mPllem cuoelSU tue t.eipeotd ide Opéra Bomm e ltuiinipitneit, blitheo ailers.Tiey aa nilsihtuoelrysudn. u esani cultasplaiedinlaToronto amidliontrul being sngat.oated, are ely ta tae.Thougi Tic deuil moyen muaon tuthb.preacier vii. ris' me velsu esproe scommente o! Toronto secbng s@dliananog la til tbey ane gous tatic theatre. ni ami "UcmnsL_--l.'llid dplaisent inlaaction, andi udr use t. We vouli direct attention to the advAntiee' Buly t.lalim to e bMIsiadet.; but ta attended wvîhino injurions resls.-6 1 monoftéerla oBuesesCollego. Beihtvile rI oi me u uenvea a ofl sipr i.D .br,(o !L. .Moore), mc' li t tuld ytar. Tý u isd d s. vigatou sbloocilb e...twa. Ths.eot. Whvlo gmue Ime &ovs po tdba f amou institution t. tie mosi;. .d'-.y atteudet camasua iy tumniAyer's u sanparlla in muali spMaile galo u sca nue to &vilte.ibeslaecolle la Arenica- This dis.iiaU or buLtbfeqent demie.Itla b licmon eutrl msluatien amy, bas bien plaed a wcmman i t.ed position bas beol acbeve4 liv tia lb. blecd purifier. ...41.~ ~ ~ ~ ~o a astation, t bis ovu tequel ,ami ta nov la tecib5sc l ck n i ra Thle meulea dtLO.L. 1 Nfo. 1158, Bruleys charge cf lie aaivatlom Y berce la Li. aneee ef ils grauatie . t.J. W. J conrîf vffl w ase t» lroane"ueay o! lie gum a- ClatsNoEna.F OLo e0f tie P&là,cipahis ii ear 1ia 44 S lovr plot h a public I-e c»ina la tat i& u m f eIsttso chr r& vige sonTbmanay 1q. 11h, fa ue lc Mia0. Tavlor uni Mm laseokiore, e! accanatàat. cf ntania. cm l mm ujir bu dilb.ivéiet bybcm nnrn esPart Huron, lilsi., are vWis itia vlMlr&. 'ieBei. W. J. Dawson, of Gielr 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~rce :1 - almie.W .BuenWilgo 5 h!- rus-Yu orpeople. (lie sahvatton if a&*W#e W*epemitbà sil beidowu on mmci plel iei vii h. brol r f aean iniSestl gbulure lie wotld iii te, 04btey acierus M yilug n est*mors Laaiy.noblut exampii cf the obistian spirit of eB"lb- km bendffl tbisaa ged1iUN lMWi.Tot u wi aciobusretund Btf l ,nid Ilt. l4atba' âtgive$ yen yout rol AUIra" la atr«W fa a#lb mSor a VWs te frie in l Ottava aMd viclali, pave. I bolve lte guatet bindranne te Ibat~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~h usMdaiivllt iui i cli ,oe~hh.ba n.jybu ~ leara o! religion among the P~o, 8tt ad l iehéW.CL..mm* USoalov. th. paut Mmaei.tbuydeot béisive la 1h. disinterestedneeo %*W $& sà Y .IL C.A. r»»e&at$I 8 . .minimara.But 7cm e fuiItm un cneàl àr SopM wvilb. airs l e isdu lega *ho v . Mr. John Ceck of Cam fea bas two. uoIlm '.Yout voui tele te 0v" tae. The Massu lia ,twoatelqw.C.TU. e mtin W bariauavgl<56 busials e emiqWtfdic utrbrealie. lathi' Passae5 l& MU l'omt5.m s h 56 Io pus bubeL';: or yiurtuiar"v kic yen .u pa6k of the pde leuno rt. (*Îoeiaml o tem f uworMLaboan d tesa nu IL- _a w @KM&lbol a& mee sre elt liii emn- Illt .G. lim 03WsfEiuot « 09 'rs' * Ibeif viii havelote b. meeutltg s "' hum~*0ifai di&vWsont G. T. IL bas go» atanu.Wio aarecîcu n ei th 158 te gk*4i on a itu trie . u la b 0f anub iut stb. borne beloee lis ii.v ..H*i. A 1 OMW 19E. fersla al, ni tiche rd van Ut ts luhs. dailsselLace on igM1& pftqe. 1 - C-OMIYS